Network Goals
Network Goals
Network Goals
Standardiza on, Networking models centralized, distributed and collabora ve. Network Topologies: Bus,
Star, Ring, Tree, Hybrid: Selec on and Evalua on factors.
Sure, let's break down each of these topics:
Goals: Network goals can include efficient data transmission, resource sharing, communica on, and
collabora on among users or devices.
Applica ons: Networks are used in various fields such as telecommunica ons, business opera ons,
educa on, healthcare, entertainment, and more.
Network Structure:
Physical Structure: Refers to the physical layout of devices and cables in a network.
Logical Structure: Describes how data is transmi ed between devices, o en defined by protocols and
addressing schemes.
Network Services:
Services provided by networks include communica on (voice, video, data), resource sharing (printers, files),
remote access (VPN), security (firewalls, encryp on), and more.
Examples of Networks:
Local Area Network (LAN): Connects devices in a limited geographical area, like a home, office, or school.
Wide Area Network (WAN): Spans large geographical areas, connec ng mul ple LANs.
Wireless Network: U lizes wireless technology for communica on, such as Wi-Fi or cellular networks.
Standards ensure interoperability and compa bility among different network devices and systems.
Organiza ons like IEEE, IETF, and ITU develop and maintain network standards.
Networking Models:
Centralized: A single authority or node controls the network infrastructure and resources.
Distributed: Resources and control are spread across mul ple nodes, o en providing redundancy and fault
Collabora ve: Nodes work together in a decentralized manner, sharing resources and responsibili es.
Network Topologies:
Ring: Devices are connected in a circular manner, each device connected to exactly two others.
Tree: Hierarchical structure resembling a tree, with branches connec ng to a main trunk.
Factors to consider include scalability, cost, performance, reliability, ease of installa on and maintenance,
security, and future expansion requirements.
Understanding these concepts is essen al for designing, implemen ng, and managing effec ve computer
Theore cal Basis for Data communica on, Transmission media, Twisted pair (UTP, STP), Coaxial Cable,
Fiberop cs: Selec on and Evalua on factors. Line of Sight Transmission, Communica on Satellites. Analog
and Digital transmission. Transmission and switching, frequency division and me division mul plexing,
STDM, Circuit switching, packet switching and message switching.
Theore cal Basis for Data communica on, Transmission media, Twisted pair (UTP, STP), Coaxial Cable,
Fiberop cs: Selec on and Evalua on factors. Line of Sight Transmission, Communica on Satellites. Analog
and Digital transmission. Transmission and switching, frequency division and me division mul plexing,
STDM, Circuit switching, packet switching and message switching.
Data communica on involves the exchange of data between devices via some form of transmission medium.
It encompasses various concepts including encoding, modula on, transmission, recep on, and decoding of
Transmission Media:
Twisted Pair:
Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP): Consists of twisted pairs of copper wires without addi onal shielding.
Commonly used in Ethernet networks.
Shielded Twisted Pair (STP): Similar to UTP but with addi onal shielding to reduce electromagne c
interference. Used in environments with high interference.
Coaxial Cable: Contains a central conductor surrounded by a dielectric insulator, a metallic shield, and an
outer insula ng layer. Offers be er shielding and higher bandwidth compared to twisted pair.
Fiber Op cs: Transmits data using light pulses through a glass or plas c fiber. Provides high bandwidth,
immunity to electromagne c interference, and long-distance transmission capabili es.
Factors include bandwidth, transmission speed, distance limita ons, suscep bility to interference,
installa on cost, maintenance requirements, and scalability.
U lizes electromagne c waves transmi ed in a straight line from a transmi er to a receiver without any
obstacles in between.
Commonly used in wireless communica on systems like microwave links and laser communica ons.
Communica on Satellites:
Orbit Earth to facilitate long-distance communica on by relaying signals between ground sta ons.
Used for broadcas ng, internet access, telecommunica on, and global posi oning systems.
Analog Transmission: Represents data as con nuous signals, typically used for voice communica on and
analog video.
Digital Transmission: Represents data as discrete binary signals (0s and 1s), providing higher quality and
reliability compared to analog transmission. Used in modern computer networks and telecommunica ons.
Mul plexing:
Frequency Division Mul plexing (FDM): Divides the frequency spectrum into mul ple channels, each
carrying a different signal.
Time Division Mul plexing (TDM): Shares the transmission medium by alloca ng me slots to different
Sta s cal Time Division Mul plexing (STDM): Dynamically allocates me slots based on demand.
Circuit Switching: Establishes a dedicated communica on path between two nodes before data transmission.
Packet Switching: Divides data into packets, which are individually routed based on des na on address.
Message Switching: En re messages are forwarded from node to node un l reaching the des na on.
Understanding these concepts helps in designing efficient and reliable communica on systems for various
applica ons.
Brief Overview of LAN (Local Area Network): Classifica on. Brief overview of Wide Area Network (WAN).
Salient features and differences of LAN with emphasis on: Media, Topology, Speed of Transmission, Distance,
Cost. Terminal Handling. Polling. Token passing, Conten on. IFFE Standards: their need and developments
Certainly, here's a breakdown of LAN and WAN, along with a comparison emphasizing key features and
Classifica on: LANs are typically classified based on their size and ownership. Common classifica ons
Tradi onal LAN: Owned and operated by a single organiza on, serving a small geographical area like a
building or campus.
Wireless LAN (WLAN): U lizes wireless technology for connec vity, allowing devices to connect to the
network without physical cables.
Virtual LAN (VLAN): Segments a single physical network into mul ple logical networks, improving network
management and security.
Salient Features:
Common media types include twisted pair, coaxial cable, or fiber op cs.
Terminal handling can be centralized or decentralized depending on network architecture.
Terminal Handling:
Centralized Terminal Handling: A central server or mainframe manages and controls access to resources and
Decentralized Terminal Handling: Each device has its own processing power and can communicate directly
with other devices without centralized control.
Polling: A method where a central device (such as a controller or hub) sequen ally queries each device on
the network to determine if it has data to transmit.
Token Passing: U lizes a token, a special bit pa ern that circulates around the network, gran ng permission
to the device holding the token to transmit data.
Conten on:
Occurs when mul ple devices a empt to transmit data simultaneously, leading to collisions and degraded
network performance.
Managed through techniques like CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Mul ple Access with Collision Detec on) in
Ethernet networks.
Overview: WANs span large geographical areas, connec ng mul ple LANs and remote devices.
Salient Features:
Covers extensive geographical distances, poten ally spanning across countries or con nents.
U lizes long-distance communica on technologies such as leased lines, satellite links, or fiber op c cables.
Lower data transfer rates compared to LANs due to longer distances and higher latency.
May use various topologies like point-to-point, star, mesh, or hybrid configura ons.
IFFE standards address the need for interoperability and compa bility between different file formats,
par cularly in mul media applica ons.
These standards define specifica ons for extending the capabili es of standard file formats like WAV, BMP,
and AVI to support addi onal features such as metadata, compression, or encryp on.
Developments in IFFE standards aim to enhance mul media content crea on, distribu on, and playback by
ensuring consistency and compa bility across different so ware and pla orms.
Understanding these dis nc ons between LAN and WAN, as well as the features and standards associated
with each, is crucial for designing, implemen ng, and managing network infrastructure effec vely.
Open System: What is an Open System? Network Architectures, ISO-OSI Reference Model, Layers:
Applica on, Presenta on, Session, Transport, Network, Data Link & Physical Physical Layer Transmission,
Bandwidth, Signaling devices used, media type. Data Link Layer Addressing, Media Access Methods, Logical
link Control, Basic algorithms/protocols
Certainly, let's explore the concept of an Open System, along with the OSI reference model and its respec ve
Open System:
An open system refers to a system that adheres to open standards and protocols, allowing for
interoperability and compa bility with other systems and devices.
Open systems facilitate communica on and interac on between different hardware and so ware
components from various vendors.
Examples of open systems include networking protocols like TCP/IP, HTTP, and SMTP, as well as hardware
standards like USB and Ethernet.
Network Architectures:
Network architectures refer to the overall design and structure of a computer network, including hardware,
so ware, protocols, and communica on standards.
The OSI (Open Systems Interconnec on) reference model is a conceptual framework developed by the
Interna onal Organiza on for Standardiza on (ISO) to standardize networking protocols and facilitate
interoperability between different systems.
The OSI model consists of seven layers, each responsible for specific func ons in the communica on process.
Presenta on Layer: Handles data transla on, encryp on, and compression. Examples include SSL, JPEG,
Session Layer: Manages sessions between applica ons. Examples include NetBIOS, RPC.
Transport Layer: Ensures reliable data delivery. Examples include TCP, UDP.
Network Layer: Manages logical addressing and rou ng. Examples include IP, ICMP.
Data Link Layer: Provides error detec on and correc on on the physical layer. Examples include Ethernet,
Physical Layer: Transmits raw data bits over the physical medium. Examples include Ethernet cables, fiber
op cs.
The physical layer is responsible for transmi ng raw data bits over the physical medium.
Key concepts include bandwidth (data transfer rate), signaling devices (modems, repeaters), and media
types (twisted pair, coaxial cable, fiber op cs).
The data link layer provides error detec on and correc on on the physical layer.
It includes addressing (MAC addresses), media access methods (CSMA/CD, token passing), and logical link
control (LLC) for framing and flow control.
Basic algorithms/protocols include Ethernet (for LANs), HDLC (High-Level Data Link Control), and PPP (Point-
to-Point Protocol).
Understanding these concepts provides a founda on for designing, implemen ng, and troubleshoo ng
computer networks in various environments.
Network Layer: Rou ng: Fewest-Hops rou ng. Type of Service rou ng, Upda ng Gateway rou ng
informa on. Brief overview of Gateways, Bridges and Routers, Gateway protocols, rou ng daemons. OSI and
TCP/IP model. TCP/IP and Ethernet. The Internet: The structure of the Internet, the internet layers,
Internetwork problems. Internet Standards.
Network Layer:
Rou ng: Rou ng is the process of selec ng the best path for data packets to travel from source to
des na on in a network. Fewest-hops rou ng aims to find the path with the fewest intermediate hops or
network devices.
Type of Service Rou ng: Involves selec ng a route based on specific service requirements such as
bandwidth, delay, or reliability.
Upda ng Gateway Rou ng Informa on: Gateways, such as routers, exchange rou ng informa on using
rou ng protocols like OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) or BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) to update rou ng
tables and make rou ng decisions.
Gateways: Connect networks with different protocols or technologies, transla ng data between them. They
operate at the network layer.
Bridges: Connect network segments at the data link layer, forwarding frames based on MAC addresses.
Routers: Connect mul ple networks and make rou ng decisions based on IP addresses. They operate at the
network layer.
Gateway Protocols: Examples include BGP (Border Gateway Protocol), OSPF (Open Shortest Path First), and
RIP (Rou ng Informa on Protocol), which facilitate communica on between routers and exchange rou ng
informa on.
Rou ng Daemons: These are so ware processes running on routers responsible for implemen ng rou ng
protocols and upda ng rou ng tables dynamically.
OSI Model: A conceptual framework with seven layers (Physical, Data Link, Network, Transport, Session,
Presenta on, Applica on) that standardizes network communica on protocols.
TCP/IP Model: A prac cal implementa on of network protocols, consis ng of four layers (Network Interface,
Internet, Transport, Applica on), which corresponds closely to the OSI model but with fewer layers.
TCP/IP: The suite of protocols used for communica on over the Internet, including IP (Internet Protocol), TCP
(Transmission Control Protocol), UDP (User Datagram Protocol), and others.
Ethernet: A common LAN technology that operates at the data link layer, providing a physical and logical
connec on between devices. Ethernet is widely used in TCP/IP networks.
The Internet:
Structure of the Internet: The Internet is a global network of interconnected networks, enabling
communica on and data exchange worldwide.
Internet Layers: The Internet architecture is o en conceptualized in layers, including the applica on layer,
transport layer, network layer, and link layer.
Internetwork Problems: Challenges in internetworking include scalability, security, conges on control, and
interoperability between different networks and devices.
Internet Standards: These are specifica ons developed by organiza ons like the IETF (Internet Engineering
Task Force) to ensure compa bility and interoperability of networking technologies and protocols on the
Understanding these concepts provides insight into the design, opera on, and challenges of modern
computer networks and the Internet.