Which Patients With Suspected Myocardial Ischemia

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Which Patients With Suspected Myocardial
Ischemia and Left Bundle-Branch Block Should
Receive Thrombolytic Agents?

From the Department of Emergency E. John Gallagher, MD See related article, p. 431.
Medicine, Albert Einstein College of
Medicine, Bronx, NY.
[Gallagher EJ. Which patients with suspected myocardial
Reprints not available from the
author. ischemia and left bundle-branch block should receive throm-
Address for correspondence:
bolytic agents? Ann Emerg Med. May 2001;37:439-444.]
E. John Gallagher, MD, Albert Einstein
College of Medicine, Department of Timely administration of thrombolytic agents to patients
Emergency Medicine, 111 East 210th with ischemic ST-segment elevation decreases mortality in
Street, Bronx, NY 10467-2490; acute myocardial infarction (AMI).1 Stratification of this
718-920-7459, fax 718-798-6084; heterogeneous group of AMIs by ECG reveals a steep
E-mail jgallagh@montefiore.org.
risk/benefit gradient when expressed as the number of
Copyright © 2001 by the American patients needed to treat (NNT) or harm (NNH). As is evi-
College of Emergency Physicians.
dent from Figure 1, individuals with bundle-branch
0196-0644/2001/$35.00 + 0 block are a particularly important stratum of patients to
47/1/114761 identify. This is true not only because they have a high
baseline mortality and receive the greatest incremental
improvement in survival when given thrombolytic
agents (NNT = 21; 95% CI, 12 to 72)1 but also because
we tend to undertreat them.2,3 The reluctance to admin-
ister thrombolytic agents to these patients can be
attributed, at least in part, to prevailing clinical confu-
sion driven by the ambiguity of the term bundle-branch
block (BBB).
In the Fibrinolytic Therapy Trialists’ (FTT) definitive
systematic review of 9 major randomized clinical trials of
thrombolytic agents versus placebo, no distinction was
made between left BBB (LBBB) and right BBB (RBBB).1
Rather, the 2 were merged into a single category, as
shown in Figure 1. Examination of each study entered
into the systematic review reveals that 2 trials excluded
patients with BBB (AIMS4 and USIM5), 1 did not code
BBB as a distinct ECG finding (ASSET),6 1 recorded LBBB
as a separate entity (GISSI),7 and the remaining 5 trials
simply reported undifferentiated BBB, presumably
aggregating LBBB with RBBB (ISAM,8 ISIS-2,9 ISIS-3,10
LATE,11 and EMERAS12).
Until such time as the more than 2,000 ECGs showing
BBB entered into the FTT systematic review1 can be ex-
humed from the archives of multiple study coordinating



centers, dusted off, and reclassified as left, right, or other, (from right to left) and depolarizes the ventricles in the
or until further clarifying information on this subgroup is reverse order through propagation of an electrical front
forthcoming from additional sources, no explicit data are spreading radially across the left ventricle from the termi-
available to determine whether the mortality decrement nation of the right bundle.15 This obscures early vectors
associated with administration of thrombolytic agents to that ordinarily inscribe the characteristic ECG signature of
patients with BBB and suspected AMI is distributed AMI, rendering it illegible in the vast majority of patients.
equally or differentially between those patients with The American Heart Association (AHA) and American
RBBB versus those with LBBB. College of Cardiology (ACC) appear to have followed
In the absence of clear evidence, the logic of cardiac similar reasoning in formulating their recently updated
conduction argues that suspected AMIs with LBBB rather joint practice guideline.16 In the executive summary of
than RBBB are likely to receive the greatest therapeutic this extensive and well-referenced document, the Com-
benefit from thrombolysis. This is because normal con- mittee on Management of AMI states that “Symptoms
duction traverses the atrioventricular node and depolar- consistent with acute MI and left bundle branch block
izes the septum from left to right, thus activating the left (LBBB) should be managed like ST-segment elevation.”16
ventricle first. Standard 12-lead ECGs identify ischemia The authors go on to comment elsewhere in the guideline
or infarction most readily when it occurs in those areas of that “Bundle-branch block (obscuring ST-segment analy-
the heart depolarized early. Hence, an RBBB, which does sis) and history suggesting AMI [constitutes] a Class I
not interfere with either the direction of septal depolar- indication for thrombolysis.”16 Other than in the portion
ization or the order of ventricular depolarization, will not of the document dedicated to indications for pacing in
ordinarily obscure the ST-segment elevation of AMI be- AMI, RBBB is not mentioned further in the more than 200
cause it does not greatly alter initial electrical forces.13,14 pages of text. For the reasons noted above, this is presum-
In contrast to RBBB, in the presence of an LBBB, con- ably because an RBBB tends not to obscure ST-segment
duction traverses the septum in the opposite direction analysis.13-15 Thus, the recommendation of the
ACC/AHA appears to favor a logical strategy limiting
thrombolysis to those patients with suspected AMI and
Figure 1. LBBB, excluding those with RBBB unless they also have
Bars above the horizontal line demarcating benefit from harm evidence of ischemic ST-segment elevation.
indicate the number of patients with suspected AMI needed to
treat (NNT) with thrombolytic agents (versus placebo) to save Consistent with the notion that identification of AMI
one life, stratified by ECG findings. Note that the smaller the in the context of an LBBB is both important and difficult,
NNT, the greater the incremental survival benefit. Bars below more than 50 ECG signs have been proposed over the past
the horizontal line indicate the number of patients with sus- half century for the detection of ischemia in LBBB.17 Of
pected MI needed to harm (NNH), that is, the number who must these, 2 of the 3 criteria recently proposed by Sgarbossa et
receive thrombolytic agents before one excess death occurs. Note
that those with ST-segment depression fare worse than those with al18 appear to have sufficiently powerful likelihood ratios
normal ECGs, although neither group benefits from thrombolysis. to be helpful at the bedside: (1) ST-segment elevation of 1
Hi-low vertical lines display 95% CIs for the NNT and NNH. mm or more in the same direction as the QRS complex
Data were calculated from the FIT systematic review of indica- and (2) ST-segment depression of 1 mm or more in leads
tions for fibrinolytic therapy in suspected AMI.1 V1, V2, or V3. For practical use, these criteria can be
remembered simply as directional concordance of the ST
200 segment with the QRS complex immediately preceding it.
150 Under ordinary circumstances, such concordance is
120 unusual because the primary depolarization abnormality

of LBBB is followed by a secondary abnormality in repo-
21 28 32 larization. Thus, in LBBB the ST–T-wave complex will
ST Normal normally move in a direction opposite (discordant) to
BBB Anterior Other Inferior
ST ST ST that of the QRS deflection. When this fails to occur, the

resulting QRS-ST concordance strongly suggests acute

100 72
ECG findings coronary occlusion. More specifically, concordance of
150 144
elevation suggests AMI in almost any lead; concordance
of depression is most indicative of AMI when seen in the
right precordial leads V1, V2, or V3.18



Unfortunately, as Kontos et al19 convincingly demon- that too few people with AMI would be treated if these cri-
strate in this month’s issue of Annals, the criteria of teria were used to identify thrombolytic candidates with
Sgarbossa et al18 are too insensitive to be used as a screen- LBBB. These authors also point out that the low prevalence
ing (rule out) test to determine which patients with an of AMI among patients with LBBB would unnecessarily
LBBB do not have an MI. Indeed, if one combines the expose too many people to the risks of thrombolytic
prospective data gathered by Kontos et al with recent ear- agents in return for insufficient benefit. Although their
lier retrospective work targeted at the same end point,20 former position seems squarely evidence based, the latter
the 2 Sgarbossa criteria were found in only 3% (95% CI, is at odds with the ACC/AHA’s summary recommenda-
2% to 6%) of 372 patients with LBBB and suspected tion to treat all patients with LBBB with suspected AMI16
ischemia. Among the subset of 49 patients with LBBB and and therefore warrants closer examination.
confirmed AMI, at least one of the 2 criteria was present in One means of explicitly weighing the quantitative im-
only 20% of patients (95% CI, 10% to 34%). The plications of competing therapeutic recommendations is
Sgarbossa criteria are, however, highly specific (96%; through use of decision analysis. Shlipak et al23 per-
95% CI, 94% to 98%) and can be used reliably as a confir- formed such an analysis recently, concluding that treat-
matory test to rule in AMI in patients with LBBB.19,20 ment of all patients with LBBB and suspected AMI would
A better sense of the clinical utility of the Sgarbossa crite- result in about 10 more lives saved (without the compli-
ria18 can be obtained by converting the traditional test cation of stroke, stroke-free) per 1,000 patients than
properties of sensitivity and specificity into likelihood ratios either use of the Sgarbossa ECG criteria18 to select
(LRs).21 Use of positive and negative predictive values is patients for thrombolysis or a strategy of declaring all
misleading because they fluctuate directly as a function of patients with LBBB ineligible for thrombolytic agents.23
the prevalence of the target disorder in the population to However, this analysis was based on a prevalence of AMI
which the criteria are applied.22 If one defines the presence in LBBB that was nearly twice that found by Kontos et al19
of either concordant criterion as a positive test result and the and Li et al,20 who reported an identical prevalence of
absence of both criteria as a negative test result, the positive 13% (95% CI for combined cohort, 10% to 17%).
LR is 22 (95% CI, 7 to 72) and the negative LR is 0.8 (95% Shlipak et al23 also did not have information on the age
CI, 0.7 to 0.9). A positive LR reflects the odds that a patient of the LBBB to incorporate into his decision analysis,
with a positive test result has the target disorder, in this case which both Li et al20 and Kontos et al19 have recently
AMI, as opposed to the odds that a patient with the same shown may have some predictive utility in identifying
positive test result does not have AMI: patients at particularly high risk for AMI. Stratification by
Positive LR = Sensitivity/(1 – Specificity). age of the LBBB, again combining data from Li et al and
In contrast, a negative LR reflects the odds that a patient Kontos et al (provided by the lead authors of each article
with a negative test result has the target disorder, AMI, as on request), allows calculation of interval likelihood
opposed to the odds that a patient with the same negative ratios for the odds of AMI among patients with new (LR,
test result does not have an AMI: 1.7; 95% CI, 1.1 to 2.7), indeterminate (LR, 1.1; 95% CI,
Negative LR = (1 – Sensitivity)/Specificity. 0.8 to 1.5), and old LBBB (LR, 0.5; 95% CI, 0.3 to 0.8).
The degree to which the LR of a test deviates from one Although a slight gradient is evident, the LR associated
(positive LR >1; negative LR <1) is indicative of the power with the distinction between old versus new or indeter-
of that test to revise disease probability. Thus, the effect of minate LBBB appears to be the only LR that might be clini-
a negative test result (ie, absence of both criteria) will re- cally useful. However, even this is a relatively weak test,
duce the posttest odds of AMI only marginally by a factor indicating that the presence of an LBBB known to be old
of 0.8. Therefore, lack of concordance of ST segments with reduces the odds of AMI by only about one half.
the QRS complex in a patient with LBBB and suspected Further consolidation of these 3 categories of LBBB
ischemia is of no help diagnostically and should not be into 2 groups (new/indeterminate/presumably new ver-
used in clinical decisionmaking to rule out AMI. In con- sus known to be old) is consistent with the ACC/AHA’s
trast, the presence of ST-segment and QRS concordance practice guideline, in which they state that “Thrombolytic
increases the odds of AMI in the setting of LBBB by about therapy is highly effective in patients with ST elevation or
22-fold, essentially confirming the diagnosis anytime presumably new LBBB (which obscures the electrocar-
either of the concordant Sgarbossa criteria are seen. diographic diagnosis of MI).”16 From this grouping, it
Kontos et al19 use the low sensitivity (poor negative should then be possible to develop a decision analysis
LR) of the Sgarbossa criteria to support their argument comparing performance of the combined criteria of either



concordant Sgarbossa ECG criteria18 OR a new/indeter- combined criteria will equal the probability of not receiv-
minate LBBB as a positive test result indicating need for ing thrombolytic agents according to the same algorithm.
thrombolysis with the simpler strategy of administering Comparison of these combined criteria with a strategy
thrombolysis to all patients with LBBB and suspected of thrombolysis for all patients with LBBB and suspected
AMI. Consistent with this model, a negative test result ischemia according to a standard decision analysis
would then be defined by the presence of BOTH (Figure 2) reveals that the outcomes of the 2 strategies are
Sgarbossa concordant criteria AND an LBBB known to be remarkably similar (Table 2). This appears to be true with
old. Given the high positive LR of the concordant respect to mortality, as well as stroke-free survival. For
Sgarbossa ECG criteria, providing thrombolytic agents to quality-of-life estimates, dividing those patients who had
no patients with LBBB and suspected AMI is not a clini- a stroke into those with major and minor disability1 and
cally sensible strategy and will not be included as a third assigning to major stroke a weight equivalent to death
branch in the decision tree. does not materially alter the conclusion that an algorithm
The range of probabilities used for sensitivity analyses incorporating the concordant Sgarbossa criteria com-
at each decision node is based on the 95% CIs surrounding bined with the age of the LBBB performs no better than
the point estimates, as shown in Table 1.1,19,20,23,24 The the much simpler strategy of thrombolysis for all sus-
prevalence of AMI in patients with LBBB and the test prop- pected AMIs in patients with LBBB.
erties of the concordant Sgarbossa ECG criteria are drawn Why might this be? Kontos et al19 and Li et al 20 have
from the combined data of Kontos et al19 and Li et al,20 as already shown that the Sgarbossa criteria perform
presented previously. The frequency of stroke and death poorly as screening tests because most patients with
among patients with AMI and LBBB who receive or do not LBBB and AMI do not have either concordant ST-seg-
receive thrombolytic agents is taken from the FTT defini- ment elevation or depression. With respect to the age of
tive systematic review.1 Mortality among untreated patients the LBBB, one plausible reason for finding such poor
without MI is derived from data on outcomes of patients discrimination, as was suggested by the marginal inter-
hospitalized for suspected ischemia who neither had an val LRs estimated above, might be the decidedly differ-
MI nor received thrombolytic agents.24 By definition, ent clinical implications of an LBBB not previously
among patients with MI, the sensitivity of the combined noted (and therefore characterized as “presumably
criteria will equal the probability of receiving thromboly- new”) versus one that develops acutely on serial ECGs in
sis according to the algorithm displayed in Figure 2. real time. Most clinicians would agree that the latter, if
Similarly, in patients without MI, the specificity of the not rate related or toxic-metabolic, is strong evidence of
ischemia. In contrast, an LBBB that appears to be new
rather than acute could, in fact, be quite old, if only
because the age of the LBBB is arbitrarily defined by
Table 1. whether it was previously noted in the medical record.
Probability estimates for decision analysis.

Range for Table 2.

Probability in Patients Sensitivity
With LBBB Estimate (%) Analysis* (%)
Outcome of decision analysis comparing 2 strategies for adminis-
tration of thrombolytic agents to 1,000 patients with LBBB and
suspected AMI.
AMI19,20 13 10–17
Death: (–) thrombolysis, (–) AMI23,24 2† 1–3†
Death: (–) thrombolysis, (+) AMI1 23.6 21.0–26.2
Death: (+) thrombolysis, (–) AMI23 2.2 0.9–3.1 Application of Algorithm* Thrombolysis
Death: (+) thrombolysis, (+) AMI1 18.7 16.3–21.1 Outcome for All (per 1,000) for All (per 1,000)
Stroke: (+) thrombolysis1 2.1 1.3–3.2
Stroke: (–) thrombolysis1 1.1 0.5–1.9 Mortality 43–44 43–44
Sensitivity of combined criteria19,20 82 68–91 Stroke-free survival 935–944 935–944
Specificity of combined criteria19,20 38 32–43 *The thrombolysis algorithm shown in Figure 2 is defined as thrombolytic agents administered
Range for sensitivity analyses are based on 95% CIs of estimate. to any patient with either of the 2 concordant Sgarbossa criteria18 or an LBBB of “new/indeter-

Range23 and estimate24 are based on different sources. Therefore, 95% CIs were not used for minate” age, that is, not known to be old. Thrombolysis was withheld from any patient with
sensitivity analysis of patients who neither had AMI nor received thrombolytic agents but were neither concordant Sgarbossa criteria nor an LBBB known to be “old,” that is, noted before cur-
hospitalized for suspected myocardial ischemia. rent presentation.



Thus, the poor performance of the age of the LBBB in a Kontos et al19 are entirely correct in concluding that
decision analysis, even when combined with the con- the Sgarbossa criteria “identify only a small minority of
cordant Sgarbossa criteria,18 might simply reflect the patients” and that administering thrombolytic agents to
inadequacy of our operational definitions of new/inde- all patients with LBBB and suspected ischemia “would
terminate versus old LBBB and the confounding of these result in treatment of a significant number of patients
designations by random circumstance (eg, when an without AMI.” Unfortunately, quantitative interpretation
individual last happened to have an ECG at that particu- of a large body of evidence,1,19,20,23,24 with the aid of
lar institution). decision analysis,18 suggests that combining the

Figure 2.
Decision analysis comparing 2 strategies for administering thrombolytic agents to patients with LBBB and suspected AMI: application of
thrombolytic algorithm (see text for details) versus thrombolysis for all suspected AMIs with LBBB. Probabilities and ranges for sensitivity
analyses at each decision node are listed in Table 1. Outcomes are displayed in Table 2.

LBBB with
suspected AMI

Thrombolysis Thrombolysis
algorithm for all

(+) MI (–) MI (–) MI

Alive, Alive, Death

no stroke stroke

(+) MI

Alive, Alive, Death

(+) Algorithm => no stroke stroke

Alive, Alive, Death

no stroke stroke

(–) Algorithm =>

no thrombolysis

Alive, Alive, Death

no stroke stroke

(+) Algorithm =>


Alive, Alive, Death

no stroke stroke

(–) Algorithm =>

no thrombolysis

Alive, Alive, Death

no stroke stroke



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