TSH Ip 53.0079 - 01
TSH Ip 53.0079 - 01
TSH Ip 53.0079 - 01
Inspection Procedure
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For PVD Qualification Document Type Inspection Procedure
Document Number TSH-IP-53.0079
Thread Start Pilots and Counterbores
Wedge Threads Revision 01
Page Number 2
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For PVD Qualification Document Type Inspection Procedure
Document Number TSH-IP-53.0079
Thread Start Pilots and Counterbores
Wedge Threads Revision 01
Page Number 3
2.1 The Purpose of this document describes the describes the thread start pilots and counter bore for
Wedge connections.
5.1 Definitions and Abbreviations are defined in the most current revision of TenarisHydril document
6.1 Responsibilities are defined in the most current revision of TenarisHydril document
7.1 Personnel qualification is defined in the most current revision of TenarisHydril document
8.1 Inspection:
Four styles of thread pilot/counterbores diameter configuration exist for Wedge connections.
These styles are easily identified on the licensee product drawing by the pictorial and
dimensional configuration as per the Inspection Report. These styles are:
d) Box counterbore plus thread clip diameter and associated length specified.
Due to tolerance stackups and machining sequence, it is possible for there to be tool marks in the
pilot or counterbore region for b) and d) These marks are caused by the portion of the threading
insert which machines the root surface dragging on the pilot or counterbore diameter. These
For PVD Qualification Document Type Inspection Procedure
Document Number TSH-IP-53.0079
Thread Start Pilots and Counterbores
Wedge Threads Revision 01
Page Number 4
marks are allowable provided they are in lead, they are flat in the pilot/counterbore area within
0.002” total variation across the entire in any surface plane, and the parts remain within actual
part tolerance limits.
Note: Threading insert tool marks are not allowed on this pilot diameter
Typical of Type 5X3 connector pin ends – This configuration consist of a machined pilot
diameter to a length specified on the licensee product drawing. The end of the polit is
truncated with a chamfer specified on the licensee product drawing.
Note: Threading insert tool marks are not allowed on this pilot diameter.
8.1.2 Pin Pilot or Box Counterbore Diameter Specified But No Length Specificed
Typical of Type 5X1 connector pin ends and most Type 5X1/5X3 connector box ends. This
configuration consists of a machined pilot/counterbore diameter with a length that is
associated with the start of full form thread. The end of the pilot/counterbore diameter is
truncated by either a tool radius or a tool radius and machined flat perpendicular to the
pilot/counterbore diameter. The end of the tool radius or machined flat edge shall occur
within a 0.063” wide region starting from the stabbing flank crest in the plane of full form
thread start and extending back towards the end of the pin/box. The pilot/counterbore
diameter can trincate into the blunted thread start provided it falls within the 0.063” region.
Typical of large diameter Type 5X1/5X3 connector box end. – This configuration has no
separate machined counterbore surface. The region normally known as a counterbore is
machined with the threading insert during the threading operation. As such, this region is
tapered and has no discernible ending length.
End of box chamfers which contact this style of tapered counterbore surface may not be
consistent in width plus may contain tool marks which pass through them due to machining
practices. These marks are allowable provded no sharp edges or burrs remain and all
other product requirements are meet.
Typical of box ends for Types 511, 521, 511, 523 – This configuration consist of both a
machined outer counterbore diameter plus a separate machined thread clipping diameter
which reduces the height of the thread form within the first pitch. Diameters and lengths
for both features shall be specified on the licensee product drawing.
Theoretically, the intial full form thread start would coincide with the end of the outer
counterbore similar to the end of pilot in section 9.0 However, ,with this configuration, an
additional thread clipping diameter has been added. This thread clipping diameter starts at
the end of the outer counterbore and extends for approximately one stabbing flank pitch
axially into the box connector.
For PVD Qualification Document Type Inspection Procedure
Document Number TSH-IP-53.0079
Thread Start Pilots and Counterbores
Wedge Threads Revision 01
Page Number 5
This causes the first pitch of threads to have a full form root but not a full form crest. The
actual full form thread height is approximately one pitch back from the end of the outer
A machined counterbore is followed by a small blunt thread start ramp which extends to
the thread clipping diameter. The clipping diameter extends for approximately one pitch
and is followed by another blunt thread start which extends to the full form thread start (full
form stabbing flank thread height).
The outer counterbore can be truncate into the first blunted thread start using criteria
similar to section 9.0. The 0.063” wide region begins at the point where the stabbing flank
intersects with the clipping diameter and extends back towards the end of the box. Both
blunted thread starts must reside within the same 90 degree quadrant, seperated by
approximately one pitch of clipped thread.
8.1.5 Measurements
The measurement shall be performed with a caliper from the face of the
connection to the stab flank.
The measurement shall be performed with a caliper from the face of the
connection to the stab flank.
Full Form Thread Start shall be within the limits prescribed on the Inspection Report.
8.3 Records
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