Site Inspection Manual

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Project Management and Contracts


Site Inspection Manual

September 2011

This site inspection manual is designed to assist the inspector in the process of
conducting site inspection for different types of works, and it is not intended to provide a
step by step procedure. It provides general guidelines detailing some major items to be
noted during the inspection.

Any inspection of an item has to take into consideration the location of the item and its
relation to other elements/installations. The inspector has to look at the surrounding and
the items connected to the item inspected, even if not falling under his field of expertise,
in a way to identify the impact on/of other elements, the consequences of this work on
other works, any miscoordination, and not to look at the item as if in an isolation.

This manual should not be read or interpreted to supersede the specifications or other
information included in the Contract Documents.

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Table of Contents

 Civil Engineering Laboratories

 Contractor’s Survey Equipment
 Site Safety
 General Requirements
 Site Work
 Concrete – Trail Mix
 Concrete – Concrete Forms and Accessories
 Concrete – Concrete Reinforcement
 Concrete – Cast in Place Concrete
 Concrete – Precast Concrete
 Masonry
 Metals
 Wood and Plastics
 Thermal and Moisture Protection
 Doors and Windows – Metal Doors and Frames
 Doors and Windows – Wood and Plastic Doors and Frames
 Doors and Windows – Entrances and Storefronts
 Doors and Windows – Metal Windows
 Doors and Windows – Glazed Curtain Walls
 Doors and Windows – Hardware
 Doors and Windows – Glazing
 Finishes – Lath and Plaster
 Finishes – Gypsum Boards
 Finishes – Tiles
 Finishes – Terrazzo
 Finishes – Wood Flooring
 Finishes – Carpet
 Finishes – Acoustical Treatment
 Finishes – Paints and Coatings
 Furnishing
 Special Construction
 Mechanical – Plumbing Fixtures and Equipment
 Mechanical – Heat Generation Equipment
 Mechanical – Refrigeration Equipment
 Mechanical – Air Distribution
 Electrical - Basic Electrical Materials and Methods
 Electrical – Service and Distribution
 Electrical – Lighting
 Electrical - Communication

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Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering Laboratories


This guideline details major items to be noted when inspecting or checking a Contractor’s
civil engineering laboratory.


a) This guideline must be read in conjunction with the relevant project specification.
b) The requirements of the project specification take precedence to any considerations
listed below.


For Contractor’s civil engineering laboratories, the main areas of concern are usually in
the following areas:
 Test methods
 Equipment
 Test Results
 Believability of test results
 Other aspects relating to laboratories

2.1 Considerations relating to test methods

 Check that all parts of the Contractor’s test method are as those indicated in the
various sections of the specifications. ASTM test methods are updated annually and
BS test methods once every 3-5 years. So check each test method for validity
 Enforce the principle: No test method = No testing

2.2 Considerations relating to equipment

 Check that all test equipment actually complies with the requirements of the test
method. Most test methods give full technical details as to what the apparatus should
be (dimensions, weight, etc).

 Ensure that all electronic equipment is protected by the Contractor from electrical
surges. This is the most common reason for equipment failures and surges that occur
on most remote sites, especially those using generator power.

 Check that the equipment is calibrated after installation or delivery to site. Most
apparatus become jolted during delivery and some damages can occur.

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Civil Engineering Laboratories
 Check that all apparatus is calibrated at least once per year after delivery. The norm
for concrete cube and asphalt presses is once every 6 months.

 Check that the calibration company used by the Contractor is authorized to calibrate.
In general, you can look for some sort of Government approval for the calibration

 Regularly check the following in the laboratory:

o The calibration certificates have not expired
o The equipment has not been damaged
o The scales are accurate (Take something and weigh it on all scales – it should
weigh the same irrespective of the type of scale)

2.3 Considerations relating to test results

 Occasionally check that the reported test results match with the calculated test
results given in the test sheets (i.e. the laboratory working sheets) and that there
are no differences, especially for borderline test results. If the Contractor claims that
he doesn’t have test sheets, reject the reported test results as he is most likely
adjusting his test results.

2.4 Considerations relating to credibility of test results

 The only way to check that a site laboratory produces believable test results is by
duplicate testing. The concept is that if 2 (or more) laboratories test the same item
(from the same source or place) and gives comparable results then the site
laboratory is giving believable test results. There is no other way of doing this. Check
this aspect on periodic basis on all tests used.
 Occasionally make the laboratory retest something. The results should be

2.5 Other aspects relating to laboratories to be considered

 Safety: Check the following on a regular basis…

o There are fire extinguishers in the laboratory and they are in working order.
Occasionally, examine pressure gauge to determine if fully charged, extinguisher
pin for any apparent damage. Extinguisher should be easily accessible for use and
not blocked by furniture.
o Testing staff using laboratory crushers use ear and eye protection.
o It is recommended that no smoking at all is allowed in the laboratory. Anyway,
ensure that NO staff member smokes where asphalt extraction tests are being
done (the solvent usually has a flash point of about 60 °C).

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Civil Engineering Laboratories
o Ensure that the laboratory staff is qualified in testing and reporting work. Ensure
that the staff is performing properly and adequately. Report lack of performance.
o Where water baths are in use, check that the electrical connections are away
from the water bath.
o All electrical outlets are not damaged and the use of extension chords is
o Ensure that flammable liquids are stored in a safety container

 Sampling: Be aware of the following points:

o Contractor love to select the test positions or items to be tested as they can
usually ascertain what is good or bad and will usually avoid bad areas, items etc
to skew test results in their favor. Ensure that all test specimens, test locations,
etc. are chosen on a random basis.
o Make sure from the site inspector that sampling is performed in compliance with
the Specification and is taken from the material after its delivery to the work site.
o Make sure that all test samples delivered to the laboratory for testing have been
taken in the presence of the supervising site inspector. Always ensure that a
minimum of three items are tested at a time. One test result is meaningless.

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Contractor’s Survey
Contractor’s Survey Equipment


This guideline details aspects to be aware of when dealing with Contractors’ survey


a) This guideline must be read in conjunction with the relevant project specification.
b) The requirements of the project specification take precedence to any considerations
listed below.


Poorly calibrated, validated and maintained survey equipment is probably one of the
most common contributors to setting-out errors on any construction site.

The main pieces of survey equipment and specific considerations for each piece of
equipment are dealt with below.

2.1 Calibration of equipment

The Contractor should, usually in accordance with the project Specification, have all of
the following equipment calibrated by an authorized calibration company before being
delivered to site for the first time:
a) Total stations
b) Theodolites
c) Levels
d) Level staffs
e) Others

The objective of the calibration is to ensure that at least the equipment is working
correctly before being used on site for the first time. If equipment is changed,
replacement equipment should also be calibrated.

 Check that the equipment is calibrated by an authorized calibration agency.

 Check that the equipment numbers on the certificates match the equipment numbers
on the equipment that was sent for calibration (a common Contractor “error”).

It is also common practice for calibration certificate to be for a fixed period (usually 1
year). Check that the contractor sends his equipment for recalibration before the expiry
date on the certificate.

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Contractor’s Survey Equipment
2.2 Validation of equipment

Like all sensitive measuring equipment, survey equipment will malfunction during the
project. The objective of validation is to check, usually monthly, that the equipment is
still functioning correctly.

There are various methodologies used to validate equipment. One of the more practical
methods are detailed below:

2.2.1 Total stations and theodolites

a) Set out three permanent fixed points on a triangle of sides approximately 50m.
Request the Contractor to coordinate and fix the height of each of the points.
b) Each month set each piece of equipment in the middle of the triangle and
resurvey each position. Compare the result for each piece of equipment to the
original values.
c) The rule of thumb to determine if the results are valid is with 0,005m (0,5cm) for
X and Y coordinates and 0,010m (1cm) for height. If the results are outside this
limit, request the Contractor to have the equipment serviced and recalibrated.

2.2.2 Levels
a) Using the three points set out as per 2.2.1 (a) above, each month set each piece
of equipment in the middle of the triangle and resurvey each position. Compare
the result for each piece of equipment to the original values.
b) The rule of thumb to determine if the results are valid is with 0,005m (0,5cm) for
height. If the results are outside this limit, request the Contractor to have the
equipment serviced and recalibrated.

2.2.3 Sighting rods, level staffs, level bubbles and 50m tapes

a) For sighting rods for total stations, check that they have not been damaged and
that each tripod still works correctly.

b) For level staffs, check that the numbers and E-letters are still visible and that the
joints are still clicking in the correct location. Use a standard 5m tape to check
that the values on the staff are still accurate. If the results are outside this limit,
request the Contractor to have the equipment serviced and recalibrated.

c) For level bubbles, check that they are undamaged and still work properly.

d) For a 50m tape, check that the tape-measured distance between the points as
per 2.2.1 (a) above matches the calculated distance between the points. The rule
of thumb for acceptance is with 0,005m (0,5cm) of the calculated value. If the

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Contractor’s Survey Equipment
results are outside this limit, request the Contractor to have the equipment
serviced and recalibrated.

2.2.4 Others

a) Accuracy of laser equipment must be verified by specialized third parties.

2.3 Maintenance of equipment

Contractors are deemed to keep survey equipment clean and this should be spot-
checked weekly.

As dust damages the prisms in levels and total stations, spot check that telescopes are

2.4 Other common problem areas relating to survey equipment

2.4.1 Setting-out of critical points

There is a common tendency to accept any answer a total station gives.

It is recommended that critical (such as the corner of a new building) setting-out points
are checked from another direction usually 90° from the original setting out position.
Check that the two directions give the same values. If the results look suspicious,
request the Contractor to check the setting out from a third direction at least 115° from
the previous point.

2.4.2 Benchmarks
It is good practice to encase all benchmarks in concrete and to paint the concrete (once
it has set) orange or red. This is to be able to visibly see whether construction
equipment has ridden over or damaged the benchmark. It is also good practice to
surround each benchmark with danger tape.

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Site Safety
Site Safety


This guideline details guidelines to manage safety issues on site from the perspective of
the Engineer’s Representative (ER).


a) This guideline must be read in conjunction with the relevant project specification.
b) The requirements of the project specification take precedence to any considerations
listed below.
c) Refer to Dar HSE management manual and PMC HSE Manager.


2.1 Legislative and contractual aspects

Make sure that the Contractor is, in general, complying with all the laws of the country
within which the project is being carried out along with any requirements concerning site

Use this reference to link and enforce the local safety legislation to the Contractor’s
safety operations if this link has been omitted from the Project Specification.

Make sure that the Contractor is taking all reasonable measures within his control to
protect the environment as well as the safety and health of his employer's personnel,
other persons, the general public, and his own personnel.

Make sure that, after partial completion of construction, the Contractor is taking
measures to avoid damage or nuisance to the people or to the property of others
resulting from pollution, noise or other causes arising as a consequence of his methods
of operation.

2.2 General safety principles the ER should enforce

a) Ensure that the Contractor understands that safety of personnel (Contractor and
DAH) and the public takes precedence at all times to construction activities.

b) Ensure that the Contractor is providing at all times a designated safety officer on site.
This person must also be experienced in the management of safety on a construction

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Site Safety
c) Ensure the Contractor has a safety record system in place to record all accidents and
incidents. This record will be important to establish safety trends on site.

d) Ensure that the Contractor has first-aid facilities on site conveniently and clearly
located at identifiable locations and that designated first-aid staff are trained.

e) Ensure that there is a record in place that the safety officer has checked all work
areas on site at least once per day. This record will be critical if there is a serious
accident to prove that the site is taking due care of the safety of staff (Contractor
and DAH) on site.

f) Ensure that the Contractor has erected standard safety signage (e.g. hard hat, safety
boot, etc) at the entrance to the construction site.

g) Ensure that the contractor has submitted the emergency telephone numbers of the
local hospital, local ambulance services, fire brigade and police. Periodically check
that these numbers are valid.

h) Ensure that personnel protective equipment, including hard hats and safety shoes are
used by all personnel accessing the work site. Ensure that special protective
equipment is being used where necessary such as safety glasses, respirators,

i) When handling acids, caustics and chemicals with corrosive or toxic properties, make
sure that suitable protection, such as acid suits or chemical recessive aprons and
gloves, are worn to prevent accidental contact with the substance.

j) Ensure that the Contractor has taken all measures to protect his site and the
adjoining ones from fire noting that the Contractor will be responsible for any fire and
its damage that could occur due to his negligence.

2.3 General safety risk areas

The following measures apply to special safety hazardous areas; however, these
measures should not be considered exhaustive.

2.3.1 Scaffolding

The following items are generally indicative of dangerous scaffolding and should be
monitored and actioned by the inspector as per section 2.4 below:

a) The scaffold moves when you push it i.e. unstable.

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Site Safety
b) The scaffolding is not constructed on planks or solid concrete as a base.

c) There is no easy access (ladder or stairs) to get onto the scaffold. Furthermore, any
access ladder should be fixed to the scaffold and not loose.

d) There are insufficient planks for workers to stand on. The rule of thumb is not less
than 500mm planking width.

e) There is no restraining bar to stop workers falling off the scaffold. Safety belts should
be used by all labor working on scaffolding and/or areas where risk of falling exists.

f) The scaffolding erectors are not specialist erectors – often the case with smaller
contractors. This leads to a scenario of the uninformed constructing a life-threatening
structure. Erectors must be trained to be erectors.

2.3.2 Trenching

The following items are generally indicative of dangerous trenching status and should be
monitored and actioned by the inspector as per section 3.4 below:

a) Check that any trench of depth greater than 1,5m is:

 Surrounded by either solid barricading or warning tape.

 That the trench sides are either battered back (usually at a 60° angle) or side-
 That the trench sides are as close to vertical as possible.
 That there is safe access for workers both in and out of the trench. The access
should be either steps cut into the trench or a ladder.

b) Check that there is no sign of soil slippages or cracking of the soil near the edge of
the trench as this is an indication of a potential collapse of a trench wall.

c) Especially after a rain storm, check that the trench is still stable.

d) Ensure that soil from the trench is dumped at least 1-2m from the edge of the trench
(this is to limit the pressure on the edge of the trench).

2.3.3 Holes

Especially on building sites, there are often many uncovered holes where workers can
fall through and injure themselves. When the inspector notes such areas, action the
rectifications (e.g. barricade off holes, cover them with a fixed cover and load supporting
etc) as per 2.4 below.

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Site Safety

2.3.4 Working under construction activities

A common accident on a building site is for construction debris, tools, bricks etc to fall
from work areas onto workers below. Check that such dangerous areas are barricaded
off or have catch-nets (or similar). Also, actively enforce the use of hard hats on building
sites using the guideline given in 2.4 below.

2.3.5 Electrical shocks

The Inspector should check all temporary power supplies, distribution boards and cabling
to see whether they are of an acceptable standard and that they are maintained to an
acceptable level. It is also recommended that all LV power cables be buried where
possible and a route marker be placed over such buried cables warning of buried
electrical cables using appropriate symbolic safety signage.

2.3.6 Oxygen/Acetylene/Fuel Gases/Cartridge Tools

a) Make sure that compressed oxygen is never used in the place of compressed air.

b) Check that flash back (spark) shield is fitted to gas equipment.

c) Check that liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) cylinders are not or left in areas below ground
level overnight. Cylinders must be stored upright.

d) Make sure that the quantity of oxygen, acetylene and liquid petroleum gas cylinders
at the point of work are restricted to a maximum of one day’s supply. Make sure
that cylinders are kept in upright vertical rack container or be safely secured to a
vertical support.

e) Check that cartridge tools are of the low velocity type. Make sure that the operators
have received adequate training in the safe use and operation of these tools.

2.3.7 Traveling and tipping by construction vehicles

Many fatalities on construction sites occur when trucks reverse over workers. Ensure that
vehicles have operational reverse warning beeps.

In addition, speeding on haulage roads is a major contributor to site injuries. The

inspector should ensure that site speed limits are enforced by the Contractor.

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Site Safety
2.4 How to issue a site instruction to a Contractor to make an unsafe area
safe again

Never tell a Contractor how to make an unsafe area safe. Always just instruct the
Contractor to make an area safe. The suggested phrase is: “Kindly make area XYZ safe”.

If the safety requires that the Contractor’s works need to be partially or completely
suspended, inform immediately the Engineer’s Representative who will provide the
means to issue any required suspension order using the sentence: “You are instructed to
stop work in area XYZ until the area has been made safe”.

(The logic behind these phrases is that it is the Contractor who is required under the
Contract to take the necessary precautions and measures for safety)

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General Requirements
General Requirements

To be complemented later.

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Site Work
Site Work

To be complemented later.

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Trial Mix
Concrete - Trial Mix


1.1 General

Project specifications, reference publications, drawings, and other contract documents

contain the requirements for concrete materials, proportions, and characteristics should
be respected. Concrete mixture proportions, intended to be satisfied, are usually used as
a base on field test results, laboratory trial batch test results, or both.

1.2 Purpose

This guide provides information to assist in the supervision and review of materials and
concrete mixture proportions. It is intended to benefit both the provider and the
reviewer. Beginning with the preparation of the concrete mixture proportions and
supporting documentation by the concrete producer, followed by the actual trial mix of
the mixture proportions by the concrete contractor or the general contractor, and
subsequently to the engineer, each should find this information helpful.

1.3 Scope

This guide is limited to the preparation and review of the trial mix of proposed materials
and concrete design mix proportions for conformance with the requirements of the
contract documents. It is not intended to impose additional requirements, but rather to
help the user recognize and implement standard practices and procedures that may be
required for the project.

1.4 Definitions

Admixture: A material other than water, aggregate, hydraulic cement, and fiber
reinforcement, used as an ingredient of concrete and added to the
batch immediately before or during its mixing.
Aggregate: Granular material, such as sand, gravel, crushed stone, crushed
hydraulic-cement concrete, or iron blast-furnace slag, used with a
hydraulic cementing medium to produce concrete.
Cement, hydraulic: A cement that sets and hardens by chemical interaction with water.
Concrete: A composite material that consists essentially of a binding medium
within which are embedded particles or fragments of aggregate,
usually a combination of fine aggregate and coarse aggregate; in
Portland-cement concrete, the binder is a mixture of Portland cement
and water, with or without admixtures.
fc Specified compressive strength of concrete used in design.

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Concrete - Trial Mix
fcr Required average compressive strength of concrete, used as the basis for selection of concrete
Materials, cementitious: Cements and pozzolans used in concrete and masonry
Water-cementitious materials ratio: The ratio of the mass of water, exclusive only of
that absorbed by the aggregate, to the mass of cementitious material
(hydraulic) in concrete.


2.1 Quality of Materials

Cementitious materials, aggregates, admixtures, fibers, and water should comply with
the contract documents.

2.2 Material information

Cement/cementitious materials—the source and type of each material proposed for use
on the project should be identified and included. Mill test reports, manufacturer’s
certification of compliance, or both, should be, if required, available upon request by the
Aggregates—The sources, types, and individual gradings for each aggregate should be
identified. In conformance with standard, Also the combined gradings of the total
blended aggregate. The fineness modulus of fine aggregate should be reported. The
saturated-surface-dry (SSD) specific gravity and absorption of all aggregates, and dry
rodded unit weight for coarse aggregate, should be provided. Similarly, loose unit weight
of lightweight aggregate (oven dry) should be provided when lightweight aggregate is
used. For coarse aggregates, the size designation or the nominal maximum size is
needed. Because all of these aggregate properties influence the proportioning of the
concrete mixture, they should be available to support the proposed mixture proportions.
Admixtures—The vendor and type of all admixtures proposed for use should be identified
in accordance with ASTM C 260, C 494, or another governing standard. These
admixtures should be of the same type as those used in the project. If admixtures are to
be added at a point other than the concrete batching facilities, the location should be
Water—The source of mixing water should be identified. Nonpotable water requires
evidence of satisfactory use in concrete in accordance with international standard.
Chloride-ion content—Evidence of soluble chloride-ion content for each ingredient or for
the hardened concrete may be required. Information supporting compliance with the
contract documents should be available upon
request by the purchaser. If more than one production facility is proposed for use, the
above information should be available for each facility.

2.3 Personnel Qualification

Laboratory technicians, Plant operators should have enough experience in similar job.

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Concrete - Trial Mix
2.4 Equipment Certificates

All scales, balances, gauges, volumetric container, thermometers or any other measuring
tools and batch plan should have a valid calibration certificate.


3.1 Proportioning

The concrete mixture proportions expressed in terms of quantity of each component per
unit volume of concrete, combined with the freshly mixed concrete properties and the
hardened concrete characteristics, constitute the Trial Mix. Record all material

3.2 Quantities by mass

The quantity of cementitious material added in the powder state should be expressed as
kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m3). The quantity of each separately batched size of
coarse aggregate and fine aggregate should be expressed as kilograms per cubic meter
in an SSD condition. If lightweight aggregate is used, the oven-dry and estimated wet
weight should be stated.
Admixtures dispensed as liquids should be expressed as fluid liters per cubic meter
(L/m3) and where applicable, the expected dosage range and maximum dosage should
be stated. The quantity of any premeasured, prepackaged additives, such as fibers or
color pigments, should be expressed in incremental units (sacks, bags, boxes, or tins)
and kilograms per cubic meter.

3.3 Quantities by volume

The absolute volume of each material, air content, and the total sum of the absolute
volumes of all materials should be provided in cubic meters (m3). It is customary and
acceptable in most localities to proportion mixtures to yield slightly in excess (1.00
m3/m3). The practice provides producers with a systematic means of handling charges
short yield due to air content fluctuation provided that the actual expected yield is
identified in the submittal.

3.4 Mixing Of Concrete

Start, Finish mixing times should be recorded. Also record ambient temperature.

3.5 Freshly mixed concrete properties

Slump, unit weight, and air content should be tested for each set of mixture proportions
intended for use. Placement methods, associated with each proposed mixture should be
indicated where appropriate.
Sometimes, different freshly mixed concrete properties will be needed for different
placement procedures and conditions such as slump retention or bleeding; these should
be consistent with the limits set in the contract documents. When the concrete is to be
delivered to the point of placement by concrete pump or other conveyance, the location

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Concrete - Trial Mix
at which the above properties are to be achieved should be clarified in advance.
Sampling of the concrete should be in accordance with international standard.


4.1 Required average strength (fcr )

A compressive strength should equal to or exceeding the required average strength (fcr
). Provisions for calculating fcr are contained in ACI 211.1, ACI 214, ACI 301, and ACI
318. The required average strength is based on the specified compressive strength (
fc ) for a class of concrete, which should include an overdesign amount as found in ACI
301, and ACI 318, when based on laboratory trial batches. When past performance
records of uniformity of the concrete production are available, the statistical probability
of a certain number of test results falling below the design strength is anticipated and
controlled by selection of the appropriate fcr .

4.2 Past performance record

When compressive strength data are available from concrete production using the
proposed materials and batching facilities, the statistical analysis of the data should be
calculated in accordance with ACI 214, ACI 301, or ACI 318. A data summary identifying
the mixture proportions and individual test results should be available. These records
become the basis for verifying the required average strength and validation of the
proposed mixture strength based on past performance.


5.1 Mixing Concrete:

5.1.1 General—Mix concrete in a suitable mixer or by Batch Plant in batches of such size
as to leave about 10 % excess after molding the test specimens. It is important not to
vary the mixing sequence and procedure from batch to batch unless the effect of such
variation is under study.

5.1.2 Mix the mass until the concrete is homogeneous in appearance and has the desired

5.1.3 Mixed Concrete—Select the portions of the batch of mixed concrete to be used in
tests for molding specimens so as to be representative of the actual proportions and
condition of the concrete. When the concrete is not being remixed or sampled cover it to
prevent evaporation.

5.2 Slump, Air Content, Yield, and Temperature:

5.2.1 Slump—Measure the slump of each batch of concrete immediately after mixing in
accordance with test method described in contract standard.

5.2.2 Air Content—Determine the air content, when required, in accordance with test
method described in contract standard.

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Concrete - Trial Mix
5.2.3 Yield—Determine the yield of each batch of concrete, if required, in accordance
with test method described in contract standard. Concrete used for slump and yield tests
may be returned to the mixing pan and remixed into the batch.

5.2.4 Temperature—Determine the temperature of each batch of concrete in accordance

with test method described in contract standard.

5.3 Making Specimens:

5.3.1 Place of Molding—Mold specimens as near as practicable to the place where they
are to be stored during the first 24 h. If it is not practicable to mold the specimens
where they will be stored, move them to the place of storage immediately after being
struck off. Place molds on a rigid surface free from vibration and other disturbances.
Avoid jarring, striking, tilting, or scarring of the surface of the specimens when moving
the specimens to the storage place.

5.3.2 Placing—Place the concrete in the molds using a scoop, blunted trowel, or shovel.
Select each scoopful, trowelful, or shovelful of concrete from the mixing pan to ensure
that it is representative of the batch. It may be necessary to remix the concrete in the
mixing pan with a shovel or trowel to prevent segregation during the molding of
specimens. Move the scoop or trowel around the top edge of the mold as the concrete is
discharged in order to ensure a symmetrical distribution of the concrete and to minimize
segregation of coarse aggregate within the mold. Further distribute the concrete by use
of a tamping rod prior to the start of consolidation. In placing the final layer the operator
shall attempt to add an amount of concrete that will exactly fill the mold after
compaction. Do not add non-representative samples of concrete to an under filled mold. Number of Layers—Make specimens in layers as

indicated in standard specification..

5.4 Consolidation:

5.4.1 Methods of Consolidation—Preparation of satisfactory specimens requires different

methods of consolidation. The methods of consolidation are rodding, and internal or
external vibration. Base the selection of the method on the slump, unless the method is
stated in the specifications under which the work is being performed. Rod or vibrate

5.4.2 Rodding—Place the concrete in the mold, in the required number of layers of
approximately equal volume. Rod each layer with the standard rod using the number of
strokes and size as specified. Rod the bottom layer throughout its depth. Distribute the
strokes uniformly over the cross section of the mold and for each upper layer

allow the rod to penetrate through the layer being rodded and into the layer below
approximately 1 in. [25 mm]. After each layer is rodded, tap the outsides of the mold
lightly 10 to 15 times with the mallet to close any holes left by rodding and to release
any large air bubbles that may have been trapped.

5.4.3 Vibration—Maintain a uniform duration of vibration for the particular kind of

concrete, vibrator, and specimen mold involved. The duration of vibration required will
depend upon the workability of the concrete and the effectiveness of the vibrator.
Usually sufficient vibration has been applied as soon as the surface of the concrete
becomes relatively smooth and large air bubbles cease to break through the top surface.

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Concrete - Trial Mix
Continue vibration only long enough to achieve proper consolidation of the concrete.
Over vibration may cause segregation. Fill the molds and vibrate in the required number
of approximately equal layers . Place all the concrete for each layer in the mold before
starting vibration of that layer. When placing the final layer, avoid overfilling by more
than 1⁄4 in. [6 mm]. When the finish is applied after vibration, add only enough
concrete with a trowel to overfill the mold about 1⁄8 in. [3 mm], work it into the surface
and then strike it off.

5.5 Finishing

After consolidation by any of the methods, strike off the surface of the concrete and float
or trowel it in accordance with the method concerned. If no finish is specified, finish the
surface with a wood or magnesium float. Perform all finishing with the minimum
manipulation necessary to produce a flat even surface that is level with the rim or edge
of the mold and which has no depressions or projections larger than 3 mm.

5.6. Curing

5.6.1 Initial Curing—To prevent evaporation of water from unhardened concrete, cover
the specimens immediately after finishing, preferably with a non absorptive, nonreactive
plate or a sheet of tough, durable impervious plastic. Specimens shall be stored
immediately after finishing until the removal of the molds to prevent loss of moisture
from the specimens. Select an appropriate procedure or combination of procedures that
will prevent moisture loss and is non absorptive and nonreactive with the concrete.
When wet burlap is used for covering, the burlap must not be in contact with the fresh
concrete surface and care must be exercised to keep the burlap wet until the specimens
are removed from the molds. Placing a sheet of plastic over the burlap will facilitate
keeping it wet. To prevent damage to specimens, protect the outside of cardboard molds
from contact with wet burlap or other sources of water until the molds are removed.
Record the maximum and minimum ambient temperatures during the initial curing.

5.6.2 Removal from Molds—Remove the specimens from the molds 24 ± 8 h after

5.6.3 Curing Environment—Unless otherwise specified all specimens shall be moist cured
at 23.0 2.0°C from the time of molding until the moment of test. Storage during the
first 48 h of curing shall be in a vibration free environment. As applied to the treatment
of de-molded specimens, moist curing means that the test specimens shall have free
water maintained on the entire surface area at all times. This condition is met by using
water storage tanks or a moist room in accordance with the requirements of


6.1—Referenced standards and reports

The standards and reports listed below were the latest editions at the time this
document was prepared. Because these documents are revised frequently, the reader is
advised to contact the proper sponsoring group if it is desired to refer to the latest

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Concrete - Trial Mix
American Concrete Institute (ACI)

104R Preparation of Notation for Concrete

116R Cement and Concrete Terminology

211.1 Practice for Selecting Proportions for Normal, Heavyweight, and Mass Concrete

214 Recommended Practice for Evaluation of Strength Test Results of Concrete

301 Specifications for Structural Concrete

318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete

544.3R Guide for Specifying, Mixing, Placing, and Finishing Steel Fiber Reinforced

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)

C 29 Standard Test Method for Unit Weight and Voids in Aggregates

C 33 Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates

C 127 Standard Test Method for Specific Gravity and Absorption of Coarse Aggregate

C 128 Standard Test Method for Specific Gravity and Absorption of Fine Aggregate

C 172 Standard Practice for Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete

C 192 Standard Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the

C 260 Standard Specification for Air-Entraining Admixtures for Concrete

C 330 Standard Specification for Lightweight Aggregate for Structural Concrete

C 494 Standard Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete

D 448 Classification for Sizes of Aggregate for Road and Bridge Construction

ASTM C 31, 2000, “Standard Practice for Making and Curing Test Specimens in the Field,

ASTM C 39, 2001, “Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical
Concrete Specimens

ASTM C 94, 2000, “Standard Specification for Ready- Mixed Concrete, ASTM C 94/C

ASTM C 143, 2000, “Standard Test Method for Slump of Hydraulic Cement Concrete

ASTM C 150, 2000, “Standard Specification for Portland Cement

ASTM C 173, 2001, “Standard Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by
the Volumetric Method,

MTC-PMC-Aide memoire- a.7 Rev 0 Page 7 of 8

Concrete - Trial Mix
ASTM C 231, 1997, “Standard Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by
the Pressure Method,

ASTM C 595, 2000, “Standard Specification for Blended Hydraulic Cements.

ASTM C 1017, 1998, “Standard Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Use in
Producing Flowing Concrete,

ASTM C 1116, 2000, “Standard Specification for Fiber- Reinforced Concrete and

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Concrete Forms and Accessories
Concrete - Concrete Forms and Accessories


This section of the site inspection manual is designed to assist the inspector in the
process of conducting site inspection for Concrete Forms and Accessories, and it is not
intended to provide a step by step procedure. It provides general guidelines detailing
some major items to be noted during the inspection.

Any inspection of an item has to take into consideration the location of the item and its
relation to other elements/installations. The inspector has to look at the surrounding and
the items connected to the item inspected, even if not falling under his field of expertise,
in a way to identify the impact on/of other elements, the consequences of this work on
other works, any miscoordination, and not to look at the item as if in an isolation.

Note: Before inspection review if Survey inspection report was submitted and attended
to, check comments on request; otherwise ensure survey inspection is done at the same
time of your inspection.

Also, consult the following documents as relating to the inspected elements:

 Project Specifications;
 Any related statement in the Conditions of Contract;
 Related Contract and coordinated Shop Drawings (including any
 Item description in the Bills of Quantities;
 Related Official Correspondance, Site Instructions, VO’s, etc. ;
 Previous daily site diary entries or site inspection forms which may
have recorded defective work;
 Inspection of material delivered to Site;
 Approved Method Statements.

This guideline should not be read or interpreted to supersede the specifications

or other information included in the Contract Documents.


1. Check if there is a commented design. Read with 12. Design to be verified by

system provider. Obtainer system provider approval on drawings and typical

2. Verify location, dimensions, and grades are as required.

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Concrete - Concrete Forms and Accessories
3. Verify formwork materials are as specified. Formwork is properly sealed, oiled, or
wetted and treatment is compatible with other materials to be applied. Check type
of finishing that will be applied on concrete and inform of any concerns.

4. Verify reused formwork is properly reconditioned and treated for reuse.

5. Verify construction provides mortar-tight condition, free from offsets and defects.

6. Verify completed formwork provides structural sections required.

7. Observe type of form spacers, ties, and bracing used. Verify ties indicated to be set
to pattern are of proper type and spacing. Verify ties are arranged to be withdrawn
or snapped off to leave no metal within specified or required distance to surface of

8. Verify temporary spreaders are arranged for easy removal. Verify removal.

9. Verify foundation forms are deepened as required for pipes, conduits, soft spots,

10. Verify sleeves for piping and conduits are provided as required. Verify with electro-
mechanical engineers any requirements and installations are satisfied.

11. Verify provisions are made for anchors, hanger wires, inserts, cans, bucks, etc.

12. Verify forms are secured against movements during placing operations. Verify
Contractor implemented his internal QA/QC procedures on the shutter and scaffold
(calculations and execution).

13. Verify chamfer strips, and chases are accurately placed, aligned adequately,
fastened, and protected.

14. Verify expansion, construction, and contraction joints are provided as required or
indicated. Coordinate with architect for any joints or special details requirements.

15. Verify filler is installed and securely fastened in expansion joints.

16. Verify free movement of expansion and contraction joints can occur. Verify there is
no reinforcement or fixed metal continuous through the joint in case of expansion
except for dowels.

17. Verify form cut-offs and bulkheads are established in locations approved.

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Concrete - Concrete Forms and Accessories
18. Verify forms are in alignment, especially at top of walls.

19. Verify forms provide for depressed slab areas, cut outs, curbs, etc.

20. Verify form surface treatment and pattern for architectural concrete is as required.
Also, check form liners.

21. Verify forms are taped and prepared as required for architectural concrete. Verify
joint patterns are formed as indicated.

22. Verify keys and water stops are provided in construction and expansion joints.
Verify provisions for waterproofing are met.

23. Verify forms allow sufficient space and openings for depositing of concrete.

24. Verify forms provide for features such as doors, windows, openings, etc., and they
are removable. Ensure cross bracing is provided in formed openings to prevent

25. Verify forms are properly cleaned of all debris and surface-treated as required prior
to pour.

26. Note appearance of obvious defects in formwork that might impair its ability to
withstand concrete pressure without excessive deflection.

27. Check shoring for location and bearing. Check shores for settlement during pouring.
Verify Contractor implemented his internal QA/QC procedures on the shutter and
scaffold (calculations and execution).

28. Verify trench ducts, boxes, cleanouts, flanges, etc., are set at proper elevation to
allow for flush or required installation of finish floor. Sufficient anchorage is
provided to avoid movement.

29. Verify scaffolds or other accessories are adequate and do not affect form work.
Verify Contractor implemented his internal QA/QC procedures on the shutter and
scaffold (calculations and execution)

Form Removal

1. Verify concrete is sufficiently strong before removal of forms and surfaces are not
damaged or spalled by too early removal. For horizontal members (beams,
slabs….), do not remove form work until concrete reached the strength value
allowed by specification. The same applies for vertical members.

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Concrete - Concrete Forms and Accessories
2. Ensure forms are tightened and maintained snug against concrete surfaces.

3. Verify wood formwork is completely removed above and below grade.

4. Ensure preparations for patching are made as soon as practicable and methods are
approved, if required.

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Concrete Reinforcement
Concrete - Concrete Reinforcement


This section of the site inspection manual is designed to assist the inspector in the
process of conducting site inspection for Concrete Reinforcement, and it is not intended
to provide a step by step procedure. It provides general guidelines detailing some major
items to be noted during the inspection.

Any inspection of an item has to take into consideration the location of the item and its
relation to other elements/installations. The inspector has to look at the surrounding and
the items connected to the item inspected, even if not falling under his field of expertise,
in a way to identify the impact on/of other elements, the consequences of this work on
other works, any miscoordination, and not to look at the item as if in an isolation.

Note: Before inspection review consult the following documents as relating to the
inspected elements:

 Project Specifications;
 Any related statement in the Conditions of Contract;
 Related Contract and coordinated Shop Drawings (including any
 Item description in the Bills of Quantities;
 Related Official Correspondance, Site Instructions, VO’s, etc. ;
 Previous daily site diary entries or site inspection forms which may
have recorded defective work;
 Inspection of material delivered to Site;
 Approved Method Statements.


1. Verify grade of steel delivered to site is identified as required.

2. Verify steel is installed in accordance with approved drawings and of grade and sizes
indicated: bar length, bar diameter, bar-to-bar spacing.

3. Verify required clearance of steel from earth and forms is provided. Compare
installation against shop drawing, considering steel installation that will follow in next
stage (for vertical members for example) and ensuring that the spacing and
clearance allowing concrete pouring will be preserved all throughout

4. Verify splice lapping, length of splices, and staggering of splices is as required.

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Concrete - Concrete Reinforcement
5. Verify bends are within radii and tolerance required and are uniformly made.

6. Ensure additional bars, such as wall intersection bars, trim bars, at openings, and
corner bars, are provided.

7. Verify reinforcement is cleaned of all loose or flaky rust or scale, dried concrete, oil,
bond-breaker, and other foreign material that might reduce bond. Verify Tags are

8. Verify dowels with sufficient length are provided at wall ends and openings.

9. Verify beam and slab bars are spliced near supports for bottom steel and near
midspan for top steel.

10. Ensure no bent bars and tension members are installed except where approved.

11. Verify extra turns are provided at top and bottom of spiral columns.

12. Verify reinforcement is tied and supported securely to prevent displacement during

13. Verify reinforcement spacers, tie wires, chairs, and supports are provided of type,
size, and finish required.

14. Verify conduits are separated from other conduit and rebar by the allowed distance.
Verify with electrical engineer any requirements for earthing and bonding

15. Ensure no conduit or piping is placed below rebar mat in suspended slabs unless
approved by the Resident Engineer.

16. Verify no secured pipes are embedded in concrete (liquid carrying).

17. Verify bars are not placed near surfaces that might allow rusting.

18. Ensure rebars are welded only after approval is given to weld rebars and in
accordance with relevant reinforcing steel welding codes.

19. Verify adequate space and clearance is provided for proper deposit of concrete and
use of vibrators.

20. Verify embedded items are securely anchored in place and in proper location.

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Concrete - Concrete Reinforcement
21. Verify embedded items are supplied and installed as required. Generally review
drawings for anchor bolts, piping, sleeves, conduits, boxes, special items, etc. Verify
embedded items are suitably protected from damage during placement operations.

22. If conflict occurs between embedded items and reinforcing bars, allow no cutting,
bending, or omission without RE’s approval.

23. Check placing tolerances of reinforcing.

24. Verify the rebar is not bent excessively and is in accordance with the relevant

25. Verify that rebar is clean, free from excessive dust, lust, mud, concrete, oil or grease

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Cast in Place Concrete
Concrete - Cast in Place Concrete


This section of the site inspection manual is designed to assist the inspector in the
process of conducting site inspection for Cast in Place Concrete, and it is not intended to
provide a step by step procedure. It provides general guidelines detailing some major
items to be noted during the inspection.

Any inspection of an item has to take into consideration the location of the item and its
relation to other elements/installations. The inspector has to look at the surrounding and
the items connected to the item inspected, even if not falling under his field of expertise,
in a way to identify the impact on/of other elements, the consequences of this work on
other works, any miscoordination, and not to look at the item as if in an isolation.

Note: Before inspection review consult the following documents as relating to the
inspected elements:

 Project Specifications;
 Any related statement in the Conditions of Contract;
 Related Contract and coordinated Shop Drawings (including any
 Item description in the Bills of Quantities;
 Related Official Correspondance, Site Instructions, VO’s, etc. ;
 Previous daily site diary entries or site inspection forms which may
have recorded defective work;
 Inspection of material delivered to Site;
 Approved Method Statements.


1. Verify that pre-pouring conferences/induction have been made.

2. Verify that Mock ups have been executed and accepted.

3. Verify that independent testing agencies and third party quality control (if required)
have been approved and are present and performing their duties. Verify Contractor
quality control personnel are present and ready to perform.

4. Verify requirements of concrete specifications have been met before delivery or

placement of concrete — tests, mix design, ingredients, inspections, etc. Testing is to
be done on the material (aggregates, sand, water,...) that will be used and in
sufficient advance time to get the results and take actions before pouring.

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Concrete - Cast in Place Concrete
5. Ensure testing laboratory is notified prior to pour, and testing is arranged at plant
and site.

6. Verify areas to receive concrete are cleaned, wetted, or otherwise prepared as

required. Verify foundations are free of frost and water. Verify previously placed
concrete is properly prepared to receive new.

7. Verify vibrators, standby vibrators, and other necessary tools are available and in
working condition.

8. Verify that all measures and dispositions have been taken to allow proper pouring
including sufficient lighting for night pouring, proper cooling, temperature control and
measurement and insulation methods for thick or high heat of hydration concrete.

9. Verify that conveying equipment and depositing equipment is capable of reaching all
areas of placement without segregation, loss of ingredients, formation of air pockets,
or cold joints.

10. Verify availability of stand-by depositing equipment.

11. Confirm adequate manpower is available for timely placement.

12. Verify temporary form openings, tremies, chutes, etc., are provided.

13. Verify “pockets” are vented to prevent air entrapment.

14. Verify subbase and capillary fills are compacted and membrane is provided and
installed as required.

15. Confirm arrangements have been made for specified curing, sawed joints, and
protection including cold weather protection, if needed.

16. Verify cylinders (cubes), measuring equipment, and slump cone are at site and
samples are properly taken.

17. Confirm time interval between adding water to concrete and placement in final
position is known.

18. Confirm delivery of concrete and sequence of delivery is scheduled to allow

continuous placement to prevent cold joints.

19. Verify age of concrete is within specified or required time limit and delivery tickets
contain proper information.

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Concrete - Cast in Place Concrete
20. Ensure layers are kept approximately horizontal and do not exceed required lifts.

21. Verify bolts and loose items to be embedded are properly located and installed.

22. Record date and location of pours.

23. Verify grades, elevations, alignment, form adjustment, and supports are being
checked during pouring.

24. Verify time delay is made for concrete in columns, piers, walls, and openings to allow
concrete to settle before placing concrete above them; however, initial set is to be

25. Verify vibration is performed properly, using correct equipment, and forms are not

26. Ensure cylinders (cubes) are cast and stored and cured and slump and other tests
are performed as required.

Finishing and Curing

27. Verify type of finishes as on unformed surfaces such as smooth, rubbed, broomed,
non-slip, exposed aggregate, and colored is checked and provided as required.

28. Verify screeds are provided as required.

29. Verify over-troweling is avoided and troweling is not performed while bleed water is
on surface.

30. Verify specified curing methods are started as soon as possible. Verify curing
compounds are as required and compatible with subsequent finishes. Verify that
curing is being properly implemented and for the time required. Immediately inform
of any lack of or bad curing

31. Verify finishing method provides evenness, smoothness, and levelness of surfaces
within tolerance indicated. Verify slopes are provided to properly drain. Ensure marks
left by tools are removed.

32. Ensure that joints, edges, and corners are carefully finished and/or match.

33. Verify waterproof paper or similar covers are applied with sufficient lap and seal and
adequately protected during cuing period. (Colored surfaces may require special
covers to avoid staining, etc.).

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Concrete - Cast in Place Concrete
34. Confirm loading and traffic are controlled over surfaces to protect concrete.

35. Confirm methods of repairing defective areas, removal of fins, form marks, ties, etc.,
on formed surfaces are understood and provided as soon as possible upon removal of

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Precast Concrete
Concrete - Precast Concrete

To be complemented later.

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This section of the site inspection manual is designed to assist the inspector in the
process of conducting site inspection for Masonry, and it is not intended to provide a
step by step procedure. It provides general guidelines detailing some major items to be
noted during the inspection.

Any inspection of an item has to take into consideration the location of the item and its
relation to other elements/installations. The inspector has to look at the surrounding and
the items connected to the item inspected, even if not falling under his field of expertise,
in a way to identify the impact on/of other elements, the consequences of this work on
other works, any miscoordination, and not to look at the item as if in an isolation.

Note: Before inspection consult the following documents as relating to the inspected

 Project Specifications;
 Any related statement in the Conditions of Contract;
 Related Contract and coordinated Shop Drawings (including any
 Item description in the Bills of Quantities;
 Related Official Correspondance, Site Instructions, VO’s, etc. ;
 Previous daily site diary entries or site inspection forms which may
have recorded defective work;
 Inspection of material delivered to Site.
 Approved Method Statements.

This guideline should not be read or interpreted to supersede the specifications

or other information included in the Contract Documents.


a) Materials

Unit Masonry:

1. Verify materials are suitably stored off the ground and covered with waterproof

2. Verify that units have been well cured at Plant prior to shipment and transport. Wet
units delivered to site should not be accepted

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3. Verify site materials match approved samples for type, color, texture, compressive
strength, and size and contain no defects such as chips, cracks, crazing, warps, kiln
marks on face, and size differential, except for tolerances as allowed by the
specifications. Verify required types and shapes are available and compatible with
field materials

4. Confirm schedule of test and inspections is arranged before installation

5. Verify fire rating requirements (if any)

6. Verify the provision of special shapes

7. Verify thermal conductivity for lightweight units

8. Verify wetting of bricks is properly performed if required to assure that mortar will
bind to brick. Concrete masonry units are not wet

Mortar and Grout:

1. Verify grout tests, mortar tests, type of mortar, mix and ingredients (cement, sand,
potable water, admixtures) are as approved and required.

2. Verify mortar is mixed as required, and methods and equipment are suitable to
produce the approved mix.

3. Verify mortar color is provided and approved if required.

4. For pre-mixed mortar, verify batch time for wet mix. For pre-mixed grout, verify
strength and slump.

5. Verify site storage for ingredients

Ties and Anchors:

1. Verify anchors and ties are of type of material and size required and are installed as

Miscellaneous Masonry Accessories

1. Verify reinforcement type, grade and size, corrosion resistance

2. Verify steel lintels for type, sizes and corrosion resistance

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3. Verify joint materials

4. Verify cavity wall insulation materials

5. Verify weep hole type and materials

b) Workmanship

1. Confirm sample panels have been provided and approved as required

2. Verify layout of work, coursing and dimensions are as required or indicated

3. Confirm joint size, type, tooling method, and equipment are understood and

4. Verify indicated bonding patterns are provided. Verify uniformity of laying

5. Generally observe mortar application to materials — full head and bed joints,
shoving, and “buttering”. Verify that complete filling of collar joints is as required in
composite wall construction

6. Verify joints are tooled in such a manner as to provide a dense surface unless
otherwise specified. Verify location and alignment of joints, laying defects and special
features as per design. Verify that expansion joints are free of grout and mortar

7. Verify cutting of units is as required

8. Verify cleanouts are provided as required

9. Verify spaces between withes are of sizes required and kept free of excess droppings

10. Confirm methods of cleaning are understood and performed as required. Ensure
droppings and splatters on finished surfaces are cleaned as soon as possible

11. Verify reinforcement is of size, splicing, and spacing required that it is properly
doweled, tied, and installed. Confirm additional reinforcement is provided as required
for corners, intersections, openings, and lintels

12. Do not allow bending rebar excessively to fit masonry cells. Verify approval has been
obtained if required

13. Verify bucks, anchors, forming, supports, and other embedded materials are
available, secured, plumb, or level and otherwise properly installed

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14. Coordinate with structural engineer for any calculations requirements for anchors
spacing and types

15. Confirm provision for parging or treatment of backs of walls which are to receive
backfill is performed as required

16. Verify expansion joints for brick masonry and control joints for concrete masonry are
located and provided as indicated or required

17. Verify weep holes are provided unobstructed if required. Verify locations and spacing

18. Verify structural members to receive masonry are located, supported and anchored
and have suitable attachments as required

19. Verify prior to grout pour, all withes, reinforcement, etc., are properly cleaned.
Ensure that precautions such as ties and braces are considered so as to avoid “blow-

20. Verify pipes, conduits, sleeves, and boxes are located, secured, protected, insulated,
and spaced as required

21. Verify lifts of grout are poured in a timely sequence and as required. Generally
observe bond beam filling and compaction methods, including consolidation. Note
height limitations required for lifts

22. Verify hollow metal frames are filled solid

23. Ensure backfilling is performed only after proper curing or support units are provided
and as required

24. Confirm pointing, replacement of defective units, and repair of other defects are
promptly performed and as deemed necessary

25. Confirm methods of final cleaning are as required

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This section of the site inspection manual is designed to assist the inspector in the
process of conducting site inspection for Metals, and it is not intended to provide a step
by step procedure. It provides general guidelines detailing some major items to be noted
during the inspection.

Any inspection of an item has to take into consideration the location of the item and its
relation to other elements/installations. The inspector has to look at the surrounding and
the items connected to the item inspected, even if not falling under his field of expertise,
in a way to identify the impact on/of other elements, the consequences of this work on
other works, any miscoordination, and not to look at the item as if in an isolation.

Note: Before inspection consult the following documents as relating to the inspected

 Project Specifications;
 Any related statement in the Conditions of Contract;
 Related Contract and coordinated Shop Drawings (including any
 Item description in the Bills of Quantities;
 Related Official Correspondance, Site Instructions, VO’s, etc. ;
 Previous daily site diary entries or site inspection forms which may
have recorded defective work;
 Inspection of material delivered to Site.

This guideline should not be read or interpreted to supersede the specifications

or other information included in the Contract Documents.


a) General Structural Steel works:


1. Verify that all materials delivered to Site are in compliance with the submitted mill
test reports concerning structural steel, fasteners, shear connectors, shop priming,
galvanising and painting, shop welding and grout

2. Verify that all materials delivered to Site have been subject to the required testing by
the approved testing agency

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3. Verify delivered materials are of the approved size, shape, and weight

4. Verify delivered steel is new, undamaged, and free of distortions

5. Verify testing and inspection laboratory has observed shop fabrication as required or

6. Ensure beams made up of welded plates are not substituted for specified rolled
sections without approval

7. Verify size and type of bolts, nuts, washers, rivets and hole diameters are as

8. Ensure identification of high strength bolts (if used) is made, and washer and nut are
of proper type. Witness the testing if required. Verify beveled washers are as
required. Verify hardened washers are provided as required

9. Verify welds on delivered materials are of size required & of quality visually

10. Verify shop painting is provided as required and items to be embedded are not shop
coated unless required

11. Request quality control records and tests of paint thickness. For site paint ensure
that the weld areas are properly repaired. Ensure testing of paint thickness is
properly done using calibrated equipment. Inspect different coat thickness and not
only the total thickness

12. For Site welding, inspect welding electrodes prior to welding for conformance with the
approved welding procedure and in order to ensure that the proper electrodes are
used for:

a. The type of joint.

b. The base metals.
c. The filler metals, class and diameter.

13. Verify that prefabricated building columns are supplied with testing certificates by an
independent agency for the specified fire resistance

14. Verify the grout material under base plates (if any) for compliance with the

15. Verify that concrete fill for columns (if any) is as specified

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16. Verify steel is suitably stored, blocked off ground, and covered, where prolonged
storage occurs. Verify that fasteners are stored in a protected place


Structural steel members

1. Verify foundations are provided as required under all column locations

2. Verify setting of foundation anchor bolts, size, and location are as required

3. Observe setting of base and bearing plates. See that full engagement of nut occurs
and that bending of anchor bolts or undue chipping of concrete does not occur. Verify
clearances required for finish coverings or materials are provided

4. Verify column ends are milled and protected if required

5. Verify temporary connections to hold steel in place are provided and members are
accurately wedged, shimmed, plumbed, fitted, aligned, or leveled before final rivets,
bolts, or weld connections are made

6. See that supporting concrete surfaces are cleaned and free of dirt and laitance

7. Verify shims are steel plates of varying thickness and not odd pieces of metal

8. Verify that space between concrete surface and bottom of bearing plate usually does
not exceed 1/24 of the bearing plate width and that shims are placed accordingly

9. Ensure that grouting is properly performed

10. See that temporary connections, guys, and braces are provided to hold work in place
before permanent connections are completed. Verify work is installed plumb and to
tolerances required

11. Verify beam members are set with natural camber up. Verify camber is furnished
where required

12. Verify steel members have shear studs, or other method of connection is provided to
attach other materials suitably

13. Verify steel members are not cut for passage of conduit, pipes, etc., unless so
indicated on shop drawings

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14. Check shear stud arrangement conforming to design and shop drawings & welding
visually accepted

15. Ensure long trusses are to be erected in a manner to avoid overstress

16. Verify drift pins are used to bring together the parts, but should not damage or
distort metal


1. Verify that bolts and nuts that became dry or rusty are cleaned and relubricated
before use

2. Verify holes are properly aligned. Ensure burning to correct misalignment is not

3. Ensure bolts, welds and rivets are not allowed in same connection unless otherwise

4. Verify all heads and nuts are resting squarely against metal; check to see that bolts
have been drawn adequately tight

5. Verify use of ribbed bolts or turned bolts

High Strength Bolting

1. Verify whether paint is allowed on contact surface. Generally, all deleterious

materials such as dirt, oil, or loose scale. Defects such as burrs or pits should not be

2. Verify that impact wrenches are accurately calibrated and that the frequency of
calibration checks is adequate. Ensure direct tension indicator devices are acceptable.

3. Witness the torque tightening procedure to ensure that manufacturer’s specified

torques are satisfied.

Site Welding

1. Review mill certificate for metals to be joined

2. Review the approved Welding Procedure on-site before commencement

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3. Review welder qualifications for the specified welding. Certificates of welders and
their validity to be checked

4. Inspect weld preparation prior to welding for conformance with approved Welding
Procedure including:

a. shielding.
b. preheat.
c. welding positions.
d. electrical characteristic, current (type, polarity and amps) volts.
e. technique, travel speed
f. post weld heat treatment
g. process

5. Inspect in-process welding

6. Witness all the non-destructive testing

7. See that non-destructive testing is performed as required

8. Inspect surface preparation for shear studs, which have to be stud welded to steel
members at site. Fillet weld is not permitted unless approved by the designer

9. Verify sequence of stud welding tests is carried out properly according to the

b) Metal Joists:


1. Verify that all materials delivered to Site are in compliance with the submitted mill
test reports concerning structural steel, fasteners, shear connectors, shop priming,
galvanising and painting, shop welding and grout

2. Verify that all materials delivered to Site have been subject to the required testing by
the approved testing agency

3. Verify delivered materials are of the approved size, shape, and weight

4. Verify delivered steel is new, undamaged, and free of distortions

5. Verify testing and inspection laboratory has observed shop fabrication as required or

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6. Verify proper equipment is used for unloading and handling

7. Verify joists are stored with top or bottom chords up

8. Verify joists are coated with type of paint and number of coats required

9. Visually inspect welds for length and size

10. Verify nailer on top and/or bottom chord is provided if required


1. Verify holes in bearing plate at one end have been slotted if required

2. Verify joists are accurately spaced and have proper bearing and anchorage

3. Verify installation and connections are as required

4. Verify ceiling extensions are provided where required

5. Verify bridging and anchoring are installed as soon as joists are placed and before
application of loads

6. Verify ends of bridging lines terminating at walls or beams are anchored at plane of
top and bottom chords as required

7. Allow no cutting or drilling of web or chord members

8. Do not allow excessive concentrated loads of heavy building materials or moving of

heavy equipment over joists

9. Verify all rust, scale, slag, and splatter are removed and joist is clean before it is

c) Metal Decks:


1. Verify material is of approved type, finish, shapes, gauge, and size

2. Verify if U.L. labels are required

3. Verify approved samples are on job if required

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4. Check weld washers to be used, if required (check gauge)

5. Verify material is properly stored on site and protected

6. Verify all accessory items are furnished


1. Review approved decking layout submissions

2. Verify welders are certified if required

3. Verify that a welding inspection by a testing laboratory is provided if required

4. Ensure that the approved type and sequence of fastening is performed

5. Verify coordination is performed with related trades: sheet metal, roofing, insulation,
and electrical

6. Make sure decking is in contact with beams and joists to insure proper tack welds

7. Verify decking is continuous over supports if required, and welded connections and
spacings are as required. Observe panel to panel seams for tack weld or, button
punch connections

8. Verify closures at edges, and over walls are provided as required

9. Verify reinforcement around columns and at penetrations is provided as required

10. Verify reinforcement at locations of major concentrated loads is as required.

11. Verify seams are aligned. Verify type and spacing of seam connections are as

12. Verify provisions such as tabs, hangers, and supports are met in regard to
mechanical and electrical equipment, and hung ceilings

13. Verify electric cell units are aligned, and no rough or dented edges occur so that
insulation is not damaged when wire is pulled through cell. Observe that butt ends
are taped to keep concrete fill out of cell

14. Ensure no concentrated loads are placed on decking during construction

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15. If decking is to receive concrete topping, verify if shoring is required

16. If decking is to receive a topping material, observe that decking is free of loose dirt,
oil, or debris

17. Verify roof ventilation provisions are met

18. Verify touch up of exposed and cut galvanized metal is performed

19. Check shear connectors and method of connecting sheets to supporting structure.

c) Metal Fabrications:


1. Verify delivered materials are fabricated from approved shop drawings, if required,
and meet specifications of steel fabrication, riveting, welding, galvanizing, sheet
metal, or other metals required

2. Verify materials are protected from damage before and after installation


1. Verify templates are furnished for proper placement and anchorage if required

2. Ensure prior provisions are made for adequate bracing, blocking, and anchorage of

3. Verify sleeves, bolts, cut-outs, holes, and connectors are located and provided as

4. Verify opening bucks, angles, and thresholds are adequately braced, anchored, and
aligned and bear labels if required

5. On railings, see that heights, vertical spacing, returns, and anchorage will meet code
requirements after installation

6. On metal stairs, verify bearing of supports, levelness, variation of risers, coordination

with adjacent finish surfaces, spacings, and tolerances required are adequate. Verify
nosings of pan treads are protected

7. Observe installation techniques and workmanship: smooth and ground welds, touch
up, caulking, galvanizing, and touch-up shop coats

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Wood and Plastics
Wood and Plastics

To be complemented later.

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Thermal and Moisture
Thermal and Moisture Protection


This section of the site inspection manual is designed to assist the inspector in the
process of conducting site inspection for Thermal and Moisture Protection, and it is not
intended to provide a step by step procedure. It provides general guidelines detailing
some major items to be noted during the inspection.

Any inspection of an item has to take into consideration the location of the item and its
relation to other elements/installations. The inspector has to look at the surrounding and
the items connected to the item inspected, even if not falling under his field of expertise,
in a way to identify the impact on/of other elements, the consequences of this work on
other works, any miscoordination, and not to look at the item as if in an isolation.

Note: Before inspection consult the following documents as relating to the inspected

 Project Specifications;
 Any related statement in the Conditions of Contract;
 Related Contract and coordinated Shop Drawings (including any
 Item description in the Bills of Quantities;
 Related Official Correspondance, Site Instructions, VO’s, etc. ;
 Previous daily site diary entries or site inspection forms which may
have recorded defective work;
 Inspection of material delivered to Site.
 Approved Method Statements.
 Check for Water Test requirements

This guideline should not be read or interpreted to supersede the specifications

or other information included in the Contract Documents.


Damp Proofing:

1. Apply damp proofing before furring on interior of walls.

2. Check and verify the correct application of approved prime coat for both tar and
asphalt damp proofing systems.

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Thermal and Moisture Protection
3. Check coating for breaks after a surface has been damp proofed.
a. Check surface air voids in concrete.
b. Reseal all voids not sealed by original application.


1. Before waterproofing or dampproofing works are allowed to commence, see that:

a. Surfaces are free from foreign material including sand, mud, dirt or
b. Excess mortar or concrete is removed; all holes, joints and cracks
are pointed, and rough or high spots are ground smooth.
c. Surfaces are dry to receive membrane. Check for dampness if
d. Special conditions are provided as required at corners,
intersections, and connections to existing works.
e. Any holes or rough surface to be grouted to receive a smooth

2. Verify surfaces are primed, if required.

3. Ensure pipes, ducts, conduits, and other items penetrating membrane are watertight.

4. Observe the changes in membrane planes at corners and ensure that the perimeter
is secured and flashed as required.

5. Verify joinery between each day’s work is adequate.

6. Verify that interstitial moisture is not present.

7. Verify stored materials are protected against moisture.

8. Verify proper nails, adhesives and fastenings are used to provide water tight job.

9. Verify membrane is applied smooth with no buckles.

10. Verify protective covering is provided and installed as required and backfilling takes
place immediately and the covering remains in place during backfilling.

11. Ensure installation is protected from damage by other trades. If subject to heavy
traffic or movement of equipment, ensure protection is provided.

12. Refer to approved method statement for application.

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Thermal and Moisture Protection

1. Verify materials are of type required (surfaces, treatment, ratings, sizes, thickness,
etc.) as per approved sample.

2. Ensure materials are stored to prevent moisture infiltration, are installed dry, and
remain dry until covered.

Rigid Insulation

3. Verify wood nailers/stops are provided as required.

4. Ensure vapor barrier is provided if required. Check that vapor barrier seals insulation
at gravel stops, walls, and openings.

5. Verify fasteners, when specified, are of proper type and spaced as required.

6. Verify joints are staggered, except when joints are to be taped. When two layers are
being installed, vertical joints should be offset. Do not allow joints over flute
openings in steel deck.

7. Ensure insulation is covered by roofing each day.

8. Ensure the components of fire-rated assemblies are in compliance with fire ratings.

9. Verify expansion provisions are observed.

10. Ensure that Insulation is protected where no damage will result to the insulation.

Fibrous and Reflective Insulation

11. Verify batt insulation is of adequate width to fit between framing members and is of
specified thickness for “U” or “R” value.

12. Verify facing/vapor barrier is provided where required.

13. Verify insulation is properly secured.

14. Verify fining and cuffing around penetrations is tight and surfaces are not torn or

15. Verify ventilation and airspace are maintained open and free.

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Thermal and Moisture Protection
16. Verify reflective vapor barrier material is on correct warm side.

Loose Fill Insulation

17. Verify there is no settlement. Verify there are no voids (close joints).

18. Verify horizontal surfaces are filled to required depth.

Shingles and Roofing Tiles:

1. Verify delivered materials are of grades, types, shapes, sizes, colors, fire-rated
classification, and pattern texture required as applicable as per approved sample.

2. Check subsurfaces and decking before installation and have corrected as required
that would prevent tile breaks, cracks, chips and other defects.

Wood Shingles and Shakes

3. Verify underpayment where required is provided and installed with proper lapping
shingle style.

4. Verify exposure and fastening as required (nails concealed), layout to provide full
shingle courses, and overall alignment is controlled. Review pattern is indicated.

5. Verify starter courses provided as required especially at eaves. Verify gutter

installed if of type attached to decking the starter course should extend beyond
eave line uniformity to form a drip.

6. Cheek flashings to be installed in conjunction with shingling.

7. Verify that all jointing is as required; nailing is as required and that nails do not
penetrate underside of exposed decking (concealed nails).

8. Verify slope is as required.

9. Verify interlay is performed for shake installation as required.

10. Verify details of fire treatment or fire retardant spray coatings are appropriate for
fire-resistive assemblies.

Asphalt Shingles

11. Verify underlayment or membrane is provided if required.

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Thermal and Moisture Protection
12. Verify slope is as required.

13. Verify flashings are installed or on hand to be installed in conjunction with roofing.

14. Verify starter courses are provided as required. Verify gutter is installed if of type
attached to decking.

15. Verify alignment of layers and rows is maintained.

16. Verify exposure required is provided and nailing is as required.

Slate Shingles

17. See items above where applicable.

18. Verify bedding of slaters is performed at valleys, ridges, chimneys, and dormers as

Concrete and Clay Tile

19. Verify underlayment where required is provided and installed with proper lapping.

20. Verify exposure and fastening as required. Verify layout to provide tile courses, and
overall alignment is controlled. Review patterns if indicated.

21. Verify starter courses provided as required. Verify gutter installed if of type
attached to decking.

22. Verify construction method is appropriate and as specified.

23. Verify flashings to be installed in conjunction with laying of the tile.

24. Verify all jointing as required; fastening is as required. Observe that nails do not
penetrate underside of exposed decking.

25. Verify proper fastener is provided for the tile being used.

26. Inspect for broken or missing tile promptly as soon as roofing installation is

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Thermal and Moisture Protection
Membrane Roofing:

1. Refer to “shingles, roof tiles, and roof covering”, and “Flashing and Sheet Metal”
sections of this division.

2. Before contractor is allowed to commence work verify that:

a. Surfaces are free from foreign material;

b. Excess mortar or concrete is removed; all holes, joints and cracks are
pointed, and rough or high spots are ground smooth;
c. Wood nailers or other attachment conditions are adequate;
d. Surfaces are dry to receive membrane heated asphalt, coal tar, and
petroleum solvent asphalt mastics. Surfaces are tested for dampness if
e. Slope is as required with no breakage in cement chords.
f. Pipes, conduits and other items penetrating the membrane are in place and
ready to receive flashings.
g. All sheet metal and roof accessories are in place or on hand to be installed in
conjunction with roofing as required.
h. To verify the location of a fire extinguisher operable nearby, protect roof drain
and vent intake during roofing operations.

3. Verify materials of types required are provided. Verify softening point of bitumen is
as required. Verify materials are identifiable and comply with adopted standards.
Verify roll roofing is stood on end and kept free of contact with earth or moisture.
Verify protective coverings of stored roll roofing is vented so condensation will not

4. Verify nails and fasteners are of length, shank thickness, head, and coating as

5. Verify surface to receive roofing is primed or other wise prepared if required.

6. Verify asphalt or pitch is not overheated. Check kettle thermometer. Verify

methods to transport heated material are provided to avoid overcooling. Measure
installation temperature.

7. Roofing materials should not be applied unless correct bitumen application

temperatures can be maintained. Ensure that the correct temperatures are

8. Observe lap, nailing, and quantity of pitch or asphalt applied. In no case should felt
touch felt; no bare spots.

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Thermal and Moisture Protection

9. See that felts are laid so that each layer is free of air pockets, wrinkles, and
buckles. Brooming may be required. Glass fiber felts should not be broomed. Do
not allow “flopping” of roofing felts, except in the application of cap sheets. See
that no felt touches felt. Verify mopping is full to ply lines.

10. Verify all surfaces are kept moisture-free. Under no condition allow exposure of
insulation or felts overnight without a mopping. Verify stored material is kept away
from moisture.

11. When felt layer equipment is used, observe that jets are clear and an adequate and
uniform layer of bitumen is deposited.

12. Observe installation of roofing at cant strips, vertical surfaces, reglets, and
penetration. Observe sealing of roofing membrane envelopes where use of
envelope is required.

13. Verify concrete walls to receive roofing are primed. Verify wall membranes are
properly prepared and attached or fastened as specified.

14. Verify aggregates used for surfacing of type, color and size, specified, clean and

15. Verify aggregates in quantity required is spread over flood coat while bitumen is

16. Verify roll roofing or cap sheet, if utilized, is of weight, selvage, finish, color, as
required. Verify cap sheet installed as required.

17. Verify operations are performed in a manner to avoid plugging of drains, and weeps
and do not damage or interfere with adjoining surfaces.
18. Make sure no sharp objects come on membrane.

19. Check visually damages and repair.

20. Observe that roof drains are set to permit proper drainage.

21. Lay top layer so that continuous insulation joint is parallel to roof slope. Be sure
this joint is not over flat openings.

22. Verify roofing plies are mopped into clamping ring. Verify lead collar flashing is
installed and stripped in, if required.

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Thermal and Moisture Protection
23. Verify roofing is protected from damage during installation and following
completion. If subject to heavy traffic, movement of equipment, storage of
materials, or used as a work surface, verify that runways, plywood sheets or other
protection is provided.

24. Verify patching is properly performed where samples are cut. Samples are to be
taken before finish surface properly sealed with specified minimum overlap
between both layers.

25. Verify clean-up is provided after installation, drains cleared and debris is removed
from site.

26. Verify barrier (waterproofing) is properly sealed at edge of openings.

27. Refer to approved method statement.

Fluid Applied Roofing:


1. Check labels for compliance with approved material.

2. Is there enough coating material to cover all areas to specified thickness.

Application (Installation):

1. Check surface smoothness and slope for drainage.

2. Check dry film thickness.

3. Finish coating must be free of pinholes.

4. Check for sheet elastomeric base flashing.

Flashing and Sheet Metal:

1. Verify irregular shapes, mechanical concrete bases, electrical pairings for the
flashing to conceal around.

2. Verify delivered material is of approved type, shape, gauge, metal, fabrication, and
priming, as required, and all accessories are provided.

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Thermal and Moisture Protection
3. Verify isolation provisions are made for dissimilar metals. Do not allow copper and
aluminum flashings to be in contact with each other or with ferrous metal. Copper
or aluminum flashings are to be fastened with non-ferrous nails or screws. Ferrous
equipment bases are not to be set on copper flashings. Verify flanges embedded in
plastic cement or asphalt are asphalt primed.

4. Check that fasteners and nails are properly secured creating no air gaps.

5. Verify expansion joints are provided and installed as required or as specified. Note
location of joints with respect to drains, downspouts, scuppers, corners, and other

6. Observe methods of installation — nailing and clipping types for spacing and
location; also soldering, welding, bolting, and riveting.

7. Verify flashing does not interfere with structural requirements.

8. Generally see that edge metal is lapped with staggered nailing or fastening through
the back flange as specified.

9. Verify all edge metal laps are coated with sealant on horizontal flange and vertical
rise. Verify coating covers entire lap and is sandwiched between.

10. Verify lengths are as long as practical or specified.

11. Check each sheet of flashing is overlapped with proper dimension.

12. Verify installation is coordinated with roofing and/or siding installation.

13. Verify nailer or cant strip is provided for fastening flashing to roof deck is of proper
material, well secured, and allows venting if required or specified.

14. Verify flashing is embedded and installed over roof membrane assembly with
additional roofing membrane material.

15. Verify method of anchoring lower edge of fascia is as required. Observe alignment,
and stiffness.
16. Verify gravel stops are flush with deck unless otherwise required.

17. Avoid bending or reforming of metal flashing, damaged sheet should be replaced.

18. Verify proper sealant application over flashing (sealant with backing would be
bonded to two sides only).

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Thermal and Moisture Protection

19. Verify gutters are adequately supported and allow for movement. Observe
attachment size, type, location, and spacing of hangers and supports.

20. Verify slope of gutter to provide drainage to outlets.

21. Verify gutters are pitched if required and provide for drainage to outlets.

22. Verify gutter joints are lapped in direction of flow.

23. Verify expansion joints, concealed or standing, are provided midway between
outlets or downspouts and/or as required.

24. Verify scuppers are installed low enough not to dam water on roof. Verify overflow
drains and scuppers if indicated or required by code are provided, located properly,
i.e., low point of roof, are of size required and have correct inlet flow elevation.

25. Verify accessories are provided if required — basket strainer, bird screens, and


26. Verify lengths are as long as practical and in accordance with specifications.

27. Verify slip joints in direction of flow or allowance for movement is provided.

28. Verify hangers or straps as required are provided. Verify spacing and location are
as required or specified, and each section is supported. Verify connection of
hangers does not damage finish wall material.

29. Verify contact is not made with wall surfaces except for supports.

30. Verify downspouts are installed plumb, without excessive lateral or angled joints,
unless indicated or if required to conduct drainage.

31. Verify special items are furnished: heads, scuppers, and linings.

32. Verify downspouts that are indicated to terminate in drainage lines are nearly fitted
and are cleaned and free of building debris or other materials.

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Thermal and Moisture Protection
Base and Cap Flashings

33. Verify flashing is provided to suit conditions; cant, size, gauge, and fabrication.

34. Verify base flashing extends up sufficiently; flange is properly secured and
embedded in roofing membrane as specified and is installed similarly to gravel
stops. Verify mopped felt or suitable membrane covering flashings or cleats is

35. Verify seams are lapped, locked, and soldered as required.

36. Verify secure anchorage is provided for size, spacing, and fixing of cleats or other
equipment mountings.

37. Verify cap flashings are of shapes, sizes, and gauges required and are installed to
provide secure anchorage, allow movement, and have sufficient laps and spacing.

38. Verify counter flashing is extended sufficiently into masonry walls or into reglet and
is securely anchored and caulked, if necessary.

Other Roof Flashing

39. Verify hip and ridge flashing and venting is provided as required. Check fabrication,
size, gauge, anchorage, and lap. Observe caulking and painting procedures.

40. Verify valley flashing is provided as required: open or closed, width, gauge,
anchorage, and lap.

41. Verify stepped flashing is provided as required: depth of insertion into wall, and
length of material attached to deck and lap. Verify plastic cement or approved
material is filled into joints between edges of shingles and flashing as required.

42. Verify reglets are provided at required areas: observe the setting in concrete or
masonry to assure firm anchorage. Verify reglets are protected to prevent
deformation or filling during installation.

43. Observe installation of sheet metal into reglets for tightness, weather proofness,
caulking, and lap.

Wall and Through Wall Flashing

44. Verify lap, turn up, location in wall, depth in masonry, length, etc., are as required.

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Thermal and Moisture Protection
45. Verify sill flashing and pans extend full depth, are turned up, extend beyond horns,
and are installed for proper drainage.


46. Verify louvers and vents have adequate flanges and connections for anchorage and
flashings are watertight against driving rains after installation. Verify insect screen,
bird screen, and shutters are provided as required.

47. Verify plastic flashing is of type required and is installed in accordance with

48. Verify sheet metal termite shields are provided as required.

Cementations Fireproofing:

1. Verify fireproofing provides fire-resistance ratings as tested by appropriate


2. Verify manufacturers’ data and instructions for proper application of sprayed

fireproofing are on file.

3. Verify laboratory test results for fireproofing are on file for performance criteria
such as:

A. Bond Strength.
B. Compressive Strength.
C. Deflection.
D. Bond Impact.
E. Air Erosion.
F. Corrosion Resistance.

4. Verify material is delivered in original unopened packages, fully identified as to

manufacturer, brand or other identifying data, and bears the proper Underwriters’
Laboratories, Inc. labels for fire hazards and fire-resistance classification.

5. Verify material is stored (above ground), under cover and in a dry location until
ready for use. Ensure bags exposed to water before use are discarded as

6. Verify temperature range is within manufacturer’s recommended range.

7. Verify ventilation for proper drying of the fireproofing.

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Thermal and Moisture Protection

8. Verify surfaces to receive sprayed fireproofing so that they are free of oil, grease,
paints/primers, loose mill scale, dirt or other foreign substances which may impair
proper adhesion of the fireproofing to the substrate.

9. Ensure prior to application of fireproofing, clips, hangers, support sleeves and other
attachments required to penetrate the fireproofing are in place.

10. Verify that prior to application of the fireproofing to the underside of metal roof
decks, roofing applications are completed. Ensure roof traffic is prohibited upon
commencement of the fireproofing application and until the fireproofing material is
cured and fully dried.

11. Check final condition of fireproofing after the work of other construction trades is

Diagnosis and Avoidance

1. Many water tests at roof and wet areas prove its failure due to improper sealing at
corners and around floor drain pipes due to overlap of construction work process.

a. The waterproofing activity must be performed after mechanical plumbing

have been finished and completely secured.
b. Walls to be finished and plastered for the water proofing membrane to have
a clean neat surface to rest upon.

2. The cleaning of the water proofing membrane after installation must be performed
as per instructions with no sharp edge tools nor heavy equipments.

3. Bitumen and Asphalt when exposed to sunlight over a substantial period causes
mastic asphalt and bitumen to harden, shrink and crack, after black bitumen
application, a protection with light color material is recommended before the
installation of the final layer.

4. Water entering during construction:

Much water is used during construction for the mixing of mortar, concrete and
plaster and for wetting of masonry before laying, through good ventilation, and
the judicious use of heating will assist drying. The use of water inside the building
before applying moisture protection should be monitored and controlled.

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Doors and Windows
Metal Doors and Frames
Doors and Windows - Metal Doors and Frames


This section of the site inspection manual is designed to assist the inspector in the
process of conducting site inspection for Metal Doors and Frames, and it is not intended
to provide a step by step procedure. It provides general guidelines detailing some major
items to be noted during the inspection.

Any inspection of an item has to take into consideration the location of the item and its
relation to other elements/installations. The inspector has to look at the surrounding and
the items connected to the item inspected, even if not falling under his field of expertise,
in a way to identify the impact on/of other elements, the consequences of this work on
other works, any miscoordination, and not to look at the item as if in an isolation.

Note: Before inspection consult the following documents as relating to the inspected

1. Project Specifications;
2. Any related statement in the Conditions of Contract;
3. Related Contract and coordinated Shop Drawings (including any
4. Item description in the Bills of Quantities;
5. Related Official Correspondance, Site Instructions, VO’s, etc. ;
6. Previous daily site diary entries or site inspection forms which may have
recorded defective work;
7. Inspection of material delivered to Site.
8. Approved Method Statements.

This guideline should not be read or interpreted to supersede the specifications

or other information included in the Contract Documents.


Material Inspection

1. Verify data in design package versus material on site:

 Door type
 Leaf dimension
 Frame and door thickness, gauge
 Frame installation details

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Doors and Windows - Metal Doors and Frames
2. Verify fabrication of doors is as approved and have no defects such as dents, buckles,
or warps. Look for smooth edges and joints, finish, and straightness at connections

3. Verify shopdrawings details versus material on site for the following:

 Frame corner detail
 Anchoring details
 Hinges and strike locations as per attachment

4. Verify fire-rated frames have labels and proper identification

5. Verify proper type and number of anchors are provided in frames as per

6. Verify sound-deadening treatment is provided if required

7. Verify frames are provided with special features such as silencer holes if required.

8. Verify additional reinforcement is provided in doors for hardware. Verify required

provisions in doors to receive hardware are adequate. Observe type and installation
of factory-applied hardware. Verify backset is matched to finish hardware. Verify
adequate provisions are made in frames to receive hardware

9. Verify fire-rated doors have labels and proper identification from an approved
independent testing and inspection agency or laboratory confirming their sound
rating. Verify rated glass and louvers are provided as required. Identify fire resisting
doors and smoke doors

10. Verify type of stile edges, and astragals required for pairs of doors

11. Verify the provision of weather stripping for external doors

12. Verify that soundproof doors were tested and carry the identification label of an
approved independent testing and inspection agency or laboratory confirming their
sound rating

13. Verify factory priming for doors and frames is provided in compliance with

14. Check fabrication of louvers and safety glass if acquired

15. Both lites of double glazed sliding doors must be safety glass

16. Do the door louvers require insect screening (check with specifications)

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Doors and Windows - Metal Doors and Frames
17. Units should be checked on arrival for damage, missing items

18. Use off ground storage, protected from weather

19. Verify all safety glazing locations.

Installation Workmanship:

1. Verify if adequate anchorage for frames is made during installation at floors, walls
2. Verify base adequacy and base assumption

3. Verify door frames are installed straight, level, and plumb and adequately braced
where “built in”

4. Verify frames are grouted and caulked during installation if required

5. At the location of hardware in doors and frames, observe backing plates during
drilling operations. Observe that closure channels are provided as required

6. Are silencers installed in frames

7. Observe installation of doors and verify proper clearances are provided. Verify doors
are hung straight, level, and plumb

8. Verify doors function smoothly and easily, and hardware is properly adjusted

9. Verify factory priming for doors and frames is retouched, that factory finish is not
damaged and surfaces are adequate to receive applied finish

10. Verify doors and frames are cleaned. Report doors and frames that cannot be
properly cleaned. Verify protection is provided as required to avoid marring and other

11. Verify that raised and recessed door trim and molding do not interfere with opening
doors for wheelchair passage

12. Verify frame is leveled with adjacent finish

13. Verify if door leaves uniform gap with frame.

14. Check waterproofing around frames and sub frames

15. Check sub frames as indicated on drawings.

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Doors and Windows
Wood and Plastic Doors and Frames
Doors and Windows - Wood and Plastic Doors and Frames


This section of the site inspection manual is designed to assist the inspector in the
process of conducting site inspection for Doors and Windows – Wood and Plastic Doors
and Frames, and it is not intended to provide a step by step procedure. It provides
general guidelines detailing some major items to be noted during the inspection.

Any inspection of an item has to take into consideration the location of the item and its
relation to other elements/installations. The inspector has to look at the surrounding and
the items connected to the item inspected, even if not falling under his field of expertise,
in a way to identify the impact on/of other elements, the consequences of this work on
other works, any miscoordination, and not to look at the item as if in an isolation.

Note: Before inspection consult the following documents as relating to the inspected

 Project Specifications;
 Any related statement in the Conditions of Contract;
 Related Contract and coordinated Shop Drawings (including any
 Item description in the Bills of Quantities;
 Related Official Correspondance, Site Instructions, VO’s, etc. ;
 Previous daily site diary entries or site inspection forms which may have
recorded defective work;
 Inspection of material delivered to Site.

This guideline should not be read or interpreted to supersede the specifications

or other information included in the Contract Documents.



1. Check the door type.

2. Verify rough framing for doors and jambs is as required

3. Verify doors are stored and handled properly. Ensure doors are stored flat and in
clean, dry surroundings and protected

4. Check for water repellent preservative treatments as per specs

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Doors and Windows - Wood and Plastic Doors and Frames

5. Storage should be upright to avoid damaging face finish

6. Verify jambs for doors are blocked as required for hinges, and securely anchored to
rough bucks. Verify they are installed plumb and square

7. Verify doors are as required: check grade, species, veneer cut, number of piles,
match, and edge banded. Observe manufacturer’s instruction or standards

8. Verify core type is as required

9. Verify wood doors are sealed with a non-based sealer or primer. Top and bottoms are
sealed, after fitting

10. Verify doors are factory pre-drilled, routed, cut, or otherwise prefabricated when
required and in accordance with hardware templates and other requirements

11. Verify fire-rated doors and assemblies are provided as required. Labels and
identification are provided on door and assembly. Ensure fire-rated doors are not cut
out or trimmed in any manner that would void their rating. Verify openings meet
rating requirements. Check intumecent sealant is laid / check the sealant time of
expanding in case of fire

12. Verify plastic doors are of approved fabrication and are undamaged and protected

13. Verify face sheets on plastic doors are lapped over stile pieces

14. Verify provisions for cap flashing of weather exposed areas are provided

Installation Workmanship

1. Verify doors are installed with uniform and required tolerance. Verify doors are
beveled as required and suit astragal requirements for pairs of doors

2. Verify stiles and rails are cut a minimum amount so as not to impair integrity of door.
Verify that backsets match finish hardware and stiles are not weakened

3. Verify hardware installation does not impair integrity of door. Observe that lock
blocks and other blocking is provided

4. Verify cut-outs for glazed lights, and vents are within allowed standards of door
manufacturers. Ensure edges are resealed immediately after cutting

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Doors and Windows - Wood and Plastic Doors and Frames

5. Verify clearances for acceptance of thresholds, weatherstripping, gasketing, and

carpeting are made

6. Check nails are set below surface of the wood, ready for filling with approved
material and matched color

7. Check the door panel leveling with wood trim and frame after closing the door

8. Are architraves and trims accessories as per approved shopdrawings

9. Check point protection

10. Anchorage shall be installed as shown on shopdrawings and at locations


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Doors and Windows
Entrances and Storefronts
Doors and Windows - Entrances and Storefronts


This section of the site inspection manual is designed to assist the inspector in the
process of conducting site inspection for Entrance and Storefronts Doors and Windows,
and it is not intended to provide a step by step procedure. It provides general guidelines
detailing some major items to be noted during the inspection.

Any inspection of an item has to take into consideration the location of the item and its
relation to other elements/installations. The inspector has to look at the surrounding and
the items connected to the item inspected, even if not falling under his field of expertise,
in a way to identify the impact on/of other elements, the consequences of this work on
other works, any miscoordination, and not to look at the item as if in an isolation.

Note: Before inspection consult the following documents as relating to the inspected

 Project Specifications;
 Any related statement in the Conditions of Contract;
 Related Contract and coordinated Shop Drawings (including any
 Item description in the Bills of Quantities;
 Related Official Correspondance, Site Instructions, VO’s, etc. ;
 Previous daily site diary entries or site inspection forms which may have
recorded defective work;
 Inspection of material delivered to Site.

This guideline should not be read or interpreted to supersede the specifications

or other information included in the Contract Documents.


(Relate to Glazing section for checking of glazing)


1. Verify components or pre-assembled panels are checked for shipping damage after
uncrating; and size, shape, thickness of metal extrusions or parts match full size
details when available. Check that gauges, patterns and colors are as approved and
match samples
2. Verify protective coating and/or lacquers are provided to proper thickness

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Doors and Windows - Entrances and Storefronts

3. Verify shop-applied sealant is provided at shop-assembled joints as required

4. Verify color matches between panels and parts are within specified range

5. Check that the glass is tempered or laminated

6. Check in approved shopdrawings if the glass is framed or unframed

Installation workmanship

1. Verify anchorage to structure is secure for transfer of wind load and is required and
permanently tightened after alignment

2. Check the silicon application is set

3. Verify dissimilar metals and materials are isolated; for example, aluminum, in contact
with other metals and cementitious surfaces, may require nylon, polystyrene or
pressure tape, separators or stainless steel bolts

4. Verify expansion joints are provided between units as required

5. Verify weep holes and drainage systems are provided and are clean before and after

6. Verify field-applied sealant is provided as required. Verify field-applied sealant is of

proper type and color and applied where required

7. Verify erection tolerances are maintained regarding horizontal and vertical alignment
and plumbness

8. Verify reveals are of consistent size and align

9. Check door pull and push plates are fully secured

10. Check door closer (pin) functionality till door returns to closed position

11. Verify hardware provisions have been coordinated

12. Verify electric or pneumatic outlets and locations, if required, are provided

13. Verify exterior is maintained reasonably clean after erection, especially free from
cementitious materials

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Doors and Windows - Entrances and Storefronts

14. Verify final cleaning is performed as required

15. Check that the upper metal rail is undamaged nor scratched

16. Check glass corners are clean angle sharp and free from cracks

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Doors and Windows
Metal Windows
Doors and Windows - Metal Windows


This section of the site inspection manual is designed to assist the inspector in the
process of conducting site inspection for Metal Windows, and it is not intended to provide
a step by step procedure. It provides general guidelines detailing some major items to
be noted during the inspection.

Any inspection of an item has to take into consideration the location of the item and its
relation to other elements/installations. The inspector has to look at the surrounding and
the items connected to the item inspected, even if not falling under his field of expertise,
in a way to identify the impact on/of other elements, the consequences of this work on
other works, any miscoordination, and not to look at the item as if in an isolation.

Note: Before inspection consult the following documents as relating to the inspected

 Project Specifications;
 Any related statement in the Conditions of Contract;
 Related Contract and coordinated Shop Drawings (including any
 Item description in the Bills of Quantities;
 Related Official Correspondance, Site Instructions, VO’s, etc. ;
 Previous daily site diary entries or site inspection forms which may have
recorded defective work;
 Inspection of material delivered to Site.

This guideline should not be read or interpreted to supersede the specifications

or other information included in the Contract Documents.


(Refer to “Glazing” section of this division for applicable items)


1. Verify delivered windows are of type, size, finish, and operation as approved material

2. Verify windows are properly stored

3. Check vertical and / or horizontal sliding operation

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Doors and Windows - Metal Windows
4. Verify hardware is of required type, metal, finish, and function

5. Verify required type of glazing beads or stops are provided, and are suitable to
receive glass and glazing thicknesses. Verify method of fastening is as required

6. Verify screens of type, mesh, and size are provided if required and suit installation

7. Are there some windows that are electrical operated or receive fire signal operations

8. Check materials related to perimeter weather tightness details

9. Verify all tests included in the specifications

Documents including the following

1. Certified test reports on air and water infiltration thermal conductivity, condensation
resistance and load tests

Installation Workmanship

1. Verify windows have provision for suitable anchorage, and it is provided during
installation. Verify windows are adequately braced where “built in”

2. Verify windows are set plumb, square, and level in alignment and at proper location
and elevation

3. Verify windows are sealed as required for metal-to-metal surfaces and other surfaces

4. Verify that solid grouting, caulking and backup are provided if required

5. Verify finish is protected and maintained during and after installation. Observe that
protection against cement, plaster, acids, and other harmful materials is provided

6. Verify windows are installed to be weather-tight. Check for whether tightness

requirements and requests tests to be done. Observe that weeps are provided, if
required, and are maintained in a clean condition. Check weep tubes are required
and if any connection to drainage point is necessary

7. Verify windows are properly adjusted for tolerance, clearance, and operation before

8. Observe glazing operation. Verify type of sealant is as required and applied in

accordance with instructions. Refer to “Glazing” section in this division

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Doors and Windows - Metal Windows
9. Test operable windows for hardware and friction adjustment and ease of operation on
completion of installation

10. Verify cleaning of metals and glass is properly performed

11. Check glazing specification and if tempered a stamp should be done on glass

12. Check spacers characteristics between glass tiles as per approved sample

13. Perimeter water proofing

14. Onsite testing

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Doors and Windows
Glazed Curtain Walls
Doors and Windows - Glazed Curtain Walls


This section of the site inspection manual is designed to assist the inspector in the
process of conducting site inspection for Doors and Windows – Glazed Curtain Walls, and
it is not intended to provide a step by step procedure. It provides general guidelines
detailing some major items to be noted during the inspection.

Any inspection of an item has to take into consideration the location of the item and its
relation to other elements/installations. The inspector has to look at the surrounding and
the items connected to the item inspected, even if not falling under his field of expertise,
in a way to identify the impact on/of other elements, the consequences of this work on
other works, any miscoordination, and not to look at the item as if in an isolation.

Note: Before inspection consult the following documents as relating to the inspected

 Project Specifications;
 Any related statement in the Conditions of Contract;
 Related Contract and coordinated Shop Drawings (including any
 Item description in the Bills of Quantities;
 Related Official Correspondance, Site Instructions, VO’s, etc. ;
 Previous daily site diary entries or site inspection forms which may have
recorded defective work;
 Inspection of material delivered to Site.

This guideline should not be read or interpreted to supersede the specifications

or other information included in the Contract Documents.



1. Check aluminum profiles details versus approved sample

2. Verify components or pre-assembled panels are checked for shipping damage after
uncrating; and size, shape, and thickness of metal extrusions or parts match frill size
details when available. Check that gauges, patterns, and colors are as approved and
match samples

3. Verify protective coating and/or lacquers are provided to proper thickness

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Doors and Windows - Glazed Curtain Walls
4. Verify joint sealer is provided at shop-assembled joints as required

5. Verify shop-applied sealant is provided as required

6. Verify sound deadening material and/or insulation is provided as required

7. Verify color matches between panels and parts are within specified range

8. Check the glazing type, dimension and lites order as per approved sample and

9. Perimeter waterproofing

Installation Workmanship

1. Check first fix structure components, type, thickness, alignments and spacings

2. Verify anchorage to structure is secure and permanently tightened and coated

3. Ensure dissimilar metals and materials are isolated

4. Verify field-applied sealant is of proper type and color and applied where required.

5. Verify expansion joints are provided between units as required

6. Verify weep holes and drainage systems are provided and are clean before and after
erection inside aluminum profile and after assembly

7. Check in the mullions and transoms installations the spacing, details and thickness of
profile as per approved sample

8. Check connections between profiles are as per specification with a hairline joint

9. Check the fixation of mullions and transoms is done as per shopdrawings

10. Verify erection tolerances are maintained regarding horizontal and vertical alignment
and plumbness

11. Verify reveals and align are of consistent size

12. Verify debris, such as spray fireproofing, is removed from within curtain wall sections
after erection

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Doors and Windows - Glazed Curtain Walls
13. Verify exterior is maintained reasonably clean after erection, especially free from
cementitious materials

14. Verify final cleaning is performed as required

15. Check installation of glass is performed as per specified location

16. The direction of glass and order of glazing lites is installed correctly

17. The tempered glazing must carry a stamp and / or approved tag from manufacturer

18. Verify structural sealant application should be clean and as per approved sample

19. Check the execution of operational units are done in the specified locations

20. Verify the execution of electrical – signal operational units

21. Quality Control site testing as per specification

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Doors and Windows
Doors and Windows - Hardware


This section of the site inspection manual is designed to assist the inspector in the
process of conducting site inspection for Doors and Windows - Hardware, and it is not
intended to provide a step by step procedure. It provides general guidelines detailing
some major items to be noted during the inspection.

Any inspection of an item has to take into consideration the location of the item and its
relation to other elements/installations. The inspector has to look at the surrounding and
the items connected to the item inspected, even if not falling under his field of expertise,
in a way to identify the impact on/of other elements, the consequences of this work on
other works, any miscoordination, and not to look at the item as if in an isolation.

Note: Before inspection consult the following documents as relating to the inspected

 Project Specifications;
 Any related statement in the Conditions of Contract;
 Related Contract and coordinated Shop Drawings (including any
 Item description in the Bills of Quantities;
 Related Official Correspondance, Site Instructions, VO’s, etc. ;
 Previous daily site diary entries or site inspection forms which may have
recorded defective work;
 Inspection of material delivered to Site.

This guideline should not be read or interpreted to supersede the specifications

or other information included in the Contract Documents.



1. Check hardware items are stamped from the required manufacturer

2. Verify compliance of delivered hardware with the Specification in hardware storage

room before installation

3. Check the hardware finish, dimensions are per approved sample

4. Verify particularly fire rated doors and indoors assemblies

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Doors and Windows - Hardware
5. Verify compliance of fasteners with the Specification

6. Verify particularly the electo-mechanical hardware items

Installation Workmanship:

1. Recommended order of inspection:

 Door butts and hinges before, during and after installation

 Locksets, latchsets, and exit devices before, during and after installation
 Door closers during, before and after installation
 Door stops, holders, and push, pull and kickplates during, before and after

2. Check the exact location of pins in the hinges

3. Verify hardware is installed in accordance with manufacturer’s templates and


4. Determine the proper installation height and location

5. Verify hardware is removed and/or protected during painting and cleaning operations

6. Ensure the use of proper closers and brackets. Check the installations of closers for
adequate clearance

7. Check for the omission of stops and silencers

8. Verify that each item of hardware functions properly after installation

9. Check the installation of electrified hardware as per design schedule and approved

10. Check the application of the master key system

11. Confirm type and trade with tested types and trades in fire report and assessment.

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Doors and Windows
Doors and Windows - Glazing


This section of the site inspection manual is designed to assist the inspector in the
process of conducting site inspection for Doors and Windows – Glazing, and it is not
intended to provide a step by step procedure. It provides general guidelines detailing
some major items to be noted during the inspection.

Any inspection of an item has to take into consideration the location of the item and its
relation to other elements/installations. The inspector has to look at the surrounding and
the items connected to the item inspected, even if not falling under his field of expertise,
in a way to identify the impact on/of other elements, the consequences of this work on
other works, any miscoordination, and not to look at the item as if in an isolation.

Note: Before inspection consult the following documents as relating to the inspected

 Project Specifications;
 Any related statement in the Conditions of Contract;
 Related Contract and coordinated Shop Drawings (including any
 Item description in the Bills of Quantities;
 Related Official Correspondance, Site Instructions, VO’s, etc. ;
 Previous daily site diary entries or site inspection forms which may have
recorded defective work;
 Inspection of material delivered to Site.

This guideline should not be read or interpreted to supersede the specifications

or other information included in the Contract Documents.


1. Check manufacturer descriptive data, check also that manufacturer installation and
storing instructions are provided

2. Verify that all tests, guarantee and certificates are submitted as per specifications

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Doors and Windows - Glazing

1. Verify types, coating thickness, quality, pattern, heat treatment, color, double glazing
requirements and finish of glass are as required and glass is labeled or otherwise

2. Verify that safety glass required to have etched marking of identification at a corner
of each pane

3. Safety glazing must be identified and special attention must be made for safety glass

4. Check the level of transparency and refraction in glass

5. Verify putty, glazing compound, tape, gasketing, glazier points, screws, shims,
separators, beads, and special sections are as required

6. Verify proper storage of glass on its edges to prevent scratching of glass surface

Installation Workmanship

1. Verify surfaces to receive glass are properly prepared

2. Verify wood and steel rabbets and beads are primed before glazing; lacquer and
grease are removed from metals; and weathering steel is primed or otherwise

3. Verify required clearance between glass and frames is provided

4. Verify no alteration or attempt to alter size or edge of heat-strengthened, tempered,

or insulating glass is made on job

5. Verify glazing blocks and shims are provided for proper positioning and setting as

6. Verify embedding requirements, such as puttying and back-puttying, use of points,

and use of putty or compound are as required. Observe that corrosion-resistant
fasteners are used. Verify glazing compound or sealant is applied in accordance with
manufacturer’s requirement

7. Verify gasketing in metal sash (frame) is not painted

8. Verify stop beads are securely fastened and non-removable types are used if

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Doors and Windows - Glazing
9. Verify requirements for maintaining labels and protective identification on glass until
final cleaning are met

10. Verify cleaning of glass is performed properly without scratches, and all surfaces are
free of labels, putty, compounds, and paint

11. Check minor color, frame, fasteners, anchorage and location as per drawings and
approved sample

12. Check the exact specification of the glazing type and its proper functionality if it is a
heat-treated glass, tempered glass, heat-strengthened glass, laminated glass,
chemically strengthened glass, fire-rated glass, fritted glass, spandrel glass, tinted
and reflective coated glass, tinted glass, insulating glass, low-coated glass, or any
other type, check specs and details and verify its installation on site.

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Lath and Plaster
Finishes - Lath and Plaster


This section of the site inspection manual is designed to assist the inspector in the
process of conducting site inspection for Lath and Plaster, and it is not intended to
provide a step by step procedure. It provides general guidelines detailing some major
items to be noted during the inspection.

Any inspection of an item has to take into consideration the location of the item and its
relation to other elements/installations. The inspector has to look at the surrounding and
the items connected to the item inspected, even if not falling under his field of expertise,
in a way to identify the impact on/of other elements, the consequences of this work on
other works, any miscoordination, and not to look at the item as if in an isolation.

Note: Before inspection consult the following documents as relating to the inspected

 Project Specifications;
 Any related statement in the Conditions of Contract;
 Related Contract and coordinated Shop Drawings (including any
 Item description in the Bills of Quantities;
 Related Official Correspondance, Site Instructions, VO’s, etc. ;
 Previous daily site diary entries or site inspection forms which may have
recorded defective work;
 Inspection of material delivered to Site.

This guideline should not be read or interpreted to supersede the specifications

or other information included in the Contract Documents.


Framing and Furring:

a) Materials

1. Check shopdrawing for the following:

a. Installation systems
b. Details of supports to ceiling and wall
c. Details at openings
d. All details and information on mix proportions and thickness of coats

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Finishes - Lath and Plaster
2. Verify materials are non-corrosive where exposed to exterior and damp conditions, if

3. Various items must be checked with approved sample for thickness of gauge, flange
width and configuration

4. Verify anchorages, blocking, and plates required for other equipment support and
fastening are provided

5. Verify channel stiffener materials are delivered as required in terms of weight and

6. Verify hangers of proper type, size, and gauge are provided as required

7. Verify corner beads, expansion devices, vent screeds, casings, trim, and other
accessories are provided as required with no defects nor banded edges

8. Verify flashing sleeves and saddles are as required

9. Verify size, gauge, spacing of runner and furring channels

10. Verify tie wire material and size for connection of channels to runners is provided

11. Verify wood grounds are provided as required

12. Verify metal lath is of type and gauge required for spacing, galvanized as required

13. For storage, containers must be sealed

b) Workmanship

1. Verify stud spacing is as required

2. Verify studs are set to allow for vertical movement such as shrinkage, and slab

3. Verify studs are friction fit or securely anchored to runner tracks. Soundproofing,
such as caulking beads, is provided at floors, and walls as required

4. Check nails spacing as per approved method of practice

5. Verify locations, layout, and plumbness

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Finishes - Lath and Plaster
6. Check tap width the lapping distance as per specifications

7. Verify channel stiffeners are provided as required

8. Verify anchorages, blocking, and plates required for other equipment support and
fastening are provided and installed

9. Verify cut-outs and openings are properly framed. Verify that flashing sleeves and
saddles are in place

10. Observe fastening of runner and furring channels

11. Verify hangers are saddle-tied, bolted, or clipped as required

12. Verify tie wire material is properly tied

13. Verify ground elevation and layout of furring with controller before installation. Verify
installation provides a true plane surface, plumb or level as required

14. Verify grounds and screeds are set for a true, level, and plane surface and to obtain
proper depth of plaster. Verify long lengths are used and where required splices are
properly provided

15. Verify wood grounds are installed as required

16. Verify corner beads, expansion devices, vent screeds, casings, trim, and other
accessories are properly installed. Verify long lengths or single lengths are provided

17. Verify frames are provided for access panels as required

18. Verify connections and provisions are made at corners or adjoining surfaces of
different materials

19. The code of practice acquire the use of casing bead to separate plaster at abutting
dissimilar materials

20. Check detail for correct application of control joint bead – lathes cut to enable the
joint to work and prevent cracking

21. Verify that metal lath is lapped, and tied as required. Verify ends of galvanized wire
ties are bent to prevent rust. Verify that horizontal and vertical weather lapping is

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Finishes - Lath and Plaster
22. Consult with structural engineer for any calculations required for metal lath
connections and support

23. Check accessories for alignment

24. Check beads, screeds for required depth to develop the specified thickness of plaster


a) Materials

1. Verify plaster mix, proportions, and mixing equipment are as required in the
manufacturer’s instruction

2. Make sure that all plaster components are stored in uncut dry tagged bags

b) Workmanship

1. Verify provision is made for regulated ventilation of spaces to be plastered before


2. Verify masonry and concrete surfaces that are directly plastered have been
roughened, cleaned, and dampened. Bonding materials and requirements are met,
including means to avoid telegraphing masonry joints

3. Verify setting and curing times are as required

4. Verify adjacent spaces and surfaces are protected during plastering operations

5. Verify proper type of plaster required for various types of areas provided

6. Verify adequate lighting is provided for proper workmanship

7. Verify proper basecoat plaster thickness is provided

8. Verify cement plaster is scratched or scored horizontally only. Verify gypsum plaster
is cross scored

9. Inspect smoothness and/or texture: Smooth troweled gypsum plaster should reflect a
true, even plane when inspected at an oblique angle. Verify texture is provided, using
method in accordance with one (1) approved sample and is uniform

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Finishes - Lath and Plaster
10. Verify color coat is of approved mix and adequately covers undercoat. For integrally
colored plaster, closely observe color appearance of sections completed at different

11. Cording, if required, is set in expansion screeds, removed at completion of each

phase, and completely cleared of all buildup at completion

12. Confirm color fasting of plaster veneers while curing for color match with
representative sample

13. Verify clean-up at intervals is performed and complete clean-up and debris disposal is
performed at end of operations. Do not allow excessive debris to accumulate, and
see that precautions are taken to prevent tracking to other areas

14. Verify that alternate curing measures will be used during extremely hot weather

15. Verify surface preparation especially on smooth concrete surfaces to be pastered

16. Test bonding of plaster especially on horizontally applied areas, by hammer or pull

17. Verify masking is promptly removed at the end of operations

18. Even after inspection and clearance, subsequently inspect plastered areas to
determine status of plaster and advice of any defects that appear

19. Check for curing setup before plastering begins, it is important that all coats be
moist cured to control shrinkage

20. Check leveling of plaster chords at least 3 successive chords, horizontal and vertical

21. If plaster is applied on masonry, make sure that the C.M.U. surface have been
damped before plaster application otherwise C.M.U. will suck the water from plaster
and cause cracks

22. When inspecting the plaster, test the sound of plaster and if hollow sound is heard
mark it immediately to be and replastered

23. Check plaster final surface leveling by a straight chord, horizontal, vertical and

24. Check plaster stop on door frame is uniform

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Gypsum Boards
Finishes - Gypsum Boards


This section of the site inspection manual is designed to assist the inspector in the
process of conducting site inspection for Gypsum Boards, and it is not intended to
provide a step by step procedure. It provides general guidelines detailing some major
items to be noted during the inspection.

Any inspection of an item has to take into consideration the location of the item and its
relation to other elements/installations. The inspector has to look at the surrounding and
the items connected to the item inspected, even if not falling under his field of expertise,
in a way to identify the impact on/of other elements, the consequences of this work on
other works, any miscoordination, and not to look at the item as if in an isolation.

Note: Before inspection consult the following documents as relating to the inspected

 Project Specifications;
 Any related statement in the Conditions of Contract;
 Related Contract and coordinated Shop Drawings (including any
 Item description in the Bills of Quantities;
 Related Official Correspondance, Site Instructions, VO’s, etc. ;
 Previous daily site diary entries or site inspection forms which may have
recorded defective work;
 Inspection of material delivered to Site.

This guideline should not be read or interpreted to supersede the specifications

or other information included in the Contract Documents.



1. Verify material is stored in dry location and does not overload floor systems

Interior Wallboard Framing:

a) Materials

1. Verify metal framing components are galvanized as required by the Specification

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Finishes - Gypsum Boards
2. Verify wood framing materials are straight and properly cured; chemically treated for
fire resistance or other properties, as required

3. Verify wood materials are sufficiently dry to avoid “nail popping” due to shrinkage

4. Verify size and gauge of studs, runners, bridging and furring as per approved data
sheet and sample

5. If fire rated, verify proprietary fire stop track

6. Verify that provided fasteners are corrosion resistance material and having sufficient
holding power and other properties. Verify type of nail or fastener, gauge, length,
and spacing are provided as required. Verify whether special nailing is required

7. Verify type, thickness, length, and edges of gypsum board are as required. Verify if
the boards are suitable for vertical application

8. Check rock wool insulation as per approved sample and manufacturer data sheet

9. Verify fire-rated gypsum board compound is provided where required by type of

construction, occupancy, or otherwise

10. Have mock up and verify that whole assembly is per tested assembly for fire rated

11. Verify appropriate gypsum board is used for damp and other special locations if

12. Check that the gypsum board long-end is recessed to give space for reinforcing mash
to be installed

13. Check reinforcing mesh is available as per data sheet

14. Mock up detail required for joint treatment

b) Workmanship

1. Verify installation complies with manufacturer’s recommendations or other


2. Verify stud spacing is as required; studs are doubled-up at jambs; and special
reinforcement and heavy gauge studs are provided as required. Verify that studs are
fully secured to structural member with approved nails

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Finishes - Gypsum Boards
3. Verify studs are set to allow for vertical movement such as shrinkage, and slab
deflection at ceiling only (fixed from one end) to the ceiling

4. Verify studs are friction fit or fastened as required to securely anchored runner track.
Verify soundproofing, such as caulking beads, is provided at floors, and walls if

5. Verify locations, layout, plumbness and alignment with adjacent materials (usually
preferable that gypsum partition is isolated from adjacent material by a material and
quantity runner)

6. Verify channel stiffeners are provided as required

7. Verify special field conditions of fastening and connection are observed for accuracy

8. Verify wood studs are in alignment, and out-of-line members are corrected. Verify
spacing and construction are as specified

9. Verify cut-outs and openings are properly framed

10. Regularly check that electromechanical fittings are fully secured and penetrate
gypsum in a uniform manner

11. Verify spacing, and fastening of runner and furring channels

12. Verify tie wire material and size for connection of channels to runners is provided and
properly tied

13. Verify elevation and layout of furring is understood. Verify installation provides a true
plane surface, plumb or level as required

14. Verify corner beads, expansion devices, casings, trim, and other accessories are
provided and properly installed. Confirm long lengths or single lengths are provided
as specified

15. Verify agency inspection is performed before “closing-in” if required

16. Verify connections and provisions are made at corners or adjoining surfaces of
different materials (usually use a metal runner)

17. Verify holes in metal studs are in alignment

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Finishes - Gypsum Boards
18. Verify perimeter proprietary fire-stop, sealing or treatment is provided as required for
sound or thermal isolation

19. Verify blocking, bracing, nailers, and back-up to attach gypsum board are provided.
Verify whether all edges of gypsum board require continuous blocking. Verify
provisions are made for required anchorage and support of other equipment

20. Verify use of reinforcing tape all the panel long

21. Check the application of the proper type of gypsum in the proper location (water
resistant / fire proof gypsum)

22. Check patching and cutting is done in a uniform manner

23. Check skirting detail and verify its constructability on site

Suspended Ceiling Framing

a) Materials:

1. Verify that tie wires are provides as required

2. Verify frames are provided for access panels as required

3. Verify hangers of proper type, size, and gauge are provided

4. Verify that carrying and furring are of proper type, size, and gauge as required

b) Workmanship:

1. Verify that hangers are saddle tied, bolted, or clipped as required – check alignment
and horizontality with tolerance noted in specifications

2. Verify anchorages, blocking, and plates required for other equipment support and
fastening are provided and installed

3. Where ducts and other constructions produce hanger spacings that interfere with the
location of hangers required for standard suspension, verify that supplementary
suspension members and hangers are provided as required

4. Verify installation tolerances

5. Verify that furring is screwed to wood framing

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Finishes - Gypsum Boards
6. Check connection of ceiling edge with adjacent joint

Gypsum Board for walls and ceilings

1. Verify gypsum board is not erected until building is closed-in (depends on weather).
Verify ventilation for air circulation is provided, with adequate dry heat

2. Verify fire-rated gypsum board compound and installation system is provided where
required by type of construction, occupancy, or otherwise (usually have a red / pink

3. If fire-rated, verify all penetrations are tight and sealed and otherwise as required by

4. Verify appropriate gypsum board is used for damp and other special locations if
required. Observe that cut edges and cut outs of moisture resistant gypsum board
edges are properly sealed. Confirm horizontal joints have factory edges

5. Verify special lengths are provided if required

6. Verify special installations required for soundproofing are provided. Observe method
and see that isolation is achieved. See that rigid jointing is tight to obstruct passage
of sound, check rock wool installation and to be fully secured

7. Verify correct sizing for cut-outs, and outlet boxes is performed to avoid patching,
sound passage, and thermal loss. Require sawing and do not allow scoring and

8. Verify gypsum board is held up from floor 3/8” minimum

9. Confirm gypsum board is installed with staggered application - back-to- back

staggering, wall-to-ceiling staggering, and double-layer staggering. Verify gypsum
board on steel stud framing is installed always working towards the open face of

10. Verify vertical joints are aligned with door frames

11. Verify fastening is performed as required. Verify fastening is from center outward,
paper surfaces not broken, sheets not driven together. Observe that non-metallic
cable, plastic, or copper piping is not close to surfaces or damaged

12. Observe that excessive piecing or jointing is not provided. Ensure damaged sheets
are not to be used and are discarded

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Finishes - Gypsum Boards
13. Verify taping system is of type, compound, and method required

14. Verify number of coatings required is provided, equipment and tools are suitable,
sanding between coats is performed, and joints will be unnoticeable after finish is
applied. Observe that curing time is adequate, and check for bubbles and dimples

15. Verify type of texture or finish specified will be applied

16. Verify types of internal and external metal corners are provided as required. Verify
gypsum board accessories are of type required

17. Verify clean-up at intervals is performed and complete clean-up and debris disposal is
performed at end of operations. Do not allow excessive debris to accumulate, and
see that precautions are taken to prevent tracking to other areas

18. Check lighting boxes / fixtures, sprinklers, sound speakers are secured in the middle
of the gypsum tile with a clean cut

19. Check alignment of MEP fittings in gypsum board

20. All gypsum bulkheads to be tightly secured and fixed to adjacent structural member

21. Check vertical versus horizontal surfaces connection in gypsum board ceiling

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Finishes - Tiles


This section of the site inspection manual is designed to assist the inspector in the
process of conducting site inspection for Tiles, and it is not intended to provide a step by
step procedure. It provides general guidelines detailing some major items to be noted
during the inspection.

Any inspection of an item has to take into consideration the location of the item and its
relation to other elements/installations. The inspector has to look at the surrounding and
the items connected to the item inspected, even if not falling under his field of expertise,
in a way to identify the impact on/of other elements, the consequences of this work on
other works, any miscoordination, and not to look at the item as if in an isolation.

Note: Before inspection consult the following documents as relating to the inspected

 Project Specifications;
 Any related statement in the Conditions of Contract;
 Related Contract and coordinated Shop Drawings (including any
 Item description in the Bills of Quantities;
 Related Official Correspondance, Site Instructions, VO’s, etc. ;
 Previous daily site diary entries or site inspection forms which may have
recorded defective work;
 Inspection of material delivered to Site.

This guideline should not be read or interpreted to supersede the specifications

or other information included in the Contract Documents.



1. Check the approval of the submitted tests and guarantees against acids water / fire
as indicated in specs

2. Verify containers are sealed upon delivery

3. Verify tile color, sizes, patterns, shapes, thickness, and type are as approved

4. Check horizontality of the tile edges

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Finishes - Tiles
5. Compare to sample

6. Verify grout type and color is as approved and method of application

7. Verify tile color is uniform; shading of color within acceptable tolerances

8. Verify setting materials are as specified (adhesives)

9. Verify mortar materials are as specified

10. Verify that waterproofing material is as specified (check if it is a coat on the tile that
the tile does not discolor)

11. Verify that supplied accessories are as specified (fixation system and anchors)

12. Verify that stone or marble thresholds (if any) are as specified

13. Verify control joints


a) Wall preparation:

1. Verify wall tile is set before floor tile except first 60cm above finish floor give space
for water proofing membrane to skirt on wall

2. Verify waterproof membrane is installed if required

3. Verify studs and furring are properly anchored and braced – make sure that the
anchor is bolted in a filled C.M.U. not Hollow – make sure it is galvanized

4. Verify backing for accessories and partitions is in place and as approved stiffness and

5. Verify lath is properly located, lapped and tied; galvanized lath and wires in wet
areas; galvanized or painted lath in dry areas as specified

6. Verify scratch coat if required fully keyed to lath; mortar bed uniformly floated to
cured scratch coat or masonry surface

7. Check joint width as per approved shopdrawing

8. Check connections at expansion and control joints

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Finishes - Tiles
9. Hollow sounded tiles to be removed

b) Wall preparation

1. Verify wall tile is set before floor tile

2. Verify wall backing is properly secured and of specified type; water resistant if
gypsum board; surface sealed as required; gypsum board penetrations caulked with
special sealant

c) Floor preparation:

1. Verify masonry thresholds or metal edge bars are set to finish grade

2. Verify floor drains are set to finish grade at low point

3. Verify floor and/or mortar bed are uniformly sloped for drainage and accessibility as
required for drainage and accessibility

4. Verify expansion joints are located and of type as required

5. Verify substrate is clean and dry; without bumps and hollows for thin set application

6. Verify waterproof membrane or cleavage membrane is properly installed for mortar

bed application, if required (and fully secured to floor drain)

7. Verify proper mixing of mortar beds

8. Verify mortar bed is properly reinforced

9. Ensure excessive mortar bed is not placed to avoid initial set

10. Verify tile is tamped in to assure good bond; excess bond coat immediately removed
before set up

11. Check joints alignment versus adjacent materials

d) Wall and floor tile installation

1. Verify tile pattern layout as approved; Verify Tile is properly spaced as required

2. Verify alignment of trim, juncture with ceiling and fittings from other trades

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Finishes - Tiles
3. Make sure that, generally, no cuts smaller than half tile size are obtained with cuts
balanced and smooth without jagged or flaked edges and areas centered

4. Verify that tile joints are straight and true

5. Verify tile surfaces are true to plane, level and plumb. Consider sloping requirements,
check proper sloping and verify levels against datum line

6. Verify tile corners are flush or level with adjacent tile

7. Verify tile edges are on an even plane, smooth to touch

8. Verify bonding is complete and sound

9. Verify finished tile is free from pits, chips, cracks or scratches

10. Verify grout is uniform in color, tooled uniformly on cushion edged tiles, flush to top
of square edged tiles, and smooth, without voids and is hard and durable

11. Verify grout is cleaned timely from tile surface

12. Verify finished tile surface is cleaned of setting and grouting materials; do not allow
muriatic acid on glazed tile – check material data sheet

13. Verify finished tile is protected from damage

14. Verify that the use of sound absorbing matting (if required) conforms to
manufacturer’s specifications

15. Verify Surface applied accessories are fastened through tile by drilling tile or grout
joints without inducing cracks

16. Verify tile is protected from movement or traffic, 48 hours after setting and 48 hours
after grouting

17. Verify built-in accessories are set and firmly anchored; aligned with grout joints as

18. No hollow sounded tile to be installed

19. Check final level after complete installation

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Finishes - Terrazzo


This section of the site inspection manual is designed to assist the inspector in the
process of conducting site inspection for Terrazzo, and it is not intended to provide a
step by step procedure. It provides general guidelines detailing some major items to be
noted during the inspection.

Any inspection of an item has to take into consideration the location of the item and its
relation to other elements/installations. The inspector has to look at the surrounding and
the items connected to the item inspected, even if not falling under his field of expertise,
in a way to identify the impact on/of other elements, the consequences of this work on
other works, any miscoordination, and not to look at the item as if in an isolation.

Note: Before inspection consult the following documents as relating to the inspected

 Project Specifications;
 Any related statement in the Conditions of Contract;
 Related Contract and coordinated Shop Drawings (including any
 Item description in the Bills of Quantities;
 Related Official Correspondance, Site Instructions, VO’s, etc. ;
 Previous daily site diary entries or site inspection forms which may have
recorded defective work;
 Inspection of material delivered to Site.

This guideline should not be read or interpreted to supersede the specifications

or other information included in the Contract Documents.


1. Verify precast materials are on hand as approved

2. Verify color matches aggregate and matrix of color sample

3. Verify material is the specified thickness

4. Verify required divider strips, inserts, and reinforcements are delivered as approved
– check reaction of different materials

5. Verify finish sealer material

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Finishes - Terrazzo
6. Check containers labels on arrival for matching

Installation Workmanship

1. Verify substrate to receive terrazzo will provide good bonding and is clean and free of
oil, dirt, and other deleterious matter

2. Secure all MEP data cables conduits are fully secured before installation of strips and
terrazzo installations

3. Verify required divider strips, inserts, and reinforcements are installed as required,
and layout and spacing are understood. See that secure anchorage, proper elevation,
and tight joints are provided. Verify expansion strips are provided as required

4. Verify pre-cast materials are installed as required

5. Verify base beads or temporary screeds are in place and of required height

6. Verify type and location of non-slip surface specified and indicated is installed

7. Verify conductive terrazzo is installed as required

8. Ensure surfaces to receive terrazzo are moistened

9. Ensure proper curing provisions are observed

10. Verify grinding operations produce a smooth, true, even surface of good visual

11. See that hard-to-get-at spaces are rubbed

12. Verify surfaces are cleaned of stains, cement, and paint spills

13. Verify finish sealer is provided and applied as required

14. Verify finish floor is properly cured, protected and not subject to abuse during
remainder of construction

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Wood Flooring
Finishes - Wood Flooring


This section of the site inspection manual is designed to assist the inspector in the
process of conducting site inspection for Wood Flooring, and it is not intended to provide
a step by step procedure. It provides general guidelines detailing some major items to
be noted during the inspection.

Any inspection of an item has to take into consideration the location of the item and its
relation to other elements/installations. The inspector has to look at the surrounding and
the items connected to the item inspected, even if not falling under his field of expertise,
in a way to identify the impact on/of other elements, the consequences of this work on
other works, any miscoordination, and not to look at the item as if in an isolation.

Note: Before inspection consult the following documents as relating to the inspected

 Project Specifications;
 Any related statement in the Conditions of Contract;
 Related Contract and coordinated Shop Drawings (including any
 Item description in the Bills of Quantities;
 Related Official Correspondance, Site Instructions, VO’s, etc. ;
 Previous daily site diary entries or site inspection forms which may have
recorded defective work;
 Inspection of material delivered to Site.

This guideline should not be read or interpreted to supersede the specifications

or other information included in the Contract Documents.



a) Wood Strip Flooring:

1. Verify delivered material is of grade size, type, thickness, dimensions, and veneer
size and shape, color species specified

2. Verify felt paper (“slip sheet”) or underlayment as required is provided.

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Finishes - Wood Flooring
3. Verify nails and fasteners are of type and size approved

4. Verify that wood strip flooring sleepers are of material and dimension required

5. Verify fillers, stains, and floor finish materials are provided as specified

6. Verify sanding materials

7. Check corner of wood panels to be right and undamaged

8. Verify waxing materials

9. Check storage is in dry protected, ventilated location

b) Parquet Flooring:

1. Verify delivered material is of grade size, type, and species specified

2. Verify vapor barrier, waterproof membrane, or other treatment is provided as


3. Verify fillers, stains, and floor finish materials are provided as specified

4. Verify sanding materials

5. Verify waxing materials


a) Pre-installation verifications:

1. Verify areas to receive flooring are closed-in, and adequate temperature is provided
and maintained

2. Verify interior surfaces such as plaster, concrete, and masonry are dry. Verify surface
of substrate, if concrete, is even, level at joints, clean, and otherwise acceptable

3. Review waterproofing provisions

b) Wood Strip Flooring:

1. Verify floor material temperature has been conditioned.

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Finishes - Wood Flooring
2. Verify sub-floor surface is securely nailed, level, even jointed, cleaned, and free of
defects that might affect finish flooring, check the alignment as per shopdrawing

3. Make sure that anchorage and nails are as per approved samples

4. Ensure warped and twisted material is not used

5. Verify specified pattern, border, grain, field direction, feature, and strips before

6. Verify expansion space is provided at perimeter of flooring as required

7. Verify joints are driven up tight and tongue undamaged

8. Verify end joints are alternated to provide at least two courses between joints

9. Verify that pre-drilling of nails and fasteners is provided, if required. Nails are
diagonally driven with both ends of each strip nailed

10. Verify that sleepers are set and securely anchored over subsurface required, and
ventilation method if effective

c) Parquet Flooring:

1. Verify adhesives or application materials are non-toxic as approved. Verify

installation complies with manufacturer’s recommendations or as otherwise required

2. For prefinished material, observe that joints are even and within tolerances required

d) Post-installation verifications:

1. Verify that sanding is performed using the required methods and materials and
produces a smooth acceptable surface. Observe sanding in hard-to-get- at spaces. It
is recommended that sanding be delayed until other finishing operations are

2. Verify fillers, stains, and floor finish materials are and applied as recommended by
manufacturer or as required

3. Verify protection is provided as required. Observe that floors and stair treads are
protected from droppings, paint, and traffic. See that heavy equipment is lifted, not
dragged, into place

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Finishes - Wood Flooring
4. Verify floor waxing and buffing is provided as required

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Finishes - Carpet


This section of the site inspection manual is designed to assist the inspector in the
process of conducting site inspection for Carpet, and it is not intended to provide a step
by step procedure. It provides general guidelines detailing some major items to be noted
during the inspection.

Any inspection of an item has to take into consideration the location of the item and its
relation to other elements/installations. The inspector has to look at the surrounding and
the items connected to the item inspected, even if not falling under his field of expertise,
in a way to identify the impact on/of other elements, the consequences of this work on
other works, any miscoordination, and not to look at the item as if in an isolation.

Note: Before inspection consult the following documents as relating to the inspected

 Project Specifications;
 Any related statement in the Conditions of Contract;
 Related Contract and coordinated Shop Drawings (including any
 Item description in the Bills of Quantities;
 Related Official Correspondance, Site Instructions, VO’s, etc. ;
 Previous daily site diary entries or site inspection forms which may have
recorded defective work;
 Inspection of material delivered to Site.

This guideline should not be read or interpreted to supersede the specifications

or other information included in the Contract Documents.



1. Verify supplied materials are as approved. Double check padding requirements

2. Confirm normal overage of carpet is provided. Do not allow excessive seams


1. Verify substrate is acceptable. Check plywood subfloors for secure nailing to avoid
“nail pops” and squeaking. Verify large splits, knots, or unlevel areas are filled,

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Finishes - Carpet
patched with proper material, and sanded flat. Make similar observation of concrete
floors, with attention paid to levelness of joints (to be ground smooth)

2. Verify substrate is properly leveled, cleaned and vacuumed

3. Verify areas are sufficiently finished before carpet is laid, to avoid undue traffic,
construction debris, and damage exposure

4. Verify pad is not exposed to weather. Do not allow wet or damp pad to be installed

5. Confirm carpet was unrolled for 24 hours before installation

6. Verify conditions of thresholds and edges joining other materials before installation.
Give special attention to trench duct cover plates and other floor outlets.

7. Verify same color run is used in one area and matches approved sample

8. Verify material is laid in same direction and in conformance with seaming diagram

9. Verify whether seam and pattern layout is understood. If layout is not specified,
arrange so that seams are located to avoid high traffic areas or highly visual areas as
much as possible. Do not allow cross seams

10. Verify seam cuts are made along weave line and no indentation or puckering (folds)
occurs along finished seam

11. Verify conditions of installation at stairways, cut outs, protrusions, access areas

12. Verify carpeted areas are properly cleaned and protected as required

13. In large open floor areas, review manufacturer’s roll sequence numbers. Give special
attention to directional patterns and confirm installation is as indicated on drawings
or specifications

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Acoustical Treatment
Finishes - Acoustical Treatment


This section of the site inspection manual is designed to assist the inspector in the
process of conducting site inspection for Acoustical Treatment (False Ceiling), and it is
not intended to provide a step by step procedure. It provides general guidelines detailing
some major items to be noted during the inspection.

Any inspection of an item has to take into consideration the location of the item and its
relation to other elements/installations. The inspector has to look at the surrounding and
the items connected to the item inspected, even if not falling under his field of expertise,
in a way to identify the impact on/of other elements, the consequences of this work on
other works, any miscoordination, and not to look at the item as if in an isolation.

Note: Before inspection consult the following documents as relating to the inspected

 Project Specifications;
 Any related statement in the Conditions of Contract;
 Related Contract and coordinated Shop Drawings (including any
 Item description in the Bills of Quantities;
 Related Official Correspondance, Site Instructions, VO’s, etc. ;
 Previous daily site diary entries or site inspection forms which may have
recorded defective work;
 Inspection of material delivered to Site.

This guideline should not be read or interpreted to supersede the specifications

or other information included in the Contract Documents.


Suspension Systems:

1. Verify layout of suspended system is understood and coordinated with work of other
trades to allow adequate plenum space and avoid interference.

2. Verify hangers of proper material, gauge and spacing are provided as required. Verify
intermediate hangers and bridging are provided as required by field conditions.

3. Verify hangers anchored to concrete support systems are installed as required and
fastened providing adequate support.

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Finishes - Acoustical Treatment
4. Verify hangers anchored to steel support systems are installed as required.

5. Verify isolators are provided and installed in accordance with manufacturer’s

requirements (if required).

6. Verify sway and seismic bracing is provided if required.

7. Verify suspension system, components and accessories are provided and installed as

8. Verify perimeter and edge conditions are provided and installed as required. Ensure
joint treatment is consistent.

9. Verify system is installed and adjusted in true alignment, square and level.

10. Verify system does not receive loading from other equipment, fixtures, or materials
not included in its design.

11. Verify fire-rated systems are installed in accordance with UL requirements.

12. Verify access to equipment above ceiling is provided as required.

13. Verify sound isolation elements above ceiling are provided and installed as required.

14. Verify fire blankets or rated hats over recessed light fixtures and mechanical outlets
are provided as required.

15. Verify exposed rivets are painted out.

Acoustical Tile and Board:

1. Verify material is of type, thickness, material, pattern and edge condition specified.

2. Verify material is installed in accordance with mounting specified.

3. Verify adhesives and air space are in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.

4. If tile is to be sprayed, verify paint material is approved for application and will not
affect acoustical performance of tile.

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Paints and Coatings
Finishes - Paints and Coatings


This section of the site inspection manual is designed to assist the inspector in the
process of conducting site inspection for Paints and Coatings, and it is not intended to
provide a step by step procedure. It provides general guidelines detailing some major
items to be noted during the inspection.

Any inspection of an item has to take into consideration the location of the item and its
relation to other elements/installations. The inspector has to look at the surrounding and
the items connected to the item inspected, even if not falling under his field of expertise,
in a way to identify the impact on/of other elements, the consequences of this work on
other works, any miscoordination, and not to look at the item as if in an isolation.

Note: Before inspection consult the following documents as relating to the inspected

 Project Specifications;
 Any related statement in the Conditions of Contract;
 Related Contract and coordinated Shop Drawings (including any
 Item description in the Bills of Quantities;
 Related Official Correspondance, Site Instructions, VO’s, etc. ;
 Previous daily site diary entries or site inspection forms which may have
recorded defective work;
 Inspection of material delivered to Site.

This guideline should not be read or interpreted to supersede the specifications

or other information included in the Contract Documents.


1. Verify tests and certificates as described in specifications including the following:

a. Manufacturers’ instructions are required for:

 Textured coatings
 Epoxy
 Polyurethane
 Liquid glaze

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Finishes - Paints and Coatings

1. Verify all materials (block fillers and putty, exterior and interior primers, interior and
exterior finish coat materials, interior wood stains and varnishes, etc.) are new, and
materials are products of same manufacturer if required. Verify containers are
adequately identified. Disallow containers showing evidence of broken seal

2. Make sure that material is well mixed before sample is drawn

3. Verify color schedule is complete and understood. Verify approved color samples are
on job. Before application, confirm stopping points for change of color and finish.
Confirm requirements for field mock-ups

4. Verify storage area for painting materials is well ventilated and debris are removed
from storage area


1. Verify dust control is maintained

2. Verify adequate lighting is provided for proper working conditions

3. Verify protection of adjacent areas, surfaces, and items is provided. Hardware, trim,
fixtures, and similar items are removed during painting operations or otherwise
suitably protected. Clean drop cloths are provided over finished surfaces

4. Verify temperature conditions for type of paint are provided

5. Verify surfaces to receive paint are dry. Damp, not wet, surfaces are allowed for
water-thinned paints

6. Verify areas are suitably cleaned and free of conditions affecting drying and finish

7. Verify surfaces to receive paint are sanded; holes puttied or filled; pitch pocket, knot,
and shakes (cracks) are coated or treated and otherwise cleaned of deleterious

8. Verify sealers, fillers, and stains are applied and treated as required. Verify putty is
not applied until after stain or priming and matches stained wood

9. Verify ungalvanised metal surfaces are treated, primed, or otherwise cleaned from
oil, grease, dirt, loose mill scale and other foreign substances as required. Verify that
the required cleaning method is applied (solvent cleaning, blasting, etc.)

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Finishes - Paints and Coatings
10. Verify that galvanised steel surfaces are cleaned with non-petroleum based solvents
in order to get a surface free of oil and surface contaminants

11. Verify that wood surfaces are cleaned of dirt, oil and other foreign substances with
scrapers, mineral spirits and sandpaper as required. Verify that small knots are
scraped, cleaned and treated with a recommended knot sealer before applying
primer. Verify that, after priming, holes and imperfections are filled with putty or
plastic wood filler and then the surface is sanded smooth when dried

12. Confirm texture and method of application - spray, brush or roller before application

13. Observe occasionally the mixing and thinning of paints. Thinning should be controlled
and the need demonstrated

14. Verify required number of coats is provided. Verify tinting of undercoats is performed
if required. Verify opacity is being achieved

15. Verify lumps or bumps do not appear on applied coats. These imperfections indicate
improper area cleaning and dust control; or paint is drying in cans due to excessive
exposure or being on “shelf’ too long; or brushes and rollers are dirty

16. Verify workmanship and application are adequate. Do not allow runs, drops, laps,
brush marks, variations in color, texture, and finish

17. Check corners are straight and clean

18. Recommend that an electric trim plate be used for checking outlet boxes to avoid
later patching and refinishing

19. Verify doors receive first coats on both faces of wood at essentially the same time.
Observe that tops and bottoms receive treatment

20. Verify curing time required between coats is provided

21. Verify hard-to-get-at places are painted — bottoms of shelves and back of trim in

22. Verify correction of all unsuitable work is made promptly. Confirm cleanup of area
and removal of splatters and smears are made as soon as possible on adjacent

23. Confirm special requirements for renovation work

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This section of the site inspection manual is designed to assist the inspector in the
process of conducting site inspection for Furnishing, and it is not intended to provide a
step by step procedure. It provides general guidelines detailing some major items to be
noted during the inspection.

Any inspection of an item has to take into consideration the location of the item and its
relation to other elements/installations. The inspector has to look at the surrounding and
the items connected to the item inspected, even if not falling under his field of expertise,
in a way to identify the impact on/of other elements, the consequences of this work on
other works, any miscoordination, and not to look at the item as if in an isolation.

Note: Before inspection consult the following documents as relating to the inspected

 Project Specifications;
 Any related statement in the Conditions of Contract;
 Related Contract and coordinated Shop Drawings (including any
 Item description in the Bills of Quantities;
 Related Official Correspondance, Site Instructions, VO’s, etc. ;
 Previous daily site diary entries or site inspection forms which may
have recorded defective work;
 Inspection of material delivered to Site.

This guideline should not be read or interpreted to supersede the specifications

or other information included in the Contract Documents.


Manufactured Casework:

1. Verify blocking is provided to receive materials as required.

2. Verify certificates or grade stamps are provided.

3. Verify materials are not delivered before closing-in building, and are suitably

4. Verify materials have adequate temporary bracing, and skids to prevent wracking,
loosened members, or other defects due to handling.

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5. Verify species, cut, and finishes are as required. Visually inspect exposed surfaces
for evenness. Match with selected flitch.

6. Verify doors are properly fined with a uniform clearance on all edges.

7. Verify drawers have guides required and operate smoothly.

8. Verify internal features are provided.

9. Verify method of attachment is as required.

10. Verify installation of floor-set cabinets is over a finished floor or mounted directly
on subfloor.

11. Verify accessories such as scribe and trim molds are provided.

12. Verify base and toe space will suit adjacent conditions.

13. Verify installation of base cabinets is suitably shimmed to distribute weight

uniformly and suit field conditions.

14. Verify installed materials suitably protected against damage.

15. Verify specified hardware is provided. Verify job-installed hardware is as approved.

16. Verify tops are provided as required. Verify cutting of holes for sinks and other
appliances is performed as required. Verify cuts are sealed to preclude moisture
penetration behind finish.

17. Verify tops to receive other materials, such as tile vinyl and marble have proper

18. Verify requirements for access for persons with physical disabilities to kitchen
counters and lavatory countertops.

Window Treatments:

1. Verify blocking and backing are provided as required.


2. Verify stacking and panel overlapping are provided as required.

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3. Verify rods are supported adequately to prevent sagging.

4. Location and height of controls is understood.

5. Ensure that material is flame-proofed as required.

6. Verify non-rusting weights are provided.

7. Verify carriers are provided as necessary.

8. Verify by-passing arms are provided for by-parting types.

9. Verify fullness required.

10. Verify type and length of batons required are provided.

11. Verify carriers run freely, especially on curved track.

12. Verify backing is provided as required.

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Special Construction
Special Construction

To be complemented later.

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Plumbing Fixtures and Equipment
Mechanical - Plumbing Fixtures and Equipment


This section of the site inspection manual is designed to assist the inspector in the
process of conducting site inspection for Plumbing Fixtures and Equipment, and it is not
intended to provide a step by step procedure. It provides general guidelines detailing
some major items to be noted during the inspection.

Any inspection of an item has to take into consideration the location of the item and its
relation to other elements/installations. The inspector has to look at the surrounding and
the items connected to the item inspected, even if not falling under his field of expertise,
in a way to identify the impact on/of other elements, the consequences of this work on
other works, any miscoordination, and not to look at the item as if in an isolation.

Note: Before inspection consult the following documents as relating to the inspected

 Project Specifications;
 Any related statement in the Conditions of Contract;
 Related Contract and coordinated Shop Drawings (including any
 Item description in the Bills of Quantities;
 Related Official Correspondance, Site Instructions, VO’s, etc. ;
 Previous daily site diary entries or site inspection forms which may
have recorded defective work;
 Inspection of material delivered to Site.

This guideline should not be read or interpreted to supersede the specifications

or other information included in the Contract Documents.



1. Verify material and equipment in full compliance with contract specs and in full
matchibility with approved submittals.

2. Verify grades and location of piping with respect to other features of the building
are understood.

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Mechanical - Plumbing Fixtures and Equipment
3. Verify number, size, material and locations of sleeves before foundations, slabs,
walls, and floors are placed. Verify adequacy of clearance to receive insulation,
caulking, fire proofing material or other requirements.

4. See that special provisions for pipes passing through or parallel to footings are met
as required. Allow no overcutting of holes and weakening of framing. Verify that
plates and straps are provided.

5. Verify pipe supports, hangers, and anchorages are provided and spaced as
required. Verify isolation between pipe and support is provided as required. Verify
anchorage requirements.

6. Verify expansion requirements are provided for at building expansion joints and
where required.

7. Verify protection is provided to keep concrete, trash, and debris out of lines. Verify
capping and plugging is as required. Verify lines are cleaned and thoroughly flushed
at completion.

8. Verify manufacturer’s recommendations (in submittals) are adhered to unless

otherwise noted.

9. Verify pipe supports, through blocks and earthquake bracing are provided as

10. Verify proper identification labels and directions are provided.

11. Verify that no field fabricated fitting are provided.

12. Verify proper filling materials between pipe and sleeve.

Pipe and Pipe Fittings – General:

1. Verify pipes & pipe fittings marking including standards, pressure ratings, and size.
Pipes and fittings with no marking are rejected.

2. Verify pipes to be threaded are squarely cut, threaded, and reamed properly (reject
if overthreaded). Verify equipment used is adequate. Verify joints are wiped clean.

3. Verify pipes to be soldered are cut with tool, reamed, brightened, and soldered
using flux and solder required. Verify pipes and fittings weakened by overheating
are replaced. Verify nonlead solder is used. Verify piping for medical gas service
conforms to the adopted standards. Verify piping prepared as required by the

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Mechanical - Plumbing Fixtures and Equipment
adopted standards including reaming, deburring and brazing without flux. Verify
certified welder/brazer requirements.

Ensure proper size is used for copper pipes and fitting (mm – mm or inch – inch) (mm –
inch is not accepted)

4. Verify pipes with flanged joints are welded from inside and outside, flanges are
similar type and properly gasketed.

5. Verify pipes to be welded are properly prepared. Verify welder is certified if


6. Verify pipes to be cemented are properly jointed and manufacturer’s instructions

for pipe, cleaner and cement are followed.

7. Verify installation of valves, unions, and fittings is properly made and access to
valves and valve systems is as required. Check direction of flow for proper
installation of check valves, DRVs and butterfly valves.

Verify proper bolts, nuts and washers are used.

8. Verify dissimilar metals have dielectric or isolating couplings and no contact of

dissimilar metal piping occurs. Verify copper pipes are wrapped with tape against
metal studs.
Verify that proper tools (tourque wrench) are used for bolts and nuts tightening.

9. Verify pipes and joints are wrapped or coated as required.

10. Verify depth, alignment, and grade of pipes is as required.

11. Verify trench bottom is adequately compacted and pipes are supported or bedded
and backfilled as required.

12. Verify future provisions, such as capped lines, and proper location and identification
are provided if required.

Verify adequate spacing between laid pipes for future maintenance (check
manufacturer recommendations).

13. Verify all pipes are inspected for damage, tested, and agency inspected if required
before covering up. Observe testing process.

14. Verify provision of warning tape before final backfill.

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Mechanical - Plumbing Fixtures and Equipment
Soil, Waste, and Vent Systems:

1. Verify exterior manholes, and cleanouts are located and installed as required. Verify
cleanouts to grade are provided as required.

2. Verify pipes and fittings are of required material, type, size, and weight, and are
connected and installed as required.

3. Verify slope of lines and their alignment are as required.

4. Verify that at every joint and changing directions; clamps are provided at base of
risers and at every floor penetration, and support is provided at every closet bend,
trap, and arm unless otherwise required. Ensure fire stopping materials are applied
through fire rated walls penetrations.

5. Verify provisions for settlement and shrinkage are made if required. Observe soil
stack supports.

6. Verify floor drains, areaway drains, and floor sinks are elevated and properly
located with respect to finish floor and will adequately drain area served. Verify
provisions are adequate for connection to membranes, and waterproofness.
Square-type floor drains, and cleanouts are aligned with room axis.

7. Verify trap primers are provided if required.

8. Verify cleanouts are located to allow access, and locations are as understood or

9. Verify clamping rings are provided as required in floors with membranes.

10. Verify rough-ins for fixtures and equipment are located and installed as required.

11. Verify requirements for dielectric unions and connectors are met.

12. Verify no blocking in drain piping by applying matter running test.

13. Inspect vent piping, combined and concealed in spaces provided, sloped on
horizontals, and extended through roof flashed and counterflashed as required.
Ensure proper vent caps are installed.

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Mechanical - Plumbing Fixtures and Equipment
Water Supply System

1. Verify pipes and fittings are of required material, type, and size; located and
installed as required. Verify non-lead solder is used.

2. Verify exterior lines are installed to depth required; properly bedded and backfilled.
Verify thrust blocks are provided as required. Confirm coordination is made for
meters, shut-offs, hydrants, and boxes.

3. In large structures, verify shut-off valves are provided if required to isolate portions
of system.

4. Verify rough-ins to fixtures and equipment are located and installed as required.

5. Verify valves for proper function are used as required, and location and accessibility
are understood. Verify location and type of access panels. See that water system
can be drained at lowest point. Verify all valves are labeled if required.

6. Verify air chambers or shock absorbers are provided if required.

7. Verify sound and vibration isolators are provided as required.

8. Verify dielectric fittings are provided for connection of dissimilar metals.

9. Verify allowance for expansion and contraction is provided.

10. Verify system is tested before concealment or installation of insulation. Observe

testing process.

11. Verify insulation is of required size, weight, thickness, and type and is suitable for
the pipe material and installed as required.

12. Verify lines are identified as required.

13. Verify lines are sterilized as required - proper dosage, distribution, retention, and
final flush-out. Ensure certification is provided.

14. Verify lines are sloped as required in order to ensure proper venting and no risk of
air trapping.

15. Verify pressure gauges thermometers and BMS instruments are provided as

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Mechanical - Plumbing Fixtures and Equipment
Gas Piping System:

1. Verify materials, sizes, and installation are as required.

2. Verify location, depth, alignment, and coating of exterior lines is as required. Verify
isolation, sleeves, and installation in building are in compliance with codes and
safety regulations. See that proper ventilation is provided.

3. Verify locations of drip pockets are provided as required.

4. Verify plug cocks, gas pressure regulators, earthquake valves and insulating
couplings are installed as required. Verify all are labeled if required.

5. Never use water for hydro static pressure test of gas pipe system.

6. Verify adequate insulation and protection for embedded pipes.

7. Verify gas panels (solenoid valve, gas meter, pressure gauges softy valve, gas
detectors) are provided as required.


1. Verify adequate blocking, backing, and brackets are provided to receive fixtures.
Verify chairs and carriers are provided as required. Verify fixtures are rigidly

2. Verify installed fixtures are undamaged and protected during construction. Ensure
use of fixtures is avoided until system is complete and tested.

3. Verify fixtures are installed with accessories, trim and brass specified. Verify finish
is as specified and stops are provided as required. Verify vacuum breakers are
provided as required. Verify that code-required laminar-flow type devices are used
on all hospital sink fixtures.

4. Verify fixtures are installed level. Ensure that the hot water generators are securely
anchored. Verify all gauges, valves and strainers, are visible and accessible.

5. Check temperature and pressure settings for relief valves. Verify strainers are
provided as required; piping is provided to floor drains or exterior from relief
valves; and pressure reducing valve is installed and set to pressure as required.

6. Verify escutcheons, flanges, and cover plates are of type and finish required.

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Mechanical - Plumbing Fixtures and Equipment
7. Observe that floor drains and roof drains with clamping rings are properly installed
to membrane and weeps are cleared as provided. Observe that shower drains are
similarly installed as required.

8. Verify fixtures are properly cleaned at completion. Verify faucets operate easily and
are in proper position. Flush water-closets for confirming proper operation.

9. Check sound level of water closet during flushing as required.

10. Check accessibility to mechanisms of plumbing fixture as required.

11. Verify pop up drain of lavatories and bath tub are working properly.
12. Check all drain and water connections.

Fuel Oil Piping System:

1. Verify pipe “dope” (sealant) used at screwed joints to be as specified and suitable
for use with petroleum product transported.

2. Verify piping for petroleum product (diesel oil, etc.) is material specified and per
code requirements.

3. Verify secondary containment material and system is specified and suitable for use
for petroleum products.

4. Verify fire protection enclosures or coverings for piping, hangers and bracing
support systems is as specified and per code requirements.

5. Verify fuel oil day-tanks and storage tanks to be of type specified, with code
requited secondary containment, leak-detection, and monitoring features specified.

6. Don’t use water for hydrostatic pressure test for fuel oil piping system.

7. Verify proper insulation and protection for buried piping and tank.

8. Verify valves for petroleum product and main shut off valve in case of fire is
working properly.

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Heat Generation Equipment
Mechanical - Heat Generation Equipment


This section of the site inspection manual is designed to assist the inspector in the
process of conducting site inspection for Heat Generation Equipment, and it is not
intended to provide a step by step procedure. It provides general guidelines detailing
some major items to be noted during the inspection.

Any inspection of an item has to take into consideration the location of the item and its
relation to other elements/installations. The inspector has to look at the surrounding and
the items connected to the item inspected, even if not falling under his field of expertise,
in a way to identify the impact on/of other elements, the consequences of this work on
other works, any miscoordination, and not to look at the item as if in an isolation.

Note: Before inspection consult the following documents as relating to the inspected

 Project Specifications;
 Any related statement in the Conditions of Contract;
 Related Contract and coordinated Shop Drawings (including any
 Item description in the Bills of Quantities;
 Related Official Correspondance, Site Instructions, VO’s, etc. ;
 Previous daily site diary entries or site inspection forms which may
have recorded defective work;
 Inspection of material delivered to Site.

This guideline should not be read or interpreted to supersede the specifications

or other information included in the Contract Documents.



1. Verify material and equipment in full accordance with contract specs and in full
matchibility with approved submittals.

2. Verify location, spacing, and size of all required sleeves, inserts, foundation bolts,
foundations, pads, and openings are coordinated with trades involved and are

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Mechanical - Heat Generation Equipment
3. Verify space and headroom are provided, and approved equipment is accessible for
operation, servicing, cleaning, and repair. See that floor drains are located properly
and lighting is suitably located with respect to equipment.

4. Verify nameplates, identification, and characteristics of equipment are attached.

Confirm they match approved requirements and are not covered by insulation or
painted out.

5. Verify tube removal, cleaning spaces, or provisions are adequate.

6. Verify code clearances to all equipment electric panels are adequate.

Boilers, Equipment, and Distribution:

1. Verify pressure boilers conform with the specifications.

2. Verify bases or refractory bases are provided as required.

3. Verify expansion joints are provided and guided. Check requirement for expansion
joint in floor around boiler.

4. For oil burning equipment — check size of burner tips, location of electrodes,
position of gas or oil pilot, clearances for removal of burner from furnace and for
tube cleaning space.

5. For gas burners — approved standard, position of pilot flame and sensing element,
regulators and controls provided, regulator installed in a vertical position, and gas
vents piped to exterior.

6. For forced draft fans — check fans for these features: anchorage, alignment, and
rotation; accessibility for lubrication; damper operation as required; insulation
application; safety control interlocks and airflow switches.

7. For oil storage tank — approved standard, tank capacity and calibration, required
openings, proper anchorage, minimum cover and/or clearance, tank heaters if
required, and coatings. Verify buried tanks are provided in double wall
configuration with monitoring as required.

8. Verify piping is of material, size, weight and type required; fabrication is performed
using proper equipment; lines are reamed, openings are protected, and fittings
connections are as approved.

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Mechanical - Heat Generation Equipment
9. Verify piping is hung, guided, or anchored as required; provisions for expansion
and contraction are made; pitch of horizontal runs is correct; and provisions for
dielectric connection or isolation of dissimilar metals is performed. If hangers are
required to be installed over insulation, see that high-density insulation inserts and
metal shields are provided as required.

10. Verify valves are installed of type and position required. All fittings such as
strainers, checks, gauges, air reliefs, drips, traps, etc., are provided.

11. Verify piping and equipment are insulated with approved materials, and extent and
installation are as required. Verify vapor seal is provided as required. Verify
thickness and continuity are as required. Verify band spacing is as required.

12. Verify radiant heating coils are of type, size, and material approved; accurately
placed, firmly secured, and positioned; and tested before encasement. Verify test
pressure is maintained while concrete is deposited.

13. Verify piping is painted and/or identified for flow and type as required.

14. Verify shut-offs for fuel and water are provided. Verify valves are provided to shut
down sections of system if required. Verify valves are labeled if required.

15. Verify safety and relief valves are provided and seal not broken. Verify discharges
are piped to drains.

16. Verify safety operating controls are provided as required.

17. Verify combustion air system is provided as required.

18. Verify breaching and flues are of proper material, construction, and type and are
installed as required and accessibility for cleaning is provided.

19. Verify expansion tanks are located, mounted and anchored as required and
provided with accessories and drain. Check adequate space for maintenance.

20. Verify valves and fittings are insulated as required.

21. Verify steam traps and its related accessories are installed of type and position

22. Verify pressure reducing stations are provided as required.

23. Verify aluminum cladding on insulated piping.

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Mechanical - Heat Generation Equipment

24. Verify manufacturer’s recommendations are done.

25. Verify BMS instruments are installed as required.

26. Verify softened water for mock up.

Terminal Units:

1. Heating and ventilating units — verify anchored and provided with vibration
isolators as required; access doors are provided and are tight; flexible pipe
connectors are provided as required; controls are provided as required; and
location and layout is coordinated.

2. Unit heaters — verify noise level is within approved range; clearances and location
are as approved; adequate air distribution is provided; and controls are required
are provided.

3. Base board units — verify location, type, size, mounting, and controls are provided
as required. Verify covers, access doors, dampers, and end plates are provided to
extent required.

4. Verify chemical treatment units are provided as required and chemical treatment
report for system is available.

Cleaning, Testing, and Balancing:

1. Verify system is completely clean and flushed of all debris. Operate system in
presence of agencies and/or engineers as required. Verify all equipments are by
passed during flushing.

2. Verify system is completely balanced, and balancing report is available.

Coordinate location of all balancing devices. Ensure all balancing devices are
shown in the as-built drawing indicating device number and setting of each

3. Verify system is operating and instruction is given to future operating personnel

as required.

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Refrigeration Equipment
Mechanical - Refrigeration Equipment


This section of the site inspection manual is designed to assist the inspector in the
process of conducting site inspection for Refrigeration Equipment, and it is not intended
to provide a step by step procedure. It provides general guidelines detailing some major
items to be noted during the inspection.

Any inspection of an item has to take into consideration the location of the item and its
relation to other elements/installations. The inspector has to look at the surrounding and
the items connected to the item inspected, even if not falling under his field of expertise,
in a way to identify the impact on/of other elements, the consequences of this work on
other works, any miscoordination, and not to look at the item as if in an isolation.

Note: Before inspection consult the following documents as relating to the inspected

 Project Specifications;
 Any related statement in the Conditions of Contract;
 Related Contract and coordinated Shop Drawings (including any
 Item description in the Bills of Quantities;
 Related Official Correspondance, Site Instructions, VO’s, etc. ;
 Previous daily site diary entries or site inspection forms which may
have recorded defective work;
 Inspection of material delivered to Site.

This guideline should not be read or interpreted to supersede the specifications

or other information included in the Contract Documents.



1. Verify material and equipment in full accordance with contract specs and in full
matchibility with approved submittals.

2. Verify all materials and equipment are as approved — nameplates, identification,

and characteristics are provided and are not covered by insulation or painted out.

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Mechanical - Refrigeration Equipment
3. Verify space is adequate for maintenance, operation, repair, and servicing of
equipment. Verify mounting and anchorage methods are provided and located, i.e.,
pads, hangers.

4. Verify all rotating parts, and belts have guards or provide protection.

5. Verify vibration isolators and flexible connections are provided as approved and

6. Verify fire separation from fuel-fired equipment is provided if required by code or

by specified requirements.

7. Verify freeze protection devices and materials are provided if required.

8. Verify tube removal space and tube cleaning space is adequate.

9. Verify code clearances to all equipment electric panels are adequate.

10. Verify direction of flow for pipe connections.

11. Verify all relief valves are properly connected to outside.

12. Verify fire stop materials are provided as required.

13. Verify labeling and tagging are provided as required.

14. Verify accessibility for all items which need maintenance.


1. Verify type, size, weight, material, and fittings are as approved and required.

2. Verify installation method of piping is as required — pipes are square cut and
reamed; soldering is as required; internal valve parts are protected against heat;
joints are thoroughly cleaned and fluxed; and excess flux and acid are removed.
Verify solder used is of an approved type.

3. Verify flexible connections are provided as required.

4. Verify unions, flanges and spool peices installed for maintenance are as required.

5. Verify lines are properly sloped as required.

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Mechanical - Refrigeration Equipment
6. Verify air vents are installed at high points and drains installed at low points as
required in water lines. Verify proper type of valves are provided, i.e., gate or

7. Verify balancing cocks are installed as required. Verify pressure gauges, thermal
elements, are provided.

8. Verify piping is hung, guided or anchored as required; provisions for expansion and
contraction are made; pitch of horizontal runs is correct; and provisions are made
for dielectric connection or isolation of dissimilar metals. If hangers are required to
be installed over insulation, see that high-density insulation inserts and metal
shields are provided as required.

9. Verify system is checked and tested for leaks.

10. Verify insulation is provided and installed as required. Verify vapor barriers,
adhesives, arid sealants are non-combustible, if required. Verify requirements for
insulating flanges, fittings, and valves are met.

11. Verify direction of balancing / check valves is proper.

12. Verify BMS instruments are provided as required.

13. Verify aluminum cladding are provided for exposal piping.

14. Verify piping is properly scaled and flashed as required, when penetrating building


Request the Contractor to submit pre-commissioning checklist and site acceptance test
protocol from the manufacturer prior to start up, the following are to be checked:

1. Verify air cooled condenser-air flow is not obstructed, and wind deflectors are
provided if required.

2. Water-cooled condensers - verify proper flow and no leaks occur.

3. Evaporative condenser - check for spray coverage, quiet float valve, and water

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Mechanical - Refrigeration Equipment
4. Reciprocating compressor - check for shaft alignment on direct drive; also, suction
and discharge pressures, installation of required gauges, motor amperage under
maximum load, and cylinder heat overheating.

5. Centrifugal compressor - check for alignment of unit, drive and gear box: check for
noise and vibration and required gauges.

6. Verify receiver location is out of direct sun if installed outside building.

7. Verify relief valve on receiver is of size required and discharges to atmosphere.

8. Verify receiver drain, purge valve, liquid level indication, and shutoff valves are
provided and/or as required and piped to exterior as required.

9. Cooling tower - verify location and provision for mounting are as approved and
required; mist eliminators are provided if required, and overflow and drain piping
are provided.

10. Mechanical draft cooling tower — verify unobstructed air intake is provided; fan
rotation and speed, belt tension is as required; and weather protection is provided
for motor if required.

11. Verify pumps are supported properly, aligned, free of excess vibration; piping
around is adequately supported; and all gauges and motors are provided.

12. Verify all insulating materials are provided and installed as approved.

13. Observe procedures for testing of systems. Verify future operating personnel are
instructed in operation of equipment if required.

14. Verify compliance of the site performance test with factory site performance test.

15. Ensure proper training has been conducted and enduser is satisfied.

16. Verify rotating direction, amperage, volt are adequate.

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Air Distribution
Mechanical - Air Distribution


This section of the site inspection manual is designed to assist the inspector in the
process of conducting site inspection for Air Distribution, and it is not intended to provide
a step by step procedure. It provides general guidelines detailing some major items to
be noted during the inspection.

Any inspection of an item has to take into consideration the location of the item and its
relation to other elements/installations. The inspector has to look at the surrounding and
the items connected to the item inspected, even if not falling under his field of expertise,
in a way to identify the impact on/of other elements, the consequences of this work on
other works, any miscoordination, and not to look at the item as if in an isolation.

Note: Before inspection consult the following documents as relating to the inspected

 Project Specifications;
 Any related statement in the Conditions of Contract;
 Related Contract and coordinated Shop Drawings (including any
 Item description in the Bills of Quantities;
 Related Official Correspondance, Site Instructions, VO’s, etc. ;
 Previous daily site diary entries or site inspection forms which may
have recorded defective work;
 Inspection of material delivered to Site.

This guideline should not be read or interpreted to supersede the specifications

or other information included in the Contract Documents.


1. Verify material and equipment in full accordance with contract specs and in full
matchibility with approved submittals.

2. Verify equipment has identification nameplates, and characteristics are as


3. Verify approved vibration isolators and flexible connections are furnished and
installed as required.

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Mechanical - Air Distribution
4. Verify provision is made for proper mounting and anchorage of equipment including
pads and hangers.

5. Verify equipment operates without excessive vibration or noise.

Air Handling Units and Fans:

1. Verify rotation of fan is as required before power is connected.

2. Drive method - if belt driven, check means of adjustment. Pulley and belt are
aligned. Note bearing and belt numbers before connection of ducts is made to unit
if coupling driven, check alignment.

3. Verify guards are provided for rotating equipment and belts.

4. Verify lubrication of equipment, if required, is accessible and extends to exterior of


5. Verify equipment exposed to weather is weatherproof.

6. Verify roof mounted equipment is properly flashed at curbs. Verify service

accessibility is provided.

7. Verify backdraft dampers and/or sound traps are provided as required on exhaust
fans. Check for operation, raffle, felt strips, and separate frames as required.

8. Verify exhaust and supplies are oriented to avoid conflict. Verify exhaust air
discharges and outside air intakes are separated by code required distances and
located to account for prevailing winds.

Filters and Screens:

1. Verify required type is furnished and installed. Verify filters are to be clean at
completion of final tests.

2. Verify accessibility is provided for removal and replacement of filter as required.

3. Verify method of mounting is as required. Observe that air stream can be

distributed over all filter areas.

4. Verify proper amount of adhesive and washing tank for viscous medium type filters
are provided.

5. Verify sealing strips are provided as required.

6. Verify electrostatic filters have warning lights and interlocks as required — ionizers
have free access and do not have loose wires or sparking.

7. Verify automatic sprays provide complete washing and spray coverage.

8. Verify traveling screen are observed for oil charge and operation of screen.

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Mechanical - Air Distribution
9. Renewable roll filters — check for tracking of roll, media runout switch, tinier
setting, static pressure control, and tension on media.

10. Verify spare filters are provided as required. Verify equipment filters to be clean
and/or replaced as required at date of acceptance.

11. Verify bird and insect screen of proper mesh size and material is provided as
required, and isolation is made between dissimilar metal.


1. Verify ductwork layout is coordinated with other trades to avoid congestion and

2. Verify type, material, thickness, and shape are as required. Verify field changes are
approved before installation.

3. Verify joint connections are of required type. Check seams and breaks for cracks.
Verify joint provides a smooth surface on interior of duct, and laps are in direction
of air flow.

4. Verify slope ratio of transitions, radius of curved duct, air turns, and deflectors are
provided as required.

5. Verify bracing, reinforcement stiffeners, and hangers are provided and ductwork is
installed — all as required.

6. Verify that all volume dampers, branch duct dampers, register or diffuser dampers
and splitter dampers are provided as required and operating mechanism is

7. Verify fire dampers and smoke fire dampers of type required are furnished and
installed as required. Verify that access is provided to dampers.

8. Verify flexible connectors are fabricated and provided where required.

9. Verify access doors and/or access space is provided at all items requiring servicing,
such as fire dampers, automatic dampers, manual dampers, coils, heaters, filters,
and thermostats. Verify size is sufficient for access and maintenance.

10. Verify proper sleeves and openings through walls and floors are provided as
required and are sealed as required. Allow no unscheduled cutting of structural
members without approval.

11. Verify ductwork is properly taped or sealed if required.

12. Verify BMS instruments are provided where required.

Duct Lining and Insulation:

1. Verify ducts are tested for air tightness, if required, before installation of insulation.

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Mechanical - Air Distribution
2. Verify type, thickness, material, extent, and method of fastening and installation
are as required.

3. Verify sound deadening and vapor barrier are provided as required.

4. Verify insulation subject to damage is protected as required.

5. Verify materials are fire retardant or incombustible as required.

6. Verify vapor barrier integrity is maintained.

7. Verify duct cleaning and insulation overlap.

Outlets, Diffusers, Registers, and Grillers:

1. Verify all ducts, plenums, and equipment are thoroughly cleaned of all debris before
supply outlets are installed.

2. Verify all items are furnished and installed as required, and approved. Verify
finishes in areas match as required.

3. Verify volume control devices are provided as required and are accessible.

4. Verify gaskets are provided and installed as required.

5. Verify items are securely attached and supported as required.

6. Verify alignment of linear diffusers.

Balancing and Testing:

1. Verify all bearings are lubricated, tension of pulleys and belts is adjusted, guards
are in place, and adjustments and connections are made.

2. Verify all testing and balancing equipments and tools are calibrated and certified
from independent third party lab/institute.

3. Verify necessary equipment to provide balancing of air flow is available, and each
outlet is tested if required. Confirm final air flows, and verify that a report is
submitted with as built drawing indicating all balancing devices (VCDs, DRVs etc.)
are numbered and setting adjustment.

4. Verify all setting adjustment of balancing devices are marked properly.

5. Objectionable noise due to velocity, distribution, vibration, or inability to achieve

required air is to be brought to attention of the Resident Engineer.

6. Verify all measuring holes are plugged.

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Basic Electrical Materials and
Electrical - Basic Electrical Materials and Methods


This section of the site inspection manual is designed to assist the inspector in the
process of conducting site inspection for Basic Electrical Materials and Methods, and it is
not intended to provide a step by step procedure. It provides general guidelines detailing
some major items to be noted during the inspection.

Any inspection of an item has to take into consideration the location of the item and its
relation to other elements/installations. The inspector has to look at the surrounding and
the items connected to the item inspected, even if not falling under his field of expertise,
in a way to identify the impact on/of other elements, the consequences of this work on
other works, any miscoordination, and not to look at the item as if in an isolation.

a- The site electrical engineer should perform a daily site walk through/supervision
not to wait until inspection is requested by the Contractor and to convey his
directions/notes (if any) to the Contractor to avoid potential abortive works.
b- Before inspection consult the following documents as relating to the inspected

 Project Specifications;
 Any related statement in the Conditions of Contract;
 Related Contract and coordinated Shop Drawings (including any
 Item description in the Bills of Quantities;
 Related Official Correspondance, Site Instructions, VO’s, etc. ;
 Previous daily site diary entries or site inspection forms which may
have recorded defective work;
 Inspection of material delivered to Site.

This guideline should not be read or interpreted to supersede the specifications

or other information included in the Contract Documents.

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Electrical - Basic Electrical Materials and Methods



1. Check the Raceway against any damage, paint/galvanization defects.

2. Verify the cleanliness to ensure that the Raceways are free from dust or any
undesirable materials.

3. Observe limitations required on use of rigid conduit, thinwall, flexible metal conduit,
plastic conduit and other non-metallic conduit: (ex. liquidtight flexible metal

4. Verify conduit size complies with applicable code and is acceptable for the
application. Verify required types of fittings are provided and are compatible with
conduit type.

5. Verify conduits are provided and properly installed before slabs on grade are cast.

6. Verify slab to allow for conduit size. Stub-ups, and couplings, are installed above
finish floor level for free-standing equipment, as required. Exposed conduit should
be installed so that bent portion will not extend above floor level.

7. Check that conduits are not running close to steam or other hot mechanical pipes,
or in shafts reserved for mechanical installations.

8. Verify conduit is secured and fastened as required and in accordance with

applicable code.

9. Verify support of vertical raceways at each floor level is provided if required.

10. Check that spacing and segregation between conduits associated with different
systems (e.g. power, telephone, data, fire alarm, etc) have been maintained
throughout and no common junction box have been used for crossing over.
11. Check if proper approved accessories are used in conduits, cable trays/ladders and
trunking installations (adaptors, elbows, extension rings, expansion fitting…)

12. Verify areas where exposed conduit is allowed. Exposed conduits should be
installed parallel or perpendicular to structure. Verify vertical runs are plumb.

13. Verify raceways are kept plugged during construction.

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Electrical - Basic Electrical Materials and Methods
14. Ensure no damage or deformation reducing inside area occurs.

15. Check that there is no crossing of conduits runs (can be permitted where no
alternative is feasible).

16. Verify depth of installation in relation to finish grade is minimum per applicable
code. Verify concrete encasement and sand bed is provided as required. Verify
backfill is free of debris and compacted to prevent future settlement.

17. Verify pull cords are provided for cable installation. Verify pull cords for empty

18. Check if proper supports are provided at required intervals. Make sure that
supports dedicated for electrical raceways are not used to support mechanical
components, and that supports dedicated for mechanical components are not used
to support electrical raceways.

19. Verify stub-ups for fixture extensions are provided as required. Verify location
identification is provided and recorded.

20. Verify sleeves for future work are provided as required.

21. Verify means are provided to accommodate contraction and expansion at building
expansion joints as required.

22. Verify that Metal Raceways, ladders and trays are grounded either by direct contact
to the panels (in case of metal conduits) or by ground conductor (in case of cable
trunking & ladder/trays).

23. Verify installation of fire stop material where conduits or cables penetrate fire-rated
walls or slabs. Verify also that proper materials (foam or other approved material)
are used to close gaps caused by raceways non fire-rated wall penetration.


1. Check the Busway against any damage, paint defects and insulation material

2. Verify type and rating of busway is as per approved materials, shop drawings and

3. Verify type of joints is as per approved shop drawings and specifications (Metal
alloy type, where necessary)

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Electrical - Basic Electrical Materials and Methods
4. Verify the cleanliness to ensure that the Busway components are free from dust or
any undesirable material.

5. Verify proper support is provided at required intervals. Transverse and longitudinal

bracing is provided to prevent lateral movement, in accordance with applicable
code and manufacturer’s installation guide.

6. Verify provision for extension, where necessary, is in accordance with

manufacturer’s instructions.

7. Verify busway housing is grounded by ground conductor either externally or


8. Verify plug-in features and top of devices are as approved and required. Verify
handle of overcurrent devices do not exceed height limits above finished floor.

9. Verify component sections are legibly identified and marked with voltage,
amperage, and name of manufacturer.

10. Verify joints are properly tightened in accordance with manufacturer’s torquing
requirements; using necessary torque wrench.

11. Verify busway is accessible throughout its installation.

12. Verify busway expansion joints are provided at all expansion joint locations.

13. Verify installation of fire stop material where Busway penetrates fire rated walls or

14. Verify that all accessories and fittings are factory made and compatible with the

15. Ensure all tap off boxes have been correctly installed including approved protective
circuit breakers (types/ratings/settings).

16. Ensure all connected loads to the busbar /tap offs have been disconnected and
verify/witness Megger test (2500 V between each conductor and earth). [Readings
should not be less than 5 MΩ].

17. Ensure all tap offs are turned off again prior to energization.

18. Ensure correct phase rotation is achieved prior to reconnect the system for

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Electrical - Basic Electrical Materials and Methods
19. The main supply switch to the busbar is to be energized first.

20. Following successful closing off the main supply breaker, close the circuit breakers
supplying the connected loads (via top-offs) one by one.

Underfloor Raceways:

1. Check the underfloor Raceway against any damage, paint/galvanization defects and
insulation material scratching.

2. Verify the cleanliness to ensure that the Raceway components are free from dust or
any undesirable material.

3. Verify cross-sectional dimensions are as required.

4. Verify sufficient setting depth has been provided at junction boxes.

5. Verify raceways are parallel with floor construction, firmly supported at proper
elevation, and in straight alignment.

6. Ensure no damaged joints are allowed.

7. Verify all joints are tight and sealed in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions
between sections and to junction boxes.

8. Verify inserts, both pre-set and after set, are or will be secured to raceways and set
flush with floor.

9. Where specified, verify compatibility of floor pull box cover material with floor

10. Verify pull cords are provided in empty conduits for succeeding cable installation.


1. Verify type of conductors materials, size, stranding and type of insulation are as

2. Verify pulling of conductors and cables is as required, using suitable equipment and
methods. Verify that no damage to sheath jackets or insulation occurs.

3. Verify connectors and joints are clean and tight, torqued as necessary.

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Electrical - Basic Electrical Materials and Methods
4. Verify connectors, lugs, clamps, etc., to connect copper and aluminum are
approved for specific application.

5. Verify all connections are made in junction or outlet boxes, not in conduits.

6. Verify color coding of wire insulation including neutral and ground as specified.

7. Verify grounding conductor is securely attached to equipment, devices, etc, and

forms complete grounding system.

8. Verify branch circuit conductors are as specified and suitable for their use.

9. Verify all conductors in wireways, pull boxes and junction boxes are labeled with
panel board designation and circuit number.

10. Verify no splices are performed.

11. Check no physical damage is noticed for any conductor and verify/witness Megger
Test for continuity and insulation test, before connection to utilization devices/panel
boards for at least 25% of branch circuits.

12. Verify that all conductors are labeled at both ends and in junction boxes with
corresponding circuit numbers.

13. Verify that all conductors are installed in closed raceways (conduits, covered cable

Cable Systems:

1. Verify armoured cable is installed where specified. Verify fixation is performed

without cable damage, and glands are installed.

2. Verify non-armoured cable is installed in areas allowed by contract documents and

permitted by applicable code, located so as to prevent mechanical damage of cable.

3. Verify cable is secured within specified distance from box or fitting and otherwise at
intervals not exceeding limits for proper support without excessive sagging. Cable
supports should be independent of either support members.

4. Verify non-steel armoured cable is not used in wet locations or areas exposed to
dampness to avoid rust of armour material.

5. Verify cable is installed in spaces allowing accessibility for installation and removal.

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Electrical - Basic Electrical Materials and Methods
6. For MV & HV cables, verify bonding and grounding of cable screens are as specified.

7. For joints and terminations of MV & HV cables at wet or outdoor locations, verify
suitability of joint/termination kits including provision of necessary skirts.

8. Verify each feeder is identified at its terminal points of connection, in each

handhole, pull/junction boxes, panel gutter through which it passes and along its
run as appropriate.

9. Verify no splices are performed.

10. Check no physical damage is noticed and verify/witness Megger Test for continuity
and insulation/tests before connection to utilization equipment/panel boards for
100% of electrical feeders.

11. Verify/witness HVDC test for MV cables to IEC-37 KV for 8.7/15 KV and 50 KV for
12.7/22 KV to withstand for 15 min raised gradually to test voltage.

12. Verify that enough spacing is ensured between cables laid on cable trays/ladders as
required by code.


1. Architectural and/or ID shop drawings in addition to relevant electrical shop

drawings are referred to for identifying layout of outlets.

2. Check the outlets and their accessories against any damage or scratches.

3. Verify the cleanliness to ensure that all outlets and face plates are free from dust or
any undesirable material.

4. Verify tightness of termination and plate screws.

5. Verify wall receptacle, switch outlets, and fixture outlets are mounted at height and
location required.

6. Verify special equipment outlets if required have been roughed in per

manufacturer’s rough-in drawings.

7. Verify floor outlets of required type are properly located.

8. Verify ground fault receptacles are provided in locations required by applicable


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Electrical - Basic Electrical Materials and Methods
9. Verify light outlets in mechanical and equipment rooms are located to suit servicing
and maintenance and extend below ducts and ceiling

10. Verify junction, pull, and outlet boxes are of type, size, and location required by
applicable code.

11. Verify boxes are secure and independently supported.

12. Verify boxes are accessible.

13. Verify cast boxes and special boxes are provided as required in exposed areas,
exterior areas, wet locations, and hazardous locations. Verify all boxes exposed to
weather are weatherproof.

14. Verify plaster rings, and extension rings are provided. Ensure no combustible
material is exposed to interior of box.

15. Verify unused openings are closed.

16. Verify that connections inside outlets have no bare copper exposed on wire

17. Ensure grounding continuity is maintained, including jumper if required.

18. Verify installed devices are of required type, voltage, amperage, and color.

19. Verify switches are installed in phase conductor of circuit (not neutral) and with
“on” position up, except for momentary contact, use a low resistance ohmmeter to
perform polarity test, a very low resistance value will prove correct connection to
same phase (connect one terminal of the ohmmeter to a particular phase bus and
the other to relevant switch, lamp holder ect. supposedly be fed from the same

20. Verify device plates are of material, type, ganging, and finish required. Verify
identification, and pilot lights are provided as required.

21. Verify plates completely cover openings and are in contact with finish surface and
with other adjacent plates.

22. Verify plates are plumb and aligned with wall surfaces.

23. Verify surface-mounted boxes are provided with plates for their intended use.

24. Verify voltage drop to the remote outlet to be within acceptable limits.

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Electrical - Basic Electrical Materials and Methods

25. Verify/witness RCD test where it is installed as a protective device.

26. Check earth falt loop impedance using phase-earth Loop tester


1. Check Motors against any damage, shaft misalignment.

2. Verify the cleanliness to ensure that motor & termination box are free from dust or
any undesirable material.

3. For large motors, verify delivery of all specified accessories including surge
arresters, surge capacitors, current transformers, power factor capacitors and
temperature monitoring devices (RTD’s/MTC’s) of bearings and winding, etc as

4. Verify motors have voltage rating, and number of phases to suit supply system.

5. Verify motor rotation is correct for driven machine and verify motor no load and
load test, motor starting current and motor starting time.

6. Verify motors subject to vibration or mounted on adjustable bases are connected

with flexible metal conduit. Verify liquid-tight or explosion-proof flexible metal
conduits are provided in damp or hazardous locations.

7. Verify flexible metal conduit length is as required and allow flexibility in all possible
motor locations.

8. Observe lubrication requirements are met prior to operation.

9. Verify motor insulation class, temperature rise limit, service factor, speed, code
letter, degree of protection, cooling method, working ambient temperature
operating voltage/frequency and connection wiring diagram as indicated in the
motor’s name plate versus the specified and according to the approved material

10. Verify the compatibility between the motor and its relevant starter type as per
design and approved shop drawings (e.g. motors with star/delta starters are
provided with 6 terminals, etc.).

11. Verify/witness motor insulation resistance test using 500V megger tester and
winding resistance test using low range ohmmeter where equal winding resistance
per phase would be expected in compliance with the manufacturer’s data.

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Electrical - Basic Electrical Materials and Methods
Motor Control, Disconnects, and Starters:

1. Check the Motor Control, Disconnects and Starters against any damage, paint
defects and insulation material damage.

2. Check the IP rating of MCC panel.

3. Verify the cleanliness to ensure that each equipment is free from dust or any
undesirable material.

4. Verify manual disconnect switch is provided at each motor and motor starter as
required by applicable code.

5. Verify control accessories are furnished as required by operation (start-stop push

buttons, pilot lights, selector switches, and similar devices).

6. Verify motor full-load rated currents are compared with ratings of motor-running
overload protective devices. Verify proper sizing for thermal overload protection or
if current injection set is available, verify that if known trip current is injected (say
300% of FLC), the trip time will be within the protective device characteristic.

7. Verify motor controllers are as required for motor being served.

8. Verify that the type and rating of starter for each motor is as per latest approved
drawings and submittals.

9. Verify automatic control devices such as thermostats, floats, and pressure switches
are adequately rated and as required for operation.

10. Verify that the type of breaker for each motor is as per approved drawings and
schedules (MCCB, MCPs)

11. Verify magnetic coil voltage of contactors and relays is same as control circuit
voltage (may be different from motor voltage).

12. Verify motor does not exceed noise limits under operating conditions.

13. Verify/witness insulation resistance test for control circuits (assuming that power
circuits tests were completed with the LV cables/conductors) and for bus bars.

14. Verify that all components for interfacing with BMS and Fire Alarm systems are
provided as per latest approved drawings and schedules.

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Electrical - Basic Electrical Materials and Methods
15. Verify that cables are using adequate cable glands on panel entries and are tightly

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Service and Distribution
Electrical - Service and Distribution


This section of the site inspection manual is designed to assist the inspector in the
process of conducting site inspection for Electrical Service and Distribution, and it is not
intended to provide a step by step procedure. It provides general guidelines detailing
some major items to be noted during the inspection.

Any inspection of an item has to take into consideration the location of the item and its
relation to other elements/installations. The inspector has to look at the surrounding and
the items connected to the item inspected, even if not falling under his field of expertise,
in a way to identify the impact on/of other elements, the consequences of this work on
other works, any miscoordination, and not to look at the item as if in an isolation.


a- Refer to Page 1 of 11 attached.

b- Before inspection consult the following documents as relating to the inspected


 Project Specifications;
 Any related statement in the Conditions of Contract;
 Related Contract and coordinated Shop Drawings (including any
 Item description in the Bills of Quantities;
 Related Official Correspondance, Site Instructions, VO’s, etc. ;
 Previous daily site diary entries or site inspection forms which may
have recorded defective work;
 Inspection of material delivered to Site.

This guideline should not be read or interpreted to supersede the specifications

or other information included in the Contract Documents.


Service Entrance

1. Check the Materials against any damage, paint defects and insulation material

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Electrical - Service and Distribution
2. Verify the cleanliness to ensure that each equipment is free from dust or any
undesirable material.

3. Verify provisions are made for service entrance system in accordance with utility
company requirements and coordinated with drawings. Verify clearances under
service drops are provided.

4. Verify sleeves and spaces are provided of sizes required.

5. Verify meter location and main disconnect location as specified or indicated on

contract documents.


1. Check the Transformer against any damage, paint defects and insulation material
scratching and check transformer room is not liable to flooding and properly

2. Verify the cleanliness to ensure that each transformer components are free from
dust or any undesirable materials.

3. Verify pad for exterior transformer is of size required. Verify location and
installation method.

4. Verify transformer is of type required. Verify noise does not exceed specified limits
and check information on the rating plate meet the specification requirements.

5. Verify final LV connection with flexible connections/leads.

6. Verify oil drainage precautions, if the transformer is oil filled type.

7. Check tapping links have been adjusted to the voltage network and are identical on
the 3 windings.

8. Assure drying out the transformer winding and thereafter verify/witness insulation
resistance measurements HV/Ground, LV/Ground and HV/LV, while MV and LV
Cables are disconnected during this test.

9. Verify all transformer instruments, temperature control device, fans and related
relay circuitry tripping sequence and control wiring are delivered, set-up and
connected as specified.

10. Verify the transformer is grounded via all point marked “earthing” and check the
grounding continuity of the MV surge arresters.

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Electrical - Service and Distribution
11. Verify/witness transformer ratio test by LV injection set or ratiometer.

12. Verify/witness transformer polarity test by applying voltage to the primary winding
while identical HV and LV terminals are connected together.

13. Check tightening torques for HV and LV bus bars bolts in accordance with the
manufacturer’s relevant table.

Switch boards and Panel boards

1. Check the Switchboards against any damage, paint defects and insulation material

2. Check if the panel form type is respected.

3. Verify the cleanliness to ensure that the switchboard and its components are free
from dust or any undesirable material.

4. Check for labeling of cables, factory wires, and terminal blocks.

5. Check for IP rating of panel if respected.

6. Verify space provided is minimum required by applicable code.

7. Verify boards are rigidly and securely anchored with supports of sufficient strength
to support weight and resist seismic forces.

8. Check if cable connections are properly terminated, with no stress applied.

9. Verify ground fault protection has been provided where required.

10. Verify spaces inside switchboards/panel boards are provided as required by

contract documents for future circuits.

11. Verify spare breakers are provided and installed as required by contract

12. Check for busbar insulators spacing if as per specification requirements.

13. Check for BMS components on panel boards where required.

14. Check for withdrawable breakers where applicable.

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Electrical - Service and Distribution
15. Check for busbar ratings.

16. Check for motorization of circuit breakers where applicable

17. Verify location is coordinated with other trades which do not permit other utilities
(i.e. ductwork, piping) within applicable code clearances of boards.

18. Check panels and all components are suitably labeled and the panel circuit chart is
of a durable nature.

19. Check that all three phase of LV feeders carry substantially balanced load current.

20. Check tightening torques for cables to bus bars bolts are in accordance with the
manufacturer’s relevant table.

21. Check that all circuit breakers operating mechanism and isolating switches are
functioning normally, in addition to automatic changeover / interlocking (if any).

22. Check that all circuit breakers AF/AT ratings and types are in accordance with an
approved relay coordination study performed by the respective manufacturer.


1. Verify all grounding system conductors, connections, and electrodes, and verify
continuity of grounding conductors.

2. Verify grounding connectors are accessible for inspection and protected.

3. Verify contact surfaces are clean and dry, and that tight bolt connections are made.

4. Verify size, length, number, material and installation of ground rods.

5. Verify connectors are compatible with metal and pipes use (dissimilar materials
should be carried out using approved technique and suitable material).

6. Verify grounding conductors are connected to both ends of metallic raceway in

which it is installed and are both connected to grounding electrode in accordance
with specifications.

7. Verify ground fault protection has been provided where required.

8. Check test links/equalizer bars have been provided as per specification


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Electrical - Service and Distribution
9. Check that all hinged metallic connections are provided with supplementary
bondings (e.g. substation gates, control panels/switchgears’ doors, etc).

10. Check that all service pipes have been provided with earth equipotential bonding as
requested by IEE-16 addition.

11. Check that the earth electrodes / network pertaining to separate systems
(telecommunication / IT, etc) have been carried out as specified and in the consent
of systems suppliers.

12. Test impedance to ground as required by specifications.

Diesel Generator and ATS:

1. Check that no part of the engine generator set has incurred any physical damage.

2. Check that the fuel pipes are installed in their proper places and that the flexible
connections are used between the generator and fuel pipes.

3. Check that the exhaust pipes and muffler are installed with the flexible joints
between the generator and muffler.

4. Check and compare nameplate ratings and other details with specifications and
ensure no deviation.

5. Check that the set is properly anchored/spring isolators are installed.

6. Check that the earthing system is sound as specified and satisfactorily tested.

7. Check lub oil and coolant level and ensure integrity of engine cooling and fuel
systems in accordance with specifications and approved submittals.

8. Check battery connections, electrolyte level, specific gravity, battery voltage and
battery charge status.

9. Check that the batteries and battery charger are as per calculated sheets.

10. Check that the generator is equipped with anti vibration pads between the
generator and the concrete foundation.

11. Check that fan belts are at correct tension.

12. Check that all electrical / electronic components are securely fitted and all electrical
connections are sound and properly tightened.

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Electrical - Service and Distribution
13. Check ATS changeover / interlocking are functioning.

14. Check all exposed moving parts are fully guarded to prevent contact by personnel.

15. Check all warning notices are permanently fixed in a prominent position to alert
personnel that the diesel / generator set is under automatic control and may start
at any time without warning.

16. Verify / witness either of the insulation resistance test or polarization index test (10
minute resistance reading) or HVDC test (160% of rated voltage + 1 KV)
1 minute resistance reading
of alternator windings. (each phase of stator winding to be separately tested to
ground with the other two phases grounded).

17. Verify / witness insulation resistance test for the ATS, phase to phase, phase to
ground readings are to be taken separately with switch in each source position. The
minimum value should be < KV + 1 megaohm.

18. Verify / witness phase rotation test, phase sequence of generator set must conform
to that of utility supply.

19. Verify / witness simulations of function tests of shutdown features to include, low
oil pressure, high coolant temperature, over voltage or voltage out of limits,
frequency out of limits, loss of field, over speed, over crank and other safety
features as applicable.

20. Verify / witness simulations of functions tests of alarm features such as low fuel
level and status indication such as generator on load, automatic / manual mode,
mains available.

21. Verify / witness load tests on manual mode in accordance with the specification
requirements or as follows if no test duration is stipulated, 25% rated, 50% rated,
75% rated each for 1 hour, 100% rated for 3 hours and 110% for 1 hour, if
adequate load is not available, a resistive load bank to be used.

22. Check if load shedding is implemented as per submitted and approved schedules.

23. Check that all indicating LEDs / Lamps are functioning.

24. Check that anti-condensation heaters are functional.

25. Verify / witness simulation for main failure and return to normal power.

26. Verify / witness sound level test 1 m from air intake, discharge louvers and
exhaust outlet pipe and vibration test.

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Electrical - Service and Distribution
27. Monitor and verify timing and correct operation of normal voltage and frequency
sensing relays, engine start sequence, alternate voltage and frequency sensing
relays, time delay and automatic transfer, time delay and retransfer upon normal
power restoration and engine shut down.

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Electrical - Lighting


This section of the site inspection manual is designed to assist the inspector in the
process of conducting site inspection for Lighting, and it is not intended to provide a step
by step procedure. It provides general guidelines detailing some major items to be noted
during the inspection.

Any inspection of an item has to take into consideration the location of the item and its
relation to other elements/installations. The inspector has to look at the surrounding and
the items connected to the item inspected, even if not falling under his field of expertise,
in a way to identify the impact on/of other elements, the consequences of this work on
other works, any miscoordination, and not to look at the item as if in an isolation.


a- Refer to Page 1 of 11 attached.

b- Before inspection consult the following documents as relating to the inspected


 Project Specifications;
 Any related statement in the Conditions of Contract;
 Related Contract and coordinated Shop Drawings (including any
 Item description in the Bills of Quantities;
 Related Official Correspondance, Site Instructions, VO’s, etc. ;
 Previous daily site diary entries or site inspection forms which may
have recorded defective work;
 Inspection of material delivered to Site.

This guideline should not be read or interpreted to supersede the specifications

or other information included in the Contract Documents.


1. Verify lighting layout is coordinated with architectural drawings. Verify layout is

coordinated with work of other trades.

2. Verify fixtures comply with specified fixtures and accessories are provided.

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Electrical - Lighting
3. Check the lighting fixtures and their accessories against any damage, paint defects
and insulation material scratching.

4. Verify the cleanliness to ensure that lighting fixture body and louvers are free from
dust or any undesirable material.

5. Verify suspension, supporting, and mounting methods are as required based upon
weight, dimensions and seismic restraint of fixture. Verify plumbness and

6. Verify mounting height and location are as indicated.

7. Verify the installation is free from defects such as defective louvers, cracked glass
or plastic, chipped porcelain or finish, or distortion.

8. Verify ballast type and power factor correction capacitor are as specified.

9. Verify ballasts noise does not exceed specified limits.

10. Verify lamp type is as required — wattage, energy saving, style, color,
characteristics, etc. Note fluorescent lamp colors at start of installation. Check that
lamps are operating properly.

11. Verify lamps are new and installed before completion, or reinstalled if required.

12. Verify frames, cover plates, as applicable, and accessories are as required
compatible with adjacent surfaces, and finishes match.

13. Verify the IP rating of light fixtures where required.

14. Verify fixtures are adjusted or aimed as required for intended illumination.

15. Verify fixtures are suitably protected and cleaned at completion of work.

16. Verify fixtures are grounded as required by applicable code.

17. Verify fixtures anchored per contract documents.

18. Verify fixtures installed in suspended ceilings are secured to the structure above
the ceiling.

19. Ensure that lighting levels in the plant areas are not significantly affected by
adjacent mechanical services (ductwork, pipework, etc).

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Electrical - Lighting
20. Verify that emergency light fixtures are fed from dedicated circuits.

21. Check that wiring associated with emergency lighting has been run through low fire
risk areas and as specified.

22. Check lighting system control scheme as specified is functioning properly.

23. Check that non-maintained emergency luminaries are fed from final circuits or from
final distribution boards.

24. Check duration of emergency battery backup fixtures, simulate mains failure and
verify specified autonomy.

25. Ensure that isolating transformer installed in ceiling voids are properly supported to
avoid transmission of vibration, and the transformers are located away from any
heat radiating surface in the void or high temperature parts of the luminaries.

26. Verify that no combustible material and bare conductors as a hook up for lighting
fittings are installed in the ceiling voids.

27. Verify / witness measurements of luminance levels and uniformity ratio in

compliance with specification requirements.

28. Check emergency lighting has been adequate and arranged to provide initial
illumination that is at least an average of (10 Lux) and a minimum at any point of
(1 Lux) measured along the path of egress at floor level. Illumination levels shall be
permitted to decline to (6 Lux) average and a minimum at any point of (0.6 Lux) at
the end of the emergency lighting time duration. A maximum to minimum
illumination uniformity ratio of 40 to 1 not to be exceeded in accordance with NFPA

29. Verify that sockets dedicated for lighting are properly functional and connected to
the dedicated circuits.

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This section of the site inspection manual is designed to assist the inspector in the
process of conducting site inspection for Electrical Communications, and it is not
intended to provide a step by step procedure. It provides general guidelines detailing
some major items to be noted during the inspection.

Any inspection of an item has to take into consideration the location of the item and its
relation to other elements/installations. The inspector has to look at the surrounding and
the items connected to the item inspected, even if not falling under his field of expertise,
in a way to identify the impact on/of other elements, the consequences of this work on
other works, any miscoordination, and not to look at the item as if in an isolation.


a- Refer to Page 1 of 11 attached.

b- Before inspection consult the following documents as relating to the inspected


 Project Specifications;
 Any related statement in the Conditions of Contract;
 Related Contract and coordinated Shop Drawings (including any
 Item description in the Bills of Quantities;
 Related Official Correspondance, Site Instructions, VO’s, etc. ;
 Previous daily site diary entries or site inspection forms which may
have recorded defective work;
 Inspection of material delivered to Site.

This guideline should not be read or interpreted to supersede the specifications

or other information included in the Contract Documents.



1. Check the equipment against any damage, paint defects and insulation material

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2. Verify the cleanliness to ensure that each equipment/system is free from dust or
any undesirable material.

3. Verify barriers are provided between low voltage and line voltage wiring.

4. Verify wiring terminations identified.

5. Verify all wiring installed in equipment cabinets are installed neatly racked and
bundled, and organized with wire ties or in wireways within cabinets.

6. Verify backboxes grounded.

7. Verify that all cabinets are properly connected to the earthing loop that is dedicated
for low current systems, as per approved shop drawings.

8. Verify devices and systems tested for proper operation.

9. Verify that all equipment is listed for the environment in which it is installed.

10. Verify devices mounted so that vibration and jarring will not cause accidental
operation or malfunction.

11. For telephone system, verify provisions are made for service entrance system in
accordance with utility company requirements.

12. Ensure that all telephone circuits have been adequately segregated from
power/control and signal cables.

13. Verify that critical line resistance (if applicable) is checked in compliance with the
manufacturer’s data using ohmmeter.

14. Verify Megger test for continuity and insulation resistance test is applied.

Fire Alarm System:

1. Verify system installed by or under the direct supervision of factory trained service
technicians, where specified.

2. Ensure all devices are tested for functional and correct operation.

3. Verify audible alarm devices are heard distinctly in all areas of the building as
required by applicable code and governing authorities.

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4. Verify visual alarm devices are clearly visible from all points within the visual alarm
area and in accordance with applicable code and governing authority requirements.

5. Verify that all fire alarm cables and conduits are properly labeled where required for
ease of identification and maintenance.

6. Verify applicable code requirements and governing authority for installation of

wiring in raceways.

7. Verify the certification of proper operation of all fire alarm system equipment has
been completed.

8. Verify addressing of each device as per the final approved shop drawing.

9. Verify fire alarm cabling as per specification & approved type and Megger test for
continuity and insulation resistance test is applied.

10. Verify that supply and return lines of notification or alarm detection loops
connected in Class “A” homerun in two different routes/risers to the fire alarm
control panel and labeling have been applied.

11. Verify that no heat detector is installed in the vicinity of heat source nor rate of rise
heat detector is installed where rapid temperature change is expected to avoid false

12. Verify that an approved cause and effect matrix is fulfilled and the scenario is
functioning efficiently.

13. Verify that fire alarm components for interfacing with other systems are properly
installed and functional, and that fire alarm signals are given priority where
required by the codes and specifications.

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