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Design of a 28/38 GHz Dual-Band Printed Slot

Antenna for the Future 5G Mobile Communication

Osama M. Haraz1, 2, Mohamed Mamdouh M. Ali1, Saleh Alshebeili2, 3 and Abdel-Razik Sebak4
1 2 3 4
Electrical Engineering Dept. KACST-TIC in RF and Electrical Engineering Dept. ECE Department
Assiut University King Saud University King Saud University Concordia University
Assiut, Egypt Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Montreal, QC, Canada,,,

Abstract—In this article, a dual-band printed slot antenna for deployed beyond 2020 [2]. To meet the requirements of 5G to
the future fifth generation (5G) mobile networks are proposed. enable higher capacity, higher rate, more connectivity, higher
The antenna is compact with size of 0.8 λ0 0.75 λ0 at 28 GHz. reliability, lower latency, larger versatility and application-
Matching between a sector-disk shaped radiating patch and the domain specific topologies, new concepts and design
50- microstrip line is manipulated through aproximity-feed approaches are in great need.
technique. An elliptically shaped aperture is etched in the ground
Future fifth generation wireless communication networks
plane to enhance the antenna bandwidth. A shunt stub is used to
get more enhancement of the impedance bandwidth of the (5G) will most likely use millimeter-wave frequencies. Some
antenna. To reduce the interference between the 5G system and work done by the authors on designing 5G antennas/arrays
other systems, -shaped slot is etched off in the feed line to create have been recently released [3]-[5]. In this paper, design of a
a notched band of 30-34 GHz. The simulated results show that 28/38 GHz dual-band printed slot antenna for the Future 5G
the designed antenna has a dual band function at 28/38 GHz that mobile communication networks is proposed.
covers future 5G applications. The proposed antenna provides
almost omni-directional patterns, relatively flat gain, and high II. ANTENNA GEOMETRY AND DESIGN
radiation efficiency through the frequency band excluding the Based on several parametric studies, the geometry of the
rejected band.
proposed dual band antenna is illustrated in Fig. 1. The
prototype antenna is simulated on a = 8 7.5 mm2.
I. INTRODUCTION RogersRT5880 of 0.127 mm thickness, dielectric constant =
2.2 and loss tangent = 0.0009.A sector-disk radiating
With the accelerating accumulation, exchange and
patch of radius = 1.5 mm is placed non-concentrically
utilization of information for human social interactions and
sensing/control in cyber-physical systems, the next wave of inside a circular-shaped slot = 3 mmetched off the ground
developments in wireless mobile communications is required plane [represents a ground plane aperture (GPA)]. The center
to realize ubiquitous connectivity with massive volumes and of the circular GPA is on the same vertical symmetric line of
diversity of data. The mobile industry has experienced a the substrate. The patch is excited using a 50-Ω proximity-feed
dramatic growth; it evolves from analog to digital 2G (GSM), microstrip line placed on the other side of the substrate, with
then to high date rate cellular wireless communication such as width = 2.42 mm and length, = 0.8 mm. The feed line is
3G (WCDMA),and further to packet optimized 3.5G (HSPA) tapered to use as transformer to improve the impedance
and 4G (LTE and LTE advanced) systems [1]. matching with size of = 1.58 1.66 mm2. For more
The fourth generation wireless communication systems improvement of the impedance matching, stub is connected in
have been deployed or are soon to be deployed in many shunt into the feed line with uniform width = 0.85 mm,
countries. However, with an explosion of wireless mobile and lengths = 0.29 mm. To obtain band-notched
devices and services, there are still some challenges that characteristics with frequency range of 30-34 GHz a -shaped
cannot be accommodated even by 4G, such as the spectrum etched of the feeding line, respectively. The -shaped slot is of
crisis and high-energy consumption [2]. Wireless system a uniform width 0.108 mm with dimension of = 1.75 mm
designers have been facing the continuously increasing and = 0.68 mm. To increase the gain and radiation
demand for high data rates and mobility required by new efficiency of antenna, rectangular slots of size =0.5
wireless applications. To address the above challenges the research 0.28 mm2 are etched off the ground plane.
on fifth generation wireless systems (5G) that are expected to be


|S |, dB

-30 CST
(a) (b)
Figure. 1. Geometry and dimensions of the proposed dual-band 5G
antenna, (a) 3D view. (b) top and bottom views. -40
20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44
frequency, GHz

III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Figure. 2. Reflection coefficient |S11| versus frequency of proposed dual-
band 5G antenna.
The simulations of the proposed antenna are performed
using HFSS [6] and Computer Simulation Technology (CST)
Microwave Studio [7] commercial software programs. The
simulated results of the reflection coefficients |S11| for the
proposed dual-band 5G antenna are illustrated in Fig. 2. It is
apparent that the proposed antenna can cover dual 5G bands of
28/38 GHz for |S11| less than -10 dB with single notch band of
30-34 GHz. The simulated maximum realized gain of the
proposed antenna is shown in Fig. 3. A stable gain with a
value of 4.2 dBi in the first band at 28 GHz is observed and
6.9 dBi in the second band at 38 GHz. A sharp dip in the (a) (b)
antenna gain can be observed in the notched-frequency band Figure 3. CST Simulated Radiation patterns of proposed dual-band 5G
antenna at, (a) 28 GHz, and (b) 38 GHz.
near 31 GHz. Fig. 4 shows the simulated radiation patterns of
proposed antenna at frequencies of 28, and 38 GHz. Simulated
results demonstrates that the antenna is characterized by 10 100
omnidirectional patterns. 90

Efficiency (%)
In this paper, a dual-band printed slot antenna for the future 0
Gain (dBi)

5G mobile networks are presented. Simulated Results show

-5 60
that the proposed dual-band antenna has dual band response at
28 and 38 GHz for 5G system. To reduce the interference 50
between the 5G system and other applications, L-shaped slot is 40
etched off in the feed line to create a notched band of 30-35 -15
Efficiency 30
GHz. The proposed dual-band antennas have gain up to 7 dBi
with sharp drop observed in the notched-frequency band near -20 20
31 GHz. 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44
REFERENCES Frequency (GHz)
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