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Class: 64NNA-BP1 Presenting Group:4

Criteria Scor
1. Did the group identify the problem clearly? (Yes/No) 10/1
The problem is: +N4 :choose between 2 boats(first boat concludes seniority and 0
children and second concludes healthy teenager)

2. Did they mention the options & their pros & cons? 0/10
- Option 1 :

- Option 2:

3. Was the solution convincing with thorough explanation? 5/10

- Solution: +N4 :Yes

- Explanation:
4. Did they mention the steps/ strategies they should do to maximize the 5/10
effectiveness of the solutions? Strategies/ Steps:

5. Did they pronounce individual sounds well? (Yes/ No) 5/10

- Some mispronounced sounds:

6. Did they speak fluently? 3/10

- Did they have many pauses?

7. Did they use grammar correctly? 3/10

- Some grammar mistakes:

8. Did they use a wide range of vocabulary? 5/10

- Examples of good use of vocab:

9. Did they exceed the time limit? (The time limit is 15 mins) 10/10
The presentation lasts …7…. minutes
10. Did they have a good performance? (creative play/talk show) 5/10

Student name: …………………………. From group: ……………….

Presenting Group: 5

Criteria Scor
1. Did the group identify the problem clearly? (Yes/No) 10/1
The problem is: +N5 : Student feels pressure after two years studying with her 0
majority choice.

3. Did they mention the options & their pros & cons? 10/1
- Option 1 +N5 : Change major 0

Option 2 +N5: continue studying that major.

4. Was the solution convincing with thorough explanation? 10/1
- Solution: N5: Yes 0

- Explanation: she doesn’t want to give up easy; she could create better study
4. Did they mention the steps/ strategies they should do to maximize the 7/10
effectiveness of the solutions? Strategies/ Steps:

5. Did they pronounce individual sounds well? (Yes/ No) 7/10

- Some mispronounced sounds:

6. Did they speak fluently? – no (Thảo, Hà: ok) 7/10

- Did they have many pauses?

7. Did they use grammar correctly? 8/10

- Some grammar mistakes:

8. Did they use a wide range of vocabulary? 7/10

- Examples of good use of vocab:

9. Did they exceed the time limit? (The time limit is 15 mins) 10/10
The presentation lasts …8…. minutes
10. Did they have a good performance? (creative play/talk show) 7/10
- good idea to make a talkshow

TOTAL 83/10

Presenting Group: 6

Criteria Scor
1. Did the group identify the problem clearly? (Yes/No) 10/1
The problem is: 0
+N6: The daughter wants to learn different major from her mom's choice.

4. Did they mention the options & their pros & cons? 10/1
- Option 1 +N6 :listen to grandma's advice that is considered carefully about 0
mom's choice in career

Option 2 +N6 : listen to her friend's advice that is following her dream major
and makes her mom proud.
5. Was the solution convincing with thorough explanation? 6/10
- Solution: N6: Yes

- Explanation: she wants to follow her dream, thinks about her mother’s advice
carefully and makes her mom proud
4. Did they mention the steps/ strategies they should do to maximize the 10/1
effectiveness of the solutions? Strategies/ Steps: 0

5. Did they pronounce individual sounds well? (Yes/ No) 7/10

- Some mispronounced sounds:

6. Did they speak fluently? – pause many times 8/10

- Did they have many pauses?

7. Did they use grammar correctly? 8/10

- Some grammar mistakes:

8. Did they use a wide range of vocabulary? 6/10

- Examples of good use of vocab:

9. Did they exceed the time limit? (The time limit is 15 mins) 10/10
The presentation lasts …8…. minutes
10. Did they have a good performance? (creative play/talk show) 8/10
- Short skit: perform well

TOTAL 83/10

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