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02-05-2023 Combined File of All Company Questions

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INTERVIEW QUESTIONS DO’S & DONT‘S.................................................................................................3
CHAPTERWISE HOMEWORK QUESTIONS..............................................................................................20
PART – 1 GENERAL QUESTIONS........................................................................................................21
PART – 2 RATIO’S AND ACCOUNTING QUESTIONS............................................................................26
PART – 3 CORPORATE ACTIONS........................................................................................................47
PART – 4A PRIMARY MARKETS.......................................................................................................49
PART – 4B SECONDARY MARKETS..................................................................................................50
PART – 5 MUTUAL FUNDS.................................................................................................................51
PART – 6 FOREX & DERIVATIVES.......................................................................................................52
PART – 7 BONDS & FIXED INCOME...................................................................................................53
PART – 8 FUND ACCOUNTING, PRIVATE...........................................................................................54
CITCO QUESTIONS.................................................................................................................................56
CITCO LOAN PROCESS QUESTIONS........................................................................................................59
REAL ESTASTE / REAL ASSETS................................................................................................................64
GENPACT QUESTIONS............................................................................................................................70
GLOPLEX COMPUTER SHARE QUESTIONS..............................................................................................74
HCL SS INTERVIEW QUESTIONS.............................................................................................................77
PRIVATE EQUITY....................................................................................................................................77
HEDGE FUNDS AND MUTUAL FUNDS:...................................................................................................77
CORPORATE ACTIONS:...........................................................................................................................78
TECHNICAL QUESTION...........................................................................................................................78
GENERAL QUESTIONS:...........................................................................................................................79
ACCOUNTING, FS and Miscellaneous....................................................................................................79
Questions related to COVID-19.............................................................................................................81
IBM MBA-Questions..............................................................................................................................81
ICE INTERVIEW QUESTIONS...................................................................................................................82
INTER TRUST QUESTIONS......................................................................................................................89
SS FRESHERS..........................................................................................................................................92
S&P GLOBAL..........................................................................................................................................98

SHORE INTERVIEW QUESTIONS...........................................................................................................101

STATE STREET QUESTIONS...................................................................................................................108
STOUT INTERVIEW QUESTIONS...........................................................................................................119
Steps in the Working Capital Cycle.............................................................................................120
Working Capital Cycle Formula..................................................................................................121
Working Capital Cycle Sample Calculation................................................................................121
Positive vs. Negative Working Capital Cycle..............................................................................121
Importance of Gross Working Capital..................................................................................................123
Importance of Net Working Capital.....................................................................................................123
WELLS FARGO MBA QUESTIONS..........................................................................................................127
WELLS IPCC QUESTIONS......................................................................................................................132
FT INTERVIEW QUESTIONS :................................................................................................................143
APEX INTERVIEW QUESTIONS..............................................................................................................147
Job Title – Associate 2..........................................................................................................................149



1. If the manager asks how much salary do you want?

Ans: As per company norms

Even if they say, we will not send you to next round of interview
unless you don’t give package expectations even then say, as per
company norms. Never ever quote any figure.

Even if the Company have budget of 4 or 5lakhs, if you quote

3lakhs also they will pay in that budget only.

Ex: One girl went to one company, said one of my friend last week
got 5lakhs package. I also want same package?
Ans: You, Me, HR& Manager all will be in trouble if they come to
know that, that you’re senior has disclosed salary outside.

2. Never ask HR about, what will be my shift timings?

Ans: If you want to know, ask me. I will update it.

Never talk anything extra with HR?

Ans: You will be in trouble and may lose the opportunity.

3. IPCC Group 1 people, please say in the interview that you passed
in both the groups. Never say you passed in just 1 group.

4. Never ever tell about Planet finance name or Praveen sir name in
the interviews.
-Bulls and bears Investments names in the interviews.
-If you say that you attended my classes, HR/ Manger will lose the
respect on you.

-If they say, how did you get this knowledge?


Ans: By internet, reading magazines & newspapers only.

If you want talk about Praveen sir classes, tell to your friends.
But NOT in the interview.

If you till Praveen sir or if you put CV planet finance out of 100
people in the interview all 100 will be from our academy only,
manager will reject/decline your job opportunity.

5. Never ever talk about your previous employer, you can’t say.
My previous company not given salary hike that’s why, I want to
resign my previous job. I am looking into my job.
If you say they will get same feeling that, this guy will not be happy
with this salary also. After 6months he will leave this company also.
Ans: you should always say my previous job is my god. I am only
looking for growth in my career that’s why looking for bigger
branding companies like yours, for continuing in my career. Never
ever say badly about your employer.

6. Once you join the company, you will get HR email id. Your friends
will ask you, please forward my CV to HR.
Ans: Never ever do it. Every HR Manager knows about Praveen Sir
very well. If you do it, you will get very bad impression from HR &
you will be in deep trouble.

It happened in many previous companies, people charged

reference fees of 1month & 2months, and that person went and told
to everybody.
Ans: Never ever share anybody CVs with HR. Because HR will get
that doubt that your charging, even if you’re not charging and HR
will till to your manager. This person is sending CVs of their friends,
you will get bad repetitions with your mangers. Without knowing
that, you will be in deep trouble, when the hike/increment comes.
Never ever do that.

7. HR’s will talk very politely and nicely, don’t take it as advantage.
For asking salary hike. They will speak very politely that is their
duty. Don’t think that they are your friend.

8. Once it happened in one company after students failed in 2nd round

3rd round. They kept asking the reason for the failure, please talk to
Praveen sir and never ask HR. Never ever do that. Please come
back & inform Praveen sir & he will talk to HR and will find out
reason and try to send you again for interview.

9. In many What’s App groups Praveen sir creating, he is also adding

HR managers in the group. So please don’t talk extra stuff like fake
experience /IPCC GROUP 2. You will be in trouble.
10. If you face any problems in filling application or for filling
details for offer letter do not ask HR, please reach out to Praveen

11. After joining company don’t go & meet you friends in same
company. And never say you all are from same place or same
hostel or same house. Every information will go to HR & Managers.

12. Sometimes, I will send you to the contract rolls for 1year.
Don’t say that I will get permanent or not?
First you join there, after 8 to 9months. If you are becoming
permanent, they will inform you or if they will inform another
manager that this person is doing very well, and they can hire them.

Last year in Aug, 10people joined in one company on contract role

with good package of 3.4 to 3.8L. All those 10people got
confirmation by today. By this July itself. So of course, on the work,
once you’re done very much of coursed 99% of chances you will
get permanent role. But don’t ask them at the time of joining.
Because nobody will give you commitment without seeing your
performance. Please remember this. If you’re not performing very
well 3months before they will tell, then search job for another

13. If your offer letter is getting delayed don’t ask HR when I will
get offer letter and all. They will throw you out of the company for

your hurry. You don’t message HR anything about that, you can
message Praveen sir and he will update you. If HR is giving the
approval from the manager, they will release offer letter in 10mins.
When it is not there in their hands, there is no point in following with
HR. when I get the offer letter, they will get irritated and they stop
your offer. Don’t do that.

14. One person went to interview for a company in Gachibowli

and they asked, what is your ambition? He told, wanted to do MBA
in Canada then the HR called me scolded me badly. When
somebody want to go to Canada. Then why are you sending to
interview? Don’t be over ambitions in the interview. Even if you’re
ambitious don’t tell in the interview. Like I want I become IAS, IPS,
etc. then they will say, then go and do it that only why you need this

15. IPCC Group1 people r both groups passed people must

mention both groups in the CV.

16. If you passed final group1 r group2 don’t mention in the CV.
You may think that you will get priority but if you put group1 r final
group2 in the CV. HR r company manger will say, you go do
another group and come for interview and don’t ask if I am writing
final exam will get the leave. They will ask are you continuing with
final. If you say yes, just they will say thank you go on and they will
scold me then. Never ever say I will write final in the interview.
Remember this. This is not a CA company where you will get the
examination leaves.
17. Sometimes managers will ask, do have any friends or
relatives in the company?
Ans: NO (Never say yes).

18. Somebody came from Pune to Hyderabad. He Is from

Vijayawada, they asked why you’re looking for job change? He said
it is near to my location.
Ans: Just Say I am looking for career growth. Never say about job
location. As they will think if you find another job closer your place
you will leave them and go.

19. Never ever cheat in the interview or in the written test. If it is

an online interview also don’t open the google or any other website,
don’t use the book in front of the computer to cheat. If it is a written
test in the company, still even if your friend is sitting in the next
cabin don’t ask him for the answers. The movement you’re doing
that HR will lose the impression on you. He will lose the impression
on the discipline of our students, and he will never take you for
another department. If you written test and failed, HR will ask you
for the test again after 1 week or 10 days, but if your copying he will
never take for next drive also forever your blocked in that company.

1. Any question asked in the interview, should not give single answer r
single statement.
Ans: You should give detail answer about that.

Ex: I have taken mock interview for one girl.

What are green shoe options? She said 15%.
Whatever Praveen sir has given notes in the class. You should tell
as it is notes in the interview.

Who has going to take your interview, he will not wait for your
answer? Simply he will jump to next candidate.
Ans: Whoever is correct, your answer should be in detailed way.

2. You must have clean shave. If you have a little bit shave also,
please don’t have hopes on the interview. HR called me many times
and scolded me because of this… Even if also scolded the students
because of this. In all the 4bathrooms, they will be giving the razors
ready for the students.

Formals are must, have seen many people going in to interview

without shoes also.
Ans: You must go with clean shave & light shirt, preferably white r
light blue colour shirt with business shoes.
Wear shoes that are comfortable but look smart. Flats or heels are
fine for women.

3. Your mail should not be loverboy_xxx@yahoo.com,

Ans: Must be normal your name and surname. If you have Gmail
id’s, please change it immediately.
Ex: raju.abcd@yahoo.com, raju.abcd@gmail.com
4. CV file name must be your name CV ...
Not resume updated or 1448363 and all

5. Don't put any caller tune for you are mobile, when HR will
call you, they get a bad impression on you

6. In what’s app DP r status don’t keep quotes video’s r messages.

7. If you’re not able attend interview on time at least 1hour before

inform Praveen sir are else do managers, do HR serious people will
be waiting for your interview and if don’t get login on time they will
get angry on us.

8. Don’t put hobbies in the CV. No one bothered about your hobbies.
Ex: Swimming, eating, reading, etc.

9. If they ask any love stories and all

Ans: Simply say, I was busy in studies, could not spend time.

10. What is your biggest strength and weakness?

Ans: Strength: I'm a hard worker.
Weakness: Emotionally

11. You must give live example for every question they ask.

12. Your CV should contain only the qualification that is required

for the job role.
Ex: If the required qualification is MBA 1919 you should not put
anything other than MBA1919 in the CV. Even if your experienced r
IPCC r Group1 r IPCC
CWA or any other thing should not put.

You should be very specific, I want this.


Ex: If job openings is B Com IPCC you should not even put CA
final group1 also. You must put only B Com IPCC.
Whatever he wants, you must have only that in the CV. If you think
that, I will show IPCC r Group2+1 & final group2 also in my CV.
Then if you think, you get the job, because your showing extra
knowledge & extra qualification your wrong.

13. When you go for interview don't talk to anybody in the

company even by phone call also don't meet anybody.
If 5people we are going for the interview don't go as a group go
individually and pretend that you don't know each other in the group
discussion are the personal interview. After the interview is over, go
you just come out of the building and if you want, you can wait for
your friend outside the building.

Some people are sitting in an HR cabin and saying. I am waiting for

my friend to come out of the interview that makes you give the
impression that you are childish. Never wait there to just come out
of the interview never talk to any other persons in the interview
don't meet anybody and inside the company and previous batch
students will be there they will take they will say I will take you
to the cafeteria and all as it is their company don't do...

One guy got lost the job only because of this reason, one more
thing when you go for an interview you go with positive thinking that
you will track the job.
Example: Two girls Priyanka and one more guy was going Priyanka
was revising bond markets, everybody knows they will ask bond
markets in interview another guy made fun of her, why are you
preparing all these…
she got the job, and that guy is still jobless.

So be careful on that they must give your full efforts with the
positive mindset and watch your Mock Interviews 1day before the
interview. You are spending a 17 year education you have to spend
17 hours for interview preparation.

14. Students have multiple degrees.

Example: If a student has BCom, MBA and IPCC you should not
put all these three in the CV.


 If the required job is per the IPCC guy, you must mention BCom

 If the job is for MBA guy, you have mentioned BCom and MBA
some people do CA and CWA then you should not mention CWA in
the CV.

 If you're doing only CWA and you can mention CWA in the CV.

 By showing extra qualification's they will regret you.

 Don't show anything in excess than what they ask for.

If a student has passed IPCC 1group r IPCC, both groups and MBA
also if some interviews if the required opening is required MBA, you
must put MBA in the CV. If the opening is required IPCC, you must
put IPCC in the CV. But in any CV should not put both. Accordingly,
when you're joining in WhatsApp groups for job search. You must
join the IPCC1 WhatsApp group & MBA WhatsApp group also. But
you need to modify your CV accordingly the requirement depending
on, where sir mentions the job post.

15. Whenever you are going for the interview, you must be
updated with
 latest corporate actions
 latest public issues
 latest QIP
 latest Central Bank monetary policies
 latest decisions of Central Bankers in monetary policies
 latest economic indicators like inflation, Interest rates.

16. If you have experience you have to

a) Mention starting date
b) Resigned ending date
c) Notice period last date of working and
d) You must write at least six to seven lines of your previous
experience in
the detailed way of your day-to-day work experience.
17. Any experiences less than 1 year should not be mentioned in the
CV at all. The employer will think that you are not consistently, and you

may leave this company soon that the impression, you will get and
they will not promote next round

18. What is a bonus issue, what people will say?

Bonus issue means company giving free shares, trust me, you'll
never get the job. If you answer like this...

You should tell in a detailed way.

Whatever the notes given by sir, you should tell the same notes.

Question: What is the buyback?

You can't say, the company buying back of its own shares.

Ans: Should say, a company buying back of its own shares from
the investors. Buy back can be done in two different ways open
market buy back and fixed price buyback. Fixed price is also called
tender offer. Here the company will specifically mention the price
open market buyback means the company will buy the in the
secondary market in NSE and BSE.

So, in both cases the number of shares will get reduced.

The major purpose of the buyback is to avoid hostile takeover Hirt
to and increase EPS of the company as the number of shares will
come down.


In 2017 Infosys buy under tender offer

In 2019 Infosys by back under open market.

19. If you go for every company you should know about the company
in the Wikipedia, Google, Internet about the company website. What
are the recent actions taken by the company? Company the news in
the last one month or two months for any good or bad reasons.

20.When you are going to interview first question, they will ask for

Example1: what is your view on Sensex?

Answer: You will say go up and down (your gone)

Example2: He will ask anything?


Answer: Don't answer anything.

They will not ask 2nd question; they will say get out.

You must give an explanation:

I think interests in the economy are heading Southwards markets

are looking for the recovery of Covid and we will see the best
growth rate in coming quarters and have shown interested rates of
RBI is go down to drastically on in the bond yields are also falling
from Last one week. (Then immediately is the second question will
be into bond yields)

Bond Yields: (You must show knowledge in first question)

Remember 2nd question is depending upon the 1st question

Remember the 3rd question is depending upon 2nd question

So, you have taken him into your area of knowledge with your
answers only.
After the 6th question he should ask, what negative interest rates
are, why option writers are existing in the market. Where you are
playing the game, it is psychological game you must play.

21.A company has asked for ID proof for Aadhar Card are a PAN card
copy of the interview you can submit, provided it is a well-known
company like Genpact or Wells Fargo. If any small company
is There, we can search for the web site for the company and the if the
company is true then you can share.

22.You're doing interviews with one company in the second-round r

final round you should apply to another company also for the job don't
assume that you will get the offer until and unless the offer letter come
to your mail.
Don't think that if I get both the companies offer which one should I
accept you had to think that option after getting both of offer letters
which rarely happens a lot of 1 or 2 students out of 100.

23.Don't put you’re photograph in CV, it must be in word file


24.When go for an interview with some companies, if interviews are at

2PM you must reach the location by 1PM or 1:15PM

25.Some companies call for interview 10AM and they will make you to
seat till evening 7PM for 1st round of interview. For testing your
patience, you can't say why they are not calling for interviews and all.
You must wait for a full day. For attending 1stround, you must have
tones of patience to get the job.

26.Whenever you have the web ex Meeting with HR or Manager as

per the schedule time if you are not able to login within 10 minutes are
within 5 minutes of the scheduled time immediately ping HR or
Praveen Sir

27.Don't assume that you will get the job until the offer letter received
in your mail
Example: somebody is going for the interview for a package of 3.5
lacs qualification is MBA or IPCC. He asks for question it is low
package, why should I go. Why first go for experience if you get the
job. We can think whether to join or not. Don't assume that you will
get every job wherever you go for an interview. Know your worth
whether you will be able to get at least 3.5lacks package or not.

28.If you are in the last round of the interview schedule tomorrow if I
put any opening today don't assume that you will clear tomorrow you
should to apply for another job, if you get an offer letter tell me I will
drop from the second job further rounds. But don’t assume that if a one
process will get that job, remember if they are one opening in the last
round, they will Interview 5candidates. So, dent same unless you get
an offer letter. In some cases
it has happened after the final round is over after that student got
selected after the HR will confirm the job also, he doesn’t get offer
letter because position was Kept holds on the company, this
happened in many cases. That’s why don’t assume that you got an
offer till offer letter comes to you In box mail.

29.Anywhere in the world… shift allowance will not be mentioned in

the offer letter.

30.Don't put the photograph in resume and resume must be always in

the Word, format it should not be in the PDF or any other format

31.BCom is equal to BBA

M Com is equal to MBA
CA inter is equal to IPCC.
CA inter is equal to CWA inter.

so, whenever sir uses for MBA, M Com people also must apply for
the job, whenever sir says BCom, BBA people also must apply for
the job.

32.Never talk about your illness or hospitalisation Or any operation in

the interview panel.

33.If you are putting any experience in the CV you need to submit an
offer letter payslip of last 3 months of the day employment and
relieving letter if you are going for the job after 40 years you must give
the experience letter for those 40 years. If you changed 15 Jobs have
to give 15 offer letters so remember this, so unless you have the full
documentary proof don't put that experience on the CV.

Note: Including (Internship, industrial training & article ship)

 Article ship experience in the CA firm is not considered as

experience for any job.

34.Never ever keep your mobile phone in the silent mode till you
get the job. HR has no time because they are not asking the
consultant to give the candidates. HRs are only calling candidates. If
they find you’re not answering the calls, they will not call you back
again remember this.

35. Name in CV must be as per Aadhar card

36.In the entire world no company mention shift allowance in offer


37.So many of you might have experienced this. When you upload CV
in Naukri first 3 to 4 days will get the phone calls after that you won't
be getting any phone calls because

a. The way you are searching for the job, first you can see jobs posted
today, then yesterday, then day before yesterday then 3 days back
then 4 days back. Naukri website right hand side there will be an
employer login where companies will search for the profiles. so,
companies will get those profiles posted on that day. if they don’t
get can good cv, then they'll go to next page then next page then
next page .so if you want to be the first for every search you just
need open your Naukri everyday morning at 9AM click edit & save
immediately it will be shown to the interviewer whoever is searching
for CVS.

b. When you’re searching with key words you will be searching

financial markets, then those job descriptions which is having that
financial markets only will be hitting for your search. similarly, when
you are doing search, you have put currency derivatives, equity
derivatives, bonds, forex derivatives, forex markets, interest rates,
swaps, equity markets, risk management, etc... You must search all
these words. those words in job description will be highlighted for
you. On exactly similar lines companies will be searching in their
Naukri site for forex markets then those CV is highlighted with forex
markets in their CV will be shown first with highlighter in yellow

what I mean to say you CV must have all those words so that it will
hit the job search for the interviewers and everyday morning you
have to update your CV so that it will be in the first for them when
you are doing the job search

38.If a company’s searching for employees, they are searching for

people located in the same city, preferably so that they will not doubt
whether will shifting to that location are not. So here you must put4cv’s
in Naukri.
1 with Hyderabad address, another with Chennai address, another
with Bangalore address, another with Mumbai address, another
with Pune address. So, when they are searching for the MBA from
Bangalore your CV will come, when they are searching for the MBA
from Chennai your CV will come. So will get more chances of
getting the opportunities. You must have 4 to 5 CVS with different
city names.

In interview if there is any ask you never ever say that we're trying
for government jobs because they think that he'll still go for
government job after get the current job so you should say I was
trying for MLT jobs you get there was trying my skills and updating
with knowledge

39.In interview:
If there is any gap, they may ask your reason for the gap you never
ever say that we're trying for government jobs because they think
that he'll still go for a government job after getting the current job.
So you should say I was trying for MNC jobs. They may ask why
don’t you get there was trying my skills and updating with
investment banking knowledge

40. In the interview they will ask about your personal life never tell
about love breakup stories or emotional stories and don’t have mother
or father. I have a lot of problems at home that’s why I need the job
etc...You should be very proud don’t degrade yourself.

41.You should have only one mobile number which has what's app
must... don't give 2 or 3 numbers. It will create problem for us and
problem for HR in Tracking it as many interviews now happening

42.Once an interview is scheduled Praveen sir, will send CV’s to HR,

HR will forward to manager, manager will forward to supervisor, the
supervisor will forward to team leader. Once an interview is scheduled,
some people will ask Praveen sir, please schedule my interview asper
the above time, then it is impossible for me to inform to HR, HR to
manager, manager to supervisor, supervisor to team leader and hole
chain will be in deep shit because of you.

43.Don’t attend interview just for experience Praveen sir, sending for
interviews because once selected if you don’t join it will be problematic
for Praveen sir, but you can attend interviews other then Praveen sir
interviews whenever you want experience no problem but very sure
that attend only your CVS’s joining for job

44. You have to submit the documents asper the CV, hence if you’re
putting any experience you have to put that in the CV. Once CV is
going to the company you can’t change the requirements, please very

sure on what you have to put on the CV and what you are saying in
the interview also

45. When I give you fake experience you update that fake experience
in LinkedIn also so that if tomorrow any company employees are HR
sees in LinkedIn profile, they want get any doubt

46.If HR ask tell me about yourself?

Ans: Never talk about your love story &failed love story r any other
struggle you faced in life, be very confident.

47.Never tell to HR I am busy in some other work or getting engaged

or getting married or please call me tomorrow for interview. HR got
angry still they are searching for job after 3months. Never ever be over
action with HR. If you have some other work inform to Praveen sir who
are not attending for interview

48.In online interview, if you’re not able to connect immediately with in

5mins message to Praveen sir, in case sir is not responding to
message immediately call to Praveen sir

49.Many students may get the doubt even if you know the interview
questions why all the people are not getting the Jobs the reason is
simple your voice shows your confidence you must be able to speak
completely properly without missing any words the ending of the
sentence must be in the same volume like the beginning of the
sentence and the voice should not be looking like you are seeing your
tensed, fearing. The confidence will come only with practice in front of
the mirror, this is the reason.
50. CV must be always in word format, don’t send it PDF format
51.Before you’re sending CV must watch all these videos



52.Never put any course which you’re pursuing. If you’re pursuing

MBA 2nd year and applying with BCom knowledge r background never
put your doing MBA. If your writing IPCC never put appearing CA final
are doing CA final. If you’re doing any course, never put in the CV
either you put completed the course r don’t put about the course.

53. If you got to jobs in Hyderabad, if they are 100people at interview

max 70 to 80students are from our academy only. So, you have lots of
competition. You can try 1 or 2 interviews in Hyderabad, if you’re not
able to get absolutely don’t worry, you can go to Chennai or Pune or
Bangalore. If they are 100students in interview only 4 r 5 our students
only, very easy to get the job in any company it is proved already by
many students.

54. Some girls think that if you have full makeup will get a job easily,
don’t do that… Nobody is giving job because of your makeup, try to
look normal you will get the job.

55.The moment u ask HR for rescheduling of your interview, it is better

to assume that your interview is gone. Because for scheduling your
interview HR will take permission from three to four managers and in
the free time they will schedule your interview. If you say that I have
another work and doctor appointment and all, HR will never
reschedule your interview. At any time for your courtesy, they will say
yeah we will reschedule your interview, But that reschedule will never

56.Note:videos must be seen if your keeping CA firm Experience













1. Tell me about yourself/ Self-intro.
Ans: I am M Aditya. I am a B. Tech MBA.
2. About family
Ans: My Father is an earth scientist.
3. Your Hobbies
Ans: Playing Lawn Tennis, Badminton, Table Tennis, Squash.
4. Questions on resume
Ans: I am from engineering background.
5. Knowledge about the role you are applying for.

Ans: I am applying for a position in Genpact.(Investment Banking)

6. Why do you choose Investment banking field?
Ans: Investment Banking is an application of Financial Management.
7. How can we trust you that you may leave this job?
Ans: I am a long term perspective.
8. 2mins about any topic
Ans: Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Cost Accounting,
Tax Accounting.
9. Strengths & weakness
Ans: Strengths: I am from Engineering Background. Weakness: I am slow
in Business Mathematics.
10. What if we hire you will you be with us? I Said to give my
Ans: I am a Long-Term Perspective.
11. They explained the profile (And y does u think u can be an asset to
Organisation, in which way can u brief)

Ans: I have experience in Investment Banking.

12. They asked y should we hire you.

Ans: I am a former Wipro Employee.
13. So, they will be working with US and UK client’s nights will be
compulsory are
you ok with it.

Ans: I am ready to work in Night Shifts.

14. Tell about yourself.

Ans: I am a follower of Administration.
15. Talk about your Interest.
Ans: I am deeply interested in Investment Banking.

16. What is the greatest achievement in your life?

Ans: I am an Electrical Engineer.
17. What motivates you?
Ans: Success of Chartered Accountants motivates me.
18. Tell About your city.
Ans: I am from Hyderabad. Hyderabad is a Hi-Tech city.
19. What is your achievement?
Ans: I am an MBA in Marketing and Finance. I am best in Marketing
20. Did you face a challenge? What kind of a challenge did you faced?
Ans: I am struggling in HR.
21. How did our country got affected by covid crisis?
Ans: Indian Economy is in recession due to Covid.
22. Achievement in life
Ans: I am an IEEE member. It is Institute of Electrical and Electronics
23. Farm laws
Ans: I am following Land Accounting.
24. Academic project
Ans: MBA Thesis-Using SCM concepts to increase the profitability and
sustainability of farmers.
Ans: BREXIT is good. It will increase the EPS of member countries.
26. Subprime crisis in U.S.A
Ans: Lehman Brothers is responsible for Subprime crisis in USA. Due to
vacuum of funds.
27. About project
Ans: Pension funds of Andhra Bank.
28. Short-term and Long-term goals

Ans: Investment Banking, Chief Technology Officer.

29. What king of person you are?
Ans: I am an expert in Electronics.
30. About participations in colleges
Ans: I took part in Academics at VIT and IIPM.
31. Job description
Ans: Accounts Payable at TP Technologies, Bengaluru.
32. Are you ok with night shift?
Ans: Yes
33. Are you ok with relocation?
Ans: Yes
34. Previous company experience
Ans: I have 4.10 years of experience in Accounting.
35. Qualities of a Manager
Ans: Sincerity, Time Management.
36. Why do you want to join any specific company?
Ans: I am interested in Genpact. I am following it from my college days.

37. Why are you looking for a change?

Ans: Better prospect.
38. Explain your job profile?
Ans: Fixed Accounting Process
i) Short term Debt vs Long term debt reconciliation
ii) CIP reconciliation
iii) SL Vs GL reconciliation
iv) Depreciation, Amortization and Retained Earnings reconciliation
39. What do you know about the company you are applying for?
Ans: I am following it on the internet and job portals.
40. If you have experience what is your role and tell about the areas

where you have worked.

Ans: I am experienced in Accounts Payable.

41. Are you comfortable as an individual and not as an team member.

Ans: I am a team member. I am expert in team work.
42. Your article-ship experience - bank audit, statutory audit and stock
audits, filing
income tax returns and GST returns and compliance reports.

Ans: I am experienced in Tally ERP,SAP ECC 6.0,Oracle ERP

43. Past salary details?

Ans: Capgemini BPO (30000 per month)
44. Biggest achievement in previous job?
Ans: I excelled in Reconciliations and Financial modeling.
45. Why should I hire you?
Ans: I have experience in Financial Accounting(Accounts Payable)
46. Why are leaving your previous job?
Ans: Covid 19
47. Do you have any questions?
Ans: No
48. Behavioral Questions:
 Describe a time when you disagreed with your team members
 Tell me about a time when you failed
 Give me an example of when you had to assume leadership for
your team
 What is the most difficult/ challenging situation you’ve ever had
to resolved in the workplace?
49. About salary expectations.
Ans: I am ready to work as per company policy.

50. How did you acquire this knowledge?

Ans: From Santosh Kumar Saho. I am his subordinate.
51. How a good team player should be?
Ans: I am following commitment and sincerity.
52. Reason behind rise in fuel prices?
Ans: Inflation
53. Where do you want to see yourself after 5 years?
Ans: I see myself at a leadership position after 5 years.
54. How do rate your self on your knowledge?
Ans: 10/10
55. How do you overcome stress and how do you manage time while
working on strict timelines?

Ans: Meditation and Yoga.

56. If you face some trouble in virtual work (power cut or internet
disconnectivity, etc.), how will you overcome that.

Ans: I will troubleshoot the problem. I will restart the system.

57. After getting offer letter from our company, if you got chance in
Bank of
America with more package, will you join that company?

Ans: No. I will follow my boss all my life.



1. Golden rules of accounting and explain them.

Ans: Real Account- Debit what comes in, Credit what goes out
Personal Law-Debit the receiver, Credit the giver
Nominal Law-Debit the loss expenditure, Credit the income gain.
2. Types of accounts
Ans: Savings Account, Current Account, Fixed deposit Account.
3. Difference between capital expenditure and revenue expenditure.
Ans: Capital expenditures (Cap Ex) are funds used by a company to
acquire, upgrade, and maintain physical assets such as property, plants,
buildings, technology, or equipment. Cap Ex is often used to undertake
new projects or investments by a company.
Revenue expenditures are short-term expenses used in the current period
or typically within one year. Revenue expenditures include the expenses
required to meet the ongoing operational costs of running a business, and
thus are essentially the same as operating expenses (OPEX).
4. Depreciation, inflation
Ans: Depreciation is wear and tear.
Inflation is the increase in prices of goods and services.
5. Current assets and current liabilities
Ans: Current Assets-Assets whose maturity period is less than one year.
Current Liabilities-Liabilities whose maturity period is less than one
6. Income statement, Balance sheet
Ans: An income statement is a financial statement that shows you the
company's income and expenditures. It also shows whether a company is
making profit or loss for a given period. The income statement, along

with balance sheet and cash flow statement, helps you understand the
financial health of your business.
A balance sheet is a financial statement that reports a company's assets,
liabilities and shareholders' equity at a specific point in time and provides
a basis for computing rates of return and evaluating its capital structure.
7. Liquidity ratio
Ans: Liquidity ratios are a class of financial metrics used to determine a
debtor's ability to pay off current debt obligations without raising external
8. Depreciation and methods to calculate depreciation
Ans: Straight line method and Written Down Value method.
9. What is amortization
Ans: Amortization is an accounting technique used to periodically lower
the book value of a loan or intangible asset over a set period of time. In
relation to a loan, amortization focuses on spreading out loan payments
over time. When applied to an asset, amortization is similar to

10. Types of accounting

Ans: a) Financial Accounting
b) Management Accounting
c) Cost Accounting
d) Tax Accounting

11. Trail balance

Ans: A trial balance is a bookkeeping worksheet in which the balance of
all ledgers is compiled into debit and credit account column totals that are
equal. A company prepares a trial balance periodically, usually at the end
of every reporting period.

12. Going concern concept

Ans: Going concern is an accounting term for a company that is
financially stable enough to meet its obligations and continue its business
for the foreseeable future. Certain expenses and assets may be deferred in
financial reports if a company is assumed to be a going concern.

13. Demonetization

Ans: the withdrawal of a coin, note, or precious metal from use as legal

"the demonetization of the local currency will be completed by June"

14. What is price to earning ratio?

Ans: The price-to-earnings ratio (P/E ratio) is the ratio for valuing a
company that measures its current share price relative to its per-share
earnings (EPS).

15. Net worth

Ans: The net worth ratio states the return that shareholders could receive
on their investment in a company, if all of the profit earned were to be
passed through directly to them. Thus, the ratio is developed from the
perspective of the shareholder, not the company, and is used to analyze
investor returns.
16. Profitability ratio
Ans: Profitability ratios assess a company's ability to earn profits from its
sales or operations, balance sheet assets, or shareholders'
equity. Profitability ratios indicate how efficiently a company generates
profit and value for shareholders.

17. Interest coverage ratio

Ans: Interest Coverage Ratio (ICR) is a financial ratio that is used to
determine the ability of a company to pay the interest on its outstanding
18. Capital budgeting techniques
Ans: Capital Budgeting Techniques
 Payback period method. In this technique, the entity calculates the time period
required to earn the initial investment of the project or investment. ...
 Net Present value. ...
 Accounting Rate of Return. ...
 Internal Rate of Return (IRR) ...
 Profitability Index.

19. Financial statements

Ans: Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account and Cash Flow Statement
20. Capital budgeting
Ans: Capital budgeting involves choosing projects that add value to a
company. The capital budgeting process can involve almost anything
including acquiring land or purchasing fixed assets like a new truck or
Corporations are typically required, or at least recommended, to undertake
those projects that will increase profitability and thus enhance
shareholders' wealth.
However, the rate of return deemed acceptable or unacceptable is
influenced by other factors specific to the company as well as the project.
For example, a social or charitable project is often not approved based on
the rate of return, but more on the desire of a business to foster goodwill
and contribute back to its community.
21. Types of ratios

Ans: Here are the most common types of ratios and

the various formulas you can use within each category:
 Liquidity ratios.
 Profitability ratios.
 Leverage ratios.
 Turnover ratios.
 Market value ratios.

22. Fictitious assets

Ans: Fictitious assets are the assets which has no tangible existence, but
are represented as actual cash expenditure. The main purpose is to
create this account for expenses which are not placed in any account
23. Nonoperating expenses
Ans: A non-operating expense is an expense incurred from activities
unrelated to core operations. Non-operating expenses are deducted
from operating profits and accounted for at the bottom of a
company's income statement. Examples of non-operating
expenses include interest payments or costs from currency exchanges.
24. Fixed income
Ans: Fixed income is an investment approach focused on preservation of
capital and income. It typically includes investments like government and
corporate bonds, CDs and money market funds. Fixed income can offer
a steady stream of income with less risk than stocks.
25. Depletion
Ans: Depletion is an accrual accounting technique used to allocate the
cost of extracting natural resources such as timber, minerals, and oil from
the earth. Like depreciation and amortization, depletion is a non-cash
expense that lowers the cost value of an asset incrementally through

scheduled charges to income.

26. Leverage
Ans: In accounting and finance, leverage refers to the use of a significant
amount of debt and/or credit to purchase an asset, operate a company,
acquire another company, etc. Generally the cost of borrowed money is
much less than the cost of obtaining additional stockholders' equity.
27. Cash flow statement
Ans: A cash flow statement is a financial statement that summarizes the
amount of cash and cash equivalents entering and leaving a company.
The cash flow statement measures how well a company manages
its cash position, meaning how well the company generates cash to pay its
debt obligations and fund its operating expenses.
28. Contingent liability
Ans: A contingent liability is a liability or a potential loss that may occur
in the future depending on the outcome of a specific event. Potential
lawsuits, product warranties, and pending investigation are
some examples of contingent liability.
29. Quick ratio
Ans: The quick ratio is a calculation that measures a company’s ability to
meet its short-term obligations with its most liquid assets.
30. Wasting assets
Ans: A wasting asset is an item that has a limited life span and irreversibly
declines in value over time. Such depreciating fixed assets could be
vehicles and machinery.
31. What is EPS
Ans: Earnings per share (EPS) is calculated as a company's profit divided
by the outstanding shares of its common stock. The resulting number
serves as an indicator of a company's profitability. It is common for a

company to report EPS that is adjusted for extraordinary items and

potential share dilution.
32. Diversification
Ans: Diversification is a risk management strategy that mixes a wide
variety of investments within a portfolio. A diversified portfolio contains a
mix of distinct asset types and investment vehicles in an attempt at
limiting exposure to any single asset or risk. The rationale behind this
technique is that a portfolio constructed of different kinds of assets will, on
average, yield higher long-term returns and lower the risk of any
individual holding or security.
33. Capital budgeting decisions
Ans: Capital budgeting involves choosing projects that add value to a
company. The capital budgeting process can involve almost anything
including acquiring land or purchasing fixed assets like a new truck or
Corporations are typically required, or at least recommended, to undertake
those projects that will increase profitability and thus enhance
shareholders' wealth.
However, the rate of return deemed acceptable or unacceptable is
influenced by other factors specific to the company as well as the project.
For example, a social or charitable project is often not approved based on
the rate of return, but more on the desire of a business to foster goodwill
and contribute back to its community.
34. Accounting vs Finance
Ans: Historical cost accounting and mark-to-market, or fair value,
accounting are two methods used to record the price or value of an asset.
Historical cost measures the value of the original cost of an asset, whereas
mark-to-market measures the current market value of the asset.
35. Acquisitions

Ans: Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) is a general term that describes the
consolidation of companies or assets through various types of financial
transactions, including mergers, acquisitions, consolidations, tender offers,
purchase of assets, and management acquisitions.
The term M&A also refers to the desks at financial institutions that deal in
such activity.
36. Dividend pay out ratio
Ans: The dividend pay out ratio is the ratio of the total amount
of dividends paid out to shareholders relative to the net income of the
company. It is the percentage of earnings paid to shareholders
in dividends. ... It is sometimes simply referred to as the 'pay out ratio.
37. DPS (Dividend per share)
Ans: Dividend per share (DPS) is the sum of declared dividends issued
by a company for every ordinary share outstanding. DPS is calculated by
dividing the total dividends paid out by a business, including
interim dividends, over a period of time, usually a year, by the number of
outstanding ordinary shares issued.

38. Diluted earnings per share and how it is different from normal EPS
Ans: Earnings per share (EPS) take into account only common shares,
while diluted EPS includes convertible securities. Dilutive effects occur
when the number of shares increases—for example, through a new issue.
Generally, if a company has convertible securities, then the diluted EPS is
less than its basic EPS.
39. Differed revenue
Ans: Deferred revenue is a liability on a company's balance sheet that
represents a prepayment by its customers for goods or services that have
yet to be delivered. Deferred revenue is recognized as earned revenue on
the income statement as the good or service is delivered to the customer.

40. Prepaid expenses

Ans: Prepaid expenses are future expenses that are paid in advance. On
the balance sheet, prepaid expenses are first recorded as an asset. After
the benefits of the assets are realized over time, the amount is then
recorded as an expense.
41. Working capital
Ans: Working Capital is basically an indicator of the short-term financial
position of an organization and is also a measure of its overall
efficiency. Working Capital is obtained by subtracting the current
liabilities from the current assets.
42. Capital Lease
Ans: Capital lease accounting relates to the treatment of assets taken
on lease by a business under a capital lease agreement with a lessor. In
a capital lease, the asset(s) taken on lease is recorded as an asset on the
balance sheet. ... At the end of the lease term, the lessee has the option to
buy the leased asset.

43. Difference b/w ledger and subsidiary ledger?

Ans: Recording of financial information is books of account as per
standard accounting principle. Both ledgers are used to record a financial
transaction. The general ledger is the principal set of accounts. It records
all financial transactions. The general ledger contains all debit and credit
entries of transaction and entry for the same is done in different account
mainly, there are five types of accounts assets, liabilities, equity, income,
and expense.
A subsidiary ledger is the subset of the general ledger in the accounting. It
is not possible to record all transactions in the general ledger; hence
transactions are recorded in sun ledger in a different account, and their

total sum is reflected in the general ledger. Ledger helps in the

understanding of the financial of business and helps in the analysis of
44. Accounting principles and assumptions?
 Ans: Economic entity assumption: The economic entity assumption is an
accounting principle that separates the transactions carried out by the
business from its owner.
 Monetary unit assumption: All financial transactions should be recorded in
the same currency.
 Specific time period assumption: Financial reports should show results
over a distinct period of time.
 Cost principle: The cost of an item doesn’t change in financial reporting.
 Full disclosure principle: All information that relates to the function of a
business’s financial statements must be disclosed in notes accompanying
the statements.
 Going concern principle: A business will continue to exist and function
with no defined end date.
 Matching principle: Businesses should use the accrual basis of accounting
and report all financial information using this method.
 Revenue recognition principle: Revenue is reported when it’s earned,
regardless of when payment is actually received.
 Materiality principle: When an accountant finds a transactional error, they
can use their professional judgment to determine if the error is immaterial
to the business.
 Conservatism principle: When there is more than one acceptable way to
record a transaction, expenses and liabilities should be recorded as soon as
possible, and revenues and gains should only be recorded when they
45. What is outstanding expense, Example and what is entry.?

Ans: The outstanding expenses are the certain expenses that are incurred
but not paid. These outstanding expenses are related to a given
accounting period that is not paid in the same accounting period. ... As the
journal entry for the outstanding expenses is posted they are then placed
appropriately in the final accounts.
46. About bank statement
Ans: A bank statement is a list of all transactions for a bank account over
a set period, usually monthly. The statement includes deposits, charges,
withdrawals, as well as the beginning and ending balance for the period.
47. Bank reconciliation? Importance of bank reconciliation?
Ans: A bank reconciliation statement is a summary of banking and
business activity that reconciles an entity's bank account with its financial
records. ... A bank reconciliation statement is a useful financial internal
control tool used to thwart fraud.
48. What is purchase order? Entry for purchase order?
Ans: Only create a journal entry when you ship the products or when the
buyer receives them (depending on the PO terms and conditions). After
sending the order, debit your accounts receivable account. When you
receive payment from the buyer, credit your accounts receivable account
to reverse the original journal entry.
49. Diff between trial balance and balance sheet
Ans: The main difference between the trial balance and a balance
sheet is that the trial balance lists the ending balance for every account,
while the balance sheet may aggregate many ending account balances into
each line item. The balance sheet is part of the core group of financial
50. Schedule 6 in balance sheet
Ans: A trial balance includes a list of all general ledger account totals. ...
The main difference from the general ledger is that the general ledger

shows all of the transactions by account, whereas the trial balance only
shows the account totals, not each separate transaction.
51. What is capital?
Ans: Capital lease accounting relates to the treatment of assets taken
on lease by a business under a capital lease agreement with a lessor. In
a capital lease, the asset(s) taken on lease is recorded as an asset on the
balance sheet. ... At the end of the lease term, the lessee has the option to
buy the leased asset.
52. Journal entry for capital invested.
Ans: The entry would be a $100,000 debit to Cash and a $100,000 credit
to Capital. If this person put in $90,000 in cash and $10,000 in equipment,
the entry would be to debit Cash for $90,000 and debit Equipment for
$10,000, and credit Capital for $100,000.
53. What is a Provision? why we do provisions?
Ans: Provision is a known obligation.

54. What is meant by supplier’s master?

Ans: Supplier Master Data Management is a framework that a company

uses to manage a comprehensive set of records about a
company's suppliers.

55. What is 3-way matching in accounts payable system?

Ans: It is Third Party Transfer.
56. Tell the process from creation of PO to receiving of payments.
Ans: BRS
57. You are received with PO of $100 and invoice received with one
$140 how will you deal with this variance.

Ans: BRS

58. Test internal controls

Ans: Management Accounting
59. Balance sheet finalization
Ans: Financial Modelling
60. Inventory audit/ Stock audit
Ans: Chartered Accounting .
61. Stock taking and physical verification.
Ans: A test of control describes any auditing procedure used to evaluate a
company's internal controls. The aim of tests of control in auditing is to
determine whether these internal controls are sufficient to detect or
prevent risks of material misstatements.
62. Maintaining petty cash book
Ans: Petty Cash Book is maintained to record small expenses such as
postage, stationery, telegram. A separate column is allotted for each type
of expenditure. The difference between the total of the debit items and that
of the 'total column' on the credit represents the balance of the petty
cash in hand.
63. P2P cycle
Ans: Also known as purchase-to-pay and P2P, procure-to-pay is
the process of requisitioning, purchasing, receiving, paying for, and
accounting for goods and services, covering the entire process from point
of order right through to payment.
64. 2way matching
Ans: An invoice is received from a supplier (vendor) for payment of goods
or services ordered through a purchase order. ... During the online invoice
approval process, the invoice quantity and amount is matched to the
purchase order to ensure that tolerances are met.
65. Different between po and non po

Ans: When a purchase requisition process is in place, the purchase will be

triggered by a pre-approved purchase order (PO) that is sent to the
supplier. In the case of purchases made outside the regulated purchase
process, a non-PO invoice, also called expense invoice, will be sent from
the supplier.
66. Goods reconciliation note
Ans: Reconciliation under Goods & Services Tax (GST) is about
matching the data filed by the supplier with those of the recipients and
recording all the transactions that have taken place during that period.
The reconciliation process ensures that no sales or purchases are omitted
or wrongly reported in the GST returns.
67. What are the critical fields to check on invoice?
Ans: Invoice number, Bill amount
68. GRN – Goods received notes.
Ans: Goods Received Note (GRN) is a record of goods received from
suppliers, and the record is shown as a proof that ordered products had
been received. The record is used by the buyer for comparing the number
of goods ordered to the ones delivered.
69. Intercompany settlements
Ans: Intercompany settlements is a transaction. It is a law.
70. Trading account final result (gross profit or loss)
Ans: Trading means buying and selling. The trading account shows
the result of buying and selling of goods. End result of trading
account is gross profit or gross loss.
71. P&L account result (net profit or loss)
Ans: It is a nominal account.
72. P2P cycle, difference between consignee & consignor, what is
difference between GST & TDS

Ans: GST: Goods and Services Tax

TDS: Tax Deductible at Source

73. Difference between trading and P&L

Ans: The difference between a Trading Account and a Profit and Loss
Account is that Trading Account depicts the gross profit earned or gross
loss sustained due to the company activities conducted, while the Profit
and Loss Account is a statement that indicates the net profit generated or
net loss incurred from running the ...
74. Revised invoice
Ans: A revised invoice may be issued by a taxable person in relation to
any invoice already issued by him. A supplementary tax invoice has to be
issued by a taxable person in case where any deficiency is found in a
tax invoice already issued by a taxable person.

75. Why do we keep invoice on hold?

Ans: Due to reconciliation.
76. Vouching
Ans: It is a transaction.
77. Invoice and what are the things that we check on invoice?
Ans: Value, Invoice Number.
78. Working capital with formula
Ans: Working capital=Total Assets – Current Liabilities
79. Input tax and output tax
Ans: Output tax is the total amount of sales tax charged at current rate of
sales tax on taxable sales made during the month i.e. total sales excluding
exempt and zero-rated supplies. Input tax is the amount paid by the
registered person on business purchases and imports.

80. What is ERP? Do you know any ERP software?

Ans: ERP-Enterprise Resource Planning. Tally 9 ERP,Oracle,SAP FICO.
81. Journal entries for purchases and sales
Ans: A sales journal entry records a cash or credit sale to a customer. It
does more than record the total money a business receives from the
transaction. Sales journal entries should also reflect changes to accounts
such as Cost of Goods Sold, Inventory, and Sales Tax Payable accounts.
Purchase Credit Journal Entry is the journal entry passed by the
company in the purchase journal of the date when the
company purchases any inventory from the third party on the terms of
credit, where the purchases account will be debited.
82. What is Credit memo
Ans: A credit memo is a commercial document issued by a supplier to the
customer notifying the reduction of the amount that a customer owes to the
seller. ... A credit memo is called Credit Memorandum and more
popularly known as 'Credit Note'.
83. Explain the contents of invoice.
Ans: Value, Invoice Number, TAX(GST)
84. In BRS if the bank charges are recording in passbook but not
recorded in the cash book what is the journal entry you will pass.

Ans: Assets to Liabilities

85. Entry for bank charges

Ans: The journal entries for the bank fees would
debit Bank Service Charges and a credit to Cash. The journal entry for a
customer's check that was returned due to insufficient funds will debit
Accounts Receivable and will credit Cash.
86. What is the role of purchasing team in a company?
Ans: Accounts Payable

87. What is the role of vendor team in a company?

Ans: Vendor Reconciliation
88. What Is credit purchases entry?
Ans: Purchase Credit Journal Entry is the journal entry passed by the
company in the purchase journal of the date when the
company purchases any inventory from the third party on the terms
of credit, where the purchases account will be debited.
89. Depreciation entry
Ans: It is a nominal account.
90. Invoices – types
Ans: The following are six types of invoices in accounting that you
might send to customers.
 Pro forma invoice. A pro forma invoice is not a demand for payment. ...
 Interim invoice. An interim invoice breaks down the value of a large
project into multiple payments. ...
 Final invoice. ...
 Past due invoice. ...
 Recurring invoice. ...
 Credit memo.
91. Accounts payable
Ans: It is a liability
92. Accumulated loss
Ans: It is a nominal accounting.
93. Pre-paid invoice
Ans: It is an accrual entry.
94. Bill to ship
95. Utility invoice
96. What type of tax is paid to a third party?
97. Do we need to create a PO for utility bill?

98. Accrual concept

99. Journal entry for salaries paid and outstanding salary.
100. How do you record if company incurred expenses to provide food to
employees during a fest in company
101. What is carriage inwards and how it is recorded?
102. Explain prepaid expenses and Reserves.
103. Difference between Reserves and provisions?
104. What is BRS and what are the causes of difference in BRS, Give 5
105. Cost concept
106. Money measurement concept
107. Bad debts journal entry
108. Provision for bad debts entry
109. Brief about GST returns.
110. Direct tax concepts
111. How bad debts recovered?
112. Cash book and passbook difference?
113. In depth understanding of journal entries.
114. Accrual and cash-based accounting?
115. Cash flow statement and types?
116. Intangible assets
117. Importance of foot note in financial statements.
118. Types of ITR
119. How do you verify discrepancies in financial statements?
120. Which depreciation method will you prefer? & Why?
121. Indian or us gap us firm follows.
122. Types of audit reports
123. Cash flow statement vs fund flow statement
124. Cost of goods sold

125. Ledger scrutiny

126. How you arrive at net profit
127. Changes in balance sheet due to fund rising through equity
128. Components of financial statements
129. Types of activities in CFS
130. What is your point in case there is more cash inflow in financing
activities and
investment activities rather than operating activities?
131. What is subordinate loan?
132. How you calculate goodwill
133. What is financial spreading? Have you worked on it?
134. There are more Related party loans in Financial statements, what do
comment on it.
135. Unascertained tax liability
136. What is your point in case there is more cash inflow investment
rather than operating activities?
137. Did you work on any GAAP other than Indian GAAP?
138. What are non-cash expenses?
139. About Mortgage, Mortgage process & Types of mortgages.
140. What is a loan?
141. Difference between debit and credit
142. What are fraudulent transactions?
143. What is loan statement?
144. Reconciliation means?
145. Collateral means?
146. Mortgage life cycle

147. Accounting conventions?

148. Financial ratios?
149. What is insurance? Types of insurances?
150. What is bank?
151. Difference between home loan and mortgage loan.
152. Impact on cash flow statement - Prepaid expense
153. What entry needs to be booked for prepaid audit expenses for full
154. Logic behind journal entries
155. Difference between amortization and depreciation
156. Calculation of accrued interest
157. Explain the cash flow statement and what are items that comes
under operating,
financing and investing activity and the different methods of
preparing the statement of cash flows
158. What are the items that are shown at fair value in balance sheet?
159. Unrealised gains, Realised gains.
160. Types of accounts in Trial balance of a fund
161. Cash reconciliation
162. Entry for dividend receivable.
163. Project
164. Ledger
165. Golden rules of accounts
166. Books of accounts
167. BRS
168. Dividends
169. Depreciations
170. Types of accounts
171. Book keeping
172. Entries
173. Matching concept
174. Accrual concept

175. Current liabilities

176. Drawings
177. Revenue expenditure
178. Capital expenditure
179. Sales returns entry
180. Prepaid expenses
181. Accrued revenues
182. Corporate action
183. Stock split
184. Direct expenses
185. Trial balance
186. Explain about bonds
187. Mutual fund types
188. Sales return entry
189. Cashflow statement
190. Financial statements
191. Journal entries
192. Bad debts
193. Working capital
194. Types of book keeping and what are they with example
195. Reserve and provision
196. Prepaid expenses
197. Current assets and current liability
198. Non-current assets and non-current liability
199. Shifts timings
200. Agreements
201. What is cash flow
202. What is funds flow
203. Trading account
204. Profit and loss accounts
205. Balance sheet


1. What are corporate actions and types of corporate actions?
Ans: Corporate actions include stock splits, dividends, mergers and
acquisitions, rights issues and spin-offs. All of these are major decisions
that typically need to be approved by the company's board of directors

and authorized by its shareholders.

a) Dividends b) Bonus c)Rights Issue Share d)Stock Split e) Reverse
Stock Split f)M&A g)Buy Back h)Spin off
2. What is the demerger?
Ans: The separation of a large company into two or more smaller
organizations, particularly as the dissolution of an earlier merger.
3. What is merger?
Ans: a combination of two things, especially companies, into one.
"a merger between two supermarket chains"
4. What is reverse stock split?
5. How stock split affects P/E ratio.
6. Corporate actions and how it's effects on market price?
7. What is stock split?
8. Mergers
9. What is right issue and why do companies go for it?
10. What EPS.
11. Why companies go for split off?
12. What is buy back?
13. Purpose of right issue
14. What is bonus issue and its purpose?
15. What is tender offer?
16. Why companies go for corporate actions?
17. Spin off and merger?
18. Difference between mandatory corporate action and voluntary
corporate action
19. Dividend? Impact of Dividend on Share price?
20. Types of dividend.
21. Ex-date.

22. Record date.

23. Dividend entry?
24. Entry for Stock split, Bonus issue.
25. Mandatory corporate actions and Non-Mandatory corporate actions.


1. What is primary market and secondary market?
2. Green shoe option
3. How do you analyse the stocks?
4. How you define present situation of stock markets.
5. How many stock exchanges are there in India?
6. SEBI listed companies.
7. How many companies are there in BSE and NSE?
8. About capital markets
9. Why do you choose investment Field?
10. IPO with examples
11. Pref share and equities.
12. What is a stock market?
13. Offer for sale.
14. Red herring prospectus
15. DRHP
16. Cumulative preference share
17. Market capitalisation.
18. Name some foreign stocks
19. What is meant by hostile takeover recent example of hostile
20. Necessity of book building process
21. What are the roles of SEBI?
22. SEBI functions.

26. What is the difference between DRHP, RHP and prospectus

27. What are the types of issues in terms of pricing
28. What are the types of issues in terms of Eligibility norms
29. What is QAB categories
30. What is anchor investor issue
31. What is ASBA
32. What is the meaning of listing of securities
33. What are the four conditions for the company to come for public
Issue under Rule number 61
34. What is the QAB issue
35. What is the preferential argument
37. What is the basis of allotment
38. What is the grey market


23. Explain me about candlestick graph.
24. What do you mean my fundamental analysis and technical analysis
and the most
used one?
25. What is Sensex and nifty
26. What is short sell and cover short?
27. Sensex calculation.
28. Securitisation means.
29. Terms like Catchup, Committed capital
30. Trade life cycle
31. Market life cycle
32. Why do you choose investment Field?
33. Secondary market with examples

34. Short selling

35. Final prospects
36. DRHP
37. Financial Market definition

38. Capital budgeting decisions.

39. Reverse purchase
40. What is meant by hostile takeover recent example of hostile
41. Share premium and its accounting entry
42. Underwriters
43. Underwriting of shares.
44. What is letter of credit?
45. Diff between primary and secondary market
46. What is stock circuit
47. What is index circuit
48. What are the types of orders
49. What is open out grey system
50. What is tick size
51. What impact cost and liquidity.


1. What is a mutual fund?
2. What is NAV? Formula for calculating NAV.
3. Brief ETF.
4. Brief ELSS.
5. Difference between Individual investors and Mutual funds.
6. Different types of Mutual funds.

7. Why people invest in Mutual funds.

8. Mutual funds Vs Hedge funds
9. NAV & P/E ratio
10. What is NAV and logical questions what impacts the NAV?
11. What is the difference between NAV & GAV?
12. What are the components of nav and how do you value them?
13. Nav life cycle
14. Open ended funds and closed ended funds.
15. Differences between equity and debt


1. In-depth explanation of derivatives.
2. Mark to market
3. Option holder cash flows
4. Types of derivatives.
5. What do you know about Options?
6. Forwards
7. Futures
8. What are the factors affecting option premium?
9. Difference between futures and forward
10. Difference between futures and options
11. Brief Call option and put option in detail.
13. Difference between call option and put option.

14. Foreign currency

15. Home currency
16. What is forex market and explain it.
17. Explain Forex management
18. What do you mean by swap and explain the various swaps like
interest rate swaps?
19. What are the factors affecting option premium?
20. What is black-Scholes model of pricing option premium?
21. What is initial margin and mark to market?
22. When will be cash inflow/outflow for option holder?
23. What do you know about Money markets?
24. OTC Market
25. What do you understand by the term standard deviation?

1. Brief bond markets.

2. Discuss Callable bonds
3. Wat is the diff between zero coupon and deep discount bond
4. What is security
5. Debentures
6. What is Yield? Discuss.
7. Difference between bonds and debentures
8. Difference between derivatives and fixed income instruments?
9. What is meant by a bond?
10. Time value of money
11. Brief Fixed income securities.
12. What is Coupon rate?
13. Discuss Puttable bonds
14. Zero coupon bonds

15. optional redemption It gives option to the issuer to redeem the bonds
if interest rate increases.
16. Discuss Hybrid bonds
17. What is Yield to maturity?
18. What is optional debenture?
19. What is optional redemption?
20. Reverse purchase
21. Angel bonds
22. For callable bonds sometimes the issue will pay more than the
face value called call price at the time of calling back the bond.

23. Why you will invest in callable bond that the company will
buy back those bonds when the interest rate falls he asked
explanation to it
24. Callable bonds must be available at a price cheaper than normal
25. Difference between coupon and YTM
26. Dutcher Auction
27. Puttable bonds must be at higher price
28. What is the difference between equity and bonds
29. What we call interest in terms for equity shares and bonds
30. Step up bond is bond with a coupon that increases usually at regular
intervals while bond is outstanding...These bonds are issued by
government agencies
31. Floating Rate bond
32. What are Fixed income securities & why people buy them?
33. What do you mean by floating rate?
34. Few topics on fixed income instruments.

35. What is SLR and CRR and their importance.


1. What do you know about Fund accounting?

2. Explain Fair value hierarchy.
3. Is IRR rate being simple interest rate or compound interest rate
4. Explain Terms like Catchup, Committed capital.

5. What are the financial statements prepared for private equity?

6. Different methods of waterfall and which one is better?
7. What do you mean by waterfall provisions and explain in general
how allocation is done?
8. Difference between the private equity and hedge fund
9. What is private equity and explain the life cycle of the fund
10. possession reconciliation
11. Different types of accounts seen in the trial balance of a fund
12. hedge fund accounting
13. Explain hedge funds
14. Management fees methods
15. how do you convince the investor to invest in private equity?
16. How cash flow is distributed in the private equity
17. what is private equity
18. Waterfall provisions (Very imp.)
19. Why you want to get into fund accounting?
20. Do you know anything about Geneva software?
21. Poison pills

1.Self introduction
2.family background
3.About Citco co.
4.NAV types of nav
5.Mutual fund difference Hedge fund
6.Present Sensex value
7.How many email are you respond and reply it in a day?
8.Pervious job role
9.Why I should hire you
12. key responsibility
13.night shifts
14.About hedge funds
15.Corporate actions
16.Kyc and AML
17.Full name of Citco

19.Take me through your resume
20.Hedge funds and hni’s names
21.Night shifts are ok?
22.Ok to relocate?
23.Why changing your career stream
24.Current CTC
25.Expected CTC
26.we don’t give any extra allowances except night shift amount. Is that ok?
27.Idea on your current role you applied?
28. Present Sensex value
30.Pervious job role
32.Corporate actions
33.Full name of Citco
34.Citco Locations in India
35. Working Capital
36. About Excel Rate your self
37. Types of Trade in Mutual Fund
38. About IR Data processor with Example
39. Skills mentioned in Resume
40. About Bond Market
41.Types of Bond
42.Types of trade
43. What is private equity
44.Trade cycle

45.What is investment and capital market

46.Gap in work
49.Experience in share market
50.Idea on your current role you applied?
51. BRS statement. why we will do BRS and what types of issue we will face in
52. Problem solving situation in real life
53. General mental ability questions
54. Hobbies
55. Intangible assets example
56. Contingent liabilities
57. 33 %of 66
58. Primary and secondary market diff
59.Based on real life experience
60. Options
61. Bonus issue
62. IPO
63.In simple way person asked Each and every single questions from my resume
the point which I mentioned AREA OF KNOWLEDGE
64. What is favourite subject and topic from your experience or through your
65. what is Ur further studies are you planning for it or no
66. Forward vs futures
67. Reconciliation
68. Financial statements

69. Swaps, Swaps types, interest rate swaps

70. Income tax return slabs
71. Global measures for reduce inflation
72. Citco as Fund administrators what they will do?
73. Behavioural question's
74. Prior experience
75. Practical example for every concept
76. MBA project
77. What are corporate actions
78. What are the challenges you faced in your current job
79.What is reconciliation
80. Why reconciliation
81. Any project you have done
82. How would you work as team player
83. Cash book vs pass book
84. About Citco and world second largest hedge funds administration company.


 Primary and secondary markets

 Mutual funds
 Interest on loan
 Nav
 About wells
 Demerger
 About wells - how we processed loans on daily basis
 Trade life cycle
 Zero coupon bond
 Syndicate loan

 Capital markets
 Interest on loan
 Capital markets
 Balance sheet structure
 Reconciliation
 Role of Ur current company
 Trade
 Sender and nifty
 How to make an entry from journal
 merger and demerger
 why CITCO
 Balance sheet structure
 Role of Ur current company
 Accounting system.
 Hedge fund
 Corporate actions
 What did you learn from previous organization
 About loan
 Simple interest rate
 Loan interest calculation formula
 Role of Ur current company
 Capital markets and it's types
 What do you mean the term loan
 Formula of interest
 Spin and split options
 Why do you want to join Citco
 Risk assessment.

 what is accounting &explain it's process

 what makes share price rise and fall
 Capital markets and its components
 What is accounting and explain accounting process
 All these topics have to explained in a video time duration max 2 minutes

 Are u comfortable with moving to Hyderabad.

 Are u ok with night shifts
 Why are interested in loan analyst position
 Parties to loan syndication
 About simple interest and its calculation
 Responsibilities of lead banker
 Why customer go for loan syndication rather than going for equity or debt or
normal loan
 Interest accrued and actual receipt treatment from lender point of view journal
 About private equity and water fall provisions.
 Why waterfall provisions came and will there be waterfall provisions for loan
 Derivatives
 Types of derivatives
 Insurance prepaid and treatment
 Nav in case of hybrid mutual fund
 Will mutual funds issue only units or shares and why.
 What are standardised contracts and examples
 What is discounting factor
 Why accrual income or accrual expense entry is written
 When we buy a fixed asset what will be its affect in p&l , b/s , cfs
 What do u know about Citco & why are willing to join Citco.
 Are u working now
 Can u join immediately if needed
 Amortization and example with journal
 Pay down
 Loan
 What is benefit if taking loan and paying interest.
 Amortisation and depreciation.
 Are you comfortable with Moving to Hyderabad
 Nostro
 Vostro
 Contra Liability
 What is bank reconciliation
 Why Balance sheet Doesn't tally
 Risk Rating
 45% of 90
 Who is broker?
 who regulates Stock exchange

 Par Value
 Closed ended funds Open ended funds
 What is credit score
 Tell about Your Experience
 Are you comfortable with moving to Hyderabad
 Rights issue
 Buy back
 Are you working now
 Can you join immediately if needed.
 About Simple interest and its calculation
 journal entry for Insurance prepaid at initial year and expenses write off over
the monthly in p and l account.
 Systematic Investment plan
 Difference between Cash flow statement and fund flow statement
 why negative working capital will come.
 elements of financial statement’s
 what is benefit if taking loan and paying interest
 why SIP Is preferable than normal investment
 cost statement related questions
 pay down
 General questions like 5℅ of 200
 Are you comfortable with loan syndication process
 Why do choose this role rather than accounting or finance
 Do you have idea about loan syndication
 Why participating banks will give loan to borrower
 Rather than giving by a single bank
 What is nav calculation on loan syndication
 Difference between buyback in open market and closed market
 Who is the intermediary between selling and buying shares
 Is there any idea the same things happen in loan part (intermediary between
buyers and sellers)
 Term loan and revolving loan
 Home loan and credit card loan difference and changes in its principal amount
 Amortization
 How do you know about this job
 What you know about Citco
 Do you any plans to take leave
 Will you write final examination
 Do you have any questions
 what do u know about loan

 contra liability
 bilateral loan
 commitment fee of delayed draw down
 issuance fee
 y did u left cma
 y loan analyst , rather than accounting jobs
 from where you got this knowledge
 from where u knew about this job
 family background
 spin off
 are there any plans to take leave in next 6 months
 about qualification
 why person goes to syndicate loan rather than banks
 diff between stock split and reverse split
 prepaid rent journal entry
 amortisation and depreciation journal entry.
 Would you relocate to another city
 for this role,
 Agent banker
 Role of agent banker
 Percentage of commission
 Economic order quantity
 Batch costing
 Bonus issue
 Stock split
 Forwards and futures
 Why nav is used?
 Formula of nav
 Deferred expenditure
 Investing activity
 Effect of cash flow and balance for purchasing a asset
 How could you record on lender perspective for loan
 R u immediately joiner
 Term loan,revolving loan
 entry load and exit load
 arranger of loan
 example for term and revolving loan
 secured and unsecured loan
 any plans for next 6 months

 any plan for cma final


 Purchase returns entry

 Advance rent ENTRISE
 Cash flow statement related questions
 Vlookup & sumif
 Relating to financial statements questions
 Depreciation entires
 Prepaid rent due and payment entries
 Waterfall provisions
 Major difference between gp and lp's
 High water mark
 Prepare exp, accrued income, Prepaid Rent entry
 Rent paid in advance, salary expectations
 Will u stay till mrg 5, even if ur work is from 2 to 11
 Case studies on advance salary
 Are u ok to work for lesser ctc then current ctc
 Impairment of losses
 What pay you are expecting
 Roles & responsibilities
 Trail balance
 Fair value
 Some miscellaneous accounting concepts
 Difference between mutual funds and hedge funds
 Private equity
 Depreciation, Amortisation and Impairment of Assets
 Increase in Debtors and impact on Cash flows
 Stock split, Reverse Stock split, Rights Issue and Buy Back
 Purchased Machinery for 10k, life is 10yrs and sold for 20k what is entry for
purchase, sale and depreciation
 Standard cost formula
 Fair market value according to Ind AS
 Bad debts and Provision for bad debts entries
 Advance Rent paid entry and subsequent month entries
 Will you write your CA final exams
 Working Capital impact on CFS
 Lease and Finance lease and what is Minimum Lease Payment(MLP)

 Are you comfortable working long hours!?

 Are you willing to write cma final!?
 Accumulated depreciation
 Depreciation scenario based questions
 Purchase and sale journal entries

1. Tell me about yourself,
2. hobbies
3. How can we trust you that you may leave this job?
4. 2mins about any topic
5. Depreciation, inflation,
6. SEBI role in India, golden rules of accounting,
7. current assets and current liabilities, income interest statement, Balance
8. strengths
9. weakness
10.open ended funds and close ended funds
11.golden rules of accounts &types of accounts
12.call option & put option
13.liquidity ratio
14.golden rules of accounts &types of accounts
15.call option & put option
16.what if we hire you will you be with us? I Said i give my commitment
17.What are Derivatives
18.What do you know about options?
19.later he said he will be sending test link
20.They explained the profile (And y does u think u can be a assist to the
organisation In which way can u brief)
21.They asked y should we hire you
22.So, they will be working with US and UK client’s nights will be compulsory
are you ok with it.
23.Tell about yourself
24.Talk about your Interest.

25.What is the greatest achievement in your life?

26.SEBI functions
27.Depreciation and methods how can we calculate.
28.The link will be sent to you for aptitude test.
29.One month internship training
30.After that HR training
31.What motivates you
32.Tell About your city
33.What is amortization
34.Types of accounts
35.What are the roles of SEBI?
36.Current assets and current liabilities
37.What is your achievement
38.Did you face a challenge? What kind of a challenge did you faced?
39.Types of accounting?
40.trail balance?
41.going concern concept?
42.Depreciation and methods to calculate depreciation?
43.Current assets and current liabilities?
44.How did our country got affected by covid crisis?
45.achievement in life
47.6.golden rules
48.Going concern
50.call option, put option
52.farm laws

1. Basic questions regarding internship experience and valuation techniques and
financial concepts.
2. Introduction.
3.What are the subjects learn from MBA.
4. Practical questions.

5.Tell about your favorite topic.

6.DCF and explain briefly.
7.Time value of money and explain.
8. Do you have any questions
9.Basic question regarding MBA project finance based question.
10.Take me through your resume ?
11. What HR said about the role will you explain briefly ?
12.Difference between Futures and options ?
13. Hedge fund strategies ?
14.what is long/short strategy ?
15. NPV vs IRR ?
16. How will you value a company stock ?
17. What is DCF ?
18. What is duration of bonds ?
19. What is YTM ?
20. if zero coupon bonds issued at 98 and redeemed at 100 after 6Months what
is YTM of bond ?
21.How familiar with Excel ?
22. What are limitations of V lookup ?
23. Syntax of VLOOKUP ?
24.What functions you used in excel ?
25. Do you have any questions ?
26. About college
27. About Family
28. Valuation means ?
29. Enterprise value
31.Why EY

32.what are your hobbies.

33.what are the things u know in excel
34.tell me about VLOOKUP and index function.
35. what are the advantages of VLOOKUP and index function.
36.Difference between VLOOKUP and index function.
37.what is arbitrage and DCF.
38.why do you have taken MBA.
39.Do u have any work experience.
40.why do u joining as intern. And why this company.
41.Capm model
42. Previous job role and Responsibilities will you explain briefly ?
43. Derivatives ?
44. SWAPS ?
45. F&O ?
46. Finance Statement ?
47. How will do you value a company stock say with example ?
48.Why companies go for right issue its Impact on stock price and market
49.Risks in bonds
50.Value amazon
51.Debt sculpting
52.What is NPV
53.Free cashflows. Explain
54.Tell me how u worked on financial modelling
55.Cash treatment in Cash flow statement, P&L account and balance sheet
56.How you calculate depreciation
57. Corporate Actions
58. How dividend effect market cap and share price

59. Options
61. Methods of valuation with example
62. Free cash flows
63. Why did you choose finance
64. Why were you interested in finance
65. Difference between merger and acquisitions
66. Recent merger
67. PE ratio
68. Enterprise value
69. About EBITDA
70. Difference between gross profit and EBIT
71. Today's closing Sensex
72. Which stocks rally today
73. What did think of Sensex for next five years
74.Weighted average cost of capital
75.Call option and put option
76.Revenue recognition as per IFRS 15
77.Je testing,
78.Cash testing and substantive procedures of cash testing
79.opex analytics
80.How do you handle stringent time lines
81.Instance when you are trusted by your senior or manager
82.Any notice period
83.R u available tomorrow for interview
84.About my highest educational qualification
85.Any notice period
86.Ready to relocate

87.About internship

1. self intro
2. Difference b/w ledger and subsidiary ledger?
Ledger is a book containing accounts (classified and summarised from
journal) & posted as debits and credits.
Called- secondary book of entry.
L- Contains information that is required to prepare financial
It includes accounts like Assets liabilities owners equity revenues and

Prepaid expenses
Prepaid rent a/c......dr
To cash....a/c
Prepaid expenses represent expenditures that have not yet been
recorded by a company as an expense, but have been paid for in
advance. In other words, prepaid expenses are expenditures paid
in one accounting period, but will not be recognized until a later
accounting period. Prepaid expenses are initially recorded as
assets, because they have future economic benefits, and are
expensed at the time when the benefits are realized (the
matching principle).

 Prepaid expenses are future expenses that are paid in advance

and hence recognized initially as an asset.
 As the benefits of the expenses are recognized, the related
asset account is decreased and expensed.
 The most common types of prepaid expenses are prepaid rent
and prepaid insurance.

 Company A signs a one-year lease on a warehouse for $10,000 a

month. The landlord requires that Company A pays the annual
amount ($120,000) upfront at the beginning of the year.

 The initial journal entry for Company A would be as follows:

 Prepaid rent a/c......dr 120000

To cash....a/c

3. accounting principles and assumptions?

4. What is outstanding expense, Example and what is entry.?
5. About bank statement and
6. Important of bank reconciliation.?
7. Night shifts ok for you?
8. previous company experience
9. What is purchase order?
10.journal entry for purchase order?
11.Y you want to join Genpact
12.Why Ur looking for a change s
13.Explain your job profile -
14.Are you ok with accounts payable
15.Diff between trial balance and balance sheet
16.Schedule 6 in balance sheet
17.Golden rules of accounting
18.Explain each and every rule
19.What is capital
20.Journal entry for capital invested
21.Provisions - why we do provisions
22.Excel basic questions
24.What is meant by suppliers master
25.What is 3 way matching in accounts payable system
26.Tell the process from creation of PO to receiving of payments
27.Previous experience and job role description
28.you are received with PO of $100 and invoice received with one $140
how will you deal with this variance

29.Test internal controls

30.Balance sheet finalization
31.Inventory audit
32.Stock taking and physical verification
33.Maintaining petty cash book
34.P2P cycle
35.2way matching
36.3 way matching
37.Different between po and non po
38.Goods reconciliation note
39.What are the critical fields to check on invoice
41.intercompany settlements,
42.Trading account final result(gross profit or loss)
43.P & l account final result (net profit or loss)
44.P2p cycle , diff consignee & consignor, what is remittance, difference
between GST & TDS
45.Difference b/w trading and p & l
46.Revised invoice
47.Why do we keep invoice on hold ?
49.invoice and wat are the things that we check on invoice
50.About roles and responsibilities
51.Working capital with formula
52.About project in MBA
53.Input tax and output tax
54.Any ERP, You know typing
55.Journal entries for purchases and sales
56.What is Credit memo
57.Explain the contents of invoice
58.In BRS if the bank charges are recording in pass book but not recorded
in the cash book what is the journal entry you will pass
59.Do you know ERP software
60.Entry for bank charges
61.What is the role of purchasing team in a company

62.What is the role of vendor team in a company

63.What Is credit purchases entry?
64.Depreciation entry
65.Experience of any ERP
66.Invoices - types
67.purchase order
68.Accounts payable
69.Depreciation entry
70.Bank charges journal entry
71.Accumulated loss
72.Pre-paid invoice
73.Bill to ship
75.Utility invoice
76.Prepaid invoice
77.What type of tax is paid to a third party?
78.Do we need to create a PO for utility bill?
79. About family
80.what do u know about Genpact
81.by watching academic back ground, being a topper y Ur not going for
ca final?
82. Y Ur choosing this job
83.about my article ship
84.Accrual concept
86. Journal entry for salaries paid and outstanding salary
87. How do you record if company incurred expenses to provide food to
employees during a fest in company
88. What is carriage inwards and how it is recorded.
89. Explain prepaid expenses and Reserves.
90. What is BRS and what are the causes of difference in BRS, Give 5
91. How about your excel skills and give some formulas in excel ex : for
sum ..etc

92. If you have experience what is your role and tell about the areas
where you have worked.
93. Cash and credit purchases journal entries
94. Cash and credit sales journal entries.
95.Cost concept
96.Money measurement concept
97.Bad debts journal entry
98.Provision for bad debts entry
99.What is depreciation
100. Different methods of depreciation
101. Contingent liability
102. Are you comfortable as an individual and not as an team member.


1. Self introduction.
2. cash flow statements and funds flow statements
3. Basic accounting questions
4. calculations of interests (percentage)
5. Distribution between partners (like 1:2:3 ratio)
6. Depth on behaviour questions
7. shifts
8. Location
9. Net profit
10.Gross profit
11.Resume based questions
13.Types of depreciation
14.Cashflow statement
15.What are the activities come under cashflow statement
16.Difference between cash flow statement and fund flow statement
17.Balance sheet
18.Purpose of balance sheet
19.Trail balance
20.Accrued expenses
21.Working capital
22.Interest rate formula

23.Bills receivable
24.Bills payable
25.Situation based questions
27.Cashflow statement
28.What are the activities come under cashflow statement
29.Double column cash book
30.Corporate action
31.Mutual fund
32.Stock options
34.If A,B,C are partners A- 25 percent ,B-16 percent and c-? And profit is
$1200 then c profit is?
35.What do you know about finance
36.Previous work experience
37.shifts timings
38.Cash and accrual basis.
39.Primary Markets and Secondary Markets
41.Financial Statements
42.Describe Cash Flow Statement, Fund Flow Statement& L A/Balance Sheet
43.Balance Sheet Item's
44.Equity capital
46.Educational background
47.About project
48.Project behavioural questions.
49.Golden rules of accounting
50.Balance sheet, p& L, what is the major aspect in these two.
51.situational based questions
52.Are you okay with night shifts
54.Provision types
55.Cost of goods sold 50000 and sales 95000 so what is gross profit ratio?
56.Ten lakhs profit, A holds 45% , B holds 35% what is c profit?
57.Cash is an asset? And explanation
58.`Accrual accounting
59.Fund is asset or liability? Explanation

60.Difference between accounting and finances

61.About computer share
62.Family background questions
64.Where is profit in balance sheet.
65.P& l account
66.Capital Markets
67.example on assets
68.Bad debts
69.You have to share 12000 Rs to the 3 members A 20%. B 30%. C 50%
70.Accounting concepts
72.Short term and long term goals
73.Shor term and long term goals
74.Income statement
75.Why do u want to work for computer share
76.Income statement
77.Are u ok with shift timings (night shift)
79.Types of bonds
80.types of mutual funds
81.Are u ok with night shift
82.Investment banking
83.What are the financial statements and types
84.Two column cashbook and three column cash book
85.Computer share
86.Financial accounting
87.Ratio analysis
88.Capital budgeting
89.Rate of return
90.What is the 20 % of 13000
91.P&L account
92.Resumed through questions
93.Finding ratios
94.If your boss give a emergency work at that same time you received a call
from your family what will you do...


1. What is Private equity and what do you know about private equity.
2. What are the different transactions on a daily basis in PE firm.
3. What are the daily transactions other than calculation of carried interest
and management fee
4. What is management fee and how is it calculated.
5. What is waterfall method and what are the different types of waterfall
methods. OR How cash flows are distributed in private equity.
6. Which waterfall method is better.
7. Difference between hedge fund and private equity.
8. What is fund accounting.
9. What is the lifecycle of private equity funds.
10.How do you convince the investor to invest in private equity?
11.Is PE company or LLP.
12.What are the different FS prepared by PE funds.
13.Committed capital, GP catch up , claw back
14.Is IRR rate being simple interest rate or compound interest rate
15.What is equalization.


1. What is a hedge fund and how is it different from mutual fund.
2. What is NAV . What are the various components of NAV and how is it
3. Practical questions on NAV impacts.
4. What are the daily transactions other than calculation of carried
interest and management fee
5. What is management fee and how is it calculated.
6. Difference between GAV and NAV.
7. How are the various components of NAV valued.
8. How does the day of a fund accountant look like.
9. Different between realised and unrealised gain or loss.
10.High water mark , huddle rate , crystallization, claw back
11.What are hedge fund strategies.

12.Difference between trade date and settlement date.

13.Does settlement impact NAV and why/why not ?
14.What is the impact if the booking of a trade is delayed on the fund
15.Walk through the entire process of NAV calculation
16.Scenario based questions on position and cash reconciliation.
17.What are the different expenses the fund incurs. Which of them are
fixed and variable ? How is management fee calculated for mutual
18.What is equalization.

1. What is a corporate action.
2. What are the different dates for corporate actions
3. What is the difference between ex date and record date.
4. Difference between voluntary and mandatory corporate actions.
5. What are the most common corporate actions.
6. Entry for dividend on different dates of the action.
7. Difference between stock split and reverse stock split. What is their
impact on market price
8. Scenario based questions on impact of corporate actions on NAV.
9. Prominence of ex date on NAV.

1. What are the different types of derivatives.
2. Options – Call option, Put option , ITM ,ATM , OTM.
3. Difference between – Futures and options, Futures and forwards, call
options and put option.
4. What are the factors affecting option premium.
5. What do you mean by a swap and explain the various swaps like interest
rate swaps?
6. what is black Scholes model of pricing option premium
7. what is initial margin, maintenance margin and mark to market
8. Cash flows for option holders.

1. Do you know anything about Geneva software?
2. Rate yourself on MS Office

3. What is VLOOKUP and its disadvantages.

1. Are you comfortable with night shifts?
2. Are you willing to relocate?
3. What do you know about fund accounting and why do you want to get
into fund accounting.
4. Tell me about yourself
5. Questions related to previous experience.
6. How do you overcome stress and how do you manage time while working
on strict timelines?
7. What are the challenges faced in previous organisation
8. Will you complete CA.
9. Why did you choose XYZ company.( the company for which you are being
10.What are the other areas you want explore.
11.How do you rate yourself for your knowledge?
12.Article ship experience
13.Challenges and achievements during articles
14.How committed are you towards your work
15.Are you comfortable to work for long hours.
16.Where do you see yourself in three years
17.Since you have no experience in hedge funds , will you be okay with a
bond for 6 months after which your hiring will completely depend on
your performance ?

ACCOUNTING, FS and Miscellaneous

1. Journal entries – Expense , income , prepaid expense , accrued expense ,
accrued income ( Expect scenario based questions), Purchase of asset ,
mark to market. Dividend receivable, Redemption.
2. Explain the concept of accrual.
3. What is the impact of prepaid expense on cash flow statements?
4. What is the meaning of financial statements?
5. Entry for interest receivable.
6. What are the different ratios?
7. Difference between EPS and Diluted EPS
8. what are accounting concepts and conventions

9. Logic behind journal entries

10.Golden rules of accounting
10 Difference between - capital expenditure and revenue expenditure,
Depreciation and Amortisation
11 Different methods of calculating depreciation
12 Zero coupon bond
13 Deferred tax.
14 Do you have knowledge on INDAS , USGAAP and IFRS and how are the
three different.
15 Any experience in financial reporting.
16 Why does an organisation prepare BS , P&L statement when all the
information is available in TB.
17 What are the different accounts in TB,
18 What is a cash flow statement and items under operating , financing and
investing activities.
19 Different methods for preparing cash flow statements.
20 What is the concept of accrual.
21 Preparation of Financials statements from trail balance
22 Journal entry for investment and unrealized profit
23 Difference between realised and unrealised gain or loss.
24 Rectification entry for management fees wrongly debited to professional
25 Different types of accounts seen in the trial balance of a fund
26 Calculation of accrued interest
27 Your understanding about capital markets
28 What are the items in the BS that are fair valued
29 What are the different fair value levels.
30 What are tax lots.
31 Questions on fixed income instruments.
32 What is SLR and CRR and their importance
33 What is primary market and secondary market
34 What is short sell and cover short
35 What is Sensex and nifty
36 What is the reason behind rise in petrol price?
37 What do you mean my fundamental analysis and technical analysis and
which is mostly used?
38 Explain about candlestick graph
39 What do you understand by the term standard deviation?

40 Name some foreign stock

41 Forex rates
42 How interest rates affect bond prices

Questions related to COVID-19

1. How will you handle a current pandemic like situation in your state, if you
are CM of your state?
2. Assume you are a doctor and have a hospital with 100 beds capacity, and
there are 200 patients waiting outside, the age group of 100 people below
40, 50 are in the age range 40-60 and the remaining are above 60.
3. Why stock markets are not falling, though rise in cases in the second wave
is more compared to the first wave?

IBM MBA-Questions
1. What are golden rules of accounting?
2. Are you ok with nights shifts.
3. What is your salary expectation?
4. Self introduction
5. Credit purchase
6. Project m.com
7. Example of real accounting
8. R u willing to shift to Bangalore?
9. Previous experience related questions
10.Accounting concepts
12.Excel formulae
13.Few journal entries
14.Only one way cab
15.P2P cycle
16.2 way matching
17.3 way matching
18.Account payable
19.Did any certification like tally?
20.What do u know about IBM

21.What you have learnt in MS office

22.Excel formulas
23.About family background
24.What is ERP and what do u know about ERP
25.Bill of lading
26.Credit note
27.Debit note
28.Are you went for typing classes
29.Where you are staying currently
30.Are you ready to work on Saturday and Sunday also as per IBM policy
31.Do you have any questions..
32.About MBA project
33.Bank reconciliation statement
34.Cash flow statement
35.Tally ERP 9
36.Questions for based cv
37.Break even point
38.What is Debit Note?
39.What is purchase order?
40.What is Journal entry?


1. Put option
2. Pay in kind bond means the coupon will be paid as new bond fore example
if a bond is issued at face value 100 and 10% coupon rate For coupon
amount 10 Rs the company will issue new bond Generally they will choose
such option in case that company is in cash crunch
3. Investment banking
4. Derivatives.
5. Callable bonds
6. Share market
7. What is price to earnings ratio
8. Wat is the diff between zero coupon and deep discount bond
9. Diff between primary and secondary market
10.Net worth
11.Necessity of book building process

12.What is the demerger

13.What is reverse stock spilt
14.OTC market
15. How stock split affects P/E ratio.
16.profitability ratio...
17.Interest coverage ratio...
18.Capital budgeting techniques
19. What is security
20. Underwriters
21. Money market
23. Yield
24. Difference between bonds and debentures
25.Difference between derivatives and fixed income instruments?
26.Deep questions about MBA project
27.Differences between equity and debt
28. Bonds
29. Financial statements
30. Walk through your profile?
31.Capital budgeting?
32.Corporate actions and how it's affects on market price?
33.What is stock split
34. Capital market
35. Time value of money
36. Share premium
37.Fixed income
38. Types of ratios
39. Ratios
40. Fictitious assets
41. Nonoperating expenses
42. Corporate actions
43. Types of derivatives
44. Depletion
45. Coupon
46. Leverage
47. Mutual funds
48. Puttable bonds
49. Zero coupon bonds

50.optional redemption It gives option to the issuer to redeem the bonds if

interest rate increases
51.This is what I told him for optional redemption
52. Cash flow statement
53. Market capitalization
54. Hybrid bonds
55. Contingent liability
56. Quick ratio
57. Wasting assets
58. Call option
59. Portfolio management
60. Short selling
61. Mergers
62.What is coupon rate
63.What is meant by bond
64.What is YTM
65.What is bonus issue
66.What is right issue and why?
67.What is meant by hostile take over recent example of hostile take over.
68.What is optional debenture
69.Walk me through your profile.
70. What EPS.
71.What is optional redemption?
72.What is demerger.
74. Diversification
75. Reverse purchase
76.Capital budgeting decisions.
77. Angel bonds
78. For callable bonds sometimes the issue will pay more than the face value
called call price at the time of calling back the bond
79.What are corporate actions and what we do
80.Accounting vs Finance
81.Why you will invest in callable bond that the company will buy back
those bonds when the interest rate falls he asked explanation to it
82. Acquisitions
83. Callable bonds must be available at a price cheaper than normal bonds
84.What is optional redemption

85.Difference between coupon and YTM

86. Market cap
87. Dividend pay out ratio
88.DPS (Dividend per share)
89.Why companies go for split off?
90.Cumulative preference share
91.Yield to maturity
92.Dutcher Auction
94.Sub prime crisis in U.S.A
95.Redeemable options
96.Financial Market definition
97.Indices definition and example
98.Rights issue
99.Diluted earnings per share and how it is different from normal EPS
100. The bond issuer has option to buying back the bonds from the
investors on specified call Dates which is listed in the trust indenture
101. Puttable bonds must be at higher price
102. What is the difference between equity and bonds
103. What we call interest in terms for equity shares and bonds

104. Step up bond is bond with a coupon that increases usually at regular
intervals while bond is outstanding...This bonds are issued by government
105. Poison pills
106. Voice
107. Deferred revenue expenditure
108. Red herring prospectus
109. Final prospects
110. Differed revenue
111. Greenwich options
112. MBA project
113. Fundamental analysis Vs technical analysis
114. derivatives
115. Prepaid expenses
116. Floating rate
117. Few questions from Resume
118. Working capital

119. Green shoe option

120. Letter of Credit
121. ETF
122. Floating Rate bond
123. Fixed income securities and Why people buy them.
124. Record date
125. EPS and Diluted EPS
126. Calculation of NAV in Mutual Funds
127. Stock market
128. Zero coupon
129. Derivates
130. Call option
131. Fundamental analysis Vs technical analysis
132. About Project
133. Derivatives
134. Corporate actions
135. Prepaid expenses
136. Floating rate
137. Call options
138. Working capital
139. Green shoe option
140. Letter of Credit
141. ETF
142. EPS
143. Floating Rate bond
144. Capital Budgeting
145. Why Rights issue
146. Fixed income securities
147. Why people buy them.
148. Mutual Funds
149. Underwriter
150. Record date
151. Why Reverse Split
152. EPS and Diluted EPS
153. Calculation of NAV in Mutual Funds
154. Market Cap
155. ETF
156. Derivatives in depth

157. Call option (How can a trader make a profit)

158. Net worth
159. Capital Lease
160. Cash flow statement
161. Ready to work in the night shift
162. SWAP
163. Floating rate
164. Fixed Income Securities
165. Corporate Actions (Mandatory & Non-mandatory CA)
166. Types of corporate actions
167. Purpose of right issue
168. Derivates
169. Offer for sale
170. Index
171. About project work
172. Difference between bonds and equity
173. Trade life cycle
174. About Calcutta stock exchange & Bangalore stock exchange
175. Purpose of bonus issue
176. Capital markets
177. Difference between capital market and stock market
178. Difference between primary and secondary market
179. Excel
180. Mutual fund
181. Primary and secondary markets
182. Stock exchange
183. Forex market
184. What is forex market sir & Explain in detail
185. How we use V-LOOKUP
186. Primary and secondary
187. About college
188. Questions related to project
189. About bonds
190. Short selling
191. About college
192. Project
193. Capital market
194. Stock market

195. Short term long term goals

196. About project
197. About corporate actions and types
198. What kind of person you are
199. Pref share and equities
200. About participations in college
201. Job description
202. About yourself
203. Resume related questions
204. Go through Balance sheet
205. About ICE
206. Venture Capital
208. Deferred revenue expenditure
209. How this job will help you in your career?
210. Why should I hire you?
211. Calculation of EBITDA
212. Walk me through cash flow statement
213. Technical questions
214. Deferred revenue
215. About resume
216. why ICE
217. Financial ratios
218. Why changing job?
219. current CTC
220. Explain about private equity
221. Types of capital- Equity and Preference
222. Financial Leverages
223. Willing to relocate?


1. Self Introduction
2. About MBA Project & Questions on Project
3. About internship Experience
4. Excel experience
5. About Corporate Actions
6. Stock split &*what happen in stock split & why stock split
7. About Fund Accounting
8. Hedge funds
9. Difference between Bonds and Debts
10.Bonds &Types of Bonds
11.Zero-coupon Bonds
13.Call and put Option.
15.Types of Derivatives
16.Forwards and futures
17.Outstanding expenditure and income & Expenses – Journal Entries
18.Define short selling
19.Dividend and example
20.Grey Market Premium
21.Tell About Financial Ratios
22.Meaning of quick Assets & Current Ratio
23.About Mutual funds
24.About Fund Accounting
25.Zero Coupon Bonds
26.Define Short-selling
27.Private Equity
28.Depreciation and Methods
29.Discounted Cash flows
30.Net Present Value (NPV)
31.About INTER TRUST Group
32.Where do you want to see you in next 5 years?
33.Corona effect in Hyderabad and view on effect
34.Are you comfortable with rotational shifts?
35.Are you ready to relocate to Bangalore?

36.He said there will be no holidays for Indian festivals

37.Do you have any offer in your hand?
38.Are you working any where?

Interview will be 3 rounds
1.Aptitude test
2.Group discussion

3.Personal Interview

1.Self introduction.
2.Aptitude test
3.Group discussion
4.Vlook up with example
5.Define risk
6.Corporate actions and examples
7. Indian stock exchanges
8.Different between OTC and ETD
9.Group discussion on pandemic
10.Group discussion on man vs tech
11.About project ( more depth questions on project only)
12.Mutual funds
13.Diff between Venture capital and Mutual funds
14.What is Risk
15.Group discussion on money Vs happiness
16.Nifty fifty
17.About NSE & BSE

18.Stock exchange
19.Capital market
20.Definition of investment banking
21.Stock market types
22.Difference between equity and share
23.Vlookup with example
24.Name two stock exchange
25.Effect of covid- 19 pandemic
26.Golden rules of accounting
27.Mutual funds
28.Equity fund
30.Share capital
31.Fixed assets
32.Equity vs stock
33.Equity vs debentures
35.Standard deviation
36.Primary market vs secondary market
37.Hedge fund
38.Do you have any questions?
39.real account entry
42.Financial instruments
43.Diff between Venture capital and Mutual funds.

44.Difference between Proprietor and business

45.What id favourite subject in MBA
46.Working capital
47.Cash flow statement and funds flow statement
48. Achievements
49.Streangths and weaknesses (3)
51.Interests and real time examples
52.Retail banking and consumer banking .

2.About shifts
3.What you learn about your mistakes
4.self intro...
5.Any questions from you
6. Location u prefer to have
7.Say a general topic by Ur own
8.How do you handle multiple tasks
9.Hedge funds
10.Financial markets
12.Equity shares
13. Net asset value
14. Golden rules
15. Location

16. Money laundering

17. Difference b/w equity and bond
18. How much you can rate yourself on excel
19. night shift
20. Do you know about excel
21. diff btw capital markets and Money markets
22.do you have questions for me
23 What you learnt about excel
24. How do you manage stress
25. Which areas you are skilled in
26.Difference b/w mutual fund and hedge fund
27.Situation where u failed
28.How u tackle multiple tasks
29. Explain how index function does
30. Diff between primary market and secondary market.
31.Why the gap after education
33.What area u need to improve as a person
34.Are you comfortable with any Location
35. where Are you staying present
36. About state street
37. Equity fund
38.are you complete fresher Right?
39.When You complete your B.com
40.About highest qualification
41.Resume questions

42.Capital markets and money market

43. Any new skill
44.Areas where to improve
45.What you have learnt from past incidents
46.Situation where u have made mistake
47.Area where you are good at
48.NSE, BSE.
49.Tell me about the time u fail?
50.About Financial markets and it's types?
51.Private equity
52.How did u handle the stress
53.Are u willing to relocate
54.Flexible work timings
55.Money markets
56.RBI Governor
58.How do you handle multiple tasks with your own example
60.difference b/w equity shares and preference shares.
61.how will you manage Ur stress and is there any past experience
62.where will you be in next 5 year's
63.Preference shares
64. MBA project
65.Fixed income
66.about OTC
67.Derivatives types

68.some general questions testing about Ur communications skills

69.work under pressure
70.financial markets & money markets types
71.About Financial , capital and Money markets
72.behaviour questions
73.about OTC and Trade on an exchange
74.excel functions
75.are you comfortable at any shift
76.educational qualification
77.strengths and weaknesses
78.stress faced situations
79.Custodian bank
80. Which one would you prefer equity or bond
81.Anti money laundering
82.Working capital
83.Repo rate

2. Corporate actions?
3. Rights issue ?
4. Financial market? About company?

5. Inflation?
6. About Sensex & Nifty?
7. Bonds?
8. Money market ?
9. Spin off?
12.Primary market?
13.Secondary market?
14.Fixed income bonds?
17.Be more confident on self Intro & Resume(questions are based on
18.What do u know about the company and wt type of business it does?
19.Corporate Actions?
20.Split off?
21.Rights issue?
22.Financial, Capital & Money Markets?
23.Fixed income Bonds & zero Coupon Bonds?
24.Types of Bonds & its characteristics?
25.Credit rating agencies & Types
26.Angel Bonds?
27.When u heard mergers & Acquisitions wt. will come to Ur mind that is
Refinitiv merged with London Stock Exchange?
28.Green Bonds, Callable Bonds, Puttable Bonds?
29.Financial statements and related questions?
31.How can we decide Interest rates in the market?
32.About municipal bonds
33.Sovereign bonds
34.Libor rates
35.Recent changes in any interest rate

38.What do you know about excel

40.Are you comfortable with any shifts
41.Are you okay with work in Bangalore
42.About credit ratings
43.What is the use of giving credit ratings to companies
44.Symbols for ratings and higher to lower ratings
45.Option strategies
46.Credit rating
47.Zero coupon, deep discount
48.Say any article recently go through
49.Recent changes in in any interest changes
51.MBA project
52.About LSEG
53.CEO of LSEG
55.Yield to maturity
56.Currency paper
57.Debt vs equity
58.About project
59.Financial market
60.Corporate actions
61.Sensex and nifty
62.Short term and long term goals
63.Ok with night shift
64.Immediate joining?
66. Stock split
67.euro bond
69.financial markets (money market and capital market)
70.interest rate risk
71.Joint venture
72.Why should we hire you?

73.Foreign exchange market

74.take an example of one corporate actions and it's impact
75.about NSE
76.money markets
77.majority on forex markets
78.what are the investment banking companies in India
79.Where they are traded?
80.Name 5 currencies that are more popular
81.RBI plays any role in forex markets?
82.Forward rates
83.Financial markets
84.Team lead
85.Euro bonds
86.Subprime crisis
87.Corporate actions
89.Name 5 stock exchanges

1.Self introduction
2.Accounting ratio
3.Capital market
4.Equity Buy back
5.How do public offering down?
6.Joint venture

8.Market capitalization
9.MBA project
10.Bonus share
12.Common stock
14.Merger and Acquisition
16.Recent IPO
17.PE ratio
20.Family Background
21.About any Subject in MBA
22.Accrued income
23.Operating and Non operating expenses.
24.Accounting ratio
25.Capital markets
26.About job description.
27.Underlying asset
28.Short term & long term goals
29.Irredeemable debentures
30.Current ratio
31.Bonds, types of bonds
32.Rightshares,Balance sheet
33.Angel investors

34.Reasons for buyback

35.Are u ok with shift timings and location
36.What u know about s & p
37.How credit rating agencies help for investors and company
38.Financial markets
40.Operating expenses
41.EPS and Diluted EPS
42.What you have done during past one year
44.Salary Expectations
45.Previous Working experience
46.Current CTC
47.Salary expectations
48.techincal skills
49.excel functions
50.primary and secondary markets
51.wt do you know about stock markets, Sensex, types markets
52.what is company, public company
53.wt type of meetings held in companies
55.fixed working capital
56.networking cap
57.excel function, arithmetic function
58.corporate action , how it impact on share market
59.Annual general meeting and extraordinary general meeting
60.Unsecured Debentures

61.Escrow capital
62.Co. Valuation
63.mezzanine capital
64.growth capital
65.Why do companies offer rights issues
66.what is the cheapest source of capital
67.Greenshoe options
68. What are the reports filled by the public company after listing
69. Cross Margin
70. Different modes payments involved in a merger/ Acquisition transaction.


1. Difference between limited partners and general partner
2. Exit strategies
3. Management fee and callable note
4. Bear market idea
5. J-curve
6. Difference between capital market and money market
7. Ratio analysis

8. Types of ratio analysis

9. Carried interest
10.Debt equity ratio
12.Pivot table
13.Any conflicts faced on your project
14.Revenue vs income
15.Authorized capital
16.what is personal account
17.what is debt
18.what is liability
21.11.blance sheet
22.Difference between LP’S & HP's
23.Net worth
24.Callable note and distribution
25.If give u 1 lakh what will u do
26.Gross profit
28.Nominal &real account example
29.Stock split
30.How to calculate cost of goods sold
32.How is cost of an asset is different from market price
33.Callable note
34.Return on capital
35.Feeder Fund
37.Rating in skill
38.Commitment fund
39.Conventional of accounting
40.Short cuts of Excel
41.How reflects in P&L and balance sheet
42.What is the benefit in investing private equity and why
43.Role and responsibilities in private equity
44.PE ratio formula

46.Differences b/w profit and loss account & financial statements
47.Difference between joint venture and venture capital
48.Difference between accounting and auditing
49.P/E ratio
50.VLOOKUP formula
52.Credit note
55.Current liability where it stands in balance sheet
56.Parties in private equity
57.Recallable Distribution
58.Net income
59.Cross profit
60.Uncommitted capital
61.Profile and loss
62.Net profit
66.accounting cycle
67.good will
68.general partner
69.what is accounting
71.Cost of goods sold
72.Critical situation you faced
73.Partners’ capital account
74.Private Equity firms’ example
75.Nifty 50
76.Excel- flash fill, conditional formatting
77.Why we do BRS
78.Suspense account.
79.Why we do audit.
81.Contingent liabilities

82.cost of capital
84.Public limited company
85.ROI where it appears in FS
86.Sale of an asset where it appears
87.Subsidiary company
88.Are LP and investors both are same or not
89.Difference between preferred shares and debenture
90.commitment capital
91.stock market
92.why MBA after BSC statistics
93.Mistake in life
94.Capital call
97.Accrual concept
99.Accrual concept
100. Venture capital
101. Rectification of errors
102. Accrual accounting
103. Depreciation
104. Leased and unleased
105. Time value of money
106. Self Introduction
107. About JD
108. Private Equity
109. Recallable Distribution
110. Unfunded commitment
111. Basic understanding of excel
113. Operation cash flows
114. Capital markets
115. Income vs revenue
116. Golden rules with examples
117. Onshore, offshore
118. limited partnership
119. Waterfall distribution

120. Management fee

121. IRR
122. About my internship
123. Joint venture
124. Capital market vs money market
125. IPO
126. Private company vs public company
127. Example of real account
128. Merger and acquisition
129. Shifts comfortable
130. What is market capitalization.
131. Accrued expenses treatment.
132. What is investment in company perspective.
133. Did private equity firms invest in public company.
134. ROI, ROCE, some ratios
135. Basic accounting
136. Personal information like family details.
137. Any previous experience.
138. What did you do till now after MBA.
139. capital budgeting, we want to refer full
140. Debenture
141. Mutual fund
142. About project
143. Balance sheet
144. Pivot table
145. Private and public sector companies
146. Goodwill
147. Private equity
148. Mutual funds
149. Derivatives
150. Working capital
151. Primary market and secondary market
152. Strengths
153. MBA project
154. Willing work on rotational shifts
155. Willing to work on weekends
156. Why did u choose b.com after MPC
157. Accrued expenses
158. Rating on financial knowledge
159. retained earnings

160. rating on excel knowledge

161. accounts receivables journal entry.
162. NAV
163. How struggle in making academic project
164. Race
165. Eps
166. Fair market
167. V look-up & H look-up
168. hedge fund,
169. mgmt. fee,
170. forward,
171. swap,
172. options,
173. r u pursing any degree, and resume based questions
174. Are recallable distribution impacts on commitment amount?
175. Are you willing to relocate...
176. Deferred revenue,
177. deferred expenditure.
178. Depreciation, types of depreciation.
179. Conditional formatting,
180. Walk through your resume
181. Income and expenses
182. Flash fill and short cut key
183. Concatenate in excel
184. Realized and unrealized expenses
185. What is reconciliation,
186. Unrealized/ realized losses,
187. Work pressure ok or not
188. Contract for 2yrs
189. Realized and unrealized income
190. R u willing to work for extra hours
191. Trial balance
192. Can you cope up with freshers
193. You seem to have good knowledge in Auditing so will you go to
that filed if you get a role out there
194. For how many years can you give us commitment
195. You don't have any practical experience in PE Fund and your
colleagues will also be like that only then how can you manage
196. Why do you choosing this filed rather than audits
197. Financial statements

198. Current CTC

199. Willing to work for current CTC
200. What is Net worth
201. Some general ins
202. Holding company
203. Known technical software’s
204. About ca continuation
205. Expected salary
206. R u interested in technical role and y
207. Y can't u quote a particular number for expected salary
208. How do u know about this job
209. About availability of internet connection
210. R u ready to work extra hours if s, y
211. How to calculate EBITDA
212. What do you know about PE firm and what did they do
213. What are you doing after article ship
214. How do you come to know about this role
215. How assets valued in balance sheet.
216. Private Equity vs Mutual Funds?
217. Branches of Accounting
218. IRR
219. NAV
220. Excel questions
221. Why did u leave previous role?
222. Difference between Hedge funds & PE Funds
223. Committed capital
224. Unfunded Commitment
225. LP’S GP’s
226. Variable cost formula
227. Hurdle Rate
228. Margin Call
229. Accounting Equation
230. Unfunded Debts
231. Capital Structure
232. Previous company work questions
233. Capital call
234. Diff b/w Private equity and Mutual funds?
235. EPS/PE
236. Rate itself in Finance
237. Limited partner

238. Private equity examples

240. NAV
241. Accredited Investor


1. Introduction / Take me into your CV / Tell me about yourself / Self
Introduction / Brief Introduction about yourself / Self introduction / Walk me
through your resume / Intro / Go through your CV / Take me through resume.
2. Companies for which you done financial reporting - manufacturing /
3. Hedge funds
4. Derivatives - explain any one derivative of your choice

5. Mutual funds
6. Calculation of NAV
7. Entries for Investment purchase, increase in value of investment, sale of
8. Cash flow statement - different activities
9. What activities come under different investing activity, operating activity in
cash flow?
10. Location
11. Private equity vs hedge fund
12. GAAP
13. Mutual fund FS contents
14. What are financial reporting components?
15. What is corporate actions?
16. Shift timing... Over time
17. Future
18. Future vs Forwards
19. About job role
20. What is balance sheet?
21. Golden rules of accounting
22. What is outstanding expense and how it effects balance sheet?
23. Cases where V Lookup doesn't work
24. Any situation where you failed
25. Most challenging situation you faced
26. What do you expect from State Street?
27. Rethink of your decision to quit CA / why you quit ca?
28. What would you do in case you are not aware of the work which you are
been allotted and your seniors Are too busy to explain or guide you?

29. What is your job role and what it actually mean?

30. Trail balance
31. Difference between trail balance and balance sheet.
32. V lookup and Pivot table
33. Mutual fund CFS financing activities
34. What are derivatives?
35. Entry for interest accrued and entry on receipt of accrued income
36. Mutual fund operating activities.
37. Mfs
38. Accounting principles
39. Resume based questions
40. Give a case study and what will you do in that situation
41. NAV
42. Fair value levels
43. Private equity vs HEDGE FUNDS vs mutual funds
44. Financial highlights
45. What are components of Mutual funds financial statements?
46. Diff between mutual fund and hedge fund
47. Entries for purchase and sale investment
48. Questions on cash flow statement
49. Diff between future and forward
50. Questions on financial reporting
51. Impairment of asset
52. Fair value in mutual fund
53. Outstanding expenses
54. Accounting standards

55. Futures vs options

56. Comprehensive income statement
57. Unrealized gain
58. Which mutual fund is better like blue chip etc.?
59. How do you record it in financial statement?
60. Change in unrealized gain
61. Excel few functions / Excel / Excel date format shortcut key / Excel based
62. Index match vs V lookup
63. If don’t know the work how do you manage it
64. Why do select State Street?
65. How do you handle work pressure?
66. Long hours
67. New income tax portal
68. Mutual fund open and closed ended
69. Reasons for closed ended
70. Mutual fund financial statements
71. Work experience
72. Difference between futures and forward.
73. How mutual fund get money
75. US GAAP Principles
76. What do you know about securities market?
77. Trade life cycle.
78. Stock derivatives.
79. Amortization vs Depreciation.
80. Macros

81. What are lookup functions? Explain.

82. Delimiter in Excel.
83. What kind of things you did in Excel.
85. What do you know about this role?
86. Swaps explain
87. When will you exercise options?
88. Depreciation
89. Case based questions on Excel.
90. Options.
91. Call and put
92. V lookup, hook up
93. Consolidation, data validation in Excel
94. Diff B/w open & closed ended funds.
95. Ex-date, pay date.
96. Stock derivatives
97. Types of journal entries.
98. Private equity
99. Transaction processing entries (discussion on this area)
100. Primary and secondary market
101. Highlights of financial statement
102. Do you have any question?
103. What are derivatives? Types of derivatives
104. Purchase of securities journal entry impact in cash flow
105. Sale of securities with loss journal entry impact in cash flow
106. Mutual fund balance sheet

107. Management fee of Hedge fund, Mutual fund and Private Equity
108. Performance fee of hedge funds
109. Strategy of hedge fund and private equity
110. Mutual fund vs hedge fund
111. Direct vs indirect method of cash flow difference who use it
112. Who are accredited investors?
113. Future vs options
114. Put option
115. Outstanding expenses journal entry
116. What are swaps? Practical knowledge of swap as y we use swaps
117. Non-cash items. In operating cash flow
118. Management fee of mutual fund journal entry and possible effect in
financial statements
119. Do u have personal laptop?
120. Do u have any questions?
121. What are all the financial statements we do have?
122. Questions on financial activities
123. Types of cash flow statement
124. What are all the ratios we will be looking primarily in financial
125. Derivatives and types of derivatives
126. Comfortable with night shifts
127. How would you manage if you have more work load?
128. Questions related to pervious work.
129. Journal entries.
130. Diff B/w trial balance & balance sheet
131. Fund of funds

132. Forensic Accounting and Investigation Standards (FAIS)

133. About IFRS
134. Previous work experience -what works u have done in article ship?
135. Mandatory corporate actions in detail with each example
136. Non mandatory corporate actions each with example
137. Mutual funds, can u tell me example
138. Derivatives, types options, future, swaps
139. Activities of Cf’s with example
140. What is investing activity?
141. Prepaid expense in p/l and BS
142. About financial modelling
143. Preparation of financial statement
144. Previous experience
145. Only tally worked on any other
146. What type of concerns were you involved in finalizing balance sheet
147. Derivatives, forwards, rate agreement
148. High water mark
149. Private vs mf vs hedge
150. Types of mutual fund
151. Water fall distribution
152. Any share in profit for the GP
153. Unfunded commitment
154. Grey market
155. Why do you want to change from ca to this job?
156. Balance sheet
157. with creditor’s reduction CFS effect

158. Dividend journal entry

159. Continue with ca
160. Have any experience in mutual fund accounting
161. Current CTC
162. Expectations
163. He started telling about State Street
164. How corona affected your family?
165. Family Background
166. Fund Accounting
167. Journal Entries
168. Work experience
169. V loop up, drop down list, pivot table
170. Explain any two financial ratios
171. Night shit
172. Roles & Responsibilities in previous firm
173. Tell some US GAAP Accounting standards
174. When don't know have work experience in US GAAP how will u sustain in
175. Journal Entry for bifurcation of tax
176. T+2 Settlement cycle
177. Settlement date
178. Depreciation vs Amortization
179. Ex-date, Record date
180. What is Real estate investment trust?
181. Is it good to invest REITs or normal fund?
182. Do REITs pay dividend to its investors?
183. Delimit excel function

184. Your daily work activities at your office

185. Life cycle of a company
186. Contraction phase in life cycle of company
187. Fund of fund and give one practical example
188. What is fiscal year followed in US
189. Recent budget amendments in taxation
190. Swaps and types of swaps
191. Swaption
192. Main difference between interest rate swaps and currency swaps
193. Derivative and types of derivative
194. Do you invest in stock market?
195. Many semi qualified left the company after clearing CA final, so will you
do the same thing after passing CA
196. How much volume of data you managed at your work place and give any
2 excel formulas used.
197. Shifts and any location.
198. Tell me about State Street
199. How do mutual funds financials look like?
200. How do prepare cash flow statement for mutual funds
201. Waterfall strategy
202. Strategy of hedge funds
203. Tell me entry in the books of mutual fund for funds raised and
redemption of the fund
204. Fund value at the beginning and end of financial years what if value
increase and decrease how will it affect balance sheet and how will you show?
205. Tell me about futures and tell me example by taking a stock
206. How do you rate yourself on Excel?

207. Futures and forwards

208. How about your final?
209. If you complete final will you continue with same role
210. About job role
211. JD (Job Description)
212. Derivatives and its types
213. Interest rate and currency swaps
214. About continuation of Final
215. Futures
216. Night shifts and long hours
217. cash flow statements and methods
218. What if one person purchased 10 units of value 10$ and how will you
show and entry for the same and the yearend if the value of the investments
increased to $130 how will it affects the balance sheet and tell me the entry for
the same?
219. Types of financial statements for accrued income
220. Financial instruments fair value (Ind AS 109)
221. Sec return forms
222. Mark to market
223. asset side of balance sheet
224. income of equity based and debt based mutual fund
225. Journal entry of dividend received
226. Tax Audit
227. Short selling
228. Who regulates Mutual funds in USA
229. Difference between stock split and reverse stock split
230. Dividend receivable

231. what are mutual funds

Name some mutuals plan names
232. What do you mean by Quick Ratio?
233. MF VS PE Fund VS Hedge Funds
234. Deferred Tax and How you account them in BOA (books of accounts)?
235. Offer for sale and what is the difference between IPO & OFS?
236. Journal Entries if you have taken loan from foreign currency or asset
purchased from foreign county?
237. How do adjust exchange rate fluctuations w.r.to FC loans and Assets
acquired from Foreign County?
238. H look and example
239. Contingent liabilities and assets??/ How you show it in your BOA??
240. You are the Investor, Pass Journal entries w.r.to dividend on Ex
Date ,Record Date and Payment Date??
241. IND AS and say few examples
242. SWAP and any one swap if you are taking with other person??
243. What is the difference between over the counter and Clearance??
244. What do you mean by over the counter and Clearance?
245. Why stock market relevant for Mutual Funds??
246. Why Hedge funds and PE Funds not traded on Stock Exchange??
247. Exit strategies of PE Funds?
248. Margin types and Percentage of margin amounts in Future Derivatives
249. how you link advanced excel with live market during trading hours to
book profits??
250. Statement of Changes in equity and what it contains??


Flux analysis means fluctuation analysis. Accountants use it to understand the
changes in Income Statement and Balance Sheet accounts over two periods-
could be month over month, budget vs actual, prior quarter vs current quarter,
etc. It also helps find any inconsistencies in numbers and also a good starting
point to find any errors that might have happened in recording transactions


Accounts receivable aging refers to a management technique used by
accountants to evaluate the accounts receivables of a company and identify
existing irregularities
1.To determine the effectiveness of collection practices
2. To evaluate the credit risk of customers so as to review the billing policy.
3.Provide a basis to estimate potential bad debts
A one-time item is a gain, loss, or expense on the income statement that is
nonrecurring in nature and therefore not considered part of a company's ongoing
business operations.
Types of One-Time Items
One-time items listed on a company's financial statements may include:
Restructuring charges, such as when a company modifies its debt structure

Asset impairment or write-off, which is a charge that occurs when the market
value of an asset is lower than the asset's value listed on the balance sheet
Loss from discontinued operations, which is from an operation being shut down

 Indicates the liquidity level of business to manage day to day expenses
 Indicator of short-term financial position of an entity
 Working Capital = Current Assets – Current Liabilities

Steps in the Working Capital Cycle

For most companies, the working capital cycle works as follows:

1. The company purchases, on credit, materials to manufacture a product.

For example, they have 90 days to pay for the raw materials (payable
2. The company sells its inventory in 85 days, on average (inventory days).
3. The company receives payment from customers for the products sold in
20 days, on average (receivable days).

In the first step of the process, the company gets the materials it needs to
produce inventory but doesn’t initially dispense any cash (purchased on credit
under accounts payable). In 90 days’, time, it will have to pay for those

Eighty-five (85) days after buying the materials, the finished goods are made
and sold, but the company doesn’t receive cash for them immediately, as they
are sold on credit (recorded under accounts receivable). Twenty (20) days after
selling the goods, the company receives cash, and the working capital cycle is

Working Capital Cycle Formula

Based on the above steps, we can see that the working capital cycle formula is:

Working Capital Cycle Sample Calculation

Now that we know the steps in the cycle and the formula, let’s calculate an
example based on the above information.

 Inventory days = 85
 Receivable days = 20
 Payable days = 90

Working Capital Cycle = 85 + 20 – 90 = 15

This means the company is only out of pocket cash for 15 days before receiving
full payment.

Positive vs. Negative Working Capital Cycle

In the above example, we saw a business with a positive, or normal, cycle of

working capital. Sometimes, however, businesses enjoy a negative working
capital cycle where they collect money faster than they pay off bills.

Sticking with the above example, imagine now that the company decides to
become a “cash only” business with its customers. By only accepting cash
(no credit cards or payment terms), its accounts receivable days become 0.

Let’s use the same formula again and calculate their new cycle time.

 Inventory days = 85
 Receivable days = 0
 Payable days = 90

Working Capital Cycle = 85 + 0 – 90 = –5

This means the company receives payment from customers 5 days before it has
to pay its suppliers.

Basis of Current Ratio Quick Ratio

Definition The current ratio is a liquidity The quick ratio is also a liquidity

ratio that computes the proportion ratio that computes the proportion
of a company’s current assets to of a company’s highly liquid
its current liabilities. assets to its current liabilities.
Approach The current ratio is comparatively The quick ratio is a stringent and
a relaxed approach to determine a conservative approach to
company’s debt repayment determine a company’s debt
capacity. repayment capacity.
Consideration Considers assets that are easily Considers assets that are easily
convertible to cash within a year. convertible to cash in 90 days or
Inventory Includes inventory. Also, the Excludes inventory. Also, the
current ratio is naturally high for quick ratio is low for firms with a
firms with a strong stock of strong stock of inventory.
Ideal Result The ideal ratio is 2:1. However, The ideal ratio is 1:1
anything above 1 is good.

Current Assets- Cash& cash equivalents, Inventory, Prepaid expense,

Accounts receivable, Marketable securities.
Current liabilities- Accounts payable, short-term debt (within-12 months),
accrued liabilities
Quick Assets – Current Assets – Inventory- Prepaid expense

Working Capital can be divided into two main categories:

A. Based on capital

1. Gross Working Capital

2. Net Working Capital

B. Based on time period

1. Fixed Working Capital


2. Variable Working Capital

Importance of Gross Working Capital

Investments in current assets must not be either excessive or inadequate as it
can threaten the production capacity and the solvency of the company. It also
undermines the profit of the business.

Importance of Net Working Capital

Net working capital is crucial for maintaining a position of liquidity and to

make sure that current assets exceed current liabilities. This is also the number
that gives the creditor a clear picture into the financial soundness of your

Inventory Turnover ratio

The inventory turnover ratio is the number of times a company has sold and
replenished its inventory over a specific amount of time

If a company has a high inventory turnover, that typically means the
company experiences strong demand in the market for its products.

By contrast, a low inventory turnover means there might be poor demand
in the market and excess inventory accumulating (i.e., overstocking).
The company’s inventory, if left unsold, might eventually need to be written
down to reflect the true (lower) value on the balance sheet.

EBIDTA shows company’s financial performance without taking into account
its capital investments. It does not take into account for expense related to debt
and focus more on operating decisions.

Red flag is a warning or indicator of potential threat in the company’s FS which
requires additional investigation to take informed decision making

Identifying Red Flags in the Financial Analysis of a Company. Let’s begin

with looking at some obvious and easily recognizable red flags that should
make you stop and rethink your decision of investing in the company.
1. Revenues that have been decreasing consistently over time
2. A D/E ratio that is consistently increasing
3. Cash flows that are volatile
4. Extreme fluctuations in the market price of shares
5. Any lawsuit against the company that is still pending resolution
These red flags are easy to identify and demand additional analysis. Apart from
the ones mentioned above, here are some accounting red flags that you must
check while analysing the financial statements of the company:
1. Over-attractive Financial Results
Do the financial results of the company seem over-attractive or inconsistent? If
yes, then you should investigate further and look for consistency in performance
or a valid reason for a sudden boost in the financial results.
2. Auditor’s Report to Management
When a company’s financial statements are audited, the auditor tracks all errors
and includes the list under the section ‘Summary of Misstatements’ in the
Auditor’s Report to Management. When you are looking at the financial
statements of a company, this is an important section to look at. Sometimes, the
management can have a different opinion compared to auditors. Hence, as a
prospective investor, you must ensure that you compare the reports and identify
any red flags.
3. Unusual Accounting Policies
Sometimes, companies can adopt unusual accounting practices and/or methods
making it difficult for you to compare their performance with their competitors.
Practices may relate to over/underestimation of assets, valuation of the
inventory, reserves creation, expenses relating to the development of the
business, profit-management through non-profit activities, etc.
4. Changes in Financial Reporting
Analyse trends in the balance sheet and profit and loss ratios. So, if you see an
increasing debt-to-equity ratio, then it can indicate a potential problem in the
operation of the company. Some large adjustments made late in the year to

make amends to the errors and/or inaccurate data A significant change in the
senior management of the company You will be able to see the impact of these
changes on the financial reporting of the company.
5. Anomalies in the Financials
When you look at the financial statements of a company and find anomalies –
numbers that are higher or lower than expected, then it should serve as a red
flag. If you find such anomalies, then look at the following aspects:
1. Take a look at the profit and loss statement.
If you see the ‘Other Expenses’ category very high or a sudden jump in legal
fees, then it is a sign of a potential problem.
2. While the sales figures are good, but the majority of them are in the last few
days of the month or the quarter consistently
3. A sudden surge in the value of fixed assets or intangibles – way above
expectations indicating that costs are being capitalized
6. Complex Transactions
Sometimes, you might come across transactions that seem highly complex –
with internal or external parties. These may seem like transactions that don’t
have a sound economic standing. Such transactions are often used to deceive.
Hence, you must treat them as red flags and spend some more time analysing
7. Performance-linked Bonuses
In some companies, the compensation of the management team is tied to the
performance of the company. Hence, senior management has a huge incentive
to manipulate the results. Sometimes, the management team is awarded bonuses
for the short-term performance of the company. This could lead to decisions
that are not beneficial for the company in the long-term. Pay close attention to
this aspect too.
8. Gross Profit Margin
If you see that the company has a trend of increasing profit margins, then you
might be inclined to give it a pass. However, it is important to remember that
the gross profit margin should never be looked at in isolation. Always ensure
that you look at the sales figures and overheads.
9. Rising Debtors or Inventory

Finally, analyse the debt and inventory to assess the reasons behind an increase
in them. Usually, an increase in inventory or debt is a sign of possible bad debt.
Summing Up Remember, red flags are the potential threats that may lie buried
deep within the financial statements of a company.
TTM stands for “trailing twelve months” and refers to figures that represent
the company's performance over the past year.
For FY-01/04/2021-31/03/2022—12months-used for tax and accounting
For TTM(LTM)-latest 12 months including financial figures of last quarter of
Previous FY.
It reduces the effect of seasonality
Using trailing 12-month (TTM) figures is an effective way to analyze the most
recent financial data in an annualized format. Annualized data is important
because it helps neutralize the effects of seasonality and dilutes the impact of
non-recurring abnormalities in financial results, such as temporary changes in
demand, expenses, or cash flow.

Month to date (MTD)

Month to date (MTD) refers to the period of time between the 1st of the current
month and the last finalized business day before the current date.
Today is Aug-21,2021-MTD is from Aug-1 to Aug-20,2021
Year to date (YTD)
YTD refers to a period of time beginning the first day of the current calendar
year or fiscal year up to the current date
It assists the mgmt. to know the performance of company accurately at the date
for comparison with previous year without waiting till the end of FY.
A General Ledger Code (GL Code) is a string of alphanumeric characters
assigned to each financial entry in an organization's ledger. A GL Code can

indicate basic information such as a debit or credit by location or provide highly

specific details about an entry through a GL String.
Eg-531100-Office supplies- 5indicates Expense transaction.


1) Self introduction
2) Where do u stay ?
3) Are u comfortable with night shifts?
4) What was the reason to choose BCOM after MPC?
5) Reason for getting less CGPA
6) What is Mortgage, Mortgage process ,Types of mortgages ,life cycle and
7) About wells and current share price of wells?
8) Asked about gap
9) What are loans, primary requirements of the loan, How it gets
sanctioned (verification process)etc...
10) where do you want to see yourself after 5 years
11) are you ok with this role ?
12) Products offered in wells Fargo
13) Achievements
14) Derivatives
15) Futures and options
16) Mutual funds
17) Reserves and provisions
18) In Hyderabad, Where r you staying, are you okay if you have to come
to office for training purpose? Can you come?
19) difference between debit and credit

20) about personal qualities mentioned in resume

21) Shift timing will be 7:30 to morning 4:00. Can you manage this timings.
22) what is 10% of 68?
23) what is 6% of 15?
24) Average of 7,8,19,34,15
25) investment banking
26) golden rules of accounting
27) why MBA after B. Tech
28) if the manager asked your login credentials for urgent work will you give
29) What are fraudulent transactions
30) After getting offer letter from wells ,if you got chance in Bank of
America with more package, will you join that company?
31) Mean, Median and Mode
32) corporate actions
33) what is your strengths
34) explain your personal qualities in resume with real life situations
35) what is 15% of 500
36) Schooling and college from Hyderabad or not
37) Why Hyderabad & from how many years
38) Why wells ?
39) Profit and loss account, trading account and balance sheet
40) 30% of 600
41) What is bank statement?
42) What is loan statement?
43) It's a data entry job. R u ok?
44) Net worth
45) Types of errors

46) What is Ur Career objective?

47) Why trail balance is prepared?
48) Ratios
49) Why wells only choose ? Other than any MNC?
50) Why we should hire you other than others?
51) Reconciliation
52) From whom u have applied
53) And why u want to make career with wells Fargo
54) Home mortgage
55) What is default
56) Securitization
57) Collateral
58) Role model
59) Project
60) Are u ready to work under pressure
61) What is your opinion on covid crisis
62) If the person won’t pay money to bank?
63) What are your expectations on this company
64) Depreciation and types
65) Are you ok if we give you Bangalore than Hyderabad
66) Are you ok if you don't have any weekends and you have to work in
weekends too
67) What is goodwill?
68) Will u shift to another company which gives better package then wells
69) What is your motivation factors
70) -Interests and Hobbies,
71) Tangible assets and intangible assets

72) -Technical skills,

73) -Handling Realtime situation at work,
74) -Ok to work stretched hours and on Weekends without compensation?
75) Accounting principles, concepts and conventions
76) Fund flow vs cash flow statement
77) Double column vs triple column cash book
78) Diff between current assets and fixed assets
79) Diff between shares and debentures
80) Diff between hedge funds and mutual funds
81) Your important festival and how will you convince your manager if he
cancels your leave and approves leave to your colleague even not required for
him and his work is given to you
82) Reasons for gap?
83) Working capital
84) Current assets and liabilities
85) Appreciation and amortization
86) grade yourself in Ms excel
87) average of 82 and 74
88) per day if you process 100 loans and 20 are not counted how many loans
will be processed for 6 days
89) about insurance
90) Types of loans
91) Will you use your customer detail for other purposes?
92) What if your colleagues is doing unethical practice, what will you do
93) 20% of 70 and some more percent questions
94) about excel and pivot table

95) if you get a job in other organization with higher package within
6months what will you do
96) if credit card limit is 90000 and you have utilized 20000 what is the
percentage of utilization
97) Types of book keeping
98) CAAP
99) BRS
100) What is bond market
101) Long term goal
102) Leadership qualities
103) What is risk
104) What is bank
105) Incomes to bank
106) Difference between home loan and mortgage loan
107) biggest achievement in Life
108) Time management
109) Quick and fair decision making example
110) What are the disadvantages facing by virtual work
111) What u did in this lockdown
112) Why u didn’t mention your MBA in cv.


1 Introduction
2 Previous work experience

3 There are more Related party loans in Financial statements, what do you
comment on it.
4 Account’s receivables and payables
5 accounting concepts, conventions and principles
6 Accounting rules
7 Accrual and cash
8 Amortization
9 and it's components
10 Any questions
11 Are you okay with night shifts?
12 Are you planning on finishing CA
13 Can join immediately if we offer job
14 Can u manage Ur personal and office life?
15 Cash flow vs fund flow
16 Cash statement and it's components
17 changes in balance sheet due to fund rising through equity (IPO/debt)
18 Components of financial statements
19 contingent liability
20 Contra Entry
21 Corporate Actions
22 cost of goods sold
23 Current Salary
24 Debt instruments and examples
25 Deferred income
26 Depreciation used in financial spreading
27 Depreciation types
28 Did you work on any GAAP other than Indian GAAP?

29 Discounted cash flow method

31 Explained about process and gave example of In orbit mall then asked
32 Financial ratios
33 Financial statements and it's components
34 Financial statements and what are they?
35 Funds flow statement
36 Gave example of forum mall and asked some questions on that
37 go through for the valuation of real-estate collaterals
38 Go through Your profile
39 Have you worked on Financial Spreading?
40 How can u come to know that; the customer is worth to repay our loan
by seeing financials?
41 How do you arrive at discount rate?
42 how do you verify authenticity of projections?
43 how do you verify discrepancies in financial statements?
44 How long are you working in the firm?
45 How much loan will bank offer for collateral loans?
46 How the property owner will estimate income
47 How Ur experience will b helpful this role?
48 How will you check for Discrepancies in Financial Statements?
49 How would u arrive to balance sheet
50 How you arrive at net profit and retained earnings.
51 How you calculate goodwill
52 Importance of foot notes in financial statements
53 Indian or us gap us firm follows
54 Intangible assets

55 Intangible assets and what would you provide on it .

56 Is u exposed to borrower financial statements?
57 job experience related ones
58 Job location.
59 Job role
60 job shifts
61 Last job pay
62 Ledger scrutiny
63 Leverage ratios
64 Liquid ratios
65 Long term loan and short-term loan
66 Non-cash expenses and examples
67 Paying dividend- which investment activity is it?
68 preferred job location
69 ratios to know the credit worthiness of a company before we lend loan
70 Reserve and provision differences
71 Salary expectation
72 She said if you are interested in audit, we have openings there as well
73 Shifts, working Fr long hours
74 Subordinate debt
75 Thing’s banker will check before lending loan
76 types of activities in CFS
77 Types of audit reports
78 Types of ITR for individuals.
79 Unascertained tax liability
80 Under income, cost, and expense approach

81 Walk me through loan process

82 What are the ratios for verifying a loan from mortgage loans
83 What do you know about wells
84 What is subordinate loan
85 What is working capital & if you withdraw cash and buy inventory what
will be the effect on working capital
86 What is your point in case there is more cash inflow in financing
activities and investment activities rather than operating activities?
87 Which Dep You will prefer
88 Y common expenses met by u, even though u r not using
89 You are new to MNC can you manage things?
90 What is the relation between components of financial statements
91 Current Ratios
92 Treasury Stock
93 Additional Capital journal entry
94 Share Premium
95 Retained Earnings
96 Bad debts and treatment
97 Which part of balance sheet is used for working capital
98 Statutory Reserves
99 Impairment of asset
100 credit analysis
101 debt service coverage ratio
102 Short Selling
103 Hedge Funds
104 Difference between Hedge funds and mutual funds
105 current portion of long term debt

106 Related party Transactions

107 Debtors and risk associated with them
108 What is NPA
109 Use of maintaining reserves
110 comprehensive Income
111 OCI
112 Important Items that need to be checked before giving loans
113 Dividend paid and sales which cash flows
114 Green shoe option
115 Difference between equity and preference shares
116 Financial Analysis
117 Uncertain Tax
118 Billing in excess of cost
119 How can we introduce goodwill value instantly
120 merger and demerger
121 positive treasury stock
122 Why there is difference between Cash flow and P&L
123 If there is discontinued process in a project how will you project this in a
124 Defer Tax Asset and Liability
125 Spreading Process
126 High Risk of default
127 Negative amortization
128 If depreciation is not considered in financial statements, what are its
129 what is your life ambition
130 If you are selected, How much time will you continue with wells Fargo?

131 capital lease v/s financial lease v/s operating lease and their treatment
132 why banks use financial spread for giving loans
133 Headers of Balance sheet Items
134 capital lease
135 Depreciation v/s depletion v/s amortization
136 Net profit v/s retained earnings
137 Acquisition of a business, which type of activity in cash flow statement
138 CTC in earlier company and expected CTC in wells
139 Long term liabilities
140 Reason for leaving your previous organisation
141 Prepaid expense and journal entry
142 Where is bad debts, dividends shown in financial statements
143 accrued income
144 creditors
145 short term and long term goals
146 unsecured debt
147 Extraordinary profit
148 How do you think the companies performance would be if investing
activities greater than operating activities for past 3 years
149 contingent liability v/s provision for bad debts
150 what would be the effect if we increase long term debt in the company
151 Dividend payable entry
152 Capital brought entry and what type of account it is
153 link between CFS,P&L and balance sheet
154 Difference between revenue expenditure and deferred revenue
expenses with examples
155 Provision for expense v/s contingent liability

156 Reasons for cash inflows from investing activities

157 Fictitious assets ,examples
158 Primary and secondary market
159 MPS,EPS,PE ratio
160 what is market price per share and how do you calculate
161 debt to equity ratio and what its used for
162 Difference between accounting concepts and conventions with
163 what is an accounting equation
164 Differed income
165 Difference between current ratio and quick ratio
166 debt service coverage ratio and fixed charge coverage ratio
167 overstated profits will effect the company
168 There are three parties A, B and C, all doing their independent business,
Now A’s rent is payable to C but B paid on behalf of A to C. Till now no entries
is passed in any of the books. Now pass 1 entry in each book to complete these
169. You are an Indian company made a foreign sales of $10 ($1=Rs. 70) on
15th march, 31st march ($1=Rs.65), 15th April amount received ($1=Rs.72)
now pass journal entries for all these
170. What are adjusting and non adjusting events.
180. If the consolidated financial statements are prepared then are all
excluded in those financial statement.
181. Is shifts okay?
182. Why are you not completing CA?
183. What is meant by contingent liability and how it is treated in books.
184. Do you have any other offers in hand?
185. Why CITCO?

186. How do you came to know about CITCO and also about this job role.
187. Do you face any situations with extreme pressure/tensions/deadlines in
workspace, and if so how do you handle it.
188. If we give an offer to you will you join immediately?
189. An enterprise is manufacturing cigarettes. On 15th April all these
manufacturing has been banned by the government. Now how will you treat
190. Cash flow format
191. Working capital changes in cash flow.
192. Accounting rules related.
193. Strength
194. Are you flexible to work for long hours if required.

Market Job
Description About Wells Fargo India
Wells Fargo India enables global talent capabilities
for Wells Fargo Bank NA., by supporting business
lines and staff functions across Technology,
Operations, Risk, Audit, Process Excellence,
Automation and Product, Analytics and Modelling.
We are operating in Hyderabad, Bengaluru and
Chennai locations.

Department Overview
Wells Fargo Commercial Capital is a market-
leading provider of working capital, investment
capital, trust services, and sales financing solutions
that help Wells Fargo customers optimize liquidity
and grow their business through their life cycle.
Commercial Capital products, services and
capabilities are offered by 6,000 team members
across the U.S. and the globe through seven

core areas; Capital Finance, Commercial

Distribution Finance, Corporate Trust Services,
Equipment Finance, Renewable Energy &
Environmental Finance, Specialty Finance &
Strategic Capital.

About the Role

Spread Financial statements of private as well as

public limited companies of different industries in
credit application utilized for traditional asset-
based lending, specialized senior secured
financing, Accounts receivable financing and
purchase order financing to companies and make
relevant adjustments in cash flow and various
ratio calculations to reflect true financial status of
the customers.


● Financial spreading in MRA tool, analysing

financial statements, identification of trend
and provide financial commentaries on
cause and effect on identified trend as per
business requirement
● Prepare projected financial statements as
per relationship managers requirement
● Complete Pro forma adjustments based on
the projected financial information as per
● Should be able to interpret and spread
financials of different companies belong to
different division as per business
requirement at any given day
● Assessing the repayment capacity of the
highly leveraged Borrower’s.

● Should be able to handle subjectivity as per

● Should be flexible in switching roles in
between Processors/DSO/QC at any point
of time during the day/months as per
business requirement
● Facilitates communication to resolve
problems and advance strategies.
● Take up the lead analyst role in the process
as per requirement
● Lead or champion efforts to increase
productivity and goal accomplishment.
● Act as a coach or mentor to facilitate
learning from experience.

Essential Qualifications

● University Degree in Commerce or Business

Administration (Finance)
● Experience min 1 to 3 years exp
in accounting and finance, Internal and
external risk factors of the borrower
● Knowledge in assessing credit worthiness
of the borrowers based on qualitative and
quantitative factors
● Sound knowledge of ratio analysis, cash
flow, and trend analysis
● Strong analytical & research skills.

Desired Qualifications

● Able to multi-task to accomplish tasks

● Strong verbal & written communication
● Ability to work quickly & accurately while
maintaining acceptable standards of
● Quick learner
● Ability to recognize and escalate to
management for any process breaches
● Flexibility to work in different shifts
● Ability to succeed in a team environment

Important Links that Need to be referred(Don’t attend the Interview without

Referring this links)



1. Tell me about yourself

2. about family
3. About FT and why you are interested in this role
4. Resume questions
5. Maximum mutual funds topics
6. Derivatives
7. Accounts balance sheet
8. Corporate actions
9. Night shit ok for you
10.Contract job
11.NAV means and formula.
12.Types of derivatives

14.Tender offer
16.Academic project-based questions
17.Accounting concept
18.Golden rules
19.Questions on balance sheet
20.Yield to maturity
21.article ship experience like how to do bank audits, how to file tax
23.trail balance
24.IPO with examples
25.secondary market with examples
26.why do you choose investment Field?
27.Difference between single entry and double entry
28.equity shares & mutual funds
29.about GST returns.
30.why your changing job.
31.depreciation and types and formula
32.difference between trading account and p & l
33.. family background
34.Debt vs Equity
35.Is it mandatory to file IT returns?
36.About Previous experience
37.Why should we pay GST
38.They majorly asked me about my past work.
39.trade life cycle
40.market life cycle
41.about capital markets
42.direct tax
43.Mutual Funds VS hedge funds
44.bond markets
45.past salary details
46.SEBI listed companies.

47.forex market
48.Mainly targeted in work experience
49.US dollar in INR
50.Home currency
51.Foreign currency
52.Biggest achievement of previous job
53.how your day starts
54.equity vs derivates
55.future and options
57.how many stock exchanges are there in India?
58.How many companies are there in BSE and NSE?
59.How you define present situation of stock markets.
60.Why should I hire you?
61.Why you left previous job
62.current job description
63.how do you analysis the stocks?
64.do you know about Microsoft tool 10?
65.shift timings of current job 11.
66.why you are choosing contract-based job when you are in full-time job.
68.journal entries
69.difference b/w mutual funds and individual investors
70.why you’re changing your last job.
71.what is a profit and loss statement?
72.job description
73.why companies go for corporate actions.
74.Name some formulae in advanced excel and have you worked on them.
75.Do you have any questions?
76.Behavioural Questions

 Describe a time when you disagreed with a team member. ...

 Tell me about a time when you failed.
 Give me an example of when you had to assume leadership for a

 What is the most difficult/ challenging situation you've ever had to

resolved in the workplace?
77.about salary expectations?
78.difference between call and put option.
79.when do you exercise call option?
80.Excel questions regarding the pivot table, VLOOKUP and VBA
81.mms office exposure & some questions on V lookup
82.-work experience
83.-Balance sheet deep questions
84.-work for extra hours
85.Journal entry for outstanding expenses and bad debts
86.-how bad debts recovered
87.-Profit and loss account
88.-MF in detail
89.-Types of mutual fund
90.-If u face some trouble in virtual work (power cut, etc). How u would
overcome from that
91.- if company requires to work more hours, is it okey for u
92.- Are u staying in Hyderabad
93.- why contractual role
94.Mutual funds in details

100.NAV & PE ratio

101.Cash book & passbook difference
102 What is private equity and explain the life cycle of the fund?
103 Difference between the private equity and hedge fund
104 What do you mean by waterfall provisions and explain in general
how allocation is done?
105 Different methods of waterfall and which one is better?
106 What are the financial statements prepared for private equity?
107 Terms like Catchup, Committed capital
108 Is IRR rate is simple interest rate or compound interest rate
109 What is NAV and logical questions what impacts the NAV?

110 Explain the cash flow statement and what are items that comes
under operating, financing and investing activity and the different
methods of preparing the statement of cash flows.
111 What are the items that are shown at fair value in balance sheet?
112 Fair value hierarchy
113 In depth understanding of journal entries
114 Sensex calculation
115 qualities of manager
116 green shoe option
117 What did you do in the past 2 years?
118 . Shifts
119 How have you acquired this knowledge?
120 Corporate actions and reasons for corporate actions
121 Cash dividend
122 Spin off and merger.
123 How you gained knowledge.
124 How a good team player should be
125 dividend and important dates
126 long term goal
127 Do you have any questions?
128 Basic Excel questions (VLOOKUP PIVOT)
129 Deep questions about experience (bank audit)
130 Do you know about Kyc and account opening?
131 Excel skill set
132 What is AML
133 Daily responsibilities in your previous job
134 Analysis reports in CA Firm and what types
135 BRS
136 Bank audits
137 How you handle stress situations
138 What is your challenging situation?
139 Achievements in last one year
140 Salary expectations
141 Past experience
142 Vouching

143 Difference between P&L account trading account

144 Difference between NSE and BSE
145 Categories corporate actions in different categories
146 Ok with night shifts?
147 strengths & weakness
148 are you comfortable in Microsoft office?
149 can you write VBA macros?
150 how you rate yourself on 1 to 10?
151 Challenges in previous jobs
152 How can you maintain time in household works and professional
153 We cannot offer more salary is that ok?
154 What is notice period now
155 Current roles and responsibilities in my organization
156 What is the latest rating you got in your organization?
157 How do you tackle yourself when there is adverse situation?
158 Smart work vs hard work
159 Resume Based Questions
160 Project Based Questions


 Cashflow statements walk through in both methods(direct and indirect)

 IFRS 9 cost methods
 Nav calculations using balance sheet and income statement
 Forwards
 Equity vs debt
 different between IFRS and GAAP
 Type of derivatives, GAV and nav
 cash flow statement, deprecation
 Preference location
 Difference between forward and future
 Experience related questions

 Difference between management fees and performance fees

 Purchase entry
 Derivatives
 Call option and Put option
 Strip in derivatives
 Components of financial statements.
 Increase in investment and assets it's effect in components.
 Depreciation and it's effort in cash flow statements.
 Journal entries prepaid, accrued
 Private equity
 Hedge funds
 Notes to accounts
 Swaps
 Fas137
 Mutual funds
 Nav steps for calculating nav
 Dividend entry
 Bonus issue
 Stock split
 Corporate actions
 Financial statements of private equity
 What are the assets in private equity
 In indirect method of cash flow how increase in current liability was treated
 IPO comes under which market
 Clean price and dirty price
 High water mark
 Quick assets ratio
 Preparation of financial statements
 Reverse stock split
 Five expenses in profit and loss accounts
 Closing stock will effect in trail balance
 Ex date
 Record date
 Types of Ratios
 Financial statements
 Capital markets
 Debt markets

 Futures, forwards, options, swaps

 Investment strategies in pvt equity.
 Management fees
 Incentive fees
 Master funds/ feeder funds.
 Claw back provisions
 How mutual funds work
 Unrealised gain/ loss
 In indirect method of cash flow how increase in current liability
 Decrease in current assets
 Prepaid entry
 Outstanding entry
 Accrued entry
 Sales return
 Depreciation entry
 Preferred location
 Will u continue to write a ca final

Job Title – Associate 2

Team – Financial Reporting
Who we are looking for:
The purpose of the job is to provide end to end support to investment
company clients for timely completion of preparation of financial statements
within stringent deadlines for audit / client review.

Selected candidates will be required to work at shifts which allow reasonable

overlap with US, APAC and EMEA hours and allow for trainings, on the job
practice, feedback etc.

Why this role is important to us:

The team you will be joining is a part of State Street Global Services (SSGS).
SSGS gives asset owners and managers access to the essential financial tools

they need to deliver effective investment solutions. From core custody,

accounting, fund administration and shareholder recordkeeping, to complete
operations solutions and servicing for alternative assets like OTC derivatives,
private equity and real estate, SSGS’ tools help our clients make better
investment choices and act on growth opportunities.
Join us if making your mark in the financial services industry from day one is a
challenge you are up for.

What you will be responsible for:

As an Associate 2 you will:
 Prepare private equity and hedge fund financial statements in accordance
with relevant GAAP and regulatory requirements, clear comments and
assist with draft and support distribution to client and auditors, ensure that
all deliverables are completed accurately and within agreed upon time
 Assist in the preparation, self-review and delivery of applicable services
 Understand and meet all deadlines, manage time accordingly and escalate
any issues to the Senior Associate or Officer responsible
 Accurately complete and sign off on all SOPs and checklists
 Effectively use automation and technology
 Volunteer for ad-hoc projects and help with last minute requests
 Provide on-the-job training and ensure coverage for activities.
What we value:
These skills will help you succeed in this role:
 Fund Accounting
 Transaction processing
 Financial Analysis
 Excellent communication skills
 Problem solving
 Statistical analysis

Education & Preferred Qualifications:

 Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce / Economics with a specialization in
Business, Accounting, Finance or equivalent experience preferred

Additional requirements:

 Demonstrated computer proficiency, including advanced knowledge of

Microsoft applications {Excel, Word etc.}, as well as problem solving and
analytical skills
 Strong communication, interpersonal, organizational, and time
management skills
 1-3 year of experience in related accounting or finance field preferred
About State Street

What we do. State Street is one of the largest custodian banks, asset managers
and asset intelligence companies in the world. From technology to product
innovation we’re making our mark on the financial services industry. For more
than two centuries, we’ve been helping our clients safeguard and steward the
investments of millions of people. We provide investment servicing, data &
analytics, investment research & trading and investment management to
institutional clients.

Work, Live and Grow. We make all efforts to create a great work environment.
Our benefits packages are competitive and comprehensive. Details vary in
locations, but you may expect generous medical care, insurance and savings
plans among other perks. You’ll have access to flexible Work Program to help
you match your needs. And our wealth of development programs and
educational support will help you reach your full potential.

Inclusion, Diversity and Social Responsibility. We truly believe our employees’

diverse backgrounds, experiences and perspective are a powerful contributor
to creating an inclusive environment where everyone can thrive and reach
their maximum potential while adding value to both our organization and our
clients. We warmly welcome the candidates of diverse origin, background,
ability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity and personality. Another
fundamental value at State Street is active engagement with our communities
around the world, both as a partner and a leader. You will have tools to help
balance your professional and personal life, paid volunteer days, matching gift
program and access to employee networks that help you stay connected to
what matters to you.
State Street is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer.
Discover more at StateStreet.com/careers.

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