All About Plants Vocabulary List
All About Plants Vocabulary List
All About Plants Vocabulary List
Vocabulary Words
billion a very large number; 1,000,000,000
breathe to take in and let out air through your nose and mouth
feed to give food to
grow to get bigger
million a large number; 1,000,000
produce to grow or make something
rainforest a hot, rainy place with many trees
type a thing that is part of a category; kind
kilogram a unit of measuring weight
centimeter a unit of measuring length
conifer a plant that produced seeds in cones
fern a plant that does not produce seeds of flowers.
flower the blossom of a plant
moss a small, green plant that has no flowers
seed what a plant grows from
spore massed cells able to reproduce new plants
fruit food made from the flower of a plant
leaf (plural leaves) the flat, green part of a plant
main the biggest or most important
root the part of a plant that holds it in the soil
soil the ground that plants grow in
stem the part of a plant that supports it above ground
support to hold up
vegetable part of a plant that people can eat
die to stop living
insect a very small animal with six legs
join put together
life of being alive
life cycle the stages of growth throughout life
near close to
pollen the yellow powder in flowers
space area between two things
carbon dioxide a gas in the air
chlorophyll the green coloring in leaves
evergreen a plant with leave throughout the year
glucose a kind of natural sugar
photosynthesis the process plant use to create food
special something that is meaningful
store to keep something to use later
sunlight light from the sun
All About Plants Study these for the exam 80 Words
Vocabulary Words
cactus a kind of plant in deserts with spikes
desert an area that is very dry all year long
dry not wet
habitat the environment something lives in
shade an area where the sunlight is blocked
shelter a place something can be protected
underwater below the surface of water
wet not being dry
around in a circle; surrounding something
butterfly a flying insect usually with colorful wings
center the middle of
fly an insect that usually buzzes around fruit
nectar a sweet liquid produced by flowers
pattern natural markings or design
pollinate putting pollen to another flower
smell the scent of odor of something
gasoline (or petrol) a liquid that burns and powers an engine
healthy not ill; good for you
medicine something that you take when you are sick, to make you better
mud wet soil
oil a liquid that we use to make gasoline
plastic a ridged material used in many modern items
rubber a flexible material
wood a material from trees
amazing wonderful; highly skilled
millimeter a very small unit of measuring length
more than a greater number or amount of
smallest the one that is most small
smelliest the one that is the most smelly
tallest the one that is most in height
terrible scary; very bad
trap to keep something in a place where it can't escape
build to create a structure
charity a group of people who collect money to help people or animals
chemicals a solid or liquid that is made by chemistry
crops a plant that a farmer grows
cut down to separate and bring down
important of great need or desire
pollution something that makes air, land, or water dirty
recycle to use again; to make something new