Yaou1503152342587 1
Yaou1503152342587 1
Yaou1503152342587 1
Number of Applicants : 1
Appointment Details :
Applicant Name Reference Number Appointment Date Appointment Type
(YYYY-MM-DD) & Time
METALA ANABA 2022-06-16 1500 Biometric Enrolment
Your appointment has been confirmed for the date and time reflecting against your name and reference number. Please be available at
the following address not more than 15 minutes before the appointed time. Kindly carry a hard copy of this letter to your scheduled
For more information on items which are prohibited at the VAC, please visit - https://www.vfsglobal.ca/Canada/Cameroon/
You can also contact the helpdesk at the below mentioned details:
Email ID : info.canyaoiom@vfshelpline.com