Contigency Plan On Class Suspension
Contigency Plan On Class Suspension
Contigency Plan On Class Suspension
Department of Education
Submitting to your good office the herewith Contingency Plan on Class Suspensions on Various Types
for any comments, suggestions, and consideration.
Respectfully yours,
In consideration of the volatility of the scenario caused by divergent factors: Climatic Challenges, Viral
Contaminations, War in Ukraine, the looming war in Taiwan, economic concerns, and transport
difficulties, etc. this office instructs all teachers and students to be proactive.
This office encourages the following related activities regardless of learning modalities: Backyard
Gardening/ Gulayan sa Paaralan; Fruit Tree Planting; Environmental Cleanup Drives/ 4S for Dengue
( Search and Distroy Mosquito-breeding Sites, Self-protection Measures , Seek Early Consultation,
Support Fogging in Hot Spots; and Energy Conservation Drives.
SVSFHS adopts the Face-to-Face Classes as it already started last Feb. 1, 2022. But because of limited
classrooms, the Junior High School remains in two (2) shifts while the Senior High School in a single shift.
Consequent to this, our subjects in Junior High School has been shrink to 50min. instead of 60 min.
Obviously learners are deprived of the import 10 min per subject daily. Therefore, as a remedy, we
agreed to distribute modules quarterly not for modular delivery, instead as enrichment activities.
But with the scenarios attributed by different factors, we need to revise our approaches, and we adopt
the following relative to class suspensions of various scopes:
1. Partial/ Selective Suspension Due to Virial Contamination from Covid 19 and or Monkeypox)
a. Suspected carrier will be delivered immediately to the school clinic by the nurse to
administer first aid.
b. The school nurse (Sir Wilson) will then coordinate with: (1.) the BHW for further assessment,
(2) the parent/legal guardian of the suspected carrier for consent relative to the next action.
c. Suspected carrier will be then immediately delivered to the nearest government hospital
(Domingo Flores Memorial District Hospital) for appropriate intervention if so, consented by
parent/legal guardian.
d. If BHW affirms preliminary “virial infestation”, the school nurse shall order in coordination
with the SDRRMC (Sir Victor) to advise the students as persons under strict monitoring.
e. After due coordination with all the parents of the said class(max of 2 hours via text
brigade/messenger or the like), the class adviser of the suspected class shall declare
suspension of classes until further notice and dismiss the students to go home outright.
f. The SDRRMC (sir Victor) in coordination with the IATF Protocol Compliance Officer (Madam
Flor) shall order and manage utility workers in the disinfection of the suspected classroom
with chlorine solution.
g. SDRRMC (Sir Victor) shall keep the room locked for three (5) days to avoid entry of anyone.
h. All students under strict 5-day monitoring shall be given the following:
1. “Kumustahan” and Monitoring of temperature and other vital signs regularly.
2. Printed modules for the continuity of learning processes.
3. Other interventions as to the upliftment of KAS (Knowledge, Attitude, Skills)
i. All students who have not shown any illness shall report to the class and resume face-to-
face learning activities.
j. The SDRRMC with the guidance of the principal shall resume the class as the situation may
dictate assuring safety and security of everyone and consulting the guidance of the LGU and
informing the higher office.
a. Suspected carrier will be delivered immediately to the school clinic by the nurse (sir Wilson) to
administer first aid.
b. The school nurse (Sir Wilson) will then coordinate with: (1.) the BHW for further assessment, (2)
the parent/legal guardian of the suspected carrier for consent relative to the next action.
c. Suspected carrier will be then immediately delivered to the nearest government hospital
(Domingo Flores Memorial District Hospital) for appropriate intervention if so, consented by
parent/legal guardian.
d. If BHW affirms preliminary “virial infestation”, the school nurse (sir Wilson) shall order in
coordination with the SDRRMC (Sir Victor) and the IATF Protocol Compliance Officer (Madam
Flor) to order and manage utility workers in the disinfection of the suspected classroom with
chlorine solution.
e. After due coordination with all the parents of the said class(max of 2 hours via text
brigade/messenger or the like), the class adviser of the suspected class shall declare suspension
of classes for the rest of the day to give way for the chlorine disinfection and dismiss the
students to go home outright.
f. SDRRMC (Sir Victor) shall keep the room locked for the rest of the day to avoid entry of anyone.
g. All students who have not shown any illness or symptoms shall report to the class and resume
face-to-face learning activities the following day.
h. The SDRRMC with the guidance of the principal shall resume the class as the situation may
dictate assuring safety and security of everyone and consulting the guidance of the LGU and
informing the higher office.
3. Partial (Some Classrooms Only) /Selective Suspension of Classes Caused by Flood or Tide
a. The SDRRMC (sir Victor) shall monitor tide and flood based on tidal calendar and
announcements from DOST-PAGASA, as may be televised, radio broadcasted or from any
other responsible means to provide early information and or partial suspension of classes
advisers upon consultation with the school principal.
b. Class advisers of partially suspended classes shall then inform their students not to go to
school in advance (on or before 4 am of that day) and adopt modular delivery instead.
c. The SDRRMC with the guidance of the principal shall resume the class as the situation may
dictate assuring safety and security of everyone and consulting the guidance of the LGU and
informing the higher office.
4. Total Suspension of Classes Due to Flood (Tidal or Torrid Rain, No Storm Signal)
a. The SDRRMC (Sir Victor) shall monitor tide and flood based on tidal calendar and
announcements from DOST-PAGASA, as may be televised, radio broadcasted or from any
other responsible means such as ocular inspection
b. If the flood is massive or projected to be massive, as in case of torrid rain or thunderstorm,
the SDRRMC (Sir Victor) shall recommend to the school principal for School Suspension of
Classes/Total Suspension of Classes.
c. The principal in coordination with the Punong Barangay shall declare School Suspension of
Classes/Total Suspension of Classes. (PB Alvin Manansala agreed that the school principal
will be the one to decide for suspension for the safety and best interest of the school
d. Class Advisers shall instruct their students to adopt modular delivery until classes resume.
e. In any event of prolonged flooding (more than (3) three days), subject teachers shall
augment modular delivery by discussing lessons via RBI with greater emphases/priority of
the PISA related subjects.
f. If suspension of classes exceeds two (2) weeks, class advisers, Homeroom Guidance
Teachers headed by the Guidance Coordinator (maam Luz) and the Parenting Coordinator
(Madam Carmen) shall initiate “Kumustahan” and Parenting Activities. All remedial activities
shall be delivered via small mobile groups.
g. If suspension of classes exceeds one (1) month, the school shall continue (f) with hybrid
modality and grading flexibility like that during the pandemic.
h. The SDRRMC with the guidance of the principal shall resume the class as the situation may
dictate assuring safety and security of everyone and consulting the guidance of the LGU and
informing the higher office.
a. Class Advisers shall instruct their students to adopt modular delivery until classes resume.
b. In any event of prolonged suspensions (5days or more), subject teachers shall augment
modular delivery by discussing lessons via RBI with greater emphases/priority of the PISA
related subjects if still practicable.
c. If suspension of classes exceeds two (2) weeks, class advisers, Homeroom Guidance Teachers
headed by the Guidance Coordinator (Madam Luz) and the Parenting Coordinator (Madam
Carmen) shall initiate “Kumustahan” and Parenting Activities. All remedial activities shall be
delivered via small mobile groups or via RBI if ever practicable.
d. If suspension of classes exceeds one (1) month, the school shall continue (c) with hybrid
modality whichever is practicable with simplified grading flexibility like that during the
e. The SDRRMC with the guidance of the principal shall resume the class as the situation may
dictate assuring safety and security of everyone and consulting the guidance of the LGU and
informing the higher office.
Prepared by: