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Table of Contents
1.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................3

1.2 Methodology...............................................................................................................................3

1.3 Findings.......................................................................................................................................3

1.3.1 Needs...................................................................................................................................3

1.3.2 Pain Points............................................................................................................................3

1.3.3 Desires..................................................................................................................................4

1.4 Analysis.......................................................................................................................................4

Part 2 User Persona...............................................................................................................................5

2.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................5

2.2 Persona Profile............................................................................................................................5





Behaviors and Preferences............................................................................................................6

2.2.1 Demographics..........................................................................................................................6

Global/Local Trends......................................................................................................................6

2.2.2 Psychographics.........................................................................................................................7






Part 3: Storyboard Design.....................................................................................................................8

3.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................8

3.2 Persona's Journey.......................................................................................................................8

3.2.1 Setting..................................................................................................................................8

3.2.2 Main Stages..........................................................................................................................8

3.2.3 Touchpoints..........................................................................................................................8

3.2.4 Emotional Journey...............................................................................................................9

3.3 Visual Representation.................................................................................................................9

Part 4: Conclusion and Recommendations...........................................................................................9

4.1 Summary.....................................................................................................................................9

4.2 Recommendations....................................................................................................................10

4.3 Limitations and Future Research..............................................................................................10


Part 1: Empathy Exercise
1.1 Introduction
How does empathy allow marketers to get in tune with what their target audience wants, what
hurts the target audience feels, and the audience’s necessities? Their tales are a power source
that yields crucial knowledge about their background, views, and, above all, what drives them
to move ahead (Kind_Earth, January 24, 2022). The tacit knowledge gained in these
interactions will help us with the process of conceptualization and production of the
consumable goods that are suitable to them and even surpass their expectations
(, Mar 16, 2021).

1.2 Methodology
Accordingly, the empathy exercise of our population residing in England will be anchored
through interviews, surveys, and observations(Snyder, 2019). Performing both qualitative and
quantitative studies will lead to the gathering of a lot of bespoke info to allow for a full
understanding of the target group(McGill et al., 2021).

Initially, we will carry out long interviews with the chosen representatives from England
(male and female, of different ages, from different occupations, and various parts of the
country). We will want them to express opinions only by asking open questions to get them to
share their experiences about the product or service we are developing(Doyle & Wang, 2019).
The same technique of observation where will be watching their behavior along with non-
verbal hints to achieve more depth(Sivarajah, Kamal, Irani, & Weerakkody, 2017). Secondly,
we will survey larger groups, whereby we will seek information about their demographics,
aspirations, discomfort levels, motivations, behaviors, and preferences. This will contribute to
the understanding of the patterns and obtaining the trends within the relevant group that is
prevalent and therefore will enable us to make evidence-based choices(Baker, Martin, &
Rossi, 2016).

Lastly, we will look at the results from both the interviews and surveys. The patterns that will
emerge will be highlighted and the central ideas and themes will be identified. Thus, we shall
base our user portraits and user stories on these data which demonstrate the journey of the
persona as well as interactions with the product and service(Taherdoost, 2016). This empathic
exercise method allows us to be spot on and stay on track that the product or service we are
providing as a solution in the market will indeed speak to the target audience(Paulheim,

1.3 Findings
1.3.1 Needs
 Our peer group in England needs green and eco-friendly means of transport which
provide an alternative to their usual choices but also help to lower the pollution rate.
 They are confronted with the problem of charging systems and range anxiety, two
issues which show them an electric car is not yet to their liking.
 This includes providing options that are affordable and at the same time accessible to
everyone since the high cost of eco-friendly transport can make these technologies a
hurdle for the people who use them.


Analysis Needs


Fig:1 Types of Findings

1.3.2 Main Points

 The population of our targeted flux has to deal with the option of lacking public
transportation in their areas as it leads to the difficulty of moving around without a
personal vehicle.
 They face inconvenience with the lack of charging infrastructures and the high
(implicit) prices for electro mobiles.
 In this situation, some commuters may be baffled by the complexity of the selection
of a sustainable mode of transportation that meets their needs and budget.

1.3.3 Desires
 The target group is those who are aiming to lead their life which can be called as
sustainable and it incorporates their values as well as some environmental aspects.
 They envision a time when green modes of travel line up with people’s economic
possibilities, and are open to all.
 Consumers long for services and goods that are convenient, simple, and intuitive to
use so that they melt smoothly into their routines.

Through comprehending such concerns, problems, and wishes, we will be able to create a
product or a service that will be acutely felt across that particular target group and will
address their wished-for issues. Transport is an area we should target first by setting up green
options that people are also able to access, convenient, and affordable. It also addresses the
range of anxiety and charging issues. Consequently, our target group will be satisfied having
the goals and aspirations achieved. Besides that, the world is getting a better place since we
are also participating in a process of eco – oriented.

1.4 Analysis
After conducting the empathy exercise, we have identified several key insights and themes
related to our target group in England:

 Accessibility: The members of our target audience prefer sustainable transportation,

which must come with ease of use and a reasonable cost. The high prices of electric
vehicles and the deficiencies of public transportation may therefore be obstacles to
sustainable transportation.
 Convenience: With our customers focusing on ease of use and functionality that they
can seamlessly integrate into their daily routine we must deliver products and services
directly tailored to their needs.
 Sustainability: The target audience we want for this program is environmentally aware
individuals who appreciate the durable and environmentally friendly solutions that are
tailored personally and show the connection with the carbon footprint.
 Charging infrastructure: The full range of this target segment is connected with the
mentioned effects, including charging infrastructure access and range anxiety building
up of aversion towards electric vehicles.



Aspiration Convenience

Complexity Accessibility

Fig:2 Different types of Analysis

 Complexity: Overwhelming may become with our targeted clients when it comes to
selecting the right sustainable transportation that matches their demand and budget.
 Aspirations: Our prospective members are individuals who desire to maintain green
living that is in sync with their ideologies and is eco-friendly.
 Frustrations: Public transportation connectivity, charging infrastructure availability,
price, and affordability to acquire an electric vehicle are among the issues facing our
target group.

By seizing the opportunity to better understand our consumers, both in terms of the things
that matter and the features that we can implement into our product that will help in solving
their problems, we can reach out to the target group in a deeper and more relevant than
previously possible way. Addressing the issue of approachability, availability, and charging
infrastructure in our vision will lead to the creation of economically viable sustainable modes
of transportation that are safe for everyone to access. Besides, we can break down the search
for the appropriate sustainable transportation solution, lowering the chance of the target group
being unable to make the decision.

While that, if we were to know their aspirations and values, we’d be able to come up with a
product or service targeting such a goal that may lead to a more sustainable world. We will be
able to ensure that our design model benefits that exotic country by including such findings

and themes in our design process. This way, we will not only introduce a product or service
that meets the needs of our target group, but one that will also find acceptance in England.

Part 2 User Persona

One of the primary steps involves creating a detailed user persona, based on thorough
research, analysis, and interviews. The following sentence underscores the importance of
creating a detailed user persona(Zhang, Brown, & Shankar, 2016).

2.1 Introduction
The User persona plays a key role in design thinking since it highlights the problems that an
audience wants to solve, their needs, and their desire as well(Salminen, Guan, Jung,
Chowdhury, & Jansen, 2020). Thus, we can appeal to the group’s emotional well-being to
facilitate a more empathetic process through developing a persona(Neate, Bourazeri, Roper,
Stumpf, & Wilson, 2019).

2.2 Persona Profile

Name: Elona Title: Environmental engineer Sex: Male Location: London, England

 Resides in a quiet suburb where public transit is unavailable most of the time.
 The program I am entering in Environmental Engineering has been my bachelor's
 Earns £45,000 per year
 Engaged husband and father to 2 young and healthy children.
 Values sustainability and eco-friendliness

 Reduce his carbon footprint
 Discover the most environmentally friendly form of transport that harmonizes with
his views.
 March to the beat of your fashion drum by purchasing used clothing instead of
participating in toxic consumerism(Jung et al., 2017).
 Make sure you pass by often to visit every member of his family.

 Problems of commuting in his location include not utilizing public transportation.

 High price is the main issue of electric cars
 People worry about losing the network need and being unable to drive the whole
needed path.
 Time constraints do not allow us to thoroughly research and compare different types
of transportation available.

 Being responsible for the environment with the power of positive change will bring
about a better future.
 Living a sustainable lifestyle
 His available time is enthusiastically spent with his family.

Behaviors and Preferences

 We are customer-oriented, time-conscious people who rank convenience and
simplicity first.
 Actively enquires about sustainability, and environmental impact while making
decisions related to consumer behavior.
 Subscribe to tech and environment blogs to access breakthroughs in technology and
 The target audience would like to see the mobile app as being comprehensive, yet

This user persona will be the starting point for the design that will create a product or service
that is relevant to Elon and can relatively solve his specific problems. Let's design eco-
friendly transport that is affordable, not a burden on the wallet, and easily accessible while
simultaneously Anna's other concerns like charging infrastructure and range anxieties to be
addressed. Elon's vision includes him achieving both his professional and aspirational goals,
yet with the possibility of a brighter future towards sustainability as a by-product.

2.2.1 Demographics
Age: 35

Gender: Male

Occupation: Environmental Engineer

Location: London, England

Global/Local Trends
 The growing public knowledge about climate change as well as the need for
environmentally friendly modes of transport leads to an acceptance of such options
among most people(Deakin, 2001).
 Suburban areas have their issues with public transportation like not enough options.
 High price paid for electric vehicles(Galimova, Fasihi, Bogdanov, & Breyer, 2023)

Increasing attention to eco-friendly and sustainable fashion in lifestyle patterns. Create a

paragraph for the given sentence. Example: Shifting from fossil fuels to renewable sources,
reducing energy consumption in various sectors, investing in efficient technologies and
sustainable practices are all efforts that will contribute to a greener and cleaner environment
worldwide (Tanish Shenoy, Jan 10, 2024).

We can discuss the dynamics of the demographics and trends of global/local origin which can
affect Elon, consequently helping us develop our product to match up with his needs in a
conscious manner (TraceX, August 30, 2023). We are going to make a travel system that not
only is environmentally friendly, but also free, affordable, and easily reachable. We will try to
do it while covering his issues regarding the charging stations and nervousness about the
range of the vehicle. Through our commitment, let us bring our fellow Elon to harvest his
dreams as we also venture into a more sustainable world (IISD, May 24, 2021).

2.2.2 Psychographics
 Reduce his carbon footprint
 He needs to come up with a suitable transport mode that will meet our requirements
and fit into his values system (Hotijar, 2024).
 Enjoy significant savings in terms of fuel usage and congestion charge.
 Should give more time for family.

 From a route perspective, there is only a little public transport in his area.
 Electric vehicles have a high initial cost.
 The fear of running out of charging along with the charging infrastructure is a great

 There is minimal opportunity to do a deep analysis and to compare various
alternatives that are available to select the one that suits them.

 Leaving a frozen footprint on the environment.
 Living a sustainable lifestyle
 This is the thing I treasure the most beyond any other moment in time even if they are
no longer next to me.






Fig: 3 Psychographics

 Values the fact convenience is important likewise the simplicity of using.
 Put extra effort into finding eco-friendly products and services.
 Also dumbed over the last nine months: my vocabulary. I find myself reading tech
and environmental blogs in attempts for a regular dose of information.
 It corresponds with mechanics to having it inline and user-friendly.

 Enjoys those products and brands that express similar beliefs to his and aspires for a
better and more sustainable planet.
 Beyond this, I highly dislike products and services that do not work in the way they
are intended and that require an excruciating amount of time and effort to understand.

 User-centrism is the main quality that a user interface should possess, and it should be
easy to navigate.

Through the knowledge of Elon's Psychographics, more than just mere products and services
that perhaps would not justify his satisfaction, we can design offerings that he would find
relevant to his personal needs. Let's bring on a green transport system, which will be low on
carbon, affordable, and easily accessible. The planner for this green transport system to
mitigate the hindrances toward his concerns like charging infrastructure and range anxiety.
Coming to that, the gay community can be drastically wielded to make the dreams of Elon
come true and to result in a more sustainable world. Next, we can emphasize a user-friendly
interface and simple navigation that would simplify everything and make Elon feel
comfortable when using the product or service.

Part 3: Storyboard Design

3.1 Introduction
Storyboards are used to outline the user journey from the point of view of a User Experience
Designer in a way that makes it much easier to visualize all the steps involved when using a
product or a service(Yuliarni, Marzal, & Kuntarto, 2019). When creating a storyboard, we
design to be more considerate about the user experience and identify the areas for
improvement. In this storyboard, we will illustrate how our persona Elon takes the
environment-friendly traveling mode which accommodates his travel needs and the value he
holds for things(Rahmi & Mahyuddin, 2020).

Coming up with the storyboard panels that will present Elon's path from discovering options
of eco-friendly transportation, through the selection of a product and its use in his routine is
what to expect soon(Barbosa, Lopes, Leão, Soares, & Carvalho, 2019). We will also
emphasize the essential sensations and associated interactions with the product or service, as
well as possible problems or challenges that Elon experiences with the whole
journey(Goguey, Casiez, Cockburn, & Gutwin, 2018).

3.2 Persona's Journey

3.2.1 Setting
The narration is set in London, England, where our hero, Elon, accommodates his family in a
mediocre suburb with pretty much restrictive means of transport(Dong, Zeng, Chen, &
Cheng, 2019).

3.2.2 Main Stages
 Research: Initially Elon uses the internet to investigate the available eco-friendly
transportation schemes, reading blogs on technology and environment to stay current.
 Comparison: In the next segment Elon differentiates between these transportation
options, taking into account features like expense, practicality, and pollution(Bradley,
Oliveira, Birrell, & Cain, 2021).
 Decision: Elon opts for the sustainable choice among the alternatives at his disposal
that at the same time is an instance of a personal lifestyle.
 Purchase: Elon decides between two options, the first, he can buy the transportation
online or in the store(Märtin, Bissinger, & Asta, 2023).
 Use: Elon turns to this substitution as his primary choice of travel, thereby replacing
his car trips to work and other routine tasks.

3.2.3 Touchpoints
 Website: While Elon doesn’t pay a lot of attention to this, he still researches different
options on how to make transportation more sustainable. He visits various sites for the
same purpose to compare features and prices(Duda, 2018).
 App: Elon uses an app on his smartphone to monitor his emissions and calculate his
carbon footprint based on the transportation mode he is using.
 Store: Jordan experiences how it feels to use the App to call a car and ask
questions(Salminen, Jansen, An, Kwak, & Jung, 2018b).

3.2.4 Emotional Journey

 Research: Elon finds himself bewildered wondering which is the best mode of
transportation to opt for.
 Comparison: Elon believes that there is a wide range of sustainable travel methods
today and some of them can be easily implemented in the case of short-distance
 Decision: On the other hand, he is thrilled and so proud of his accomplishment(Cruz
& Karatzas, 2020).
 Purchase: The feeling of joy and anticipatory hope that comes when he thinks of what
he and the company are doing for the environment consequently makes Elon feel very
excited and very proud.

 Use: Elon's life has for the moment changed, and not the worst thing for a change.
Every second he sits behind the wheel of his new car, he only feels happier and more
content, being provided with convenience and affordability(Salminen, Jansen, An,
Kwak, & Jung, 2018a).

Our story will be delivered through an alternation of Elon's emotional states, his thoughts,
and whatever problem or crisis he is drowning. Through this step, we would evolve a product
or service to fulfill the man's requirements and also add a pleasant user experience.

3.3 Visual Representation

Fig: 4 Visualization of Story Board

Part 4: Conclusion and Recommendations

4.1 Summary
Humane lesson, user persona, and storyboard of Elon have supplied me with essential
information about what he requires, prefers, and what difficulties he faces when he is
searching for a greener transport way round. The key findings from these exercises include:

 Besides those, his activities include long work days and he appreciates eco-friendly
 Due to Elon's overwhelming, number of choices provided he still has to decide which
to go for.

 Elon aims at convenience and affordability on the one side, but it also wants to create
a better planet and less affected environment.
 Elon's roller-coaster of emotions consists of bursts of happiness, self-assurance,
curiosity, and serenity.

4.2 Recommendations
Based on these findings, here are some recommendations for improving the product/service
or marketing strategy for Elon's sustainable transportation option

 Stress the eco-friendliness and sustainability aspects of the transportation option as

described in your communication materials.
 Present a summary of the options, price factors, and benefits of traveling with this
different transportation choice.
 Provide a user-friendly web link or app for tracking usage and computing carbon
footprint for him/her.
 Deliver support services, information, and experiences for customers to solve their
doubts and problems.
 Set the pricing at competitive standards and ensure that the payment terms are flexible
for your clients.
 Having collaborations with neighborly businesses or organizations can make the
passing of the way easy and increase awareness among the public.

4.3 Limitations and Future Research

This study is not without its limitations, including:

 Limited sample size: A user persona of only one type was developed and all the
features were built up on a fictitious person.
 Lack of user testing: The directive did not pass through an individual with the user to
the user particle level to receive feedback for assessment of insight.

Further research constitutes the use of actual users for testing the storyboarding and getting
their feedback and hypothesis. Furthermore, another effective method to further engage
directly with the target market would be to broaden the sample size to raise a more
representative group of people who could give even deeper insights into their needs and

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