The Nominative Absolute Participial Construction
The Nominative Absolute Participial Construction
The Nominative Absolute Participial Construction
дієприкметниковий зворот, в якому дієприкметник має свій власний підмет
(іменник або займенник this, it, there ) In the Nominative Absolute Participial
Construction Participle I (in all its forms) or Participle II is used. This
construction is generally rendered in Ukrainian by means of an adverbial clause
(підрядним обставинним реченням). It is used in the function of an adverbial
modifier/ обставина. It can be an adverbial modifier:
(a) of time.
The guests having gone home, Mrs. Hardy produced her son's letter.
Коли (після того, як) гості пішли…
The duty completed, he had three months' leave. Коли (після того,
як) завдання було виконане…
(b) of cause/причини
It being now pretty late, we took our candles and went upstairs.
Оскільки було пізно…
There being little time left, they had to hurry. Оскільки залишалося
мало часу…
Оскільки погода була гарна…
Christie having been unable to come, the tea party was a dull affair.
This duty having been completed, he had three months' leave.
Оскільки завдання було виконане,…
(c) of attendant circumstances/супутніх обставин In this function the
Nominative Absolute Participial Construction is mostly placed at the end of the
sentence. Може перекладатись зі сполучниками: причому, а, в той час, як.
He turned and went, we, as before, following him. …а ми, як і раніше,
йшли за ним
He stood in front of the window, his nose almost pressed to
the glass. … притиснувши ніс до скла.
(d) of condition. In this function the Nominative Absolute Participial
Construction is used with the participles permitting and failing.
Weather (time, circumstances) permitting, we shall start tomorrow.
Якщо дозволить погода …
Conciliation failing, force remains; but force failing, no further hope of
conciliation is left. Якщо не досягнеш примирення…
Assignment 32. Translate the following into English using Absolute Participial