Stand Out 3E - Level 3 Unit 1 - Balancing Your Life
Stand Out 3E - Level 3 Unit 1 - Balancing Your Life
Stand Out 3E - Level 3 Unit 1 - Balancing Your Life
11 a.m. –
1 p.m.
3 p.m. –
5 p.m.
5 p.m. –
7 p.m. dinner
B. Ask questions about Luisa’s schedule. Use the conversation below as a model.
Student A: What time does Luisa start work?
Student B: She starts work at 9:00 a.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
Student A: When does she have ESL class?
Student B: She has ESL class on Mondays and Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.
14 Unit 1
C. INTERPRET Ask questions about Luisa’s schedule again. This time, use How
often . . . ? Answer the questions using the frequency expressions from the box.
EXAMPLE: Student A: How often does Luisa have dinner with her family?
Student B: Luisa has dinner with her family every Sunday.
Or Luisa has dinner with her family once a week.
Lesson 1 15
F. Use frequency adverbs to write sentences about Luisa. Look back at her schedule
in Exercise A.
1. Luisa usually starts work in the morning.
G. Practice reading the sentences you wrote in Exercise F. Which words are the most
important in each sentence?
7 a.m. –
9 a.m.
9 a.m. –
11 a.m.
11 a.m. –
1 p.m.
1 p.m. –
3 p.m.
3 p.m. –
5 p.m.
5 p.m. –
7 p.m.
7 p.m. –
9 p.m.
16 Unit 1
L e s s o n 2 Goals, obstacles, and solutions
GOAL Identify goals and obstacles and suggest solutions
A. Look at the picture. Zhou is worried about the future. What is he thinking about?
Zhou’s life is going to change very soon. His wife, Huixen, is going to have twins in July.
His parents are going to come from China to live in the United States. He’s happy, but his
apartment will to be too small for everyone. He needs a better job, but his boss won’t
promote him because he doesn’t have a college degree.
Zhou has three goals. When his parents come to the United States, he will buy a house
large enough for two families. His father will work and help pay for the house. His mother
will help take care of the children. Then, Zhou plans to go to night school and get his
bachelor’s degree. When he graduates, he will apply for a new position at work. He will
work hard to achieve his goals.
*won’t = will not
C. A goal is something you would like to achieve in the future. What are Zhou’s three goals?
Lesson 2 17
E. Review vocabulary and write about Zhou’s solutions.
1. What is a goal?
2. What is an obstacle?
F. IDENTIFY Listen to Tuba and Lam. Identify their goals, obstacles, and solutions
CD 1
TR 3 and write them in the spaces.
1. Goal: Tuba wants to get a job to help her husband .
a. She can .
18 Unit 1
H. Study the chart.
When his parents come to the United States, he will buy a house.
*Note: The order of the clauses does not matter. You can also say, Zhou will apply for a new position
at work when he graduates.
J. Classify Zhou has a personal goal (buy a new home), an educational goal
(graduate from college), and an occupational goal (get a new position at work).
What are your goals? Write them in the table below.
1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3.
L. APPLY Write your goals on a separate piece of paper. Hang it up in the classroom
where you can read your goals each day.
Lesson 2 19
L e s s o n 3 The future
GOAL Write about a personal goal
B. ANALYZE Choose one of the goals you wrote in the table on page 19. Think of one
obstacle to reaching your goal and two possible solutions.
C. Share your ideas with a partner. Can your partner suggest other solutions?
20 Unit 1
E. Read the paragraph Tuba wrote about her goal.
Malala Yousafzai’s
personal goal is
to give children
and young people
around the world
equal rights.
Lesson 3 21
F. ANALYZE Look again at Tuba’s paragraph in Exercise E and answer the questions.
Then, write ideas for your own paragraph about the goal you chose in Exercise B.
2. Tuba’s support sentences are about her 2. Write your three support sentences.
obstacle and her two possible solutions.
What are her support sentences? a.
G. On a separate piece of paper, write a paragraph about your goal using correct
paragraph formatting.
22 Unit 1
L e s s o n 4 Study habits
GOAL Analyze study habits
A. Answer the following questions. Then, compare your answers with a partner.
1. Where do you like to study?
2. When do you usually study?
3. How long do you study for?
4. Do you listen to music when you study? Why or why not?
B. COMPARE Look at the first picture. What is Luisa doing? Do you think she is
learning anything? Why or why not? Look at the second picture. What is Michel
doing? Is he learning anything? Discuss your ideas with a partner.
C. Listen to the information about study habits and take notes. What are good and
CD 1
TR 4 bad study habits?
Lesson 4 23
D. Read about study habits below.
Good study habits can be very beneficial to you and your education. On the
other hand, bad study habits can be harmful to your educational goals. First, let’s
talk about bad study habits.
Many people have very busy schedules and it is difficult for them to find time
to study. One bad study habit is not studying before class. Another bad study
habit is studying with distractions around, such as television, people talking, or
loud music. A third bad study habit is copying a friend’s homework. These are
just a few bad study habits, but you can easily change them into good study
There are many ways that you can improve your study habits. First, set a time
every day to study and try to study at the same time every day. Do not make ap-
pointments at this time. This is your special study time. Second, find a good place
to study, a place that is quiet and comfortable so you can concentrate. Finally, do
your homework on your own. Afterwards, you can find a friend to help you go
over your work and check your answers.
E. INTERPRET According to the reading, what are some bad study habits? Add one
more idea.
studying before class
F. INTERPRET According to the reading, what are some good study habits? Add one
more idea.
studying at the same time every day
24 Unit 1
G. Match each word or phrase with its correct definition. Write the letter.
1. beneficial a. bad for you
3. Studying with a friend can be because you can help each other.
5. It’s hard to study when there are . Turn off the TV!
I. Choose three words or phrases from Exercise G and write sentences about your
study habits on a separate piece of paper. Share your sentences with a partner.
2. 2.
3. 3.
K. Compare Share your answers with a partner. Which study habits are the same?
Which study habits are different?
Lesson 4 25
L e s s o n 5 Time management
GOAL Manage time
her time. She rarely has any free time to relax.
Lara wants to find a way to balance her time, so
she has decided to attend a lecture at school to
learn better time-management strategies. 55% Work 30% School
C. Listen to the lecture about time management. Listen for the main ideas.
CD 1
TR 5
26 Unit 1
D. Discuss When you listen to a lecture, you can use an outline to help record
important information. Look at the outline below and discuss it with your teacher.
1. Why is time management important?
a. You stay organized.
b. You accomplish everything that needs to get done.
c. You .
2. How do you keep a schedule?
a. Write down everything you need to do in a week.
b. Put each task in a time slot.
c. .
d. Check off things that have been completed.
3. How can you add more time to your day?
a. You can wake up earlier.
b. You can ask .
c. You can try doing tasks at once.
4. What are other important things to consider about time management?
a. Remember the important people in your life.
c. You are the boss of your schedule.
5. What are the benefits of managing your time?
a. You will have more time.
b. You will feel less .
c. You will have time to .
E. Listen to the lecture on time management again and complete the outline
CD 1
TR 5 above.
Lesson 5 27
F. A pie chart is a circle, like a pie, and is divided up into parts that equal 100%. Look at the
pie chart, fill in the percentages below, and add them up. Do they equal 100%?
Schedule 10%
Work: %
School: %
40% Family: %
School Exercise: %
Entertainment: %
G. On a separate piece of paper, create a pie chart to show how you spend your time. Make
sure your chart equals 100%!
H. REFLECT Answer the following questions about your own time-management
1. What problems do you have with time?
I work ten hours a day, and I don’t have time to study.
2. How could you add more time to your day? (Think about what you learned from the lecture.)
3. What are some time-management skills you learned that you would like to use in your life?
28 Unit 1
L I F E S K I L L S My schedule is crazy
Lifeskills Video 29
Learner Log
Review I can analyze and create schedules.
Yes No Maybe
A. Exchange books with a partner. Have your partner complete the schedule.
B. Write sentences about your partner’s schedule using the frequency adverbs.
1. (always)
2. (usually)
3. (often)
4. (sometimes)
5. (rarely)
6. (never)
C. Now share your sentences with your partner and see if he or she agrees. Use the
conversation below as a model.
Student A: You always work in the evenings.
Student B: Yes, I do.
30 Unit 1
Learner Log
I can identify goals and obstacles and suggest solutions. I can write about a personal goal.
Yes No Maybe Yes No Maybe
E. What are your goals for the future? Write sentences about your future goals
using when.
1. When I finish this course, I will take the GED exam.
F. Think of one obstacle and one solution for each goal you wrote in Exercise E.
Complete the chart.
Review 31
Learner Log Learner Log
I can analyze study habits. I can manage time. I can make a schedule.
Yes No Maybe Yes No Maybe Yes No Maybe
H. Read the following sentences that make up a paragraph. Label each as a topic
sentence (T), a support sentence (S), or a conclusion sentence (C). Remember, there
can only be one topic sentence and one conclusion sentence.
1. I will buy books to study with and I will study very hard.
5. When I am close to taking the test, I will ask my friend to help me.
I. On a separate piece of paper, rewrite the sentences above in the correct order using
correct paragraph formatting.
Write two good study habits.
L. Write the correct word or phrase from the box for each definition.
6. a problem
7. review something or check it again
With a team, you will design a weekly schedule that includes your class and study time.
You will identify good study habits and time-management strategies.
1. COLLABORATE Form a team with four or five students. Choose a position for each member
of your team.
2. Design a weekly schedule. On your schedule, write in the days and times you
have English class.
3. Decide on a goal that is related to learning English. Then, think of one obstacle to your goal and
two solutions.
4. Make a list of good study habits and a list of time-management strategies you would like to use.
5. Make a poster with all of the information from above: weekly schedule, goal, obstacle,
solutions, good study habits, and time-management strategies.
The Real-Life
Tomb Raider
1. Read the title. What do you think the article will be about?
2. Look at the picture and read the quote. Do you think Kira has goals? Why?
3. Look at the picture again. Where do you think Kira is?
34 Unit 1
B. What do you think these words mean? Work with a partner.
Kira Salak is an adventurer. She was the first known person to kayak down the Niger River
in West Africa by herself. Kira is a traveler. She has traveled alone to almost every continent.
Kira is a writer. She documents her travels by writing about the people she has met and the
places she has seen. How did she become all of these things?
Kira wrote her first short story at the age of six. Her imagination always took her to wild
and exotic places. At age 19, she took her first solo trip, hoping to have new and unique ex-
periences. At age 20, while backpacking through Africa, she was kidnapped by soldiers and
forced to “make a terrifying escape.” But this experience didn’t stop her. In fact, since then,
she has purposely traveled to more dangerous countries so she can tell the world about the
people who live there.
Kira’s experiences empower her. Even though she has seen some terrible things, she is
still hopeful. Her goal is to find common ground with other people. “When you get beyond
politics and superficial cultural differences, people all want the same things: peace, happi-
ness, success for their children, and the best standard of life.” Kira is a writer, a traveler, and
an adventurer. But above all else, she is a human being. “When someone tells me I can't do
something, it just empowers me all the more. People's doubts in my ability only strengthen
my resolve. When they say I can't accomplish a challenge, I just eat that up.”
D. Support Underline the answers to the questions below in the reading. Write the
question number next to the evidence.
1. How do we know that Kira wanted to travel from a young age?
2. When did she first travel alone?
3. What empowers Kira?
4. Where was she kidnapped?
E. Summarize Without looking at the reading, tell your partner about Kira’s goal, an
obstacle, and a solution.
Reading Challenge 35