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Performances of low frequency rubber tapping

system with rainguard in high rainfall area in

Article in Australian Journal of Crop Science · November 2017

DOI: 10.21475/ajcs.17.11.11.pne593


3 authors, including:

Zar Ni Zaw Régis Lacote

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Land and labor productivity, good agricultural practices in rubber tree cultivation View project

Metabolism and carbon allocation : Sink-source relationship at tree scale in relation with the latex
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AJCS 11(11):1451-1456 (2017) ISSN:1835-2707
doi: 10.21475/ajcs.17.11.11.pne593

Performances of low frequency rubber tapping system with rainguard in high rainfall area in

Zar Ni Zaw1*, Sayan Sdoodee1, Regis Lacote2


Program of Natural Rubber Production, Technology and Management Program, Natural Resources Faculty,
Prince of Songkla University, Songkhla 90112, Thailand
CIRAD, UPR Tree Crop-based Systems, HRPP, R&D, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, 10900, Thailand

*Corresponding author: Email: spszarni@gmail.com


In Myanmar, natural rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) is mainly grown in the southern part of the country, where the rainfall is too
high leading to suspension of tapping in the rainy season and intensive tapping after the rainy season. Rubber farmers face
problems of uneven distribution of tapping days, low tapper productivity, high tapping cost, and shorter economical lifespan of
the trees. Hence, a study was carried out to address the problems by conducting an on-farm experiment to assess performances
of low frequency rubber tapping system (LFRTS) with rainguard in the area. Five treatments: (T1) S/2 d2 (no tapping in the
rainy season); (T2) S/2 2d3 (no tapping in the rainy season); (T3) S/2 (RG) d2 (tapping with rainguard in the rainy season); (T4)
S/2 d3 ET2.5% Pa (1) 3/y (m) (tapping without rainguard in the rainy season); (T5) S/2 (RG) d3 ET2.5% Pa (1) 3/y (m)
(tapping with rainguard in the rainy season) were evaluated. The cumulative yield in kilogram per tree of T5 during the study
period was comparable to that of T1, while its daily yield in gram per tapping per tree was 23% and 30% higher than that of T1
and T2, respectively. Bark consumption of T5 was 16% and 39% lower than that of T1 and T2, respectively. T5 needed only 67%
of tapper requirement by d2 frequency tapping. Tapping costs of T5 were 17% lower than those of conventional tapping system,
T1. The study suggested that LFRTS with rainguard could be implemented to address the problems of the farmers in the area.

Keywords: bark consumption; low frequency rubber tapping system; rainguard; tapping cost; tapper productivity; tapper
Abbreviations: 2d3_ two tappings in three days; BO-2_ virgin bark at second basal panel; d2_ alternate tapping; d3_third
daily tapping; ET_ethephon stimulation; LFRTS_ low frequency rubber tapping system; Pa_ panel application; RG_rainguard;
S/2_ half spiral cut (length of tapping cut)


Myanmar is one of natural rubber producing countries which rainy season makes lower tapper productivity, higher tapping
contributed 1.6 percent of the world rubber production in cost, higher bark consumption and shorter economical life
2015. In Myanmar, rubber is traditionally planted in the span of the trees.
southern part of the country. Majority of the planted area is Since tapping with rainguard in the rainy season increases
owned by smallholders who mainly depend on rubber the number of tapping days by preventing panel wetting and
growing for their livelihoods as their main income. Although washout (Gan et al., 1985), tapping days can be distributed
the area is the major rubber growing area in the country, there more evenly. The use of rainguard reduces the problem of
are many obstacles including low productivity which was seasonal unemployment of rubber tappers (Tillekeratne and
only 770 kg/ha/yr in 2014 as a major weakness (Myint, 2015). Nugawela, 1995) as tapping works can be carried out
One reason of the low productivity is limitation of the regularly in the rainy season. During the wintering period,
number of tapping days. Normally, in that area, tapping is when the yield is too low, tapping should be stopped
suspended completely in three and half to four months in the (Webster and Paardekooper, 1989).
rainy season due to heavy and continuous raining with 4,500 By implementing low frequency rubber tapping systems
mm of average annual rainfall which starts from June to (LFRTS), rubber yield per tapping per tree could be
September. Therefore, around 100-120 working days of maximized as it increases the number of days between two
tapping are lost during the rainy season without any successive tappings, notably latex regeneration period, ensure
production from the rubber farms (Zaw, 2012). Consequently, that more latex is regenerated during the period (Serres et al.,
the farmers harvest intensively after the rainy season, from 1994; Obouayeba et al., 2010; Karunaichamy et al., 2012).
October to May without resting in wintering period although However, reduction in tapping frequency reduces cumulative
the normal inherent yield is very low in this period. yield per tree. Thus, under LFRTS, yield stimulant must be
Suspending the tapping in the rainy season causes problems applied to receive optimum production (Sivakumaran, 1982;
of unevenly distributed tapping days and lack of work for Rodrigo et al., 2011). The main effect of stimulation is that of
tappers in the rainy season. This leads to shortage of skilled prolonging the duration of latex flow and thus increasing the
tappers. The practice of high frequency tapping after the amount of latex discharged during tapping (Jacob et al., 1989;

d’Auzac et al., 1997). Implementing LFRTS increases the rainguard and the yield stimulant could not be washed out by
tapper productivity, which is mainly influenced by increased rain.
tapping days with every daily yield in gram per tapping per
tree, is an important consideration of rubber farmers to Rubber yield performance
reduce the cost of production under current situation of high
labour wages (Vijayakumar et al., 2001). It enables to reduce During the study period, T2 and T3 had the highest
tapper requirement and addresses the problems of skilled cumulative yield in kilogram per tree (kg/t) with higher
labour shortage (Chan et al., 1983; Hassan et al., 1999; number of tapping days among the treatments (Table 2). It
Soumahin et al., 2010), without reduction in level of yield, proves that the cumulative yield is directly associated to the
compared to that of the conventional tapping system. In number of tapping days. The high number of tapping days of
addition, longer economic lifespan of the tree could be T3 was contributed by the rainguard tapping in the rainy
expected under LFRTS because of its lower bark season while that of T2 was due to intensive tapping after the
consumption (Vijayakumar et al., 2003; Rodrigo, 2012). rainy season which resulted in the lowest daily yield in gram
Since the suspension of tapping in the rainy season is the per tapping per tree. On the other hand, T5 showed its daily
main root of the cause of low productivity, implementing yield in gram per tapping per tree (g/t/t), was 23% and 30%
LFRTS with rainguard was assumed to be a solution to higher than that of T1 and T2. It was contributed by LFRTS
address the problems. Therefore, a study was carried out by with yield stimulation which causes higher yield per tapping.
conducting an on-farm experiment on different tapping However, the cumulative yield of T5 was not the highest but
systems including LFRTS with rainguard, and interviewing comparable to that of T1, S/2 d2 tapping system. These
the farmers and tappers in the area. results confirmed that tapping frequency is negatively
The objectives of the study were to study the effectiveness correlated to the yield per tapping per tree and positively
of rainguard and yield performances, labour requirement and related to cumulative yield (Obouayeba et al., 2011; Lacote et
tapping cost of LFRTS with rainguard in the high rainfall al., 2014). Thanh et al. (1996) reported that cumulative yield
area. of d3 was only 93% of that obtained from d2 tapping system.
However, the rainguard tapping allowed higher number of
Results and Discussion tapping days resulting in comparable cumulative yield. The
result found that using proper yield stimulation with effective
Rainfall distribution and tapping days rainguard could compensate for the reduction in the
cumulative yield due to the higher daily yield of LFRTS.
The rainy season started from the middle of May and ended
in September in the study area in 2015. Total rainfall was Bark consumption
4028 mm and the total number of raining days was 125 days
during the study period from June 2015 to May 2016. Of the Table 3 shows comparison of bark consumptions among the
total rainfall, 96% was recorded during the rainy season. It treatments during the study period. It was apparent that the
peaked in July and August with 1521 mm and 973 mm, average bark consumption of 2d3 frequency tapping, T2, was
respectively (Fig 1). the highest with 23% higher than that of d2 frequency
Figure 2 shows aggregated rainfall during the study period tapping, T1. However, the average bark consumptions of d3
according to three-hourly time patterns. It was found that frequency tapping, T4 and T5, were lower than that of T1 (57
rainfall peaked in the morning as 36% of the total rainfall % and 62%, respectively). T2 and T3 had higher bark
was aggregated between 3:00 am and 9:00 AM when the consumption (123% and 110% respectively) than that of T1.
tapping works are normally carried out. Thus, it is confirmed It shows that the higher frequency of tapping causes the
that the rain really interfere the tapping work. Hence, tapping higher in bark consumption. It is also found in the result that
could not be carried out regularly during the rainy season in although LFRTS, T4 and T5, consumed the thicker bark
the area. shaving per tapping than the other treatments, the total bark
Table 1 shows actual tapping days during the rainy season consumption of T4 and T5 during the study period were
against targeted tapping days according to the different apparently lower. It replicates the finding by Rodrigo (2012)
tapping frequencies. Comparing only T3, T4, and T5, which that although bark shaving per tapping of LFRTS is thicker
were tapped in the rainy season, number of tapping days of than that of the conventional tapping, S/2 d2, the effect is
T4 was the lowest, only 22 days. It was found that around 40 marginal compared to overall bark saving. Vijayakuma et al.
and 30 actual tapping days could be extended by rainguard (2003) reported his finding in India that LFRTS could extend
under d2 and d3 tapping systems, respectively, during the at least four to eight years in the productive lifespan
rainy season. T5 could tap 74% of targeted tapping days comparing with the conventional tapping system, S/2 d2.
effectively while T3 could meet only 67% of targeted tapping Besides, lower bark consumption causes delaying
days despite it had more actual tapping days. It shows that commencement of tapping on renewed barks resulting longer
under rainguard tapping, d3 frequency tapping is more resting period for the renewed bark generation (Kudaligama
efficient than d2 frequency tapping in terms of tapping days et al., 2010). Hence, potential higher yield could be expected
during the rainy season. Yogaratnam (2013) reported that from the renewed bark under LFRTS (Vijayakumar et al.,
rainguard is necessary to implement an effective LFRT 2003; Rodrigo et al., 2012).
system in India where the annual rainfall is around 4500 mm
and around 140 tapping days are lost each year due to the Tapper requirement
heavy rain. Sivakumaram et al. (1998) also reported that in
Malaysia, rainguard is essential at tapping works as over 70 T1 and T3 split the trees into two plots and tapped only one
tapping days and around 500 kg/ha/yr of yield were lost plot a day. T2 separated its trees into three plots and tapped
every year due to the rain. As Said et al. (1998) reported, it is two plots a day. However, T4 and T5 split the trees into three
found that yield stimulation is more effective under rainguard plots and tapped only one plot a day. Table 4 shows the
tapping because tapping panel is dry underneath the requirement of tapper of for 4000 trees of rubber field based
on 700 trees of task size.

Table 1. Tappable days in the five treatments in the rainy season (June to September 2015).
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
Months No. of raining days
JUN 17 0 0 0 0 7 10 5 7 5 7
JUL 29 0 0 0 0 5 16 4 11 4 11
AUG 29 0 0 0 0 11 16 5 11 9 11
SEP 24 0 0 0 0 15 15 8 10 11 10
Total days 99 0 0 0 0 38 57 22 39 29 39
Tappable days (%) 0 0 67% 56% 74%
ATD = Actual Tapping Days; TTD = Targeted Tapping Days

Fig 1. Monthly rainfall from June 2015 to May 2016 at the experiment plot.

Table 2. Daily yield and cumulative yield in the five treatments from June 2015 to May 2016.
Cumulative yield per tree Number of tapping
Treatment Daily yield (g/t/t)
(kg/t) days
T1 20.81 d 2.39 b 114
T2 19.67 e 2.85 a 146
T3 22.11 c 2.96 a 134
T4 23.24 b 2.09 c 85
T5 25.64 a 2.4 b 93
CV 2.48 2.85
Means with different letter in the same column are significantly different at p≤0.05, computed by Duncan’s multiple range Test.

Fig 2. Aggregated rainfall by third hourly time patterns.

Table 3. Bark consumptions in the five treatments from June 2015 to May 2016.
Treatment Average bark consumption (cm) Monthly bark consumption (cm)
T1 20.67 c (100) 2.58 (100)
T2 25.52 a (123) 3.19 (123)
T3 22.69 b (110) 2.11 (82)
T4 15.9 e (77) 1.48 (57)
T5 17.3 d (84) 1.61 (62)
Means with different letter in the same column are significantly different at p≤0.05, computed by Duncan’s Multiple range Test. Figures in parenthesis indicate percentage
of bark consumption compared to that of T1.

Fig 3. Tapping costs per unit area of the five treatments.

Table 4. Tapper requirements in the five treatments.

Treatment No. of tapped tree per day No. of tapper required for 4000 tapped trees
T1 2000 3 (100)
T2 2667 4 (133)
T3 2000 3 (100)
T4 1333 2 (67)
T5 1333 2 (67)
Task size = 700 trees; Number of trees for tapping = 4000 trees; Figures in parenthesis indicate percentage of tapper requirement compared to that of T1.

Fig 4. Tapping costs per unit production of the five treatments.

Table 5. Summary of the five treatments.

Tapping in
Length of tapping Tapping Using
Treatment the rainy Stimulation
cut frequency rainguard
T1 S/2 d2 No No No
T2 S/2 2d3 No No No
T3 S/2 d2 Yes Yes No
T4 S/2 d3 Yes No ET2.5% Pa1(1) 3/y (m)
T5 S/2 d3 Yes Yes ET2.5% Pa1(1) 3/y (m)
Stimulation times: June, November and December.

Since the tapper requirement mainly depends on the number with 10 trees and the total number of trees conducted was
of tapped tree per day, d3 frequency tappings, T4 and T5, 1200 in 20 plots. The summary of the five treatments are
needed only 67% of tapper requirement by d2 frequency shown in Table 5.
tapping, T1 and T3. However, the requirement of 2d3
frequency tapping, T2, was 33% higher than that of d2 Installation of the rainguard
frequency tapping (Table 4). It is consistent with the report of
Kudaligama et al. (2010) that reduction in tapping frequency The rainguards were fixed in the second week of May before
from d2 to d3 reduced the number of tapper requirement by the starting of the rainy season. Mancozeb fungicide was
33%. LFRTS enables not only reducing the number of tapper sprayed on the tapped panel of the trees tapped with the
requirement but also increasing land-man ratio and tapper rainguards at weekly interval during the rainy season to
productivity (Nugawela et al., 2000; Soumanhin et al., 2010; prevent panel diseases.
Mahyao et al., 2014) because under this system, the trees in a
certain task get more resting time for latex regeneration, and Traits measured
the tapper could be assigned to tap other tasks in the
following two days while the first task is resting. Because of By using a mini weather station at the experiment site, daily
higher tapper productivity under LFRTS, tapper incomes or rainfall, cumulative rainfall, raining patterns and number of
wages could be increased. As the result, tapping employment raining days were identified. Fresh latex from each plot was
would be more competitively attractive and could address collected on every tapping day to determine daily rubber
problems of skilled tapper shortage (Chan et al., 1983; yield of every treatment in gram per tapping per tree. Bark
Hassan et al., 1999). consumption measurement was also carried out in the end of
May 2016.
Tapping cost Tapper requirement and tapping costs based on unit area
and unit production were calculated according to the different
The total tapping cost per unit area of high frequency rubber tapping systems, their yields resulting from the experiments,
tapping system, T2, was the highest during the study period and local tapper payment rates and practices resulting from
because of high number of tapped trees a day. LFRTS with interviews and field surveys. The field surveys were carried
rainguard, T5, cost 5433 USD/ha during the year which was out to know the practices of local farmers, and current
17% and 39% lower than that of T1 and T2, respectively (Fig conventional tapping systems practiced in the area. The
3) because of less number of tapped trees a day in the area tapping costs were calculated for piece work payment system
and less number of tapper requirement. Regarding the based on number of tapped trees which is the most prevalent
average tapping cost per unit production, the high frequency tapper payment system in the area.
rubber tapping system, T2, cost higher than that of other
treatments. The cost of T5 was 0.29 USD/kg which was 17% Statistical analysis
and 22% lower than that of T1 and T2, respectively (Fig 4)
because under LFRTS, its tapper productivity was higher and An analysis of variance was carried out to compare the data
the number of tappers required was lesser. In Sri Lanka, of the five treatments including daily yields, cumulative
under LFRTS, S/2 d3, due to higher tapper productivity, the yields and average bark consumptions with Sirichai Statistics
cost of production per unit area could be reduced by 20% of 6.00 and Duncan’s Multiple Range Test, at p≤0.05.
that of the conventional tapping system, S/2 d2 (Nugawela et
al., 2000). Although there were costs of stimulation, Conclusion
rainguard and fungicide under the LFTS with rainguard,
these costs could be compensated easily by its cost saving According to the observations on rainfall and raining pattern,
due to the lower cost of production (Kudaligama et al., 2010; regular tapping could not be carried out without rainguard
Thomas, 2013). during the rainy season in the area. Under rainguard tapping,
S/2 d3 tapping system is more effective than the conventional
Materials and Methods tapping system, S/2 d2, in terms of tappable days during the
rainy season. In terms of yield performances, the daily yield
Location of the experiment of d3 tapping system was 23% and 30% higher than those of
d2 and 2d3 tapping systems. With higher tapper productivity
The experiment was conducted at a rubber estate located at throughout the year, the cumulative yield of LFRTS with
16.00 ̊ N and 97.63 ̊ E, and 111 m of altitude in rainguard was comparable with that of the conventional
Thanbyuzayet Township, Mon State, Myanmar. The study tapping system, S/2 d2. In addition, its lower bark
was carried from June 2015 to May 2016. consumption can prolong the economic lifespan of the tree.
In terms of economic performance, the LFRTS with
Plant material rainguard could reduce 33% of the tapper requirement of the
conventional tapping system and solve the problem of tapper
The experiment was conducted on BPM 24 clone planted in shortage. The tapping costs both based on unit area and unit
2005 at 3 m x 7 m spacing on flat land and opened for production of the LFRTS with rainguard were 17% lower
tapping in 2011. Tapping for the experiment was carried out than that of the conventional tapping systems. In conclusion,
on virgin bark of second basal panel (BO-2) of the trees at the study revealed that an optimum yield could be harvested
120 cm height from the ground. with low cost of production practically throughout the year
with potential longer economic lifespan of the tree by
Experimental design and treatments implementing the LFRTS with rainguard. It could be a
solution to address the problems of the rubber farmers in the
Five treatments of different tapping systems were evaluated high rainfall area of Myanmar.
with four replications in Randomized Complete Block
Design (RCBD). Each plot consisted of 60 trees in 6 rows

Acknowledgement Obouayeba S, Soumahin EF, Coulibaly LF (2010) Low
intensity tapping systems applied to clone PR 107 of Hevea
Owner and manager from Ye Set Taung Rubber Estate are brasiliensis (Muell. Arg.) in South-eastern Cote d’Ivoire:
appreciated for allowing the experiment to be conducted and influence of nature of the exploited bark and the position of
providing facilities for the experiment. Authors would like to tapping panel. Agr Biol J N Am. 1: 1106-1118.
thank also supervisor and tappers who were assigned at the Obouayeba S, Soumahin EF, Okoma KM, Boko AMCK,
experiment plots. This work was financially supported by Dick KE, Lacote R (2011) Relationship between tapping
Graduate School, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand. intensity and tapping panel dryness susceptibility of some
clones of Hevea brasiliensis in Southwestern Cote d’Ivoire.
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