Lord of The Rings Rules v3
Lord of The Rings Rules v3
Lord of The Rings Rules v3
“The One Ring” and “Watchful Peace” may be played at any time by the Ring-bearer.
Step 0 - Become The Active Player
0.1 (S) Sauron does one of the following:
Plays 1 card against Active Player who must select 1 symbol (ignore multiples) they can satisfy fully, and resolves
it; (Hobbits may play cards to avoid.) OR
Draw 1 card from Sauron card deck OR
Activate 1 face-up Nazgul card (remove from game). Do both the following (Hobbits may play cards to avoid):
o Apply symbol in upper-left corner to Active Player.
o Follow instructions which apply to all of the Fellowship.
0.2 (F) From here on, at any point in your turn, you may defeat the leftmost Foe by resolving Foe instructions.
0.3 From here on, the Ring-bearer may put on the Ring at any point in Step 1 or Step 2. Successful completion of the main
activity line forces an immediate jump to Step 3.
(B) Step 3 – Battlefield Resolution (Fellowship may not use Ring in Step 3.)
3.0 At any time during 3.1, active player may:
Buy and place Hero on empty, non-greyed space.
Play 2 stars to defeat an Enemy on a (non red-eye) square space only; get reward.
3.1 Resolve trigger tiles for each event & each main line step progressed. NB ignore tiles passed / landed on if Ring used
From top to bottom, activate enemy pieces corresponding to number.
If not on board and not dead, put on number given, or next highest number, wrap from 4 to1. If all full, don’t place.
If on board, advance along red arrow. If blocked, do white arrow instead. If both blocked, don’t move.
Gandalf Blocks nothing. Gandalf removed, enemy removed from game, get reward, no damage inflicted.
Aragorn Blocks everything, even charges.
Legolas & Gimli Blocks non-chargers; chargers remove hero, but no damage inflicted.
Boromir Blocks nothing. Boromir is removed, enemy stays, but no damage inflicted.
If Hobbit is eliminated, Ring-bearer resolves remaining trigger tiles.
3.2 If Scenario was ended, but now isn’t (ie main activity line marker was pushed back), go back to Step 2.
Step 4 - Clear Up
4.1 Fellowship may use Ring.
4.2 (F) If there are 8+ foes displayed, game over.
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(S) Sauron Die-Roll Activation
Hobbits may play cards to avoid, otherwise Sauron:
Chooses 1 Sauron card from hand and plays it against the relevant player OR
Discards any number of Sauron cards and refreshes hand to 6 Sauron cards.
Hobbit must take full consequences in any order. Can’t die if can’t satisfy. [Sam satisfies 1 symbol, must do 1 if possible].
Hobbits may play cards to minimize damage. If player is eliminated, all remaining consequences are still implemented.
Die is now only rolled when a) The ring-bearer puts on the ring or b) for “Battle Of Spells” on Isengard.
(S) Black Rider Encounters Ring Bearer
If BR moved, stop BR on RB space and turn around. If RB moved on/past BR, turn BR around on BR space .
Sauron receives 1 face up Nazgul card
RB does Sauron die-roll activation
The Ring
Once each scenario, the Ring Bearer (RB) may put on the ring either after the active player revealed an event tile or
after player played a tile/card. Ring is placed over RB’s Hobbit.
RB rolls die (NB Sauron is not activated), suffers consequences, then moves any one activity marker (4 spaces –
number of symbols on the die). Spaces moved over and finished on are ignored!
End Of Non-Mordor Scenario
Occurs immediately when marker reaches last space on main activity line OR last event box completed OR last tile drawn.
(S) Reset Black Rider to Step 15 on the corruption line
(S) Sauron receives one new Nazgul card from the deck and displays it face up
Each player moves forward 1 space on the corruption for each missing token.
Most rings becomes new RB (tie: closest to current RB clockwise), gets Ring, draws 2 Hobbit cards.
All Heart, Sun and Ring Life tokens are discarded.
Fatty gets 2 Hobbit cards.
(S) Discard any remaining resource chips on the current scenario board from the game.
(F) Ring-bearer may defeat Foes (8+ Foes rule doesn’t apply though).
Set up the next Scenario board with the discarded Life tokens beside the board. (F):
o If no foes when you start Moria, you may skip Moria and Lothlorian; Ring bearer may roll die / activate
Sauron and look through/distribute Lothlorian cards (1 per player); Reveal 4 foes & proceed to Isengard.
o If no foes when you start Helm’s Deep, you may omit Helm’s Deep & reveal 4 foes.
o If no foes when you start Shelob’s Lair, discard Book or Shadowfax to omit Shelob’s Lair & reveal 4 foes.
(S) First 3 scenarios: Draw 4 new resource chips at random and place 1 face up above the last space and above
the 4th last space on each minor activity line (not on the main activity line).
Place all Event tiles back in the bag ready for the next Scenario.
(B) Place Battlefield with its 5 enemy pieces and the 5 Fellowship pieces face up. Shuffle trigger tiles. Face down,
put 1 next to each main activity line step (except start) and the first 5 events. Place rest against last Event.
End Of Mordor Scenario: Mt Doom
(S) Sauron refreshes to 6 cards. No more Nazgul cards can be played.
(S) Black Rider if outbound must now turn at 0.
(F) The Active Player may defeat Foes by satisfying Foe conditions.
The Active Player rolls the die / activates Sauron.
o Active Player not eliminated, <8 Foes, get Shield, game won.
o (F) Active Player not eliminated, >=8 Foes, Active Player must destroy Foes by satisfying Foe
conditions until there are 7 or less, otherwise game lost. Success means game won.
o Active Player eliminated, <8 Foes, next player’s turn to attempt to destroy Ring
o (F) Active Player eliminated, >=8 Foes, game lost.
Belt and Mithril can be used to avoid / ignore results.
Elimination: If Hobbit encounters Sauron OR you do not have required items to discard (NB: not for Sauron cards).
Game Conclusion: Score = Activity Line space + # of defeated Foes (+ if victorious, number of unused shields).
The Ring-Bearer is eliminated.
An event with a Big Eye is encountered.
(F) There are 8+ Foes at the end of Step 4.
(S) If Black Rider returns to step 15 within the same scenario after encountering the Ring-Bearer.
The Fellowship reach Mt. Doom but are all eliminated before the Ring is destroyed.
(F) All 30 Foes are defeated at the end of a Fellowship player’s turn (n/a if Foe Variant in use)
The Fellowship reach Mt. Doom and destroy the Ring.
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The Fellowship only win under the last 2 conditions. Otherwise Sauron wins.
Display your Character Card, (S) Fellowship card and (F) Ability card face up in front of you. (Cards for Hobbits
not in play are not used and are returned to the box).
Frodo is the first Ring-bearer and places the Ring in front of him. Frodo will take the first turn.
(S) Sauron:
(S) Display the Sauron character card face up in front of you – it summarizes the actions you can take.
(S) Shuffle the Sauron cards, draw 2 cards into your hand, place the remaining cards as a face down deck.
(S) Shuffle the Nazgûl cards, display 2 face up in front of you, place the remaining cards as a face down deck.
On the Master Board:
Place Sauron on space 15 on the corruption track (or lower for a more challenging game).
Place each Hobbit on space 0 on the corruption track.
Place Marker on Bag End.
(S) Place the Black Rider on space 15 on the corruption track (irrespective of where the Sauron figure starts)
facing in the direction of the hobbits.
Agree scenarios to be played:
Vanilla game – Moria, Helm’s Deep, Shelob’s Lair, Mordor.
Full game – (F) Bree, Moria, (F) Isengard, Helm’s Deep, Shelob’s Lair, Mordor.
Scenario Board:
Place first scenario board below the Master Board,(F) leaving enough space between both to lay out Foe cards
Place a marker above the first event box and a marker on the first space of each Activity Line.
(S) Shuffle the 12 resource chips face down and place then next to the boards. Draw four at random and place one
each face up above the last space and above the fourth space from the end of each activity line, except the main
activity line. The Images on the spaces should remain visible.
Take 6 shields (two 1’s, two 2’s, two 3’s), shuffle and place face down.
Place shields, the die, the Life tokens face up.
Event tiles:
(S) Add the four Sauron event tiles to the 23 event tiles from the original game.
(D) Choose whether to add the 23 Dark Event tiles.
Place event tiles into the bag.
Shuffle the Hobbit cards and form a face down deck by the board.
Sort the Feature cards by Scenario and place face up above their locations on the Master Board. If 2 player, remove
4 Rivendell and 4 Lothlorien cards from the game.
Place “The One Ring” and “Watchful Peace” to one side, if you choose for them to be in the game. (F&F Variant:
Watchful Peace is placed on bottom of Foe deck and is available once last Foe is defeated.)
(F) Shuffle the Foes cards and form a face down deck at the right-end of the gap between the boards.
(S) Place Resource Cards in a face up pile by the board.
Display Gandalf cards face up and side by side to one side of the Master Board.
o Base cards: “Foresight”, “Guidance”, “Healing”, “Magic”, “Persistance”.
o (S): Add “Protection”, new “Foresight”. Discard the original “Foresight.
o (F) Add “Defiance”, “Firestorm”, “Integrity”.
o (B) Add “Onslaught”, “Reinforcement”, “Wizardry”.
(B) Battlefield:
Place the Battlefield matching the first scenario, with its 5 enemy pieces and the 5 Fellowship pieces face up.
Shuffle trigger tiles. Face down, put 1 next to each main activity step (except start) and the first 5 events. Place rest
against last Event.
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Ring-bearer moves 1 space towards Sauron on the corruption track. Base
One player must either advance their Hobbit two spaces towards Sauron on the corruption track, or Base
else Sauron moves one step towards the Hobbits.
The next event on the Scenario board occurs. Base
If the group discards 3 cards, nothing happens, else the next event on the Scenario board occurs. Base
If the group discards 1 card + 1 life token + 1 shield, nothing happens, else the next event on the Base
Scenario board occurs.
Active player must activate Sauron. Sauron
One player must volunteer to active Sauron instead of the required die roll, or else Sauron moves one Sauron
step towards the Hobbits on the corruption track.
If the group discards cards with 3 axes and/or stars, nothing happens, else the next event on the Dark
Scenario board occurs. Similar tiles exist for stars, shields and life tokens.
Non F&F: One player must discard 2 cards from the hand, or else Sauron moves 1 space towards the Dark
Hobbits on the corruption track.
F&F: 2 Foes appear or Sauron moves 1 space towards the Hobbits on the corruption track.
Non-Sauron: Ring-bearer must roll the corruption die. Dark
Sauron: Ring-bearer activates Sauron.
The active moves one space towards Sauron on the corruption track. Dark
Non F&F: The active player must discard 1 card. If unable to do so, the player is eliminated. Dark
F&F: 1 Foe appears.
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Resource Tile: Draw 3 Hobbit cards (ie it’s not discard 3 cards just because it’s in a white box).
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