Bagar Candon City IS Updated Pow 1

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Deparment of Socal Welfare and Development Field Office 1 KAPIT-BISIG LABAN SA KAHIRAPAN (COMPREHENSIVE AND INTEGRATED DELIVERY OF SOCIAL SERVICES. KAPANGYARIHAN AT KAUNLARAN SA BARANGAY DSWD is ‘UPDATED PROGRAN OF WORKS Barangay Sagar Cty Candon Province Hocos Sur Sub-project Tie: ‘Cash for Work forthe Construction of Drainage Canal Category [BASIC ACCESS INFRASTRUCTURE SUB PROJECTS Physical Target Total Sub-project Cost Made of Implementation: Project Deserition ‘Sub-Project Duration: Equipment Neeceo: 45 Li Drainage Canal 430,419.00 COMMUNITY FORCE ACCOUNT Construction of Drainage Canal 53Calendar Days Technical Personnel: ACT TF,CE ANDRIO 4 Bagger Conreto Mixer [PROJECT BILLBOARD 0.801% 100) Set 0.00 3650.00 1. [EXCAVATION 9.085% 4800) eum | s7somn| 3720000 CONCRETE STRUCTURE 35e45% | 22.1700) com | 6638.861 17184 IV._| MASONRY WORKS 7 30082% 1647] sam | 7a7sao12| — 123,085.00 V._ REINFORCING STEEL 9.235% 50614] kes vas10ss| 37,814.00 vi_ [EMBANKMENT 5.420% 2700/ eum | s2zm2| 2220000 vil_[FoRMworKs: 4208% 1566] sqm | 1.120081 17340000 | Viil_[DESILTING AND DECLOGGING 1.954% 3000/ cum | 266667 000 Dx [MARKER 3.122% 100] set 12,7410] 12,784.00 Sources of Fund Breaksown Estimated Project Cost ke-orawr omnis w.cutn | rota cost mind find LEC)| kin LCC) JA Dect Cost Matera Cost z | 24908700 pi = | aasp700 [sawing cost ia Seer een : Freight Cost : : Labor Cost : : - Leadman 00.00| 4400.00 13,200.00. Siled Laborer 1400] 670000] 20,100.00 a Unsiled Labore: 118,¢0000| ‘120000, Equipment 7.50000 7.50000 é Hii eee ‘ai:e04.90 240 6c. Cane 8. Indrect Cost PPE. : +1,680.00, 7 =| 14,680.00 = T Fidelity Bons . - | 3375.00| : 337500 “Asminisvatve Cost S524. 00 : i | 3/5440 |ADD: Contingency 6. s00.000% | 4.324% | 0.785% | 0.000% 105.11% {Total Estimated Cost 408,144.00 | "48,600.00 3,375.00 = | 430,119.00 lADD: 08M (Other Amentios) - - - - 7 Propared by: Reviewed by: T= Techical Faclitator City Engineer Noted by. Hon RIC D. SINGSON city Mayor Project Develbpment Offoer IV DSWD C Department of Social Welfare ana Development Region 1 ALAM! “CDSS RKB.CFW KAPANGYARIHAN AT KAUNLARAN 5A BARANGAY eee ‘Gags, Candon City, Hooos Se) DATED OUANILIY TAKE-OFF Project Tite: (Cash for Work fr the Construction of Drainage Canal Location: ‘agar, Cando City, Hoos Sur Barangay Bagar Proviso city: Candon Repo: PROJECT BILLBOARD uantty= 1.00 set EXCAVATION L w Quantiy= 64800 cum 450120 I, CONCRETE STRUCTURE Quantiys 221700 Cum BOTTOM of Manhole No. of 1200 m Manhole» 4.00 0425. 4200 m. 0720 Gam 20,00 m 0450. m 2200 m 6600 Gam. 45.00 m 0.150 m. 2.200 m 14.8800 Cum. Ww. 1920 2am bar Shim No.of 4.800 m. Manhole = 4000 im 19.200 Sam ‘CULVERT No. of Le 30.000 m. —auvert= 30.00 Be 0.760 m. Volume= 71582 um REINFORCING STEEL uantty= 0614 kos say Unit Weight of RSE, k 0.8880? ,0inmm — 12mm o ome ae ‘omm BOTTOM of Manhole WAL, TOP FILL ‘0mm dia. x6 8.00" pos 6.00 pos 67.00 pos—_Longituinel bars tomm dia. x6= 8.00 pes 6.00. pes 472 Transverse bers pes Weight: 506.14 kgs Vi EMBANKMENT Quantiy= 27.00 cam Priulars L WH No.of Unit, Volume Pathwayitopfil 45.00 100 ‘deo "100 Vu FORMWORKS 1568 sqm ae i \ DEPTH 4.200 199.00 pes 0888 kgsim 617 kgsim VIl__DESILTING AND DECLoGGING Quant: 30.00 cum 1K MARKER ‘Quantity: 4.00 set v W # velane total Ont footing i o4 02 008 008 cum. cH 12 08 098 sqm portiand cement 2 Voume x08 cho 14 by direct counting sand 045 Volume x0.§ 10mm dia st 2 rave 0/5 Volume x05 marker j bolt 4 Prepared By: ekhnial Ffatator ity Engineer Cong By: he Barangay Chaipreen Page 2012 w@psw eee pATED pETAILED cosresmiMArE neti Baga Bap, Cun Cy. ec St LABOR RATE SCHEDULE Manger Ne Rates fs roe Rae are aaa Con (eri Deion Deine Goat ne ‘out ee = 10] =) “e000 pe = te soa eae [apr Rr oy te oe “000 Tem Dies Cor P08 eatin te ae 2) tater Ca PeaivtyOupu'= 0S eumimandy omy nie om awe oe =a Meee tm ae tae] a os 7 i [omar Traine [otha ange ae | Ace Pot ater Contin ran tar vant Dern 2 Sr) = Teel mo] same HQUPMENT RENTALS QUIPMENT Necorburs | Tol Co | eam 6A ag € corer | rae Matera Mate Desert vt | ees | = (Rend omen tase wa sco] aston [afm Tak Sd Cos Hone Bok a a eo] se RC Pos Gobet, nm OA) «= soa aos] waoon amex asco 1) Lator Cow ick ayn ed Masters Pred xa = 25000 peer Puan oe = 100 >it 1 Lene Denton= 0S as > ater sy 100 de ‘cost suanine Ga er fneinpuce | Rae [ Sled Lae oo] e000 woce| woo] ic er [ ‘nied ate soo] 0000 ‘a0 2 ‘ome Labor Con Ripe Cera rev Oxpe= 100 pesmi nmetvo feme= 100, 2 atedme texinae Denton 290 dye Laer mt —900 Manpower we | ate saddest Neat | at Amount = ” [ener [awianpuce | Revd Tol Laer Cnt for om amon cabin Con PaO Vnicon= Panag C C eats ss ae 4 Produ p= 000 kad ve To wma 2] _ wo ‘eons] tae aiid rw we woe 300] ie name vee | contig | “roa {Die tae RSHRADED) = cal Tae] saan wear mar a 00 wa "a0 Faas Bae wakes a 7a “noe 00] Facer 5 20 se so] mu mane cont ania ata cot se tn we | ome — 9 cogs enone aeceety top Date save ra vwwore | ore | ratte | tm | at omy “= taercon teas Onet= 100 ow = 1st ae =» os Pectomaere] —cosraranind aa ano 7 GRANT | INKINDLCC cuaiy= ae Deeritin a Farnam tw o mai zw] smo Fencuas (oman) Deh my sperm) [Voume (com [Serena ef a) oe yreiedtcam) | masyoercpabiiy | mepover er 5o00] 1 Seeman 4 ‘ em Det Con 4008 unuty © 10a tei Descristion va | emt | (Prine Coment ae 200 2ss00| _ss000 (iach San ea ie ae [Cashes Gravel on 00] s.s9000| __ss0001 Isom aa x6m RSB GRADE 39) re 200 15600| 200 (045 x0. Aatc wa stanlssncuarg enaravngas er fatto techs phe) eaten i pe eee [8m te. 50mm staniess bot re a9 P| la Con ona tam 4170420) eroett Cc tebe cast COST SHARING Te angonee xo | Rattay - etl No. otDaysRege| GRANT 1c sues a 1.00 4o000| 22000] 0020 lunes oma 1.00 400.09 40009 [rot bor Goto tho tam 1.00000 reeagt en rn os ‘yer! cone fr rane mocpmer oer ‘AL 120410 wauidojansg alolg uosiedireug Aebuereg ‘OwavE CO SNSHIVO SONS BR :q eION :Kq pauinauog se0ulbug AD NOINVEVISN ONS srenouddy Bupueuauosey pue pamelney :Kq pesedotey ‘00 006'6tT cowry [oroovzor [ooo0s 9 [oo 00rit (06'F00°0S7 SIVLOL loozes'zt_~ [o0v00r 007009 loozes"tr WIV [00°000"S. 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Good lumber pes 3.09 150.0] 1.3500) HN m7 1.09 20.0] s00 HN mn 00 90.0] 3000 > Paint rath ro £00 so.0] S000 {QE Wie i 00 22000 72000 (CONCRETE STRUCTURE Portiand cement aes 20000) 35.00 S000 Wash and eum 72.00[ 120000] 3520000] 3/4 crushed Gravel eum 3.00 [ 1.20000] 2530000 Bue sheets x30 meter) val 1.00] 2.20000] 2.30000 210 Utes Capac Fase Oram es 100] 1.76000] 1.7800 20ers Empty Paste Galon Container es 7000 40000 e000 2" di Class A Howe 0 meters eneth rol 200] 420000 2.<0000 23/8" Level Hose X28 eters ral 109 04.00 504.00 MASONRY WORKS Porand ement aes 7000 250] ze5000| Sn Thick Conerete Hollow Bock oe 21300 15.00] 3.19500] Wash send cus 200] i.a0000] 2,200.00 RC Pipe Culver, 760mm (3°) pe sono le 2445] 84, S00] REINFORCING STEEL 10 mm da x Gen ASB (GRADE 3) me 12900] 15609 7250400] SG. te wire ie 3c 5009 72000 Hockiow Blade wth henale 2.00 72000 560.00 Hackiaw Blade pe 2.00 Est] S000 FORMWORKS Wax x8! Phenol Board ms 7000 0.09 e000 Pia" coco her es 2000 225.00 4500.0] un i 2.0] sna 380.00 cn 2.00 009 10.0) oun 2.00 009 380.00 SUB PROIECT MARKER Portiand Cement age FT 335.00 53000 Wash and am aso} _s1cn.0] 35000 3/4 Cushed Gael am sof 1.10000 35000 {oom Ticks ConereteHotow Hock Pe 1400 800] 252.00 30 mm ax 6m AS (GRADE 38) be 200 156.00 31200 asseacanlewthsanissitdnecnrinaterrated |, alee olaae aii Sr da X50 mm danas bok me ao] 500] 10000 Flat Wal Latex aint - White ie 1.00 2000] 72000 igs latex Pint - White te 109 7200] 220.00 Paine rush rs 109 soo] 5000 c ‘TOTALDIRECT MATERIALS) 249, Bi-00 PPE AND HANDTOOIS Harel Hats, PS. 1500) 350.00 2,400.00 Hand Gloves (rubber coated) als 19:00 45.00 855,00) Round tp Shovel (Stee! Round point head 21301 00em) Pe 10.00 350.00] 3,500.00 Digging Bar (Steel svaight Bareta 4-5 felong approx. 35 ka) Pes 5.00 365.00] 4,925.00 ‘TOTAUINDIRECT MATERIALS) 31,680.00 Prepared By Reviewed and Recommending Approval: ocr edaitator ty Engineer Coneured 87 Noted by: 8 Woy fupueuoony seeming : cro] rasa ewer wes | aco | 2, | wewsstcoig = emo locas jos | oo | carves | vn | carcino | cmwowmmo | EMM | sow eguomen | xm soivanairoou M2 ‘mao | we | evs ues. oss | coo | coz zemmuntes | ae zocunies em a mente] cos maaeee | tpeeutiy | xo eyopan | STHMALMNNOUDNGNCD | 2meD ‘Sonia | 0 wauancolg hf Nminvatvl] AED rm loon woo | carne | vw | exrwomeno | car vamero sox. | rns | Sou vansaraou| oOo wise | Gap oo | soon | me sowssven | von | onmomne | a tuyca unary | ang ‘pwupeen, nal wawsiooig ye spon | sesr9u3 ond | eforg weeny weurmoon| (aya poo ea sore oma say aaron ee ere eam co MSO ‘90 ocerz {og MOqOH BI8HUND PIEIPHL WISE se | oor ii a OF FON YD TT we [oo (yous oe x heoes one wm [over [paeig povena w/t we [ose Paes wen seq fooziz wowaa peng aloo eu 300 >| 00% | aioe. 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