NND 3126 Fundamentals of Nursing Practice I

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University Examinations 2017/2018





All questions are compulsory
Ensure that all your answers are properly numbered
Part 1 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ): Write the correct answer on the
space provided in the answer booklet. Each MCQ is one mark
Part II: Short Answer Questions – Answer questions following each other
on the answer booklet
Part III: Long Answer Questions – Answer each question on the answer

1. The four major concepts in nursing theory are

a) Person, environment, nursing, health
b) Promotive, preventive, curative, rehabitative
c) Nurse, person, environment, care
d) Person, environment, theory, health
2. Licensing examinations for registered nurses in Kenya are administered by
a) National Nurses Association of Kenya
b) America Nurses Association
c) Kenya National Nurses Union
d) The Nursing Council of Kenya
3. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a profession?

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a) Has practitioners who are motivated by altruism
b) Concerned with quantity and earnings
c) Functions autonomously
d) Is taught through a process of professional education
4. The foundation of research is based on which of the following
a) Evidence
b) Experience
c) Self-actualization
d) Scientific method
5. To implement nursing care interventions the nurse must be competent in three areas
which are:
a) Leadership, autonomy and skills
b) Experience, advanced education and skills
c) Skills, leadership and finances
d) Knowledge, function and specific skills
6. Collaborative interventions are therapies that require:
a) Multiple healthcare professionals
b) Client and doctor interventions
c) Physician and nurse interventions
d) Nurse, client and administrators interventions
7. The purpose of assessment is
a) Implement nursing care
b) Delegate nursing responsibility
c) Establish a data base concerning the client
d) Teach client about his/her health problems
8. ______ is the most basic need according to Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs
a) Physical and psychological
b) Physiological
c) Self- actualization
d) Love and sense of belonging
9. As an art, nursing relies on knowledge gained from practice and reflection of past
experiences. As a science, nursing draws on

a) Scientifically tested knowledge that is applied in the practice setting

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b) Physician generated research
c) Experimental research
d) Non- experimental research
10. Client perceptions about their health problems are:
a) Objective data
b) Observational recordings
c) Aucilliary reports from the data collector
d) Subjective data
11. What is the relevance of a code of ethics for nurses?
a) Improves nursing in universal health
b) Provides identical care to all
c) Defines the principles by which nurses provide care to their clients
d) Protects the desires of nurses
12. Critical thinking is an active organized cognitive process used to carefully examine one’s
thinking. It allows the nurse to
a) Direct the assessment in a meaningful and purposeful way
b) Review assessment with other health care providers
c) Determination of the nursing care delivered
d) Indentifies anticipated client responses to illness
13. Which of the following is NOT a step in problem solving?
a) Collecting data
b) Indentifying the exact nature of the problem
c) Stating a null hypothesis
d) Determining plan of action
14. The most important skill needed to obtain accurate information from your client is/are
a) Teaching and assessment
b) Good communication and critical thinking
c) Cognitive and teaching experience
d) Psychomotor
15. The first step in establishing a database is to collect subjective information from the client
by interviewing the client. An interview is:
a) An organized conversation with the client
b) Implementation of physician orders

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c) Delegation to personnel providing care
d) Determining specific nursing actions
16. She saw the role of nursing as having charge of somebody’s health based on the
knowledge of how to put the body in such a state to be free of disease or to recover from
a) Virginia Henderson
b) Sister Callista Roy
c) Florence Nightingale
d) Dorothea Orem
17. Nursing identifies its domain in a paradigm that includes:
a) The person, health, environment/situation and nursing
b) Concepts, theory, health and environment
c) Health, person, environment and theory
d) Nurses, physicians, models and client needs
18. A theory is a set of concepts, definitions, relationships and assumptions that:
a) Explain a phenomenon
b) Formulate legislation
c) Measure nursing functions
d) Reflect the domain of nursing practice
19. Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being not merely the
absence of disease or infirmity;
a) World Diabetes Federation (WDF)
b) International Council of Nursing (ICN)
c) American Nurses Association (ANA)
d) World Health Organization(WHO)
20. Which activity is an example of health promotion by the nurse
a) Administering immunizations
b) Giving a bedbath
c) Preventing complications after an accident
d) Performing diagnostic procedures

PART II: Short answer questions (40 marks)

1. Outline five components of critical thinking (5 marks)

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2. Nursing research uses many methods to study clinical problems. Outline six types of
research (6 marks)
3. Virginia Henderson identified 14 basic needs on which nursing care is based. State seven
basic needs identified by Henderson (7 marks)
4. Describe how you can apply six attitudes of critical thinking in nursing practice
(6 marks)
5. State six advantages of using the nursing process (6 marks)

PART III: Long answer questions (40 marks)

1. Nursing theory is one form of knowledge that can be very useful to nurses as they design
and implement nursing interventions to meet the needs of their clients
a) Describe the theory developed by each of the following theorists identifying the goal
and its framework for practice
i. Faye Abdella (4 marks) ii. Patricia Benner (4 marks) iii. Florence
Nightingale (4 marks) iv. Callista Roy (4 marks) b) Outline the components
of a nursing theory (4 marks)

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