The extract of this book talks about the protagonist, she describes herself as a student who feels
disconnected from algebra class. She sits in the back row and considers herself the class's
emergency warning system, planning disaster drills in her mind. Although she is good at
mathematics in general, she finds it difficult to concentrate on algebra, since she does not
understand the practical usefulness of it as she does with other branches of mathematics such as
fractions, decimals and geometry. The protagonist observes that the algebra teacher, Mr. Stetman,
seems to enjoy her teaching the subject and talks passionately about it, but her explanations do not
seem to make sense to her or her classmates. The extract ends with a humorous reference to a
fictional mathematical term, the "wangdiddler," in the context of " Hotchkis negative theorem,"
further emphasizing the protagonist's disconnection from matter.
The name of the book is “Speak”, the Autor is in general this book is narrated in the first person by
Melinda Sordino, a high school freshman who experiences a traumatic event during the summer,
which deeply affects her school year. Melinda feels isolated and marginalized and struggles to find
her voice and overcome her difficulties. Throughout the book, she faces personal and social
challenges, including problems with her classmates and her family. The book explores important
themes such as silence, abuse, self-expression, and personal empowerment. As the story progresses,
Melinda finds the strength to speak out and face her problems.
How does Melinda tell Rachel the truth about Andy?
Melinda decides to write Rachel a note in her library to tell her the truth about Andy. This method
allows Melinda to carefully choose her words and express her thoughts without interruptions or
distractions. Additionally, writing a note gives Rachel the opportunity to process the information at
her own pace and react privately, if she so chooses.
Who is the first person to hear what Melinda has to say?
The first person to hear what Melinda has to say is her classmate, David Petrakis. During a class
presentation, Melinda gives David a box containing her written report on the topic of trees. David is
the first to read the contents of the box, which reveals Melinda's traumatic experiences. Through
this act, David becomes the first person to indirectly hear what Melinda has to say about her trauma.
Who does Melinda call her hairdresser?
Melinda calls her English teacher "Hairdresser" because she is known for having unique and
distinctive hair, whom she describes as an eccentric and unconventional woman. The nickname
"Hairdresser" is probably a fun and affectionate way Melinda has of referring to her teacher,
highlighting her teacher's distinctive and memorable hairstyle.
Why don't people talk to Melinda throughout the novel?
Throughout the novel, people don't talk to Melinda because she called the police and broke up a
party. This action caused her classmates to ostracize and ostracize her. She is seen as a snitch and
someone who ruined her fun. As a result, they choose to ignore her and exclude her from social
interactions. This isolation and lack of communication with others is a major theme in the novel.
What is the main conflict that Melinda faces?
The main conflict Melinda faces is the emotional trauma and depression she experiences as a result
of being sexually assaulted during a summer party. This trauma leads her to a state of isolation,
depression and silence, and deeply affects her school and personal life. Throughout the book,
Melinda struggles to find her voice, confront her attacker, and overcome the emotional impact of
the assault.
Why does David become Melinda's hero?
David Petrakis becomes Melinda's hero thanks to his support, understanding and bravery. David is
the first to indirectly hear what Melinda has to say about her trauma when she hands him a box with
her report written on the trees. Additionally, David defends Melinda on several occasions,
challenging her teachers and showing a brave and compassionate attitude towards her. Her support
and willingness to hear from her help her find the strength to confront her abuser and overcome her
Which of Melinda's old friends is the first to be friendly with her again?
In the book, Melinda's first old friend to be friendly with her again is Rachel. Although there is
initially tension between them, Rachel eventually shows understanding and empathy toward
Melinda, marking a significant moment in her recovery process.
How do developments in science and technology influence our lives?
Advances in science and technology have a profound impact on almost every aspect of our
lives. From medicine to communication, agriculture, energy and more, these advances have
improved quality of life, increased life expectancy and provided innovative solutions to complex
problems. For example, medical technology has enabled more accurate diagnoses and more
effective treatments, while information technology has transformed the way we communicate
and access information.
The media, especially in this time, has transformed the way we relate and communicate in a good
way. for example Social media, texting, video calling, and other platforms have expanded our
connections, allowing us to interact with people around the world instantly. But it also has its bad
point, because they can also affect our face-to-face relationships, since they can sometimes decrease
the quality of interpersonal communication or generate an excessive dependence on technology
instead of direct human interactions.