The Frequency Relationship of Notes in Musical Harmony1

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A report submitted to department of physics

Tinkune, Kathmandu

For the partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the Secondary Level Education of the
National Examination Board (Grade XII)

Submitted by: Muskan Thapa

Grade: XII
Section: B3
Roll no: 21 Date:……….........…

Tinkune, Kathmandu
Phone no: 01-4621787

We certify that “this project is satisfaction in the scope

of use of physics application in the partial fulfillment
for the requirement of 10+2 in Physics Science Stream”

Evaluation Committee

Internal Examiner External Examiner

Mr. Namraj Gautam
V. S. Niketan College
Tinkune, Kathmandu


Content Page No.

Acknowledgement 4

Abstract 5

Objectives 6

Theory 7-9

Materials Required 10

Procedure 11 - 12

Observation 13

Result 14

Application 15 - 16

Precaution 17

Bibliography 18


I would like to express my sincere thanks and

gratitude to my physics teacher Mr.Namraj
Gautam for his sincere guidance and advice
to my complete my project successfully. Also, I
am thankful to physics coordinator Mr.Hari
Bahadur KC sir for providing such an
interesting topic for our physics project.

Most of all, I thank our school management for

providing us the facilities and opportunity to
do this project.

I am also grateful to my parents and friends

for their constant support and help throughout
the project, without their encouragement and
support this project could not have been
completed in time.

Lastly, I would like to thank all the accessories

and every single person who helped me to
complete this physics project successfully.
Thank you!


A note is a sound of definitive pitch, the basic

unit in music. Music notes are classified by
their note name or musical notes match up to a
particular frequency that portrays the number
of vibrations per second.

The harmonics are multiples of the

fundamental frequency.

This experiment is done to determine whether

notes in musical harmony bears mathematical
relationship between their respective
frequencies. The hypothesis is that such a
specific mathematical relationship does exist
for notes in an interval to be in musical
harmony. Intervals (formed by two notes only)
on different keys will be examined.

There are few examples of how the frequency

relationship of notes in musical harmony are
applied. Music is a vast and diverse field, and
these principles are used in various ways
across different genres and styles.

 To study the frequency relationship of notes in

musical harmony.


Frequency is the number of times per second that

a sound pressure wave repeats itself. The antinode
is the point in a standing wave where it has
maximum displacement or the amplitude is at its
highest. Nodes are points of no motion in standing
waves. The fundamental frequency is the lowest
frequency produced by a musical instrument, and
it is made up of two nodes and antinode.

Note is defined as an occurrence of a pitch or it can

be defined as information about pitch and also the
length of the sound. It is the mixture of several
frequencies. If two notes constituting a concord
are sounded simultaneously, the concord is called

Frequency relationship of notes in open organ
pipe (flute)

An open organ pipe is one whose both ends are

open. If one node and two antinodes are present
inside the open organ pipe then the corresponding
mode of vibration is known as first mode of
vibration in open organ pipe.

Fig: 1st mode of vibration

Let ‘L’ be the length of open organ pipe (or lengtof

the air column inside the pipe) through which
wave of wavelength ‘ʎ’ travels with velocity ‘v’ as
shown in figure.

From figure,
L = ʎ/2
or, ʎ = 2L ……………….. 1
For the frequency,
V = ʎf
or, f = v/ʎ …………….. 2

F = v/2L

This is the required frequency for first mode of

vibration and also known as first harmonics &
fundamental frequency.


 Flute
 Electronic Keyboard
 Headphones Jack
 Oscilloscope
 Notebook


Step 1: Stimulate a flute by setting up an

electronic keyboard configuration.

Step 2: Connect the oscilloscope’s output signal

with a headphone jack.

Step 3: Adjust the horizontal time zone and

vertical signal gain as required on the oscilloscope.

Step 4: For each of the eighteen chromatic

sequences, measure the signal period in a
chromatic sequence.

Step 5: For each of the eighteen chromatic

sequences (C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, B,
C, C#, D, D#, E), the result of the key direct
measurement of the time interval is two time the
actual period. On the keyboard, the first note, C, is
an octave above the middle C.

Step 6: From the raw data, calculate the

frequency and the actual respective signal for each
of the 30 notes.

Step 7: Tabulate the ratio between twelve
possible intervals (minor 2nd, major 2nd, and so on)
frequencies within an octave for the fifteen keys (C,
C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, B, C, D, and E).

Step 8: Record your observations.


For the notes in an octave, we observed that the

6 intervals (minor 3rd, major 3rd, perfect 4th,
perfect5th, major 6th, and perfect octave) out of
12 intervals were surely in harmony.
Four (minor 2nd, augmented 5th, minor 7th,
major 7th) were not in harmony.
Two intervals (major 2nd and minor 6th) were
marginally in harmony.
We found that between two notes, there was
always a certain specific ratio that was
independent of the actual frequency (pitch tone)
or actual key.


The pitch, or note played, corresponds to the

frequency of the wave. High notes have high
frequencies, so the pressure varies quickly.
Low notes have low frequencies.
The first and the second note must have a
certain ratio in their frequency.
The ratio between two notes in a particular
interval is independent of the actual key or the
actual pitch tone of the tonic key tone.
When two notes are played together, the ratio
of their frequencies creates different intervals
and harmonies.


The frequency relationship of notes in musical

harmony has various applications in the world of
music. Here are the some of the examples:

1. Composition and Arrangement: Musicians

and composers use the frequency ratios to create
pleasing and harmonious melodies and chord
progressions. They carefully choose intervals and
harmonies to evoke specific emotions in their

2. Instrument Tuning: The frequency ratios are

essential for tuning musical instruments. For
example, when tuning a guitar, the strings are
adjusted to specific frequencies based on the
desired intervals between the notes.

3. Vocal Harmony: Singers often harmonize by

singing different notes that complement the
melody. The frequency ratios help to determine
which notes will create consonance and blend well
with the lend vocal.

4. Musical Analysis: Understanding the
frequency relationships in musical harmony allows
music theorists and analysis to study and analyze
compositions. They can identify chord
progressions, key changes, and the overall
structure of a piece of music.

5. Sound Design: In electronic music

production, synthesizers and samplers use
frequency ratios to generate and manipulate
sounds. By controlling the intervals and
harmonies, producers can create unique and
interesting sonic textures.


1. We should take help from elders while using

an oscilloscope.
2. The oscilloscope should be working properly.
3. Observation should be recorded carefully.


Comprehensive Physics Book by Pitamber

Shrestha by Heritage Publishers & Distributors
Pvt. Ltd


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