Teriparatide User Manual
Teriparatide User Manual
Teriparatide User Manual
User Manual
1 Prepare Site and Remove
the White Cap 2 Check Device, Device
Label and Medication 3 Attach New Needle
4 Remove Outer
Needle Cover 5 Set Dose
A) Wash hands prior to use. A) Check the device. A) Peel off the paper Pull off large outer needle cover (Figure G), and Pull out the black injection button
tab (Figure D). save it for later (see Step 9). until it stops (Figure H).
B) Prepare the injection site (thigh or abdomen) DO NOT use the teriparatide injection device
Storage Information if it is damaged.
as recommended by your healthcare provider.
Always store the device in the refrigerator with the white cap on. B) Check the label on the device. Figure D
DO NOT store the device with a needle attached. C) Remove the white cap by pulling it straight off DO NOT use if the device contains the incorrect
Figure H
The device can be stored in the refrigerator after first use for 28 days. of the device (Figure B). medication or if the medication has expired B) Push the needle straight onto medicine
Dispose device after 28 days of use. (Figure C). cartridge. Screw on needle clockwise until Red Stripe
firmly attached (Figure E and Figure F). Lot: XXX XXXX
Check to make sure red stripe shows.
C) Check the medication cartridge. The liquid Additionally, the instruction window will
medication should be clear and colorless.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION DO NOT over-tighten the needle. show an arrow pointing towards the
DO NOT use the medication if it is cloudy, needle end of the device (Figure I).
DO NOT start the administration procedure until you have read colored, or has floating particles. (Figure C).
the Medication Guide and this User Manual contained in your
teriparatide injection carton thoroughly. Follow the instructions
carefully whenever using the teriparatide injection device. Instruction Yellow
Figure E Window Shaft
DO NOT share your teriparatide injection device or needles with Figure I
anyone else. Infection or disease can be spread from one person
to another. Troubleshooting
DO NOT use the teriparatide injection device for more than
28 days. The teriparatide injection device contains 28 days of If the device does not set fully or if you cannot pull back on the black injection button refer to
medicine. After 28 days of use dispose of this device even if it Troubleshooting Problem E on the back page.
Figure B Figure C Figure F Figure G
is not completely empty.
DO NOT inject more than one dose of teriparatide injection in
device provided to syringe or any other device.
Teriparatide Injection
Device and Parts
6 Remove Inner
Needle Cover 7 Inject Dose
8 Confirm Dose 9 Remove Needle and Dispose
Scoop Up
Recap Device and
Needles not included. Becton, Dickinson and Company pen needles from 29 to 31
A) Pull off small inner needle protector and throw A) Gently hold a fold B) Press the black Check to make sure the black injection A) Put the large outer needle A) Push white cap back on (Figure U).
gauge are recommended for use with this device.
of skin on your
INSERT injection button
PRESS button is all the way down. The cover on the needle by
it away (Figure J).
thigh or down until it instruction window will show an arrow scooping it up and pressing it
abdomen and stops and hold pointing towards the black button. on (Figure P and Figure Q).
B) CAUTION: The needle will be exposed. Do not try to put the needle Figure P
insert the needle (Figure L).
Outer Needle straight into the If the yellow shaft does not show, you cover back on with your
Cover folded skin have finished the injection steps the hands.
(Figure K). right way (Figure O).
Figure Q Figure U
black injection
M). yourself a second time in the same (Figure T).
DO NOT reuse needle.
Instead, you must reset the device.
The yellow shaft is still showing To reset the teriparatide injection delivery device, follow the steps below:
• Do not place the teriparatide injection delivery device in water, or wash or clean it with any liquid.
after I push in the black injection 1) If you have already injected, DO NOT inject yourself a second time on the same day.
button. How do I reset my
2) Remove the needle and dispose in a sharps container according to local regulations. Storing Your Teriparatide Injection Delivery Device
teriparatide injection
3) Attach a new needle, pull off the large needle cover and save it.
delivery device? • After each use, refrigerate the teriparatide injection delivery device right away. Read and follow the instructions in the Medication Guide section
4) Pull off the inner needle cover and throw away. “How should I store teriparatide injection?”.
5) Point the needle down into an empty container. Push in the black injection button until it stops.
• DO NOT store the teriparatide injection delivery device with a needle attached. Doing this may cause air bubbles to form in the medicine cartridge.
Hold it in and slowly count to five. You may see a small stream or drop of fluid. When you have
• Store the teriparatide injection delivery device with the white cap on.
finished, the black injection button should be all the way in.
6) If you still see the yellow shaft showing, contact Alvogen, Inc. (see Contact Information below • DO NOT freeze teriparatide injection. If the teriparatide injection delivery device has been frozen, throw the device away and use a new teriparatide injection
and to the right) or your healthcare provider. delivery device. If the teriparatide injection delivery device has been left out of the refrigerator, do not throw the delivery device away. Place the delivery device
7) Remove the needle and dispose in a sharps container according to local regulations. Push the back in the refrigerator and call Alvogen, Inc. (see Contact Information below).
white cap back on, and put your teriparatide injection delivery device in the refrigerator.
You can prevent this problem by always using a NEW needle for each injection, and by pushing Other Important Notes
the black injection button all the way in and slowly counting to five.
• The teriparatide injection delivery device contains 28 days of medicine.
• DO NOT transfer teriparatide injection to a syringe. This may result in you taking the wrong dose of medicine.
How can I tell if my teriparatide The black injection button should be all the way in to show that the full dose of medicine has been
injection delivery device works? injected from the teriparatide injection delivery device. Use a new needle every time you inject to • Read and follow the instructions in the User Manual so that you use your teriparatide injection delivery device the right way.
be sure your teriparatide injection delivery device will work properly. • Check the teriparatide injection delivery device label to make sure you have the right medicine and that it has not expired.
• DO NOT use the teriparatide injection delivery device if it looks damaged. Look at the teriparatide injection medicine in the cartridge. If the medicine is not clear
I see an air bubble in my and colorless, or if it has particles, do not use it. Call Alvogen, Inc. if you notice any of these (see Contact Information below).
A small air bubble will not affect your dose and it will not harm you. You can continue to take
teriparatide injection your dose as usual. • Use a new needle for each injection.
delivery device. • During injection, you may hear one or more clicks – this is normal.
• The teriparatide injection delivery device is not recommended for use by the blind or by those who have vision problems without help from a person trained in the
1) Put the large needle cover on the needle. proper use of the device.
Change to a new teriparatide injection delivery device to take your dose as instructed by
Disposal of Pen Needles and Delivery Device
What should I do if I have your healthcare provider.
difficulty pulling out the black When the black injection button becomes hard to pull out, this means there is not enough
injection button? medicine in your teriparatide injection delivery device for another dose. You may still see some Disposal of Pen Needles and the Teriparatide Injection Delivery Device
medicine left in the cartridge. • Before throwing away the teriparatide injection delivery device, be sure to remove the pen needle.
• Throw away your teriparatide injection delivery device and used needles as instructed by your healthcare provider, local or state laws, or institutional policies.
Disposal Information
Dispose of the teriparatide 1st Use Date:
Put your used needles in a FDA-cleared sharps disposal container right away after use.
injection delivery device
DO NOT throw away (dispose of ) loose needles in your household trash. 28 days after first use. Throw Away After:
If you do not have a FDA-cleared sharps disposal container, you may use a container that is:
• Leak-resistant
• Properly labeled to warn of hazardous waste inside the container
Contact Information
When your sharps disposal container is almost full, you will need to follow your community guidelines for the right way to dispose of your sharps disposal
container. There may be state or local laws about how you should throw away used needles. If you have questions, need help or for more information with your teriparatide injection delivery device, contact Alvogen, Inc. at 1-866-770-3024
or your healthcare provider.
For more information about safe sharps disposal, and for specific information about sharps disposal in the state that you live in, go to the FDA's website at:
Distributed by: Alvogen, Inc.
DO NOT dispose of your used sharps disposal container in your household trash unless your community guidelines permit this. Morristown, NJ 07960 USA
Revised: November 2019
DO NOT recycle your used sharps disposal container.