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Information: A Heart Disease Prediction Model Based On Feature Optimization and Smote-Xgboost Algorithm

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A Heart Disease Prediction Model Based on Feature
Optimization and Smote-Xgboost Algorithm
Jian Yang * and Jinhan Guan

School of Information, Shanxi University of Finance and Economics, Taiyuan 030006, China
* Correspondence: yangj@sxufe.edu.cn

Abstract: In today’s world, heart disease is the leading cause of death globally. Researchers have
proposed various methods aimed at improving the accuracy and efficiency of the clinical diagnosis
of heart disease. Auxiliary diagnostic systems based on machine learning are designed to learn
and predict the disease status of patients from a large amount of pathological data. Practice has
proved that such a system has the potential to save more lives. Therefore, this paper proposes a new
framework for predicting heart disease using the smote-xgboost algorithm. First, we propose a feature
selection method based on information gain, which aims to extract key features from the dataset
and prevent model overfitting. Second, we use the Smote-Enn algorithm to process unbalanced
data, and obtain sample data with roughly the same positive and negative categories. Finally, we
test the prediction effect of Xgboost algorithm and five other baseline algorithms on sample data.
The results show that our proposed method achieves the best performance in the five indicators
of accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score and AUC, and the framework proposed in this paper has
significant advantages in heart disease prediction.

Keywords: feature selection; smote-xgboost; heart disease prediction

Citation: Yang, J.; Guan, J. A Heart

Disease Prediction Model Based on
Feature Optimization and 1. Introduction
Smote-Xgboost Algorithm. Cardiovascular disease, which is mostly caused by heart disease, causes over one-third
Information 2022, 13, 475. https:// of all annual deaths globally [1]. Many academics have developed heart disease diagnostic
doi.org/10.3390/info13100475 systems by utilizing machine learning to obtain useful information from existing medical
Academic Editor: Anirban databases in an effort to change the current situation. Using these diagnostic tools can assist
Bandyopadhyay clinical decisions on a medical diagnosis, speed up the diagnosis process, and uncover
disease-related knowledge that will save the lives of more people.
Received: 20 July 2022
When making a disease diagnosis, there is a great deal of information on the patient’s
Accepted: 27 September 2022
pathology, which is expressed in the dataset as a good amount of features [2]. Each feature
Published: 2 October 2022
has a unique effect on the disease diagnosis results. Often, a few major features contribute
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral to the diagnosis of the presence or absence of disease. Applying some feature selection
with regard to jurisdictional claims in methods before training the model can help with selection of some key features, thus
published maps and institutional affil- leading to good prediction results in a shorter period of time. Most disease datasets have
iations. an imbalanced distribution, with more samples falling into the negative category and fewer
samples falling into the positive category. The distribution of the dataset can be modified
using specific data processing techniques, which will rebalance it and boost the validity of
the model.
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.
Machine learning algorithms had a significant advantage in dealing with problems
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
with complex and nonlinear features. A number of diseases classification and prediction
This article is an open access article
challenges, including early warning for Electrocardiogram (ECG) detection [3] and predic-
distributed under the terms and
conditions of the Creative Commons
tion related to congenital heart disease [4], have been successfully addressed by the use of
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
several algorithms, including LR, SVM, and KNN, etc.
Ensemble learning [5] is the basis for the construction of many machine learning
4.0/). algorithms. The fundamental idea is to combine the advantages of several poor classifiers

Information 2022, 13, 475. https://doi.org/10.3390/info13100475 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/information

Information 2022, 13, 475 2 of 15

to produce a model with superior overall performance. Bagging and boosting are the
two primary model combination techniques; bagging integrates multiple underfitting
weak classifiers, and boosting integrates multiple overfitting weak classifiers. Xgboost
is an efficient implementation of ensemble learning, whose main idea is boosting and
introducing regular terms in the objective function to prevent overfitting.
We propose a heart disease prediction model by employing the smote-xgboost al-
gorithm. The model was trained using real pathological data from cardiac patients.
Among them, Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events (MACCE) are the prediction tar-
get, and the occurrence of MACCE is a key indicator to evaluate the success of coronary
heart disease surgery. In summary, we make important contributions as follows.
• To remove the crucial features from the dataset, an information gain-based feature
selection method is used.
• Use a technique that combines undersampling and oversampling to handle uneven
data on the selected dataset.
• Using the preprocessed dataset, validate efficacy of xgboost. Additionally, assess the
ability of the xgboost algorithm with five baseline methods using a confusion matrix.
The remaining portions of the essay are structured as follows. Section 2 summarizes
the most recent research on heart disease prediction. Section 3 is a brief description of the
dataset and an introduction to the algorithms applied in the framework. Section 4 is a
statistical description of the dataset and a comparison and evaluation of the experimental
models, and Section 5 provides a conclusion and outlook.

2. Related Work
One of the major applications of machine learning in recent years has been the predic-
tion of heart disease, which has had some success. Some scholars have concentrated on the
innovation of data processing techniques such as feature selection, and some scholars have
focused on innovation from the perspective of prediction algorithms.
Modepalli et al. [6] utilized a new model (DT + RF) to predict the occurrence (or
non-occurrence) of heart disease. They chose the UCI dataset to validate the reliability
of the hybrid model, comparing the prediction outcomes of the hybrid model and any
single algorithm in the hybrid model, respectively. It is found that the hybrid model has a
significant advantage over the single algorithm in terms of performance in the evaluation
metric of accuracy, with a 7% to 9% improvement.
Joo et al. [7] used a dataset of cardiovascular disease with the same features but
different years of return visits to train the model. The authors selected 25 features from the
dataset by combining health examination results and questionnaire responses, and used
four machine learning models to predict the 2-year and 10-year cardiovascular disease
risk, respectively. In particular, they found that the accuracy of each model improved
somewhat if physician medication information was taken into account when performing
feature selection, and that medication information had a strong effect on the prediction of
short-term data in this study.
Li et al. [8] put out a feature selection approach fast conditional mutual information
(FCMIM) based on conditional mutual information. They employed four common feature
selection algorithms and FCMIM on the Cleveland dataset and used six machine learning
algorithms to train the model. The results suggested the use of this novelty feature selection
method, with the highest accuracy of 92.37% for the combination of FCMIM and SVM.
Ali et al. [9] used a feature fusion technique to process low-dimensional data extracted
from medical records and sensor data. Then, they employed a feature selection strategy
relating to information gain and feature ranking to obtain the dataset. They achieved
prediction accuracy of 98.5% by applying an ensemble deep learning algorithm.
Rahim et al. [10] applied an oversampling technique to balance the data, and also used
the mean value method to fill in the missing values and feature importance method for
feature selection. They selected three datasets (including the Framingham dataset and the
Cleveland dataset). After data preprocessing on each of the three datasets, the predictive
Information 2022, 13, 475 3 of 15

effectiveness of the new ensemble model (KNN and LR) with and without feature selection
was compared. The results fully validated the advantages of the new ensemble model,
in which the accuracy of the new model with feature selection was as high as 99.1%.
Ishaq et al. [11] used the feature importance of random forest to rank the features and
select the features with higher scores, and also employed the SMOTE technique to balance
the data. They compared the prediction performance of nine commonly used algorithms on
data treated with SMOTE and on unbalanced data without treatment, where it was found
that the prediction accuracy of each model was significantly improved on balanced data.
Khurana et al. [12] found that SVM outperformed all other machine learning algo-
rithms when testing their results on the Cleveland dataset by applying five feature selection
techniques. The prediction accuracy of each machine learning algorithm improved to
a different extent after applying the feature selection methods, where the feature selec-
tion methods with Chi-Square and information gain were applied. The accuracy of the
combination of Chi-Square and information gain and SVM both reached 83.41%.
Ashri et al. [13] applied a genetic-algorithm-based feature selection Simple Genetic
Algorithm (SGA) and trained model by using UCI dataset. Two algorithms with the highest
accuracy were selected to propose a hybrid ensemble learning model based on decision
trees and random forests, and found that the accuracy of the ensemble learning model
reached 98.18%.
Bashir et al. [14] proposed a new ensemble learning combinatorial voting approach,
in which four datasets were selected from the UCI database to validate six machine learning
algorithms and five ensemble models with a combination of these six algorithms. They
found that the accuracy of the ensemble models was generally greater compared to the
individual algorithms, in which the average accuracy of the five ensemble models reached
83%. The proposed combination can be extended to bagging and boosting to further
improve the accuracy.
In conclusion, data preprocessing, such as data standardization and feature selection,
can effectively raise the value of the dataset and greatly enhance the accuracy of a model.
Additionally, ensemble learning models perform well when dealing with heart disease.
The main point of this study is to employ the ensemble learning algorithm Xgboost on a
heart disease dataset after performing feature selection and imbalance processing. Finally,
by contrasting xgboost with other standard algorithms, the effectiveness and accuracy of
the suggested framework in predicting heart disease are confirmed.

3. Method
Figure 1 shows the heart disease prediction framework proposed in this paper.

3.1. Dataset
This paper uses the return visit data of real patients in a hospital as the research sample.
We named this the Heart Disease Dataset (HDD). The dataset has a total of 4232 samples
and 37 features, including numeric and categories. The predictive target is major adverse
cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events (MACCE), where zero indicates no occurrence
and one indicates occurrence.

3.2. Data Preprocessing

Data processing is a vital stage before training, since the quality of the data will directly
affect the predictions made by the model. We use the following approach to handle missing
values. For class variables, we create a new class to represent the null values; for numeric
variables, we eliminate the feature columns with missing values rates greater than 70%,
citing them as invalid, and replace the remaining feature columns with missing values with
the mean values. We also normalize the data using the maximum–minimum norm method
to enhance the data’s relevance. The formula is as follows.

H o − H min
H= × ( NHmax − NHmin ) + NHmin (1)
H max − H min
Information 2022, 13, 475 4 of 15

where H refers to the normalized value, H o refers to the original value, H min refers to the
minimum, H max refers to the maximum, NHmax and NHmin refers to the range of values
taken by the transformed dataset, usually NHmax = 1, NHmin = 0. In this paper, H is taken
as the experimental dataset whose range lies in the interval [0,1].

Feature Data Balancing
Training set Preprocessing
Selection Using Smote-Enn


Training model New dataset

Feature Predictable Performance
Testing set
Selection model evaluation

Figure 1. The process of the proposed framework

3.3. Feature Selection Based on Information Gain

An information-gain-based feature selection method [15] is used on HDD to remove
redundant and useless features in terms of choosing features that have a significant effect
on the result. In Algorithm 1, the IGFS pseudocode is included.

Algorithm 1: The pseudo code of IGFS.

Input : Heart Disease Dataset HDD;
Information gain threshold ga;
Feature set FS;
Process :
1 FS = ∅; // records the highest gain
2 foreach feature f i in HDD do
3 Calculate the information gain g of f i ;
4 if g > ga then
5 Add feature f i and g to FS;
Output : Feature set FS

To decrease feature dimensionality and enhance model prediction, the information in

the selected feature set is used as the input features for prediction. It should be emphasized
that the feature selection must retain the key task-related traits, and an information-gain-
based feature selection method is employed in our study. The prime objective of the method
is to quantify a feature’s importance in terms of information gain; the more information a
feature has that contributes to classification, the higher its information gain. The formula
below is used to determine the gain.

E( X ) = − ∑ pi log2 pi (2)

E( ) = P( X = v) E( ) (3)
X X=v
Information 2022, 13, 475 5 of 15

IG ( X, Y ) = E(Y ) − E(
) (4)
where Equation (2) denotes the information entropy of feature X, Equation (3) denotes the
information entropy of prediction column Y when feature X is known, and Equation (4)
denotes the information gain, and the information gain of feature X is the difference
between the information entropy of prediction column Y and the conditional entropy
of both. Different information gain values are taken for various features in the dataset,
and these values are sorted. The features with gains larger than the threshold are regarded
as essential features that should be selected. The following is its pseudo code.
After the above preprocessing and feature selection, we get a total of 3527 sample data,
as well as 15 features and 1 predicted label. The following Table 1 provides a description of
the preprocessed HDD.

Table 1. Description of Features.

Index Feature Type Description

1 Sex category Man = 1; Female = 0

2 Stable_CAD category Stable CAD = 0; Unstable CAD = 1
3 Age numeric Age in years, [20, 86]
4 CVD_history category Ischemic cerebrovascular disease = 0; Hemorrhagic cerebral vascular diseases = 1
5 Smoke category No smoking history = 0; Have smoking history = 1
6 nitrate category Hospitalization without nitrate = 0; Hospitalization with nitrate = 1
7 LVEF numeric Left ventricular ejection fraction, [18, 88]
8 HBG numeric Hemoglobin, [55, 193.2]
9 BUN numeric Blood urea nitrogen, [0.7, 119.0]
10 TC numeric Total cholesterol, [73, 589]
11 SCV_number numeric SCV_number, [0, 3]
12 DM category No diabetes mellitus = 0; Having diabetes mellitus = 1
13 REV_type category PCI = 1; CABG = 2
14 LM_lesion category No LM_lesion = 0; Having LM_lesion = 1
15 ASA category Hospitalization without ASA = 0; Hospitalization with ASA = 1
16 MACCE category No MACCE = 1; Occurrence of MACCE = 1

3.4. Imbalance Data Processing Based on Smote-Enn

Due to the low prevalence of most diseases, the distribution of medical datasets is
typically imbalanced, exhibiting significant differences in the number of samples from
various categories in the dataset. When the model is trained with imbalanced datasets, the
performance and dependability of the model are decreased. Table 2 shows the category
distribution of the target MACCE of the unbalanced HDD employed in this paper, where
the ratio between 0 (not occurring) and 1 (occurring) reached 9:1.

Table 2. The distribution of MACCE in HDD.

MACCE 0 1 Total

Number 3204 323 3527

Percentage 90.84% 9.16% 100%

To obtain balanced data, there are three basic strategies: (1) expanding the sample
size from the minority class (oversampling); (2) decreasing the number of samples from
the majority class (undersampling); and (3) combining undersampling and oversampling.
The undersampling method removes samples from the majority class at random, which
may lead to a loss of crucial information that has a considerable impact on the learning
Information 2022, 13, 475 6 of 15

task. The oversampling method directly resamples samples from the minority class, which
may result in overfitting of the model. Furthermore, several researchers have shown that
mixed methods are superior to single methods when processing datasets [16,17].
In this research, a hybrid technique called SMOTE-ENN [18] is utilized to handle
imbalanced data. SMOTE is an oversampling algorithm that employs a method of in-
terpolating samples from the minority class. By removing samples that do not fall into
the categories that account for the majority of the k-nearest neighbor samples, the ENN
algorithm, which is an undersampling algorithm, decreases the amount of samples from
the majority class. In this paper, the SMOTE algorithm is used to undersample the category
of MACCE of one until the balance between the samples in the majority and minority
groups is reached. Then, the ENN algorithm is applied to remove the overlapping samples
in each of the two categories until the dataset is rebalanced. Using this hybrid technique,
the minority class of HDD has a proportion of 61.67 percent, increasing from 9.16 percent.
In Algorithm 2, the SMOTE-ENN pseudocode is included.

Algorithm 2: The pseudo code of Smote-Enn.

Input : Heart Disease Dataset HDD;
Process :
1 foreach sample si in the minority class of HDD do
2 Calculate the K-nearest neighbor samples ksi of si ;
3 Construct a new data sample ns = si + (sbi − si )) + δ;
4 Add the generated sample ns to HDD;
5 foreach sample hi in HDD do
6 if hi class <> majority class of k-nearest neighbors then
7 Remove hi ;
Output : Balanced dataset HDD

3.5. XGBoost
Xgboost is an implementation of the ensemble learning algorithm boosting [19].
The fundamental principle of the Xgboost is to train the model using residuals. The out-
come of the most recent tree training is utilized as the input for the subsequent iteration,
and the error is progressively decreased over numerous serial iterations. Finally, all weak
learners are linearly weighted to produce the ensemble learner.
Additionally, when training the Xgboost tree, the effective splitting point is chosen
using an information-gain-based greedy algorithm. To better optimize the objective func-
tion, Xgboost uses a second-order Taylor expansion to approximate the objective function,
and the optimal solution is the quadratic optimal solution. Furthermore, a regular term is
added to regulate the spanning tree’s complexity, lowering the possibility of overfitting the
model. The loss function is as follows

∑[ L(yi , ybl t−1 ) + f t (xi )) + 2 Ln ](yi , ybl t−1 ) + f t2 (xi ) + Ω( f t ))
f obj = (5)

λ∑ Tj ||Wj ||2 + γT
Ω( f t ) = (6)
Wj stands for the leaf node weights, T stands for the total number of nodes, and λ and
γ are hyperparameters that control the node complexity.
The Xgboost technique utilizes the shrinkage strategy [20] to ensemble weak learn-
ers and decrease the likelihood of overfitting the model. This ensemble takes the form
shown below.

Fm ( X ) = Fm−1 ( X ) + η f m ( X ), 0 < η < 1 (7)

Information 2022, 13, 475 7 of 15

where f m ( X ) denotes the mth iteration to generate the weak learner and Fm ( X ) denotes
the mth iteration to generate the integrated learner. Since the parameter η has a strong
negative correlation with the number of iterations, the model often has better generalization
properties when η has a smaller value.
Moreover, Xgboost adopts the Parzen estimation tree strategy to automatically op-
timize the hyperparameters in the model for optimal prediction, as well as the block
technique to enhance the capability of the model to handle large amounts of data and
improve its training efficiency.

3.6. Baseline Alogorithms

Five machine learning methods are chosen as the baseline algorithms in this paper.
This research compares the prediction performance of the baseline algorithm with Xgboost
to illustrate the utility of Xgboost in predicting heart disease. The following is an overview
of the baseline algorithms.

3.6.1. Random Forest

RF [21] is an ordinary bagging algorithm. Unlike conventional decision trees, RF trains
each classifier using a randomly chosen subset of the dataset and a randomly chosen subset
of the features. Each trained classifier produces different prediction results for the same
input. Voting for the ouput of each trained classifier, typically using the plurality or the
mean, leads to the final prediction result. As the features of the algorithm are randomly
divided, it will increase the diversity of its classifiers and thus enhance the model’s capacity
for generalization.

3.6.2. K-Nearest Neighbor

KNN [22] is a form of lazy learning in which KNN learns after receiving the test
samples, and the time overhead of the algorithm training samples is zero. The algorithm in
the test sample will utilize the distance as the metric to find the k sample points that are
closest to each test sample point, and it will use the category information of the k sample
points as the judgment basis. The category with the greatest percentage of the k sample
points is typically utilized as the test sample in the binary classification issue.

3.6.3. Logistic Regression

LR [23] is a variant of the linear regression algorithm. For the binary classification
issue, Logistic Regression applies a logistic function to convert values predicted by a linear
regression technique into discrete values (i.e., zero and one) if the predicted value is larger
than zero, then one otherwise. Below is a diagram of the logistic function.

p= (8)
1 + e−y

3.6.4. Decision Tree

DT [24] is a widely used classification algorithm, which can be categorized into three
types according to the varied methods of generating trees. These categories include the
decision tree based on information gain, which represents the ID3 tree, the decision tree
algorithm based on gain rate, which represents the C4.5 tree, and the decision tree based
on the Gini index, which represents the CART tree. The decision tree algorithm will also
employ prepruning and postpruning procedures to prevent overfitting and enhance the
system’s capacity for generalization.

3.6.5. Naïve Bayes

NB [25] is a classification algorithm based on event probability and misclassifica-
tion loss. The main advantage of NB is that it adopts the attribute conditional indepen-
dence assumption strategy to avoid the combinatorial explosion problem that occurs when
Information 2022, 13, 475 8 of 15

computing posterior probabilities. According to the attribute conditional independence

assumption, the class conditional probabilities are recast as follows.

P(C )
P(C | x ) =
p( x ) ∏ P ( xi |C ) (9)
i =1

The test results are then categorized in accordance with the corresponding probability.

Cnb = argmaxP(C ) ∏ P( xi |C ) (10)
i =1

4. Performance Evaluation
4.1. Result of Exploratory Data Analysis
Exploratory data analytics were carried out on this dataset to better understand its charac-
teristics. The following subsection provides a description of the analyses’ observations.
The frequency distribution histogram provides a rapid overview of the data’s disper-
sion and central tendency. The distribution of various features is visually represented by
the height of each rectangle in Figure 2, which shows the frequency of occurrence of the
values. Additionally, the ability of the model to predict outcomes is impacted by the degree
of feature correlation.

sex Stable_CAD CVD_history DM

3000 4000 4000
3000 3000



2000 2000 2000
1000 1000
1000 1000
0 0 0 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 0.0 0.5 1.0
Value Value Value Value
nitrate LM_lesion ASA smoke
4000 4000 3000




3000 2000
2000 2000
1000 1000
1000 1000
0 0 0 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 0.0 0.5 1.0
Value Value Value Value
REV_type age LVEF HBG
3000 1000 1500




750 1000
2000 750
500 500
1000 500
250 250
0 0 0 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 0.0 0.5 1.0
Value Value Value Value
2000 2000 3000
1500 1500




1000 1000
1000 1000
500 500

0 0 0 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 0.0 0.5 1.0
Value Value Value Value

Figure 2. The frequency distribution histogram of HDD.

Information 2022, 13, 475 9 of 15

In this paper, we utilize Pearson correlation coefficients to calculate the correlation

coefficients between features and a heat map to show the level of correlation between
features. Each row and each column in Figure 3 represent the correlation coefficient
between the corresponding features. It can be inferred that the chosen features have
independent effects on the prediction column MACCE, since each feature’s correlation
coefficient in the figure is less than 0.5.




















































Figure 3. The correlation matrix of features.

4.2. Cross Validation

In this paper, the training and test sets are produced using the five-fold cross-validation
approach. The dataset is initially sampled in layers to produce 5 subsets (D1-D5) that are
mutually exclusive, equal in size, and have a dependable distribution. We use one subset
as the test set and the remaining subsets as the training set in each round. The average of
the five sets of results are then used to get the final result. Figure 4 shows a schematic of
the five-fold cross-validation approach.

Testing set

Training set
Split 5 times

D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 Result 1

D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 Result 2
Average Performance
D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 Result 3 Evaluaation

D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 Result 4

D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 Result 5

Figure 4. Graphical representation of 5-fold cross-validation.

Information 2022, 13, 475 10 of 15

4.3. Performance Measure

The prediction performance of the algorithm is evaluated in this research using five
performance measures based on the confusion matrix. Figure 5 illustrates the binary
classification problem’s confusion matrix structure. Distinct predicted and true values can
be merged into four cases: TP, TN, FP, and FN.

Predicted class


0(Negative) TN(True Negative) FP(False Positive)


1(Positive) FN(False Negative) TP(True Positive)

Figure 5. Confusion matrix.

Using the data from the confusion matrix, the four evaluation indicators can be
calculated using the formula below.

Accuracy = (11)
TP + FP + TN + FN
Precision = (12)
Recall = (13)
1 Precision · Recall
F1 − Score = × (14)
2 Precision + Recall
The ROC curve is a tool for examining the capacity of an algorithm for generalization.
The False Positive Rate (FPR) is its horizontal axis and the True Positive Rate (TPR) is its
vertical axis, both of which are calculated as follows.

TPR = (15)
FPR = (16)
Moreover, the Area Under ROC Cure (AUC) reflects how well a model predicts
heart disease.

4.4. The Performance of Algorithms

In this section, the six algorithms are trained using a five-fold cross-validation method,
and the proposed framework is validated using preprocessed HDD. The confusion matrix
for the six algorithms is displayed in Table 3, which shows in detail the percentage of the
number of the four cases TP, FP, TN, FN in the prediction results of the six algorithms.
Table 4 depicts the average performance of the six different algorithms on five metrics:
Accuracy, Precision, Recall, F1-score, and AUC.
Information 2022, 13, 475 11 of 15

Table 3. The confusion matrix of six algorithms.

Algorithm Confusion matrix Description

TN: MACCE was correctly predicted not to occur for 869 samples, and the actual
Predicted False Predicted True sample MACCE does not occur.
TP: MACCE was correctly predicted to occur for 94 samples, and the actual sample
TN = 869 FP = 91 960
False MACCE occurred.
FP: MACCE was incorrectly predicted to occur for 91 samples, and the actual sample
FN = 4 TP = 94 98 MACCE does not occur.
FN: MACCE was incorrectly predicted not to occur for 4 samples, and the actual
873 185
sample MACCE occurred.
TN: MACCE was correctly predicted not to occur for 873 samples, and the actual
Predicted False Predicted True sample MACCE did not occur.
TP: MACCE was correctly predicted to occur for 97 samples, and the actual sample
TN = 873 FP = 87 960
False MACCE occurred.
FP: MACCE was incorrectly predicted to occur for 87 samples, and the actual sample
FN = 1 TP = 97 98 MACCE did not occur.
FN: MACCE was incorrectly predicted not to occur for one sample, and the actual
874 176
sample MACCE occurred.
TN: MACCE was correctly predicted not to occur for 707 samples, and the actual
Predicted False Predicted True sample MACCE does not occur.
TP: MACCE was correctly predicted to occur for 84 samples, and the actual sample
TN = 707 FP = 253 960
False MACCE occurred.
FP: MACCE was incorrectly predicted to occur for 253 samples, and the actual
FN = 14 TP = 84 98 sample MACCE did not occur.
FN: MACCE was incorrectly predicted not to occur for 14 samples, and the actual
721 337
sample MACCE occurred.
TN: MACCE was correctly predicted not to occur for 792 samples, and the actual
Predicted False Predicted True sample MACCE did not occur.
TP: MACCE was correctly predicted to occur for 90 samples, and the actual sample
TN = 792 FP = 168 960
False MACCE occurred.
FP: MACCE was incorrectly predicted to occur for 168 samples, and the actual
FN = 8 TP = 90 98 sample MACCE did not occur.
FN: MACCE was incorrectly predicted not to occur for eight samples, and the actual
800 258
sample MACCE occurred.
TN: MACCE was correctly predicted not to occur for 712 samples, and the actual
Predicted False Predicted True sample MACCE did not occur.
TP: MACCE was correctly predicted to occur for 90 samples, and the actual sample
TN = 712 FP = 248 960
False MACCE occurred.
FP: MACCE was incorrectly predicted to occur for 248 samples, and the actual
FN = 8 TP = 90 98 sample MACCE did not occur.
FN: MACCE was incorrectly predicted not to occur for eight samples, and the actual
720 338
sample MACCE occurred.
TN: MACCE was correctly predicted not to occur for 899 samples, and the actual
Predicted False Predicted True sample MACCE did not occur.
TP: MACCE was correctly predicted to occur for 90 samples, and the actual sample
TN = 899 FP = 61 960
False MACCE occurred.
FP: MACCE was incorrectly predicted to occur for 61 samples, and the actual sample
FN = 8 TP = 90 98 MACCE did not occur.
FN: MACCE was incorrectly predicted not to occur for eight samples, and the actual
907 151
sample MACCE occurred.
Information 2022, 13, 475 12 of 15

The most crucial metric for evaluating how well a model predicts is accuracy, of which
Xgboost achieves 93.44%. Random Forest and K-Nearest Neighbor achieve 91.15% and
91.77%, respectively. Decision Tree comes in at 83.35%, while Nave Bayes and Logistic
Regression fall short at 75.5%. With performance rates of 75.85% and 74.81%, respectively,
both Naïve Bayes and Logistic Regression underperformed.
The two measures, Precision and Recall, have a tendency to be inversely correlated;
that is, when the precision is high, the recall is typically lower, and vice versa when the
recall is high. The most confident samples should be chosen in order to raise the number of
correct predictions in MACCE, which will reduce the number of FN and lower the recall.
The number of FP will rise when the sample size is increased, resulting in low precision and
decreasing the ability to predict the occurrence of MACCE to the greatest extent possible.
Owing to the dataset’s uniform distribution of positive and negative samples and the model
preference that the occurrence of MACCE can be predicted, the Precision of the general
model in this experiment is lower than its Recall. The weakest performers were Naïve
Bayes and logistic regression, earning 71.05% and 70.59%, respectively, while Xgboost had
the best F1-Score at 94.86%.
The ROC curves of these algorithms, which represent the AUC metric in the table, are
shown in Figure 6. The higher the value of AUC, the stronger the generalization ability
of the model, which is expressed in the ROC curve as the curve close to the upper-left
corner of the graph. Naïve Bayes had the worst performance, with an AUC value of 70.59%,
but Xgboost had the highest AUC value of 92.44%.
When all evaluating metrics are considered, Xgboost algorithm has a significant
advantage in predicting the occurrence of MACCE, and K-Nearest Neighbor is the second
best. Apart from that, the comparison showed that Naïve Bayes and Logistic Regression
both fared poorly.

Table 4. The results of six algorithms.

Algorithm Accuracy Precision Recall F1-Score

Random Forest 0.9115 0.9026 0.9615 0.9037

KNN 0.9177 0.8878 0.9933 0.9085
Logistic Regression 0.7481 0.7625 0.8645 0.7178
Decision Tree 0.8335 0.8308 0.9197 0.8157
Naïve Bayes 0.7585 0.7486 0.9214 0.7157
XGBoost 0.9344 0.9266 0.9716 0.9486

The 15 features in HDD each have a unique impact on the outcomes of the predictions.
Each model prefers different features, and the scores of these features are also varied.
The feature importance ranking of Xgboost, RF, LR, and DT is shown in Figure 7 as the
KNN and NB algorithms lack an internal evaluation of feature importance.
From the feature ranking in Table 5, it can be seen that Total cholesterol (TC) is an
important feature for predicting whether MACCE occurs. Hemoglobin (HBG) and age
are two features that appear in the top five important features of all four algorithms, and
are also influential factors that cannot be ignored when predicting. In addition, the table
illustrates that the ranking of feature importance is similar for Decision Tree and Xgboost,
since the two algorithms construct the same tree structure when training.
Information 2022, 13, 475 13 of 15



True Positive Rate



XGBoost (area = 0.9224)

LR (area = 0.7105)
0.2 KNN (area = 0.8933)
NB (area = 0.7059)
DT (area = 0.8045)
RF (area = 0.9053)
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
False Positive Rate

Figure 6. The ROC curve of baseline algorithms and Xgboost.

Random Forest Decision Tree

BUN age
age BUN
Stable_CAD Stable_CAD
REV_type REV_type


SCV_number smoke
smoke SCV_number
CVD_history CVD_history
nitrate nitrate
sex sex
LM_lesion LM_lesion
0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.000 0.025 0.050 0.075 0.100 0.125 0.150 0.175
fea_imp fea_imp
Logi−ticRegre−−ion XGBoo−t
age TC
SCV_number LVEF
−e0 BUN
HBG age
nitrate SCV_number
LM_le−ion ACS


−moke −moke
BUN REV_t1pe
DM −e0
CVD_hi−tor1 ASA
ASA Stable_CAD
LVEF CVD_hi−tor1
REV_t1pe LM_le−ion
−3 −2 21 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000
fea_imp fea_imp

Figure 7. The feature importance of 4 algorithms.

Information 2022, 13, 475 14 of 15

Table 5. Features ranking of 4 algorithms.

Ranking Random Forest Decision Tree Logistic Regression XGBoost

1 HBG TC age TC
4 BUN age sex BUN
5 age BUN HBG age

In summary, we used multiple evaluation methods to present the prediction results of

the Xgboost algorithm and the selected baseline algorithm on the processed dataset.The
number of the four prediction outcome cases, TN, TP, FN, and FP, is displayed in the
confusion matrix. Accuracy, Precision, Recall, and F1-score were applied based on the
confusion matrix, and the ROC curve was also plotted. The Xgboost algorithm performed
well in all of these evaluation metrics, demonstrating that the proposed smote–Xgboost
based framework has a significant advantage in predicting heart disease. In addition, we
estimated the feature importance and related scoring of the four algorithms to provide
ideas for further optimization of the algorithms.

5. Conclusions
In this research, we present a smote–Xgboost-based methodology for heart disease
prediction. Firstly, an approach for choosing features using information gain is proposed,
and then the hybrid Smote-Enn algorithm is used to process unbalanced datasets. Finally,
the processed HDD dataset is used for model training. In the experimental evaluation, we
compare the Xgboost algorithm with five baseline algorithms. The outcomes demonstrate
that the model suggested in this research performs exceptionally well across all four
evaluation indicators, with prediction accuracy of 93.44%. In addition, we also count the
feature importance of the selected algorithm, which has important implications in terms of
heart disease prediction.
In future work, we will mix multiple effective machine learning techniques and
combine cutting-edge data processing techniques to build real-time and reliable heart
disease diagnosis models.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, J.Y.; methodology, J.Y. and J.G.; software, J.G.; formal
analysis, J.Y. and J.G.; investigation, J.Y.; writing—original draft preparation, J.Y. and J.G.; writing—
review and editing, J.Y., J.G.; visualization, J.G.; supervision, J.Y.; funding acquisition, J.Y. All authors
have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This article is supported in part by the Humanities and Social Science Fund of Ministry of
Education of China (Grant No.21YJCZH197); the Scientific and Technologial Innovation Programs of
Higher Education Institutions in Shanxi (Grant No.2020L0252) and Shanxi Undergraduate Training
Program for Innovation and Entrepreneurship(Grant No.20220338).
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: The data that support the findings of this study are available on request
from the corresponding author.
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank the editors and anonymous reviewers for their
valuable comments.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
Information 2022, 13, 475 15 of 15

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