S1 Islamic Religious Education Kamssa Examinations

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2 Hours 40 Minutes
This paper consists of Three sections A, B and C
Section A consists of Ten short answered questions you should attempt All questions in this section
(20 marks)
Section B consists of four questions you should attempt Two questions only (40 marks)
Section C consists of scenario and case study type questions Answer all questions in this section.
(20 marks)
All questions carry equal marks.

Attempt all questions (40 marks)
1. What do you understand by the term prayer. (01 mark)
2. Outline the different forms of worship in Islam. (02 marks)

3. Outline the two parts of Shahadah. (02 marks)

4. Outline the importance of Shahadah to Amuslim (02 marks)

5. Mention any Two types of purification you know. (02 marks)

6. a). What do you understand by the term congregational prayer. (01 mark)
(b). Outline two individual prayers. (02 marks)

7.(a). Define the term faith. (01 mark)

(b). Mention the Two articles of faith you know. (02 marks).

8. Mention the Islamic symbols you know. (02 marks)

9. What is kind of life people will experience in
(i) Paradise (01 mark)
(ii) Hell (01 mark)
10.a) Outline the acts in your society that contract the teachings of Qadar (02 marks)
b) Mention the importance of believing in one God. (02 marks)

Answer only Two questions. (40 marks)
11.a) Explain how should a Muslim celebrate Idd al Aduha (10 marks)

b) Explain how Amuslim should behave in the Holly month of Ramadhan (10 marks)

12.a) Explain the difference between Allah’s Angels and Human being (10 marks)
b) What are the characteristics of Allah’s Angels. (10 marks)

13. Explain the duties of the following in the family.

(a) A wife to his husband (05 marks)
(b) A husband to his wife (05 marks)
14.a) Explain the characteristics of an Islamic dress. (10 marks)
b) Explain the benefits of an Islamic dress. (10 marks)

Answer one question (20 marks)
15. The mosque near your school has got very many new converts. As adults they have to
immediately start practicing the Islamic culture and norms. They have written a letter to your
school requesting for any S.1 learner to teach them about the culture of Islam.
As areligious leader representing S.1 prepare a written speech that you will use to address
the new converts. (20 marks).

16. It was the last Friday in the month of Ramadhan. Mr. Odongo Muhammed who has a family of
2 boys and a wife has attended Juma prayers at Old Kampala Mosque. The Imam has given a
sermon on payment of Zakat al- fifr before prayers on Idd day.
Write a dialogue between you and Mr Odongo to assist him to know what he is supposed to do
before Eld al-fifr prayers. Talk about the meaning of zakat its different types, the importance
items from which its paid and the categories of people entitled to receive it. (20 marks).


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