Grammar Basics 2

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Present Continuous Present Simple/Present Continuous

1 Complete the text with the correct form of the 4 Circle TWO correct answers.
verbs in brackets. Use the Present Continuous. 1. Matt ............................. eats at the cafeteria.
An important meeting is about to start at May & Co., a. rarely b. always c. at the moment
and all the employees are very busy. Mrs Guy, 2. Ellie distributes the mail ............................. .
the Marketing Director, (1) .................................................
a. now b. every day c. at 8 o’clock
(prepare) her presentation. The IT technicians
(2) ................................................. (set up) a video connection. 3. Is Becca studying ............................. ?
Sue (3) ................................................. (distribute) information a. now b. on Tuesdays c. at the moment
packs. Kelly and Jon (4) ................................................. (wait)
downstairs for the visitors. Lee and Geri 5 Complete the mini-dialogues with the verbs in
(5) ................................................. (check) that everyone has brackets. Use the Present Simple and Present
a seat. The receptionist (6) ................................................. Continuous.
(order) lunch for everyone. The secretary 1. A: Sam ................................................. (search) the Internet for
(7) ................................................. (get ready) to take minutes. a good restaurant.
2 Write questions with the words below using B: He should try Pepino’s. It’s great, I .................................................
the Present Continuous. Then answer the (go) there every weekend.
questions according to the information in 2. A: Hannah's late again. She often .................................................
Exercise 1. (miss) the bus.
1. Mrs Guy / type / a letter? B: Well, we ................................................. (not wait). Let’s go!
.................................................................................................................................. 3. A: I ................................................. (need) to speak to Susan
.................................................................................................................................. right now!
2. Lee and Geri / make sure / everyone has a seat? B: I’m sorry, she ................................................. (take) minutes for
.................................................................................................................................. Mr Hanes at the moment.
.................................................................................................................................. 4. A: ............................. you ............................. (look) for someone?
3. the receptionist / take / minutes? B: Yes. ............................. Pip Rogers ............................. (work) here?
.................................................................................................................................. I’ve got a parcel for him.
.................................................................................................................................. 5. A: Ms Grey, I ................................................. (want) to speak to the
team immediately!
3 Complete the sentences with the verbs below
B: I ................................................. (schedule) a meeting right now.
and the correct form of the Present Continuous.
search  live  not work  walk  not listen  order
not answer There is / There are;
1. Something’s wrong – Helen ................................................. Quantifiers and Determiners
the phone.
6 Choose the correct answer.
2. Paul ................................................. the Internet for job
From: Ms Jones Re: Office Supplies
Yesterday, I checked supplies in (1) a / an / the
3. I ................................................. right now, so I can help you
stockroom. I noticed that there are (2) some / many /
with your speech.
much toner cartridges, but not enough for the rest of
4. .............................. Tim .............................. to the office now? the month. (3) There are / There is / There aren't any
5. At the moment, Jonah and Beth ................................................. ring binders, so please add them to the list. We have
in a flat in the centre of town. got (4) a lot of / much / any pens and pencils, so we
6. I ................................................. office supplies – do you don’t need to order them this week. We haven’t got
need anything? (5) much / many / some yellow markers, but there are
two boxes of blue ones. We are running low on paper –
7. Pete and Joe ................................................. to the lecture
there isn’t (6) many / much / any on the shelf – only
because it’s not important.
one box.

How much / How many

7 Complete the questions with how much or
how many.
1. ................................................. folders do you want?
2. ................................................. sugar do you like in your coffee?
3. ................................................. money is in the bank account?
4. ................................................. chairs do we need for the meeting?

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