Tokens in C - GeeksforGeeks
Tokens in C - GeeksforGeeks
Tokens in C - GeeksforGeeks
Tokens in C
A token in C can be defined as the smallest individual element of the C
programming language that is meaningful to the compiler. It is the basic
component of a C program.
Types of Tokens in C
The tokens of C language can be classified into six types based on the
functions they are used to perform. The types of C tokens are as follows:
1. Keywords
2. Identifiers
3. Constants
4. Strings
5. Special Symbols
6. Operators
1. C Token – Keywords
The keywords are pre-defined or reserved words in a programming
language. Each keyword is meant to perform a specific function in a
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meaning to the keyword which is not allowed. You cannot redefine
keywords. However, you can specify the text to be substituted for keywords
before compilation by using C preprocessor directives. C language supports
32 keywords which are given below:
2. C Token – Identifiers
Identifiers are used as the general terminology for the naming of variables,
functions, and arrays. These are user-defined names consisting of an
arbitrarily long sequence of letters and digits with either a letter or the
underscore(_) as a first character. Identifier names must differ in spelling and
case from any keywords. You cannot use keywords as identifiers; they are
reserved for special use. Once declared, you can use the identifier in later
program statements to refer to the associated value. A special identifier
called a statement label can be used in goto statements.
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For example,
3. C Token – Constants
The constants refer to the variables with fixed values. They are like normal
variables but with the difference that their values can not be modified in the
program once they are defined.
Examples of Constants in C
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const int* const ptr = &c_var;
4. C Token – Strings
Strings are nothing but an array of characters ended with a null character
(‘\0’). This null character indicates the end of the string. Strings are always
enclosed in double quotes. Whereas, a character is enclosed in single quotes
in C and C++.
Examples of String
char string[20] = {‘g’, ’e’, ‘e’, ‘k’, ‘s’, ‘f’, ‘o’, ‘r’, ‘g’,
’e’, ‘e’, ‘k’, ‘s’, ‘\0’};
char string[20] = “geeksforgeeks”;
char string [] = “geeksforgeeks”;
6. C Token – Operators
Operators are symbols that trigger an action when applied to C variables
and other objects. The data items on which operators act are called
Depending on the number of operands that an operator can act upon,
operators can be classified as follows:
Ternary Operator: The operator that requires three operands to act upon
is called the ternary operator. Conditional Operator(?) is also called the
ternary operator.
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Last Updated : 03 Jul, 2023 445
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