DLL - English 6 - Q3 - W7
DLL - English 6 - Q3 - W7
DLL - English 6 - Q3 - W7
B. Establishing a purpose for the What are the current issues of Say: Today we are going How do you celebrate your Have the pupils listen to The teacher shows a
lesson news that you have heard on TV to read a short story: birthday? the tape recorded picture of two pupils
or have read in the newspaper “The Parable of Division” Original File Submitted and announcements. talking to each other.
today? LG pp 134-137 Formatted by DepEd Club (SAMPLE
Member - visit depedclub.com ANNOUNCEMENT)
for more Hey everyone, you heard
the challenge. We’re
celebrating National Mix It
Up Day tomorrow. We’re
going to mix up things up
around here. Wear a
mixed up outfit during the
day. At lunch we’re going
to mix it up by sitting at a
different table than where
we usually sit. But the key What do you think they
is, you have to talk to are talking about?
someone new! Tuesday What should be observed
Hey, hope you all mixed when reading a dialogue?
up your outfits for
National Mix it Up Day. I
saw some great stuff
Instruct them to jot down
the important
C. Presenting examples/ The teacher presents a particular -Comprehension check- Presenting a selection What information have Presenting a selection
instances of the new lesson issue or news item of the day. up Pupils read it. you jotted down from the Pupils read it.
1. What good value have announcements?
the parents of the two At first I thought one of my At first I thought one of my
boys taught them? fuzzy, orange socks fuzzy, orange socks
2. To make sure that disappeared in the dryer, but I disappeared in the dryer,
equitable division is could not find it in there. but I could not find it in
guaranteed, what Because it was my favorite there. Because it was my
practice was observed by pair, nothing was going to favorite pair, nothing was
them? prevent me from finding that going to prevent me from
3. Why did the younger sock. I looked all around my finding that sock. I looked
brother drink all the bedroom, under the bed, on all around my bedroom,
contents of the whole top of the bed, and in my under the bed, on top of
bottle? closet, but still could not find the bed, and in my closet,
3. Would you agree with it. I did not know that I would but still could not find it. I
what the younger discover the answer just I gave did not know that I would
brother/older brother up my search. As I sat down discover the answer just I
did? Why? on the couch in the family gave up my search. As I sat
-Locate the underlined room, my Dad was reclining down on the couch in the
words in the story on his chair. I laugh when I family room, my Dad was
saw that one of his feet was reclining on his chair. I
orange and the other blue! I laugh when I saw that one
forgot that he was color blind. of his feet was orange and
Next time he does laundry I the other blue! I forgot
will have to supervise him that he was color blind.
while he folds the sock so that Next time he does laundry
he does not accidentally take I will have to supervise him
one of mine! while he folds the sock so
that he does not
accidentally take one of
D. Discussing new concepts and What is the issue all about? .After locating the Why are announcements Comprehension check up
practicing new skills #1 What can you say about the underlined words in the important? What details 1. What is the selection
issue? story, tell them to read as do they usually contain? tells us about?
they are used in 2. How did the first
sentences character solve the
3. What did you think is
the cause of the problem?
__7.Members of the
LCDRMMC expedited their
workshop and turned a
real practice in managing
a fire situation, Asensi
__8.Arson investigators of
the Bureau of Fire and
Protection are conducting
an investigation.