Sitareniosetal EETC2014
Sitareniosetal EETC2014
Sitareniosetal EETC2014
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5 authors, including:
Michael Kavvadas
National Technical University of Athens
All content following this page was uploaded by Panagiotis Sitarenios on 14 May 2016.
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P. Sitarenios , G. Kallivokas , G. Prountzopoulos , A. Kalos & M. Kavvadas
National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece
ABSTRACT: The behaviour of the excavation face is one of the most critical aspects in urban tunnels excavated
with conventional methods (i.e., not with TBMs), as the majority of such failures are due to excessive face
extrusion, often leading to face collapse. This paper investigates the stability conditions and deformational
behaviour of an unsupported tunnel face through an extensive set of three dimensional finite element analyses.
The Modified Cam-Clay constitutive model is used in modelling the behaviour of the ground. The obtained results
are used in understanding how various geometrical (tunnel diameter, depth of overburden), as well as
geotechnical conditions (ground strength and compressibility) affect the behaviour of the tunnel face. Using these
results, face stability is quantified in terms of the magnitude of face extrusion by correlating an average
normalized face extrusion with a face stability factor similar to that proposed by Prountzopoulos (2012). Finally,
an attempt is made to calculate the factor of safety (FS) of an unsupported tunnel face.
1 Introduction
Controlling the axial deformation (extrusion) of tunnel face is probably one of the most important
issues in tunnelling, as most tunnel failures and most unsuccessful applications of both non-
mechanized and TBM tunnelling can be attributed to poor control of tunnel face.
The study of face stability conditions of an unsupported tunnel face has long been based on either
experimental investigations (see Meguit 2007) or on limit analyses methods (e.g. Anagnostou &
Kovari, 1994). Experimental results usually have limited applicability due to the fact that they are
focused in special geometrical and geotechnical conditions while both methods focus in predicting the
conditions at incipient face instability.
Three dimensional (3D) numerical analyses are constantly gaining power as they allow for the
prediction of the magnitude of deformation in both "stable" and "unstable" face conditions. The
deformation of the advance core (near-face region) plays a crucial role in face stability and a lot of
researches have tried to approach the issue of face stability from a deformational perspective, through
3D numerical analyses (e.g. Prountzopoulos & Kavvadas, 2014; Prountzopoulos, 2012).
In this paper the deformational behaviour and face stability of an unsupported tunnel face is
investigated through 3D numerical analyses using a methodology similar to the one proposed by
Prountzopoulos (2012). The novelty of the present work lies in the use of the Modified Cam Clay
constitutive model in describing the stress strain relationship of the excavated geomaterial, instead of
the usually utilized elastic - perfectly plastic Mohr - Coulomb model.
In the sections to follow, initially the work of Prountzopoulos (2012) is briefly reviewed and the key
differences between the Mohr - Coulomb and Modified Cam Clay constitutive models are highlighted.
Then the results of the numerical investigation performed are used in a) a qualitative assessment of
the effect that different geotechnical and geometrical conditions have on face extrusion and; b) in the
prediction of face stability conditions.
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Figure 1. Results of the normalized face extrusion ploted versus Face Stability Parameter ΛF for H/D≤5
(after Prountzopoulos, 2012).
In figure 1, in the vertical axis, results of the normalized face extrusion are given utilizing the
normalized parameter Ωf,Area given by the following expression:
Uh,Area Esoil
ΩF ,Area
D P0
Uh,Area is the average face area extrusion derived when volume of extrusion is divided with the area of
the tunnel face, D is the tunnel diameter, Esoil the ground modulus and P0 the average stress in the
tunnel axis level P0 =γΗ(1+Κ)/2, with (γΗ) being the overburden pressure and K the geostatic stress
ratio. Normalized extrusion is plotted against a new face stability parameter ΛF:
5.25 c tan2 (45 φ )
γ Η1 b D b (2)
which includes ground strength (in terms of cohesion c and friction φ) in the numerator and also the
combined effects of tunnel depth H and diameter D both explicitly (eq.2) and implicitly through the
coefficients α and b, given by the following expressions:
0.16 0.59
D (3)
D (4)
It can be observed that the proposed normalized expressions achieve practical uniqueness for a wide
range of ground properties tunnel heights and diameters, and also that the Face Stability Parameter
ΛF has been carefully selected to correlate face instability (where the slope of the face extrusion curve
increases rapidly) with ΛF<1.
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Using face extrusion, a deformational quantity, in assessing face stability means that the obtained
correlations are as reliable as the calculated strain field, i.e., as the constitutive model used. It is well
known that the Mohr-Coulomb elastic perfectly plastic model, although extensively used due to its
simplicity (well known parameters c ,φ, E), fails in reproducing realistic plastic strains. This is mainly
attributed to the fact that a strength criterion is used to describe the yield envelope and thus failure
and yield coincide meaning that plastic strain appear only when failure conditions have been reached.
It is well known that this is far from reality for soils where plastic deformation occur even in the small
strain regime. Moreover the plastic dilatancy reproduced is constant and must be preselected to match
the desired behavior (contractant or dilatant), while in addition radial stress paths that do not lead to
failure (i.e. isotopic consolidation, K0 consolidation) are assumed purely elastic.
On the contrary, the Modified Cam Clay (MCC) model (Roscoe & Burland, 1968) is a closed yield
surface, hardening model. Figure 2 depicts the yield surface of the MCC model in the mean effective
stress (p') - deviatoric stress (q) plane and also the corresponding compressibility framework in the
specific volume (v) - natural logarithm of the mean effective stress (lnp') plane.
Figure 2. a) The MCC yield surface in the p'-q plane and b) the underlying compressibility framework in
the v-lnp' plane.
As shown in figure 2, the MCC's yield surface is an ellipsoid with its main axis aligned with the
hydrostatic axis; in the triaxial stress space, it is described by the following yield function :
Δpm p Δε vol
λ κ m
where v, pm are the specific volume and the pre-consolidation pressure in the begining of the
increment, respectively, while κ, λ are compressibility parameters.
In the MCC model, yield is separated from failure, while the later is associated with the critical state,
corresponding to the accumulation of potentially infinite deviatoric strains under constant volume. The
simulated material may strain-harden or strain-soften prior to failure and thus peak strength does not
necessarily coincide with the residual strength (strength at failure).
Figure 3 presents a comparison of typical drained triaxial compression tests between the M-C and
MCC models. It can be seen that the M-C constitutive model always describes an elastic perfectly
plastic response while the flow rule reproduces either a contractant or a dilatant behavior depending
on the user's selection. On the other hand the MCC constitutive model reproduces different types of
behavior depending on whether a normally-lightly over-consolidated soil (OCR<2) or a heavily over-
consolidated soil (OCR>2) is of concern. Development of the MCC constitutive model, has been
based on the Critical State Soil Mechanics framework, derived from an extensive experimental
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investigation of the mechanical behavior of structurless soils. Although it still cannot account for
primary anisotropy or structural effects usually observed in natural soil deposits, it is superior to the
M-C constitutive model in the sense that its predictions are based on a sound geotechnical framework.
Figure 3. Typical drained triaxial compression tests and the predicted stress - strain relationship with the
a) elastic perdectly plastic M-C and b) the MCC constituive models.
3 Numerical Investigation
Sitarenios et al.
The geotechnical conditions have been assumed to vary only with depth and thus a symmetrical (with
respect to a vertical plane parallel to the tunnel axis) boundary value problem is of concern, leading to
a reduced computational cost as only half of the model needs to be simulated. Eight-noded linear
elements were used to form the required 3D finite element mesh. A dense discretization has been
selected for the areas close to the tunnel, with an average characteristic element length of just 1m,
while a coarser grid is used towards the boundaries (max characteristic element length of 4m).
Finally, the MCC constitutive model was utilized to provide the necessary stress - strain relationship of
the simulated geomaterial.
Table 1. Summary of the geometrical and geotechnical parameters used in the presented numerical
Parameter Range of values Number of selected values
D (m) 8 1
H/D 1.5 , 3.5 2
K 0.5 1
OCR 1÷4 5
M 0.8÷1.2 4
κ 0.01÷0.04 5
λ 0.1÷0.2 3
κ/λ 0.1÷0.2 3
Poisson ratio, ν 0.333 1
4 Results
As expected the results indicate that there is a constant increase in face extrusion with the gradual
decrease of the applied face pressure. In this section the effect that strength, compressibility and
depth of overburden have on face extrusion is evaluated in a qualitative manner. In doing so
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normalized diagrams of the evolution of the average face extrusion with the decrease of the applied
pressure have been used.
Figure 4. Evolution of face extrusion with reduction of FSP. a) the effect of M and b) the effect of OCR,
under constant H/D=3.5, λ=0.15 and κ=0.03.
Based on the overall analyses results the following comments can be made, regarding the effect of
ground strength on the evolution of face extrusion.
Average face extrusion depends highly on the slope of the critical state line M. As expected,
the smaller the value of parameter M is, the higher the final extrusion.
For normally consolidated soils (OCR=1) the behavior of the tunnel face is highly non-linear
even from the early stages of deconfinement, indicating that elasto-plastic strain accumulate.
In this case, the final extrusion is greatly affected by the slope of the critical state line M.
To the contrary, highly over-consolidated soils (OCR>2) exhibit an almost elastic behavior and
thus the effect of the parameters controlling plastic yield is negligible.
For intermediate values of OCR (i.e. OCR=1.5 & 1.75) plastic deformation appears when
more than 70% of the initial FSP has been removed.
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Figure 5. Evolution of face extrusion with reduction of FSP. a) the effect of κ and b) the effect of λ, under
constant H/D=3.5, Μ=0.9 and OCR=1.5
Figure 6. Comparison of the evolution vurves of face extrusion between the "shallow" (H/D=1.5) and the
"deep" tunnel (H/D=3.5) for different a) M and b) OCR values, under constant, λ=0.15 and κ=0.03.
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arching effect can develop and the dead weight zone continuously develops until reaching the
surface and as a consequence increased face extrusion appears.
6 sin
3 sin (7)
Cohesion (c) was eliminated from the ΛF expression and its effect was substituted by the over-
consolidation ratio OCR. It is thus implied that OCR has been arbitrarily assumed to play a role similar
to cohesion. For the face stability factor to remain dimensionless the atmospheric pressure Patm was
added in the numerator (Patm=101kPa). Hence ΛF can now be expressed through the following
0.33 OCR Patm tan2 (45 φ )
ΛMCC 1 b
γ Η D
F b
where parameters α, b are still obtained through equations 3 and 4 respectively. Figure 7 plots the
normalized average face extrusion Ωf,Area with the proposed form of the face stability parameter ΛF .
It can be observed (see figure 7) that the factor 0.33 in the numerator has been suitable selected for
ΛF =1.0 to correspond to the area where the abrupt change in the values of the normalized face
extrusion Ωf,Area takes place. In that end, similar to Prountzopoulos (2012) proposal, ΛF <1 values
indicate an unstable unsupported tunnel face while to the contrary ΛF >1 values correspond to
stable conditions.
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Figure 7. Results of the normalized face extrusion ploted versus the Face Stability Parameter ΛF for
H/D=1.5, 3.5
A similar approach is followed in this study. In MCC, the strength envelope (see figure 3) is not
continues, coinciding with the critical state line in the p' -q plane for OCR<2 (wet side) and with the
yield surface in the dry side (OCR<2). For that reason, in estimating a representative relationship
between the FS and ΛF, two different relationships have been derived:
For the wet side (OCR<2), corresponding to normally and even slightly over-consolidated soils,
OCR was assumed not to affect face stability significantly and thus has not been incorporated in
the calculation of FS. The following expression can be used for OCR<2:
tan45 / 2
tan 2 arctan 45
F1 / 2 a
For the dry side (OCR>2), corresponding to moderate to heavily over- consolidated soils, the
expression is modified as follows where the effect of OCR has been taken into account:
arctan tan / FS
tan 45
tan45 / 2
Figure 8 plots the aforementioned relationships for all the ΛF values derived from the performed
analyses. It can be observed that as expected FS=1 corresponds to ΛF =1. Additionally it is
interesting to notice that almost all the analyses corresponding to OCR<2, irrespective of a) whether a
"shallow" or a "deep" tunnel is analyzed and b) the values that the rest of the parameters may obtain,
plot in the FS, ΛF <1 zone, indicating unstable conditions. Hence it can be said that in normally or even
slightly over-consolidated soils an unsupported face tunnel is most likely to be unstable, similar to
what should be expected for cohesion-less soils. This appears to be in a good accordance with the
"common geotechnical practice" where normally or slightly over consolidated soils are assumed to
have an almost zero cohesion when analyzed in terms of the M-C strength criterion.
It should be mentioned that the aforementioned observation does not indicate a vice versa relationship
between face stability and OCR, as a heavily over-consolidated soil (OCR>2) may be stable or
unstable depending on the analyzed geometrical and geotechnical conditions.
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Figure 8. Safety Factor versus the modified Face Stability Parameter ΛF , as plotted through eq 9 & 10.
6 Conclusions
The deformational behavior and stability conditions of an unsupported tunnel face is investigated
through 3-D numerical analyses utilizing the Modified Cam Clay constitutive model.
It was observed that in normally consolidated and slightly over-consolidated soils (OCR<2), excessive
plastic deformation takes place in the face area and thus the face extrusion depends mainly on the
slope of the critical state line M. As expected, the better the geotechnical conditions are, the smaller
the extrusion is, while, as far as the depth of overburden is concerned, it was observed that under the
same shear strength conditions, the calculated extrusion increases with decreasing tunnel depth.
On the other hand, for heavily over-consolidated soils (OCR>2), the face area remains mainly within
the elastic region, and thus its extrusion is primarily affected by the compressibility parameters and at
the same time it increases with increasing tunnel depth. Regarding the stability of an unsupported
excavation face, it can be said that normally or slightly over-consolidated soils (OCR<2) are more
likely to lead to unstable face conditions.
This procedure is currently improved to include the beneficial effects of a face pressure and thus
extend its applicability in EPB TBM tunneling.
The present research has received partial funding from the European (FP7) project NeTTUN (New
Technologies for Tunnelling and Underground Works) under Grant Agreement 280712.
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