Homework 19 TH February

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Page 106 e 107

a.- former
b.- experts
c.- versed
e.- dent

a.- They represent, respectively, how many tons of greenhouse gases that are added to the
world per year; and what we need to aim for.

b.- It’s difficult because it requires every country to change it’s ways and change how we
grow, make things and go from place to place for example

c.- We have to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, by using the tools we have and
investing/ deploying new ones

d.- He met two former Microsoft colleagues and also two climate specialists that they

e.- It was proven to him that not just the climate change is directly connected to greenhouse
gas emission, but that the sources of renewable energys (wind, solar) could make a big dent
in the problem.

f.- The problem resides in the fact that the wind doesn’t always blow and the sun doesn’t
always shine

The sentence basically emphasis the necessity that we have and the “profit ” that we would
get if we created technologies that don’t harm the environment and even helped us as a
society, or even individually to evolve and solve every day or more serious problems that we
are facing today. This would allow us to be more modern, evolve into equality, peace, etc,
within real limits without forgetting the component of being sustainable.

Opinion text
«How to avoid a climate disaster»

In my opinion, climate change is one of the biggest challenges we face today, and the
stakes couldn’t be higher, and that means we need to do something, in order to avoid a
climate disaster.
Firstly, although the world has become keenly aware of the problem, we still need to
act on it and set goals to solve it. There are many things we can do like prioritizing
renewable energys (hydroelectric, solar, geotermal, biomass, etc…), regulating carbon
emission and incentivize sustainable practices (not leaving the lights on when unnecessary,
walk, bike or using public transports, not wasting water, etc...).
Secondly there are also other measures we need to take like adapting to the already
inevitable impacts of climate Change, focusing on public awareness campaigns, promoting
international cooperation and much more. But among all of these I select one of the most
important measures: the reduction of overconsumption.
As a consumer, perhaps not an extreme one, but one who certainly stimulates the law of
supply and demand that continues to destroy and violently exploit habitats, and produce
unnecessarily so that the capitalist world and economy succeed, I recognise that we need to
take action to prevent future catastrophes. Overconsumption is also a concept that includes
various things like food, clothes, electronics and other products…
And we, as human beings, also have a duty to, for example, buy sustainable only what we
need through careful choices that take environmental effects into account.
In conclusion, avoiding a climate disaster demands a shift in human mentality and
behavior, because it’s not a distant threat, but rather one that’s already knocking on our
doors, and we need to start to take action, because together we can make a difference!

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