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NLF3 -4 - E,eponential and Logarithmic Practice

1. The formul a for compound interes t is;

A ;. P(l + r) where A = total $ (principal + interes t) (let this bey)
'--1 ;:,. I 000(-t, \,~ P = initial investment (the principal)
V J r = the interes t rate
n = the # of years of investment (let this be· x)
$1000 is invested at 10% compound interes t for ~year s.
a) What is it wolh after , years?
\ '&){'\'-'-. l <~l() .~' • .
b} How long will If ake lo do~~e the initial investment of $1000.
7, 1.JJ i tvf\
c) At any time, is the inves_J,:nent worth less than $1000?
t'{6 )( /

•• O o-o -0
2. An auto bough t for $30,00 0 loses of its value each year. ,, 1 1° o o (.-~l)

You sell the car after 12 years. 1 :.,,.~\'._/ •:2l\)·

• ~,q·
a) Determ ine the exponential equation for the value of your car. 1 1 vu'"_ .l
Y:, jaoo ol~) 1' • l l::
b) What is tlJar 's value afte~ years? ) s1c. 0
-. r)
l lUi 12.i1 8
c) You have$ 5,000 to spend on a similar car. How young can the car

L/ 3' /-ee-fS O ' c,,(

3. Radium decomposes according to the formula y =a· 0.68x

where the value of a is the initial grams of radium,
and y is the grams left after x centuries.
NOTE: Create a separa te Domain (new equation) for each part below,
Bu:t make only one printou t
a) 'Ho.w long will it take 4 grams to reduce to 0.5 grams?
S t
,1 q ~/\+v,; -"(
b) How much radium is left after 6 centuries if you started with 3 grams?
0 '1,'J ] '!I ,er,\){ ' f'4.

[ 161
4. Th er e ar e J.28 people entered ·
Yo in th e local pin nt.
u mu st ·wim '¥our match to advance lose dg pong tourname
te an , out.
a) Cr ea , h . an you are
ea h e~ponent.iol regress·ion s owing how the sta rt of
c rownd (5 t
; 8 eople t
tnany people are le ft at
ar t of r , s ple, etc.)

,s art of round 2"" 64 peo
b) H -- -- - --- t c.vt
any play nds? l..
~\ rs remain af te r 5 rou
ow 2
- •
r,""'f ....,\ ~. ,11
c) BON s! H " v\
es must be played .in order\to have a single winner?
H· . • . ow many match
( •n t • This bonus is ·not d esmos question e Iog1c . / common sense:)
a , us
7 (\l\c,,(I. .e\ l. "'"'t>'.. f i). ...,...11 \ )
5 T .
reased by 50% fo r
he number of pend ople attendin mo nth ly lea~ersh1p seminar inc
• hu red g a
each seminar. One fir st meeting.
people attended th e
Th ey had to cancel th e semi•nar b ef or e exceeding 50 ,00 0
e fir st
a) C t th # f I g each ·seminar fo r th
re a e a chdar t showing e O peop e attendinntial equation.
12 m th da ta ide nt ify th e expo
on S, an fro m th is
al seminar?
at te nd ed th e ist annu •
b) How many people - le . {~ -< t
. . 4 q ..15 canceling due tot<th--\
(. I \ ' o P\ .Q
e size limit?
s th e last, be fo re
c) W hic h seminar wa
11 "" \ .1:> "' til .~ \ t.. (T
led by th e
natio na l pa rk thr ou gh 20 30 can be mode
ing in a
6. Th e number of elk liv
y = 145 • ( 0.985 where )x
ex po ne nt ial equation
er of elk and
y re pr es en ts th e numb
years) since 2010.
x re pr es en ts th e tim e (in g or decreasing? Expla
in how you know.
pu lat ion inc rea sin
a) Is th e elk po Y • ..1 5,£, o"
~- ' ( f "'{ {1 ( fl),
l'I f ~O d <Ac9'f\
in how you know.
45) represent? Expla
--tY, l ve , l\J-t)
e co ns ta nt te rm (1
b) ·W ha t does th
1'-t l{ "b t.--\- ). 0 l-1 l \_
population in 2020.
c) Es tim at e th e elk
\1--"'- C. ~,
Lo _,
GJ .(J ' u( <-- i",, _ ~" +
th e equation; y =100610-21790 .-fn(x)
sea level is shown by
7. Yo wr :a ltit ud e above
wh er e;
et , and
y is yc;,ur al tit ud e in fe scals (kPa).
sp he ric pr es su re in kilo pa ?
x is-y,.ot:Jr at mo a pr es su re of 93.8kPa
e of a Ma nit ob a to wn wi th
a) W ha t is th e al tit ud
A, ;s 1,~,.a,,+~ Ja sp er , Al be rta at 35
00 fe et ?
he ric pr es su re of
b) W,hat is th e at mo sp
o!- .....+ 1<00.f-1- ,s JQ,;ll\7~~~
f(" (fV '< .-.
:- gC, • ·1 f pi,:.. sf
[ 17]



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