Paraurethral Cyst: A Case Report: Central European Journal of
Paraurethral Cyst: A Case Report: Central European Journal of
Paraurethral Cyst: A Case Report: Central European Journal of
Meltem Ceyhan1*, Mehmet Selim Nural1, Tülin Oztas1, İlkay Koray Bayrak1,
Riza Rizalar2
Department of Radiology, Ondokuzmayis University, Faculty of Medicine,
55139 Samsun, Turkey
Department of Pediatric Surgery, Ondokuzmayis University,
Faculty of Medicine, 55139 Samsun, Turkey
Abstract: P
araurethral or Skene’s duct cyst is a rare cause of masses located in the inter-labial genitor-urinary region and their etiology is not fully
known. These congenital cysts may be diagnosed easily by inspection in the initial physical examination of the new-borne. Radiological
evaluation is helpful for differential diagnosis and in determining the proximal extension of the cystic pathology. Treatment alternatives
are needle aspiration and non-surgical follow-ups leading to a spontaneous regression and surgery. In this report the radiological find-
ings of a female newborn diagnosed with paraurethral cyst in US and MR examinations have been discussed.
Keywords: Paraurethral congenital cyst • Newborn’s non-malignant urogenital tumor • Skene’s duct cyst • Ultrasound • MRI
* E-mail:
Paraurethral cyst: A case report
Figure 1. The mass in the interlabial region is seen on the midline, Figure 2. US examination shows the proximal segment of the cyst
posterior to the urethral orifice. is seen to lie between the urethra and vagina. U:Urethra;
M. Ceyhan et al.
Needle aspiration and excision have been used in Paraurethral cysts in the newborn should always be
the treatment of paraurethral cysts and they both have considered in the differential diagnosis of the masses
been reported to have equal success. In our case, cyst located in the interlabial region. As seen in the case
excision was preferred and performed immediately presented here, US and MRI examinations are quite
because of the size of the mass and to avoid the helpful in diagnosing the masses located in this region
obstructive urinary complications. The post surgical and, if present, defining the concomitant pathologies,
period is uneventful and no complication was observed. and in the planning of the methods of treatment
Microscopic pathological findings are consisted with the alternatives.
presumptive clinical and surgical diagnosis with typical
multiply layer epithelial benign cells appearances.
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