Assessment Instrument

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Assessment Process Flow

C Assessment Plan Observation

A agreed by candidate Knowledge conducted as
N & completed by the Questionnaire per the
D assessor before the conducted as per Assessment
I actual assessment the Assessment Plan
D Plan
S Portfolio of
Evidence Portfolio of
A detailed Assessor submitted as per Evidence
Report compiled & the Assessment compiled as per
forwarded for Plan the Assessment
Moderation Plan

Feedback Report
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completed by Record of
Results individual
the candidate Learning
Moderated feedback given
in the event of Updated
to the candidate

Completed Assessor S
Report / Moderator E All records Action Plan
Report / Record of T & evidence Completed by
Learning A filed Assessor

Certificate of Register
Competencies candidates on the
Approval & Learner Record
issued to
Certification Database
obtained candidates

Use a Graphical User Interface (GUI)-based presentation application to prepare and produce a presentation according to a
given brief

Assessment Plan
Candidate's Name:
Assessor's Name: Robert Sekwele
Use a Graphical User Interface (GUI)-based
Standard Title: presentation application to prepare and produce Level 2 credits 5
a presentation according to a given brief

Assessment venue POPUP Soshanguve

Training material,
Attend Training Attendance Register
equipment as specified
Complete formative Completed formative
Formative workbook
assessment workbook
Complete summative Completed knowledge
Summative workbook
assessment questionnaire

Candidate Signature
Assessor Signature

 You must complete the classroom activities whilst facilitation is taking place. The facilitator may stop at
regular intervals to give you time to complete the activities.

 Please complete all work in blue or black pen. The assessor will not assess the evidence if completed in

 You are not allowed to copy from another learner. Any plagiarism committed will be viewed in a serious
light and disciplinary action may be taken against you. Your work must be authentic i.e. your own work.
Group work is allowed in certain activities but your answers must be your own original work after
discussions in the group.

 You must sign the declaration contained in the assessment preparation and planning document declaring
that all work is your own. If you so not sign this declaration, the assessor will not proceed with assessment
and your results will be delayed.

 Please do not use any correction fluid i.e. tippex. Rather cross your work out and write next to your

 The proficiency level required for each unit standard in the cluster is 50% per specific outcome per unit
standard. If you are deemed Not Yet Competent in a unit standard, you will only be required to redo
(remediate those sections in that unit standard.

 Any remediation must be submitted within 30 working days after you gave received feedback

 If you have achieved any unit standards in this skills programme via another provider, please neatly draw
a line through the section and indicate that a certified certificate has been submitted and is included in
your administration section.

 Please include dates on all extra evidence that you will submit in your portfolios

 Answer section A and Section B.

Formative Assessment activities
Question 1 (SO 1, AC 1- AC 4)
As part of your community development programme, you are tasked to prepare a PowerPoint presentation
for youths in your community to make them aware of cancer and how to prevent it. The presentation must
me for 10min and have 10 Slides.
1. Create a new Presentation
2. Save the presentation as Breast cancer (Your name)
3. On the first Slide Create a Title named “Breast Cancer”
4. Insert a new slide with a title and content layout. In the title type “Presentation purpose”
5. In the content box/placeholder type “ Breast cancer awareness for young women”
6. Insert a Title and Content Slide, in the title placeholder type :Topics for discussion”
7. In the content placeholder for type the following list
a. What is breast cancer?
b. How common is breast cancer?
c. What causes it?
d. What are the risk factors?
e. Can breast cancer be prevented?
f. Tests to find breast cancer early
g. What you can do?
8. Insert a new two content slide
9. Create a slide according the picture below
10. Save your presentation

Question 2 (SO2: AC 1 – AC4)

1. Using the Breast cancer presentation, use the zoom slider to change the Zoom to 100%
2. Auto-hide the ribbon so that the entire (ribbon) tool bars are hidden.
3. Change the view of the presentation to Slide Sorter view.

4. Reduce the Zoom to 50%
5. Remove the Auto Hide Ribbon
6. Save and close the presentation.

Question 3 (SO3: AC 1 – AC 3)
Working with multiple presentations
1. Open two Presentations named “Prostate Cancer” and Prostate cancer 2017 in the formative assessment
2. Arrange presentations so that you can see both presentations e.g View  Arrange all
3. In the Presentation “Prostate Cancer” activate slide number 7
4. Copy the 5 risk factors in slide 6 of Prostate Cancer 2017 and paste them in slide 7 of Prostate Cancer

Risk factors from slide 6

5. Insert a new slide in Prostate Cancer Presentation.
6. Copy the contents of slide 7 in Prostate Cancer 2017, and paste them in the new slide.
7. Insert a new slide between slide 1 and 2 in Prostate cancer 2017 presentation
8. Copy the contents of Slide 4 in Prostate Cancer presentation and Paste them in the new slide that you
inserted in Prostate Cancer 2017.
9. Save and Close your presentations.

Question 4 (SO4 AC 2)
Creating a New Presentation from a Design Template
1. From File  New
2. Create a New Presentation from a design template of your choice
3. Open a word document named “Cancer Symptoms”
4. Use the contents of the document to create an 8 Slide Presentation of Cancer Symptoms.
5. Choose any four cancer types and create a presentation on Cancer Symptoms.
6. Save your presentation in the Formative Assessment Folder/Formative evidence

Question 5 (SO5: AC 3- AC 5)
Customizing a presentation
1. Open a presentation named “Types of Cancers”
2. On Slide 6, Set a tab stop on 2.5 for the following list:

3. Remove the tabs

4. Apply the picture bullets of your choice on the list.
6. On slide number 2, number the list with roman figures
7. Save and close the presentation

Question 6 (SO6: AC1 – AC 4, SO7: AC 1 – AC 4)

Open a presentation named “Prostate cancer”
1. Insert a Fixed Date of 2018/02/26 on all slides except the title slide.
2. Create a footer with the text “American Cancer Association”
3. Show the slide numbers
4. On slide 3, add the following notes:

“Archbishop Desmond Tutu has been in and out of Hospital due to Prostate Cancer.”
5. Switch to the slide sorter View
6. Move slide 4 – what is a prostate to Slide 3
7. Hide Slide 7
8. Show the presentation to your class.


One of the surest ways to further bolster employment figures in South Africa is to place more emphasis on the
promotion and development of entrepreneurship. The latest Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2016-2017 states that
small and medium enterprises in South Africa contribute 36% to GDP. You have been nominated to create a 20
minute presentation for the youths attending a business management Learnership. The presentation is about solving
unemployment through entrepreneurship.

Summative Activity 1
Question 1 (SO1: AC1 – AC4) & (SO2: AC1 – AC4)
1. Create a new blank presentation
2. Save the new presentation as “Solving Unemployment”
3. In the title placeholder type “Solving Unemployment”
4. In the sub-title placeholder type “ Through entrepreneurship”
5. Add a new blank slide
6. Insert a picture named “Entrepreneur Types” from the folder summative assessments.
7. Insert a new slide, change the slide layout to comparison layout.
8. Create a title “Entrepreneur common traits”
9. Open a presentation named Entrepreneurship.
10. Copy the two contents of slide 10 in the Presentation Entrepreneurship and paste them in the new slide.
11. Save the presentation.
12. Increase the Zoom to 200%. Take a screen shot, paste it in a word document. Save the word document as
enlarged view.
13. Reduce the Zoom to 50%. Take a screenshot, paste it in word document. Save it as reduced view.
14. Hide the Ribbon, take a screenshot. Paste the screenshot in a word document, save it as Hidden Toolbar.
15. Change the slide size to Portrait.
16. Save the presentation as a Portrait Slides, in the Evidence folder.

Question 2 (SO3: AC1-AC3), SO6 (AC1-AC4)

Open “Entrepreneurship” and “Solving Unemployment” Presentations
1. Activate the Solving Unemployment presentation, Using the re-use slide option, insert Slide 12 and Slide
13 from the “Entrepreneurship” Presentation.
2. Create a new slide in the “Solving Unemployment presentation” using the Content and Title layout
3. Copy the contents of Slide 21 in Entrepreneurship Presentation and paste them in the new slide you
4. Save and Close the Entrepreneurship presentation.
5. Insert this address as footer to all slides:
6. Insert a fixed date and time and slide number
7. In the notes area of Slide 4, add “Bill Gates and Steve Jobs”.
8. Save the Presentation
9. Apply a slide design of your choice
10. Save the presentation as “Design” in the Evidence Folder.

Knowledge Questions

Question 1 SO4: AC4

What is a design template?

How do you apply a theme on a presentation?

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