Amreli District Profile

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Amreli: A Snapshot Economy and Industry Profile Industrial Locations / Infrastructure Support Infrastructure Social Infrastructure Tourism Investment Opportunities Annexure

Amreli: A Snapshot

Introduction: Amreli
Amreli is located near the Gulf of Khambhat in the Arabian Sea, in the western part of Gujarat The district has 11 talukas, of which the major ones are Amreli, Babra, Bagasara, Jafrabad, Rajula, Savarkundla and Vadiya Amreli city is the district headquarter of Amreli Focus industry sectors-Engineering, Port and Ship building, Minerals and Cement Pipavav Port: Pipavav, Indias first private sector port and the worlds third largest container terminal operating port, is located in Amreli district (Source: Pipavav Port, 2007) Minerals: The district houses large reserves of limestone (Source:
Mineral Treasure of Gujarat,, Commissioner of Geology and Mining, 2002-03)
District Headquarter Talukas City Pipavav City Vadia Bagasara Dhari Khambha Babra Lathi Lilia

Map1: District Map of Amreli with Talukas


Savarkundla Rajula


Fact File
Geographical location Average rainfall Rivers Area District headquarter Talukas Population Population density Sex ratio Literacy rate Languages Seismic zone
Source: Socio Economic Review 2006-07

70.30 to 71.75East (Longitude) 20.45 to 22.25North (Latitude) 550 mm Shetrunji, Thebi, Dhatarwadi, Gagdio, Shanti, Vadi and Rayadi 7,397 Amreli 11 1.39 million (As per 2001 Census) 188 persons per sq. km. 987 Females per 1000 Males 66.10% Gujarati, Hindi and English Zone III

Economy and Industry Profile


Economy and Industry Profile

Amreli is a base for cement, metallurgical, electrical equipments, ports and ship building industries Due to the presence of large reserves of limestone, several major cement conglomerates, such as Larson & Toubro and Ultra Tech Cement Co. Ltd have established their manufacturing facilities in Amreli Larson & Toubro Limited (L&T) has a calculated investment of approximately INR 1,682 crore (USD 400 million) Excellent port connectivity with the presence of Pipavav port makes port and ship building industry the key industry in the district. Gujarat Pipavav Port Limited has investments of more than INR 250 crore (USD 59.5 million) Over 5,455 units of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are present in Amreli Savarkundla taluka is known for the production of engineering equipments (weighing materials and machines) in Gujarat

Fig 1: Food and non food crop production

Major crops being produced in the district are

Area (in Hec.)

4000 3000 2000 1000 0
1333 540 126 89 3112 1305

Total agricultural productivity of Amreli for the year 2006-07 was 1.5 lakhs Metric Tones (MT) The district was the fifth highest producer of oilseeds in the State with a production of 1,305 M.T. (in 200607)

1000 0

Cereals Area


Oil Seed


Total production of cotton in Amreli was 4,90,100 Bales (in 2006-06)

Fig 3: Total area and production of major food crops (2006-07)
Total Production (in M.T.) 8000 Total Area (in Hec) 6000 4000 2000 0 6031 1554 1530 36186 22950 38850 42000 36000 30000 24000 18000 12000 6000 0

Fig 2 : Food crop production (2006-07)

10000 Area (in Hec) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 Fruits Vegetables Spices Area (In Hec) Production (In Hec)
Source: Department of Agriculture, 2006-07

83807 57237 7880 5466 7752 9475.8

100000 80000 60000 40000 20000 0

Mango Area (in Hec)


Brinjal Production (in M.T.)

Production (in M.T.)

Production (in M.T.)

groundnut, cotton, sesame, jowar and bajra


Limestone is the major mineral found in the district Total production of limestone in the district was 5,800,461 MT during 2005-06 Besides limestone, the district is also known for natural clay, salt, gypsum and black stone
Dhari Khambha Rajula
Production in Amreli, 5800461M .T.

Map2: Mineral Map of Amreli



Fig 4: Limestone production in Amreli (in mn M.T)

Rest of the State, 239561 M.T. 23

Lime Stone Salt Calcite Bauxite Gypsum Iron Ore

Rest of the State

Production in Amreli

Source: Mineral Treasure of Gujarat,, Commissioner of Geology and Mining, 2002-03

Major Industries
Table 1: Major industries present in Amreli (in 2006-07)* Name of the Industry Ultratech Cement Co. Ltd. Gujarat Co. Mktg. Fed. Ltd. Gujarat Pipavav Port Limited Pipavav Ship dismantling and engineering Narmada Cement Co. Ltd. Taluka Product Map 3 : Major industries in Amreli*




Edible Oil


Port developments and Operations


Vessels and other floating structures



* Indicative List Source: Industries Commissionerate, Government of Gujarat, 2007


Small Scale Industries (SSI)

In 10 talukas of the district, over 5,455 units generate 17,845 jobs and have an investment of INR 8,323.60 lakhs (USD 20.30 million) Maximum number of small scale industries are engaged in embroidery products, textiles and wooden boxes Savarkundla taluka has witnessed maximum number of SSI units with a healthy investment of over INR 1,767 lakhs (USD 4.30 million), providing jobs to 6,346 people
Fig 5: Taluka-wise total investments and employment in Amreli
8000 6346 6000 4000 2000 0 Dhari Savarkundla Khambha Amreli Bagasara Jafrabad Rajula Babra Lathi Vadia Lilia 3466

Map 4: SSI Clusters in Amreli

263 Units 505 Units 141 Units

459 Units

1059 Units

Babra Lathi

Vadia 424 Units Bagasara


Lilia 1141 Units

Savarkundla Dhari 691 Units Khambha 218 Units

292 114 160 1726

352 Units Rajula 204 Units


1555 191



39 202







Total Investments (in Lakh)

Total Employment

Source: Amreli District Profile, 2006-07


Investment Trends: 1988-97

According to Industrial Entrepreneurial Memoranda
Inv e s tm e nts (in IN R C ror e )

(IEM) filed from 1988 to 2007, Amreli has shown an investment of INR 22,083 Crore (USD 5,386 million) in industries such as metallurgical, fertilizers,

Fig 6: Decadal Growth Rate 7710


20000 0


8000 6000

engineering and cement industries From 1988 to 1997, investments across industries in the district amounted to INR 3,350 crore (USD 817 million). Some of the major investments were in metallurgical industries, cement and gypsum and in infrastructural projects. Metallurgical sector and industries in cement and gypsum products led to the maximum employment generation of almost 2,807 and 1,935 respectively, during the year 1988-97.
Source: Industries Commissionerate, Government of Gujarat, 2007



Fig 7: Total Investment and Employment (in 1988-97)

3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Metallurgical industries Cement & Gypsum 975 327 Miscellaneous Industries 2048 2807 1935 2056




E m p lo ym en t

Investment Trends: 1998-07

The present period (1998-07), manufacturing of electrical equipments, has shown maximum investments of approximately INR 9,000 crore (USD 2,195.12 million), which was almost 50% of the total investment of INR 18,723 crore (USD 4,566.58 million) A steep growth was observed in cement and gypsum sector during 1998-07 over the investments in the previous decade. Infrastructure development emerged as a potential area, with investments to the tune of INR 7,415 crore (USD 1,808.5 million)
Fig 8: Total Investments (in Crore) and Employment (during 1998-07)
10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0
Electrical Equipments Cement & Gypsum Miscellaneous Industries Infrastructure Projects

9000 7415 4445 550 1682 1890 626 825



Source: Industries Commissionerate, Government of Gujarat, 2007


Investments in Pipeline
In total 14 MoUs were signed during Vibrant Gujarat Global Investors Summits (VGGIS) in 2003, 2005 and 2007 in several sectors such as ports, power and mineral based industries With an investment of INR 8,000 crore (USD 1,951.22 million), Torrent Power has signed an MoU in Vibrant Gujarat 2007, for a 2000 MW power project in Pipavav city During VGGIS 2007, Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation (GSPC) signed an MoU for developing a LNG terminal at Pipavav with an investment of INR 2,000 crore (USD 487.8 million)
Fig 9: Number of MoUs and Total Investments (Global Investors Summit)
10 8 6 4 2 0
No. of Units 21211

2 2003


3 2005


25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0

2007 Total Investments

No. of MoUs
Source: Industries Commissionerate, Government of Gujarat, 2007


Total Investment (in Crore)

Economy Drivers
Amreli is emerging as a hub for port-based, minerals, engineering and cement industries The development of Pipavav port to handle Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) and developed port infrastructure of handling 22 million metric tonnes per annum (MMTPA) of general cargo and containerised cargo has made it a gateway port. The port facility present at Pipavav would help in attracting investments in the future as well Emergence of an LPG terminal, several new power projects and captive jetty industries in Pipavav by industries such as GSPC, Torrent Power, Ultratech Limited and Videocon are expected to further fuel the economic growth of the district Rise of new sectors in the district, such as electrical equipments, engineering, and infrastructure projects during 1998-07 has led to the development of Amreli as a thriving industrial belt The Government of Gujarat has started a road project connecting Pipavav to Ahmedabad directly. This is expected to boost the commercial activity and easy movement of logistics in the district, due to the proximity of Ahmedabad with Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC)


Industrial Locations / Infrastructure


Industrial Locations / Infrastructure

2 Special Economic Zones
Special Economic Zone M/s E Complex Private Limited M/s PSL Limited Industrial Estates

7 Industrial Estates

Jafrabad Liliya Rajula Babra (2) Damnagar

1 Industrial Park
Industrial Parks / Developers Port based park



Special Economic Zones / Industrial Parks

Table 2: Special Economic Zones in Amreli (As on Dec. 2007) Map 5 : SEZs and Industrial Parks in Amreli

Name & Location E Complex Pvt. Ltd., Rajula & Jafrabad

Sector Engineering

Status Notified for 156 hec.

PSL Ltd., Pipavav

Alternative Energy & Ancillaries


Table 3: Industrial Parks in Amreli


Name & Location Port based park, Pipavav

Sector Chemical

Details Spread in an area of 1000 hec.


Engineering Alternative Energy & Ancillaries

Source: Industries Commissionerate, Gujarat Infrastructure Development Corporation, 2007

Industrial Park


Industrial Locations / Infrastructure

Map 6 : Industrial estates in Amreli Table 4 : Industrial Estates in Amreli

Name & Location Jafrabad Liliya Rajula Babra (2) Babra (1) Damnagar Amreli

Area (in Hec) 1.00 1.00 4.05 9.96 15.85 14.81 14.05

Source: Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation (GIDC)


Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC)

Government of India plans to develop a Dedicated Freight Corridor (DFC) linking Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai. The proposed DFC passes through six states in India, of which Gujarat accounts for 38% (564 km) of total DFC

150 km

length (1483 km). The influenced area of 150 km on either sides of DFC is being developed as Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC). Almost 62% of the total area of the State (18 out of 26 districts) would benefit by DMIC development. The State Government has identified 82 links in the DMIC influenced area to upgrade them into two/four-lane
Map 7: Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor
Mumbai- Delhi High Axel Load Freight Corridor (DFC) Ahmedabad-Gandhinagar Knowledge Corridor Investment Region (200 sq. km) Industrial Area (100 sq. km) Petroleum, Chemical and Petrochemical Investment Region (PCPIR) Special Investment Region (SIR) DMIC Influence Area

carriageway offering connectivity between ports, industrial estates, hinterlands, markets and points of agricultural produce.
Source: Concept paper on DMIC (IF&FS), June 2007


Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC)

Map 8: Connectivity of Amreli with other districts in Gujarat

Dedicated Freight Corridor (DFC)

The broad gauge rail line of 264 km, connecting Pipavav port with

Mehsana Gandhinagar



Surendranagar district has made the district closer to the Dedicated Freight Corridor (DFC), which passes through Surendranagar and Ahmedabad.



Mumbai-Delhi High Axel Load Freight Corridor Existing Railway National Highway Mumbai-Ahmedabad Expressway
Source: Proposed LNG District Profile Booklet Terminal

Source: Concept paper on DMIC (IL&FS), June 2007


Support Infrastructure

Road, Rail, Port and Air Connectivity

Road Map 9: Connectivity map of Amreli

National Highway 8E passes through the district connecting it to Junagadh (92 km) and Bhavnagar (113 km) district Amreli is also connected to Ahmedabad (258 km), Vadodara (400 km), Jamnagar (193 km) and Surat (566 km), Rajkot (105 km), Ankaleshwar (483 km), Vapi (633 km), Gandhinagar (358 km) and Mehsana (404 km) A four-lane expressway connects the Pipavav port to National Highway 8E

Almost all the talukas of Amreli are well connected with the rail network The total rail length in the district is 271 km In total there are seven railway stations in Amreli

Table 5: Distance of Amreli from Major Industrial hubs

Locations Delhi Mumbai Hyderabad Kolkata Chennai Distance (in km) 1089.38 778.63 1295.44 2137.61 1842.39

Nearest airports are in Bhavnagar, Rajkot and Vadodara


Nearest ports are in Junagadh and Jamnagar


Power Supply Network

Power Map 10: Power Map of Amreli

A substation of 400 KV is present in Amreli city, connected with Jetpur in Rajkot, Asoz in Vadodara, and Chorania in Surendranagar

Two 220 KV substations are present in Pipavav and Kovaya city

About 4000MW power stations are proposed in Pipavav. 66kv district.

400 KV Sub Station 220 KV Sub Station

and 11kv distribution system spread over the

Source: Gujarat Electricity Board, 2007


Gas Supply

Gujarat State Petronet Limited (GSPL) has proposed a 80 km long gas pipeline in Amreli, originating from Jafrabad and connecting Pipavav via Bhavnagar.

Map 11: Gas Grid Map of Amreli



Pipavav Bandar J af rabad

Route Identification Complete Commissioned

Source: Gujarat State Petrochemical Limited

Under Construction


Pipavav Port
Pipavav port is Indias first private sector port and third largest container terminal operator, occupying an area of 6,760 sq. km The ports cargo handling capacity with an investment of more than INR 7 billion (USD 166.66 million) for its development. The ports cargo handling capacity is around 22 MMTPA, which includes general and container cargo The container stackyard has a storage area of about 1,70,000 square metres The port has 3 dry cargo berths capable of handling bulk, break-bulk and containerised cargo It has also developed an extensive backup infrastructure in the form of 15 warehouses, open stackyards and a port users building to accommodate the offices of customs, stevedores agents and shipping lines It plans to create a world class container terminal with a capacity to handle 1 million TEUs and handle 5 Map 12: Location of Pipavav in Gujarat million MT of bulk cargo annually



Pipavav Source: Gujarat Maritime Board


Pipavav Port
A variety of bulk and break bulk cargo such as coal, cement, clinker, fertilisers, steel coils, iron ore, agri products, salt and soda ash are regularly handled at the port. Ultra Tech Cement Limited, Essar Steel, Gujarat Heavy Chemicals Limited are some of the key customers at the port. Some of the major shipping lines operating at the port include Maersk Line, Safmarine, RCL, Hapag Lloyd, UASC, Hanjin, K Line, Hyundai, MOL, APL, PIL, Norasia, OOCL and ZIM. Pipavav port is well connected by road and rail. It has developed three railway sidings inside the port limit in close proximity to the warehouses and berths. It has a direct weekly mainline services to Europe, US and Far East. From the western coastal region of India, the port is linked internationally with Shanghai and the US.
Source: Gujarat Maritime Board


Proposed Infrastructure Projects

Power project: Krishak Bharti Cooperative Limited (KRIBHCO) a Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) of Central Government with the joint venture of Gujarat Power Corporation Limited (GPCL), has started a gas based power project with the capacity of 615 MW in Pipavav city Combined Cycle Gas Turbine technology is being used in the project Total project cost is worth INR 2,141 crore (USD 522.19 million) With an estimated cost of INR 12 crore (USD 3 million), Gujarat State Road Development Corporation (GSRDC) and Gujarat Maritime Board (GMB) have initiated to develop a road project, linking the port with Pipavav- Bherai Road to Ahmedabad Status: Project is in progress For the improvement of water supply and sewerage system in the district, Urban Development Authority (UD) has commissioned a project along with Urban Housing Department
Source: Gujarat Infrastructure Development Board

Road project:

Water Project:


Social Infrastructure

Education: There are 966 primary, 171 secondary and higher secondary schools present in Amreli One Government polytechnic college in the district offering engineering courses in the fields of electronics, mechanical and civil Shri Leuva Patel Mahila Pharmacy College and Shri Leuva Patel Trust MBA Mahila College are the pharmacy and management colleges present in Amreli with an intake capacity of 60 persons respectively. The intake capacity of five ITIs present in the district are 1,408 offering several industrial training programmes Educational Institutes Primary School Secondary School Higher Secondary School ITIs Polytechnic College Pharmacy College Management College Other Colleges* 171 5 1 2 1 8 Total 966

Health: 13 community health centres 35 primary health centres 1 ayurvedic and 1 civil hospital

*Other Colleges: Arts, Commerce, Science, B.Ed and Law College



30,898 Hectares of forest area is present in Amreli, comprising a wide variety of animal and plant species Amreli also witnessed the presence of Gir Lion Sanctuary, the only abode to Asiatic Lions in the world, in an area of 379.9 sq. km Shri Girdharbhai Sangrahalaya childrens museum is present in the district, exhibiting art, archaeology, astronomy and natural history. Informative films are also conducted Paniya and Mityala wildlife sanctuaries are tourist attractions Other renowned places in Amreli are Bhurakhiya Hanuman Mandir and Khodiyar Mandir and Pipavav port
Gir Lion Sanctuary Pipavav Port


Investment Opportunities

Investment Opportunities
Food and Agriculture
Setting up of manufacturing of edible oil mills Drip and sprinkler irrigation, micro irrigation Food and agro parks Fishing industries

Port led Development

Opportunities in LNG terminals Power sector Captive jetty

Metallurgical products Electrical industries Manufacturing of weighing machines

* Detailed Sector/ Project Profiles for investment opportunities available at


Investment Opportunities
Cement Industry
Cement and gypsum industries Building stone units Chemical plants for manufacturing metallic calcium and desulphurising petroleum.

* Detailed Sector/ Project Profiles for investment opportunities available at


Annexure I
Map 1: District Map of Amreli with Talukas Map 2: Mineral Map of Amreli Map 3 : Major Industries in Amreli Map 4: SSI Clusters in Amreli Map 5: SEZ and Industrial Parks in Amreli Map 6: Industrial Estates in Amreli Map 7: Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor Map 8: Connectivity of Amreli with Other Districts of Gujarat Map 9: Connectivity map of Amreli Map 10: Power Map of Amreli Map 11: Gas Grid Map of Amreli Map 12: Location of Pipavav in Amreli

Figure 1 : Food and Non- Food Crop Production 2005-06 Figure 2 : Food Crop Production in 2006-07 Figure 3 : Total Area and Production of major Food Crops in 2006-07 Figure 4 : Limestone Production in Amreli (in mn M.T.) Figure 5 : Investments and Total Employment in SSIs Figure 6 : Decadal Growth Rate Figure 7 : Total Investments and Employment (in 1988-97) Figure 8 : Graph showing Total investments (in Crore) and Employment (in 1998-07) Figure 9 : Number of MoUs and Total Investments (Global Investor Summit)

Table 1 : Major Industries Present in Amreli (in 2006-07) Table 2 : SEZs in Amreli Table 3 : Industrial Parks in Amreli Table 4 : Industrial Estates in Amreli Table 5 : Distance of Amreli from Major Indian Cities Table 6 : List of Education Institutes in Amreli


Annexure II : Abbreviations
IEM : Industrial Entrepreneur Memorandum MoU : Memorandum of Understanding SSI : Small Scale Industries VGGIS : Vibrant Gujarat Global Investors Summit SEZ : Special Economic Zone LNG : Liquefied Natural Gas GIDC : Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation DMIC : Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor DFC : Delhi Freight Corridor GIDB : Gujarat Infrastructure Development Board GIDC : Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation GoG : Government of Gujarat KRIBHCO: Krishak Bharti Cooperative Limited GSPC: Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation PSU: Public Sector Undertaking GPCL: Gujarat Power Corporation Limited GSRDC: Gujarat State Road Development Corporation GMB: Gujarat Maritime Board ITI: Industrial Training Institutes


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