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Egyptian Academy for Engineering and Advanced Technology

Electrical Engineering Department

Department of Electronics and Communications

Dr./ Shimaa Mahdy

Spring 2024
Transmission channel (medium)
It is the path through which the signal propagates from transmitter
to receiver. It may be a pair of wires, a coaxial cable, microwave
links, radio waves, or space. Every channel introduces some
amount of Transmission loss or attenuation, so the signal power
progressively decreases with increasing distance. This is the reason
that the transmitter signal is degraded.
Losses caused by
 Noise
 Electrical interference
 Distortion due to non-linearity
 Electromagnetic discharges such as lightning, power line
discharge, etc.

Need for Modulation:
The primary purpose of modulation in a communication system:
• Generate a modulated signal which is well-suited to the characteristics of the
transmission medium.
• The audio frequency message signal carrying information can’t be transmitted
for distance directly without modulation. According to the inverse square law,
the fading of the signal is directly proportional to the square of the distance it
travels. So the signal strength decreases naturally. The attenuation of the audio
signal is more.

Need for Modulation:
• A high audio frequency of 15 KHz may need a quarter wave antenna of dimension
5000m. It is impractical.
• Audio signals (if transmitted directly) from various transmitters. May mix up
inseparably (it is very difficult to separate one from the other. Hence to separate
them, it is necessary to translate them all into different portions of the
electromagnetic spectrum, employing modulation.
• Modulation makes the receiver design simple.
• Without modulation wireless communication is impossible.

Simply we can easily conclude:
1. To reduce the antenna height.
2. To overcome hardware system limitations.
3. To reduce the interference, noise & distortions made when we
transmit the signals with nearly the same frequency in the audio
frequency range (20-21k) Hz.
4. To multiplex the number of signals.
5. To the assignment of channel frequency.
6. To the narrow band of the signal.
7. To reduce the complexity of the transmission system.
8. To increase the bandwidth of the signal.
1. Reduction in height of the antenna
• When free space is used as a communication medium, messages are

transmitted and received with the help of antennas.

• For efficient and easy transmission/ reception of unmodulated signals, the

transmitting and receiving antenna height should be more. In order to

reduce the height of the antenna, the signal must be modulated.

1. Reduction in height of the antenna (continue)
For example: In broadcast systems, the maximum audio frequency transmitter
from a radio station is 5 KHz. If the signals are to be transmitted without
modulation, the size of the antenna needed for effective radiation would be of
the order of half of the wavelength, given as
Height of the antenna H = λ/2 or = λ/4
Where, λ -wavelength of the signal to be transmitted.
λ= c/f, f- frequency of the signal to be transmitted
c– Velocity (speed) of light in space = 3*10^8 m/s

1. Reduction in height of the antenna (continue)

2. To overcome hardware system limitations
Occasionally in signal processing applications, the frequency of
the message signal to be processed does not match the frequency
range of the processing apparatus (like filters and amplifiers,
Through the modulation process (frequency translation) the
frequency of the message signal is brought into the equipment’s
acceptable range of frequencies by selecting the appropriate
carrier signal.

3. To reduce noise and interference
If the transmission is carried at audio frequencies i.e. when the (Audio
message frequency - AF) signals are transmitted directly, then all the signals
range from 20-20kHz from the different sources will get mixed up in the
air with one another and will not be possible to separate them, so that we
are going for modulation, by (after) modulation, signal frequencies are
translated. (i.e.) the bandwidth of the translated signal is larger than that of the
message signal. Thereby the effect of noise and interference is removed.
For example, Frequency modulation and certain other types of modulation
have the property of suppressing both noise and interference.

4. Modulation for Multiplexing
Multiplexing is the process of combining several message signals for
simultaneous transmission over a common communication channel without
any crosstalk or interference.
For sending each signal we need a separate channel. Practically impossible
(would create interference) for the transmission and reception of multiple
signals over a common communication channel without modulation. By doing
modulation, different message signals are translated into different spectral
locations, enabling the receiver to select the desired signal without cross-talk
or interference.

4. Modulation for Multiplexing
Ex: FDM (Frequency Division Multiplexing)(Channel bandwidth is shared by
‘n‘ of signals but common time) and TDM (Time Division Multiplexing) (time
is shared by ‘n’ of signals but common frequency – turns to transmit).
Examples: FM or AM sound broadcasting, TV broadcasting, Data Telemetry
and etc.

5. For channel Frequency assignment
Modulation allows several radio or television transmission stations to
broadcast their programs simultaneously on different carrier frequencies and
also it allows different receivers to be tuned to select different stations.
For example, when you tune a radio or television set to a particular station, i.e.
you are selecting one of many signals from the common channel (free space)
being received at that same time. Since each station has a different assigned
carrier frequency, the voice signal (desired signal) can be separated from the
others by filtering. This is possible only by modulation.

6. Narrow banding
Let us assume that the baseband signal in the broadcast system is radiated
directly frequency range extending from 50Hz to 10 KHz. The ratio of the
highest to lowest wavelength is 200. If an antenna is designed for 50Hz, it will
be too large, for 10 KHz, and vice versa. Hence we require a wideband antenna
that can operate for a band edge ratio of 200Hz which is practically impossible.
however, if the audio signal is modulated or translated to a Radio range of
1MHz then the ratio of lowest to highest frequency will be approximately
unity and the same antenna will be suitable for the band extending from
(10^6 + 50 ) (10^6+10^3). Thus modulation converts a wideband signal to a
narrow band. This is called narrow banding.

7. Easy of radiation and Adjustment of bandwidth
As two signals are translated into higher frequencies, it becomes relatively easier
to design amplifier circuits as well as antenna systems at these increased
The bandwidth of a modulated signal may be made smaller or larger than the
original signal.
Signal to noise ratio in the receiver which is the function of the signal bandwidth
can thus be improved by proper control of bandwidth at the modulating stage.

8. Increases the range of communication

The modulation process increases the frequency of the signal being transmitted. Hence
increasing the range of communication.
 Modulation is the process of placing or superimposing
the low-frequency message over the high-frequency
carrier signal making it suitable for transmission over
long distances.

 Modulation is a process of changing any one of the

characteristics (Amplitude, frequency or phase angle)
of a (high frequency) carrier signal in accordance with
the instantaneous values (amplitude) of the message
(information) signal.
 Classification of modulation: Modulation can be
classified as analog modulation and digital modulation
based on the nature of the message signal (analog and
Types of Analog Modulation
Analog modulation (Continuous Wave modulation):
Amplitude modulation, Frequency modulation, and Phase modulation. In this
case, both the message signal and carrier signal are analog in nature.
1) Amplitude modulation (AM)
Amplitude Modulation is a process of varying the amplitude of a high-
frequency carrier signal in accordance with the instantaneous amplitude of the
information signal and also the frequency and phase are kept constant.
Types of Analog Modulation
2) Frequency modulation (FM)
Frequency Modulation is a process of varying the Frequency of
high-frequency carrier signal in accordance with the
instantaneous amplitude of the information signal and also the
amplitude and phase are kept constant.
Types of Analog Modulation
3) Phase modulation (PM)
Phase Modulation is a process of varying the Phase of the high-
frequency carrier signal in accordance with the instantaneous
amplitude of the information signal and also the amplitude and
frequency are kept constant.
Types of Analog Modulation
3) Phase modulation (PM)
In the phase modulation signal, the phase of both the positive
and negative half cycles of the carrier signal varies as per
amplitude variations of the modulating signal. During the
positive half cycle, the carrier signal phase shifts in one
direction, whereas during the negative half cycle, the carrier
signal phase shifts in the opposite direction.
Thank You


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