User Story
User Story
User Story
User Journeys:
A user journey generally refers to the path taken to achieve a specific goal (eg. inputting data) or complete a specific purpose
(eg. searching for a record), as opposed to random browsing. User journeys are often broken down into steps for more detailed
User Stories:
The functional specification consists of a set of "user stories". Each story describes some aspect of the website's behaviour,
either functional or non-functional. There are many ways of generating these including brainstorming, defining user journeys
and "specification by example". These high-level requirements provide the foundations of the project and form the basis of
estimates, scheduling and assesment of dependencies in order for the development team to come up with the optimum
solution(s). The details of each user story is broken down to its acceptance criteria, which then becomes the test plan.
By using an Agile project delivery framework, time and quality is fixed meaning that contingency is managed by varying the
features to be delivered. This ensures that the project delivers the right solution at the right time. As and when contingency is
required, lower priority features are deferred or dropped in accordance with the MoSCoW rules. The prioirty of each feature is
agreed by the Project Executive (Product Owner) based on business need, resourcing, funding requirements etc.
Benefits: The key benefits of adopting this iterative approach are: the project always delivers the minimal viable solution; the integration
of continous testing and the feedback; better handling of change; the chance of scope creep or bloat is reduced; and "nice to
have" or deferred features are captured to be addressed in the future when time/budget permits.
MoSCoW Priorisation
Must have - a requirement that must be satisfied in the final solution for the solution to be considered a success.
Should have - a high-priority requirement that should be included in the solution if it is possible.
Could have - a requirement which is considered desirable but not necessary. This will be included if time and resources permit.
Actor Name Description
General User Any user, not logged in or registered.
Registered A user approved by an Admin, with a login to the User Data Input System, who has
User accepted ScRAP website T&Cs (inlcudes OS Map agreement)
Admin Member of the ScRAP team or HES staff responsible for validating new and edited data
within the User Data Input System and for managing Registered Users.
Story Name As a... (Actor) I can... (Goal) Priority Dependencies
General User As a General User I can view and download data via the ScRAP website Must
General User As a General User I can be diverted from the ScRAP website to Must Canmore,
MyCanmore registration/login to upload content to Website
exisiting site records
Canmore website Login As a General user I can be redirected to the Canmore website where I Should Website
will login and accept conditions (such as Canmore
Rock art records As a General user I can only view rock art site records within Scotland Must GIS, Website
on the website.
Rock art records As a General user I can search for rock art records within the ScRAP Must
database using text, image and map-based search
Create a project As an Admin I can create a ScRAP project within the User Data Must
Input System.
Edit a project As an Admin I can edit a ScRAP project within the User Data Input Must
Create a project in ArcGIS As an Admin I can define a project area within the ScRAP layer in Should GIS
Edit a project in ArcGIS As an Admin I can edit a project area within the ScRAP layer in Should GIS
User management As an Admin I can add a Project user to the User Data Input Must Website
System (user will be instructed to register as a
General User via the website prior to this).
User permissions As an Admin I can assign a user to a project (so that they can only Must Website
see their projects when they log in and can only add
sites to work on within that project).
Email address validation As a Registered user I can validate my identity via a link emailed to me Must Website
when I register.
Email copy of licenses As a Registered user I will be emailed a copy of any license agreements I Must Website
have accepted once I have validated my email
User Data Input System login As a Registered user I can login to the User Data Input System once I Must Website
have been added by an Administor.
User reporting As an Admin I can track, manage and report on a number of Must
submissions, validations, records edited, new
records added, number of Registered users adding
content and images to sites in ScRAP database.
Site Search As a Registered user I can search for an existing site within the User Data Must
Input System and add it to my project to edit.
Project area As a Registered user I can select/be assigned sites to work on in the User Must GIS
Data Input.
Project area As a Registered user I can see a list of sites assigned to my Project. Must GIS
Project area As a Registered user I can see a map of sites assigned to my Project. Must GIS
Create a project area on the As a Registered user I can define a project survey area within my project Should GIS
ScRAP website layer on the ScRAP website.
Edit a project area on the As a Registered user I can edit a project survey area within my project Should GIS
ScRAP website layer on the ScRAP website.
Edit your record As a Registered user I can enhance a site that is added to my project Must
within the User Data Input System and submit it for
Suggest a site As a Registered user I can suggest a new site via the User Data Input Must
form and fill in the required minimum data
(including co-ordinates) before saving and submiting
it for validation.
Uploading a file As a Registered user I can upload file(s) associated with a site. Size and Must
number limits to be confirmed. A message needs to
be displayed to user reminding them that the file
should be their own.
Uploading content As a Registered user I can upload content, images and video clips to Should Website
relvant pages on the website.
Data validation As an Admin I can validate the new data suggested by a user Must
before it is accepted and added to the database
Virus checking (automated) As an Admin I can't validate any files until they been virus Could
checked but this will happen automatically.
Virus checking (manual) As an Admin I can virus check any files that have been uploaded Must
prior to validation.
File validation As an Admin I can validate any files and then they go to /holding Could
quaratine for 30 days so they can be checked for
viruses etc.
File cataloging As an Admin I can create an Accession record, Copyright ID and Could
People entry within Oracle Forms and upload the
signed Deposit Form as a Digital Accession. By
linking these manually at the start when a file is
validated it will show the correct copyright
information as part of the automated cataloging
process so items can default to "public".
Updated/new records visible As a General User I can view the updated validated data on the ScRAP Must
website, and eventually on the Canmore website.
Thank you email As a Registered user Once my suggestion is validated I will receive an Could
email informing me that the record was updated
(and a link to the new/updated record on the
Project stats As a General User I can view the stats related to a specific project on Could Website
the website.
ScRAP stats As a General User I can view the overall stats for ScRAP on the website. Could Website
Mobile application As a Registered user I can input data from a mobile device via a mobile Must
or responsive version of the ScRAP Data Input
Data Input System URL As a Registered user I can access the ScRAP data input system via a link Must Website
on the ScRAP website