Ielts Guide Writing 4
Ielts Guide Writing 4
Ielts Guide Writing 4
The chart illustrates the outer trades of Southland in the years 2000, 2023, and 2025.
Overall, international tourism and dairy products are estimated to be sold more in the future, in 2025
when compared with the past, in 2000. It is estimated that meat products will export less than in the
past in the future.
Until today income from international tourism has been raised by 1 billion pounds since 2000. Dairy
products showed the highest rate of increase from less than 7 billion to nearly 10 billion exports. On
the other hand, meat products are the only one that shows a decrease between 2000 and 2023. It
goes down from 6 billion to around 5.5 billion pounds.
International tourism is estimated to be the only export that increase until 2025. It is going to rise
about 10 million by a 1 million increase. Dairy products and meat products will show a dramatic
decrease between 2023 and 2025. Both products will have a decrease of around 0.5 million pounds.
(168 words)
In some states in the world, as the rates of consuming fast food increase, the percentage of
individuals who suffer from health issues also increases. It is believed that rulers should increase the
tax on fast food, I highly agree that this would be the solution to this problem.
Firstly, fast food has many negative effects on the human body, especially for young people who are
still growing. These products may cause many short and long-term diseases. Increasing the taxes on
fast food products may decrease the usage of these restaurants. Generally, they are preferred since
they are cheap when compared with other healthier restaurants. The tax increase would result in a
decrease in the preferability of them.
Secondly, another positive effect of higher taxes for fast food restaurants will be that people start to
prefer local shops instead of these fast food restaurants. Since fast food restaurants have so many
consumers, since they are cheap, people generally prefer them instead of local shops. Ideally people
should prefer healthiness instead of cheapness, but this is not always true. By increasing the taxes on
the fast food shops, local shops may have a higher chance to compete with them. And these local
shops can be an opportunity for people to eat healthier.
To sum up, fast food shops highly affect human health by causing disease. Governments should
increase the rate of taxes that are imposed on fast food restaurants to decrease the negatives to
human health by decreasing the preferability and providing other healthier options.
(254 words)