Computer Class 2

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Teacher : Shailaja Ma’am

Annual Examination 2023-24

S.T.D.D.S Academy
Chilauna, Khajni , Gorakhpur
Subject - Computer
Class - II
Time: 3 Hours , Max mark: 100

Name : Roll Number :

Invigilator’s signature : Subject Teacher’s signature :

1. Choose/Trick the correct option.

(a) Number keys are used to type .

⃝ Letters ⃝ Sentences ⃝ Numbers

(b) Speakers are used to listen from the computers.

⃝ Songs ⃝ Games ⃝ Movies

(c) A computer always gives result.

⃝ Wrong ⃝ No ⃝ Correct
(d) key is used to exit or escape from programs and tasks.

⃝ Escape ⃝ Delete ⃝ Backspace

(e) is used to take output on paper.

⃝ Printer
⃝ Scanner
⃝ Monitor
(f) At Computers are used to check the availability of tickets.

⃝ Railway Stations ⃝ Hospitals ⃝ School

(g) There are tool alphabetic keys on a keyboard.

⃝ 24 ⃝ 26 ⃝ 28

Teacher : Shailaja Ma’am

2. Fill the Blanks. Pencil, Underline, eraser, Pointing, Delete, IPO, Circular, Letter

(a) also helps to contact over mistakes.

(b) Computer works on cycle.
(c) CD-ROM is a disk.
(d) You can write on computer.
(e) The moving of the cursor on the screen is called .
(f) tool is used to cursor to erase the drawing.
(g) tool is used for making frechand drawing.
(h) U stands for .
3. Classify the following statement as True (T) or False (F)
(a) Computers works on IPU cycle. [ ]
(b) A mouse is an output device. [ ]
(c) You cannot save the Wordpad file. [ ]
(d) The Backspace key is used to erase a letter. [ ]
(e) A Computer is used in homes to play games. [ ]
(f) CPU stands for the Control processing unit. [ ]
(g) There are two shift keys on the keyboard. [ ]
(h) Ctrl+D is the shortcut key to save the drawing. [ ]

4. Unscramble the given words.

a) V S A E

b) N A B S K

c) F E L I

d) P I N E R T R

e) M O H E

f) H A O T L S I P S

5. Write the full form:-

a) UPS

b) IPO

c) CD

Teacher : Shailaja Ma’am

6. Match the following.

a) F 2
i) Alphabet keys.
b) ←

c) Delete ii) Numeric Keys.

iii) Backspace keys

d) 9
iv) Function keys.

v) Delete key.
e) A

f) spacebar vi) Enter key.

g) Ent vii) Spacebar key.

7. Answer the following.

(a) Write two lines about numeric keys?


(b) Write the working of a computer?

(c) What does a monitor show?

(d) what is cursor?

Teacher : Shailaja Ma’am

(e) What is the use of the scroll wheel in the mouse?

8. Explain it:-
(a) Computer off step by step.

(b) MS point step by step?

9. Draw it


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