Liku Mahapatra is applying for renewal of the Post Matric Scholarship for the academic year 2022-23. He is currently in the 2nd year of a Plus 3 course studying Physical Science at Deogarh (Degree) College in Deogarh, Odisha. According to the application, Liku is from the OBC category, has an annual family income of Rs. 60,000, and is a day scholar. He has provided details of his educational qualifications, bank account, income certificate, caste certificate, and other required documents to determine his eligibility for the scholarship renewal.
Liku Mahapatra is applying for renewal of the Post Matric Scholarship for the academic year 2022-23. He is currently in the 2nd year of a Plus 3 course studying Physical Science at Deogarh (Degree) College in Deogarh, Odisha. According to the application, Liku is from the OBC category, has an annual family income of Rs. 60,000, and is a day scholar. He has provided details of his educational qualifications, bank account, income certificate, caste certificate, and other required documents to determine his eligibility for the scholarship renewal.
Liku Mahapatra is applying for renewal of the Post Matric Scholarship for the academic year 2022-23. He is currently in the 2nd year of a Plus 3 course studying Physical Science at Deogarh (Degree) College in Deogarh, Odisha. According to the application, Liku is from the OBC category, has an annual family income of Rs. 60,000, and is a day scholar. He has provided details of his educational qualifications, bank account, income certificate, caste certificate, and other required documents to determine his eligibility for the scholarship renewal.
Liku Mahapatra is applying for renewal of the Post Matric Scholarship for the academic year 2022-23. He is currently in the 2nd year of a Plus 3 course studying Physical Science at Deogarh (Degree) College in Deogarh, Odisha. According to the application, Liku is from the OBC category, has an annual family income of Rs. 60,000, and is a day scholar. He has provided details of his educational qualifications, bank account, income certificate, caste certificate, and other required documents to determine his eligibility for the scholarship renewal.
Caste Certificate No. To Whom the Certificate Issued Issuing Authority
E-OBC/2021/188672 Liku Mahapat ra Revenue Officers not below t he rank of Tahasildar / Addit ional Tahasildar
Issue Date Caste Certificate
12 Aug 2021 Uploaded
Institute Declaration Certificate
Bank Informat ion
Account Holder Name IFSC Code Account No.
Whether account number tagged /seeded with
the Aadhaar number? Yes
Bank Name Branch Name
Passbook front page
Uploaded St udent Declarat ion
1. I have read and understood the conditions of award of Scholarship.
2. I am aware that my application is liable to be rejected, if it is found at any stage, that Aadhaar number provided by me is wrong or Aadhaar number is of someone’s else. 3. I am aware that if more than one application is found, all my applications are liable to be rejected. 4. I am aware that for any wrong entry or mis-match of the Bank-account details, the State Government will not be responsible for mis-credit and I will be held responsible for diversion of public money on this ground.
Date ........................
Place ........................ Full Signature of Applicant