ESC Qarinah
ESC Qarinah
ESC Qarinah
Week week 10
Art 1740:
Art 1741 :
Together / to be friend / associate
In linguistic sense : anything which shows/indicates the
existence/non-existence of something either words, circ.
/deed ,etc.
qarinah 1
Abdul Karim Zaidan
Qarinah is referring to any signs / attributes which shows / indicates the existence /
non existence of something.
Section 3:-
"qarinah" means fact connected with the other fact in any of the ways referred
to in this Act;
Al Qur’an :
qarinah 2
Divorced women shall keep themselves in waiting for three menstrual
courses and it is unlawful for them, if they believe in Allah and the Last Day,
to hide whatever Allah might have created in their wombs.
2. Nabi Sulaiman and the two women who made a claim over a child
the one who agreed was a propf that she was not their mother.
Practice of sahabah
unmarried woman got pregnant: indication the woman had committed zina.
story of maiz, when he admitted of zina, then the prophet asked to smell his
breath =, is there any smell of liquor.
Most caliphs imposed hadd punishment to the thieves when the stolen properties
are found in their possession.-
qarinah 3
1. Those who reject.
“If I were to stone someone without testimony, I would have done so to the
women who at the outset looks suspicious from the way she
communicates, her conditions and the person who enters her place”
Ibn Qayyim:
local woman
qarinah 4
2. theft
3. khamr
4. qazaf
Ibn. Qayyim & Ibn al Gharas (Hanbali scholar- hadd punishment can be
Some ulama’ - this is al-lauth (qarinah) where oath should be taken by the
family 50X.
Qarinah in general - Chapter 2 (Ss. 5-16) –
qarinah 5
When judgements of Courts are Qarinah -Ss.28-32.
Halimah v PP Kelantan
the fact that she was pregnant, the shows that iqrar made was valid.
second accused was pregannat, base don qarinah, the acucse dwas
other evidence availbale- bottle of liquors in their posession, and recipe tof
qarinah 6
Nooraini bt M. Abdul Majid v Pendakwa Syari’e Melaka
and mr sukhan v the state - as to the cement, it was not sufficient, and court
referred to an expert:
Pendakwa Hal Ehwal Agama Terengganu v Nur Thuraya binti Salleh [2015]
muqaddimah zina
the first element: they were not prohbited to marry one another accoridng to
islamic law.
the second: the accused pants was unzipped to the extent that he exposed
his private part. and there was also found hugging each other while lying in
the front seat of the car.
qarinah 7
judicial notice that kalau check in kat level 2, t was for that purpose.
at the time they were cought, both were mnaked and lying on the bed, masa
serbu tu dorang rush , the door was unlocked.
strong qarinah.
No definition in QS
Def : sec 7
qarinah 8