Electron Beam Lithography at The Center For Nanotechnology
Electron Beam Lithography at The Center For Nanotechnology
Electron Beam Lithography at The Center For Nanotechnology
E beam lithography
PMMA Chrome Quartz
>20 nm PMMA
System Interface
FEI Sirion Schottky Field Emission SEM: Lower saturation current Stable Beam DesignCAD vector drawing program Beam Blanking System Nanometer Pattern Generating System (NPGS)
System Interface
E beam Exposure
Pattern written as a series of interconnected dots with user adjustable spacings.
Polygon/Array of Dots
Sample Preparation
NUF houses all necessary equipment for sample preparation and development : 950k PMMA 1%, 3%, 6% in Anisole Spin Coater Pre/Postbake heat sources Developer solution (IPA:MIBK 3:1) Gold sputter coating
Beam Optimization
Demonstrate high resolution imaging (>100000x) on Gold standard sample. Beam Optimization: Lens Alignment Stigmation
Beam Optimized?
Improper Stigmation Adjustment
Beam Blanker
45 V applied to two parallel plates within beam path. Deflects beam, forcing the beam off axis. Beam position moves according to Center to Center distance as designated by the user.
Beam Blanker
Vector Writing Program User Specified Sweep Position Area Doses for filled Polygons Line Doses for high resolution line structures
NPGS Parameters
User defined parameters: Writing field magnification calculated by DesignCAD Center to Center Distance Measured Beam Current Energy of Dose Line Dose vs. Area Dose Controls exposure time
Line Dose: Use for small scale, fine featured structures C->C spacing close ~100 Angstrom Low Energy Dose ~ 1.5 nC/cm Area Dose: Use for writing large scale C->C spacing close ~ 100 Angstrom High Energy Dose ~ 250 C/cm2
Area Dose
Higher Energy Dose = Longer Exposure Time Used to Fill Polygons
Filled Polygons
Contribution from Electron Substrate Collisions Forward Scattering Collisions off resist Backward Scattering Collisions off substrate Proximity Effect Secondary Electrons Dispersion of primary beam electrons Main contribution to exposed resist