Salawat (Farewell)
Salawat (Farewell)
Salawat (Farewell)
ASSALAAMO A’LAYKA YAA RASOOLALLAAHE.. الَّس َالُم َع َلْي َك َيا َر ُس وَل اِهَّلل َأ ْس َت ْو ِد ُع َك اَهَّلل َو َأ ْس َت ْر ِع يَك َو َأْق َر ُأ َع َلْي َك
A’LAYHE ALLAAHUMMA LAA TAJ-A’LHO ِف ي َح َي اِت ي َأ ْن َال ِإ َلَه ِإ َّال َأْن َت
AAKHERAL A’HDE MINNEE َو َأ َّن ُم َح َّم دًا َع ْب ُد َك َو َر ُس وُلَك َص َّلى اُهَّلل َع َلْي ِه َو آِلِه
LE ZEYAARATE QABRE NABIYYEKA FA-IN َص َّلى اُهَّلل َع َلْي َك الَّس َالُم َع َلْي َك َال َج َع َلُه اُهَّلل آِخ َر َت ْس ِل يِم ي َع َلْي ك
Peace be on you, O Apostel of Allah
I entrust you with Allah, I request Him to take care of I say “peace be on you”…
I believe in Allah, and in that which you brought, and in that to which you guided.
O Allah let not my this visitation to the grave of Your Prophet be my last. If You
cause me to die before I come here again, then I, bear witness in my death upon
what I testify in my lifetime, that there is no god save You, and that Mohammad is
Your bondman and Your Apostle, blessing of Allah be on him and his progeny..