Grammar Basics 2
Grammar Basics 2
Grammar Basics 2
1 Complete the text with the correct form of the 4 Circle TWO correct answers.
verbs in brackets. Use the Present Continuous. 1. Matt ............................. eats at the cafeteria.
An important meeting is about to start at May & Co., a. rarely b. always c. at the moment
and all the employees are very busy. Mrs Guy, 2. Ellie distributes the mail ............................. .
the Marketing Director, (1) .................................................
a. now b. every day c. at 8 o’clock
(prepare) her presentation. The IT technicians
(2) ................................................. (set up) a video connection. 3. Is Becca studying ............................. ?
Sue (3) ................................................. (distribute) information a. now b. on Tuesdays c. at the moment
packs. Kelly and Jon (4) ................................................. (wait)
downstairs for the visitors. Lee and Geri 5 Complete the mini-dialogues with the verbs in
(5) ................................................. (check) that everyone has brackets. Use the Present Simple and Present
a seat. The receptionist (6) ................................................. Continuous.
(order) lunch for everyone. The secretary 1. A: Sam ................................................. (search) the Internet for
(7) ................................................. (get ready) to take minutes. a good restaurant.
2 Write questions with the words below using B: He should try Pepino’s. It’s great, I .................................................
the Present Continuous. Then answer the (go) there every weekend.
questions according to the information in 2. A: Hannah's late again. She often .................................................
Exercise 1. (miss) the bus.
1. Mrs Guy / type / a letter? B: Well, we ................................................. (not wait). Let’s go!
.................................................................................................................................. 3. A: I ................................................. (need) to speak to Susan
.................................................................................................................................. right now!
2. Lee and Geri / make sure / everyone has a seat? B: I’m sorry, she ................................................. (take) minutes for
.................................................................................................................................. Mr Hanes at the moment.
.................................................................................................................................. 4. A: ............................. you ............................. (look) for someone?
3. the receptionist / take / minutes? B: Yes. ............................. Pip Rogers ............................. (work) here?
.................................................................................................................................. I’ve got a parcel for him.
.................................................................................................................................. 5. A: Ms Grey, I ................................................. (want) to speak to the
team immediately!
3 Complete the sentences with the verbs below
B: I ................................................. (schedule) a meeting right now.
and the correct form of the Present Continuous.
search live not work walk not listen order
not answer There is / There are;
1. Something’s wrong – Helen ................................................. Quantifiers and Determiners
the phone.
6 Choose the correct answer.
2. Paul ................................................. the Internet for job
From: Ms Jones Re: Office Supplies
Yesterday, I checked supplies in (1) a / an / the
3. I ................................................. right now, so I can help you
stockroom. I noticed that there are (2) some / many /
with your speech.
much toner cartridges, but not enough for the rest of
4. .............................. Tim .............................. to the office now? the month. (3) There are / There is / There aren't any
5. At the moment, Jonah and Beth ................................................. ring binders, so please add them to the list. We have
in a flat in the centre of town. got (4) a lot of / much / any pens and pencils, so we
6. I ................................................. office supplies – do you don’t need to order them this week. We haven’t got
need anything? (5) much / many / some yellow markers, but there are
two boxes of blue ones. We are running low on paper –
7. Pete and Joe ................................................. to the lecture
there isn’t (6) many / much / any on the shelf – only
because it’s not important.
one box.