BioResource FinalVersion
BioResource FinalVersion
BioResource FinalVersion
Research interest has shifted from synthetic fiber to natural fiber due to
environmental concerns and government regulation. This study evaluated
the physical and mechanical properties of kenaf(K)/bamboo(B) fiber mat
reinforced epoxy hybrid composites. Kenaf, bamboo, and kenaf/bamboo
hybrid composites were prepared using the hand lay-up method at 40%
wt total fiber loading. Different ratios of kenaf to bamboo fibers, such as
70:30(3B7K), 50:50(BK), and 30:70(7B3K), were used to fabricate the
hybrid composites. Kenaf composite and bamboo composite were
fabricated as controls. Mechanical (flexural and impact), morphological,
and physical properties (thickness swelling, water absorption, and density)
were examined. The density, water absorption and thickness swelling of
the composites increased as the kenaf weight ratio increased. The flexural
properties of kenaf composites were improved by hybridization with
bamboo fiber, whereas the impact properties of bamboo were improved
by hybridization with a woven kenaf mat. Hybrid composites with a 50:50
ratio showed the highest flexural and impact strength. Scanning electron
microscopy (SEM) of flexural fracture showed that 50:50(BK) displayed
better interfacial adhesion than the other two ratios. The woven
kenaf/bamboo hybrid composite is suitable for use in the fabrication of
automotive components.
Keywords: Composite; Kenaf; Bamboo; Natural fiber polymer composite; Physical properties;
Flexural properties; Impact properties
The woven kenaf fiber mat was supplied by Zul Sdn Bhd, Malaysia. The bamboo
mat was procured from Shijiangzhuang Bi Yang Technology Co. Ltd, Hebei, China. D.E.R
* 331 epoxy resin (reaction product of epichlorohydrin and bisphenol A) and the epoxy
hardener Jointmine 905-3S (modified cycloaliphatic amine) were used in this study. Silicon
spray was used as a releasing agent. The epoxy resin, commercial curing agent, and silicon
spray were obtained from Tazdiq Engineering Sdn. Bhd., Selangor, Malaysia. Figure 1
shows the woven kenaf mat and bamboo mat. The properties of epoxy hardener Jointmine
905-3S and epoxy resin are shown in Tables 1 and 2, respectively.
Fabrication of composites
The hand lay-up method was used to fabricate the bamboo mat, kenaf mat, and
hybrid kenaf/bamboo. The bamboo mat and woven kenaf were cut according to mould size,
300 mm × 300 mm, and put in the oven at 60 °C for 24 h to remove moisture. The epoxy
and hardener were mixed with a 2:1 ratio and stirred with wooden stick at room temperature
for 2 to 4 min. The mould was sprayed with a thin layer of silicon spray, which acts as a
releasing agent. Hybrid composites of kenaf and bamboo were prepared with different
weight ratios of 70:30, 50:50, and 30:70, with total fiber loading at 40% by weight. A thin
layer of epoxy was poured into the mould followed by the bamboo and woven kenaf mats.
Epoxy was applied on every layer of the mats. The mould was transfer into a hot press with
a temperature of 110 °C for 10 min, then transferred into a cold press for 5 min before it
was demoulded. A single woven kenaf mat and bamboo mat were prepared as reference.
Figure 2 shows the prepared samples.
Fig. 2. a) Kenaf (K), b) B 70: K 30 (7B3K), c) B 50: K 50 (BK) d) B 30: K 70 (3B7K), e) Bamboo (B)
Water absorption
The test specimen for water absorption (with dimensions of 20 mm x 20 mm x 5
mm) was prepared and tested according to ASTM D 570-98 (2010). The initial weight of
the test specimen (Wd) was measured and recorded before immersion in distilled water.
The weight of test specimen (Wn) was measured and recorded every 24 h for a week. Water
absorption of the composites were calculated using Eq. 2,
Wn Wd
Water absorption(%) x100 (2)
where Wn is the weight of composites samples after immersion and Wd is the weight of
the composite samples before immersion.
Thickness swelling
The test specimen for thickness swelling (with dimensions of 20 mm x 20 mm x 5
mm) was prepared and tested according to ASTM D 570-98 (2010). The initial thickness
of the test specimen was measured and recorded before it was immersed in distilled water.
The test specimen’s thickness was measured and recorded every 24 h for a week. Thickness
swelling of the samples was calculated using Eq. 3,
T1 T0
Thickness Swelling (%) x100 (3)
where T1 is the thickness after soaking and T0 is the thickness before soaking.
Flexural testing
The tensile test specimen had dimensions of 160 mm × 20 mm × 5 mm and was
prepared and tested according to ASTM D790 (2015) using a 30 kN Bluehill INSTRON
5567 universal testing machine (Shakopee, USA). The support span was 16 times the
specimen depth, and the testing speed was calculate using Eq. 4. The samples were put in
a conditioning chamber for one day at 23 ± 3 ºC and relative humidity of 50 ± 10%. In
every sample, five replications were tested, and the average value was tabulated,
R = 0.01L2 / 6d (4)
where R is the rate of crosshead motion (mm/min), L is the support span (mm), and d is
the depth of beam (mm).
Impact testing
Notched Izod impact test specimens (with dimensions of 70 mm × 15 mm × 6 mm)
were prepared and tested according to standard ASTM D256 (2010) using Gotech GT-
7045-MD (Taichung City, Taiwan). The notch angle was 45°, and the depth was 2.5 mm.
The density of kenaf, bamboo, and kenaf/bamboo hybrid composites are shown in
Table 3. Bamboo composites had a higher density compared to kenaf composites, which
were 1.18 g/cm3 and 1.08 g/cm3, respectively. This is because the density of bamboo fiber
is higher than kenaf fiber. The density of hybrid composites increased as the bamboo
weight ratio increased. Hybrid composites with the highest bamboo weight ratio (7B3K)
showed the highest density compared to BK and 3B7K. Even though BK had a higher
bamboo ratio compared to 3B7K, it was demonstrated that BK had lower density than
3B7K. The lower density of BK compared to 3B7K might be due to the void formation in
the composites. The void formation was due to the incomplete wetting of fibers by the resin
(Abdul Khalil et al. 2007a). In another study it was shown that hybridization of low-density
material with high density material will lead to increased density of the hybrid composites
(Mohd Nurazzi et al. 2017).
Water Absorption
Figure 3 shows the water absorption rate of kenaf, bamboo, and kenaf/bamboo
hybrid composites over the span of a week. The rate of water absorption decreased as time
of immersion increased. Usually water absorption of composites is influenced by factors
such as fiber loading, voids, viscosity of matrix, temperature, and humidity (Jawaid et al.
2010). Kenaf-reinforced epoxy composites have higher water absorption compared to the
bamboo reinforced epoxy composites. Water absorption of kenaf and bamboo after a week
were 0.12% and 0.05%, respectively. The higher percentage of water absorption was due
to several factors such as void content, fiber hydrophilicity, and the type of matrix. Water
is absorbed into the available voids and cracks of the composite through capillary action,
and the presence of high hemicellulose content, which is hydrophilic in nature, leads to
water absorption (Kushwaha and Kumar 2010; Abdul Khalil et al. 2011). The
hemicellulose content of kenaf (17.8%) is higher than bamboo (11.1%) (Ahmad Safwan et
al. 2018), making kenaf more hydrophilic than bamboo. The use of bamboo together with
kenaf reduced the water absorption of the composite. As the bamboo weight ratio
Fig. 3. Water absorption for bamboo, kenaf, and kenaf bamboo hybrid composites
Thickness Swelling
The thickness swelling results for kenaf, bamboo, and kenaf/bamboo hybrid
composites are shown in Fig. 4. Thickness swelling of the composites increased as
immersion time was increased. Water was absorbed by the fibers until the cell wall was
saturated with water, and beyond this point, no more thickness swelling occurred. The
presence of polar groups, such as hydroxyl and oxygen groups, in lignocellulosic fiber
attracts water molecules through hydrogen bonding, leading to moisture build-up in the
cell wall and fiber–matrix interface (Abdul Khalil et al. 2007a). The results showed that
the thickness swelling of kenaf composites was higher than bamboo composites. The
finding was in accordance with the water absorption results. The highest thickness swelling
among hybrid composites was shown by BK, which was 5.43%, and followed by 3B7K,
with thickness swelling of 5.38%. This indicates that there was not much difference in the
thickness swelling of BK and 3B7K. Therefore, the thickness swelling of hybrid
composites decreased as bamboo loading increased. This is because bamboo fiber absorbed
less water than kenaf fiber. The decrease in thickness swelling is due to the less hydrophilic
nature of one of the materials used (Jawaid et al. 2012).
Fig. 4. Thickness swelling for bamboo, kenaf, and kenaf bamboo hybrid composites
Flexural Properties
Flexural strength and modulus of kenaf, bamboo, and kenaf/bamboo hybrid
composites with different ratios are depicted in Fig 5. Comparison of bamboo and kenaf
composites illustrated that the flexural strength of the bamboo composites (116.4 MPa)
was higher than the kenaf composites (90.9 MPa). Studies on hybrid kenaf/coir and
bamboo/coir composites have shown that bamboo/coir hybrid composites had higher
flexural strength compared to kenaf/coir (Yusoff et al. 2016). This indicates that bamboo
has better flexural strength than kenaf. Additionally, the higher flexural strength and
modulus of bamboo composite were due to the good fiber and matrix interfacial bonding
(Abdul Khalil et al. 2007b; Da Silva et al. 2012). Hybrid composites typically had higher
flexural strength and modulus compared with kenaf composites, but lower than bamboo
Fig 5. Flexural strength and modulus of kenaf, bamboo, and kenaf bamboo hybrid composite with
different ratios
Fig. 6. SEM micrographs flexural fracture surface of composites (a) B; (b) K; (c) 3B7K; (d) BK; and
(e) 7B3K
Figures 6 (c) and (d) show the flexural fracture of hybrid composites. The hybrid
composites contained two layers of fiber, kenaf and bamboo. Fiber pull-out, breakage, and
air bubbles were observed in all images for hybrid composites. There was less fiber pull-
out in BK, which indicates that interfacial bonding between fiber and matrix was slightly
stronger than in the other two hybrid composites, leading to higher flexural properties in
BK composites. Moreover, air bubbles were observed in BK. Air bubbles contributed to
BK having a slightly lower density than 3B7K.
Fig. 7. Impact strength of kenaf, bamboo, and kenaf bamboo hybrid composites
1. The hybrid composites density increased as the bamboo weight ratio increased, since
bamboo has a higher density compared to kenaf. The 7B3K hybrid composites had the
highest density compared to the two other ratios of hybrid composites.
2. Water absorption for hybrid composites decreased as the bamboo weight ratio
increased. Accordingly, 3B7K and BK had the highest water absorption.
3. The use of bamboo together with kenaf reduced the thickness swelling of hybrid
composites compared to kenaf composites.
4. Hybrid kenaf/bamboo with a 50:50 ratio showed the highest flexural strength and
modulus compared to other hybrid composites.
5. Morphological analysis by SEM showed that there was fiber pull-out, fiber breakage,
matric cracking, and air bubbles in the composites. Based on the analysis, hybrid
composites with a 50:50 ratio had better interfacial adhesion compared to the other two
6. The impact strength of hybrid kenaf/bamboo seemed to improve beyond the impact
strength of pure kenaf and bamboo composite, which was 44.8 J/m.
7. Based on the analysis, hybrid kenaf/bamboo composites with a ratio of 50:50 showed
the best overall performance.
The authors are thankful to the Universiti Putra Malaysia for supporting this research
through Putra Grant No: 9490601. We are also thankful to Ministry of Higher Education
for Providing HICOE project [Grant no: 6369108] to INTROP, UPM for doing this work.
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Article submitted: October 9, 2018; Peer review completed: November 18, 2018; Revised
version received: December 25, 2018; Accepted: December 28, 2018; Published: January
7, 2019.
DOI: 10.15376/biores.14.1.1390-1404