Assignment 2

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CC2005 Applied Computing

Assignment 2 C Program Design/Implementation

Assignment Nature: Weight: Due Date: Late Submission Penalty: Important Note: A. Learning Outcomes:
Outline information technology and its applications. Develop end-user computing skills for use in business environments. Integrate end-user computing techniques into business applications.

Individual 15% of Coursework 2 weeks after the distribution 10 marks deducted per day late Plagiarism will be penalized according to college regulation

B. Grading Criteria:
Criteria Program correctness Appropriate program style, structure, efficiency and comments User interface Documentation: 1. Pseudocode of requirement 5 2. Derivation of pseudocode of user-defined functions Marks 40% 20% 10% 10% 20%

C. Programming Requirements:
This is an individual assignment which requires you to design and implement a C program exactly according to the following requirements. Requirement 1: Print Programmer Information Your C program should first print your name, student number and the C compiler used. Requirement 2: Extract Integers Extract the 5th to 6th characters of your student number to produce an integer. Do the same with the 7th to 8th characters. Ignore the leading zeros. Examples: Student No. 11025739A 10240906A 11230003A Integers 57, 39 9, 6 0, 3

Requirement 3: Check Whether the Integers are Even or Not For each of the two integers, check whether it is even or not. Print out the integer. If the integer is even, say that it is an even number, otherwise say that it is an odd number. CC2005 (11/12) Assignment 2 Page 1 of 7

CC2005 Applied Computing Requirement 4: Calculate the Sum Interval of Two Integers Calculate and print out the sum interval of the two integers. The sum interval is the sum of all the integers between the two integers inclusively. For example, the sum interval of 9 and 6 is 30 (i.e. 9 + 8 + 7 + 6 = 30), and the sum interval of 0 and 3 is 6 (i.e. 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 = 6). Requirement 5: Ask for Users Input Ask the user whether he/she wants to input the numbers himself/herself. If the answer of the user is affirmative, prompt the user to enter two positive integers with value less than 1000. If a user enter an integer that is less than zero or greater than 1000, it should be considered as invalid and he/she should be informed of the error and be prompted to reenter an integer. Given the two valid integers as input, perform the process as described by requirements 3 and 4 above. After this, your program should ask the user whether he/she wants to repeat the process again. If the answer of the user is affirmative, prompt the user to enter two valid positive integers again and this process can go on and on. There should be no preset number of times that a user may repeat the process. The program terminates when it receives appropriate input from the user indicating that he/she wants to stop, and the program informs the user that the program completed. Design Requirement Write three functions with the names sumInterval, isEven, and enterPositiveInteger as part of the program where: sumInterval is a function that calculates the sum interval of two valid integers. This function returns the sum interval as an integer. As an example, note that the following two invocations of the same function should produce the same output value 30. sumInterval( 6, 9 ); sumInterval( 9, 6 ); isEven is a function that checks whether a number is even or not. It will return 1 (or true) when the number is even, and return 0 (or false) when it is odd. enterPositiveInteger is a function that prompts the user to enter a positive integer from the keyboard. If the user enter an invalid integer (e.g. -30, 1050), the function should inform the user that the input is invalid. The function continues to prompt the user to re-enter a value until the user enters a valid integer. The function then returns the integer. sumInterval, isEven, and enterPositiveInteger must be user-defined. You are not to use the corresponding library functions of the C language.

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CC2005 Applied Computing Pseudocode 1. Write the pseudocode to illustrate the algorithm for requirement 5 above (Ask for Users Input). As an advice, this part should be done before you even start to write your C source code. (Constraint: use the while pseudocode statement) Reference: appendix A for some examples of pseudocode. Constraint: use the while pseudocode statement. Derive Pseudocode using Top-down, Stepwise Approach 2. Derive the pseudocode of the sumInterval function in a top-down stepwise approach. (Constraint: use the while pseudocode statement) 3. Derive the pseudocode of the enterPositiveInteger function in a top-down stepwise approach. (Constraint: use the while pseudocode statement) Reference: appendix A for some examples of pseudocode. Reference: appendix B for the format of submission for this part. Constraint: use the while pseudocode statement.

D. Some Programming Guidelines and Hints

Please pay attention to the following points when developing the source code: a. Pay special attention to the originality of your program. b. Write efficient and correct user-defined functions. Test each of them well. c. Use appropriate control structures in your program. d. Include appropriate comments. Do not over comment. e. Use indentations and whitespaces to enhance the readability and comprehensibility of your source code. f. Use a debugger such as DDD to debug the semantic errors in your program if needed. g. Study carefully the C program in Figure 1. This is relevant to requirement 5 above. This C program is also an example of the good use of indentations, & variable names. #include <stdio.h> main() { char again; printf("Would you like to run the program? (y/n) "); scanf("\n%c", &again); while (again == 'y' || again == 'Y') { do something here. : : printf("Would you like to run again? (y/n) "); scanf("\n%c", &again);

} }

Figure 1. A While Loop. CC2005 (11/12) Assignment 2 Page 3 of 7

CC2005 Applied Computing

E. Sample Output
Figure 2 is a sample program execution output. It is well that you follow the output format.

Figure 2. Sample Output.

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CC2005 Applied Computing

F. Equipments:
Personal computer with appropriate operating system C program development tool gcc compiler from Cygwin or other C compliers (You must state the compiler used during program execution) C program debugger (Optional)

G. Submission Requirements:
Soft Copies Compress the following three files into one single file using the ZIP format, and upload this file to the Moodle E-Learning system. The name of the ZIP file should conform to the file naming format: A2_xxxxxxxxx.ZIP, where xxxxxxxxx is your student number. 1. 2. 3. The C source code file (file naming format: A2_xxxxxxxxx.c) The compiled executable file (file naming format: A2_xxxxxxxxx.exe) The file in MS Word format (file naming format: A2_xxxxxxxxx.doc) that contains the following sections: i. The name of the compiler you used for this assignment e.g. GCC, Visual C++. ii. The pseudocode that illustrates the algorithm for requirement 5 above (Ask for Users Input). iii. The derivation of the pseudocodes for the functions sumInterval and enterPositiveInteger using the top-down, stepwise approach. Document each derivation on a separate of paper. iv. Screen capture of a test run using the user input value of 80 and 3 for your program, and some invalid user input such as -2 and 9999.

(Hint: In MS Windows, screen capture can be performed by pressing the Ctrl-PrtSc or Ctrl-PrintScreen key on the keyboard. The image can then be pasted into your MS Word document) Printed Hard Copies Print a hard copy (stapled in ONE piece) with the following sections, and submit to the assignment box of the subject lecturer. Please use A4 size paper only. i. Cover sheet with your name, student number, and tutorial group. ii. C source code. iii. MS Word document of part 3 above. All submitted copies (both softcopies and hardcopies) should contain: Your name Student ID Class and tutorial group

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CC2005 Applied Computing

Appendix A: Pseudocode & Corresponding C Examples

Pseudocode Statement Examples assign 20 to number. initialize total to 0. while the user has not run out of input display result. if the bill is paid if you are not fat if otherwise ask the user to enter an integer. Corresponding C Statement Examples number = 20; total = 0; while (grade != -1) { }

printf(%d\n, result); if ( paid == 1 ) if ( fat == 0 ) if else printf(Enter an integer: ); scanf(\n%d, &number); ask whether the user wants to continue printf(Want to continue? (y/n) ); of not? scanf(\n%c, &again); display want to continue? (y/n). printf(Want to continue? (y/n) ); wait for user input. scanf(\n%c, &again); wait for user input. scanf(); integer sum_up: integer x, integer y User-defined function declaration: int sum_up(int x, int y) { } real getRealNumber: User-defined function declaration: float getRealNumber() { } get a real number. User-defined function invocation: getRealNumber(); character getSomething: User-defined function declaration: char getSomething() { } sum up 3 and 4, and assign the result to User-defined function invocation: a. a = sum_up(3, 4); check the schedule. User-defined function invocation: check_the_schedule(); if d is a valid date User-defined function invocation: if (isValidDate(d)) check whether d is a valid date or not, v = isValidDate(d); and assign the result to v. step the index i from 1 to 10 with an for ( i = 1; i <10; i++ ); increment of 1. step the index i from 0 to 8 with an for ( i = 0; i < 9; i = i + 2) printf(%d\n, i) increment of 2. At each step, display i. integer main: int main () if n is a prime number If (isPrime(n)) display n is a prime number printf("%d is a prime number\n", n); otherwise else display n is not a prime number. printf("%d is not a prime number\n", n); increment m by 1. m = m + 1; or m++; increment n by 2. n = n + 2; increment p by q. p = p + q; calculate the after-deduction take home take_home_pay = gross_salary pay. medical_deductions retirement_deduction; CC2005 (11/12) Assignment 2 Page 6 of 7

CC2005 Applied Computing convert the ascii string s to integer, and assign the result to n. return result. report that the operation is successful. let i be the next integer. let i be the first number. n = atoi(s); return result; return 0; i = i + 1; i = first_number;

Appendix B: An Example of the Top-down, Stepwise Refinement Approach

First Level (Top Level) determine the class average for a quiz where the class size is unknown. Second Level initialize variables. input, sum and count the quiz grades. calculate and print the class average. (no calculation is possible if user input nothng) Third Level initialize total to zero. (for holding the sum of grades) initialize counter to zero. (for counting the number of grades) ask user to enter a grade. (possibly the sentinel, e.g. -1 to represent no more grades!) while the user has not as yet run out of grades increment the running total by this grade. increment the grade counter by 1. ask user to enter a grade. (possibly the sentinel, e.g. -1) if the counter is not equal to zero (the user enters nothing) assign the total divided by the counter to average. display the average. else display no grades were entered.

At this point, all the pseudocodes can be translated to C code directly. The text between parenthesis are pseudocode comments.

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