Effect of Axis Ratio
Effect of Axis Ratio
Effect of Axis Ratio
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1 author:
Kalyana Raman
All content following this page was uploaded by Kalyana Raman on 11 February 2014.
Keywords: elliptic cylinder, axis ratio, immersed boundary method, wake length, drag
coefficient, Strouhal number
(4) The Lagrangian forces f l ðxl Þ are distributed to nearby Although the location of boundary is smeared to several Eulerian
Eulerian points, f*(x) grid points, the velocity field obtained using Eq. (7) contains dis-
continuity in the velocity gradient across the immersed boundary.
M This discontinuity may also exist in the divergence free field.
f ðxÞ ¼ f l ððxl Þk Þdh x ðxl Þk Ds (6)
However, Guy and Hartenstine [26] showed that the solution con-
verges to the original solution if the velocity field obtained after
where Ds is the distance between adjacent Lagrangian Eq. (7) is close to divergence free. Therefore, steps 6 and 7 in the
points. above algorithm are repeated until the divergence of error norm is
(5) Intermediate velocities u*(x) are corrected using the distrib- less than or equal to 107 for each time step. The calculation of
uted force to get another intermediate velocity, u** the forcing term implicitly does not influence the stability of the
time integration. In this method, the summation of the Lagrangian
u u
¼ f (7) forces of all the Lagrangian points representing the solid body
Ds will give the aerodynamic forces
(6) Solve the pressure Poisson equation as shown in Eq. (8)
rh u X
r2h p ¼ (8) Lift ¼ fly ðxk Þ; Drag ¼ flx ðxk Þ (13)
Ds k¼1 k¼1
2.00 1.22
1.67 1.25
0.99 1.29
0.86 1.28
h Re ¼ 50 Re ¼ 100 Re ¼ 50 Re ¼ 100
3.2 Grid Independence Study. The optimum number of 4.2 Standing Wake. When AR < ARcrs, a standing wake is
Lagrangian points representing the solid surface is found by simu- formed behind the cylinder. The standing wake consists of a pair
lating the flow over circular cylinder (AR ¼ 1.0) with various of counter rotating vortices and it is characterized by the wake
number of Lagrangian points viz. 160, 190, 315, and 365, length (Lw). As AR is decreased from ARcrs, the wake length also
which correspond to the Ds/h ratio of 2.0, 1.67, 0.99, and 0.86 decreases and at some point Lw reaches zero. At that point, the
4.3 Rear Axis Velocity. Figure 9 shows the rear axis velocity
behind the elliptic cylinders of AR ARcrs. The central axis line
in the downstream of the cylinder separates the two counter rotat-
ing vortices formed above and below the axis. Therefore the axial
velocities along the central line provide significant data about the
wake. Usually the flow inside the wake is towards the cylinder
and outside the wake is away from the cylinder. Hence the flow
inside the wake changes their direction and returns towards the
cylinder and it will have maximum returning velocity at some
point in the central line. The point where the velocity of the cen-
tral line equals to zero is known as the wake stagnation point.
Figures 9(a) and 9(b) depict that all the cylinders with different
AR that produce wake have a similar rear axis profile, but the vari-
ation of streamwise velocity depends strongly on the AR. Initially,
the direction of velocity is towards the cylinder surface (flow
reversal) and its magnitude increases until it reaches maximum
returning velocity point. After that, the velocity starts increasing
towards the downstream direction and reaches zero at wake stag-
nation point. Further downstream, the velocity reaches the free-
stream velocity for all AR slowly at a sufficiently long distance.
The magnitude of the returning velocity decreases with decreas-
ing AR and eventually it becomes zero at AR ¼ 0.2 for Re ¼ 50
Fig. 5 Effect of Re on ARcrs (Fig. 9(a)), whereas at AR ¼ 0.1 for Re ¼ 100 (Fig. 9(b)). This sig-
nifies that there are no vortices behind the cylinders beyond these
AR. Hence for Re ¼ 50, wake is observed only if AR 0.3,
flow is attached at the rear surface of the cylinder and the AR at
whereas for Re ¼ 100 the value of AR is found as 0.2, which again
which Lw becomes zero is known as the critical AR for wake
emphasizes the results obtained through Eqs. (17) and (18). The
length, (ARcrw). Figure 7 depicts the different flow regime behind
distance between the wake stagnation point and surface of the
the elliptic cylinder. The wake behind the cylinder is observed
cylinder decreases with decreasing AR. On the other hand, the
even for AR ¼ 0.1 when Re > 100, hence Re ¼ 50 and 100 cases
maximum returning velocity and distance between wake stagna-
are considered for the ARcrw calculation. Figure 8 shows the plot
tion point and cylinder surface increases with increasing AR.
between Lw / dH (nondimensionalised Lw) and AR for Re ¼ 50 and
100. The quadratic curve fit obtained from the data shown in
Fig. 8 for Re ¼ 50 and 100 is given by Eqs. (17) and (18), 4.4 Coefficient of Drag. The drag forces acting on the cylin-
respectively der is due to the skin friction and pressure distribution acting on
the surface of the cylinder. For AR < ARcrw, the drag force
Lw =dH ¼ 2:604AR2 þ 0:847AR 0:471 for Re ¼ 50 (17) depends only on the skin friction and for AR > ARcrw, drag coeffi-
cient depends on both skin friction and pressure force. Figure 10
Lw =dH ¼ 10:615AR2 3:171AR þ 0:228 for Re ¼ 100 (18) shows the mean drag coefficient (Cd_av) values for different AR
and Reynolds number. It can be observed from Fig. 10 that
From these equations, the value of ARcrw for Re ¼ 50 and 100 is increasing the AR increases the value of Cd_av. However, there is a
found to be 0.29 and 0.18, respectively. For Re ¼ 100, the quad- sudden jump in the value of Cd_av at AR ¼ ARcrw, which may be
ratic equation (Eq. (18)) will not give the correct value of Lw/dH due to the fact that when AR > ARcrw, the pressure drag created by
for AR > 0.6, because vortex shedding is observed behind the cyl- the wake plays a significant role. The value of Cd_av decreases
inder of AR > 0.6. with increasing Re till AR ¼ 0.8, because increasing the Re
decreases skin friction as well as the wake size. However, the Cd av ¼ 0:950Re0:067 for AR¼ 1:0 (20)
value of Cd_av increases with increasing Re when AR > 0.8. This
may be because at AR > 0.8, the bluff body nature of the cylinder
becomes prominent causing an increase in Cd_av value with The value of Cd_av is normalized using Cdo, where Cdo is mean
increasing Re. drag coefficient corresponding to cylinder of AR ¼ 1.0, for
A functional form of Cd_av can be obtained by normalizing AR ARcrs and for AR ARcrs, it is AR ¼ 0.1. The value of Cdo is
the value of Cd_av using a suitable function of Re ði:e:Þ f ðReÞ. calculated using Eqs. (20) and (19) for AR ARcrs and
Figure 11 depicts the graph between Cd_av and Re for AR ¼ 0.1 AR ARcrs, respectively. The plot between the normalized value
and 1.0 and from the graph one can observe that the values fit into of the Cd_av using Cdo against AR is given in Fig. 12.
a power fit profile as given below From Fig. 12, one can see that two groups of regimes based on
Cd_av/Cdo are formed, one for AR ARcrs and another one for
AR ARcrs. An approximate function for the two groups are given
Cd av ¼ 6:164Re0:57 for AR¼ 0:1 (19) in Eqs. (21) and (22).
¼ 0:017 þ 0:61AR þ 0:74AR2 0:345AR3 the vortex shedding is characterized by using Strouhal number
Cd av =Cdo
for AR ARcrs ðCdo is Eq: ð20ÞÞ (22)
f dH
St ¼ (24)
The Cd_av value for flow over flat plate can be obtained by insert- u1
ing AR ¼ 0.0 (b ¼ 0.0) in Eq. (21) and Table 3 compares Cd_av for
AR ¼ 0.0 with the value obtained by the correlation given in Williamson and Brown [6] reported various St–Re relationship for
Eq. (23) reported by Dennis and Dunwoody [33] circular pcylinder
ffiffiffiffiffiffi (AR ¼ 1.0) wake and also depicted that three
term 1= Re series yields excellent precision
ffi representing the
1:328 4:12 data. The Eq. (25) shows the three term 1= Re series for circular
Cd av ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffi þ (23) cylinder reported by Williamson and Brown [6]
Re Re
1:1129 0:4821
The wetted area considered in Eq. (23) is only one side of the St ¼ 0:2731 pffiffiffiffiffiffi þ (25)
plate. From Table 3 we can observe a reasonable agreement with Re Re
the literature value.
Figure 13 shows the comparison of St of present results at
AR ¼ 1.0 with Eq. (25) for various Re and it shows a good agree-
4.5 Strouhal Number. Section 4.1 illustrates that, when ment with the Eq. (25). The plot between St number and AR for
AR > ARcrs, there will be vortex shedding behind the cylinder and different Re is depicted in Fig. 14. From this figure, it is evident
Re Dennis and Dunwoody [33] (Eq. (23)) Present case (Eq. (21))
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