QX 4
QX 4
QX 4
Your INFINITI represents a new way of thinking INFINITI is dedicated to providing a satisfying
about car design. It integrates advanced engineer- ownership experience for as long as you own your
ing and superior craftsmanship with a simple,
comfortable trip for you and your
car. Should you have any questions regarding your
refined aesthetic sensitivity associated with tradi- INFINITI or your INFINITI dealer, please contact our passengers!
tional Japanese culture. Consumer Affairs department at 1-800-662-6200. ● Never drive under the influence of
In Hawaii 1-808-836-0848 (Oahu number). In alcohol or drugs.
The result is a different notion of luxury and beauty. Canada 1-800-363-4520. Thank you.
The car itself is important, but so also is the sense
of harmony that the car evokes in its driver, and the
● Always observe posted speed
sense of satisfaction you feel with the INFINITI limits and never drive too fast for
—from the way it looks and drives to the high level READ FIRST — THEN conditions.
of dealer service. DRIVE SAFELY
● Always use your seat belts and
To ensure that you enjoy your INFINITI to the Before driving your vehicle please read your appropriate child restraint sys-
fullest, we encourage you to read this Owner’s Owner’s Manual carefully. This will ensure
tems. Preteen children should be
Manual immediately. It explains all of the features, familiarity with controls and maintenance re-
seated in the rear seat.
controls and performance characteristics of your quirements, assisting you in the safe opera-
INFINITI; it also provides important instructions and tion of your vehicle. ● Always provide information about
safety information. the proper use of vehicle safety
A separate Warranty Information Booklet is to be features to all occupants of the
found in your Owner’s literature portfolio. Always
WARNING vehicle.
carry it with you when you take your INFINITI to an
authorized dealer. The portfolio contents provide IMPORTANT SAFETY ● Always review this Owner’s
complete information about all warranties covering INFORMATION Manual for important safety infor-
this vehicle, the periodic maintenance required to REMINDERS FOR SAFETY! mation.
keep the warranties in effect as well as the INFINITI
Roadside Assistance program. Follow these important driving rules
to help ensure a safe and
Z 97.9.7/JR50-D X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Seats............................................................ 1-2
Supplemental restraint system .................. 1-7
Supplemental air bag warning light .......... 1-15
Seat belts................................................... 1-16
Child restraints .......................................... 1-27
Z 97.9.8/ X
For most effective protection when
the vehicle is in motion, the seat
should be upright. Always sit well
back in the seat and adjust the seat
belt properly. See ‘‘Seat belts’’ later
in this section for precautions on
seat belt usage.
Z 97.9.9/ X
Operating tips
● The power seat motor has an auto-reset
overload protection circuit. If the motor Pressing the switch forward or backward will
stops during operation, wait 30 seconds, slide the seat forward or backward to the
then reactivate the switch. desired position.
Z 97.9.9/ X
SIP0140 SIP0141
Pull or lower either side of the switch to adjust Turn the lever forward or backward to adjust
the seat cushion to the desired angle and the seat lumbar area.
height. SIP0143
1. Remove the head restraints.
2. Pull the strap forward and fold the seat
cushion up.
3. Pull the lever and pull the seat back
forward to fold it down.
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
● After adjustment, check to be WARNING RESTRAINT SYSTEM
sure the seat is securely locked.
Head restraints should be adjusted MENTAL RESTRAINT SYS-
HEAD RESTRAINT ADJUST- properly as they may provide signifi- TEM
MENT cant protection against injury in an
accident. Do not remove them. This Supplemental Restraint System section
Adjust the head restraints so the top is level Check the adjustment after someone contains important information concerning the
with the tops of your ears. else uses the seat. driver and passenger supplemental air bags.
The Supplemental Restraint System Air Bag
ARMREST can help reduce impact force to the driver and
to the front passenger in certain frontal colli-
sions. The supplemental air bags are designed
to supplement the crash protection provided
by the driver and front passenger seat belts
and are not a substitute for them. Seat belts
should always be correctly worn. (See ‘‘Seat
belts’’ later in this section for instructions and
precautions on seat belt usage.)
To raise the head restraint, just pull it up. To SIP0146 After turning the ignition key to the ON
lower, push the lock knob and push the head position, the supplemental air bag
restraint down. Pull the armrest forward and lay it horizontal. warning light illuminates. The supple-
Z 97.9.9/ X
SIR0074 SIR0004
Z 97.9.9/ X
● The seat belts and the supple- If you are unrestrained, leaning ous or fatal injuries from the
mental air bags are most effec- forward, sitting sideways or out of supplemental air bag if you are
tive when you are sitting back and position in any way, you are at up against it when it inflates.
upright in the seat. Supplemental greater risk of injury or death in a Always sit back against the seat-
air bags inflate with great force. crash and may also receive seri- back and as far away as practical
Z 97.9.9/ X
from the steering wheel or instru- side the steering wheel rim could
ment panel. Always use the seat increase the risk that they are
belts. injured when the supplemental
air bag inflates.
● Keep hands on the outside of the
steering wheel. Placing them in-
Z 97.9.9/ X
● Never let children ride unre-
strained. Do not attempt to hold
them in your lap or arms. Some
examples of dangerous riding po-
sitions are shown in the previous
● Children may be severely injured
or killed when the supplemental
air bag inflates if they are not
SIR0010 SIR0011 properly restrained.
● Also never install a rear facing
child restraint in the front seat.
An inflating supplemental air bag
could seriously injury or kill your
child. See ‘‘Seat belts’’ later in
this section for infants and small
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
of the entire restraint system and ● Be sure the seat belt tongue is ● All seat belt assemblies including
increase the chance or severity of securely fastened to the proper retractors and attaching hardware
injury in an accident. Serious in- buckle. should be inspected after any col-
jury or death can occur if the seat lision by your INFINITI dealer.
● Do not wear the belt inside out or
belt is not worn properly. INFINITI recommends that all
twisted. Doing so may reduce its
seat belt assemblies in use dur-
● Always route the shoulder belt effectiveness.
ing a collision be replaced unless
behind your back over your shoul-
● Do not allow more than one per- the collision was minor and the
der and across your chest. Never
son to use the same belt. belts show no damage and con-
run the belt under your arm or
● Never carry more people in the tinue to operate properly. Seat
across your neck. The belt should
vehicle than there are seat belts. belt assemblies not in use during
be away from your face and neck,
a collision should also be in-
but not falling off your shoulder. ● If the seat belt warning light spected and replaced if either
● Position the lap belt as low and glows continuously while the ig- damage or improper operation is
snug as possible AROUND THE nition is turned ON with all doors noted.
HIPS, NOT THE WAIST. A lap belt closed and all seat belts fas-
worn too high could increase the tened, it may indicate a malfunc-
risk of internal injuries in an tion in the system. Have the sys-
accident. tem checked by your INFINITI
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.18/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
SIR0020 SIR0019
SIR0018 2. Slowly pull the seat belt out of the retractor The retractor is designed to lock during
1. Adjust the seat. and insert the tongue into the buckle until a sudden stop or on impact. A slow
it snaps. pulling motion will permit the belt to
move, and allow you some freedom of
movement in the seat.
Z 97.9.8/ X
3. Position the lap belt portion low and To unfasten the belt, press the button on the Checking seat belt operation
snug on the hips as shown. buckle. The seat belt will automatically retract.
Your seat belt retractors are designed to lock
4. Pull the shoulder belt portion toward the belt movement by two separate methods:
retractor to take up extra slack.
● When the belt is pulled quickly from the
The front passenger side seat belt and rear retractor.
three-point seat belts have a cinching mecha-
● When the vehicle slows down rapidly.
nism for child restraint installation. It is
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Selecting correct set of seat 1. Insert the tongue into the buckle marked
belts CENTER until it snaps.
The center seat belt buckle and tongue are
identified by the ‘‘CENTER’’ mark. The center
Z 97.9.8/ X
2. To lengthen, hold the tongue at a right 3. Position the lap belt low and snug on
angle to the belt and pull on the belt. the hips as illustrated.
To shorten, pull the free end of the belt
away from the tongue, then pull the belt
clip to take up the slack.
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Remember that a child restraint left
in a closed vehicle can become very
hot. Check the seating surface and SIR0029
buckles before placing your child in SIR0027 2. Route the seat belt tongue through the
the child restraint.
child restraint and insert it into the buckle
1. Position the child restraint on the seat as
until you hear and feel the latch engage. Be
illustrated. The direction of the child re-
INSTALLATION ON REAR sure to follow the child restraint manufac-
straint depends on the type of the child
SEAT CENTER POSITION turer’s instructions for belt routing.
restraint and the size of the child. Always
Front facing follow the restraint manufacturer’s instruc-
When you install a child restraint in a rear tions.
Z 97.9.9/ X
SIR0030 SIR0031
3. Remove all slack in the lap belt for a very 4. Before placing the child in the child
tight fit by pulling forcefully on the lap belt restraint, use force to tilt the child restraint
adjustment. from side to side, and tug it forward to
make sure it is securely held in place.
5. If it is not secure, try to tighten the belt
again, or put the restraint in another seat. 1. Position the child restraint on the seat as
illustrated. The direction of the child re-
6. Check to make sure the child restraint is straint depends on the type of the child
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
● The three-point belt in your ve-
hicle is equipped with a locking
mode retractor which must be
used when installing a child re-
straint. SIR0043
● Failure to do so will result in the SIR0041 2. Route the seat belt tongue through the
child restraint not being properly child restraint and insert it into the buckle
secured. It could tip over or oth- 1. Position the child restraint on the seat. The
until you hear and feel the latch engage.
erwise be unsecured and cause direction of the child restraint depends on
Be sure to follow the child restraint manu-
injury to the child in a sudden the type of the child restraint and the size
facturer’s instructions for belt routing.
stop or collision. of the child. Always follow the restraint
manufacturer’s instructions.
Z 97.9.9/ X
3. Pull on the shoulder belt until all of the 4. Allow the belt to retract. Pull up on the belt 5. Before placing the child in the child
belt is fully extended. At this time, the belt to remove any slack in the belt. restraint, use force to tilt the child restraint
retractor is in the automatic locking mode from side to side, and tug it forward to
(child restraint mode). It reverts back to make sure that it is securely held in place.
emergency locking mode when the belt is
6. Check that the retractor is in the automatic
fully retracted.
locking mode by trying to pull more belt
out of the retractor. If you cannot pull any
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
2. Route the seat belt tongue through the 3. Pull on the shoulder belt until all of the 4. Allow the belt to retract. Pull up on the belt
child restraint and insert it into the buckle belt is fully extended. At this time, the belt to remove any slack in the belt.
until you hear and feel the latch engage. retractor is in the automatic locking mode
Be sure to follow the child restraint manu- (child restraint mode). It reverts back to
facturer’s instructions for belt routing. emergency locking mode when the belt is
fully retracted.
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Anchor point attaching bolts are located under
Child restraint anchor points are de- the carpet of the rear luggage area floor.
signed to withstand only those loads
imposed by correctly fitted child re- When installing a top strap child restraint on
straints. Under no circumstances are the rear seat for the first time, consult your
they to be used for adult seat belts or INFINITI dealer for details.
The anchor bolt should be installed
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
3. Pull on the shoulder belt until all of the 4. Allow the belt to retract. Pull up on the belt 5. Before placing the child in the child
belt is fully extended. At this time, the belt to remove any slack in the belt. restraint, use force to tilt the child restraint
retractor is in the automatic locking mode from side to side, and tug it forward to
(child restraint mode). It reverts back to make sure that it is securely held in place.
emergency locking mode when the belt is 6. Check that the retractor is in the automatic
fully retracted. locking mode by trying to pull more belt
out of the retractor. If you cannot pull any
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
60 70 4 5
50 3
40 80
80 100
120 6
60 140 2
40 160
20 7
20 180 1
F 0 110 H
0 120 0 8
Z 97.9.8/ X
The speedometer indicates vehicle speed.
Changing the display
Odometer CAUTION
Push the reset knob to change the display as
The odometer records the total mileage the
follows: ODO → TRIP A → TRIP B → ODO When engine speed approaches the
vehicle has been driven.
red zone, shift to a higher gear.
Resetting the trip odometer
Operating the engine in the red zone
Push the reset knob for more than 1 second to may cause serious engine damage.
reset the trip odometer to zero.
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
In places where the terrestrial mag-
netism is extremely disturbed, the
initial correction procedure may
start automatically.
Z 97.9.9/ X
Charge warning light or Anti-lock brake warning High beam indicator light (Blue)
Door open warning light Automatic transmission park warning CRUISE indicator light
Seat belt warning light Automatic transmission oil temperature Malfunction indicator light (MIL)
warning light
Supplemental air bag warning light Four wheel drive warning light Four wheel drive indicator light
Low washer fluid warning light Overdrive off indicator light Transfer 4LO position indicator light
CHECKING BULBS The following lights come on briefly and then electrical system. Have the system repaired
go off: promptly.
Turn the ignition key to ON without starting
, or , ,
the engine. The following lights will come on:
, , or , , , If any light fails to come on, it may indicate a
burned-out bulb or an open circuit in the
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
HORN HEATED SEATS (if so ing on the temperature. The indicator light
equipped) in the switch will illuminate.
The heater is controlled by a thermostat,
automatically turning the heater on and off.
The indicator light will remain on as long
as the switch is on.
3. When the vehicle’s interior is warmed or
before you leave the vehicle, be sure to
turn the switch off.
To sound the horn, push the center pad area CAUTION
of the steering wheel. The front seats are warmed by built-in heaters.
The switches located on the instrument panel ● Do not use the seat heater for
can be operated independently of each other. extended periods or when no one
is using the seat.
1. Start the engine.
● Do not put anything on the seat
The battery could run down if the heater
which insulates heat, such as a
is operated while the engine is not
blanket, cushion, seat cover, etc.
Otherwise, the seat may become
2. Push the (Low) or (High) overheated.
position of the switch, as desired, depend-
Z 97.9.9/ X
● Do not place anything hard or ● Do not use with accessories that
heavy on the seat or pierce it with exceed a 12 volt, 120W (10A)
a pin or similar object. This may power draw. Do not use double
result in damage to the heater. adapters or more than one elec-
trical accessory.
● Any liquid spilled on the heating
seat should be removed immedi- ● Use this power socket with the
ately with a dry cloth. engine running. (If the engine is
stopped, this could result in a
● When cleaning the seat, never
discharged battery.)
use benzine, thinner, or any simi- SII0130
lar materials. ● Avoid using when the air condi-
tioner, headlights or rear window
● If any abnormalities are found or
CAUTION defogger is on.
the heating seat does not oper-
ate, turn the switch OFF and have ● When not in use, be sure to close
the system checked by your ● Take care as the socket and plug the cap. Do not allow water to
INFINITI dealer. may be hot during or immediately contact the socket.
after use.
● Before inserting or disconnecting
● This power socket is not designed a plug, be sure to turn off the
for use with a cigarette lighter power switch of electrical acces-
unit. sory being used or the ACC power
Z 97.9.9/ X
The cigarette lighter socket is a
power source for the cigarette
lighter element only. The use of the
cigarette lighter socket as a power
source for any other accessory is not
Z 97.9.9/ X
The coin tray should not be used The glasses case should not be used
while driving in order that full atten- while driving in order that full atten-
tion may be given to the driving tion may be given to the driving
operation. operation. SII0132
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
● The center console box should not
be used while driving in order
that full attention may be given to
the driving operation.
● Keep the center console box lid
closed while driving to prevent
injury in an accident or a sudden
SII0135 SII0136
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
● Properly secure all cargo to help
prevent it from sliding or shifting.
SIP0175 Do not place cargo higher than
the seatbacks. In a sudden stop or
collision, unsecured cargo could
cause personal injury.
● Be sure to secure all four hooks
into the retainers. The cargo re-
strained in the net must not ex-
ceed 30 lbs. (13.6 kg) or the net
may not stay secured.
Z 97.9.9/ X
● Never put anything on the ton-
neau cover, no matter how small.
Any object on it could cause an
injury in an accident or sudden
Z 97.9.9/ X
The cross-bars can be adjusted forward and Weight Rating (GAWR front and rear). The
backward. Place your luggage between the GVWR and GAWR are located on the Safety WARNING
bars (A), adjust the bars (A), and secure the Compliance Certification Label (located on the
luggage with rope to the bars (A). There are driver’s door pillar). For more information ● Make sure that all passengers
also adjustable loops on the side bars for the regarding GVWR and GAWR, refer to ‘‘10. have their hands, etc. inside the
rope attachment. Technical and customer information’’. vehicle before closing the win-
Always evenly distribute the luggage on the Ensure both front and rear bars (A) are
luggage rack. Do not load more than 100 installed correctly. See illustration for ● Do not leave children unattended
lbs. (45 kg). Be careful that your vehicle details. inside the vehicle. They could
does not exceed the Gross Vehicle Weight unknowingly activate switches or
Rating (GVWR) or its Gross Axle
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
The sun roof will only operate when the To tilt down the sunroof, keep pushing the
ignition key is in the ON position. side.
Z 97.9.9/ X
● Remove water drops, snow, ice
or sand from the sunroof before
SII0145 opening.
● Do not place any heavy object on SII0146
the sunroof or surrounding area.
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Keys............................................................. 3-2
Doors........................................................... 3-2
Multi-remote control system....................... 3-5
Hood ............................................................ 3-9
Back door .................................................... 3-9
Rear window ............................................. 3-10
Fuel filler lid............................................... 3-11
Tilting steering wheel ................................ 3-13
Sun visors ................................................. 3-14
Mirrors....................................................... 3-14
Z 97.9.8/ X
Record the key number on the key number ● Always have the doors locked
plate and keep it in a safe place (such as your while driving. Along with the use
wallet), NOT IN THE CAR. A key number plate of seat belts, this provides
is supplied with your key. Keep the plate in a
Z 97.9.9/ X
To lock the door, turn the key toward the front
of the vehicle. To lock from the outside without a key, move
To unlock, turn it toward the rear. the inside lock knob to the Lock position.
Then close the door.
Locking the front door will simultaneously
lock the other doors. When locking the door this way, be certain not
to leave the key inside the vehicle.
The inside lock knob of the front door cannot
be set to the Lock position with front doors
opened and with the key in the ignition. If this
is attempted, all doors will unlock.
Z 97.9.8/ X
lock all doors including the back door. ● Operating the lock-unlock switch will lock
If the front doors are open with the key or unlock all doors including the back
in the ignition when the inside lock door.
knob is set to the lock position, all the
door knobs will lock then quickly unlock
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
the hood to fly open and result in
an accident.
● If you see steam or smoke coming
from the engine compartment, to
avoid injury do not open the hood.
1. Pull the hood lock release handle located 4. When closing the hood, reset the assist
below the instrument panel; the hood will bar to its original position, then slowly
then spring up slightly. close the hood and make sure it locks into
2. Pull the lever at the front of the hood with place.
your fingertips and raise the hood.
3. Insert the assist bar into the slot in the WARNING
front edge of the hood.
● Make sure the hood is completely SIP0132
closed and latched before driv-
ing. Failure to do so could cause
Z 97.9.9/ X
● Always check the back door has
been closed securely to prevent it SIP0193 Do not open the rear window unless
from opening while driving. the wiper is in the stowed position.
● Do not drive with the back door
open. This could allow dangerous To open the rear window, turn the key fully
exhaust gases to be drawn into clockwise and pull the handle. To close, lower
the vehicle. See ‘‘Precaution and push the rear window down securely.
when starting and driving’’ in the
Z 97.9.9/ X
Do not drive with the rear window
open. This could allow dangerous
exhaust gases to be drawn into the
vehicle. See ‘‘Precaution when
starting and driving’’ in the ‘‘5.
To open the rear window from the inside, push Starting and driving’’ section for ex-
the rear window opener switch and pull the haust gas.
● The rear window opener will operate FUEL FILLER LID
while automatic transmission selec-
tor lever into P or N position.
● The rear window will not open while
the rear window wiper is operating.
Open the rear window after the rear
window wiper returns to the STOP
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
cause the malfunction indi- WHEEL WARNING
cator light (MIL) to illuminate. If
this occurs, it will be necessary to Do not adjust the steering wheel
take your vehicle in for service by while driving. You could lose control
an authorized INFINITI dealer. of your vehicle and cause an
Push the lock lever and while holding it down,
adjust the steering wheel up or down to the
SIP0135 desired position.
Put the fuel filler cap on the cap holder while
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.10/ X
Z 97.9.10/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.10/ X
Z 97.9.10/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
STARTING AND DRIV- collision, unsecured cargo could ● Do not park the vehicle with the
ING cause personal injury. engine running for any extended
length of time.
WARNING EXHAUST GAS (Carbon mon- ● Keep the back door and rear win-
oxide) dow closed while driving, other-
● Do not leave children, unreliable wise exhaust gases could be
adults, or pets alone in your ve- WARNING drawn into the passenger com-
hicle. They could accidentally in- partment. If you must drive with
Do not breathe exhaust gases. They the back door or rear window
jure themselves or others through
contain colorless and odorless car- open follow these precautions:
inadvertent operation of the ve-
bon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is
hicle. Also, on hot, sunny days, 1. Open all the windows.
dangerous. It can cause uncon-
temperatures in a closed vehicle
sciousness or death. 2. Set the air recirculation
could quickly become high
enough to cause severe or possi- ● If you suspect that exhaust fumes switch OFF and the fan con-
bly fatal injuries to people or are entering the vehicle, drive trol at high to circulate the
animals. with all windows fully open, and air.
have the vehicle inspected imme- ● If electrical wiring or other cable
● Properly secure all cargo to help
diately. connections must pass to a trailer
prevent it from sliding or shifting.
Do not place cargo higher than ● Do not run the engine in closed through the seal on the trunk lid
the seatbacks. In a sudden stop or spaces such as a garage.
Z 97.9.9/ X
or the body, follow the manufac- b. You suspect that exhaust fumes WARNING
turer’s recommendation to pre- are entering into the passenger
vent carbon monoxide entry into compartment. ● The exhaust gas and the exhaust
the vehicle. system are very hot. Keep
c. You notice a change in the sound
● If a special body on other equip- of the exhaust system. people, animals or flammable
ment is added for recreational or materials away from the exhaust
d. You have had an accident involv- pipe.
other usage, follow the manufac-
ing damage to the exhaust sys-
turer’s recommendation to pre- ● Do not stop or park the vehicle
tem, underbody, or rear of the
vent carbon monoxide entry into over flammable materials such as
the vehicle. (Some recreational dry grass, waste paper or rags.
vehicle appliances such as They may ignite and cause a fire.
stoves, refrigerator, heaters, etc. THREE WAY CATALYST
may also generate carbon monox- The three way catalyst is an emission control
ide.) device installed in the exhaust system. Ex- CAUTION
● The exhaust system and body haust gases in the three way catalyst are
should be inspected by a quali- burned at high temperatures to help reduce ● Do not use leaded gasoline. De-
fied mechanic whenever: pollutants. posits from leaded gasoline seri-
ously reduce the three way cata-
a. The vehicle is raised for service. lyst ability to reduce exhaust
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
● Do not drive across steep slopes. Your vehicle could tip or roll over. ● Avoid raising the center of gravity
Instead drive either straight up or Always back straight down in re- by loading things on the roof or
straight down the slopes. Offroad verse gear. Never back down in equipping the vehicle with tires
vehicles can tip over sideways neutral (N), using only the brake, larger than specified in this
much more easily than they can as this could cause loss of con- manual. This could cause your
forward or backward. trol. vehicle to rollover. Put heavy
● Many hills are too steep for any loads in the cargo area as far
● Heavy braking going down a hill
vehicle. If you drive up them, you forward and as low as possible.
could cause your brakes to over-
may stall. If you drive down them, heat and fade, resulting in loss of ● Do not grip the inside or spokes of
you may not be able to control control and an accident. Apply the steering wheel when driving
your speed. If you drive across brakes lightly and use a low gear offroad. The steering wheel could
them, you may roll over. to control your speed. jerk and injure your hands. In-
● Stay alert when driving to the top stead drive with your fingers and
● Unsecured cargo can be thrown
of a hill. At the top there could be thumbs on the outside of the rim.
around when driving over rough
a drop-off or other hazard that terrain. Properly secure it so that ● Before operating the vehicle, en-
could cause an accident. it will not be thrown forward and sure that the driver and all pas-
● If your engine stalls or you cannot cause injury to you or your sengers have their seat belts
make it to the top of a steep hill, passengers. fastened.
never attempt to turn around.
Z 97.9.9/ X
● Always drive with the floor mats studless tires) or install tire nance’’ in the ‘‘9. Maintenance’’
in place as the floor may become chains to the rear wheels when section for maintenance under
very hot. Particular care should driving on slippery roads (for ex- severe driving conditions.
be taken if you are barefoot. ample, after a snow) and drive
● Lower your speed when encoun- IGNITION SWITCH
tering strong crosswinds. With its ● Be sure to check the brakes im-
The switch includes an anti-theft steering lock
higher center of gravity, your mediately after driving in mud or
INFINITI is more affected by gusty water. See ‘‘Brake system’’ later
side winds. Slower speeds en- in this section for wet brakes.
sure better vehicle control.
● Avoid parking your vehicle on
● Do not drive beyond the perfor- steep hills. If you get out of the
mance of the tires even with vehicle and it rolls forward, back-
4WD. ward or sideways, you could be
Accelerating quickly, sharp steer-
ing maneuvers or sudden braking ● Whenever you drive off-road
may cause loss of control. through sand, mud or water as
deep as the wheel hub, more
● Install the same size of winter
frequent maintenance may be re- LOCK (Normal parking position) (0)
tires on all four wheels (such as
quired. See ‘‘Periodic mainte-
The ignition key can only be removed when
the switch is in this position.
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
SIS0018 SIS0019
Z 97.9.8/ X
Use for hill climbing or engine braking on Do not downshift into the 1 position at speeds
downhill grades or starting on slippery roads. over the following speed and do not exceed
the following speeds in the 1 position:
Push in the selector lever button and move the H (2WD AUTO):
selector lever from the D to 2 position. 30 MPH (50 km/h)
H (LOCK): SIS0033
Do not downshift into the 2 position at speeds
over the following speeds and do not exceed 30 MPH (50 km/h)
Each time your vehicle is started, the trans-
the following speeds in the 2 position: 4LO:
mission is automatically reset to overdrive on.
10 MPH (15 km/h)
ON: For normal driving the Overdrive
switch is engaged. The transmission
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
If the selector lever cannot be moved To apply: pull the lever up.
SIS0035 from the P position while the engine
To release:
is running and the brake
1. Firmly apply the foot brake.
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
b) Push and hold the COAST/SET switch. ● The cruise indicator may sometimes blink Do not drive over the following speed
Release the switch when the vehicle slows when the cruise control switch (Main limits:
switch) is turned ON while pushing the H position:
down to the desired speed.
RES/ACCEL switch or COAST/SET switch 50 MPH (80 km/h)
c) Push, then quickly release the COAST/SET 4LO position:
or CANCEL switch (located on the steering
switch. Each time you do this, the set 30 MPH (50 km/h)
wheel). To properly set the cruise control
speed will decrease by about 1 MPH (1.6
system, perform the steps above in the or- ● Do not accelerate hard in top gear.
der indicated. (This is a fail-safe mode.
● Avoid quick starts and full acceleration.
To resume the preset speed, push and Turn the main switch OFF and turn it ON
release the resume set switch. The vehicle will again without pushing the set switch to re- ● Avoid hard stops as much as possible.
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
In this case, torque distribution is
in the vicinity of the LOCK condi-
tion. Be careful as tight braking
phenomenon will occur, or the
The 4WD indicator light is located in the
vehicle may become difficult to
tachometer. turn. If the vehicle is operated for
The light should turn off within 1 second after some time, the 4WD indicator
turning the ignition switch to ON. light indication changes to AUTO.
While the engine is running, the four wheel ● If the 4WD indicator light indica-
drive indicator light will illuminate the posi- tion changes to 2WD when the
tion selected by the transfer shift lever and/or 4WD shift switch is shifted to the
4WD shift switch.
Z 97.9.9/ X
If the warning light comes on or
blinks during operation, have your
Z 97.9.9/ X
HILLS tion. This could result in serious
personal injury or property
Safe parking procedures require that
both the parking brake be set and the
WARNING the H or 4LO position and the transmission placed into P (Park).
parking brake must be set to pre- Failure to do so could cause the
vent the vehicle from rolling. vehicle to move unexpectedly or roll
● Do not park the vehicle over flam-
away and result in an accident.
mable materials such as dry ● Never place the transfer shift le- Make sure the shift lever has been
grass, waste paper or rags. They ver in the N position, otherwise, pushed as far forward as it can go
may ignite and cause a fire. the vehicle could roll unexpect- and cannot be moved without de-
edly even if the automatic trans- pressing the button at the end of the
● The transfer shift lever must be in
mission is in the P posi- lever.
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
downshifting too fast, the drive ● Snow can trap dangerous exhaust
wheels will lose even more trac- gases under your vehicle. Keep
tion. snow clear of the exhaust pipe
and from around your vehicle.
● Allow more stopping distance un-
der these conditions. Braking
should be started sooner than on ENGINE BLOCK HEATER (if
dry pavement. so equipped)
● Allow greater following distances An engine block heater to assist extreme cold
on slippery roads. temperature starting is available through your
● Watch for slippery spots (glare INFINITI dealer.
ice). These may appear on an
otherwise clear road in shaded WARNING
areas. If a patch of ice is seen
ahead, brake before reaching it. Do not use your heater with an un-
Try not to brake while actually on grounded electrical system or two-
the ice, and avoid any sudden pronged (cheater) adapters. You can
steering maneuvers. be injured by an electrical shock if
● Do not use cruise control on slip- you use an ungrounded connection.
pery roads.
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
● Do not insert the jack rod straight
as it is designed to be inserted
● Make sure the rod tip fits in the
fitting portion of the spare tire
hanger and turn the rod.
● Be sure to center the spare tire
suspending plate on the wheel
and then lift the spare tire.
Z 97.9.9/ X
● Never get under the vehicle while
it is supported only by the jack.
● Use only the jack provided with
your vehicle. Do not use the jack
Jacking up the vehicle and re- The jack should be used on level provided with your vehicle on
moving the damaged tire firm ground. other vehicles.
The jack is designed only for lift-
Carefully read the following instruc- 3. Loosen each wheel nut one or two turns by ing your vehicle during a tire
tions. turning counterclockwise with the wheel change.
nut wrench.
1. Put the adapter stored in the tool bag on ● Use the correct jack up points;
the jack when jacking up the front side. Do not remove the wheel nuts until the never use any other part of the
tire is off the ground. vehicle for jack support.
Do not use the jack adapter for the
rear. 4. Carefully raise the vehicle until the tire ● Never jack up the vehicle more
clears the ground. To lift the vehicle, than necessary.
2. Place the jack directly under the jack-up
securely hold the jack lever and rod with
both hands as shown above. Remove the
Z 97.9.10/ X
Z 97.9.10/ X
Z 97.9.10/ X
Z 97.9.10/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
● When towing, make sure that the
transmission, axles, steering sys-
tem and power train are in work-
ing condition. If any unit is dam-
aged, dollies must be used.
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Do not spin your tires at high speed.
This could cause them to explode
and result in serious injury. Parts of
your vehicle could also overheat and
be damaged.
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
CLEANING EXTERIOR a shady area or protect the vehicle with a body Avoid leaving water spots on the paint surface
cover. by using a damp chamois to dry the vehicle.
In order to maintain the appearance of your
vehicle, it is important to take proper care of Be careful not to scratch the paint
it. surface when putting on or removing CAUTION
the body cover.
In the following cases, please wash your ● Do not use strong household
vehicle as soon as possible to protect the WASHING soap, strong chemical deter-
paint surface. Thoroughly rinse surface dirt off the vehicle gents, gasoline or solvents.
● After a rainfall to prevent possible damage with a wet sponge and plenty of clean water. ● Do not wash the vehicle in direct
from acid rain. Clean the vehicle thoroughly using a mild sunlight or while the vehicle body
soap such as Nissan Car Wash, or a general is hot, as the surface may be-
● After driving on coastal roads
purpose dishwashing liquid mixed with clean, come water-spotted.
● When contaminants such as soot, bird lukewarm (never hot) water. Rinse the vehicle
● Avoid using tight-napped or rough
droppings, tree sap, metal particles or again with plenty of clean water.
cloths, such as washing mitts.
bugs get on the paint surface Inside flanges, seams and folds on the doors, Care must be taken when remov-
● When dust or mud builds up on the hatches and hood are particularly vulnerable ing caked-on dirt or other foreign
surface to the effects of road salt. Therefore, these substances so that the paint sur-
areas must be regularly cleaned. Make sure face is not scratched or damaged.
Whenever possible, store or park your vehicle that the drain holes in the lower edge of the
inside a garage or in a covered area. door are open. Spray water under the body
When it is necessary to park outside, park in and in the wheel wells to loosen the dirt and
wash away road salt.
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
CLEANING INTERIOR more difficult stains or soiled surfaces. See your vehicle and are properly posi-
your INFINITI dealer for assistance in choos- tioned in the footwell to prevent inter-
Occasionally remove loose dust from the
ing the proper product. ference with pedal operation. Mats
interior trim, plastic parts and seats using a
should be maintained with regular clean-
vacuum cleaner or soft brush.
CAUTION ing and replaced if they become exces-
When interior trim or seats are stained, clean sively worn.
immediately as follows:
● Never use benzine, thinner or any Floor mat positioning aid
● Wipe clean using a clean, soft damp cloth similar material.
and a neutral detergent. Wipe off all traces
● The leather seats should be regu-
of the detergent with another clean soft
larly coated with a leather wax
damp cloth, finishing with a soft dry cloth.
like saddle soap. Never use car
● If the above method does not remove the wax.
stains, etc., rub the affected area using a
soft wet brush and a neutral detergent. ● Never use fabric protectors un-
Wipe off all traces of the detergent with a less recommended by the manu-
clean soft damp cloth, finishing with a soft facturer.
dry cloth. SIA0005
Before using any fabric protector, read the FLOOR MATS This model includes a front floor mat bracket
manufacturer’s recommendations. Some fabric The use of genuine floor mats can extend the to act as a floor mat positioning aid. INFINITI
protectors contain chemicals that may stain or life of your vehicle carpet and make it easier to floor mats have been specially designed for
bleach the seat material. clean the interior. No matter what mats your vehicle model. The driver side floor mat
INFINITI offers vinyl and leather cleaner for are used, be sure they are fitted for has a grommet hole incorporated in it. Simply
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
● Always check for minor damage to the ● See your INFINITI dealer for
paint and repair it as soon as possible.
● Keep drain holes at the bottom of the
Chemicals used for road surface de-icing are
doors open to avoid water accumulation.
extremely corrosive. They accelerate corrosion
● Check the underbody for accumulation of and deterioration of underbody components
sand, dirt or salt. If present, wash with such as the exhaust system, fuel and brake
water as soon as possible. lines, brake cables, floor pan and fenders.
In winter, the underbody must be
CAUTION cleaned periodically.
For additional protection against rust and
● NEVER remove dirt, sand or other
corrosion, which may be required in some
debris from the passenger com-
areas, consult your local INFINITI dealer.
partment by washing it out with a
hose. Remove dirt with a vacuum
cleaner or broom.
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
CAUTIONS ● If you must work with the engine vehicle, support it with safety
When performing any inspection or mainte- running, keep your hands, cloth- stands.
ing, hair and tools away from
nance work on your vehicle, always take care ● Keep smoking materials, flame
to prevent serious accidental injury to yourself moving fans, belts and any other
and sparks away from fuel and
or damage to the vehicle. The following are moving parts.
general precautions which should be closely ● It is advisable to remove ties and
observed. ● The fuel filter or fuel lines should
any jewelry, such as rings,
be serviced by an INFINITI dealer
watches, etc. before working on
because the fuel lines are under
WARNING your vehicle.
high pressure even when the en-
● Always wear eye protection gine is off.
● Park the vehicle on a level sur- whenever you work on your ve-
face, apply the parking brake se- hicle.
curely and block the wheels to
prevent the vehicle from moving. ● If you must run the engine in an CAUTION
Move the selector lever to P enclosed space such as a garage,
(Park). be sure there is proper ventilation ● Do not work under the hood while
for exhaust gases. the engine is hot. Turn off the
● Be sure to turn the ignition key to engine and wait until it cools
the OFF or LOCK position when ● Never get under the vehicle while
performing any replacement or it is supported only by a jack. If it
repair. is necessary to work under the ● Never connect or disconnect ei-
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Fill the radiator slowly with the proper
mixture of coolant and water. Fill the
reservoir tank slowly up to the MAX level.
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
The fluid level should be checked using the SID0092 SID0093
HOT range (L & H marks) on the dipstick at
fluid temperatures between 122 and 176°F 1. Park the vehicle on a level surface and set 3. Check the fluid level with the engine
(50 and 80°C) after the vehicle has been the parking brake. idling.
driven approximately 5 minutes in urban areas 2. Start the engine and then move the selec- 4. Expand the spring stopper and remove the
after the engine is warmed up. The level can tor lever through each gear range ending dipstick. Wipe it clean with lint-free paper.
be checked at fluid temperatures between 86 in P (Park).
and 122°F (30 and 50°C) using the ‘‘COLD’’ 5. Reinsert the dipstick into the charging pipe
range on the dipstick for reference, after the as far as it will go.
engine is warmed up but before driving. 6. Remove the dipstick and note the reading.
However, the fluid level must be rechecked If the level is at the low side of either
using the HOT range. range, add fluid to the charging pipe.
7. When inserting the dipstick, set it so that
the spring stopper presses the upper part
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
2. Remove spark plugs with a spark plug 3. Check each new spark plug gap with a
wrench. (Type A or B) feeler gauge. Correct it as required.
4. Install spark plugs.
CAUTION When installing a plug, turn it in two or
three turns by hand and then tighten
Be sure to use the correct wrench to
with a spark plug wrench. Be careful
remove the plugs. An incorrect
not to overtighten it.
wrench can cause damage.
SID0102 Tightening torque:
14 to 22 ft-lb (20 to 29 Nzm)
5. Reconnect the spark plug cables to their
original positions.
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
If you wax the surface of the hood, be
Make sure the wiper blade contacts careful not to let wax get into the
washer nozzle. This may cause clog-
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
If any electrical equipment does not operate, 5. If the fuse is open, replace it with a new
The headlight is a semi-sealed beam type
check for an open fuse. fuse.
which uses a replaceable headlight (halogen)
1. Be sure the ignition key and the headlight 6. If a new fuse opens again, have the bulb. A bulb can be replaced from inside the
switch are OFF. electrical system checked and repaired by engine compartment without removing the
your INFINITI dealer. headlight assembly.
2. Pull to open the fuse box cover/coin tray.
3. Pull the fuse box cover/coin tray horizon-
tally to remove it.
4. Remove the fuse with the fuse puller.
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Back-up 27 1156
High mounted stop light 5 168
Spot light 8 —
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
TIRES AND WHEELS affect tire life and vehicle handling. Tire pres-
sure should be checked when the tires are serious accident. Loading beyond
If you have a flat tire, see ‘‘Flat tire’’ in
COLD. Tires are considered COLD after the the specified capacity may also
the ‘‘6. In case of emergency’’ section.
vehicle has been parked for three or more result in failure of other vehicle
TIRE PRESSURE hours, or driven less than 1 mile (1.6 km). components.
COLD tire pressures are shown on the tire
Maximum inflation pressure ● Before taking a long trip, or
placard affixed to the center console lid. whenever you have loaded your
vehicle heavily, use a tire pres-
WARNING sure gauge to ensure that the tire
pressure is at the specified level.
● Improperly inflated tires can fail ● Do not drive your vehicle over 85
suddenly and cause an accident. MPH (140 km/h) unless it is
● The vehicle weight capacity is equipped with high speed capa-
indicated on the tire placard. Do bility tires. Driving faster than 85
not load your vehicle beyond this MPH (140 km/h) may result in tire
capacity. Overloading your ve- failure, loss of control and pos-
Do not exceed the maximum inflation pres- hicle may result in reduced tire sible injury.
sures shown on the side wall of the tire. life, unsafe operating conditions
due to premature tire failure, or
Tire inflation pressure unfavorable handling characteris-
Periodically check the tire pressure (including tics and could also lead to a
spare). Incorrect tire pressure may adversely
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
NOTE: (1) If operating mainly in dusty conditions, more frequent maintenance may be required.
(2) If vehicle is operated under extremely adverse weather conditions or in areas where ambient temperatures are either extremely low or extremely high,
the filters might become clogged. In such an event, replace them immediately.
(3) After 60,000 miles (96,000 km) or 48 months, replace every 30,000 miles (48,000 km) or 24 months.
. Maintenance items and intervals with * are recommended by INFINITI for reliable vehicle operation. The owner need not perform such maintenance
in order to maintain the emission warranty or manufacturer recall liability. Other maintenance items and intervals are required.
Z 97.9.8/ X
NOTE: (1) If towing a trailer, using a camper or a car-top carrier, or driving on rough/muddy roads, change (not just inspect) fluid (A/T, all mode 4WD transfer)/oil at every
30,000 miles (48,000 km) or 24 months except for LSD, and change LSD gear oil at every 15,000 miles (24,000 km) or 12 months for LSD.
(2) The propeller shaft should be re-greased daily if it is immersed in water.
(3) If operating frequently in water, replace grease every 3,750 miles (6,000 km) or 3 months.
(4) Inspect the supplemental air bag system 10 years after the date of manufacture noted on the F.M.V.S.S. certification label.
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.18/ X
Z 97.9.18/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Supplemental air bags are designed to inflate
in higher severity frontal collisions. When the
supplemental air bag system receives a signal
from the diagnosis sensor unit, the supple-
mental air bags inside the supplemental air
bag modules fill with gas, inflating instantly.
This, in conjunction with the seat belts, helps
to cushion the impact force to the occupants’
face and chest.
A supplemental air bag system is provided on
the front passenger side in addition to the
driver side.
Z 97.9.10/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Use of any other refrigerant or lubri-
cant will cause severe damage and
you will need to replace your vehi-
cle’s entire air conditioning system.
Z 97.9.10/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Rear lb (kg)
* With luggage rack
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
SIT0044 SIT0046
The number is stamped on the engine as
The number is stamped as shown. shown. The Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard
(F.M.V.S.S.) certification label is affixed as
shown. This label contains valuable vehicle
information, such as: Gross Vehicle Weight
Ratings (GVWR), Gross Axle Weight Rating
(GAWR), month and year of manufacture,
Vehicle Identification Number, (VIN), etc. Re-
view it carefully.
Z 97.9.8/ X
SIT0047 SIT0049
The cold tire pressure is shown on the tire
The emission control information label is placard affixed to the glove box lid. The air conditioner specification label is at-
attached as shown. tached as shown.
Z 97.9.8/ X
VEHICLE LOADING IN- following terms before loading your vehicle: example, a luggage rack, bike carrier, cartop
FORMATION carrier or similar equipment does not increase
● Curb Weight (actual weight of your ve-
load carrying capacity of your vehicle.
hicle) - vehicle weight including: standard
WARNING and optional equipment, fluids, emergency To determine vehicle load capacity:
tools, and spare tire assembly. This weight
Vehicle weight can be determined by using a
● It is extremely dangerous to ride does not include passengers and
commercial-grade scale, found at places such
in a cargo area inside of a ve- cargo.
as a truck stop, gravel quarry, grain elevator,
hicle. In a collision, people riding
● GVW (Gross Vehicle Weight) - curb weight or a scrap metal recycling facility.
in these areas are more likely to
plus the combined weight of passengers
be seriously injured or killed. 1) Determine the curb weight of your vehicle.
and cargo.
● Do not allow people to ride in any 2) Compare the curb weight amount to the
● GVWR (Gross Vehicle Weight Rating) -
area of your vehicle that is not GVWR specified for your vehicle to deter-
equipped with seats and seat maximum total weight (load) limit speci-
mine how much more weight your vehicle
belts. fied for the vehicle.
can carry.
● Be sure everyone in your vehicle ● GAWR (Gross Axle Weight Rating) - maxi-
3) After loading (cargo and passengers), re-
is in a seat and using a seat belt mum weight (load) limit specified for the
weigh your vehicle to determine if either
properly. front or rear axle.
GVWR or GAWR for your vehicle is ex-
DETERMINING VEHICLE ceeded. If GVWR is exceeded, remove
TERMS LOAD CAPACITY cargo as necessary. If either the front or
The load capacity of this vehicle is determined rear GAWR is exceeded, shift the load or
It is important to familiarize yourself with the
by weight, not by available cargo space. For remove cargo as necessary.
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
REPORTING SAFETY other information about motor vehicle If a powertrain system component is repaired
DEFECTS (US only) safety from the Hotline. or the battery is disconnected, the vehicle may
You may notify INFINITI by contacting our be reset to a not ready condition. Before taking
If you believe that your vehicle has a the I/M test, drive the vehicle through the
defect which could cause a crash or could Consumer Affairs Department, toll-free, at
1-800-662-6200. following pattern to set the vehicle to the ready
cause injury or death, you should imme- condition. If you cannot or do not want to
diately inform the National Highway Traf- In Hawaii call 1-808-836-0848
perform the driving pattern, an INFINITI dealer
fic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in READINESS FOR can conduct it for you.
addition to notifying INFINITI. INSPECTION/
If NHTSA receives similar complaints, it MAINTENANCE (I/M)
may open an investigation, and if it finds
that a safety defect exists in a group of Due to legal requirements in some Always drive the vehicle in a safe
vehicles, it may order a recall and remedy states/areas, your vehicle may be required to manner according to traffic condi-
campaign. However, NHTSA cannot be- be in what is called the ready condition for an tions and obey all traffic laws.
come involved in individual problems Inspection/Maintenance (I/M) test of the emis-
between you, your dealer, or INFINITI. sion control system.
1. Start the engine when the engine coolant
To contact NHTSA, you may either call The vehicle is set to the ready condition when temperature gauge needle points to C.
the Auto Safety Hotline toll-free at 1-800- it is driven through certain driving patterns. Allow the engine to idle until the gauge
424-9393 (or 366-0123 in Washington, Usually, the ready condition can be obtained needle points between the C and H (nor-
D.C. area) or write to: NHTSA, U.S. by ordinary usage of the vehicle. mal operating temperature).
Department of Transportation, Washing-
ton, D.C. 20590. You can also obtain 2. Accelerate the vehicle to 55 MPH (88
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X
Z 97.6.19/ X
Z 97.9.9/ X
Z 97.9.8/ X