User Manual ITProof Submission
User Manual ITProof Submission
User Manual ITProof Submission
submission – FY 2023-24
2 3
Date: 05-12-2023
10 1 0244
IT Proof online proof submission process ........................................................................................... 3
Click on edit
option and update
your declarations.
• Keep the softcopies of all proofs/investment bases each head only in PDF/JPEG/GIF formats.
• All the employees have to submit Form-12BB along with IT proofs.
• Keep the soft/scanned copies of all the proofs ready. Ensure the proofs are clear and visible
without any password protection. Also ensure the size of each proof must not exceed 4MB.
• No Need to declare for PF and VPF deductions. This will default exemption incorporated based
on the deduction from salary as per the IT provision.
• No need to declare all top up deductions and medical insurance premium deducted for self,
spouse and children’s. This will default exemption incorporated based on the deduction from
salary as per the IT provision.
• If you are declaring Interest on housing loan or Loss/Income from house property, then please fill
form 12C, and then attach along with Loan certificate.
• If you joined after 1st April,2023 and declared previous employer income details, please fill 12B
and submit along with proofs.
• If you are claiming 80DDB then please take print of Form 10I, fill the same, sign it and attach the
soft copy along with other relevant documents.
• If your annual rent amount is more than 1 Lakh, then land lord PAN is mandatory.
Please note, After submission you cannot change your declaration. So please do check your
declaration, proofs etc carefully before you submit your IT Proofs.
Please log on to helpline ticket for any query or issue regard to the online submission.
GPO Team