Please Fill The Form in "BLOCK Letters" and Ensure NO Field Is Left Blank

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(Please fill the form in “BLOCK letters” and ensure NO field is left blank)

Personal Information

First Name (as in Aadhaar Card)

Middle Name, (as in Aadhaar Card)

Last Name (as in Aadhaar Card)

Interview Date DOB


Mobile No. Alternate No.

Email ID 1 Email ID 2

PAN card Aadhaar number (12 Digit)


Work Authorization Status

Nationality Indian Citizenship YES / NO

If you are NOT an Indian Citizen, please provide details of your India work authorization in any one of the below fields from (a) to (d):

PIO - PIO Card No. Issue Date Valid till
OCI – OCI No. Issue Date Valid till
India Employment
Visa – Visa reference Issue Date Valid till
Others, if any – Please
give more details

Educational Qualification

Full /
Qualification Degree & School/ University Part Document
Specialization College Time % or From Available
Name To
Name CGPA (MM/YY) (MM/YY) (Yes/No)

10th / Equivalent

12th / Equivalent



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Employment History
Current Organization

Organization From To Permanent Designation on Reason for Leaving Supporting

S No documents
Name (Date) (Date) / Contract Exit

Previous Organizations

S No Organizatio From To Permanen Designation on Reason for Supportin

n Name (Date) (Date) t/Contract Exit Leaving g

For HR Use Only (to be filled by Infra Services & BPS candidates only)
Please confirm if you have understood the following Signature of the Candidate
1. Compensation break discussed during the HR Discussion
2. The Transport boundary details and have understood it
3. Willingness to work in night shifts
4. Willingness to work in 24/7 shifts (For CIS only)

Compensation Details
Current Compensation Expected Compensation

Fixed Pay (p.a.)

Remarks (If any):

Variable Pay (p.a.)

Variable Payout Pattern Quarterly / Half Yearly / Annual

Gross CTC (p.a.)

Other Information
Last Promotion (MM / YY) Last Salary Revision (MM / YY)

If you are an ex - Cognizant employee, please mention your Associate ID

Please mention your Notice Period [or] the date by which you can join us [whichever is earlier]


1. Cognizant does not entertain payments of any kind from candidates or vendors for employment. Requests for such payments or any
mails purporting to come from Cognizant seeking personal or financial details should be promptly reported to
2. If you encounter anyone who claims to offer jobs at Cognizant in return for any benefit (monetary or non-monetary) please do not
entertain them. Please be informed that Cognizant shall not be held responsible for any such instances or payments you make
3. To ascertain that you are receiving an official call from Cognizant please collect the caller’s details like full name; employee ID; and
mobile number
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