Preparation and Evaluation of Herbal Syrup

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1.1 Herbal Formulation
Herbal medicine is the world's oldest type of healthcare. During olden times, herbs have been
employed by all societies (1). Herbal medications are widely used. Any medicinal product that
contains one or more active ingredients is defined as a medicinal product. The great majority
of the world's population uses herbal medicines as sickness treatments.(2) Polyhedral
preparations are therapeutic plant products. They are widely utilized in underdeveloped
countries, where they provide a more readily available and less expensive alternative to
pharmaceutical medications. The growing popularity of herbal remedies has raised worries and
suspicions about practitioners' professionalism, as well as the quality, efficacy, and safety of
their treatment methods and goods derived from herbal and natural sources accessible on the
market(3).Herbal formulations have gained widespread acceptance as medicinal treatments for
a variety of illnesses. Herbal medicine entails the creation of physiologically active natural
products mostly composed of herbs or herbal components.(2) According to the WHO, 80
percent of the world's population is reliant on a medicine derived from nature.(1)
1.2 Herbal Antitussive Agents
From ancient period several herbal antitussive agents and expectorants are utilized as remedy
for cough. Most popular herbs used as cough medicines appear to be demulcents whose action
is confined to the oropharynx. Ziment I. 2002 Few of them are ginkgo, mullein, ajwain, hyssop,
daikon, golden shower, marshmallow, ephedra, etc these plant products will continue to be
popular remedies for patients and their health care advisors.
1.3 Mechanism of Cough
Mechanical and chemical receptors are both stimulated
(throat, respiratory passage or stretch receptor in the lungs)

Cough Centre afferents and impulses (medulla)

Efferent impulses to the diaphragm, intercostal muscle, and lungs via parasympathetic
and motor nerves

Noisy expiration and cough are caused by increased contraction of diaphragmatic,

abdominal, and intercostal (rib) muscles.

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1.4 Syrups
The syrup is a viscous, saturated or concentrated aqueous solution of sucrose/sugar substitute
in purified water, with or without flavor/medicinal ingredients.
Composition of syrups
In addition to the purified water and drug(s), most syrups contain the following ingredients:
a) Sugar is utilized to produce sweetness and viscosity, mainly sucrose or other sugar
substitutes (Sugar-free alternative- Sorbitol, Saccharine, Aspartame).
b) Antimicrobial preservatives
c) Flavorants and colorants
d) Preservatives
e) Solubilizing agents, thickeners, and stabilizers may be added to syrups.
Advantages of syrups
a) Because it is partially hydrolyzed into dextrose and levulose (reducing sugary), it slows
the oxidation of several compounds.
b) No preservative is necessary.
c) High osmotic pressure is used to restrict the growth of MOs (Bacteria, Fungi, moulds etc)
d) Bitter chemicals are carried in palatable sweets.
1.5 Problems with synthetic Antitussive agents


Drowsin Constipa
ess tion

Addictive Dry
potential mouth


Page 2

Most available antitussive drugs in clinical, especially the synthetic drugs, have a number of
serious side effects (Saha et al., 2011). Few of them are given above


2.1 Hrebal Syrups

Herbal syrups are categorized as a combined and concentrated decoction with honey sugar or,
on occasion, alcohol.The base of this syrup is a strong herbal decoction, which is thickened
and preserved by mixing it with sugar honey.The cough syrup medication is a liquid dose form
that has been confirmed on the basis of basic simplicity of administration to those who have
difficulty swallowing solid dosages from medications.Syrups are a common delivery vehicle
for antitussive medications because they are easier to swallow (ingest) than tablets and
capsules.Oral administration of Ayurvedic formulations is preferred, and the majority of orally
delivered Ayurvedic formulations are liquids.
 Herbal syrups are classified as follows:
1. Flavored syrup
2. Medicated syrup
3. Artificial syrup
Advantages of herbal syrup:

 No adverse effects and is completely safe.

 Easily accessible.

 It's simple to adapt the dose to the child's weight.

 Herbs can be found almost anywhere.

 Antioxidant slows down the oxidation of sugar because cellulose and dextrose get

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 The liquid dosage form is used for items such as cough suppressants.

Disadvantage of herbal syrup:

 Temperature fluctuations in storage can lead to Sucrose crystallization from saturated


 Self-dosing of herbs, which is quite rare.

 Microbial contamination occurs in preservation as well.

 Suspension is required to obtain dose accuracy.

 Solid sedimentation can cause foot from the product.

2.2 Types of Coughs

1. Chesty cough
A chesty cough, also known as a phlegmy cough, causes a person's chest to feel heavy and
coughs up mucus or phlegm.
2. Tickly cough
The most common sort of cough is this one. They are the most irritating sort of cough because
they are produced by inflammation in the throat. Because it generates little or no phlegm, it is
a non-productive cough.
3. Dry cough
A dry cough, also known as a nonproductive cough, is caused by irritants in the airways and
can be caused by colds, flu, hay fever, asthma, acid reflux, bronchitis, and some blood pressure
4. Nervous cough
This is a non-productive cough that isn't brought on by physical irritants or the urge to evacuate
something. A nervous cough is brought on by anxiety or worry, and it usually goes away when
the person sleeps.
5. Night cough
If your cough gets worse or just appears at night when you're attempting to sleep.

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When you lie down at night, the acidic contents of your stomach may reflux into your food
pipe (esophagus), causing a night cough.
6. Persistent cough
A 'chronic cough' is described as a cough that lasts for more than eight weeks. Allergic rhinitis,
sinus infections, asthma, gastroesophageal reflux, eosinophilic bronchitis, and gastric reflux
are the most prevalent causes of persistent cough.
7. Croup cough
Croup cough affects children under the age of five and is caused by the same virus that causes
the common cold, causing the airways to expand.
8. Whooping cough
This dangerous respiratory infection, often known as (pertussis), causes intense coughing fits.
When a toddler lunges for air after a coughing fit, the sound is called "whooping."
9. Choking
In the event that a foreign body is present, anyone experiencing a sudden attack of coughing or
choking should seek medical assistance right once.

2.3 Crude drugs used

1. Betel Leaf
Synonym: Betel pepper
Biological Source: It consist of leaves of Piper betel.
Family: Piperaceae
Fig.1 betel leaf
Chemical Constituent: Eugenol, Vitamins, Nicotinic acid, Ascorbic acid,
Carotene, Tannins, Sugars.
Geographical Source: Native of South Asia, Pakistan, Bangladesh
Ethnobotanical uses: Headache, sore throat, respiratory disorder, inflammation, constipation,
prevention tooth decay, mouth freshener
Pharmacological uses: Antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antitussive,
antidiabetic, anti-mutagenic

2. Tulsi:
Synonym: Holi basil
Biological Source: It consists of fresh and dried leaves of Ocimum
species like Ocimum tenuiflorum Fig.2 Tulsi leaf

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Family: .Lamiaceae
Chemical Constituent: Eugenol, Oleanolic acid, Rosmarinic acid, Volatile oil, Monoterpenes
Geographical Source: Native to Indian subcontinent and wide spread to South East Asia
Ethnobotanical uses: For excessive bleeding in menstrual cycle, Common cold, cough, fever
Pharmacological uses: Anti-aging, anti-acne, headache.

3. Ginger
Synonym: Rhizoma zingiberis, zingibere
Biological Source: consists of rhizomes of
Zingiber officinale, roscose and dried in the sun.
Family: Gingiberaceae Fig.3 Ginger
Chemical Constituent: Gengerols, shogols, curcumin, gingerone A
Geographical Source: Origin- South East Asia India, Nigeria
Ethnobotanical uses: Indigestion, high blood pressure, arthritis, throat infection, lung disease
Pharmacological uses: Antitussive, cough, nausea, vomiting

4. Fennel
Synonym: Badishop, common fennel
Biological Source: it consist of dried ripe fruits of
foeniculum vulgare miller
Family Umbelliferon Fig.4 Fennel fruit
Chemical Constituent: fenchone, alpha-pinene, limonene, phellandrene
Geographical Source: Mediterranean countries and Asia, France, Japan, India, Russia
Ethnobotanical uses: digestive problems including hurt burns, intestinal gas, bloating, loss of
Pharmacological uses: antimicrobial, infectious bronchitis, carminative, bloating, diuretic

5. Liquorice
Synonym - Glycyrrhiza Glabra, licorice, jeshthamadh
Biological Source: it is root and rhizomesof Glycyrrhiza glabra
Family Leguminosae Fig.5 Liquorice
Chemical Constituent: resins, starch, essential oils, tannins, glycyrrhizic acid
Geographical Source: native to south Europe and parts of Asia.

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Ethnobotanical uses: hepatoprotective effect, immunity regulation, airway protection

Pharmacological uses: antitussive, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antioxidant.

6. Vasaka
Synonym Adulsa, Malabar nut
Biological Source: dried and fresh leaves of Justicia adhatoda
Family Acanthaceae
Chemical Constituent::vasicine, vasicinone, vasicinol Fig.6 Liquorice
Geographical Source: found in sub Himalayan tract and especially in Maharashtra in kokan
Ethnobotanical uses: malarial fever, cough and asthma, leprosy, skin disease.
Pharmacological uses::antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant.

7. Honey
Synonym madhu,, madh,mel
Biological Source:: viscid and sweet secretion stored in honeycomb
by various species of bees that is , Apies florae Apis dorsata, Apis indica.
Family Apidae Fig.7 Honey
Chemical Constituent::glucose, fructose, maltose, amino acid and vitamins
Geographical Source: certain parts of West Indies, California, Chile, Africa Australia
Ethnobotanical uses: treat cough, preservative , sweetening agent , constipation,
Pharmacological uses::throat infection, bronchial asthma, worm infestation, constipation.

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The problem with cough is exacerbated for herbal medicines, where the effectiveness of
the plant or its phytochemicals have rarely been carefully evaluated.


The present study will plan to prepare and evaluate polyherbal antitussive syrup using ginger,
honey, fennel, liquorice, betel leaf, tulsi, vasaka and excipients.

● Procurement and Authentication of crude drug.
● Drying of crude drugs.
● Phytochemical, microscopical and physiochemical screening of crude drug
● Formulation of polyherbal antitussive syrup.
● Evaluation of polyherbal antitussive syrup.

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6.1 Collection and Authentication:
All the required raw materials were collected from local market of Akluj .Tal .Malshiras, Dist.
Solapur.And all the ingredients such as Betel leaf, Vasaka, Tulsi, Ginger, Honey, liquorice,
fennel etc. Are authenticated by department of Pharmacognosy at SPM’s College of Pharmacy,
6.2 Crude Drugs:
Piper betel, Ocimum tenuiflorum, Justicia adhatoda, Gingiber officinale, Honey, Foeniculum
vulgare, Glycyrrihiza glabra.
6.3 Physicochemical and Microscopical Screnning of Crude Drug
Physical evaluation
The various physical evaluation ash value, extractive value, loss on drying, foreign organic
matter was performed as per prescribed in ayurvedic Pharmacopeia.
Microscopical evaluation
The microscopical study of vasaka, betel leaf and tulsi leaf were carried out as per prescribed
methods in official books
Chemical Evaluation -
The crude drugs were subjected to qualitative chemical analysis for identification of various
plant constituents like alkaloids, glycosides, flavonoids, tannins, phenols, steroids and saponins
by using different chemical tests.
6.4 Formulation of Herbal Syrup:

The various ingredients use in formulation of herbal syrup are presented in Table no. 1
Drugs Formulation Formulation Formulation Formulation Formulation Formulation
1 2 3 4 5 6
Betel leaf 2gm 1gm 1gm 3gm 3 gm 3gm
Liquorice 1gm 1gm 1gm 1gm 2gm 2gm
Fennel 1gm 1gm 1gm 1gm 2gm 2gm
Vasaka 1gm 1gm 1gm 1gm 2gm 2gm
Tulsi - 1gm 1gm 1gm 3gm 2gm
Ginger 2gm 3gm 1gm 2 gm 2gm 2gm
Honey 20ml 20ml - - - 5ml
Simple - - Up to 30ml Up to 30ml Up to 30ml Up to 30ml
preservative - - - - 0.02 % 0.02 %
Water Up to 30 ml Up to 30 ml - - - -

Table 1: Ingredients used in formulation of herbal syrup

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Method of preparation
Accurately weigh all the ingredients as prescribed in table no. 1. Methodology for the
preparation of syrup was divided into 4 steps.
Step 1 - Maceration of dried herb with honey
Step 2 - Preparation of decoction of dried herb
Step 3 – Preparation of simple syrup
Step 4 – Preparation of final herbal syrup
Accurately weigh all the dried herbs and fresh herbs such as Betel leaf, Honey, Vasaka, Fennel,
Ginger, Tulsi, Liquorice.
Formulation 1
In this formulation separate macerate was prepared by taking 3 ml of honey with 2 gm of
ginger and 3 ml of honey with 2 gm of dried betel leaf was taken and sock for 24 hrs. Dried
powder of vasaka, liquorice, fennel, and tulsi, was mixed with 7ml of honey. Mix the macerate
with this mixture. Add 10 ml boiled cool water in macerate and make up the volume up to 30
ml with honey. Mix well and store in cool and dried place.
Formulation 2
In this formulation 5 ml of honey is macerate with 3 gm of ginger for 24hrs. Decoction of betel
leaf, liquorice, fennel fruit, vasaka leaf, tulsi leaf was prepared by taking 1gm each dried
powder. Mixed the 10ml of decoction with macerated honey stirrer well and filter. After
filtration make up the volume up to 30ml with honey. Mix well and store in cool and dried
Formulation 3
In this formulation decoction was prepared by taking 1gm of each dried powder of betel leaf,
liquorice, fennel fruit, vasaka leaf, tulsi and ginger. Mixed 10ml of decoction with simple syrup
and make up the volume up to 30ml. Mix well and store in cool and dried place.
Formulation 4
In this formulation decoction was prepared by taking 3gm of dried betel leaf powder, 2gm of
ginger powder, and 1gm each of liquorice, fennel, vasaka, and tulsi powder. Mixed 10ml of
decoction with simple syrup and make up the volume up to 30ml. Mix well and store in cool
and dried place.
Formulation 5
In this formulation decoction was prepared by taking 3gm of dried betel leaf powder, tulsi leaf
powder, 2 gm each of of ginger, vasaka, liquorice and fennel powder. Mixed 10ml of decoction

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with simple syrup. Add 0.02% of methyl paraben as preservative and make up the volume up
to 30ml with simple syrup. Mix well and store in cool and dried place.
Formulation 6
In this formulation decoction was prepared by taking 3gm of dried betel leaf powder, 2 gm
each of of tulsi, ginger, vasaka, liquorice and fennel powder. Mixed 10ml of decoction with
simple syrup. Add 5ml of honey and 0.02% of methyl paraben as preservative. Make up the
volume up to 30ml with simple syrup. Mix well and store in cool and dried place.

5.5 Evaluation of herbal syrup:

The formulated herbal syrup was subjected to physical and biological evaluation.

Organoleptic property:
Color, odor, taste was determined by manually.

pH of herbal syrup was detected by using pH paper.

Viscosity :
Viscosity was determined by using Ostwald’s viscometer.

Specific gravity:
Specific gravity was determined by using specific gravity bottle.

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7.1 Collection and Authentication:
All the crude drugs Piper betel, Ocimum sanctum, Adhatoda vasica,, Gingiber officinale,
Honey, Foeniculum vulgare, Glycyrrihiza glabra were collected from the rural area near akluj
and authenticated at department of pharmacognosy SPMs college of pharmacy, akluj.

7.2 Physical drug evaluation:

Foreign organic matter
Crude drug Mean (%)
Betel leaf NMT 0.02
Vasaka leaf NMT 0.03
Tulsi leaf NMT 0.05
Liquorice root NMT 0.01
Ginger NMT 0.1
Fennel NMT 0.05

Table no. 2 Foreign organic matter

Loss on drying
Crude drug Mean
Betel leaf NMT 10%
Vasaka leaf NMT 12%
Tulsi leaf NMT 8%
Liquorice root NMT 5%
Ginger NMT 10%
Fennel NMT 3%

Table no. 3 Loss on drying

Total ash value

Crude drug Mean (%) Standard deviation Range(%)
Betel leaf 12.03 0.25 11.78 - 12.28
Vasaka leaf 18.73 0.25 18.48 - 18.98

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Tulsi leaf 8.56 0.25 8.31 – 8.81

Liquorice root 6.03 0.15 5.88 - 6.18
Ginger 5.26 0.30 4.96 – 5.56
Fennel 9.26 0.25 9.01 – 9.51

Table no. 4 Total ash value

Acid insoluble ash value

Crude drug Mean (%) Standard deviation Range (%)
Betel leaf 0.72 0.1 0.62 – 0.82
Vasaka leaf 0.85 0.05 0.8 - 0.9
Tulsi leaf 0.45 0.05 0.4 – 0.5
Liquorice root 2.4 0.26 2.14 - 2.66
Ginger 0.3 0.05 0.25 – 0.35
Fennel 0.98 0.22 0.76 – 1.2

Table no. 5 Acid insoluble ash value

Water soluble ash value

Crude drug Mean (%) Standard deviation Range (%)
Betel leaf 7.1 0.24 6.86 – 7.34
Vasaka leaf 3.5 0.1 3.4- 3.6
Tulsi leaf 3.61 0.10 3.51 – 3.71
Liquorice root 3.28 0.18 3.1 – 3.46
Ginger 1.29 0.03 1.26 – 1.32
Fennel 2.6 0.15 2.45- 2.75

Table no. 6 Water soluble ash value

Alcohol soluble extractive value

Crude drug Mean (%) Standard deviation Range (%)
Betel leaf 8.4 0.36 8.04 8.76
Vasaka leaf 12.2 0.25 11.95 – 12.45
Tulsi leaf 14.3 0.36 13.94- 14.66
Liquorice root 12.5 0.5 12 - 13

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Ginger 9.9 0.36 9.54 -10.26

Fennel 11.23 0.25 10.98 -11.48

Table no. 7 Alcohol soluble extractive value

Water soluble extractive value

Crude drug Mean (%) Standard deviation Range (%)
Betel leaf 18.23 0.25 17-98 – 18.48
Vasaka leaf 12.16 0.15 12.1 – 12.31
Tulsi leaf 4.23 0.25 3.98 – 4.48
Liquorice root 4.26 0.30 3.96 -4.56
Ginger 9.5 0.50 9 - 10
Fennel 10.5 0.5 10 - 11

Table no. 8 Water soluble extractive value

7.3 Chemical crude drug evaluation:

Betel leaf Tulsi Vasaka liquorice Honey Fennel
Alkaloids +ve -ve +ve +ve -ve +ve
Glycosides +ve +ve +ve +ve -ve +ve
Terpenoids +ve +ve +ve +ve -ve -ve
Tannins +ve +ve +ve +ve -ve -ve
Carbohydrate +ve +ve -ve +ve +ve +ve
Protein -ve +ve -ve -ve +ve -ve
Flavonoids +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve
Saponin +ve -ve -ve +ve -ve -ve

Table no. 9 Phytochemical evaluation

7.4 Morphological Screnning of Crude Drug

Betel leaf Vasaka Tulsi Ginger Liquorice Honey Fennel
color Green Green Green Orange Brown Dark Green
brown brown
odor Aromatic Deep Strong spicy sweet sweet sweet
smokiness aromatic
taste Bitter Bitter Astringent pungent sweet sweet sweet

Table no. 10 Morphological evaluation

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7.5 Microscopical Screnning of Crude Drug

Fig. 8 T.S of vasaka leaf

Fig. 9 T.S of betel leaf

Fig. 10 T.S of tulsi leaf

Fig. 11 Vasaka stomata Fig. 12 Tulsi stomata Fig. 13 betel leaf stomata
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7.6 Evaluations of herbal formulation

A. Organoleptic evaluation

parameters F 1 F2 F3 F4 F 5 F6

Color Brown Brown Brown Brown Light Dark brown

Odor Aromatic pleasant pleasant pleasant pleasant Aromatic
Taste Sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet

Table no. 11 Organoleptic evaluation of herbal syrup

B. Physical evaluations

pH 5-6 5-6 6-7 6-7 6-7 6-7

Specific 1.8 1 1.26 2.1 1.25 1.26
Viscosit 1.07 cp 0.84 cp 0.6 cp 1.28 cp 2.0 cp 2.82 cp
Table no. 12 Physical evaluation of herbal syrup

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8. Discussion:

Now a day’s Herbal syrup are widely used for treatment. Herbal medication are primarily used
for health promotion and treatment of chronic rather than life threatening, illnesses. Traditional
treatments on the other hand become more popular when western medicine fell to treat an
illness. Herbal syrup were once used to sweeten the flavor of bitter medicinal plants in order to
make them more pleasant and extend their shelf life. Herbal syrup have other activity such as
antioxidant, preservative and good patient compliance especially in pediatrics patients. Herbal
formulations are used because having various significance characteristics like: it is safe, cheap,
eco-friendly, no adverse effect. Syrups are available in many forms such as liquid, suspension
etc. Betel leaf significantly gives antitussive activity. It reduces inflammation due to cough. It
is packed with the goodness of antibiotics that help in easing constant cough. It has chemical
constituent such as eugenol, nicotinic acid, ascorbic acid, vitamins, carotene, tannin, sugars.
Vasaka has antitussive activity. Its main chemical constituent is vasicine. It gives rid of excess
sputum and stops nasal discharge. Like other ingredient Tulsi also show antitussive property.
Liquorice shows both an expectorant and demulcent. Liquorice is traditional treatment for
cough, asthma and sore throat. Another one ingredient which is used in syrup it acts as
antioxidant, antitussive agent is ginger. Consuming ginger may help to promote digestive
health, nausea, bloating, and morning sickness and heal pain. Honey is thought to be helpful
relieving cough due to its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial property. It contains mostly
sugar as well as mixture of amino acid, vitamins, mineral, iron, zinc and antioxidant. It has
additional use as sweetener and preservative.

Page 17


Herbal syrup are economical because many supplements contain active components that have
substantial effects on the body, herbal goods can bring unanticipated hazards. They are used
because they are safe, nontoxic, less side effect, easily affordable prices. The ingredient which
are used betel leaf, vasaka, tulsi, ginger, liquorice, honey, fennel. Use of herbal drugs as
ingredient in syrup formulation have valuable effects in the treatment for maintaining health
issues. At last it can be concluded that this herbal syrup formulation has significant quality and

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