CC Unit 01

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Introduction to Cloud Computing

Lecture #1, 2, 3
What is Cloud Computing?
Why Cloud Computing?
Cloud Properties: Google’s Perspective
History of Cloud Computing
Evolution of Cloud Computing
Essential Cloud Computing Concepts
Advantage of Cloud Computing
Introduction To Cloud Computing
Definition of Cloud Computing
• Cloud computing means storing and accessing the data and programs
on remote servers that are hosted on the internet instead of the
computer’s hard drive or local server.
• Cloud computing is also referred to as Internet-based computing, it is a
technology where the resource is provided as a service through the
Internet to the user.
• The data which is stored can be files, images, documents, or any other
storable document.
What is Cloud Computing?
Cloud refers to a Network or Internet.
Cloud computing refers to manipulating, configuring, and accessing the
applications online.
It offers online data storage, infrastructure and application and involves
both a combination of software and hardware- based computing
resources delivered as a network service.
Cloud computing is a subscription-based delivery model that provides
scalability, fast delivery and greater IT efficiencies.
 Cloud has as removed many physical and financial barriers to aligning
IT needs with evolving business goals.
With a promise to deliver better applications, platforms and
infrastructure quickly and cheaply, cloud computing has become a major
force for business innovation across all industries
What is Cloud Computing?
It reduces the cost of using that software along with the reduction in
the cost of installation of heavy servers.
Cloud aids in reducing the cost of electricity bills.

Cloud Client-Server Perspective

Why Cloud Computing?
Top leading Cloud Computing companies
Cloud Computing Collaboration
With the growth of the Internet, there was no need to limit group collaboration to a
single enterprise’s network environment.

The users from multiple locations within a corporation, and from multiple organizations,
desired to collaborate on projects that crossed company and geographic boundaries.

 Projects had to be housed in the “cloud” of the Internet, and accessed from any Internet-
enabled location.

The concept of cloud-based documents and services took wing with the development of
large server farms, such as those run by Google and other search companies.

Cloud-collaboration is also termed as Internet-based group collaboration.

Cloud Properties: Google’s Perspective
• Cloud computing is user-centric: Once you as a user are connected to the cloud, whatever is
stored there—documents, messages, images, applications, whatever—becomes yours. In addition,
not only is the data yours, but you can also share it with others. In effect, any device that accesses
your data in the cloud also becomes yours.
• Cloud computing is task-centric: Instead of focusing on the application and what it can do, the
focus is on what you need done and how the application can do it for you. Traditional
applications—word processing, spreadsheets, email, and so on—are becoming less important than
the documents they create.
Cloud Properties: Google’s Perspective
• Cloud computing is powerful: Connecting hundreds or thousands of computers together in a
cloud creates a wealth of computing power impossible with a single desktop PC. Cloud computing
is accessible: Because data is stored in the cloud, users can instantly retrieve more information
from multiple repositories. You’re not limited to a single source of data, as you are with a desktop
• Cloud computing is intelligent: With all the various data stored on the computers in a cloud, data
mining and analysis are necessary to access that information in an intelligent manner. Cloud
computing is programmable: Many of the tasks necessary with cloud computing must be
automated. For example, to protect the integrity of the data, information stored on a single
computer in the cloud must be replicated on other computers in the cloud. If that one computer
goes offline, the cloud’s programming automatically redistributes that computer’s data to a new
computer in the cloud.
Evolution of Cloud Computing
Evolutionary Stage Description Key Technologies and Characteristics
Distributed Systems Multiple independent systems presented as one Scalability, concurrency, continuous availability, heterogeneity, and fault
entity to users for resource sharing. independence.
Mainframe Computing Powerful and reliable computing machines High fault tolerance, minimal downtime, expensive, suitable for bulk
introduced in the 1950s. Used for massive data processing tasks.
Cluster Computing Emerged in the 1980s as a cost-effective Cost-effective, scalable, suitable for high computations, easy addition of
alternative to mainframes. Multiple machines new nodes.
connected via a high-bandwidth network.
Grid Computing Introduced in the 1990s, connects geographically Overcame geographical restrictions but faced bandwidth and network
dispersed systems via the internet. Involves issues.
heterogeneous nodes.
Virtualization Creation of a virtual layer over hardware to run Basis for cloud computing, used by services like Amazon EC2, VMware
multiple instances simultaneously. vCloud, and Hyper-V.
Web 2.0 An interface enabling dynamic, interactive web Supports interactive and user-generated content, key for social media
pages. Gained popularity in the mid-2000s. platforms like Google Maps, Facebook, and Twitter.

Service Orientation A reference model supporting low-cost, flexible, Quality of Service (QoS) and Software as a Service (SaaS) concepts
and evolvable applications. Introduces QoS and introduced, promoting service-based architecture.
Utility Computing Service provisioning techniques for compute, Enables on-demand resource allocation, and efficient resource
storage, infrastructure, etc., on a pay-per-use management.
Cloud Computing Modern paradigm that delivers on-demand Offers IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS, provides scalability, cost-efficiency, and
computing resources over the internet. flexibility for various applications and services.
Essential Cloud Computing component
• Cloud computing solution is made up of several elements and these
elements make up the three components of a cloud computing
a) Clients: Devices that end users interact with to manage their information on
b) The data center: The software can be installed allowing multiple instances
of virtual servers to be used. There can be half a dozen virtual servers running on
one physical server.
c) Distributed servers: The distributed servers are in geographically disparate
locations. They give the service provider more flexibility in options and security.
For instance, Amazon has their cloud solution in servers all over the world
Cloud Computing advantages
1. Cost savings: One of the main benefits of cloud computing is that it can help reduce costs. For
example, businesses no longer need to invest in expensive on-premises hardware and software.
Instead, they can access cloud-based applications and services on a pay-as-you-go basis.
2. Scalability: Cloud computing is highly scalable. This means that businesses can easily scale up or
down their usage of cloud-based resources as their needs change.
3. Flexibility: Another benefit of cloud computing is that it offers greater flexibility than traditional
on-premises IT infrastructure. For example, businesses can quickly provision new resources as
they need them and can also easily release them when they no longer need them.
4. Improved security: Cloud computing can offer improved security compared to traditional on-
premises IT infrastructure. This is because cloud providers have expertise in security and can offer
a variety of security features, such as data encryption and intrusion detection.
Cloud Computing advantages
5. Enhanced collaboration: Cloud computing can help improve collaboration among employees.
For example, they can share files and documents more easily and can access applications and
services from anywhere.
6. Increased productivity: Cloud computing can help employees be more productive. For example,
they can access cloud-based applications and services from anywhere and can use them on any
7. Disaster recovery: Cloud computing can help businesses recover from disasters more quickly.
This is because they can use cloud-based backup and disaster recovery services.
8. Environmental benefits: Cloud computing can help businesses reduce their carbon footprint. This
is because cloud providers use energy-efficient data centers and use renewable energy to power their
9. Improved customer experience: Cloud computing can help businesses improve the customer
experience. This is because they can use cloud-based applications and services to provide a better
experience to customers.
Cloud Computing advantages
10. Resources Pooling
It means that the Cloud provider pulled the computing resources to provide services to multiple
customers with the help of a multi-tenant model. There are different physical and virtual resources
assigned and reassigned which depends on the demand of the customer.
11. On-Demand Self-Service
It is one of the important and valuable features of Cloud Computing as the user can continuously
monitor the server uptime, capabilities, and allotted network storage. With this feature, the user can
also monitor the computing capabilities.
12. Easy Maintenance
The servers are easily maintained and the downtime is very low and even in some cases, there is no
downtime. Cloud Computing comes up with an update every time by gradually making it better. The
updates are more compatible with the devices and perform faster than older ones along with the bugs
which are fixed.
13. Large Network Access
The user can access the data of the cloud or upload the data to the cloud from
anywhere just with the help of a device and an internet connection. These
capabilities are available all over the network and accessed with the help of
14. Availability
The capabilities of the Cloud can be modified as per the use and can be extended a
lot. It analyzes the storage usage and allows the user to buy extra Cloud storage if
needed for a very small amount.
15. Automatic System
Cloud computing automatically analyzes the data needed and supports a metering
capability at some level of services. We can monitor, control, and report the usage.
It will provide transparency for the host as well as the customer.
Principles of Parallel and Distributed Computing

Lecture #2
Underlying Principles of Parallel and Distributed Computing
Characteristics of Cloud Computing
Issues of Cloud Computing
Challenges in Cloud Computing
Applications of Cloud Computing
Elasticity in Cloud
On-demand Provisioning
Principles of Parallel and Distributed
Both have contributed greatly to the improvement of computing processes.
However, they have key differences in their primary function.
• Parallel computing, also known as parallel processing, speeds up a computational task by
dividing it into smaller jobs across multiple processors inside one computer.
• Distributed computing, on the other hand, uses a distributed system, such as the internet, to
increase the available computing power and enable larger, more complex tasks to be executed
across multiple machines.
What Is Parallel Computing?
• Parallel computing is the process of performing computational tasks across multiple processors at
once to improve computing speed and efficiency. It divides tasks into sub-tasks and executes them
simultaneously through different processors.
• There are three main types, or “levels,” of parallel computing: bit, instruction, and task.
• Bit-level parallelism: Uses larger “words,” which is a fixed-sized piece of data handled as a unit
by the instruction set or the hardware of the processor, to reduce the number of instructions the
processor needs to perform an operation.
• Instruction-level parallelism: Employs a stream of instructions to allow processors to execute
more than one instruction per clock cycle (the oscillation between high and low states within a
digital circuit).
• Task-level parallelism: Runs computer code across multiple processors to run multiple tasks at the
same time on the same data.
What Is Distributed Computing?
• Distributed computing is the process of connecting multiple computers via a local network or wide
area network so that they can act together as a single ultra-powerful computer capable of
performing computations that no single computer within the network would be able to perform on
its own.
• Distributed computers offer two key advantages:
• Easy scalability: Just add more computers to expand the system.
• Redundancy: Since many different machines are providing the same service, that service can keep
running even if one (or more) of the computers goes down.
Key Differences Between Parallel Computing
and Distributed Computing
• While parallel and distributed computers are both important technologies, there are several key
differences between them.
• Difference #1: Number of Computers Required
Parallel computing typically requires one computer with multiple processors. Distributed computing,
on the other hand, involves several autonomous (and often geographically separate and/or distant)
computer systems working on divided tasks.
• Difference #2: Scalability
Parallel computing systems are less scalable than distributed computing systems because the memory
of a single computer can only handle so many processors at once. A distributed computing system can
always scale with additional computers.
• Difference #3: Memory
• In parallel computing, all processors share the same memory and the processors communicate
with each other with the help of this shared memory. Distributed computing systems, on the
other hand, have their own memory and processors.
Key Differences Between Parallel Computing
and Distributed Computing
• Difference #4: Synchronization
In parallel computing, all processors share a single master clock for synchronization, while
distributed computing systems use synchronization algorithms. Most commonly used NTP network
time protocol.
• Difference #5: Usage
• Parallel computing is used to increase computer performance and for scientific computing, while
distributed computing is used to share resources and improve scalability.
When to Use Parallel Computing: Examples
This computing method is ideal for anything involving complex simulations or modeling.
• Common applications for it include surveying, computational astrophysics, climate modeling,
financial risk management, agricultural estimates, video color correction, medical imaging, drug
discovery, and computational fluid dynamics.
When to Use Distributed Computing:
• Distributed computing is best for building and deploying powerful
applications running across many different users and geographies.
Anyone performing a Google search is already using distributed
computing. Distributed system architectures have shaped much of
what we would call “modern business,” including cloud-based
computing, edge computing, and software as a service (SaaS).
Which Is Better: Parallel or Distributed
• It’s hard to say which is “better”—parallel or distributed computing—because it depends on the
use case (see section above). If you need pure computational power and work in a scientific or
other type of highly analytics-based field, then you’re probably better off with parallel computing.
If you need scalability and resilience and can afford to support and maintain a computer network,
then you’re probably better off with distributed computing.
Cloud Characteristics
Cloud Characteristics
• There are many characteristics of Cloud Computing here are few of them :
• On-demand self-services: The Cloud computing services does not require any human
administrators, user themselves are able to provision, monitor and manage computing resources as
• Broad network access: The Computing services are generally provided over standard networks
and heterogeneous devices.
• Rapid elasticity: The Computing services should have IT resources that are able to scale out and
in quickly and on as needed basis. Whenever the user require services it is provided to him and it is
scale out as soon as its requirement gets over.
• Resource pooling: The IT resource (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services)
present are shared across multiple applications and occupant in an uncommitted manner. Multiple
clients are provided service from a same physical resource.
• Measured service: The resource utilization is tracked for each application and occupant, it will
provide both the user and the resource provider with an account of what has been used. This is
done for various reasons like monitoring billing and effective use of resource.
Cloud Characteristics
• Multi-tenancy: Cloud computing providers can support multiple tenants (users or
organizations) on a single set of shared resources.
• Virtualization: Cloud computing providers use virtualization technology to abstract underlying
hardware resources and present them as logical resources to users.
• Resilient computing: Cloud computing services are typically designed with redundancy and fault
tolerance in mind, which ensures high availability and reliability.
• Flexible pricing models: Cloud providers offer a variety of pricing models, including pay-per-use,
subscription-based, and spot pricing, allowing users to choose the option that best suits their needs.
• Security: Cloud providers invest heavily in security measures to protect their users’ data and
ensure the privacy of sensitive information.
• Automation: Cloud computing services are often highly automated, allowing users to deploy and
manage resources with minimal manual intervention.
• Sustainability: Cloud providers are increasingly focused on sustainable practices, such as energy-
efficient data centers and the use of renewable energy sources, to reduce their environmental
Issues of Cloud Computing
Security and Privacy: When we say security and privacy, we are talking about the user data that is stored
on Cloud Service Providers (CSP) data centers. A CSP should abide by the rules of not sharing
confidential data or any data that matters to the users. The data centers must be secure and privacy of the
data should be maintained by a CSP. There is always concern about the actual location of your data, where
it is stored and processed.
Cost Management and Containment: Cloud computing can be expensive if you don’t know how to
manage your computing resources and take maximum advantage of them. Many times, the organizations
dwell in a mindset of pay-as-you-go and spend more on cloud than they would have on on-premise
infrastructure. One should always optimize the cost by financial analytics and reporting the usage for
better monitoring of cost
Lack of Resources/ Expertise:Cloud challenges companies and enterprises. As the usage of cloud
technologies is increasing, tools to manage it are getting sophisticated, finding experts on top of this in
cloud computing is becoming a bottleneck to many organizations. The organizations are increasingly
placing more workloads in the cloud while cloud technologies continue to rapidly advance. Due to these
factors, organizations are having a tough time keeping up with the tools. Also, the need for expertise
continues to grow.
Issues of Cloud Computing
• Governance/ Control::In cloud computing, infrastructure resources are under CSP’s control and end-users
or companies have to abide by the governance policies from CSP. The traditional IT teams have no control
over how and where their data is and processed. IT governance should assure how infrastructure assets from
CSP are being used. To overcome the downfalls and challenges, onboarding to Cloud, IT must adapt its
orthodox way of governance and process control to the induct cloud.
Managing Multiple Clouds:The challenges facing cloud computing haven’t just been concentrated in
one, single cloud.The state of multi-cloud has grown exponentially in recent years. But managing
multi-cloud infrastructure contrary to a single cloud is very challenging given all the above data-
driven challenges.
Issues of Cloud Computing
Migration: Migration: One of the main cloud computing industry challenges in recent years
concentrates on migration. This is a process of moving an application to a cloud. An although moving
a new application is a straightforward process, when it comes to moving an existing application to a
cloud environment, many cloud challenges arise.
Challenges in Cloud Computing

Lecture #3
Challenges in Cloud Computing
Hosting and running the applications of the current cloud platform on some other platform may cause
support issues, configuration complexities, and additional expenses.
Service Quality: Service quality should be good and is a major concern of the end-user. The whole
ecosystem of cloud computing is presented in virtual environments and thus the CSP should give
what is promised in terms of service, be it compute resources or customer satisfaction.
Interoperability: CSP’s services should be flexible enough to integrate itself into other platforms
and services provided by other CSPs. The data pipeline should be easy to integrate and should drive
improved performance. There are a lot of challenges in cloud computing like Big data analysis, long
hall transfer, transferring data problems but still, it is the best computing resource available to date.
Availability and Reliability: Data and service from CSP should be available at all times irrespective
of the external condition or the ideal condition. Computing resources should be available for the
users and their operability should be reliable.
Portability: If the users want to migrate from one CSP to others, the vendor should not lock-in
customer data or services and the migration should be ease. There are different laws over data in
different countries.
Challenges in Cloud Computing
Cloud Integration: Several companies, especially those with hybrid cloud environments report
issues associated with having their on-premise apps and tools and public cloud for working together.
According to survey, 62% of respondents said integration of legacy systems as their biggest challenge
in multi-cloud. Although, combining new cloud-based apps and legacy systems needs resources,
expertise, and time but still several companies are considering that the perks of cloud computing
dominate the backlogs of this technology.
Vendor Lock-in: Entering a cloud computing agreement is easier than leaving it. “Vendor lock-in”
happens when altering providers is either excessively expensive or just not possible. It could be that
the service is nonstandard or that there is no viable vendor substitute. It is important to guarantee the
services you involve are typical and transportable to other providers, and above all, understand the
requirements. When in need to migrate from one cloud platform to another, a company might face
some serious challenges because of the differences between vendor platforms.
Elasticity in Cloud
Elasticity in cloud computing
• Elasticity in cloud computing refers to the ability of a cloud system to
automatically and dynamically scale computing resources up or
down in response to changes in workload or demand. It is one of the
key characteristics of cloud computing and is closely related to
scalability but with an emphasis on the automatic and on-demand
nature of resource allocation.
• Here's a more detailed explanation of elasticity in the cloud:
• Automatic Scaling: Elasticity allows cloud resources to scale
automatically based on predefined policies or in response to real-time
monitoring of system performance. When a sudden increase in
demand occurs, additional resources are provisioned without manual
• Dynamic Resource Allocation: Cloud services can dynamically allocate and deallocate
resources such as virtual machines, storage, and network capacity as needed. This
ensures that resources are available when required and released when no longer
needed, optimizing resource utilization and cost efficiency.
• Cost Optimization: Elasticity helps control costs by provisioning resources only when
they are required and releasing them when demand decreases. This pay-as-you-go
model can save organizations money by preventing over-provisioning.
• Improved Performance: Elastic scaling ensures that applications and services can
maintain optimal performance even during traffic spikes. Additional resources are added
to handle increased workloads, preventing performance degradation or service
• Load Balancing: Load balancers and auto-scaling groups are commonly used to distribute
incoming requests or tasks evenly across available resources. This helps prevent
overloading of specific servers or instances.
On-demand Provisioning in cloud computing
On-demand provisioning in cloud computing refers to the capability of instantly and
automatically allocating computing resources such as virtual servers, storage, and
networking components whenever they are needed by a user or application. This
provisioning model is one of the fundamental characteristics of cloud computing
and is designed to provide flexibility and agility to cloud users.
• Instant Resource Allocation: With on-demand provisioning, cloud users can
request and receive resources almost immediately, often within a few minutes or
even seconds. This rapid allocation contrasts with traditional IT environments,
where obtaining and configuring hardware and software can take days, weeks, or
• Pay-as-You-Go Model: On-demand provisioning is typically associated with a pay-
as-you-go or pay-per-use billing model. Users are charged only for the resources
they consume and the duration for which they are used. This cost-effective
approach allows organizations to avoid upfront capital expenses and pay only for
what they actually use.
• Scalability: On-demand provisioning is closely related to scalability. Cloud
users can easily scale their resources up or down based on their changing
requirements. This flexibility is particularly valuable during periods of
increased demand or traffic spikes.
• Self-Service: Cloud providers offer self-service portals and APIs that enable
users to request, configure, and manage resources without the need for
direct human intervention. Users can provision resources at any time, day
or night, without waiting for manual approval or support.
• Resource Variety: On-demand provisioning covers a wide range of
computing resources, including virtual machines, storage, databases, load
balancers, and more. Users can select and configure the specific resources
they need for their applications.
Applications of Cloud Computing
Online Data Storage: Cloud computing allows storing data like files, images, audios, and
videos, etc. on the cloud storage. The organization need not set physical storage systems to
store a huge volume of business data which costs so high nowadays. As they are growing
technologically, data generation is also growing with respect to time, and storing that
becoming problem. In that situation, Cloud storage is providing this service to store and
access data any time as per requirement. Example: Google Drive, DropBox, iCloud etc.

Backup and Recovery: Cloud vendors provide security from their side by storing safe to
the data as well as providing a backup facility to the data. They offer various recovery
application for retrieving the lost data. In the traditional way, backup of data is a very
complex problem and also it is very difficult sometimes impossible to recover the lost data.
But cloud computing has made backup and recovery applications very easy where there is
no fear of running out of backup media or loss of data.
Applications of Cloud Computing
Bigdata Analysis: We know the volume of big data is so high, such that, storing that in the
traditional data management system for an organization is impossible. Cloud computing has resolved
that problem by allowing the organizations to store their large volume of data in cloud storage
without worrying about physical storage. Next comes analyzing the raw data and finding out insights
or useful information from it is a big challenge as it requires high-quality tools for data analytics.
Cloud computing provides the biggest facility to organizations in terms of storing and analyzing big
Anti-Virus Applications: Previously, organizations were installing antivirus software within their
system even if we will see we personally also keep antivirus software in our system for safety from
outside cyber threats. But, nowadays, cloud computing provides cloud antivirus software which
means the software is stored in the cloud and monitors your system/organization’s system remotely.
This antivirus software identifies the security risks and fixes them. Sometimes also they give a
feature to download the software.
Applications of Cloud Computing
E-commerce Application: Cloud-based e-commerce allows responding quickly to the opportunities
which are emerging. Users respond quickly to the market opportunities as well as the traditional e-
commerce responds to the challenges quickly. Cloud-based e-commerce gives a new approach to
doing business with the minimum amount as well as minimum time possible. Customer data, product
data, and other operational systems are managed in cloud environments.

Cloud computing in Education: Cloud computing in the education sector brings an unbelievable
change in learning by providing e-learning, online distance learning platforms, and student
information portals to the students. It is a new trend in education that provides an attractive
environment for learning, teaching, experimenting, etc. to students, faculty members, and
researchers. Everyone associated with the field can connect to the cloud of their organization and
access data and information from there.
Applications of Cloud Computing
Technology-enhanced Learning or Education as a Service (EaaS):There are the following education
applications offered by the cloud- Example:
• Google Apps for Education: Google Apps for Education is the most widely used platform for free web-based
email, calendar, documents, and collaborative study.
• Chromebooks for Education: Chromebook for Education is one of the most important Google's projects. It is
designed for the purpose that it enhances education innovation.
• Tablets with Google Play for Education: It allows educators to quickly implement the latest technology
solutions into the classroom and make it available to their students.
Testing and development: Setting up the platform for development and finally performing different types of
testing to check the readiness of the product before delivery requires different types of IT resources and
infrastructure. But Cloud computing provides the easiest approach for development as well as testing even if
deployment by using their IT resources with minimal expenses. Organizations find it more helpful as they got
scalable and flexible cloud services for product development, testing, and deployment
Applications of Cloud Computing
E-Governance Applications: Cloud computing can provide its services to multiple activities
conducted by the government. It can support the government to move from the traditional ways of
management and service providers to an advanced way of everything by expanding the availability of
the environment, making the environment more scalable and customized. It can help the government
to reduce the unnecessary cost in managing, installing, and upgrading applications and doing all these
with help of could computing and utilizing that money public service.

Cloud Computing in Medical Fields: In the medical field also nowadays cloud computing is used
for storing and accessing the data as it allows to store data and access it through the internet without
worrying about any physical setup. It facilitates easier access and distribution of information among
the various medical professional and the individual patients. Similarly, with help of cloud computing
offsite buildings and treatment facilities like labs, doctors making emergency house calls and
ambulances information, etc can be easily accessed and updated remotely instead of having to wait
until they can access a hospital computer.
• Service Oriented Architecture (SOA): SOA is essentially a collection of services which
communicate with each other. SOA provides a loosely-integrated suite of services that can be used
within multiple business domains. Abstraction: Cloud computing abstracts the details of system
implementation from users and developers. Applications run on physical systems that aren't
specified, data is stored in locations that are unknown, administration of systems is outsourced to
others, and access by users is ubiquitous.
• Cloud: Cloud refers to a Network or Internet. A cloud is usually defined as a large group of
interconnected computers. These computers include network servers or personal computers.
• Cloud computing: Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on- demand
network access to a shared pool of configurable computer resources (networks, servers, storage,
applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management
effort or service provider interaction.
• Multitenancy: In cloud computing, multitenancy means that multiple customers of a cloud vendor
are using the same computing resources. Despite the fact that they share resources, cloud
customers aren't aware of each other, and their data is kept totally separate.
• Thick clients: Thick clients are regular computers, using a web browser like Firefox or Internet
Explorer to connect to the cloud.
1. What is cloud computing? What are its characteristics?
2. Discuss the various components of cloud computing?
3. Discuss in detail the evolution of cloud computing and its history?
4. How cloud computing has supported on demand Provisioning?
Explain with examples.
5. Write difference between distributed and parallel computing.
6. What different challenges are faced in cloud computing?
7. How cloud computing provides elastic scalability and fault
Review Questions
1. What is cloud computing? What are its characteristics?
2. Discuss the various components of cloud computing?
3. List the different applications of cloud computing?
4. What different challenges are faced in cloud computing?
5. Discuss in detail the evolution of cloud computing and its history?
6. What are the benefits and disadvantages of cloud computing?
7. How cloud computing has supported collaboration? Explain with examples.
8. Elaborate on the following cloud challenges:
• a) Compliance
• b) Security and privacy
• c) Migration
9. What does the Google’s perspective on cloud computing says? Elaborate.

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