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AUTOSAR Blockset


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AUTOSAR Blockset Reference
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Revision History
March 2019 Online only New for Version 2.0 (Release 2019a)
September 2019 Online only Revised for Version 2.1 (Release 2019b)
March 2020 Online only Revised for Version 2.2 (Release 2020a)
September 2020 Online only Revised for Version 2.3 (Release 2020b)
March 2021 Online only Revised for Version 2.4 (Release 2021a)
September 2021 Online only Revised for Version 2.5 (Release 2021b)
March 2022 Online only Revised for Version 2.6 (Release 2022a)
September 2022 Online only Revised for Version 3.0 (Release 2022b)
March 2023 Online only Revised for Version 3.1 (Release 2023a)
September 2023 Online only Revised for Version 23.2 (R2023b)





Model Advisor Checks

AUTOSAR Blockset Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2
MathWorks Automotive Advisory Board Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2
Check model configuration parameters for AUTOSAR compliance . . . . . . . 5-2
Check compatibility of AUTOSAR Interpolation Routines . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3


1 Functions

Package: autosar.api

Add property to AUTOSAR element


add(arProps,parentPath,property,name) adds a composite child element with the specified
name to the AUTOSAR element at parentPath, under the specified property.

add(arProps,parentPath,property,name,childproperty,value) sets the value of a

specified property of the added child property element.


Add Data Element to Sender Interface

Add data element DE3 to sender interface Interface1.

hModel = 'autosar_swc_expfcns';
arProps = autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties(hModel);

ans = 1x3 cell

{'Interface1/DE1'} {'Interface1/DE2'} {'Interface1/DE3'}

Add Mode Group to Mode-Switch Interface

Using a fully qualified path, add a mode-switch interface and set the IsService property to true.
Add mode group mgModes to the mode-switch interface using the composite property ModeGroup.
hModel = 'mAutosarMsConfigAfter';
ifPaths = find(arProps,[],'ModeSwitchInterface','PathType','FullyQualified')

ifPaths = 1x3 cell

{'/pkg/if/myMsIf'} {'/pkg/if/MsIf2'} {'/pkg/if/Interface3'}



ans =

Input Arguments
arProps — AUTOSAR properties information for a model

AUTOSAR properties information for a model, previously returned by arProps =

autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties(model). model is a handle, character vector, or string
scalar representing the model name.
Example: arProps

parentPath — Path to a parent AUTOSAR element

character vector | string scalar

Path to a parent AUTOSAR element to which to add a specified child property element.
Example: 'Input'

property — Type of property

character vector | string scalar

Type of property to add, among valid properties for the AUTOSAR element.
Example: 'DataElements'

name — Name of child property element

character vector | string scalar

Name of the child property element to add.

Example: 'DE1'

childproperty,value — Child property and value

name (character vector or string scalar), value

Child property to set, and its value. Table “Properties of AUTOSAR Elements” lists properties that are
associated with AUTOSAR elements.
Example: 'Name','event1'

Version History
Introduced in R2013b

See Also
autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties | delete

“AUTOSAR Property and Map Function Examples”

1 Functions

“Configure and Map AUTOSAR Component Programmatically”

“AUTOSAR Component Configuration”


Package: autosar.arch

Add Basic Software component to AUTOSAR classic architecture model

bswBlock = addBSWService(archCM,bswKind)

bswBlock = addBSWService(archCM,bswKind) adds a Basic Software (BSW) service component
block of type bswKind to a classic composition or architecture model archCM. Valid values for
bswKind are 'dem' for Diagnostic Event Manager and 'nvm' for NVRAM Manager (not case-
sensitive). The archCM argument is a composition or architecture model handle returned by a
previous call to addComposition, autosar.arch.createModel, or autosar.arch.loadModel.
The bswBlock output argument returns a block handle.


Add BSW Service Component Blocks to AUTOSAR Classic Architecture Model Top Level

Add NVRAM Service Component and Diagnostic Service Component blocks to the top level of an
AUTOSAR architecture model.
% Create AUTOSAR classic architecture model
modelName = 'myArchModel';
archModel = autosar.arch.createModel(modelName);

% Add components inside the architecture model

actuator = addComponent(archModel,'Actuator');

% Add Basic Software service component blocks

layout(archModel); % Auto-arrange layout

Input Arguments
archCM — Classic composition or architecture model

AUTOSAR composition or architecture model to which to add a BSW component. The argument is a
classic composition or architecture model handle returned by a previous call to addComposition,
autosar.arch.createModel, or autosar.arch.loadModel.
Example: archModel

bswKind — BSW service component block type

'dem' | 'nvm'

1 Functions

Type of AUTOSAR BSW service component block to add to the specified classic composition or
architecture model. Valid values are 'dem' for Diagnostic Event Manager and 'nvm' for NVRAM
Manager (not case-sensitive).
Example: 'dem'

Output Arguments
bswBlock — BSW block

Returns an AUTOSAR BSW block handle.

Version History
Introduced in R2020a

See Also
Diagnostic Service Component | NVRAM Service Component | layout

“Configure AUTOSAR Architecture Model Programmatically”
“Configure AUTOSAR Scheduling and Simulation”
“Author AUTOSAR Classic Compositions and Components in Architecture Model”


Package: autosar.arch

Add component to AUTOSAR architecture model

components = addComponent(archCM,compNames)
components = addComponent(archCM,compNames,'Kind',value)

components = addComponent(archCM,compNames) adds one or more components specified in
the compNames argument to composition or architecture model archCM.

The archCM argument is a composition or architecture model handle returned by a previous call to
addComposition, autosar.arch.createModel, or autosar.arch.loadModel. The
components output argument returns one or more component handles, which are
autosar.arch.Component objects.

components = addComponent(archCM,compNames,'Kind',value) allows you to specify the

component type for all added components. Valid classic component types are Application (the
default for classic modeling), SensorActuator, ComplexDeviceDriver, EcuAbstraction, and
ServiceProxy. The valid adaptive component type is AdaptiveApplication.


Add Components to AUTOSAR Classic Architecture Model

In an AUTOSAR classic architecture model:

1 Add a composition named Sensors and, inside the composition, add AUTOSAR sensor-actuator
components named PedalSnsr and ThrottleSnsr.
2 At the top level of the model, add an application component named Controller1 and a sensor-
actuator component named Actuator.
% Create AUTOSAR classic architecture model
modelName = 'myArchModel';
archModel = autosar.arch.createModel(modelName);

% Add a composition
composition = addComposition(archModel,'Sensors');

% Add 2 components inside Sensors

names = {'PedalSnsr','ThrottleSnsr'};
sensorSWCs = addComponent(composition,names,'Kind','SensorActuator');
layout(composition); % auto-arrange layout

% Add components at architecture model top level

actuator = addComponent(archModel,'Actuator');
layout(archModel); % Auto-arrange layout

1 Functions

By default, autosar.arch.createModel creates an AUTOSAR architecture model for the Classic

Platform. Mixing classic and adaptive components in the same architecture model is not supported.

Add Components to AUTOSAR Adaptive Architecture Model

In an AUTOSAR adaptive architecture model:

1 Add a composition named Sensors and, inside the composition, add two sensor adaptive
application components named Sensor1 and Sensor2.
2 At the top level of the model, add an adaptive application component named Filter.
% Create AUTOSAR adaptive architecture model
modelName = 'myArchAdaptive';
archModel = autosar.arch.createModel(modelName,'platform','Adaptive');

% Add a composition
composition = addComposition(archModel,'Sensors');

% Add 2 components inside Sensors

names = {'Sensor1','Sensor2'};
sensorSWCs = addComponent(composition,names,'Kind','AdaptiveApplication');
layout(composition); % auto-arrange layout

% Add a component at architecture model top level

filterSWC = addComponent(archModel,'Filter'); % defaults to AdaptiveApplication

% Or explicitly set the component kind to AdaptiveApplication

layout(archModel); % Auto-arrange layout

Mixing classic and adaptive architecture modeling components is not supported.

Input Arguments
archCM — Composition or architecture model

AUTOSAR composition or architecture model to which to add one or more components. The argument
is a composition or architecture model handle returned by a previous call to addComposition,
autosar.arch.createModel, or autosar.arch.loadModel.
Example: archModel

compNames — Component names

character vector | string scalar | cell array of character vectors | string array

Names of the components to add to the specified composition or architecture model.

Example: {'PedalSnsr','ThrottleSnsr'}

'Kind',value — Specify component type

'Application' | 'SensorActuator' | 'ComplexDeviceDriver' | 'EcuAbstraction' |
'ServiceProxy' | 'AdaptiveApplication'

Type of AUTOSAR components to add to the specified composition or architecture model. The
specified type applies to all added components.


Valid classic component types are Application (the default for classic modeling),
SensorActuator, ComplexDeviceDriver, EcuAbstraction, and ServiceProxy. The valid
adaptive component type is AdaptiveApplication (the default for adaptive modeling).
Example: 'Kind','SensorActuator'

Output Arguments
components — Added components
handle | array of handles

Returns one or more AUTOSAR component handles, which are autosar.arch.Component objects,
with component properties.

Version History
Introduced in R2020a

R2023a: Support for AUTOSAR Adaptive Architecture Modeling

R2023a introduces AUTOSAR architecture modeling for the Adaptive Platform and
AdaptiveApplication components for modeling adaptive architectures.

See Also
Classic Component | Adaptive Component | addComposition | addPort | connect | destroy |
importFromARXML | layout

“Configure AUTOSAR Architecture Model Programmatically”
“Add and Connect AUTOSAR Classic Components and Compositions”
“Add and Connect AUTOSAR Adaptive Components and Compositions”
“Author AUTOSAR Classic Compositions and Components in Architecture Model”

1 Functions

Package: autosar.arch

Add composition to AUTOSAR architecture model

compositions = addComposition(archCM,compNames)

compositions = addComposition(archCM,compNames) adds one or more compositions
specified in the compNames argument to composition or architecture model archCM.

The archCM argument is a composition or architecture model handle returned by a previous call to
addComposition, autosar.arch.createModel, or autosar.arch.loadModel. The
compositions output argument returns one or more composition handles, which are
autosar.arch.Composition objects.


Add Composition with Classic Components to AUTOSAR Architecture Model

In an AUTOSAR classic architecture model, add a composition named Sensors. Inside the
composition, add AUTOSAR sensor-actuator components named PedalSnsr and ThrottleSnsr.
% Create AUTOSAR architecture model
modelName = 'myArchModel';
archModel = autosar.arch.createModel(modelName);

% Add a composition
composition = addComposition(archModel,'Sensors');

% Add 2 components inside Sensors

names = {'PedalSnsr','ThrottleSnsr'};
sensorSWCs = addComponent(composition,names,'Kind','SensorActuator');
layout(composition); % Auto-arrange layout

By default, autosar.arch.createModel creates an AUTOSAR architecture model for the Classic

Platform, and compositions added to a classic architecture model support classic modeling
components. Mixing classic and adaptive components in the same architecture model is not

Add Composition with Adaptive Components to AUTOSAR Architecture Model

In an AUTOSAR adaptive architecture model, add a composition named Sensors. Inside the
composition, add two AUTOSAR adaptive application components named Sensor1 and Sensor2.
% Create AUTOSAR adaptive architecture model
modelName = 'myArchAdaptive';
archModel = autosar.arch.createModel(modelName,'platform','Adaptive');


% Add a composition
composition = addComposition(archModel,'Sensors');

% Add 2 components inside Sensors

names = {'Sensor1','Sensor2'};
sensorSWCs = addComponent(composition,names,'Kind','AdaptiveApplication');
layout(composition); % auto-arrange layout

Compositions added to an adaptive architecture model support adaptive modeling components.

Mixing classic and adaptive components in the same architecture model is not supported.

Input Arguments
archCM — Composition or architecture model

AUTOSAR composition or architecture model to which to add one or more compositions. The
argument is a composition or architecture model handle returned by a previous call to
addComposition, autosar.arch.createModel, or autosar.arch.loadModel.
Example: archModel

compNames — Composition names

character vector | string scalar | cell array of character vectors | string array

Names of the compositions to add to the specified composition or architecture model.

Example: {'Sensors','Actuators'}

Output Arguments
compositions — Added compositions
handle | array of handles

Returns one or more AUTOSAR composition handles, which are autosar.arch.Composition

objects, with composition properties.

Version History
Introduced in R2020a

R2023a: Support for AUTOSAR Adaptive Architecture Modeling

R2023a introduces AUTOSAR architecture modeling for the Adaptive Platform and
AdaptiveApplication components for modeling adaptive architectures.

See Also
Software Composition | addComponent | addPort | connect | destroy | importFromARXML |

“Configure AUTOSAR Architecture Model Programmatically”
“Add and Connect AUTOSAR Classic Components and Compositions”

1 Functions

“Add and Connect AUTOSAR Adaptive Components and Compositions”

“Author AUTOSAR Classic Compositions and Components in Architecture Model”


Package: autosar.api

Add element to AUTOSAR package in model


addPackageableElement(arProps,category,package,name) adds element name of the
specified category to the specified AUTOSAR package in a model configured for AUTOSAR.

addPackageableElement(arProps,category,package,name,property,value) sets the

value of a specified property of the added element.


Add Sender-Receiver Interface to Package and Set IsService Property

Using a fully qualified path, add a sender-receiver interface to an interface package and set the
IsService property to true.
hModel = 'autosar_swc_expfcns';
arProps = autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties(hModel);
ifPaths = find(arProps,[],'SenderReceiverInterface',...

ifPaths =
1×1 cell array

Input Arguments
arProps — AUTOSAR properties information for a model

AUTOSAR properties information for a model, previously returned by arProps =

autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties(model). model is a handle, character vector, or string
scalar representing the model name.
Example: arProps

category — Element category

character vector | string scalar

Category of element to add. Valid category values are 'ClientServerInterface',

'DataTypeMappingSet', 'ModeDeclarationGroup', 'ModeSwitchInterface', 'Package',

1 Functions

'ParameterComponent', 'ParameterInterface', 'SenderReceiverInterface',

'SwAddrMethod', and 'SystemConst'.
Example: 'SenderReceiverInterface'

package — Package path

character vector | string scalar

Fully-qualified path to the element package.

Example: '/pkg/if'

name — Element name

character vector | string scalar

Name of the element to add.

Example: 'Interface3'

property,value — Element property and value

name (character vector or string scalar), value

Property/value pairs for setting values of element properties. Table “Properties of AUTOSAR
Elements” lists properties that are associated with AUTOSAR elements.
Example: 'IsService',true

Version History
Introduced in R2014b

See Also
autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties | delete

“AUTOSAR Property and Map Function Examples”
“Configure and Map AUTOSAR Component Programmatically”
“AUTOSAR Component Configuration”


Package: autosar.arch

Add port to AUTOSAR component, composition, or architecture model

ports = addPort(archCCM,portKind,portNames)

ports = addPort(archCCM,portKind,portNames) adds one or more ports of type portKind to
component, composition, or architecture model archCCM.

For classic architectures, valid values for portKind are 'Receiver' and 'Sender'. For adaptive
architectures, valid values for portKind are 'Receiver', 'Sender', 'Client', and 'Server'.
The portNames argument specifies the names of one or more ports to add.

The archCCM argument is a component, composition, or architecture model handle returned by a

previous call to addComponent, addComposition, autosar.arch.createModel, or
autosar.arch.loadModel. The ports output argument returns one or more port handles, which
are autosar.arch.CompPort or autosar.arch.ArchPort objects.


Add Ports to AUTOSAR Classic Architecture Model, Composition, and Components

In an AUTOSAR classic architecture model:

1 Add a composition named Sensors.

2 At the top level of the model, add an application component named Controller1 and a sensor-
actuator component named Actuator.
3 For the architecture model, add two receiver (input) ports and a sender (output) port. The ports
appear at the architecture model boundary.
4 For the composition block, add two receiver ports and two sender ports. The composition
receiver port names match the names of the architecture model receiver ports to which they
5 For the component blocks, add receiver and sender ports. The component receiver and sender
port names match the names of the component, composition, or architecture model ports to
which they connect.
% Create AUTOSAR classic architecture model
modelName = 'myArchModel';
archModel = autosar.arch.createModel(modelName);

% Add a composition
composition = addComposition(archModel,'Sensors');

% Add components at architecture model top level

1 Functions

actuator = addComponent(archModel,'Actuator');

% Add architecture ports


% Add composition ports


% Add component ports

controller = find(archModel,'Component','Name','Controller1');

layout(archModel); % Auto-arrange layout

By default, autosar.arch.createModel creates an AUTOSAR architecture model for the Classic

Platform. To explicitly specify the Classic Platform, use the platform name-value argument when
calling autosar.arch.createModel. Mixing classic and adaptive components in the same
architecture model is not supported.

Add Ports to AUTOSAR Adaptive Architecture Model, Composition, and Components

In an AUTOSAR adaptive architecture model:

1 Add a composition named Sensors.

2 At the top level of the model, add an adaptive application component named Filter.
3 For the architecture model, add two receiver (input) ports and two sender (output) ports. The
ports appear at the architecture model boundary.
4 For the composition block, add two receiver ports and two sender ports. The composition
receiver port names match the names of the architecture model receiver ports to which they
5 Also on the composition block, add a client port.
6 For the component block, add a server port. The component server port name matches the name
of the component, composition, or architecture model ports to which it connects.
% Create AUTOSAR adaptive architecture model
modelName = 'myArchAdaptive';
archModel = autosar.arch.createModel(modelName,'platform','Adaptive');

% Add a composition
composition = addComposition(archModel,'Sensors');

% Add component at architecture model top level

addComponent(archModel,'Filter'); % defaults to AdaptiveApplication

% Add architecture ports


% Add composition ports


% Add component ports


filter = find(archModel,'Component','Name','Filter');
layout(archModel); % Auto-arrange layout

Mixing classic and adaptive components in the same architecture model is not supported.

Input Arguments
archCCM — Component, composition, or architecture model

AUTOSAR component, composition, or architecture model to which to add one or more ports. The
argument is a component, composition, or architecture model handle returned by a previous call to
addComponent, addComposition, autosar.arch.createModel, or autosar.arch.loadModel.
Example: archModel

portKind — Port type

'Receiver' | 'Sender' | 'Client' | 'Server'

Type of AUTOSAR ports to add to the specified component, composition, or architecture model. The
specified type applies to all added ports.

For classic architectures, valid values for portKind are 'Receiver' and 'Sender'.

For adaptive architectures, valid values for portKind are 'Receiver', 'Sender', 'Client', and
Example: 'Receiver'

portNames — Port names

character vector | string scalar | cell array of character vectors | string array

Names of the ports to add to the specified component, composition, or architecture model.
Example: {'TPS_Hw','APP_Hw'}

Output Arguments
ports — Added ports
handle | array of handles

Returns one or more AUTOSAR port handles, which are autosar.arch.CompPort or

autosar.arch.ArchPort objects, with port properties.

Version History
Introduced in R2020a

R2023a: Client and Server ports for modeling method communication in AUTOSAR Adaptive

R2023a introduces AUTOSAR architecture modeling for the Adaptive Platform. Client and Server
ports are added to the available portKind ports and supported for modeling method communication
in an AUTOSAR adaptive architecture.

1 Functions

See Also
addComponent | addComposition | connect | destroy | importFromARXML | layout

“Configure AUTOSAR Architecture Model Programmatically”
“Add and Connect AUTOSAR Classic Components and Compositions”
“Add and Connect AUTOSAR Adaptive Components and Compositions”
“Author AUTOSAR Classic Compositions and Components in Architecture Model”


Package: autosar.api

Add Simulink block signal to AUTOSAR mapping


addSignal(slMap,slPortHandle) adds the Simulink® block signal associated with outport port
handle slPortHandle to AUTOSAR mapping. The signal then can be mapped to an AUTOSAR
variable, for example, by using the mapSignal function.


Add and Map Simulink Block Signal

In example model autosar_swc_counter:

1 Create a new default AUTOSAR mapping.

2 Add Simulink signal equal_to_count, which originates in the RelOpt block, to the AUTOSAR
component signal mapping.
3 Map the signal to AUTOSAR static memory and set ReadWrite calibration access.
hModel = 'autosar_swc_counter';
autosar.api.create(hModel,'default'); % Create default AUTOSAR mapping
slMap = autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(hModel);

portHandles = get_param('autosar_swc_counter/RelOpt','portHandles');
outportHandle = portHandles.Outport;


Input Arguments
slMap — Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model

Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model, previously returned by slMap =

autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(model). model is a handle, character vector, or string scalar
representing the model name.
Example: slMap

slPortHandle — Simulink outport port handle for a block signal


1 Functions

Outport port handle for a Simulink block signal to add to AUTOSAR mapping. Use MATLAB®
commands to construct the outport port handle. For example, for a Relational Operator block named
portHandles = get_param('autosar_swc_counter/RelOpt','portHandles');
outportHandle = portHandles.Outport;

Example: outportHandle

Version History
Introduced in R2020b

See Also
autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping | getSignal | mapSignal | removeSignal

“Map Block Signals and States to AUTOSAR Variables”
“Map Submodel Signals and States to AUTOSAR Variables”
“Configure AUTOSAR Per-Instance Memory”
“Configure AUTOSAR Static Memory”
“AUTOSAR Property and Map Function Examples”
“AUTOSAR Component Configuration”


Import AUTOSAR XML descriptions of software components, compositions, or packages

Use arxml.importer functions to import AUTOSAR software components, compositions, or
packages of shared elements from ARXML files into Simulink. For example, you can parse an
AUTOSAR software component description XML file exported by an AUTOSAR authoring tool, and
then import the component into a Simulink model. After importing the component, you can use the
Simulink representation of the component for further configuration, algorithm development, C/C++
code generation, and ARXML export.

For a list of schema versions supported for ARXML import and export, see “Select AUTOSAR Classic
Schema” or “Select AUTOSAR Adaptive Schema”.


ar = arxml.importer(filename)
ar = arxml.importer({filename1,filename2,...,filenameN})


ar = arxml.importer(filename) creates object ar, which represents the AUTOSAR information

in XML file filename.

ar = arxml.importer({filename1,filename2,...,filenameN}) creates object ar, which

represents the AUTOSAR information in the specified XML files.

Tip If you enter the arxml.importer function call without a terminating semicolon (;), the importer
lists the AUTOSAR content of the specified XML file or files. The information includes paths to
software components in the AUTOSAR package structure, which you can specify in calls to
createComponentAsModel and createCompositionAsModel.

Input Arguments

filename — AUTOSAR XML filename

character vector | string scalar

Name of XML file containing AUTOSAR information.

Example: 'mySWC.arxml'

filename1,filename2,...,filenameN — AUTOSAR XML filenames

cell array of character vectors | string array

1 Functions

Cell array of names of XML files containing AUTOSAR information.

Example: {'mySWC.arxml','DataTypes.arxml','MiscDefs.arxml'}

Object Functions
createComponentAsModel Create Simulink representation of AUTOSAR ARXML atomic software
createCompositionAsModel Create Simulink representation of AUTOSAR ARXML software
getComponentNames Get AUTOSAR software component names from ARXML files
updateAUTOSARProperties Update model with ARXML definitions from AUTOSAR element
updateModel Update AUTOSAR model with ARXML changes


Create arxml.importer Object from AUTOSAR XML File

Call the arxml.importer function to create object ar, which represents the AUTOSAR information
in XML file mySWC.arxml. Use the returned object to import AUTOSAR software
component /pkg/swc and create an initial Simulink representation of the component.
ar = arxml.importer('mySWC.arxml')

Create arxml.importer Object from Multiple AUTOSAR XML Files

Call the arxml.importer function to create object ar, which represents the AUTOSAR information
in XML files mySWC.arxml, DataTypes.arxml, and MiscDefs.arxml. Use the returned object to
import AUTOSAR software component /pkg/swc and create an initial Simulink representation of the
ar = arxml.importer({'mySWC.arxml','DataTypes.arxml','MiscDefs.arxml'})

Version History
Introduced in R2008a

See Also
“Import AUTOSAR XML Descriptions Into Simulink”
“Import AUTOSAR Component to Simulink”
“Import AUTOSAR Composition to Simulink”
“Import AUTOSAR Software Component Updates”
“Import and Reference Shared AUTOSAR Element Definitions”
“Import AUTOSAR Package into Component Model”
“Import AUTOSAR Adaptive Software Descriptions”
“Import AUTOSAR Adaptive Components to Simulink”


“Import AUTOSAR Package into Adaptive Component Model”

“Round-Trip Preservation of AUTOSAR XML File Structure and Element Information”

1 Functions

Create or update mapped AUTOSAR component model


autosar.api.create(model) creates or updates mapped AUTOSAR software component model
model. The default function behavior depends on the mapping state of the model.

• If the model is not mapped to an AUTOSAR software component, the function creates a Simulink
to AUTOSAR mapping in default mode. In this mapping, Simulink inports and outports are
mapped to AUTOSAR ports with default AUTOSAR properties.
• If the model is already mapped to an AUTOSAR software component, the function updates the
existing mapping in incremental mode. The function finds and maps unmapped model elements,
and updates the AUTOSAR Dictionary for deleted model elements.

autosar.api.create(model,mode) additionally specifies a mapping mode — default, init, or


autosar.api.create(model,mode,Name,Value) specifies additional options for mapping with

one or more Name,Value pair arguments.


Create Default AUTOSAR Properties and Mapping

Create AUTOSAR properties and Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping for an Embedded Coder® model in
which the model configuration parameter System target file has been changed from ert.tlc to
autosar.tlc or autosar_adaptive.tlc. Map model inports and outports to AUTOSAR ports with
default AUTOSAR properties.

Incrementally Update Mapped AUTOSAR Component for Model Changes

For a mapped AUTOSAR software component model, update the mapping to account for incremental
model changes. Find and map unmapped model elements and update the AUTOSAR Dictionary for
deleted model elements.



Map Submodel Referenced From AUTOSAR Component Model

Create AUTOSAR properties and Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping for a submodel referenced from an
AUTOSAR component model.

Input Arguments
model — Model for which to create or update AUTOSAR properties and mapping
handle | character vector | string scalar

Model for which to create or update AUTOSAR properties and Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping,
specified as a handle, character vector, or string scalar representing the model name.
Example: 'my_model'

mode — Mode in which to map model elements

default | init | incremental

The default mode value depends on the mapping state of the model — default for an unmapped
model or incremental for a mapped model.

Specify default to create AUTOSAR properties and Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping for a model. As
part of the mapping, the function maps model inports and outports to AUTOSAR ports with default
AUTOSAR properties. If the model is already mapped, the function overwrites the existing mapping.

Specify init to create AUTOSAR properties and Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping for a model. As part
of the mapping, the function does not map model inports and outports. If the model is already
mapped, the function overwrites the existing mapping.

Specify incremental to update the existing mapping in a mapped AUTOSAR software component
model. The function finds and maps unmapped model elements and updates the AUTOSAR Dictionary
for deleted model elements.
Example: 'default'

Name-Value Pair Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the

argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after
other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.
Example: 'ReferencedFromComponentModel',true maps a model as a referenced submodel.

ReferencedFromComponentModel — Designate whether the model is referenced from a

component model
false (default) | true

1 Functions

Specify whether the model is a submodel referenced from an AUTOSAR software component model.
In a mapped submodel, you can use the Code Mappings editor to configure the submodel internal
data for calibration.
Example: 'ReferencedFromComponentModel',true

Version History
Introduced in R2013b

See Also
autosar_ui_launch | autosar.api.delete | updateAUTOSARProperties

“Incrementally Update AUTOSAR Mapping After Model Changes”
“Map Calibration Data for Submodels Referenced from AUTOSAR Component Models”
“Configure and Map AUTOSAR Component Programmatically”
“AUTOSAR Component Configuration”


Delete AUTOSAR properties and mapping for Simulink model


autosar.api.delete(model) deletes AUTOSAR properties and Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping
for model. The resulting model does not represent and map an AUTOSAR software component.


Remove AUTOSAR Component Representation from Model

Delete AUTOSAR properties and Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping for a model.

hModel = 'autosar_swc_counter';

Input Arguments
model — Model for which to delete AUTOSAR properties and mapping
handle | character vector | string scalar

Model for which to delete AUTOSAR properties and Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping, specified as a
handle, character vector, or string scalar representing the model name.
Example: 'my_model'

Version History
Introduced in R2017b

See Also

“AUTOSAR Component Configuration”

1 Functions

Configure AUTOSAR software component elements and properties

In an AUTOSAR software component model, use AUTOSAR property functions to configure AUTOSAR
elements from an AUTOSAR component perspective. You can add AUTOSAR elements, find elements,
get and set properties of elements, delete elements, and define ARXML packaging of elements.


arProps = autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties(model)


arProps = autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties(model) creates object arProps, which

represents AUTOSAR properties information for model. The specified model must be open.

Input Arguments

model — AUTOSAR model

handle | character vector | string scalar

Model for which to create AUTOSAR properties object, specified as a handle, character vector, or
string scalar representing the model name.
Example: 'my_model'

Object Functions
add Add property to AUTOSAR element
addPackageableElement Add element to AUTOSAR package in model
createEnumeration Create Simulink enumeration data type definition from imported
AUTOSAR data elements
createManifest Create manifest file for AUTOSAR adaptive model
createNumericType Create Simulink numeric data type definition from imported
AUTOSAR data elements
delete Delete AUTOSAR element
deleteUnmappedComponents Delete unmapped AUTOSAR components from model
find Find AUTOSAR elements
get Get property of AUTOSAR element
set Set property of AUTOSAR element



Create AUTOSAR Properties Object and Set IsService Property

Call the autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties function to create object arProps, which

represents AUTOSAR properties information for model autosar_swc_slfcns. Use the returned
object to set the IsService property for client-server interface CSIf to true (1), indicating that the
port interface is used for AUTOSAR services.
hModel = 'autosar_swc_slfcns';
arProps = autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties(hModel);
isService = get(arProps,'CSIf','IsService')

isService =

Version History
Introduced in R2013b

See Also
“Configure and Map AUTOSAR Component Programmatically”
“AUTOSAR Property and Map Function Examples”
“AUTOSAR Component Configuration”

1 Functions

Map Simulink elements to AUTOSAR elements

In an AUTOSAR software component model, use AUTOSAR map functions to map model elements to
AUTOSAR component elements from a Simulink model perspective. In an AUTOSAR adaptive model,
use AUTOSAR map functions to configure generated C++ class names and namespaces for your
adaptive application. For example, you can:

• Map a Simulink entry-point function to an AUTOSAR runnable and optional software address
• Map a Simulink inport or outport to an AUTOSAR receiver or sender port and a sender-receiver
data element.
• Map a Simulink model workspace parameter to an AUTOSAR component parameter.
• Map a Simulink data store to an AUTOSAR variable.
• Add or remove Simulink block signals from AUTOSAR component mapping.
• Map a Simulink block signal or state to an AUTOSAR variable.
• Set the default data packaging for Simulink internal data stores, signals, and states in AUTOSAR
generated code.
• Map a Simulink data transfer line to an AUTOSAR inter-runnable variable (IRV).
• Map a Simulink function caller to an AUTOSAR client port and a client-server operation.
• Control generated C++ class name or namespace for adaptive applications.


slMap = autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(model)


slMap = autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(model) creates object slMap, which represents

AUTOSAR mapping information for model. The specified model must be open.

Input Arguments

model — AUTOSAR model

handle | character vector | string scalar

Model for which to create AUTOSAR mapping object, specified as a handle, character vector, or
string scalar representing the model name.
Example: 'my_model'


Object Functions
addSignal Add Simulink block signal to AUTOSAR mapping
find Find AUTOSAR elements
getClassName Get class name of model
getClassNamespace Get class namespace for a model
getDataStore Get AUTOSAR mapping information for Simulink data store
getDataTransfer Get AUTOSAR mapping information for Simulink data transfer
getFunction Get AUTOSAR mapping information for Simulink entry-point function
getFunctionCaller Get AUTOSAR mapping information for Simulink function-caller block
getInport Get AUTOSAR mapping information for Simulink inport
getInternalDataPackaging Get default internal data packaging for AUTOSAR component model
getOutport Get AUTOSAR mapping information for Simulink outport
getParameter Get AUTOSAR mapping information for Simulink model workspace
getSignal Get AUTOSAR mapping information for Simulink block signal
getState Get AUTOSAR mapping information for Simulink block state
mapDataStore Map Simulink data store to AUTOSAR variable
mapDataTransfer Map Simulink data transfer to AUTOSAR inter-runnable variable
mapFunction Map Simulink entry-point function to AUTOSAR runnable and software
address methods
mapFunctionCaller Map Simulink function-caller block to AUTOSAR client port and
mapInport Map Simulink inport to AUTOSAR port
mapOutport Map Simulink outport to AUTOSAR port
mapParameter Map Simulink model workspace parameter to AUTOSAR component
mapSignal Map Simulink block signal to AUTOSAR variable
mapState Map Simulink block state to AUTOSAR variable
removeSignal Remove Simulink block signal from AUTOSAR mapping
setClassName Set class name of model
setClassNamespace Set class namespace of model
setInternalDataPackaging Set default internal data packaging for AUTOSAR component model


Create AUTOSAR Mapping Object and Map Entry-Point Function to AUTOSAR Runnable

Call the autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping function to create object slMap, which represents

AUTOSAR mapping information for model autosar_swc. Use the returned object to map the
Simulink initialize entry-point function to AUTOSAR runnable Runnable_Init.
hModel = 'autosar_swc';
slMap = autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(hModel);
arRunnableName = getFunction(slMap,'Initialize')

arRunnableName =

Version History
Introduced in R2013b

1 Functions

See Also
“Configure and Map AUTOSAR Component Programmatically”
“AUTOSAR Property and Map Function Examples”
“AUTOSAR Component Configuration”


Update Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping of model with Simulink modifications


autosar.api.syncModel(model) updates the Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping of model with
modifications made to Simulink elements, such as data transfers, entry-point functions, and function

This function is equivalent to using the Update button in the Code Mappings editor view of an
AUTOSAR component model.


Update Simulink to AUTOSAR Mapping of Model

When you create or modify an AUTOSAR model, Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping potentially is not
current with the model content. For example, the Update button in this Code Mappings editor
display indicates that Simulink elements need loading or updating.

This example opens and updates a model. After calling autosar.api.syncModel, the Simulink to
AUTOSAR mapping reflects the current model content.

1 Functions

hModel = 'autosar_swc';

Input Arguments
model — Model to update
handle | character vector | string scalar

Loaded or open model for which to update Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping with model changes,
specified as a handle, character vector, or string scalar representing the model name.
Example: 'my_model'

Version History
Introduced in R2016a

See Also

“AUTOSAR Property and Map Function Examples”
“AUTOSAR Component Configuration”


Validate AUTOSAR properties and mapping of Simulink model


autosar.api.validateModel(model) validates the AUTOSAR properties and Simulink to
AUTOSAR mapping of model.

If Simulink Coder™ and Embedded Coder are not licensed on your system, the function validates only
the Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping of model.

This function is equivalent to using the Validate button in the Code Mappings editor view of an
AUTOSAR component model.


Validate AUTOSAR Properties and Mapping of Model

This example opens a model in which a Simulink inport is not mapped to an AUTOSAR port and data
element. Initial validation reports the error and fails. After the inport is mapped, validation succeeds.
hModel = 'autosar_model_with_unmapped_port';

% Initial validation fails

catch validationErr

Block 'autosar_model_with_unmapped_port/Input' is not mapped to an AUTOSAR port element.

% Map the unmapped port


% Second validation succeeds


Input Arguments
model — Model to validate
handle | character vector | string scalar

Loaded or open model for which to validate AUTOSAR properties and Simulink to AUTOSAR
mapping, specified as a handle, character vector, or string scalar representing the model name.
Example: 'my_model'

1 Functions

Version History
Introduced in R2016a

See Also

“AUTOSAR Property and Map Function Examples”
“AUTOSAR Component Configuration”


Create AUTOSAR architecture model

archModel = autosar.arch.createModel(modelName)
archModel = autosar.arch.createModel(modelName,openFlag)
archModel = autosar.arch.createModel(modelName,"platform",platformKind)

archModel = autosar.arch.createModel(modelName) creates and opens AUTOSAR
architecture model modelName in the editor. The output argument archModel returns a model
handle, which is an autosar.arch.Model object. The platform kind when using this syntax is set to
the AUTOSAR Classic Platform by default.

archModel = autosar.arch.createModel(modelName,openFlag) allows you to control

whether the created AUTOSAR architecture model opens in the editor. Specify openFlag as false
to create an architecture model without opening it in the editor.

archModel = autosar.arch.createModel(modelName,"platform",platformKind) allows

you to specify the platform platformKind as Adaptive or Classic for the created AUTOSAR
architecture model. Use this option with any of the input argument combinations in the previous


Create and Open AUTOSAR Architecture Model

Create an AUTOSAR classic architecture model named myArchModel, open the model in the editor,
and return model properties.

By default, autosar.arch.createModel without the platform name-value argument creates an

architecture model for the Classic Platform.
modelName = 'myArchModel';
archModel = autosar.arch.createModel(modelName)

archModel =

Model with properties:

Name: 'myArchModel'
SimulinkHandle: 1.2207e-04
Components: [0×0 autosar.arch.Component]
Compositions: [0×0 autosar.arch.Composition]
Ports: [0×0 autosar.arch.PortBase]
Connectors: [0×0 autosar.arch.Connector]
Interfaces: [0×0 Simulink.interface.dictionary.PortInterface]

1 Functions

Create AUTOSAR Architecture Model without Opening

Create an AUTOSAR classic architecture model without opening it in the editor, and return model
properties. By default, autosar.arch.createModel creates an architecture model for the Classic
modelName = 'myArchModel';
archModel = autosar.arch.createModel(modelName,false)

archModel =

Model with properties:

Name: 'myArchModel'
SimulinkHandle: 2.4414e-04
Components: [0×0 autosar.arch.Component]
Compositions: [0×0 autosar.arch.Composition]
Ports: [0×0 autosar.arch.PortBase]
Connectors: [0×0 autosar.arch.Connector]
Interfaces: [0×0 Simulink.interface.dictionary.PortInterface]

Create AUTOSAR Architecture Model for Adaptive Platform

Create an AUTOSAR adaptive architecture model, and return model properties.

modelName = 'myArchModel';
archModel = autosar.arch.createModel(modelName,"platform","Adaptive")

archModel =

Model with properties:

Name: 'myArchModel'
SimulinkHandle: 3.6621e-04
Components: [0×0 autosar.arch.Component]
Compositions: [0×0 autosar.arch.Composition]
Ports: [0×0 autosar.arch.PortBase]
Connectors: [0×0 autosar.arch.Connector]
Interfaces: [0×0 Simulink.interface.dictionary.PortInterface]

Create an Architecture Model From a Composition Programmatically

For an AUTOSAR component in an architecture model, create an architecture model containing only
the specified component.

% Load the model containing the composition

archModel = autosar.arch.loadModel('autosar_tpc_compositon');

% Create the composition object

sensorComposition = archModel.Compositions(1)

sensorComposition =

Composition with properties:

Name: 'Sensors'
SimulinkHandle: 169.0001
Parent: [1×1 autosar.arch.Model]
Components: [4×1 autosar.arch.Component]
Compositions: [0×0 autosar.arch.Composition]


Ports: [5×1 autosar.arch.CompPort]

Connectors: [7×1 autosar.arch.Connector]
Adapters: [0×0 autosar.arch.Adapter]

% Create a new architecture model containing the composition


Input Arguments
modelName — Architecture model name
character vector | string scalar

Name of the AUTOSAR architecture model to create, specified as a character vector or string scalar.
Example: 'myArchModel'

openFlag — Open flag

true (default) | false

Flag to indicate whether the model is opened in the editor when created, specified as a Boolean.
Specify false to create an architecture model without opening it in the editor.
Example: false

platformKind — AUTOSAR platform kind

"Classic" (default) | character vector | string scalar

Specify "Adaptive" to create an architecture model for the Adaptive Platform. Specify "Classic"
to create an architecture model for the Classic Platform.

Mixing classic and adaptive architecture modeling is not supported.

Example: 'platform','Adaptive'

Output Arguments
archModel — Architecture model

An AUTOSAR architecture model handle, returned as an autosar.arch.Model object.

Version History
Introduced in R2020a

R2023a: New platform argument for specifying classic or adaptive architectures

R2023a introduced modeling adaptive architectures. autosar.arch.createModel accepts a new

platform argument, allowing you to specify whether the created model uses the Adaptive Platform
or Classic Platform.

See Also
autosar.arch.loadModel | close | open | save

1 Functions

“Configure AUTOSAR Architecture Model Programmatically”
“Create AUTOSAR Architecture Models”
“Author AUTOSAR Classic Compositions and Components in Architecture Model”


Package: autosar.arch

Link data dictionary to AUTOSAR architecture model


linkDictionary(archModel,dictionaryName) links a Simulink data dictionary,
dictionaryName, to an AUTOSAR architecture model, specified as autosar.arch.Model object


Link a Data Dictionary to an Architecture Model

Link dictionary MyInterfaces.sldd to architecture model myTopComposition.slx.

dictName = 'MyInterfaces.sldd';
dictAPI =;

% create AUTOSAR arch model and link interface dictionary

archModel = autosar.arch.createModel('myTopComposition');

Input Arguments
archModel — AUTOSAR architecture model handle
autosar.arch.Model object

AUTOSAR architecture model handle, specified as an autosar.arch.Model object.

dictionaryName — Name of data dictionary

character vector | string scalar

Name of data dictionary, specified as a character vector or string scalar. The name must include
the .sldd extension and must be a valid MATLAB identifier.
Example: "new_dictionary.sldd"

Version History
Introduced in R2023a

1 Functions

See Also
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData | Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create | | autosar.arch.createModel


Load AUTOSAR architecture model

archModel = autosar.arch.loadModel(modelName)

archModel = autosar.arch.loadModel(modelName) loads AUTOSAR architecture model
modelName into memory without opening the model in the editor. The output argument archModel
returns a model handle, which is an autosar.arch.Model object. After you load a model into
memory, you can work with it by using architecture functions or open the model in the editor by using
the open function. Save changes by using the save function.


Load AUTOSAR Architecture Model

Load an AUTOSAR architecture model into memory without opening the model in the editor, and
return model properties.

modelName = 'autosar_tpc_composition';
archModel = autosar.arch.loadModel(modelName)

archModel =
Model with properties:

Name: 'autosar_tpc_composition'
SimulinkHandle: 0.0057
Components: [2x1 autosar.arch.Component]
Compositions: [1x1 autosar.arch.Composition]
Ports: [4x1 autosar.arch.ArchPort]
Connectors: [7x1 autosar.arch.Connector]
Interfaces: [0x0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.PortInterface]
Platform: 'Classic'

Copyright 2022 The MathWorks, Inc..

Input Arguments
modelName — Architecture model name
character vector | string scalar

Name of the AUTOSAR architecture model to load into memory.

Example: 'myArchModel'

1 Functions

Output Arguments
archModel — Architecture model

Returns an AUTOSAR architecture model handle, which is an autosar.arch.Model object.

Version History
Introduced in R2020a

See Also
autosar.arch.createModel | close | open | save

“Configure AUTOSAR Architecture Model Programmatically”
“Create AUTOSAR Architecture Models”
“Author AUTOSAR Classic Compositions and Components in Architecture Model”


Close AUTOSAR Dictionary dialog box


autosar_ui_close(model) closes the AUTOSAR Dictionary dialog box for the specified open


Close AUTOSAR Dictionary Dialog Box for Example Model

Open the AUTOSAR Dictionary dialog box with settings for an AUTOSAR example model, and then
close the dialog box.
hModel = 'autosar_swc';

Input Arguments
model — Model for which to close the AUTOSAR Dictionary dialog box
handle | character vector | string scalar

Model for which to close the AUTOSAR Dictionary dialog box, specified as a handle, character vector,
or string scalar representing the model name.
Example: 'autosar_swc'

Version History
Introduced in R2014b

See Also
autosar_ui_launch | autosar.api.create

“AUTOSAR Component Configuration”

1 Functions

Open AUTOSAR Dictionary dialog box


autosar_ui_launch(model) opens the AUTOSAR Dictionary dialog box with settings for the
specified open model.


Open AUTOSAR Dictionary Dialog Box for Example Model

Open the AUTOSAR Dictionary dialog box with settings for an AUTOSAR example model.
hModel = 'autosar_swc';

Input Arguments
model — Model for which to open the AUTOSAR Dictionary dialog box
handle | character vector | string scalar

Model for which to open the AUTOSAR Dictionary dialog box, specified as a handle, character vector,
or string scalar representing the model name.
Example: 'autosar_swc'

Version History
Introduced in R2013b

See Also
autosar.api.create | autosar_ui_close

“AUTOSAR Component Configuration”


Package: autosar.arch

Close AUTOSAR architecture model


close(archModel) closes architecture model archModel. The archModel argument is a model
handle returned by a previous call to autosar.arch.createModel or autosar.arch.loadModel.
The model must be open or loaded with no unsaved changes.

close(archModel,'Force') closes the model without saving any unsaved changes.


Close AUTOSAR Architecture Model After Saving Change

Create an AUTOSAR architecture model, add a composition, save the change, and close the model.
% Create AUTOSAR architecture model
modelName = 'myArchModel';
archModel = autosar.arch.createModel(modelName);

% Add a composition
composition = addComposition(archModel,'Sensors2');

% Save the model


% Close the model


Input Arguments
archModel — Architecture model

AUTOSAR architecture model to close. The argument is a model handle returned by a previous call to
autosar.arch.createModel or autosar.arch.loadModel. The model must be open or loaded
with no unsaved changes.
Example: archModel

Version History
Introduced in R2020a

1 Functions

See Also
autosar.arch.createModel | autosar.arch.loadModel | open | save

“Configure AUTOSAR Architecture Model Programmatically”
“Create AUTOSAR Architecture Models”
“Author AUTOSAR Classic Compositions and Components in Architecture Model”


Package: autosar.arch

Connect AUTOSAR architecture components and compositions

connectors = connect(archModel,comp1,comp2)
connectors = connect(archCM,[],comp2)
connectors = connect(archCM,comp1,[])
connectors = connect(archModel,port1,port2)

connectors = connect(archModel,comp1,comp2) connects the output ports of component or
composition comp1 to the input ports of component or composition comp2, based on matching port
names. The archModel argument is a model handle returned by a previous call to
autosar.arch.createModel or autosar.arch.loadModel. The comp1 and comp2 arguments
are component or composition handles returned by previous calls to addComponent,
addComposition, or find. The connectors output argument returns one or more connector
handles, which are autosar.arch.Connector objects.

connectors = connect(archCM,[],comp2) connects the root input ports of parent composition

or architecture model archCM to the input ports of child component or composition comp2, based on
matching port names.

connectors = connect(archCM,comp1,[]) connects the output ports of child component or

composition comp1 to the root output ports of parent composition or architecture model archCM,
based on matching port names.

connectors = connect(archModel,port1,port2) connects component, composition, or root

architecture port port1 to component, composition or root architecture port port2. The port1 and
port2 arguments are port handles returned by previous calls to addPort or find.


Connect AUTOSAR Architecture Classic Components and Compositions Based On Matching

or Specified Ports

This example shows how to connect ports in an AUTOSAR classic architecture model.

Create AUTOSAR classic architecture model.

modelName = 'myArchModel';
archModel = autosar.arch.createModel(modelName);

By default, autosar.arch.createModel creates an AUTOSAR architecture model for the Classic

Platform. Mixing classic and adaptive components in the same architecture model is not supported.

1 Functions

At the top level of the model, add a composition, an application component, and a sensor-actuator

composition = addComposition(archModel,'Sensors');

actuator = addComponent(archModel,'Actuator');

For the architecture model, add two receiver (input) ports and a sender (output) port. The ports
appear at the architecture model boundary.


For the composition block, add two receiver ports and two sender ports. The composition receiver
port names match the names of the architecture model receiver ports to which they connect.


For the component blocks, add receiver and sender ports. The component receiver and sender port
names match the names of the component, composition, or architecture model ports to which they

controller = find(archModel,'Component','Name','Controller1');

At the top level of the model, connect the composition and the components based on matching port
% Connect specified arch root ports to specified composition and component ports

Connect the architecture root ports to composition and component ports. Rather than relying on
matching port names to make connections, use port handles to identify specific architecture,
composition, and component ports.
% ALTERNATIVELY, connect architecture root ports based on matching port names
% connect(archModel,[],composition);
% connect(archModel,actuator,[]);

layout(archModel); % Auto-arrange architecture model layout

Inside the Sensors composition, add sensor-actuator components named PedalSnsr and

names = {'PedalSnsr','ThrottleSnsr'};
sensorSWCs = addComponent(composition,names,'Kind','SensorActuator');

For the component blocks, add receiver and sender ports. The component receiver and sender port
names match the names of the composition root ports to which they connect.


pSnsr = find(composition,'Component','Name','PedalSnsr');
tSnsr = find(composition,'Component','Name','ThrottleSnsr');

Connect the Sensors composition root ports to component ports based on matching port names.


layout(composition); % Auto-arrange composition layout

Connect AUTOSAR Architecture Adaptive Components and Compositions Based On

Matching or Specified Ports

This example shows how to connect ports in an AUTOSAR adaptive architecture model.

Create AUTOSAR adaptive architecture model.

modelName = 'myArchModel';
archModel = autosar.arch.createModel(modelName,'platform','Adaptive');

At the top level of the model, add a composition and an adaptive application component.

composition = addComposition(archModel,'Sensors');

For the architecture model, add two receiver (input) ports and two sender (output) ports. The ports
appear at the architecture model boundary.

For the composition block, add two receiver ports and two sender ports. The composition receiver
and sender port names match the names of the architecture model receiver and sender ports to
which they connect.

At the top level of the model, connect the architecture root input ports to composition ports, relying
on matching port names to make connections.


Connect the architecture root output ports to composition ports, relying on matching port names to
make connections.


For the composition block, add a client port.


1 Functions

For the component block, add a server port.

filter = find(archModel,'Component','Name','Filter');

Connect the composition and the component client-server ports. Use port handles to identify specific
composition and component ports.

Input Arguments
archModel — Architecture model

AUTOSAR architecture model in which to connect ports. The argument is a model handle returned by
a previous call to autosar.arch.createModel or autosar.arch.loadModel.
Example: archModel

archCM — Composition or architecture model


AUTOSAR composition or architecture model in which to connect parent and child ports based on
matching port names. The argument is a composition or architecture model handle returned by a
previous call to addComposition, autosar.arch.createModel, or autosar.arch.loadModel.
Example: archModel

comp1 — Component or composition


Component or composition for which to connect output ports based on matching port names. The
argument is a component or composition handle returned by a previous call to addComponent,
addComposition, or find.
Example: composition

comp2 — Component or composition


Component or composition for which to connect input ports based on matching port names. The
argument is a component or composition handle returned by a previous call to addComponent,
addComposition, or find.
Example: controller

port1 — Component, composition, or root architecture port


Component, composition, or root architecture port to connect to another specified port. The
argument is a port handle returned by a previous call to addPort or find.
Example: archModel.Ports(1)


port2 — Component, composition, or root architecture port


Component, composition, or root architecture port to connect to another specified port. The
argument is a port handle returned by a previous call to addPort or find.
Example: composition.Ports(1)

Output Arguments
connectors — Added connectors
handle | array of handles

Returns one or more AUTOSAR connector handles, which are autosar.arch.Connector objects,
with connector properties.

Version History
Introduced in R2020a

See Also
addComponent | addComposition | addPort | destroy | find | importFromARXML | layout

“Configure AUTOSAR Architecture Model Programmatically”
“Add and Connect AUTOSAR Classic Components and Compositions”
“Author AUTOSAR Classic Compositions and Components in Architecture Model”

1 Functions

Package: arxml

Create Simulink representation of AUTOSAR ARXML atomic software component

[mdl, sts] = createComponentAsModel(ar,ComponentName,Name,Value)

createComponentAsModel(ar,ComponentName) creates a Simulink model corresponding to
AUTOSAR atomic software component ComponentName. The component description is part of
AUTOSAR information previously imported from AUTOSAR XML files, which is represented by
arxml.importer object ar.The importer creates an initial Simulink representation of the imported
AUTOSAR component, with an initial, default mapping of Simulink model elements to AUTOSAR
component elements. The initial representation provides a starting point for further AUTOSAR
configuration and Model-Based Design. For more information, see “AUTOSAR ARXML Importer”.

The initial representation of AUTOSAR component behavior in the created model depends on the
XML description:

• If the XML description of the component does not describe component behavior, the importer
creates a model with a default representation of AUTOSAR runnables and ports.
• If the XML description of the component describes component behavior, the importer creates a
model based on AUTOSAR elements that are accessed in the component.

For example, AUTOSAR ports must be accessed by runnables in order to generate the
corresponding Simulink elements. If a sender-receiver or client-server port in XML code is not
accessed by a runnable, the importer does not create the corresponding inports, outports, or
Simulink functions.

[mdl, sts] = createComponentAsModel(ar,ComponentName,Name,Value) specifies

additional options for Simulink model creation with one or more Name,Value pair arguments.


Import AUTOSAR Component and Model Periodic Runnables as Atomic Subsystems

Import AUTOSAR software component /pkg/swc from XML file mySWC.arxml and create an initial
Simulink representation of the component. Model AUTOSAR periodic runnables as atomic
subsystems with periodic rates.


ar = arxml.importer('mySWC.arxml')

Import AUTOSAR Component and Model Periodic Runnables as Function-Call Subsystems

Import AUTOSAR software component /pkg/swc from XML file mySWC.arxml and create an initial
Simulink representation of the component. Model AUTOSAR periodic runnables as function-call
subsystems with periodic rates.
ar = arxml.importer('mySWC.arxml')

Import AUTOSAR Component and Use Data Dictionary

Import AUTOSAR software component /pkg/swc from XML file mySWC.arxml and create an initial
Simulink representation of the component. Place Simulink data objects corresponding to AUTOSAR
data types into data dictionary ardata.sldd.
ar = arxml.importer('mySWC.arxml')

Import AUTOSAR Component and Designate Initialization Runnable

Import AUTOSAR software component /pkg/swc from XML file mySWC.arxml and create an initial
Simulink representation of the component. Configure AUTOSAR runnable Runnable_Init as the
initialization runnable for the component.
ar = arxml.importer('mySWC.arxml')

Import AUTOSAR Component and Use PredefinedVariant to Resolve Variation Points

Import AUTOSAR software component /pkg/swc from XML file mySWC.arxml and create an initial
Simulink representation of the component. Use PredefinedVariant Senior to resolve variation
points in the component at model creation time.
ar = arxml.importer('mySWC.arxml')

Import AUTOSAR Component and Use SwSystemconstantValueSets to Resolve Variation


Import AUTOSAR software component /pkg/swc from XML file mySWC.arxml and create an initial
Simulink representation of the component. Use SwSystemconstantValueSets A and B to resolve
variation points in the component at model creation time.
ar = arxml.importer('mySWC.arxml')

Input Arguments
ar — arxml.importer object

AUTOSAR information previously imported from XML files, specified as an arxml.importer object

1 Functions

ComponentName — Component path

character vector | string scalar

Absolute short-name path of the atomic software component.

Example: '/Company/Powertrain/Components/ASWC'

Name-Value Pair Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the

argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after
other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.
Example: 'ModelPeriodicRunnablesAs','AtomicSubsystem' directs the importer to model
AUTOSAR periodic runnables as atomic subsystems with periodic rates.

DataDictionary — Simulink data dictionary

character vector | string scalar

Simulink data dictionary into which to import data objects corresponding to AUTOSAR data types in
the XML file. If the specified dictionary does not already exist, the importer creates it. The model is
then associated with that data dictionary.
Example: 'DataDictionary','ardata.sldd'

InitializationRunnable — Initialization runnable

character vector | string scalar

Name of an existing AUTOSAR runnable to select as the initialization runnable for the component.
Example: 'InitializationRunnable','Runnable_Init'

ModelPeriodicRunnablesAs — Subsystem type for periodic runnables

'AtomicSubsystem' (default) | 'FunctionCallSubsystem' | 'Auto'

By default, createComponentAsModel imports AUTOSAR periodic runnables found in ARXML files

and models them as atomic subsystems with periodic rates. If conditions prevent use of atomic
subsystems, the importer throws an error.

To model periodic runnables as function-call subsystems with periodic rates, specify


If you specify Auto, the importer attempts to model periodic runnables as atomic subsystems. If
conditions prevent use of atomic subsystems, the importer models periodic runnables as function-call

For more information, see “Import AUTOSAR Software Component with Multiple Runnables”.
Example: 'ModelPeriodicRunnablesAs','AtomicSubsystem'

PredefinedVariant — Path to AUTOSAR predefined variant

character vector | string scalar

Path to a PredefinedVariant defined in the AUTOSAR XML file. A PredefinedVariant describes

a combination of system constant values among potentially multiple valid combinations to apply to an


AUTOSAR software component. Use this argument to resolve variation points in the AUTOSAR
software component at model creation time. If specified, the importer uses the PredefinedVariant
to initialize SwSystemconst data that serves as input to control variation points.

For more information, see “Control AUTOSAR Variants with Predefined Value Combinations”.
Example: 'PredefinedVariant','/pkg/body/Variants/Senior'

SystemConstValueSets — Paths to one or more AUTOSAR system constant value sets

cell array of character vectors | string array

Paths to one or more SystemConstValueSets defined in the AUTOSAR XML file. A

SystemConstValueSet specifies a set of system constant values to apply to an AUTOSAR software
component. Use this argument to resolve variation points in the AUTOSAR software component at
model creation time. If specified, the importer uses the SystemConstValueSets to initialize
SwSystemconst data that serves as input to control variation points.

For more information, see “Control AUTOSAR Variants with Predefined Value Combinations”.
Example: 'SystemConstValueSets','{'/pkg/body/SystemConstantValues/A','/pkg/

UseBusElementPorts — Whether to use of bus element ports

false (default) | true

Whether to use bus element ports in place of Simulink inports and outports for port-based sender-
receiver communication.
Example: 'UseBusElementPorts',true
Data Types: logical

Output Arguments
mdl — Model handle

Variable that returns a handle to created model.

sts — Success or failure

true or false

Variable that returns true if the import is successful. Otherwise, returns false.

• If you enter the arxml.importer object function call without a terminating semicolon (;), the
importer lists the AUTOSAR content of the specified XML file or files. The information includes
paths to software components in the AUTOSAR package structure, which you can specify in calls
to createComponentAsModel and createCompositionAsModel.
• When importing an AUTOSAR software component into a model, it is recommended that you
explicitly specify the 'ModelPeriodicRunnablesAs' argument. This argument determines how
the importer models AUTOSAR periodic runnables in the created model. See the argument
description under “Name-Value Arguments” on page 1-56.

1 Functions

Version History
Introduced in R2008a

R2022b: Import for Basic Software blocks

createComponentAsModel supports creating AUTOSAR Basic Software (BSW) caller blocks for
ARXML-imported software components that access Diagnostic Event Manager (Dem), NVRAM
Manager (NvM), or Function Inhibition Manager (FiM) services through client-server calls.

R2023b: Use bus element ports for port-based server communication

Behavior changed in R2023b

Starting in R2023b a new name-value pair 'UseBusElementPorts' is supported which allows bus
element ports to be used in place of Simulink inports and outports for port-based server

See Also
arxml.importer | getComponentNames

“Import AUTOSAR XML Descriptions Into Simulink”
“Import AUTOSAR Component to Simulink”
“Import AUTOSAR Adaptive Software Descriptions”
“Import AUTOSAR Adaptive Components to Simulink”
“Control AUTOSAR Variants with Predefined Value Combinations”


Package: arxml

Create Simulink representation of AUTOSAR ARXML software composition

[mdl, sts] = createCompositionAsModel(ar,CompositionName,Name,Value)

createCompositionAsModel(ar,CompositionName) creates a Simulink model corresponding to
AUTOSAR software composition CompositionName. The composition description is part of
AUTOSAR information previously imported from AUTOSAR XML files, which is represented by
arxml.importer object ar.The importer creates an initial Simulink representation of the imported
AUTOSAR composition. The initial representation provides a starting point for further AUTOSAR
configuration and Model-Based Design. For more information, see “AUTOSAR ARXML Importer”.

[mdl, sts] = createCompositionAsModel(ar,CompositionName,Name,Value) specifies

additional options for Simulink model creation with one or more Name,Value pair arguments.


Import AUTOSAR Composition

Import AUTOSAR software composition /Company/Components/

ThrottlePositionControlComposition from the file
ThrottlePositionControlComposition.arxml. The ARXML file is located at matlabroot/
examples/autosarblockset/data, which is on the default MATLAB path. Create an initial
Simulink representation of the composition.
ar = arxml.importer('ThrottlePositionControlComposition.arxml');
names = getComponentNames(ar,'Composition')

names =
1×1 cell array


Import AUTOSAR Composition and Include Existing Component Models

Import AUTOSAR software composition /pkg/rootComposition from XML file mySWCs.arxml and
create an initial Simulink representation of the composition. For components mySwc1 and mySwc2
contained within the composition, use existing Simulink component models rather than creating new

1 Functions

ar = arxml.importer('mySWCs.arxml')

Import AUTOSAR Composition and Use Data Dictionary

Import AUTOSAR software composition /pkg/rootComposition from XML file mySWCs.arxml and
create an initial Simulink representation of the composition. Place Simulink data objects
corresponding to AUTOSAR data types into data dictionary ardata.sldd.
ar = arxml.importer('mySWCs.arxml')

Import AUTOSAR Composition and Share AUTOSAR Dictionary

Import AUTOSAR software composition /Company/Components/

ThrottlePositionControlComposition from the file
ThrottlePositionControlComposition.arxml. The ARXML file is located at matlabroot/
examples/autosarblockset/data, which is on the default MATLAB path. Create an initial
Simulink representation of the composition.

For each imported component, the importer stores sharable AUTOSAR properties, such as interfaces
and data types, in data dictionary ardata.sldd. Components within the composition can then share
the stored properties.
ar = arxml.importer('ThrottlePositionControlComposition.arxml')

To view the shared properties, open the AUTOSAR dictionary for a component model. This example
opens ThrottlePositionSensor. Expand the AUTOSAR dictionary node ardata.sldd. You can
view read-only properties, such as shared component interfaces, and modify XML options for
composition and component export.


Import AUTOSAR Composition and Model Periodic Runnables as Function-Call Subsystems

Import AUTOSAR software composition /pkg/rootComposition from XML file mySWCs.arxml and
create an initial Simulink representation of the composition. Model AUTOSAR periodic runnables as
function-call subsystems with periodic rates.
ar = arxml.importer('mySWCs.arxml')

Import AUTOSAR Composition and Use PredefinedVariant to Resolve Variation Points

Import AUTOSAR software composition /pkg/rootComposition from XML file mySWCs.arxml and
create an initial Simulink representation of the composition. Use PredefinedVariant Senior to
resolve variation points in components at model creation time.
ar = arxml.importer('mySWCs.arxml')

Import AUTOSAR Composition and Use SwSystemconstantValueSets to Resolve Variation


Import AUTOSAR software composition /pkg/rootComposition from XML file mySWCs.arxml and
create an initial Simulink representation of the composition. Use SwSystemconstantValueSets A
and B to resolve variation points in components at model creation time.

1 Functions

ar = arxml.importer('mySWCs.arxml')

Input Arguments
ar — arxml.importer object

AUTOSAR information previously imported from XML files, specified as an arxml.importer object

CompositionName — Composition path

character vector | string scalar

Absolute short-name path of the software composition.

Example: '/Company/Powertrain/Components/RootComposition'

Name-Value Pair Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the

argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after
other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.
Example: 'ModelPeriodicRunnablesAs','AtomicSubsystem' directs the importer to model
AUTOSAR periodic runnables as atomic subsystems with periodic rates.

ComponentModels — Simulink component models

cell array of character vectors | string array

Names of existing atomic software component models to use when creating a Simulink representation
of the composition. The function incorporates the specified existing component models in the
composition model instead of creating new ones.
Example: 'ComponentModels',{'mySwc1','mySwc2'}

DataDictionary — Simulink data dictionary

character vector | string scalar

Simulink data dictionary into which to import data objects corresponding to AUTOSAR data types in
the XML file. If the specified dictionary does not already exist, the importer creates it. The model is
then associated with that data dictionary.

If you specify true for the 'ShareAUTOSARProperties' argument, the specified data dictionary
also stores sharable AUTOSAR properties, such as interfaces and data types, for sharing among
components in the composition.
Example: 'DataDictionary','ardata.sldd'

ModelPeriodicRunnablesAs — Subsystem type for periodic runnables

'Auto' (default) | 'AtomicSubsystem' | 'FunctionCallSubsystem'

By default, createCompositionAsModel imports AUTOSAR periodic runnables found in ARXML

files and attempts to model them as atomic subsystems with periodic rates. If conditions prevent use


of atomic subsystems, the function models the periodic runnables as function-call subsystems with
periodic rates.

To model periodic runnables only as atomic subsystems, specify 'AtomicSubsystem'. If conditions

prevent use of atomic subsystems, the function throws an error.

To model periodic runnables only as function-call subsystems, specify 'FunctionCallSubsystem'.

For more information, see “Import AUTOSAR Software Component with Multiple Runnables”.
Example: 'ModelPeriodicRunnablesAs','AtomicSubsystem'

PredefinedVariant — Path to AUTOSAR predefined variant

character vector | string scalar

Path to a PredefinedVariant defined in the AUTOSAR XML file. A PredefinedVariant describes

a combination of system constant values among potentially multiple valid combinations to apply to
AUTOSAR software components. Use this argument to resolve variation points in AUTOSAR software
components at model creation time. If specified, the importer uses the PredefinedVariant to
initialize SwSystemconst data that serves as input to control variation points.

For more information, see “Control AUTOSAR Variants with Predefined Value Combinations”.
Example: 'PredefinedVariant','/pkg/body/Variants/Senior'

ShareAUTOSARProperties — Add AUTOSAR component properties to shared dictionary

false (default) | true

To improve the performance of common tasks in AUTOSAR composition modeling, composition

import can store sharable component properties, such as interfaces and data types, into a Simulink
data dictionary. Components within the composition can then share the stored properties.

For compositions containing more than 20 software components, sharing AUTOSAR properties
among components can significantly improve performance for composition workflows, including
import, dictionary navigation, AUTOSAR validation, and code generation. Limiting property
replication among components can reduce component model file sizes.

The shared AUTOSAR dictionary provides a central location for viewing and configuring AUTOSAR
composition and component properties. You can view read-only properties, such as shared component
interfaces, and modify XML options for composition and component export.

To share AUTOSAR properties, specify true. For each imported component, the function stores
sharable AUTOSAR properties, such as interfaces and data types, in the Simulink data dictionary
specified by the 'DataDictionary' argument. The 'DataDictionary' argument must be

For more information, see “Import AUTOSAR Composition and Share AUTOSAR Dictionary” on page
Example: 'ShareAUTOSARProperties',true

SystemConstValueSets — Paths to one or more AUTOSAR system constant value sets

cell array of character vectors | string array

Paths to one or more SystemConstValueSets defined in the AUTOSAR XML file. A

SystemConstValueSet specifies a set of system constant values to apply to AUTOSAR software

1 Functions

components. Use this argument to resolve variation points in AUTOSAR software components at
model creation time. If specified, the importer uses the SystemConstValueSets to initialize
SwSystemconst data that serves as input to control variation points.

For more information, see “Control AUTOSAR Variants with Predefined Value Combinations”.
Example: 'SystemConstValueSets','{'/pkg/body/SystemConstantValues/A','/pkg/

UseBusElementPorts — Whether to use bus element ports

false (default) | true

Whether to use bus element ports in place of Simulink inports and outports for port-based sender-
receiver communication.
Example: 'UseBusElementPorts',true
Data Types: logical

Output Arguments
mdl — Model handle

Variable that returns a handle to created model.

sts — Success or failure

true or false

Variable that returns true if the import is successful. Otherwise, returns false.

If you enter the arxml.importer object function call without a terminating semicolon (;), the
importer lists the AUTOSAR content of the specified XML file or files. The information includes paths
to software components in the AUTOSAR package structure, which you can specify in calls to
createCompositionAsModel and createComponentAsModel.

Version History
Introduced in R2017b

R2023b: Use bus element ports for port-based server communication

Behavior changed in R2023b

Starting in R2023b a new name-value argument 'UseBusElementPorts' is supported which allows

bus element ports to be used in place of Simulink inports and outports for port-based server

See Also
arxml.importer | getComponentNames

“Import AUTOSAR XML Descriptions Into Simulink”


“Import AUTOSAR Composition to Simulink”

“Control AUTOSAR Variants with Predefined Value Combinations”

1 Functions

Package: autosar.api

Create Simulink enumeration data type definition from imported AUTOSAR data elements


createEnumeration(arProps,name,applicationDataTypePath) creates a Simulink
enumeration type from an AUTOSAR application data type. The function can be used to work with
AUTOSAR elements that you imported by using updateAUTOSARProperties.

creates a Simulink enumeration type from an AUTOSAR implementation data type and

createEnumeration(arProps,compuMethodPath) creates a family of Simulink enumeration

types from an AUTOSAR CompuMethod.


Create Enumeration Data Type from AUTOSAR Application Data Type

Create a Simulink enumeration data type definition with the name myEnum from the AUTOSAR
application data type at path /AUTOSAR_PlatformTypes/ApplicationDataTypes/MyAppType.
dataObj = autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties(mdlName);

Create Enumeration Data Type from AUTOSAR Implementation Data Type and

Create a Simulink enumeration data type definition with the name myEnum from the AUTOSAR
implementation data type at path /AUTOSAR_PlatformTypes/ImplementationDataTypes/
uint16 by using the computation method from path /a/b/myCM.


dataObj = autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties(mdlName);

Input Arguments
arProps — AUTOSAR properties information for a model
handle (default)

AUTOSAR properties information for a model, previously returned by arProps =

autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties(model). The parameter model is a handle, character
vector, or string scalar representing the model name.
Example: arProps
Data Types: function_handle

name — Name of Simulink enumeration data type

character vector (default) | string scalar

Name of enumeration data type created for Simulink representation of an AUTOSAR element.

In the Simulink environment, this enumeration data type is mapped to both an application data type
and an implementation data type. The application data type for the enumeration provides application-
level physical attributes such as real-world range of values, data structure, and physical semantics.
The implementation data type provides implementation-level attributes, such as stored-integer
minimum and maximum specifications and primitive type (for example, integer).
Example: 'myEnum'
Data Types: char | string

applicationDataTypePath — Path to enumeration application data type

character vector (default) | string scalar

Path to AUTOSAR application data type for created Simulink enumeration data type. The application
data type provides application-level physical attributes such as real-world range of values, data
structure, and physical semantics. The application data type is used in simulation.
Example: '/AUTOSAR_PlatformTypes/ApplicationDataTypes/MyAppType'
Data Types: char | string

compuMethodPath — Path to CompuMethod used to convert enumeration data types

character vector (default) | string scalar

Path to the AUTOSAR CompuMethod, which is used to translate between the enumeration
implementation data type and the enumeration application data type.
Example: '/a/b/myCM'
Data Types: char | string

implementationDataTypePath — Path to enumeration implementation data type

character vector (default) | string scalar

Path to AUTOSAR implementation data type for created Simulink enumeration data type. The
implementation data type provides implementation-level attributes, such as stored-integer minimum

1 Functions

and maximum specifications and primitive type (for example, integer). Implementation data types are
used in code generation.
Example: '/AUTOSAR_PlatformTypes/ImplementationDataTypes/uint16'
Data Types: char | string

Version History
Introduced in R2019a

See Also
autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties | updateAUTOSARProperties | createNumericType

“AUTOSAR Property and Map Function Examples”
“Configure and Map AUTOSAR Component Programmatically”
“AUTOSAR Component Configuration”
“Model AUTOSAR Data Types”


Package: autosar.api

Create manifest file for AUTOSAR adaptive model


createManifest(arProps) creates an execution manifest JSON file for the adaptive application.
The manifest file modifies the default logging behavior of the adaptive application Linux® executable,
providing properties such as the logging mode and verbosity level.


Create AUTOSAR Properties Object and Create Manifest File

Call the autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties function to create object arProps, which

represents AUTOSAR properties information for the model autosar_LaneGuidance. Use the
returned object to create an execution manifest JSON file for the specified adaptive model.
hModel = 'autosar_LaneGuidance';
arProps = autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties(hModel);

Input Arguments
arProps — AUTOSAR properties information for a model
handle (default)

AUTOSAR properties information for a model, previously returned by arProps =

autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties(model). The parameter model is a handle, character
vector, or string scalar representing the model name.
Example: arProps
Data Types: function_handle

Version History
Introduced in R2021a

See Also

1 Functions

“Configure Run-Time Logging for AUTOSAR Adaptive Executables”


Package: autosar.arch

Create Simulink implementation model for AUTOSAR architecture component or composition


createModel(component,modelName) creates Simulink implementation model modelName with
the same interface as the specified AUTOSAR architecture component and links the component to the
implementation model. The component argument is a component handle returned by a previous call
to addComponent. If not specified, modelName defaults to the name of the component.

createModel(composition,modelName) creates Simulink implementation model modelName

with the same interface as the specified AUTOSAR architecture composition and links the
composition to the implementation model. The composition argument is a composition handle
returned by a previous call to addComposition. If not specified, modelName defaults to the name of
the composition.


Create Implementation Model for AUTOSAR Architecture Component

For an AUTOSAR component in an architecture model, create a Simulink implementation model with
a matching interface. The function call links the component to the implementation model. By default,
the implementation model has the same name as the component.
% Create AUTOSAR architecture model
modelName = 'myArchModel';
archModel = autosar.arch.createModel(modelName);

% Add component inside the architecture model

component = addComponent(archModel,'SWC1');

% Create and link matching Simulink implementation model


Create Implementation Model for AUTOSAR Architecture Composition

For an AUTOSAR composition in an architecture model, create a Simulink implementation model with
a matching interface. The function call links the composition to the implementation model. By default,
the implementation model has the same name as the composition.
% Create AUTOSAR architecture model
modelName = 'myNewArchModel';

1 Functions

archModel = autosar.arch.createModel(modelName);

% Add composition inside the architecture model

composition = addComposition(archModel,'Sensors');

% Create and link matching Simulink implementation model


Input Arguments
component — Architecture component

AUTOSAR architecture component from which to create a matching Simulink implementation model.
The argument is a component handle returned by a previous call to addComponent.
Example: component

composition — Architecture composition


AUTOSAR architecture composition from which to create a matching Simulink implementation model.
The argument is a component handle returned by a previous call to addComposition.
Example: composition

modelName — Implementation model name

character vector | string scalar

Name of the Simulink implementation model to create, based on the specified AUTOSAR architecture
component or composition. If not specified, modelName defaults to the name of the component or
Example: 'SWC1'

Version History
Introduced in R2020a

See Also
linkToModel | addComponent | addComposition | importFromARXML

“Configure AUTOSAR Architecture Model Programmatically”
“Define AUTOSAR Component Behavior by Creating or Linking Models”
“Define AUTOSAR Compositions by Creating or Linking Models”
“Author AUTOSAR Classic Compositions and Components in Architecture Model”


Package: autosar.api

Create Simulink numeric data type definition from imported AUTOSAR data elements


createNumericType(arProps,name,applicationDataTypePath) creates a
Simulink.NumericType object from an AUTOSAR application data type. The function can be used
to work with AUTOSAR elements that you imported by using updateAUTOSARProperties.

creates a Simulink.NumericType object from an AUTOSAR implementation data type and


Create Numeric Data Type from AUTOSAR Application Data Type

Create a Simulink numeric data type with the name myDataType from the AUTOSAR application
data type at path /AUTOSAR_PlatformTypes/ApplicationDataTypes/MyAppType.
dataObj = autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties(mdlName);

Create Numeric Data Type from AUTOSAR Implementation Data Type and CompuMethod

Create a Simulink numeric data type with the name myDataType from the AUTOSAR implementation
data type at path /AUTOSAR_PlatformTypes/ImplementationDataTypes/uint32 by using the
computation method from path /a/b/myCM.
dataObj = autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties(mdlName);
createNumericType(dataObj,'myDataType','/a/b/myCM', ...

Input Arguments
arProps — AUTOSAR properties information for a model
handle (default)

AUTOSAR properties information for a model, previously returned by arProps =

autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties(model).The parameter model is a handle, character
vector, or string scalar representing the model name.

1 Functions

Example: arProps
Data Types: function_handle

name — Name of Simulink numeric data type

character vector (default) | string scalar

Name of numeric data type created for Simulink representation of an AUTOSAR element.

In the Simulink environment, this numeric data type is mapped to both an application data type and
an implementation data type. The application data type provides application-level physical attributes
such as real-world range of values, data structure, and physical semantics. The implementation data
type provides implementation-level attributes, such as stored-integer minimum and maximum
specifications and primitive type (for example, integer).
Example: 'myDataType'
Data Types: char | string

applicationDataTypePath — Path to numeric application data type

character vector (default) | string scalar

Path to AUTOSAR application data type for created Simulink numeric data type. The application data
type provides application-level physical attributes such as real-world range of values, data structure,
and physical semantics. The application data type is used in simulation.
Example: '/AUTOSAR_PlatformTypes/ApplicationDataTypes/MyAppType'
Data Types: char | string

compuMethodPath — Path to CompuMethod used to convert numeric data types

character vector (default) | string scalar

Path to the AUTOSAR CompuMethod, which is used to translate between the numeric implementation
data type and the numeric application data type.
Example: '/a/b/myCM'
Data Types: char | string

implementationDataTypePath — Path to numeric implementation data type

character vector (default) | string scalar

Path to AUTOSAR implementation data type for created Simulink numeric data type. The
implementation data type provides implementation-level attributes, such as stored-integer minimum
and maximum specifications and primitive type (for example, integer). Implementation data types are
used in code generation.
Example: '/AUTOSAR_PlatformTypes/ImplementationDataTypes/uint32'
Data Types: char | string

Version History
Introduced in R2019a

See Also
autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties | updateAUTOSARProperties | createEnumeration


“AUTOSAR Property and Map Function Examples”
“Configure and Map AUTOSAR Component Programmatically”
“AUTOSAR Component Configuration”
“Model AUTOSAR Data Types”

1 Functions

Package: autosar.api

Delete AUTOSAR element


delete(arProps,elementPath) deletes the AUTOSAR element at elementPath.


Delete Sender-Receiver Interface

Delete the sender-receiver interface Interface1 from the AUTOSAR configuration for a model.
hModel = 'autosar_swc_expfcns';
arProps = autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties(hModel);

% Add Interface3
ifPaths = find(arProps,[],'SenderReceiverInterface','PathType','FullyQualified')

ifPaths =
1×3 cell array
{'/pkg/if/Interface1'} {'/pkg/if/Interface2'} {'/pkg/if/Interface3'}

% Find AUTOSAR DataReceiverPort and change its interface from Interface1 to Interface3
arPortType = 'DataReceiverPort';
aswcPath = find(arProps,[],'AtomicComponent','PathType','FullyQualified');
rPorts = find(arProps,aswcPath{1},arPortType,'PathType','FullyQualified');
rPort = rPorts{1};

% Delete Interface1
ifPaths = find(arProps,[],'SenderReceiverInterface','PathType','FullyQualified')

ifPaths =
1×2 cell array
{'/pkg/if/Interface2'} {'/pkg/if/Interface3'}

Input Arguments
arProps — AUTOSAR properties information for a model

AUTOSAR properties information for a model, previously returned by arProps =

autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties(model). model is a handle, character vector, or string
scalar representing the model name.
Example: arProps


elementPath — Path to AUTOSAR element

character vector | string scalar

Path to the AUTOSAR element to delete.

Example: 'Input'

Version History
Introduced in R2013b

See Also
autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties | add

“AUTOSAR Property and Map Function Examples”
“Configure and Map AUTOSAR Component Programmatically”
“AUTOSAR Component Configuration”

1 Functions

Package: autosar.api

Delete unmapped AUTOSAR components from model


deleteUnmappedComponents(arProps) deletes atomic software components that are not mapped
to the model. Use this to remove unused imported components that you do not want preserved in the
model and exported in ARXML code. This function does not remove calibration components.


Remove Unmapped Atomic Software Components From AUTOSAR Model

After importing AUTOSAR information from ARXML files and configuring a model for AUTOSAR,
remove atomic software components that were imported but are not mapped to the model. This
prevents unmapped components from being exported back to ARXML.
arProps = autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties('my_autosar_model');

Input Arguments
arProps — AUTOSAR properties information for a model

AUTOSAR properties information for a model, previously returned by arProps =

autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties(model). model is a handle, character vector, or string
scalar representing the model name.
Example: arProps

Version History
Introduced in R2014b

See Also
autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties | arxml.importer

“AUTOSAR Property and Map Function Examples”
“Configure and Map AUTOSAR Component Programmatically”
“Import AUTOSAR XML Descriptions Into Simulink”


“AUTOSAR Component Configuration”

1 Functions

Package: autosar.arch

Remove and delete AUTOSAR architecture element


destroy(archElement) removes and deletes architecture element archElement from an
architecture model. The archElement argument is a component, composition, port, or connector
handle returned by a previous call to addComponent, addComposition, addPort, connect, or


Remove and Delete Composition from AUTOSAR Architecture Model

In an AUTOSAR architecture model, find, remove, and delete a software composition.

% Create AUTOSAR architecture model
modelName = 'myArchModel';
archModel = autosar.arch.createModel(modelName);

% Add a composition

% Find and destroy the composition

composition = find(archModel,'Composition');

Input Arguments
archElement — Architecture element

Component, composition, port, or connector element to remove and delete. The argument is a
component, composition, port, or connector handle returned by a previous call to addComponent,
addComposition, addPort, connect, or find.
Example: composition

Version History
Introduced in R2020a

See Also
addComponent | addComposition | addPort | connect | find | importFromARXML | layout


“Configure AUTOSAR Architecture Model Programmatically”
“Add and Connect AUTOSAR Classic Components and Compositions”
“Add and Connect AUTOSAR Adaptive Components and Compositions”
“Author AUTOSAR Classic Compositions and Components in Architecture Model”

1 Functions

Package: autosar.arch

Export AUTOSAR architecture model ARXML, ASAP2 file, and generate component code


export(archCCM) exports ARXML descriptions from AUTOSAR component, composition, or
architecture model archCCM. The function also generates code for Simulink implementation models
linked by AUTOSAR components within the export scope and exports ASAP2 file for the component
models. The containing architecture model must be open or loaded. The archCCM argument is a
component, composition, or architecture model handle returned by a previous call to addComponent,
addComposition, autosar.arch.createModel, or autosar.arch.loadModel.

export(archCCM,Name,Value) specifies additional export options with one or more Name,Value

pair arguments. For example, you can specify a ZIP file in which generated files are packaged.


Generate ARXML Descriptions and Code for Architecture Model

Export composition XML descriptions and generate component code for an AUTOSAR architecture

Load AUTOSAR architecture model

modelName = 'autosar_tpc_composition';
archModel = autosar.arch.loadModel(modelName);

Export composition XML descriptions and generate component code


Building component: autosar_tpc_actuator (1 out of 6)

### Starting build procedure for: autosar_tpc_actuator
### Generating XML files description for: autosar_tpc_actuator
### Successful completion of code generation for: autosar_tpc_actuator

Build Summary

Top model targets built:

Model Action Rebuild Reason

autosar_tpc_actuator Code generated. Code generation information file does not exist.


1 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date)

Build duration: 0h 0m 25.08s
Building component: autosar_tpc_controller (2 out of 6)
### Starting build procedure for: autosar_tpc_controller
### Generating XML files description for: autosar_tpc_controller
### Successful completion of code generation for: autosar_tpc_controller

Build Summary

Top model targets built:

Model Action Rebuild Reason

autosar_tpc_controller Code generated. Code generation information file does not exist.

1 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date)

Build duration: 0h 0m 23.146s
Building component: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor_monitor (3 out of 6)
### Starting build procedure for: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor_monitor
### Generating XML files description for: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor_monitor
### Successful completion of code generation for: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor_monitor

Build Summary

Top model targets built:

Model Action Rebuild Reason

autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor_monitor Code generated. Code generation information file does not e

1 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date)

Build duration: 0h 0m 25.435s
Building component: autosar_tpc_pedal_sensor (4 out of 6)
### Starting build procedure for: autosar_tpc_pedal_sensor
### Generating XML files description for: autosar_tpc_pedal_sensor
### Successful completion of code generation for: autosar_tpc_pedal_sensor

Build Summary

Top model targets built:

Model Action Rebuild Reason

autosar_tpc_pedal_sensor Code generated. Code generation information file does not exist.

1 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date)

Build duration: 0h 0m 17.764s
Building component: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor1 (5 out of 6)
### Starting build procedure for: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor1
### Generating XML files description for: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor1
### Successful completion of code generation for: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor1

Build Summary

Top model targets built:

Model Action Rebuild Reason

1 Functions

autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor1 Code generated. Code generation information file does not exist.

1 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date)

Build duration: 0h 0m 15.376s
Building component: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor2 (6 out of 6)
### Starting build procedure for: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor2
### Generating XML files description for: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor2
### Successful completion of code generation for: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor2

Build Summary

Top model targets built:

Model Action Rebuild Reason

autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor2 Code generated. Code generation information file does not exist.

1 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date)

Build duration: 0h 0m 14.441s
Exporting composition: autosar_tpc_composition
### Generating XML description files for: autosar_tpc_composition
### Successful completion of export for: autosar_tpc_composition

Generate ARXML Descriptions and Code for Nested Composition

Export XML descriptions and generate component code for a composition nested in an AUTOSAR
architecture model.

Load AUTOSAR architecture model

modelName = 'autosar_tpc_composition';
archModel = autosar.arch.loadModel(modelName);

Export nested Sensors composition


Building component: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor_monitor (1 out of 4)

### Starting build procedure for: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor_monitor
### Generating XML files description for: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor_monitor
### Successful completion of code generation for: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor_monitor

Build Summary

Top model targets built:

Model Action Rebuild Reason

autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor_monitor Code generated. Code generation information file does not e

1 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date)

Build duration: 0h 0m 18.697s
Building component: autosar_tpc_pedal_sensor (2 out of 4)
### Starting build procedure for: autosar_tpc_pedal_sensor


### Generating XML files description for: autosar_tpc_pedal_sensor

### Successful completion of code generation for: autosar_tpc_pedal_sensor

Build Summary

Top model targets built:

Model Action Rebuild Reason

autosar_tpc_pedal_sensor Code generated. Code generation information file does not exist.

1 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date)

Build duration: 0h 0m 12.416s
Building component: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor1 (3 out of 4)
### Starting build procedure for: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor1
### Generating XML files description for: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor1
### Successful completion of code generation for: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor1

Build Summary

Top model targets built:

Model Action Rebuild Reason

autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor1 Code generated. Code generation information file does not exist.

1 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date)

Build duration: 0h 0m 14.389s
Building component: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor2 (4 out of 4)
### Starting build procedure for: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor2
### Generating XML files description for: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor2
### Successful completion of code generation for: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor2

Build Summary

Top model targets built:

Model Action Rebuild Reason

autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor2 Code generated. Code generation information file does not exist.

1 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date)

Build duration: 0h 0m 13.479s
Exporting composition: autosar_tpc_composition/Sensors
### Generating XML description files for: autosar_tpc_composition/Sensors
### Successful completion of export for: autosar_tpc_composition/Sensors

Generate ARXML Descriptions and Code In ZIP File

Export XML descriptions and generate component code for an AUTOSAR architecture model. In the
PackageCodeAndArxml value argument, specify the name of a ZIP file in which to package the
generated files.

Load AUTOSAR architecture model

1 Functions

modelName = 'autosar_tpc_composition';
archModel = autosar.arch.loadModel(modelName);

Export ARXML descriptions and code into ZIP file


Building component: autosar_tpc_actuator (1 out of 6)

### Starting build procedure for: autosar_tpc_actuator
### Generating XML files description for: autosar_tpc_actuator
### Successful completion of code generation for: autosar_tpc_actuator

Build Summary

Top model targets built:

Model Action Rebuild Reason

autosar_tpc_actuator Code generated. Code generation information file does not exist.

1 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date)

Build duration: 0h 0m 12.577s
Building component: autosar_tpc_controller (2 out of 6)
### Starting build procedure for: autosar_tpc_controller
### Generating XML files description for: autosar_tpc_controller
### Successful completion of code generation for: autosar_tpc_controller

Build Summary

Top model targets built:

Model Action Rebuild Reason

autosar_tpc_controller Code generated. Code generation information file does not exist.

1 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date)

Build duration: 0h 0m 13.294s
Building component: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor_monitor (3 out of 6)
### Starting build procedure for: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor_monitor
### Generating XML files description for: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor_monitor
### Successful completion of code generation for: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor_monitor

Build Summary

Top model targets built:

Model Action Rebuild Reason

autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor_monitor Code generated. Code generation information file does not e

1 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date)

Build duration: 0h 0m 15.752s
Building component: autosar_tpc_pedal_sensor (4 out of 6)
### Starting build procedure for: autosar_tpc_pedal_sensor
### Generating XML files description for: autosar_tpc_pedal_sensor
### Successful completion of code generation for: autosar_tpc_pedal_sensor

Build Summary


Top model targets built:

Model Action Rebuild Reason

autosar_tpc_pedal_sensor Code generated. Code generation information file does not exist.

1 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date)

Build duration: 0h 0m 18.795s
Building component: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor1 (5 out of 6)
### Starting build procedure for: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor1
### Generating XML files description for: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor1
### Successful completion of code generation for: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor1

Build Summary

Top model targets built:

Model Action Rebuild Reason

autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor1 Code generated. Code generation information file does not exist.

1 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date)

Build duration: 0h 0m 15.717s
Building component: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor2 (6 out of 6)
### Starting build procedure for: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor2
### Generating XML files description for: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor2
### Successful completion of code generation for: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor2

Build Summary

Top model targets built:

Model Action Rebuild Reason

autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor2 Code generated. Code generation information file does not exist.

1 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date)

Build duration: 0h 0m 14.341s
Exporting composition: autosar_tpc_composition
### Generating XML description files for: autosar_tpc_composition
### Successful completion of export for: autosar_tpc_composition

Generate ECU Extract for Architecture Model

Export composition XML descriptions and generate component code for an AUTOSAR architecture
model. As part of composition XML export, generate an ECU extract into the file System.arxml,
which is located in the composition folder. The ECU extract for example model
autosar_tpc_composition maps software components from both the top-level composition and a
nested Sensors composition to one ECU.

Load AUTOSAR architecture model

modelName = 'autosar_tpc_composition';
archModel = autosar.arch.loadModel(modelName);

1 Functions

Export ECU extract into composition folder


Building component: autosar_tpc_actuator (1 out of 6)

### Starting build procedure for: autosar_tpc_actuator
### Generating XML files description for: autosar_tpc_actuator
### Successful completion of code generation for: autosar_tpc_actuator

Build Summary

Top model targets built:

Model Action Rebuild Reason

autosar_tpc_actuator Code generated. Code generation information file does not exist.

1 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date)

Build duration: 0h 0m 15.691s
Building component: autosar_tpc_controller (2 out of 6)
### Starting build procedure for: autosar_tpc_controller
### Generating XML files description for: autosar_tpc_controller
### Successful completion of code generation for: autosar_tpc_controller

Build Summary

Top model targets built:

Model Action Rebuild Reason

autosar_tpc_controller Code generated. Code generation information file does not exist.

1 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date)

Build duration: 0h 0m 15.421s
Building component: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor_monitor (3 out of 6)
### Starting build procedure for: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor_monitor
### Generating XML files description for: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor_monitor
### Successful completion of code generation for: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor_monitor

Build Summary

Top model targets built:

Model Action Rebuild Reason

autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor_monitor Code generated. Code generation information file does not e

1 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date)

Build duration: 0h 0m 16.161s
Building component: autosar_tpc_pedal_sensor (4 out of 6)
### Starting build procedure for: autosar_tpc_pedal_sensor
### Generating XML files description for: autosar_tpc_pedal_sensor
### Successful completion of code generation for: autosar_tpc_pedal_sensor

Build Summary

Top model targets built:


Model Action Rebuild Reason

autosar_tpc_pedal_sensor Code generated. Code generation information file does not exist.

1 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date)

Build duration: 0h 0m 16.534s
Building component: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor1 (5 out of 6)
### Starting build procedure for: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor1
### Generating XML files description for: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor1
### Successful completion of code generation for: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor1

Build Summary

Top model targets built:

Model Action Rebuild Reason

autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor1 Code generated. Code generation information file does not exist.

1 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date)

Build duration: 0h 0m 19.269s
Building component: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor2 (6 out of 6)
### Starting build procedure for: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor2
### Generating XML files description for: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor2
### Successful completion of code generation for: autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor2

Build Summary

Top model targets built:

Model Action Rebuild Reason

autosar_tpc_throttle_sensor2 Code generated. Code generation information file does not exist.

1 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date)

Build duration: 0h 0m 18.424s
Exporting composition: autosar_tpc_composition
### Generating XML description files for: autosar_tpc_composition
### Successful completion of export for: autosar_tpc_composition

Generate ASAP2 File for Architecture Model

Export composition XML descriptions and generate component code for or an AUTOSAR architecture
model. As part of composition XML export, export ASAP2 file for the referenced component models
and save them in a folder with name asap2.

Input Arguments
archCCM — Component, composition, or architecture model

1 Functions

AUTOSAR component, composition, or architecture model for which to export ARXML descriptions
and generate component code. The argument is a component, composition, or architecture model
handle returned by a previous call to addComponent, addComposition,
autosar.arch.createModel, or autosar.arch.loadModel.
Example: archModel

Name-Value Pair Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the

argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after
other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.
Example: 'PackageCodeAndARXML','' specifies the name of a ZIP file
that packages the generated files.

ExportECUExtract — Export ECU extract

false (default) | true

As part of XML export, generate an ECU extract into the file System.arxml, which is located in the
composition folder. The ECU extract for a classic composition or architecture model maps software
components from the top composition and any nested compositions to one ECU. For more
information, see “Export Composition ECU Extract”.
Example: 'ExportECUExtract',true

ExportedARXMLFolder — Folder location for exported ARXML files

character vector | string scalar

Full path to a folder in which to place exported ARXML description files.

Example: 'ExportedARXMLFolder','C:\temp\arxml'

ExportUnmodeledClientServerConnectors — Whether to export client-server connectors

false (default) | true

Enable code generation of client-server connectors that describe the calls between function callers
and global Simulink functions across components in an AUTOSAR architecture model.
Example: 'ExportUnmodeledClientServerConnectors', true
Data Types: logical

PackageCodeAndARXML — Name of ZIP file in which to package generated files

character vector | string scalar

Name of a ZIP file in which to package the generated files, including generated code and exported
ARXML descriptions.
Example: 'PackageCodeAndARXML',''

ExportASAP2File — Export ASAP2 file

false (default) | true

Export ASAP2 file while exporting the ARXML and generating component code. The exported ASAP2
file is packed into a folder named asap2. For more information, see “Generate and Pack ASAP2 File”.


Note This Name-value argument is not supported on macOS platform.

Example: 'ExportASAP2File',true

Version History
Introduced in R2020a

R2023b: Additional Name=Value Argument

Behavior change in future release

Additional Name-value argument ExportASAP2File is added to export ASAP2 file for the
architecture model while exporting ARXML descriptions and generating component code.

See Also
getXmlOptions | setXmlOptions

“Generate ASAP2 File for AUTOSAR Architecture Models”
“Configure AUTOSAR Architecture Model Programmatically”
“Generate and Package AUTOSAR Composition XML Descriptions and Component Code”
“Author AUTOSAR Classic Compositions and Components in Architecture Model”

1 Functions

Package: autosar.api

Find AUTOSAR elements

paths = find(arProps,rootPath,category)
paths = find(arProps,rootPath,category,'PathType',value)
paths = find(arProps,rootPath,category,property,value)

paths = find(arProps,rootPath,category) returns paths to AUTOSAR elements matching
category, starting at path rootPath.

paths = find(arProps,rootPath,category,'PathType',value) specifies whether the

returned paths are fully qualified or partially qualified.

paths = find(arProps,rootPath,category,property,value) specifies a constraining value

on a property of the specified category of elements, narrowing the search.


Find Sender-Receiver Interfaces That Are Not Services

For a model, find sender-receiver interfaces for which the property IsService is false and return
fully qualified paths.
hModel = 'autosar_swc_expfcns';
arProps = autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties(hModel);
ifPaths = find(arProps,[],'SenderReceiverInterface',...

ifPaths = 1x2 cell

{'/pkg/if/Interface1'} {'/pkg/if/Interface2'}

Find Mode-Switch Interface Paths

For a model, add a mode-switch interface and then use find to list paths for mode-switch interfaces
in the model.
hModel = 'mAutosarMsConfigAfter';
arProps = autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties(hModel);


ifPaths = find(arProps,[],'ModeSwitchInterface','PathType','FullyQualified')

ifPaths = 1x3 cell

{'/pkg/if/myMsIf'} {'/pkg/if/MsIf2'} {'/pkg/if/Interface3'}

Input Arguments
arProps — AUTOSAR properties information for a model

AUTOSAR properties information for a model, previously returned by arProps =

autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties(model). model is a handle, character vector, or string
scalar representing the model name.
Example: arProps

rootPath — Starting point of the search

character vector | string scalar | []

Path specifying the starting point at which to look for the specified type of AUTOSAR elements. []
indicates the root of the component.
Example: []

category — Type of AUTOSAR element

character vector | string scalar

Type of AUTOSAR element for which to return paths.

Example: 'SenderReceiverInterface'

'PathType',value — Whether the returned paths are fully qualified or partially qualified
'PartiallyQualified' (default) | 'FullyQualified'

Specify FullyQualified to return fully qualified paths.

Example: 'PathType','FullyQualified'

property,value — Property and value

name (character vector or string scalar), value

Valid property of the specified category of elements, and a value to match for that property in the
search. Table “Properties of AUTOSAR Elements” lists properties that are associated with AUTOSAR
Example: 'IsService',true

Output Arguments
paths — Paths to AUTOSAR elements
cell array of character vectors

Variable that returns paths to AUTOSAR elements.

1 Functions

Example: ifPaths

Version History
Introduced in R2013b

See Also
autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties | add | delete | get | set

“AUTOSAR Property and Map Function Examples”
“Configure and Map AUTOSAR Component Programmatically”
“AUTOSAR Component Configuration”


Package: autosar.arch

Find AUTOSAR architecture elements

archElements = find(archCCM,category)
archElements = find(archCCM,category,'AllLevels',value)
archElements = find(archCCM,category,property,value)

archElements = find(archCCM,category) searches AUTOSAR component, composition, or
architecture model archCCM for architecture elements that match the specified category. The
archElements output argument returns handles for the architecture elements found. Valid values
for category are Component, Composition, Port, or Connector. The archCCM argument is a
component, composition, or architecture model handle returned by a previous call to addComponent,
addComposition, autosar.arch.createModel, or autosar.arch.loadModel. The default
scope of find is the top level of the specified composition or architecture model, not all levels of the
model hierarchy.

archElements = find(archCCM,category,'AllLevels',value) allows you to extend the

search for AUTOSAR architecture elements to all levels of an AUTOSAR composition or architecture
model hierarchy. To search all levels, specify value as true.

archElements = find(archCCM,category,property,value) specifies a constraining value on

a property of the specified category of elements, narrowing the search.


Find Elements at Different Levels of AUTOSAR Architecture Model

In AUTOSAR architecture model myArchModel:

• Find components that are located only in the architecture model top level.
• Find components located in all levels of the model hierarchy.
• Find composition block ports and list their Kind and Name values.
% Create AUTOSAR architecture model
modelName = 'myArchModel';
archModel = autosar.arch.createModel(modelName);

% Add a composition
composition = addComposition(archModel,'Sensors');

% Add 2 components inside Sensors composition

names = {'PedalSnsr','ThrottleSnsr'};
sensorSWCs = addComponent(composition,names,'Kind','SensorActuator');
layout(composition); % Auto-arrange layout

1 Functions

% Add components at architecture model top level

actuator = addComponent(archModel,'Actuator');

% Add architecture ports


% Add composition ports


% Add component ports

controller = find(archModel,'Component','Name','Controller1');

% At top level, connect composition and components based on matching port names

% Connect specified arch root ports to specified composition and component ports
% Use find to construct port specifications

layout(archModel); % Auto-arrange layout

% Find components in architecture model top level only

components_in_arch_top_level = find(archModel,'Component')
% Find components in all hierarchy
components_in_all_hierarchy = find(archModel,'Component','AllLevels',true)
% Find ports for composition block only
composition_ports = find(composition,'Port')

% List Kind and Name property values for composition ports

for ii=1:length(composition_ports)
Port = composition_ports(ii);
portName = get(Port,'Name');
portKind = get(Port,'Kind');
fprintf('%s port %s\n',portKind,portName);

components_in_arch_top_level =
2×1 Component array with properties:

components_in_all_hierarchy =
4×1 Component array with properties:

composition_ports =
4×1 CompPort array with properties:



Receiver port TPS_Hw

Receiver port APP_Hw
Sender port TPS_Perc
Sender port APP_Perc

Input Arguments
archCCM — Component, composition, or architecture model

AUTOSAR component, composition, or architecture model in which to search for specified

architecture elements. The argument is a component, composition, or architecture model handle
returned by a previous call to addComponent, addComposition, autosar.arch.createModel, or
Example: archModel

category — Type of architecture element

character vector | string scalar

Type of AUTOSAR architecture element to find. Valid categories are Component, Composition,
Port, or Connector.
Example: 'Component'

'AllLevels',value — Whether to search all levels of model hierarchy

false (default) | true

Specify true to search all levels of an AUTOSAR composition or architecture model hierarchy for the
specified architecture elements. The default scope of find is the top level of the specified
composition or architecture model, not all levels of the model hierarchy.
Example: 'AllLevels',true

property,value — Property and value

name (character vector or string scalar), value

Valid property of the specified category of architecture elements, and a value to match for that
property in the search.
Example: 'Name','APP_Hw'

Output Arguments
archElements — Elements found
handle | array of handles

Returns one or more handles for the architecture elements found.

Version History
Introduced in R2020a

1 Functions

See Also
get | set

“Configure AUTOSAR Architecture Model Programmatically”
“Author AUTOSAR Classic Compositions and Components in Architecture Model”


Package: autosar.api

Find AUTOSAR elements

modelElementsFound = find(slMap,category)

modelElementsFound = find(slMap,category) returns an array of handles, paths, or names of
model elements of type category.


Find Model States in Simulink Mappings

In the Simulink® code mappings of the model autosar_swc, find model workspace parameters.

mapObj = autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping("autosar_swc");
states = find(mapObj,"States")

states =

Input Arguments
slMap — Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model
SimulinkMapping object

Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model, previously returned by slMap =

autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(model)-model is a handle, character vector, or string scalar
representing the model.
Example: mapObj

category — Model element category

"DataStores" | "DataTransfers" | "Inports" | "ModelParameters" |
"ModelParameterArguments" | "Outports" | "Signals" | "States"

Category of model elements that you search for in the model code mappings, as specified as one of
the values listed in this table:

1 Functions

Category Description
"Inports" An array of block handles of Inports present
within the specified model
"Outports" An array of block handles of Outports present
within the specified model
"Signals" An array of block handles of Signals present
within the specified model
"States" A cell array containing the path handle(s) of all
States present in the specified model
"DataStores" An array containing the path handle(s) of all Data
Stores present in the specified model
"DataTransfers" A cell array containing the block handles of all
Data Transfers present in the specified model
"Functions" A string array of the Function names present in
the specified model
"FunctionCallers" A cell array containing the block handle(s) of all
Function Caller blocks present in the specified
"ModelParameterArguments" A cell array containing the model parameter
argument names present in the specified model

Output Arguments
modelElementsFound — Model elements found
array | string vector

Model elements found, returned as an array of objects, or string vector of object paths or names.
Each object or string identifies a model element of the specified category.

Category Type of Object Returned

Inports, Outports, and Signals Block handle
States Path handle
DataStores Block handle
DataTransfers Block handle
Functions Function
FunctionCallers Block handle of Function Caller block
ModelParameterArguments Model parameter argument name

Version History
Introduced in R2023a

See Also


Package: autosar.api

Get property of AUTOSAR element

pValue = get(arProps,elementPath,property)

pValue = get(arProps,elementPath,property) returns the value of the specified property of
the AUTOSAR element at elementPath.


Get Value of IsService Property of Sender-Receiver Interface

For a model, get the value of the IsService property for the sender-receiver interface Interface1.
The variable IsService returns false (0), indicating that the sender-receiver interface is not a
hModel = 'autosar_swc_expfcns';
arProps = autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties(hModel);
isService = get(arProps,'Interface1','IsService')

isService =

Get Component Qualified Name and Runnable Symbol Name

For an AUTOSAR model, to prepare for setting the symbol property for runnable Runnable1 to
test_symbol, get the AUTOSAR component qualified name and the existing runnable symbol name.
hModel = 'autosar_swc_expfcns';
arProps = autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties(hModel);
compQName = get(arProps,'XmlOptions','ComponentQualifiedName');
runnables = find(arProps,compQName,'Runnable','PathType','FullyQualified');

ans =
1×1 cell array


ans =


1 Functions

ans =

Input Arguments
arProps — AUTOSAR properties information for a model

AUTOSAR properties information for a model, previously returned by arProps =

autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties(model). model is a handle, character vector, or string
scalar representing the model name.
Example: arProps

elementPath — Path to AUTOSAR element

character vector | string scalar

Path to the AUTOSAR element for which to return the value of a property.
Example: 'Input'

property — Element property

character vector | string scalar

Property for which to return a value, among valid properties of the AUTOSAR element.
Example: 'IsService'

Output Arguments
pValue — Property value or path
value of property | path to composite property or property that references other properties

Variable that returns the value of the specified AUTOSAR property. For composite properties or
properties that reference other properties, the return value is the path to the property.
Example: ifPaths

Version History
Introduced in R2013b

See Also
autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties | set | autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties XML Options

“AUTOSAR Property and Map Function Examples”
“Configure and Map AUTOSAR Component Programmatically”
“AUTOSAR Component Configuration”


Package: autosar.arch

Get property of AUTOSAR architecture element

pValue = get(archElement,property)

pValue = get(archElement,property) returns the current value pValue of the specified
property for AUTOSAR architecture element archElement. The archElement argument is a
component, composition, port, or connector handle returned by a previous call to addComponent,
addComposition, addPort, connect, or find.


Get and List Properties of AUTOSAR Architecture Elements

In an AUTOSAR architecture model, find ports located in all levels of the model hierarchy. Get and list
their Kind and Name property values.
% Create AUTOSAR architecture model
modelName = 'myArchModel';
archModel = autosar.arch.createModel(modelName);

% Add composition and component at architecture model top level

composition = addComposition(archModel,'Sensors');

% Add composition ports


% Add component ports

controller = find(archModel,'Component','Name','Controller1');

% Connect composition and component based on matching port names


% Create implementation model for component


layout(archModel); % Auto-arrange layout

% Set properties
set(composition.Ports(1),'Name','NewPortName1'); % Rename 2 composition ports
'Name','NewPortName3'); % Rename port for Controller1 component & implementation
set(controller,'Kind','ServiceProxy'); % Component type for Controller1 component
set(controller,'Name','Instance1'); % Name for Controller1 component

% Find ports in architecture model hierarchy

ports_in_hierarchy = find(archModel,'Port','AllLevels',true)

1 Functions

% List Kind and Name property values for each port

for ii=1:length(ports_in_hierarchy)
port = ports_in_hierarchy(ii);
portName = get(port,'Name');
portKind = get(port,'Kind');
fprintf('%s port %s\n',portKind,portName);

ports_in_hierarchy =
7×1 CompPort array with properties:

Receiver port NewPortName1

Receiver port APP_Hw
Sender port NewPortName2
Sender port APP_Perc
Sender port ThrCmd_Perc
Receiver port NewPortName3
Receiver port APP_Perc

Input Arguments
archElement — Architecture element

AUTOSAR architecture element for which to return the current value of a property. The argument is a
component, composition, port, or connector handle returned by a previous call to addComponent,
addComposition, addPort, connect, or find.
Example: port

property — Element property

character vector | string scalar

Property for which to return a value, among valid properties of the AUTOSAR architecture element.
Example: 'Name'

Output Arguments
pValue — Property value
value of property

Returns the value of the specified property of the specified AUTOSAR architecture element.

Version History
Introduced in R2020a

See Also
find | set

“Configure AUTOSAR Architecture Model Programmatically”


“Author AUTOSAR Classic Compositions and Components in Architecture Model”

1 Functions

Get class name of model

name = getClassName(slMap)

name = getClassName(slMap) returns the class name of the model.


Get Class Name of Model

Open the model. To access the mapping information associated with the model, slMap, use the
autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping function.
%% Open an adaptive AUTOSAR model
hModel = 'autosar_LaneGuidance';

%% Access the mapping information

slMap = autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(hModel);

To access the class name of the model, use the getClassName function. If you did not specify a class
name for the model, the getClassName function returns an empty character vector and the class
name in the generated code uses the model name as the default class name.
name = getClassName(slMap)

name =

0x0 empty char array

Specify a class name for the model by using the setClassName function.
setClassName(slMap, 'myClassName');

The getClassName function now returns the specified class name.

name = getClassName(slMap)

name =


Input Arguments
slMap — Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model


Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model, previously returned by slMap =

autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(model). model is a handle, character vector, or string scalar
representing the model name.
Example: slMap

Output Arguments
name — Class name of model
character vector

Class name of model returned as a character vector. If you do not specify a class name, the class
name in the generated code uses the model name as the default class name.

Version History
Introduced in R2021a

See Also
autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping | setClassName | getClassNamespace | setClassName

“Configure AUTOSAR Adaptive Code Generation”

1 Functions

Get class namespace for a model

namespace = getClassNamespace(slMap)

namespace = getClassNamespace(slMap) returns the class namespace specified for the model.
Class namespaces can help to prevent name conflicts in large projects.


Access Class Namespace for Model

Open the model. To access the mapping information associated with the model, slMap, use the
autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping function.
%% Open an adaptive AUTOSAR model
hModel = 'autosar_LaneGuidance';

%% Access the mapping information

slMap = autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(hModel);

To access the namespace of the model, use the getClassNamespace function. If you did not specify
a namespace for the model, the getClassNamespace function returns an empty character vector.
name = getClassNamespace(slMap)

name =

0x0 empty char array

Specify a namespace for the model by using the setClassNamespace function.

setClassNamespace(slMap, 'myClassNamespace');

The getClassNamespace function now returns the specified class namespace.

name = getClassNamespace(slMap)

name =


Input Arguments
slMap — Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model


Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model, previously returned by slMap =

autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(model). model is a handle, character vector, or string scalar
representing the model name.
Example: slMap

Output Arguments
namespace — Class namespace of model
character vector

Class namespace of model returned as a character vector. If you did not specify a namespace for the
model, the getClassNamespace function returns an empty character vector.

Version History
Introduced in R2021a

See Also
autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping | setClassNamespace | getClassName | setClassName

“Configure AUTOSAR Adaptive Code Generation”

1 Functions

Package: arxml

Get AUTOSAR software component names from ARXML files

names = getComponentNames(ar)
names = getComponentNames(ar,compKind)

names = getComponentNames(ar) returns the names of AUTOSAR software components found in
the XML files associated with arxml.importer object ar. By default, the function returns the names
of atomic software components, including application, sensor/actuator, complex device driver, ECU
abstraction, and service proxy software components.

names = getComponentNames(ar,compKind) uses the compKind argument to specify the type of

software component to return. You can narrow the search to a specific type of atomic software
component, such as 'Application' or 'SensorActuator', or specify a nonatomic component,
such as 'Composition' or 'Parameter'.


Get AUTOSAR Atomic Software Component Names from ARXML File

Get the names of AUTOSAR atomic software components present in an ARXML file. The ARXML file is
located at matlabroot/examples/autosarblockset/data, which is on the default MATLAB
search path.

Create an initial Simulink representation of the Controller composition.

ar = arxml.importer('ThrottlePositionControlComposition.arxml');
names = getComponentNames(ar)

names =
5×1 cell array
{'/Company/Components/Controller' }
{'/Company/Components/ThrottlePositionMonitor' }
{'/Company/Components/ThrottlePositionActuator' }
{'/Company/Components/ThrottlePositionSensor' }


Get AUTOSAR Sensor-Actuator Software Component Names from ARXML File

Get the names of AUTOSAR sensor-actuator software components present in an ARXML file. The
ARXML file is located at matlabroot/examples/autosarblockset/data, which is on the default
MATLAB search path.


ar = arxml.importer('ThrottlePositionControlComposition.arxml');
names = getComponentNames(ar,'SensorActuator')

names =
3×1 cell array
{'/Company/Components/ThrottlePositionActuator' }
{'/Company/Components/ThrottlePositionSensor' }

Get AUTOSAR Software Composition Names from ARXML File

Get the names of AUTOSAR software compositions present in an ARXML file. The ARXML file is
located at matlabroot/examples/autosarblockset/data, which is on the default MATLAB
search path.

Create an initial Simulink representation of the listed composition.

ar = arxml.importer('ThrottlePositionControlComposition.arxml');
names = getComponentNames(ar,'Composition')

names =
1×1 cell array


Input Arguments
ar — arxml.importer object

AUTOSAR information previously imported from XML files, specified as an arxml.importer object

compKind — Component type

'Atomic' (default) | 'Application' | 'ComplexDeviceDriver' | 'Composition' |
'EcuAbstraction' | 'Parameter' | 'SensorActuator' | 'ServiceProxy'

Type of software component to return.

Output Argument
names — Names array
cell array of character vectors

Variable that returns an array of component names. Each array element is the absolute short-name
path of an AUTOSAR software component.
Example: {'/pkg/swc/tpSensor','/pkg/swc/tpActuator'}

Version History
Introduced in R2008a

See Also
arxml.importer | createComponentAsModel | createCompositionAsModel

1 Functions

“Import AUTOSAR XML Descriptions Into Simulink”


Get default end-to-end (E2E) protection method for AUTOSAR component model

e2eMethod = getDataDefaults(slMap,elementCategory,property)

e2eMethod = getDataDefaults(slMap,elementCategory,property) returns the default
setting for the end-to-end (E2E) protection method property in the modeling element category inports
and outports of an AUTOSAR component model.

Use E2E protection to optionally configure sender and receiver ports to securely transmit data
between AUTOSAR components. The default end-to-end protection method sets which end-to-end
protection method is used for root-level inports and outports in the generated code.

Supported protection methods are E2E Transformer and E2E Protection Wrapper.

The protection method is applied to AUTOSAR inports that are configured in the code mappings as
EndToEndRead and AUTOSAR outports that are configured as EndToEndWrite.


Get Default E2E Protection Setting for Root-Level Inports and Outports

Return the default end-to-end protection method setting for the AUTOSAR component model.

Get the default E2E protection method.

hModel = 'autosar_swc';

slMap = autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(hModel);
e2eMethod = getDataDefaults(slMap, ...
'InportsOutports', 'EndToEndProtectionMethod');

e2eMethod =

Set and then read back the default E2E protection method.
setDataDefaults(slMap,'InportsOutports', ...
'EndToEndProtectionMethod', 'TransformerError');
e2eMethod = getDataDefaults(slMap,...
'InportsOutports', 'EndToEndProtectionMethod');

e2eMethod =

Input Arguments
slMap — Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model

1 Functions

Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model, specified as a function handle. Obtain this
information using autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(model), where model is a handle,
character vector, or string scalar representing the model name.
Example: slMap

elementCategory — Model data element category


Category of model data elements that apply the end-to-end protection property, specified as
'InportsExports'. The only supported modeling element is inports and outports.

property — Default protection method property value to return


Default end-to-end protection method property that you return a value for, specified as
'EndToEndProtectionMethod'. The only supported property is E2E protection method.

Output Arguments
e2eMethod — Name of the default E2E protection method parameter
'ProtectionWrapper' | 'TransformerError'

Name of the default E2E protection method parameter, returned as one of the following:

• 'ProtectionWrapper':

E2E Protection Wrapper, which uses an E2E protection wrapper in the generated code in support
of end-to-end data consistency checks.

E2E protection wrapper is the default setting.

• 'TransformerError':

E2E Transformer, which configures RTE calls to use a transformer error argument in the
generated code.

Supported when using AUTOSAR schema version 4.2 or later.

Data Types: character vector

Version History
Introduced in R2022b

See Also
autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping | setDataDefaults

“Configure AUTOSAR S-R Interface Port for End-To-End Protection”


Package: autosar.api

Get AUTOSAR mapping information for Simulink data store

arValue = getDataStore(slMap,slBlockHandle)
arValue = getDataStore(slMap,slBlockHandle,arProperty)

arValue = getDataStore(slMap,slBlockHandle)returns the type of AUTOSAR variable
mapped to Simulink data store memory block slBlockHandle. AUTOSAR variable types include
ArTypedPerInstanceMemory and StaticMemory for classic models and Persistency for
adaptive models.

arValue = getDataStore(slMap,slBlockHandle,arProperty) returns the value of property

arProperty for the AUTOSAR variable that the Simulink data store is mapped to.


Get AUTOSAR Mapping Information for Simulink Data Stores

Get AUTOSAR mapping and property information for the Simulink data store memory block Data
Store Memory in example model autosar_bsw_sensor1.
hModel = 'autosar_bsw_sensor1';
hBlock = 'autosar_bsw_sensor1/Data Store Memory';

slMap = autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(hModel);
arMappedTo = getDataStore(slMap,hBlock)
arNvram = getDataStore(slMap,hBlock,'NeedsNVRAMAccess')

arMappedTo =

arNvram =

Input Arguments
slMap — Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model

Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model, previously returned by slMap =

autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(model). model is a handle, character vector, or string scalar
representing the model name.
Example: slMap

1 Functions

slBlockHandle — Simulink data store memory block handle


Name or handle of Simulink data store memory block for which to return AUTOSAR mapping
Example: 'autosar_bsw_sensor1/Data Store Memory'

arProperty — AUTOSAR property

character vector | string scalar

Name of AUTOSAR variable property.

For AUTOSAR classic models, valid property names include ShortName, SwAddrMethod,
SwCalibrationAccess, DisplayFormat, and LongName. For ArTypedPerInstancememory, you
can specify NeedsNVRAMAccess. For StaticMemory, you can specify C type qualifier properties
IsVolatile or Qualifier (AUTOSAR additional native type qualifier).

For AUTOSAR adaptive models, valid property names include Port and DataElement.

For property descriptions, see mapDataStore.

Example: 'SwCalibrationAccess'

Output Arguments
arValue — Value of AUTOSAR variable type or property
character vector

Variable that returns either the type of the mapped AUTOSAR variable or the value of a variable
Example: arValue

Version History
Introduced in R2019a

See Also
autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping | mapDataStore | Data Store Memory

“Map Data Stores to AUTOSAR Variables”
“Map Submodel Data Stores to AUTOSAR Variables”
“Map Data Stores to AUTOSAR Persistent Memory Ports and Data Elements”
“Configure AUTOSAR Per-Instance Memory”
“Configure AUTOSAR Static Memory”
“Model AUTOSAR Adaptive Persistent Memory”
“AUTOSAR Property and Map Function Examples”
“AUTOSAR Component Configuration”


Package: autosar.api

Get AUTOSAR mapping information for Simulink data transfer

[arIrvName,arDataAccessMode] = getDataTransfer(slMap,slDataTransfer)

[arIrvName,arDataAccessMode] = getDataTransfer(slMap,slDataTransfer) returns the
values of the AUTOSAR inter-runnable variable arIrvName and AUTOSAR data access mode
arDataAccessMode that are mapped to Simulink data transfer line or Rate Transition block


Get AUTOSAR Mapping Information for Simulink® Data Transfer Line

Get AUTOSAR mapping information for a data transfer line in the example model
autosar_swc_expfcns. The model has data transfer lines named irv1, irv2, irv3, and irv4.

hModel = 'autosar_swc_expfcns';

arIrvName =

arDataAccessMode =

Get AUTOSAR Mapping Information for Rate Transition Block

Get AUTOSAR mapping information for a Rate Transition block in the example model
mMultitasking_4rates. The model has Rate Transition blocks named RateTransition,
RateTransition1, and RateTransition2, which are located at the top level of the model.

hModel = 'mMultitasking_4rates';

arIrvName =

1 Functions

arDataAccessMode =

Input Arguments
slMap — Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model

Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model, previously returned by slMap =

autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(model). model is a handle, character vector, or string scalar
representing the model name.
Example: slMap

slDataTransfer — Simulink data transfer line name or Rate Transition full block path
character vector | string scalar

Name of the Simulink data transfer line or full block path to the Rate Transition block for which to
return AUTOSAR mapping information.
Example: 'irv4'
Example: 'myModel/RateTransition2'

Output Arguments
arIrvName — Name of AUTOSAR inter-runnable variable
character vector

Variable that returns the name of AUTOSAR inter-runnable variable mapped to the specified Simulink
data transfer.
Example: arIrvName

arDataAccessMode — Value of AUTOSAR data access mode

character vector

Variable that returns the value of the AUTOSAR data access mode mapped to the specified Simulink
data transfer. The value is Implicit or Explicit.
Example: arDataAccessMode

Version History
Introduced in R2013b

See Also
autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping | mapDataTransfer

“Map Data Transfers to AUTOSAR Inter-Runnable Variables”
“Model AUTOSAR Component Behavior”
“AUTOSAR Property and Map Function Examples”


“AUTOSAR Component Configuration”

1 Functions

Package: autosar.api

Get AUTOSAR mapping information for Simulink entry-point function

arRunnableName = getFunction(slMap,slEntryPointFunction)
[arRunnableName,arRunnableSwAddrMethod,arInternalDataSwAddrMethod] =

arRunnableName = getFunction(slMap,slEntryPointFunction) returns the name of the
AUTOSAR runnable arRunnableName mapped to Simulink entry-point function

[arRunnableName,arRunnableSwAddrMethod,arInternalDataSwAddrMethod] =
getFunction(slMap,slEntryPointFunction) returns the names of function and internal data
software address methods (SwAddrMethods) defined for the mapped AUTOSAR runnable. If a
SwAddrMethod is not defined, the function returns '<None>'.


Get AUTOSAR Runnable Name for Simulink Entry-Point Function

Get the name of the AUTOSAR runnable mapped to a Simulink entry-point function in the example
model autosar_swc. The model has an initialize entry-point function named Runnable_Init and
periodic entry-point functions named Runnable_1s and Runnable_2s.
hModel = 'autosar_swc';

arRunnableName =

Get AUTOSAR SwAddrMethod Names for Simulink Entry-Point Function

Get AUTOSAR SwAddrMethod names for a Simulink entry-point function in the example model
autosar_swc_counter. The model has a single-tasking periodic entry-point function.
hModel = 'autosar_swc_counter';

% Add SwAddrMethods myCODE and myVAR to the AUTOSAR component

arProps = autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties(hModel);


swAddrPaths = find(arProps,[],'SwAddrMethod','PathType','FullyQualified',...
swAddrPaths = find(arProps,[],'SwAddrMethod','PathType','FullyQualified',...

% Set code generation parameter for runnable internal data SwAddrMethods


% Map periodic function and internal data to myCODE and myVAR SwAddrMethods
slMap = autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(hModel);

% Return AUTOSAR mapping information for periodic function

[arRunnableName,arRunnableSwAddrMethod,arInternalDataSwAddrMethod] = ...

swAddrPaths =
1×2 cell array

swAddrPaths =
1×2 cell array

arRunnableName =

arRunnableSwAddrMethod =

arInternalDataSwAddrMethod =

Input Arguments
slMap — Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model

Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model, previously returned by slMap =

autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(model). model is a handle, character vector, or string scalar
representing the model name.
Example: slMap

slEntryPointFunction — Simulink entry-point function

character vector | string scalar

Simulink entry-point function for which to return AUTOSAR mapping information. The value format is
based on the function type.

Function Type Value

Initialize 'Initialize'.
Reset 'Reset:slIdentifier', where slIdentifier is the name of a reset
function in the model.
Terminate 'Terminate'.

1 Functions

Function Type Value

Single-tasking periodic 'Periodic'.
Periodic (implicit task) 'Periodic:slIdentifier', where slIdentifier is the corresponding
period annotation, as displayed in the Timing Legend. For example,
Partition (explicit task) 'Partition:slIdentifier', where slIdentifier is the partition
name, as displayed in the Schedule Editor. For example, 'Partition:P1'.
Exported 'ExportedFunction:slIdentifier', where slIdentifier is the
name of the Inport block that drives the control port of the function-call
subsystem. For example:

• 'ExportedFunction:Trigger_1s' in example model

• 'ExportedFunction:FunctionTrigger' in example model
Simulink function in 'SimulinkFunction:slIdentifier', where slIdentifier is the
client-server name of a global Simulink function in the model. For example,
configuration 'SimulinkFunction:readData' in the example model in “Configure
AUTOSAR Server”.

Example: 'Periodic:D1'

Output Arguments
arRunnableName — Name of AUTOSAR runnable
character vector

Variable that returns the name of the AUTOSAR runnable mapped to the specified Simulink entry-
point function object.
Example: arRunnableName

arRunnableSwAddrMethod — Name of function SwAddrMethod

character vector

Variable that returns the name of the SwAddrMethod defined for the AUTOSAR runnable function.
Example: arRunnableSwAddrMethod

arInternalDataSwAddrMethod — Name of internal data SwAddrMethod

character vector

Variable that returns the name of the SwAddrMethod defined for the AUTOSAR runnable internal
Example: arInternalDataSwAddrMethod

Version History
Introduced in R2013b


See Also
autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping | mapFunction

“Map Entry-Point Functions to AUTOSAR Runnables”
“Configure AUTOSAR Runnables and Events”
“AUTOSAR Property and Map Function Examples”
“AUTOSAR Component Configuration”

1 Functions

Package: autosar.api

Get AUTOSAR mapping information for Simulink function-caller block

[arPortName,arOperationName] = getFunctionCaller(slMap,slFcnName)

[arPortName,arOperationName] = getFunctionCaller(slMap,slFcnName) returns the
value of the AUTOSAR client port arPortName and AUTOSAR operation arOperationName mapped
to the Simulink function caller block for Simulink function slFcnName.


Get AUTOSAR Mapping Information for Function Caller Block

Get AUTOSAR mapping information for a function-caller block in a model in which AUTOSAR client
function invocation is being modeled. The model has a function-caller block for Simulink® function

hModel = 'mControllerWithInterface_client';
slMapC = autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(hModel);
[arPort,arOp] = getFunctionCaller(slMapC,'readData')

arPort =

arOp =

Input Arguments
slMap — Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model

Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model, previously returned by slMap =

autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(model). model is a handle, character vector, or string scalar
representing the model name.
Example: slMap

slFcnName — Name of Simulink function

character vector | string scalar


Name of the Simulink function for the function-caller block for which to return AUTOSAR mapping
Example: 'readData'

Output Arguments
arPortName — Name of AUTOSAR client port
character vector

Variable that returns the name of the AUTOSAR client port mapped to the specified function-caller
Example: arPort

arOperationName — Name of AUTOSAR operation

character vector

Variable that returns the name of the AUTOSAR operation mapped to the specified function-caller
Example: arOp

Version History
Introduced in R2014b

See Also
autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping | mapFunctionCaller

“Map Function Callers to AUTOSAR Client-Server Ports and Operations”
“Configure AUTOSAR Client-Server Communication”
“AUTOSAR Property and Map Function Examples”
“AUTOSAR Component Configuration”

1 Functions

Package: autosar.api

Get AUTOSAR mapping information for Simulink inport

[arPortName,arDataElementName,arDataAccessMode] = getInport(slMap,slPortName)

[arPortName,arDataElementName,arDataAccessMode] = getInport(slMap,slPortName)
returns the values of the AUTOSAR port arPortName, AUTOSAR data element
arDataElementName, and AUTOSAR data access mode arDataAccessMode mapped to Simulink
inport slPortName.


Get AUTOSAR Mapping Information for Model Inport

Get AUTOSAR mapping information for a model inport in the example model
autosar_swc_expfcns. The model has an inport named RPort_DE1.
hModel = 'autosar_swc_expfcns';

arPortName =

arDataElementName =

arDataAccessMode =

Input Arguments
slMap — Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model

Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model, previously returned by slMap =

autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(model). model is a handle, character vector, or string scalar
representing the model name.
Example: slMap

slPortName — Name of model inport

character vector | string scalar

Name of the model inport for which to return AUTOSAR mapping information.


Example: 'Input'

Output Arguments
arPortName — Name of AUTOSAR port
character vector

Variable that returns the name of the AUTOSAR port mapped to the specified Simulink inport.
Example: arPortName

arDataElementName — Name of AUTOSAR data element

character vector

Variable that returns the name of the AUTOSAR data element mapped to the specified Simulink
Example: arDataElementName

arDataAccessMode — Value of AUTOSAR data access mode

character vector

Variable that returns the value of the AUTOSAR data access mode mapped to the specified Simulink
inport. The value can be ImplicitReceive, ExplicitReceive, QueuedExplicitReceive,
ErrorStatus, ModeReceive, IsUpdated, EndToEndRead, or ExplicitReceiveByVal
Example: arDataAccessMode

Version History
Introduced in R2013b

See Also
autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping | mapInport

“Map Inports and Outports to AUTOSAR Sender-Receiver Ports and Data Elements”
“Configure AUTOSAR Sender-Receiver Communication”
“Configure AUTOSAR Queued Sender-Receiver Communication”
“Map Inports and Outports to AUTOSAR Service Ports and Events”
“Model AUTOSAR Adaptive Service Communication”
“AUTOSAR Property and Map Function Examples”
“AUTOSAR Component Configuration”

1 Functions

Package: autosar.api

Get default internal data packaging for AUTOSAR component model

pkgSetting = getInternalDataPackaging(slMap)

pkgSetting = getInternalDataPackaging(slMap) returns the data packaging setting
pkgSetting, which specifies the default packaging for internal data stores, signals, and states in the
generated code for an AUTOSAR component model.

Packaging options differ depending on whether the component model instantiates an AUTOSAR
software component once or multiple times. Multi-instance software components can generate
reentrant, reusable functions. See “Multi-Instance Components” for more information.

Valid settings for internal data packaging are:

• For single-instance models:

• Default — Accept the default internal data packaging provided by the software. Use Default
for submodels referenced from AUTOSAR component models.
• PrivateGlobal — Package internal variable data without a struct object and make it
private (visible only to model.c).
• PrivateStructure — Package internal variable data in a struct object and make it private
(visible only to model.c).
• PublicGlobal — Package internal variable data without a struct object and make it public
(extern declaration in model.h).
• PublicStructure — Package internal variable data in a struct object and make it public
(extern declaration in model.h).
• For multi-instance models:

• Default — Accept the default internal data packaging provided by the software. Use Default
for submodels referenced from AUTOSAR component models.
• CTypedPerInstanceMemory — Package internal variable data for each instance of an
AUTOSAR software component to use C-typed per-instance memory in a struct object and
make it public (declaration in model.h).
• ArTypedPerInstanceMemory — Package internal variable data for each instance of an
AUTOSAR software component to use AUTOSAR-typed per-instance memory in a struct
object and make it public (declaration in Rte_Type.h). Setting ArTypedPerInstanceMemory
is not supported for models that contain model references.

When the data packaging setting is ArTypedPerInstanceMemory, code generation does not
support bitfield optimizations. If you configure ArTypedPerInstanceMemory, configuration
parameters BooleansAsBitfields, StateBitsets, and DataBitsets must be disabled.


If the data packaging setting is PrivateGlobal or PrivateStructure, building the model

generates the header file model_private.h, even when the model configuration parameter File
packaging format is set to Compact.

If the model configuration option Generate separate internal data per entry-point function is set
for the AUTOSAR model, task-based internal data grouping overrides the AUTOSAR internal data
packaging setting. However, the AUTOSAR setting determines the public or private visibility of the
generated internal data groups.


Get Default Internal Packaging Setting for AUTOSAR Model

Return and modify the default data packaging setting used for internal variables in the generated
code for the AUTOSAR component model.
hModel = 'autosar_swc';
slMap = autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(hModel);
pkgSetting1 = getInternalDataPackaging(slMap)
pkgSetting2 = getInternalDataPackaging(slMap)

pkgSetting1 =

pkgSetting2 =

Input Arguments
slMap — Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for model

Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model, previously returned by slMap =

autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(model), where model is a handle, or character vector or
string scalar representing the model name.

Output Arguments
pkgSetting — Default internal data packaging setting
'Default' (default) | 'PrivateGlobal' | 'PrivateStructure' | 'PublicGlobal' |
'PublicStructure' | 'CTypedPerInstanceMemory' | 'ArTypedPerInstanceMemory'

Default internal data packaging setting used for internal variables in the generated code for the
AUTOSAR component model, returned as character vector. Values for single-instance models can be
'Default', 'PrivateGlobal', 'PrivateStructure', 'PublicGlobal', and
'PublicStructure'. Valid values for multi-instance models are 'Default',
'CTypedPerInstanceMemory', and 'ArTypedPerInstanceMemory'.

Version History
Introduced in R2021a

1 Functions

R2023b: Support for AUTOSAR-typed per-instance memory default for internal data

getInternalDataPackaging supports the new default package setting

ArTypedPerInstanceMemory. Using the ArTypedPerInstanceMemory setting causes internal
data variables associated with each instance of an AUTOSAR model to use AUTOSAR-typed per-
instance memory in the generated code by default.

See Also
setInternalDataPackaging | autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping

“Map AUTOSAR Elements for Code Generation”
“AUTOSAR Component Configuration”


Package: autosar.api

Get AUTOSAR mapping information for Simulink outport

[arPortName,arDataElementName,arDataAccessMode] = getOutport(slMap,

[arPortName,arDataElementName,arDataAccessMode] = getOutport(slMap,
slPortName) returns the values of the AUTOSAR provider port arPortName, AUTOSAR data
element arDataElementName, and AUTOSAR data access mode arDataAccessMode mapped to
Simulink outport slPortName.


Get AUTOSAR Mapping Information for Model Outport

Get AUTOSAR mapping information for a model outport in the example model
autosar_swc_expfcns. The model has an outport named PPort_DE1.
hModel = 'autosar_swc_expfcns';

arPortName =

arDataElementName =

arDataAccessMode =

Input Arguments
slMap — Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model

Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model, previously returned by slMap =

autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(model). model is a handle, character vector, or string scalar
representing the model name.
Example: slMap

slPortName — Name of model outport

character vector | string scalar

Name of the model outport for which to return AUTOSAR mapping information.

1 Functions

Example: 'Output'

Output Arguments
arPortName — Name of AUTOSAR port
character vector

Variable that returns the name of the AUTOSAR port mapped to the specified Simulink outport.
Example: arPortName

arDataElementName — Name of AUTOSAR data element

character vector

Variable that returns the name of the AUTOSAR data element mapped to the specified Simulink
Example: arDataElementName

arDataAccessMode — Value of AUTOSAR data access mode

character vector

Variable that returns the value of the AUTOSAR data access mode mapped to the specified Simulink
outport. The value can be ImplicitSend, ImplicitSendByRef, ExplicitSend, EndToEndWrite,
ModeSend, or QueuedExplicitSend.
Example: arDataAccessMode

Version History
Introduced in R2013b

See Also
autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping | mapOutport

“Map Inports and Outports to AUTOSAR Sender-Receiver Ports and Data Elements”
“Configure AUTOSAR Sender-Receiver Communication”
“Configure AUTOSAR Queued Sender-Receiver Communication”
“Map Inports and Outports to AUTOSAR Service Ports and Events”
“Model AUTOSAR Adaptive Service Communication”
“AUTOSAR Property and Map Function Examples”
“AUTOSAR Component Configuration”


Package: autosar.api

Get AUTOSAR mapping information for Simulink model workspace parameter

arValue = getParameter(slMap,slParameter)
arValue = getParameter(slMap,slParameter,arProperty)

arValue = getParameter(slMap,slParameter) returns the type of AUTOSAR parameter
mapped to Simulink model workspace parameter slParameter. AUTOSAR parameter types include
SharedParameter, PerInstanceParameter, ConstantMemory, and PortParameter.

arValue = getParameter(slMap,slParameter,arProperty) returns the value of property

arProperty for the AUTOSAR parameter to which model workspace parameter slParameter is


Get AUTOSAR Mapping Information for Simulink Model Workspace Parameters

Get AUTOSAR mapping and property information for Simulink model workspace parameters K and
INC in example model autosar_swc_counter.
hModel = 'autosar_swc_counter';
slMap = autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(hModel);

arMappedTo = getParameter(slMap,'K')
arValue = getParameter(slMap,'K','SwCalibrationAccess')

arMappedTo = getParameter(slMap,'INC')
arValue = getParameter(slMap,'INC','SwCalibrationAccess')

arMappedTo =

arValue =

arMappedTo =

arValue =

Input Arguments
slMap — Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model

1 Functions

Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model, previously returned by slMap =

autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(model). model is a handle, character vector, or string scalar
representing the model name.
Example: slMap

slParameter — Simulink model workspace parameter

character vector | string scalar

Name of Simulink model workspace parameter for which to return AUTOSAR mapping information.
Example: 'INC'

arProperty — AUTOSAR property

character vector | string scalar

Name of AUTOSAR parameter property. Valid property names include SwAddrMethod,

SwCalibrationAccess, DisplayFormat, and LongName. For ConstantMemory, you can also
specify C type qualifier properties IsConst, IsVolatile, or Qualifier (AUTOSAR additional
native type qualifier). For PortParameter, you can also specify Port or DataElement. For property
descriptions, see mapParameter.
Example: 'SwCalibrationAccess'

Output Arguments
arValue — Value of AUTOSAR parameter type or property
character vector

Variable that returns either the type of the mapped AUTOSAR component parameter or the value of a
parameter property.
Example: arValue

Version History
Introduced in R2018b

See Also
autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping | mapParameter

“Map Model Workspace Parameters to AUTOSAR Component Parameters”
“Map Submodel Parameters to AUTOSAR Component Parameters”
“Configure AUTOSAR Constant Memory”
“Configure AUTOSAR Shared or Per-Instance Parameters”
“Configure AUTOSAR Port Parameters for Communication with Parameter Component”
“AUTOSAR Property and Map Function Examples”
“AUTOSAR Component Configuration”


Package: autosar.api

Get AUTOSAR mapping information for Simulink block signal

arValue = getSignal(slMap,slPortHandle)
arValue = getSignal(slMap,slPortHandle,arProperty)

arValue = getSignal(slMap,slPortHandle) returns the type of AUTOSAR variable mapped to
the named or test-pointed Simulink block signal associated with outport port handle slPortHandle.
AUTOSAR variable types include ArTypedPerInstanceMemory and StaticMemory.

arValue = getSignal(slMap,slPortHandle,arProperty) returns the value of property

arProperty for the AUTOSAR variable to which the Simulink block signal is mapped.


Get AUTOSAR Mapping Information for Simulink Block Signals

Get AUTOSAR mapping and property information for the Simulink block signals for blocks RelOpt
and Sum in example model autosar_swc_counter.
hModel = 'autosar_swc_counter';
slMap = autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(hModel);

portHandles = get_param('autosar_swc_counter/RelOpt','portHandles');
outportHandle = portHandles.Outport;
arMappedTo = getSignal(slMap,outportHandle)
arValue = getSignal(slMap,outportHandle,'SwCalibrationAccess')

portHandles = get_param('autosar_swc_counter/Sum','portHandles');
outportHandle = portHandles.Outport;
arMappedTo = getSignal(slMap,outportHandle)
arValue = getSignal(slMap,outportHandle,'SwCalibrationAccess')

arMappedTo =

arValue =

arMappedTo =

1 Functions

arValue =

Input Arguments
slMap — Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model

Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model, previously returned by slMap =

autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(model). model is a handle, character vector, or string scalar
representing the model name.
Example: slMap

slPortHandle — Simulink outport port handle for a block signal


Outport port handle for a named or test-pointed Simulink block signal to return AUTOSAR mapping
information for. Use MATLAB commands to construct the outport port handle. For example, for a
Relational Operator block named RelOpt:
portHandles = get_param('autosar_swc_counter/RelOpt','portHandles');
outportHandle = portHandles.Outport;

Example: outportHandle

arProperty — AUTOSAR property

character vector | string scalar

Name of AUTOSAR variable property. Valid property names include ShortName, SwAddrMethod,
SwCalibrationAccess, DisplayFormat, and LongName. For StaticMemory, you can also specify
C type qualifier properties IsVolatile or Qualifier (AUTOSAR additional native type qualifier).
For property descriptions, see mapSignal.
Example: 'SwCalibrationAccess'

Output Arguments
arValue — Value of AUTOSAR variable type or property
character vector

Variable that returns either the type of the mapped AUTOSAR variable or the value of a variable
Example: arValue

Version History
Introduced in R2018b

See Also
autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping | addSignal | mapSignal | removeSignal

“Map Block Signals and States to AUTOSAR Variables”


“Map Submodel Signals and States to AUTOSAR Variables”

“Configure AUTOSAR Per-Instance Memory”
“Configure AUTOSAR Static Memory”
“AUTOSAR Property and Map Function Examples”
“AUTOSAR Component Configuration”

1 Functions

Package: autosar.api

Get AUTOSAR mapping information for Simulink block state

arValue = getState(slMap,slStateOwnerBlock)
arValue = getState(slMap,slStateOwnerBlock,slState)
arValue = getState(slMap,slStateOwnerBlock,slState,arProperty)

arValue = getState(slMap,slStateOwnerBlock) returns the type of AUTOSAR variable
mapped to the Simulink block state associated with state owner block slStateOwnerBlock.
AUTOSAR variable types include ArTypedPerInstanceMemory and StaticMemory.

arValue = getState(slMap,slStateOwnerBlock,slState) returns the type of AUTOSAR

variable mapped to Simulink state slState associated with state owner block slStateOwnerBlock.
Specify a nonempty slState argument only for blocks with multiple states.

arValue = getState(slMap,slStateOwnerBlock,slState,arProperty) returns the value of

property arProperty for the AUTOSAR variable to which the Simulink block state is mapped.


Get AUTOSAR Mapping Information for Simulink Block State

Get AUTOSAR mapping and property information for the Simulink block state for Unit Delay block X
in example model autosar_swc_counter. The state owner block has one state.
hModel = 'autosar_swc_counter';
slMap = autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(hModel);

arMappedTo = getState(slMap,'autosar_swc_counter/X')
arValue = getState(slMap,'autosar_swc_counter/X','','SwCalibrationAccess')

arMappedTo =

arValue =

Input Arguments
slMap — Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model


Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model, previously returned by slMap =

autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(model). model is a handle, character vector, or string scalar
representing the model name.
Example: slMap

slStateOwnerBlock — Simulink state owner block handle or path

handle | character vector | string scalar

Handle or path to Simulink state owner block to return AUTOSAR mapping information for.
Example: 'autosar_swc_counter/X'

slState — Simulink state

character vector | string scalar

Name of Simulink state associated with state owner block slStateOwnerBlock. Specify a nonempty
state name only for blocks with multiple states. If slState is empty, the function returns mapping
information for the first state in the block.
Example: ''

arProperty — AUTOSAR property

character vector | string scalar

Name of AUTOSAR variable property. Valid property names include ShortName, SwAddrMethod,
SwCalibrationAccess, DisplayFormat, and LongName. For StaticMemory, you can also specify
C type qualifier properties IsVolatile or Qualifier (AUTOSAR additional native type qualifier).
For property descriptions, see mapState.
Example: 'SwCalibrationAccess'

Output Arguments
arValue — Value of AUTOSAR variable type or property
character vector

Variable that returns either the type of the mapped AUTOSAR variable or the value of a variable
Example: arValue

Version History
Introduced in R2018b

See Also
autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping | mapState

“Map Block Signals and States to AUTOSAR Variables”
“Map Submodel Signals and States to AUTOSAR Variables”
“Configure AUTOSAR Per-Instance Memory”
“Configure AUTOSAR Static Memory”
“AUTOSAR Property and Map Function Examples”

1 Functions

“AUTOSAR Component Configuration”


Package: autosar.arch

Get XML option for AUTOSAR architecture model

pValue = getXmlOptions(archModel,property)

pValue = getXmlOptions(archModel,property) returns the current value pValue of XML
option property in architecture model archModel. The archModel argument is a model handle
returned by a previous call to autosar.arch.createModel or autosar.arch.loadModel. For
more information about XML options, see “Configure AUTOSAR XML Options” for classic
architecture modeling and “Configure AUTOSAR Adaptive XML Options” for adaptive architecture


Get Value of XML Option DataTypePackage for AUTOSAR Architecture Model

For a new AUTOSAR architecture model, get the initial value of the AUTOSAR XML data type
package path.
archModel = autosar.arch.createModel('MyArchModel');
pValue = getXmlOptions(archModel,'DataTypePackage')

pValue =

Input Arguments
archModel — Architecture model

AUTOSAR architecture model for which to return the current value of an XML option value. The
argument is a model handle returned by a previous call to autosar.arch.createModel or
Example: archModel

property — XML option

character vector | string scalar

XML option for which to return a value.

For more information about XML options, see “Configure AUTOSAR XML Options” for classic
architecture modeling and “Configure AUTOSAR Adaptive XML Options” for adaptive architecture

1 Functions

Example: 'DataTypePackage'

Output Arguments
pValue — XML option value
value of option

Returns the value of the specified XML option of the specified AUTOSAR architecture model.

Version History
Introduced in R2020a

See Also
export | setXmlOptions

“Configure AUTOSAR Architecture Model Programmatically”
“Generate and Package AUTOSAR Composition XML Descriptions and Component Code”
“Author AUTOSAR Classic Compositions and Components in Architecture Model”


Package: autosar.arch.composition

Import composition from ARXML files into AUTOSAR architecture model


importFromARXML(archModel,arxmlInput,compQName) imports composition compQName from
arxmlInput into architecture model archModel. The archModel argument is an architecture
model handle returned by a previous call to autosar.arch.createModel or
autosar.arch.loadModel. Composition import requires an open AUTOSAR architecture model
with no functional content.

importFromARXML(archModel,arxmlInput,compQName,Name,Value) specifies additional

import options with one or more Name,Value pair arguments. You can specify:

• Whether to include or exclude AUTOSAR software components, which define composition

behavior. By default, the import includes components within the composition.
• Simulink data dictionary in which to place data objects for imported AUTOSAR data types.
• Names of existing Simulink behavior models to link to imported AUTOSAR software components.
• Component options to apply when creating Simulink behavior models for imported AUTOSAR
software components. For example, how to model periodic runnables, or a PredefinedVariant
or SwSystemconstantValueSets with which to resolve component variation points.


Import AUTOSAR Composition to Architecture Model

This example:

1 Creates AUTOSAR architecture model myArchModel.

2 Imports software composition /Company/Components/
ThrottlePositionControlComposition from AUTOSAR example file
ThrottlePositionControlComposition.arxml into the architecture model.

The ARXML file is located at matlabroot/examples/autosarblockset/data, which is on the

default MATLAB search path.
% Create AUTOSAR architecture model
modelName = "myArchModel";
archModel = autosar.arch.createModel(modelName);

% Import composition from file ThrottlePositionControlComposition.arxml

importerObj = arxml.importer("ThrottlePositionControlComposition.arxml"); % Parse ARXML

1 Functions


Creating model 'ThrottlePositionSensor' for component 1 of 5:

Creating model 'ThrottlePositionMonitor' for component 2 of 5:
Creating model 'Controller' for component 3 of 5:
Creating model 'AccelerationPedalPositionSensor' for component 4 of 5:
Creating model 'ThrottlePositionActuator' for component 5 of 5:
Importing composition 1 of 1:

Import AUTOSAR Composition and Link Existing Component Models

This example shows the function call syntax to:

1 Create an AUTOSAR architecture model with no functional content.

2 Import AUTOSAR software composition /pkg/rootComposition from a file named
mySWCs.arxml into the architecture model.
3 For software components mySwc1 and mySwc2 contained within the composition, link existing
Simulink component models rather than creating new ones.
% Create AUTOSAR architecture model
modelName = 'myArchModel';
archModel = autosar.arch.createModel(modelName);

% Import composition from ARXML file and link existing component models

Import AUTOSAR Composition and Use Component PredefinedVariant

This example shows the function call syntax to:

1 Create an AUTOSAR architecture model with no functional content.

2 Import AUTOSAR software composition /CompositionType/myComposition from a file
named myComposition.arxml into the architecture model.
3 For each software component contained within the composition, at component model creation
time, use PredefinedVariant Senior to resolve variation points in the component.
% Create AUTOSAR architecture model
modelName = "myArchModel";
archModel = autosar.arch.createModel(modelName);

% Import composition from ARXML file and use PredefinedVariant for components
importerObj = arxml.importer("MyComposition.arxml"); % Import AUTOSAR information

Input Arguments
archModel — Architecture model


AUTOSAR architecture model into which to import the specified composition. The argument is an
architecture model handle returned by a previous call to autosar.arch.createModel or
Example: archModel

arxmlInput — arxml.importer object or ARXML file names

handle | character vector | string scalar | cell array of character vectors | string array

ARXML files from which to import the specified composition, specified as one of the following:

• A handle to AUTOSAR information imported from ARXML files, previously returned by

importerObj = arxml.importer(arxmlFiles).
• One or more ARXML file names.

Example: importerObj, "myComposition.arxml"

compQName — Composition path

character vector | string scalar | cell array of character vectors | string array

Absolute short-name path (qualified name) of the composition to import into the specified composition
or architecture model.
Example: "/CompositionType/myComposition"

Name-Value Pair Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the

argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after
other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.
Example: 'DataDictionary','ardata.sldd' directs the importer to place data objects
corresponding to imported AUTOSAR data types in the specified Simulink data dictionary.

ComponentModels — Simulink component models

cell array of character vectors | string array

Names of existing atomic software component models to link when creating a Simulink
representation of the composition. For components contained within the composition, link the
specified component behavior models instead of creating new ones.
Example: 'ComponentModels',{'mySwc1','mySwc2'}

DataDictionary — Simulink data dictionary

character vector | string scalar

Simulink data dictionary in which to place data objects corresponding to imported AUTOSAR data
types. If the specified dictionary does not exist, the importer creates it. The composition and its
components are then associated with that data dictionary.
Example: 'DataDictionary','ardata.sldd'

ExcludeInternalBehavior — Suppress component import

false (default) | true

1 Functions

Specify whether to allow (default) or suppress the import of software components that define the
behavior of the composition. If component import is suppressed (true), the import still links models
specified by the ComponentModels argument.
Example: 'ExcludeInternalBehavior',true

ModelPeriodicRunnablesAs — For imported components, subsystem type for periodic

'AtomicSubsystem' (default) | 'FunctionCallSubsystem' | 'Auto'

By default, when importing a software component contained within a composition,

importFromARXML imports AUTOSAR periodic runnables found in the ARXML files and models them
as atomic subsystems with periodic rates. If conditions prevent use of atomic subsystems, the
importer throws an error.

To model periodic runnables as function-call subsystems with periodic rates, specify


If you specify Auto, the importer attempts to model periodic runnables as atomic subsystems. If
conditions prevent use of atomic subsystems, the importer models periodic runnables as function-call

For more information, see “Import AUTOSAR Software Component with Multiple Runnables”.
Example: 'ModelPeriodicRunnablesAs','AtomicSubsystem'

PredefinedVariant — For imported components, path to AUTOSAR predefined variant

character vector | string scalar

Path to a PredefinedVariant defined in the ARXML files. A PredefinedVariant describes a

combination of system constant values among potentially multiple valid combinations to apply to an
AUTOSAR software component. Use this property to resolve variation points in the AUTOSAR
software component at component model creation time. If specified, the importer uses the
PredefinedVariant to initialize SwSystemconst data that serves as input to control variation

For more information, see “Control AUTOSAR Variants with Predefined Value Combinations”.
Example: 'PredefinedVariant','/pkg/body/Variants/Senior'

SystemConstValueSets — For imported components, paths to one or more AUTOSAR

system constant value sets
cell array of character vectors | string array

Paths to one or more SystemConstValueSets defined in the ARXML files. A

SystemConstValueSet specifies a set of system constant values to apply to an AUTOSAR software
component. Use this property to resolve variation points in the AUTOSAR software component at
component model creation time. If specified, the importer uses the SystemConstValueSets to
initialize SwSystemconst data that serves as input to control variation points.

For more information, see “Control AUTOSAR Variants with Predefined Value Combinations”.
Example: 'SystemConstValueSets','{'/pkg/body/SystemConstantValues/A','/pkg/


Version History
Introduced in R2020b

See Also
addComponent | addComposition | addPort | connect | destroy | layout

“Configure AUTOSAR Architecture Model Programmatically”
“Import AUTOSAR Composition from ARXML”
“Import AUTOSAR Composition into Architecture Model”
“Author AUTOSAR Classic Compositions and Components in Architecture Model”

1 Functions

Package: autosar.arch

Arrange AUTOSAR composition or architecture model layout based on heuristics


layout(archCM) automatically arranges the modeling elements inside composition or architecture
model archCM based on a set of heuristics. The archM argument is a composition or architecture
model handle returned by a previous call to addComposition, autosar.arch.createModel, or


Arrange Layout After Adding Blocks to AUTOSAR Architecture Model

In an AUTOSAR architecture model, add AUTOSAR components, and then update the arrangement of
elements in the model layout.
% Create AUTOSAR architecture model
modelName = 'myArchModel';
archModel = autosar.arch.createModel(modelName);

% Add components and auto-arrange layout


Input Arguments
archCM — Composition or architecture model

AUTOSAR composition or architecture model in which to arrange modeling elements based on a set
of heuristics. The argument is a composition or architecture model handle returned by a previous call
to addComposition, autosar.arch.createModel, or autosar.arch.loadModel.
Example: archModel

Version History
Introduced in R2020a

See Also
addComponent | addComposition | addPort | connect | destroy | importFromARXML


“Configure AUTOSAR Architecture Model Programmatically”
“Add and Connect AUTOSAR Classic Components and Compositions”
“Add and Connect AUTOSAR Adaptive Components and Compositions”
“Author AUTOSAR Classic Compositions and Components in Architecture Model”

1 Functions

Package: autosar.arch

Link AUTOSAR architecture component or composition to Simulink implementation model


linkToModel(component,modelName) links the specified AUTOSAR architecture component to
existing Simulink implementation model modelName. The component inherits the interface of the
linked implementation model. The component argument is a component handle returned by a
previous call to addComponent.

linkToModel(composition,modelName) links the specified AUTOSAR architecture composition

to an existing Simulink implementation model modelName. The composition argument is a
composition handle returned by a previous call to addComposition.


Link AUTOSAR Architecture Component to Implementation Model

In an architecture model, link an AUTOSAR component to a Simulink® implementation model. The

component inherits the interface of the linked implementation model.

Create AUTOSAR architecture model and add component inside the architecture model

modelName = 'myArchModel';
archModel = autosar.arch.createModel(modelName);
component = addComponent(archModel,'SWC1');

Load 'autosar_tpc_controller' model and programmatically set the XML Options Source to 'Inherit'.

arProps = autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties('autosar_tpc_controller');

Link to Simulink implementation model and inherit its interface


Link AUTOSAR Architecture Composition to Implementation Model

In an architecture model, link an AUTOSAR composition to a Simulink implementation model.


Create AUTOSAR architecture model and add a composition inside the architecture model.

modelName = 'myArchModel';
archModel = autosar.arch.createModel(modelName);
composition = addComposition(archModel,'Referenced_Sensors');

Open the 'autosar_tpc_composition' model and link it to the composition,

Referenced_Sensors, in the Simulink implementation model, archModel.

linkToModel(composition, 'autosar_tpc_composition');

Input Arguments
component — Architecture component

AUTOSAR architecture component to link to the specified Simulink implementation model. The
argument is a component handle returned by a previous call to addComponent.
Example: component

composition — Architecture composition


AUTOSAR architecture composition to link to the specified Simulink implementation model. The
argument is a composition handle returned by a previous call to addComposition.
Example: composition

modelName — Implementation model name

character vector | string scalar

Name of the Simulink implementation model to create, based on the specified AUTOSAR architecture
component or composition. If not specified, modelName defaults to the name of the component or
Example: 'SWC1'

Version History
Introduced in R2020a

See Also
createModel | addComponent | addComposition | importFromARXML

“Configure AUTOSAR Architecture Model Programmatically”
“Define AUTOSAR Component Behavior by Creating or Linking Models”
“Define AUTOSAR Compositions by Creating or Linking Models”
“Author AUTOSAR Classic Compositions and Components in Architecture Model”

1 Functions

Package: autosar.api

Map Simulink data store to AUTOSAR variable


mapDataStore(slMap,slBlockHandle,arVarType) maps Simulink data store memory block
slBlockHandle to an AUTOSAR variable of type arVarType for AUTOSAR run-time calibration.
AUTOSAR variable types include ArTypedPerInstanceMemory and StaticMemory for classic
models and Persistency for adaptive models.

mapDataStore(slMap,slBlockHandle,arVarType,Name,Value) specifies additional properties

for an AUTOSAR ArTypedPerInstanceMemory, StaticMemory, or Persistency variable by using
one or more Name,Value pair arguments.


Set AUTOSAR Mapping Information for Simulink Data Stores

Set AUTOSAR mapping and property information for the Simulink data store memory block Data
Store Memory in example model autosar_bsw_sensor1.
hModel = 'autosar_bsw_sensor1';
hBlock = 'autosar_bsw_sensor1/Data Store Memory';

slMap = autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(hModel);
arMappedTo = getDataStore(slMap,hBlock)
arNvram = getDataStore(slMap,hBlock,'NeedsNVRAMAccess')

arMappedTo =

arNvram =

Input Arguments
slMap — Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model

Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model, previously returned by slMap =

autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(model). model is a handle, character vector, or string scalar
representing the model name.
Example: slMap


slBlockHandle — Simulink data store memory block handle


Name or handle of Simulink data store memory block that you set AUTOSAR mapping information for.
Example: 'autosar_bsw_sensor1/Data Store Memory'

arVarType — Type of AUTOSAR variable

character vector | string scalar

Type of AUTOSAR variable that you want to map the specified Simulink data store to. Valid AUTOSAR
variable types include ArTypedPerInstanceMemory, StaticMemory, and Auto for classic models.
Valid AUTOSAR variable types include Persistency and Auto for adaptive models. To accept
software mapping defaults, specify Auto.
Example: 'StaticMemory'

Name-Value Pair Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the

argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after
other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.
Example: 'SwCalibrationAccess','ReadWrite' specifies read-write access to the variable for
run-time calibration.

DataElement — Parameter interface data element (Persistency only)

character vector | string scalar

Specify the data element of the persistency port associated with the AUTOSAR adaptive variable.
DataElement can be set with Port only.
Example: 'Port','Perport','DataElement','Delement1'

DisplayFormat — Calibration display format

character vector | string scalar

Specify display format for the AUTOSAR variable. AUTOSAR display format specifications control the
width and precision display for calibration and measurement data. For more information, see
“Configure DisplayFormat”.
Example: 'DisplayFormat','%2.6f'

IsVolatile — C volatile type qualifier flag (StaticMemory only)

character vector | string scalar

Specify whether to include C type qualifier volatile in generated code for the AUTOSAR variable.
Example: 'IsVolatile','true'

NeedsNVRAMAccess — NeedsNVRAMAccess flag (ArTypedPerInstanceMemory only)

character vector | string scalar

Specify whether the AUTOSAR variable requires access to nonvolatile RAM on a processor. Specify
true to configure the per-instance memory to be a mirror block for a specific NVRAM block. Specify

1 Functions

RestoreAtStart to true to read data from memory at the beginning of a program. Specify
StoreAtShutdown to true to write data to memory at the end of a program.
Example: 'NeedsNVRAMAccess','true', 'RestoreAtStart', 'true',
'StoreAtShutdown', 'true'

Port — Parameter receiver port (Persistency only)

character vector | string scalar

Specify the persistency port to associate with the AUTOSAR adaptive variable. Port can be set with
DataElement only.
Example: 'Port','Perport','DataElement','Delement1'

Qualifier — C AdditionalNativeTypeQualifier flag (StaticMemory only)

character vector | string scalar

Optionally specify an AUTOSAR additional native type qualifier to include in generated code for the
AUTOSAR variable.
Example: 'Qualifier','test_qualifier'

ShortName — Variable short name

character vector | string scalar

Specify short name for the AUTOSAR variable. If unspecified, ARXML export automatically generates
a short name, which can differ from the data store name.
Example: 'ShortName','LowSetPoint'

SwAddrMethod — Name of variable SwAddrMethod

character vector | string scalar

Specify a SwAddrMethod name that is valid for the AUTOSAR variable. Code generation uses the
SwAddrMethod name to group AUTOSAR variables in a memory section for access by calibration and
measurement tools. For a list of valid SwAddrMethod values for the variable, see the Code Mappings
editor, Data Stores tab. For more information, see “Configure SwAddrMethod”.
Example: 'SwAddrMethod','VAR'

SwCalibrationAccess — Calibration access mode

character vector | string scalar

Specify how calibration and measurement tools can access the AUTOSAR variable. Valid access
values include ReadOnly, ReadWrite, and NotAccessible. For more information, see “Configure
Example: 'SwCalibrationAccess','ReadWrite'

LongName — Variable long name

character vector | string scalar

Specify a headline for the AUTOSAR variable.

Example: 'LongName','Position of Engine Throttle'


Version History
Introduced in R2019a

See Also
autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping | getDataStore | Data Store Memory

“Map Data Stores to AUTOSAR Variables”
“Map Submodel Data Stores to AUTOSAR Variables”
“Map Data Stores to AUTOSAR Persistent Memory Ports and Data Elements”
“Configure AUTOSAR Per-Instance Memory”
“Configure AUTOSAR Static Memory”
“Model AUTOSAR Adaptive Persistent Memory”
“AUTOSAR Property and Map Function Examples”
“AUTOSAR Component Configuration”

1 Functions

Package: autosar.api

Map Simulink data transfer to AUTOSAR inter-runnable variable


mapDataTransfer(slMap,slDataTransfer,arIrvName,arDataAccessMode) maps the
Simulink data transfer line or Rate Transition block slDataTransfer to AUTOSAR inter-runnable
variable arIrvName and AUTOSAR data access mode arDataAccessMode.


Set AUTOSAR Mapping Information for Simulink® Data Transfer Line

Set AUTOSAR mapping information for a data transfer line in the example model
autosar_swc_expfcns. The model has data transfer lines named irv1, irv2, irv3, and irv4.
This example changes the AUTOSAR data access mode for irv4 from Implicit to Explicit.

hModel = 'autosar_swc_expfcns';

arIrvName =

arDataAccessMode =

Set AUTOSAR Mapping Information for Rate Transition Block

Set AUTOSAR mapping information for a Rate Transition block in the example model
mMultitasking_4rates. The model has Rate Transition blocks named RateTransition,
RateTransition1, and RateTransition2, which are located at the top level of the model. This
example changes the AUTOSAR data access mode for RateTransition from Implicit to

hModel = 'mMultitasking_4rates';


arIrvName =

arDataAccessMode =

Input Arguments
slMap — Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model

Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model, previously returned by slMap =

autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(model). model is a handle, character vector, or string scalar
representing the model name.
Example: slMap

slDataTransfer — Simulink data transfer line name or Rate Transition full block path
character vector | string scalar

Name of the Simulink data transfer line or full block path to the Rate Transition block for which to set
AUTOSAR mapping information.
Example: 'irv4'
Example: 'myModel/RateTransition2'

arIrvName — Name of AUTOSAR inter-runnable variable

character vector | string scalar

Name of the AUTOSAR inter-runnable variable to which to map the specified Simulink data transfer.
Example: 'IRV4'

arDataAccessMode — Value of AUTOSAR data access mode

character vector | string scalar

Value of the AUTOSAR data access mode to which to map the specified Simulink data transfer. The
value can be Implicit or Explicit.
Example: 'Explicit'

Version History
Introduced in R2013b

See Also
autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping | getDataTransfer

“Map Data Transfers to AUTOSAR Inter-Runnable Variables”
“Model AUTOSAR Component Behavior”
“AUTOSAR Property and Map Function Examples”
“AUTOSAR Component Configuration”

1 Functions

Package: autosar.api

Map Simulink entry-point function to AUTOSAR runnable and software address methods


mapFunction(slMap,slEntryPointFunction,arRunnableName) maps Simulink entry-point
function slEntryPointFunction to AUTOSAR runnable arRunnableName.

mapFunction(slMap,slEntryPointFunction,arRunnableName,Name,Value) specifies
additional properties for the AUTOSAR runnable by using one or more Name,Value pair arguments.
You can specify software address methods (SwAddrMethods) for runnable function code and internal


Set AUTOSAR Mapping Information for Simulink Entry-Point Function

Set AUTOSAR mapping information for a Simulink entry-point function in the example model
autosar_swc. The model has an initialize entry-point function named Runnable_Init and periodic
entry-point functions named Runnable_1s and Runnable_2s.
hModel = 'autosar_swc';

arRunnableName =

Set AUTOSAR SwAddrMethods for Simulink Entry-Point Function

Set AUTOSAR SwAddrMethods for a Simulink entry-point function in the example model
autosar_swc_counter. The model has a single-tasking periodic entry-point step function.
hModel = 'autosar_swc_counter';

% Add SwAddrMethods myCODE and myVAR to the AUTOSAR component

arProps = autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties(hModel);
swAddrPaths = find(arProps,[],'SwAddrMethod','PathType','FullyQualified',...


swAddrPaths = find(arProps,[],'SwAddrMethod','PathType','FullyQualified',...

% Set code generation parameter for runnable internal data SwAddrMethods


% Map periodic function and internal data to myCODE and myVAR SwAddrMethods
slMap = autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(hModel);

% Return AUTOSAR mapping information for periodic function

[arRunnableName,arRunnableSwAddrMethod,arInternalDataSwAddrMethod] = ...

swAddrPaths =
1×2 cell array

swAddrPaths =
1×2 cell array

arRunnableName =

arRunnableSwAddrMethod =

arInternalDataSwAddrMethod =

Input Arguments
slMap — Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model

Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model, previously returned by slMap =

autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(model). model is a handle, character vector, or string scalar
representing the model name.
Example: slMap

slEntryPointFunction — Simulink entry-point function

character vector | string scalar

Simulink entry-point function for which to set AUTOSAR mapping information. The value format is
based on the function type.

Function Type Value

Initialize 'Initialize'.
Reset 'Reset:slIdentifier', where slIdentifier is the name of a reset
function in the model.
Terminate 'Terminate'.
Single-tasking periodic 'Periodic'.

1 Functions

Function Type Value

Periodic (implicit task) 'Periodic:slIdentifier', where slIdentifier is the corresponding
period annotation, as displayed in the Timing Legend. For example,
Partition (explicit task) 'Partition:slIdentifier', where slIdentifier is the partition
name, as displayed in the Schedule Editor. For example, 'Partition:P1'.
Exported 'ExportedFunction:slIdentifier', where slIdentifier is the
name of the Inport block that drives the control port of the function-call
subsystem. For example:

• 'ExportedFunction:Trigger_1s' in example model

• 'ExportedFunction:FunctionTrigger' in example model
Simulink function in 'SimulinkFunction:slIdentifier', where slIdentifier is the
client-server name of a global Simulink function in the model. For example,
configuration 'SimulinkFunction:readData' in the example model in “Configure
AUTOSAR Server”.

Example: 'Periodic:D1'

arRunnableName — Name of AUTOSAR runnable

character vector | string scalar

Name of AUTOSAR runnable to which to map the specified Simulink entry-point function object.
Example: 'Runnable_2s'

Name-Value Pair Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the

argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after
other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.
Example: 'SwAddrMethod','CODE' specifies SwAddrMethod CODE for an AUTOSAR runnable

SwAddrMethod — Name of function SwAddrMethod

character vector | string scalar

Specify a SwAddrMethod name that is valid for the AUTOSAR function. Code generation uses the
SwAddrMethod name to group AUTOSAR runnable functions in a memory section. For a list of valid
SwAddrMethod values for the function, see the Code Mappings editor, Entry-Point Functions tab.
For more information, see “Configure SwAddrMethod”.
Example: 'SwAddrMethod','CODE'

SwAddrMethodForInternalData — Name of internal data SwAddrMethod

character vector | string scalar

Specify a SwAddrMethod name that is valid for the AUTOSAR internal data. Code generation uses
the SwAddrMethod name to group AUTOSAR runnable internal data in a memory section. For a list of


valid SwAddrMethod values for the internal data, see the Code Mappings editor, Entry-Point
Functions tab. For more information, see “Configure SwAddrMethod”.

Code generation for runnable internal data SwAddrMethods requires setting the model configuration
option Code Generation > Interface > Generate separate internal data per entry-point
function (GroupInternalDataByFunction) to on.
Example: 'SwAddrMethodForInternalData','VAR'

Version History
Introduced in R2013b

See Also
autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping | getFunction

“Map Entry-Point Functions to AUTOSAR Runnables”
“Configure AUTOSAR Runnables and Events”
“AUTOSAR Property and Map Function Examples”
“AUTOSAR Component Configuration”

1 Functions

Package: autosar.api

Map Simulink function-caller block to AUTOSAR client port and operation


mapFunctionCaller(slMap,slFcnName,arPortName,arOperationName) maps the Simulink
function-caller block for Simulink function slFcnName to AUTOSAR client port arPortName and
AUTOSAR operation arOperationName.

If your model has multiple callers of Simulink function slFcnName, this function maps all of them to
the AUTOSAR client port and operation.


Set AUTOSAR Mapping Information for Function Caller Block

Set AUTOSAR mapping information for a function-caller block in a model in which AUTOSAR client
function invocation is being modeled. The model has a function-caller block for Simulink® function

hModel = 'mControllerWithInterface_client';
slMapC = autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(hModel);
[arPort,arOp] = getFunctionCaller(slMapC,'readData')

arPort =

arOp =

Input Arguments
slMap — Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model

Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model, previously returned by slMap =

autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(model). model is a handle, character vector, or string scalar
representing the model name.
Example: slMap


slFcnName — Name of Simulink function

character vector | string scalar

Name of the Simulink function for the function-caller block for which to set AUTOSAR mapping
Example: 'readData'

arPortName — Name of AUTOSAR client port

character vector | string scalar

Name of the AUTOSAR client port to which to map the specified function-caller block.
Example: 'cPort'

arOperationName — Name of AUTOSAR operation

character vector | string scalar

Name of the AUTOSAR operation to which to map the specified function-caller block.
Example: 'readData'

Version History
Introduced in R2014b

See Also
autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping | getFunctionCaller

“Map Function Callers to AUTOSAR Client-Server Ports and Operations”
“Configure AUTOSAR Client-Server Communication”
“AUTOSAR Property and Map Function Examples”
“AUTOSAR Component Configuration”

1 Functions

Package: autosar.api

Map Simulink inport to AUTOSAR port


mapInport(slMap,slPortName,arPortName,arDataElementName,arDataAccessMode) maps
the Simulink inport slPortName to the AUTOSAR data element arDataElementName at AUTOSAR
receiver port arPortName. The AUTOSAR data access mode for the receiver port is set to


Set AUTOSAR Mapping Information for Model Inport

Set AUTOSAR mapping information for a model inport in the example model
autosar_swc_expfcns. The model has an inport named RPort_DE1. This example changes the
AUTOSAR data access mode for RPort_DE1 from ImplicitReceive to ExplicitReceive.
hModel = 'autosar_swc_expfcns';

arPortName =

arDataElementName =

arDataAccessMode =

Input Arguments
slMap — Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model

Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model, previously returned by slMap =

autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(model). model is a handle, character vector, or string scalar
representing the model name.
Example: slMap

slPortName — Name of model inport

character vector | string scalar


Name of the model inport for which to set AUTOSAR mapping information.
Example: 'Input'

arPortName — Name of AUTOSAR port

character vector | string scalar

Name of the AUTOSAR port to which to map the specified Simulink inport.
Example: 'Input'

arDataElementName — Name of AUTOSAR data element

character vector | string scalar

Name of the AUTOSAR data element to which to map the specified Simulink inport.
Example: 'Input'

arDataAccessMode — Value of AUTOSAR data access mode

character vector | string scalar

Value of the AUTOSAR data access mode to which to map the specified Simulink inport. The value
can be ImplicitReceive, ExplicitReceive, QueuedExplicitReceive, ErrorStatus,
ModeReceive, IsUpdated, EndToEndRead, or ExplicitReceiveByVal.
Example: 'ExplicitReceive'

Version History
Introduced in R2013b

See Also
autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping | getInport

“Map Inports and Outports to AUTOSAR Sender-Receiver Ports and Data Elements”
“Configure AUTOSAR Sender-Receiver Communication”
“Configure AUTOSAR Queued Sender-Receiver Communication”
“Map Inports and Outports to AUTOSAR Service Ports and Events”
“Model AUTOSAR Adaptive Service Communication”
“AUTOSAR Property and Map Function Examples”
“AUTOSAR Component Configuration”

1 Functions

Package: autosar.api

Map Simulink outport to AUTOSAR port


maps the Simulink outport slPortName to the AUTOSAR data element arDataElementName at
AUTOSAR provider port arPortName. The AUTOSAR data access mode for the provider port is set to


Set AUTOSAR Mapping Information for Model Outport

Set AUTOSAR mapping information for a model outport in the example model
autosar_swc_expfcns. The model has an outport named PPort_DE1. This example changes the
AUTOSAR data access mode for PPort_DE1 from ImplicitSend to ExplicitSend.
hModel = 'autosar_swc_expfcns';

arPortName =

arDataElementName =

arDataAccessMode =

Input Arguments
slMap — Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model

Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model, previously returned by slMap =

autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(model). model is a handle, character vector, or string scalar
representing the model name.
Example: slMap

slPortName — Name of model outport

character vector | string scalar


Name of the model outport for which to set AUTOSAR mapping information.
Example: 'Output'

arPortName — Name of AUTOSAR port

character vector | string scalar

Name of the AUTOSAR port to which to map the specified Simulink outport.
Example: 'Output'

arDataElementName — Name of AUTOSAR data element

character vector | string scalar

Name of the AUTOSAR data element to which to map the specified Simulink outport.
Example: 'Output'

arDataAccessMode — Value of AUTOSAR data access mode

character vector | string scalar

Value of the AUTOSAR data access mode to which to map the specified Simulink outport. The value
can be ImplicitSend, ImplicitSendByRef, ExplicitSend, EndToEndWrite, ModeSend, or
Example: 'ExplicitSend'

Version History
Introduced in R2013b

See Also
autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping | getOutport

“Map Inports and Outports to AUTOSAR Sender-Receiver Ports and Data Elements”
“Configure AUTOSAR Sender-Receiver Communication”
“Configure AUTOSAR Queued Sender-Receiver Communication”
“Map Inports and Outports to AUTOSAR Service Ports and Events”
“Model AUTOSAR Adaptive Service Communication”
“AUTOSAR Property and Map Function Examples”
“AUTOSAR Component Configuration”

1 Functions

Package: autosar.api

Map Simulink model workspace parameter to AUTOSAR component parameter


mapParameter(slMap,slParameter,arParamType) maps the Simulink model workspace
parameter slParameter to an AUTOSAR parameter of type arParamType for AUTOSAR run-time
calibration. AUTOSAR parameter types include SharedParameter, PerInstanceParameter,
ConstantMemory, and PortParameter.

mapParameter(slMap,slParameter,arParamType,Name,Value) specifies additional properties

for an AUTOSAR SharedParameter, PerInstanceParameter, ConstantMemory, or
PortParameter by using one or more Name,Value pair arguments.


Set AUTOSAR Mapping Information for Simulink Model Workspace Parameters

Set AUTOSAR mapping and property information for Simulink model workspace parameters K and
INC in example model autosar_swc_counter.
hModel = 'autosar_swc_counter';
slMap = autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(hModel);

arMappedTo = getParameter(slMap,'K')
arValue = getParameter(slMap,'K','SwCalibrationAccess')

arMappedTo = getParameter(slMap,'INC')
arValue = getParameter(slMap,'INC','SwCalibrationAccess')

arMappedTo =

arValue =

arMappedTo =


arValue =

Input Arguments
slMap — Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model

Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model, previously returned by slMap =

autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(model). model is a handle, character vector, or string scalar
representing the model name.
Example: slMap

slParameter — Name of Simulink model workspace parameter

character vector | string scalar

Name of the Simulink model workspace parameter for which to set AUTOSAR mapping information.
Example: 'INC'

arParamType — Type of AUTOSAR parameter

character vector | string scalar

Type of AUTOSAR component parameter to which to map the specified Simulink model workspace
parameter. Valid AUTOSAR parameter types include SharedParameter, PerInstanceParameter,
ConstantMemory, PortParameter, and Auto. To accept software mapping defaults, specify Auto.
Example: 'SharedParameter'

Name-Value Pair Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the

argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after
other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.
Example: 'SwCalibrationAccess','ReadOnly' specifies read-only access to the parameter for
run-time calibration.

DataElement — Parameter interface data element (PortParameter only)

character vector | string scalar

Specify the name of a parameter interface data element configured in the AUTOSAR Dictionary.
Example: 'DataElement','ParamElement1'

DisplayFormat — Calibration display format

character vector | string scalar

Specify display format for the AUTOSAR parameter. AUTOSAR display format specifications control
the width and precision display for calibration and measurement data. For more information, see
“Configure DisplayFormat”.
Example: 'DisplayFormat','%2.6f'

1 Functions

IsConst — C const type qualifier flag (ConstantMemory only)

character vector | string scalar

Specify whether to include C type qualifier const in generated code for the AUTOSAR parameter.
Example: 'IsConst','true'

IsVolatile — C volatile type qualifier flag (ConstantMemory only)

character vector | string scalar

Specify whether to include C type qualifier volatile in generated code for the AUTOSAR
Example: 'IsVolatile','true'

Port — Parameter receiver port (PortParameter only)

character vector | string scalar

Specify the name of a parameter receiver port configured in the AUTOSAR Dictionary.
Example: 'Port','myParamPort'

Qualifier — C AdditionalNativeTypeQualifier flag (ConstantMemory only)

character vector | string scalar

Optionally specify an AUTOSAR additional native type qualifier to include in generated code for the
AUTOSAR parameter.
Example: 'Qualifier','test_qualifier'

SwAddrMethod — Name of parameter SwAddrMethod

character vector | string scalar

Specify a SwAddrMethod name that is valid for the AUTOSAR parameter. Code generation uses the
SwAddrMethod name to group AUTOSAR parameters in a memory section for access by calibration
and measurement tools. For a list of valid SwAddrMethod values for the parameter, see the Code
Mappings editor, Parameters tab. For more information, see “Configure SwAddrMethod”.
Example: 'SwAddrMethod','CONST'

SwCalibrationAccess — Calibration access mode

character vector | string scalar

Specify how calibration and measurement tools can access the AUTOSAR parameter. Valid access
values include ReadOnly, ReadWrite, and NotAccessible. For more information, see “Configure
Example: 'SwCalibrationAccess','ReadOnly'

LongName — Parameter long name

character vector | string scalar

Specify a headline for the AUTOSAR parameter.

Example: 'LongName','Position of Engine Throttle'


Version History
Introduced in R2018b

See Also
autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping | getParameter

“Map Model Workspace Parameters to AUTOSAR Component Parameters”
“Map Submodel Parameters to AUTOSAR Component Parameters”
“Configure AUTOSAR Constant Memory”
“Configure AUTOSAR Shared or Per-Instance Parameters”
“Configure AUTOSAR Port Parameters for Communication with Parameter Component”
“AUTOSAR Property and Map Function Examples”
“AUTOSAR Component Configuration”

1 Functions

Package: autosar.api

Map Simulink block signal to AUTOSAR variable


mapSignal(slMap,slPortHandle,arVarType) maps the named or test-pointed Simulink block
signal associated with outport port handle slPortHandle to an AUTOSAR variable of type
arVarType for AUTOSAR run-time calibration. AUTOSAR variable types include
ArTypedPerInstanceMemory and StaticMemory.

mapSignal(slMap,slPortHandle,arVarType,Name,Value) specifies additional properties for

an AUTOSAR ArTypedPerInstanceMemory or StaticMemory variable by using one or more
Name,Value pair arguments.


Set AUTOSAR Mapping Information for Simulink Block Signals

Set AUTOSAR mapping and property information for the Simulink block signals for blocks RelOpt
and Sum in example model autosar_swc_counter.
hModel = 'autosar_swc_counter';
slMap = autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(hModel);

portHandles = get_param('autosar_swc_counter/RelOpt','portHandles');
outportHandle = portHandles.Outport;
arMappedTo = getSignal(slMap,outportHandle)
arValue = getSignal(slMap,outportHandle,'SwCalibrationAccess')

portHandles = get_param('autosar_swc_counter/Sum','portHandles');
outportHandle = portHandles.Outport;
arMappedTo = getSignal(slMap,outportHandle)
arValue = getSignal(slMap,outportHandle,'SwCalibrationAccess')

arMappedTo =

arValue =

arMappedTo =


arValue =

Input Arguments
slMap — Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model

Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model, previously returned by slMap =

autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(model). model is a handle, character vector, or string scalar
representing the model name.
Example: slMap

slPortHandle — Simulink outport port handle for a block signal


Outport port handle for a named or test-pointed Simulink block signal to set AUTOSAR mapping
information for. Use MATLAB commands to construct the outport port handle. For example, for a
Relational Operator block named RelOpt:
portHandles = get_param('autosar_swc_counter/RelOpt','portHandles');
outportHandle = portHandles.Outport;

Example: outportHandle

arVarType — Type of AUTOSAR variable

character vector | string scalar

Type of AUTOSAR variable to map the specified Simulink block signal to. Valid AUTOSAR variable
types include ArTypedPerInstanceMemory, StaticMemory, and Auto. To accept software
mapping defaults, specify Auto.
Example: 'StaticMemory'

Name-Value Pair Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the

argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after
other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.
Example: 'SwCalibrationAccess','ReadWrite' specifies read-write access to the variable for
run-time calibration.

DisplayFormat — Calibration display format

character vector | string scalar

Specify display format for the AUTOSAR variable. AUTOSAR display format specifications control the
width and precision display for calibration and measurement data. For more information, see
“Configure DisplayFormat”.
Example: 'DisplayFormat','%2.6f'

IsVolatile — C volatile type qualifier flag (StaticMemory only)

character vector | string scalar

1 Functions

Specify whether to include C type qualifier volatile in generated code for the AUTOSAR variable.
Example: 'IsVolatile','true'

Qualifier — C AdditionalNativeTypeQualifier flag (StaticMemory only)

character vector | string scalar

Optionally specify an AUTOSAR additional native type qualifier to include in generated code for the
AUTOSAR variable.
Example: 'Qualifier','test_qualifier'

ShortName — Variable short name

character vector | string scalar

Specify a short name for the AUTOSAR variable. If unspecified, ARXML export generates a short
name, which can differ from the signal name.
Example: 'ShortName','SM_equal_to_count'

SwAddrMethod — Name of variable SwAddrMethod

character vector | string scalar

Specify a SwAddrMethod name that is valid for the AUTOSAR variable. Code generation uses the
SwAddrMethod name to group AUTOSAR variables in a memory section for access by calibration and
measurement tools. For a list of valid SwAddrMethod values for the variable, see the Code Mappings
editor, Signals/States tab. For more information, see “Configure SwAddrMethod”.
Example: 'SwAddrMethod','VAR'

SwCalibrationAccess — Calibration access mode

character vector | string scalar

Specify how calibration and measurement tools can access the AUTOSAR variable. Valid access
values include ReadOnly, ReadWrite, and NotAccessible. For more information, see “Configure
Example: 'SwCalibrationAccess','ReadWrite'

LongName — Measurement long name

character vector | string scalar

Specify a headline for the AUTOSAR variable.

Example: 'LongName','Position of Engine Throttle'

Version History
Introduced in R2018b

See Also
autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping | addSignal | getSignal | removeSignal

“Map Block Signals and States to AUTOSAR Variables”
“Map Submodel Signals and States to AUTOSAR Variables”


“Configure AUTOSAR Per-Instance Memory”

“Configure AUTOSAR Static Memory”
“AUTOSAR Property and Map Function Examples”
“AUTOSAR Component Configuration”

1 Functions

Package: autosar.api

Map Simulink block state to AUTOSAR variable


mapState(slMap,slStateOwnerBlock,'',arVarType) maps the Simulink block state
associated with state owner block slStateOwnerBlock to an AUTOSAR variable of type arVarType
for AUTOSAR run-time calibration. AUTOSAR variable types include ArTypedPerInstanceMemory
and StaticMemory.

mapState(slMap,slStateOwnerBlock,slState,arVarType) maps Simulink block state

slState associated with state owner block slStateOwnerBlock to an AUTOSAR variable of type
arVarType. Specify a nonempty slState argument only for blocks with multiple states.

mapState(slMap,slStateOwnerBlock,slState,arVarType,Name,Value) specifies additional

properties for an AUTOSAR ArTypedPerInstanceMemory or StaticMemory variable by using one
or more Name,Value pair arguments.


Set AUTOSAR Mapping Information for Simulink Block State

Set AUTOSAR mapping and property information for the Simulink block state for Unit Delay block X
in example model autosar_swc_counter. The state owner block has one state.
hModel = 'autosar_swc_counter';
slMap = autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(hModel);

arMappedTo = getState(slMap,'autosar_swc_counter/X')
arValue = getState(slMap,'autosar_swc_counter/X','','SwCalibrationAccess')

arMappedTo =

arValue =

Input Arguments
slMap — Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model


Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model, previously returned by slMap =

autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(model). model is a handle, character vector, or string scalar
representing the model name.
Example: slMap

slStateOwnerBlock — Simulink state owner block handle or path

handle | character vector | string scalar

Handle or path to Simulink state owner block to set AUTOSAR mapping information for.
Example: 'autosar_swc_counter/X'

slState — Simulink state

character vector | string scalar

Name of Simulink state associated with state owner block slStateOwnerBlock. Specify a nonempty
state name only for blocks with multiple states. If slState is empty, the function sets mapping
information for the first state in the block.
Example: ''

arVarType — Type of AUTOSAR variable

character vector | string scalar

Type of AUTOSAR variable to map the specified Simulink block state to. Valid AUTOSAR variable
types include ArTypedPerInstanceMemory, StaticMemory, and Auto. To accept software
mapping defaults, specify Auto.
Example: 'ArTypedPerInstanceMemory'

Name-Value Pair Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the

argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after
other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.
Example: 'SwCalibrationAccess','ReadWrite' specifies read-write access to the variable for
run-time calibration.

DisplayFormat — Calibration display format

character vector | string scalar

Specify display format for the AUTOSAR variable. AUTOSAR display format specifications control the
width and precision display for calibration and measurement data. For more information, see
“Configure DisplayFormat”.
Example: 'DisplayFormat','%2.6f'

IsVolatile — C volatile type qualifier flag (StaticMemory only)

character vector | string scalar

Specify whether to include C type qualifier volatile in generated code for the AUTOSAR variable.
Example: 'IsVolatile','true'

1 Functions

Qualifier — C AdditionalNativeTypeQualifier flag (StaticMemory only)

character vector | string scalar

Optionally specify an AUTOSAR additional native type qualifier to include in generated code for the
AUTOSAR variable.
Example: 'Qualifier','test_qualifier'

ShortName — Variable short name

character vector | string scalar

Specify a short name for the AUTOSAR variable. If unspecified, ARXML export generates a short
name, which is based on the state name if one exists. If the state is unnamed, the generated short
name can differ from the block name.
Example: 'ShortName','PIM_X'

SwAddrMethod — Name of variable SwAddrMethod

character vector | string scalar

Specify a SwAddrMethod name that is valid for the AUTOSAR variable. Code generation uses the
SwAddrMethod name to group AUTOSAR variables in a memory section for access by calibration and
measurement tools. For a list of valid SwAddrMethod values for the variable, see the Code Mappings
editor, Signals/States tab. For more information, see “Configure SwAddrMethod”.
Example: 'SwAddrMethod','VAR'

SwCalibrationAccess — Calibration access mode

character vector | string scalar

Specify how calibration and measurement tools can access the AUTOSAR variable. Valid access
values include ReadOnly, ReadWrite, and NotAccessible. For more information, see “Configure
Example: 'SwCalibrationAccess','ReadWrite'

LongName — State long name

character vector | string scalar

Specify a headline for the AUTOSAR variable.

Example: 'LongName','Position of Engine Throttle'

Version History
Introduced in R2018b

See Also
autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping | getState

“Map Block Signals and States to AUTOSAR Variables”
“Map Submodel Signals and States to AUTOSAR Variables”
“Configure AUTOSAR Per-Instance Memory”
“Configure AUTOSAR Static Memory”


“AUTOSAR Property and Map Function Examples”

“AUTOSAR Component Configuration”

1 Functions

Package: autosar.arch

Open AUTOSAR architecture model


open(archModel) opens architecture model archModel in the editor. The archModel argument is
a model handle returned by a previous call to autosar.arch.createModel or
autosar.arch.loadModel. The model must be loaded.


Open AUTOSAR Architecture Model in the Editor

Open a loaded AUTOSAR architecture model in the editor. Add a composition, save the change, and
close the model.
% Load AUTOSAR architecture model located in current folder or on MATLAB path
modelName = 'myArchModel';
archModel = autosar.arch.loadModel(modelName);

% Open loaded model in the editor


% Add a composition
composition = addComposition(archModel,'Sensors2');
layout(archModel); % Auto-arrange model layout

% Save the model


% Close the model


Input Arguments
archModel — Architecture model

AUTOSAR architecture model to open in the editor. The argument is a model handle returned by a
previous call to autosar.arch.createModel or autosar.arch.loadModel. The model must be
Example: archModel

Version History
Introduced in R2020a


See Also
autosar.arch.createModel | autosar.arch.loadModel | close | save

“Configure AUTOSAR Architecture Model Programmatically”
“Create AUTOSAR Architecture Models”
“Author AUTOSAR Classic Compositions and Components in Architecture Model”

1 Functions

Package: autosar.api

Remove Simulink block signal from AUTOSAR mapping


removeSignal(slMap,slPortHandle) removes the Simulink block signal associated with outport
port handle slPortHandle from AUTOSAR mapping.


Remove Simulink Block Signal from Mapping

In example model autosar_swc_counter, remove Simulink signal equal_to_count, which

originates in the RelOpt block, from the AUTOSAR component signal mapping.
hModel = 'autosar_swc_counter';
slMap = autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(hModel);

portHandles = get_param('autosar_swc_counter/RelOpt','portHandles');
outportHandle = portHandles.Outport;

Input Arguments
slMap — Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model

Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model, previously returned by slMap =

autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(model). model is a handle, character vector, or string scalar
representing the model name.
Example: slMap

slPortHandle — Simulink outport port handle for a block signal


Outport port handle for a Simulink block signal to remove from AUTOSAR mapping. Use MATLAB
commands to construct the outport port handle. For example, for a Relational Operator block named
portHandles = get_param('autosar_swc_counter/RelOpt','portHandles');
outportHandle = portHandles.Outport;

Example: outportHandle


Version History
Introduced in R2020b

See Also
autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping | addSignal | getSignal | mapSignal

“Map Block Signals and States to AUTOSAR Variables”
“Map Submodel Signals and States to AUTOSAR Variables”
“Configure AUTOSAR Per-Instance Memory”
“Configure AUTOSAR Static Memory”
“AUTOSAR Property and Map Function Examples”
“AUTOSAR Component Configuration”

1 Functions

Package: autosar.arch

Save AUTOSAR architecture model


save(archModel) saves architecture model archModel. The archModel argument is a model
handle returned by a previous call to autosar.arch.createModel or autosar.arch.loadModel.
The model must be open or loaded.


Save AUTOSAR Architecture Model After Making Change

Create an AUTOSAR architecture model, add a composition, and save the model with the change.
Close the model.
% Create AUTOSAR architecture model
modelName = 'myArchModel';
archModel = autosar.arch.createModel(modelName);

% Add a composition
composition = addComposition(archModel,'Sensors2');

% Save the model


% Close the model


Input Arguments
archModel — Architecture model

AUTOSAR architecture model to save. The argument is a model handle returned by a previous call to
autosar.arch.createModel or autosar.arch.loadModel. The model must be open or loaded.
Example: archModel

Version History
Introduced in R2020a

See Also
autosar.arch.createModel | autosar.arch.loadModel | close | open


“Configure AUTOSAR Architecture Model Programmatically”
“Create AUTOSAR Architecture Models”
“Author AUTOSAR Classic Compositions and Components in Architecture Model”

1 Functions

Package: autosar.api

Set property of AUTOSAR element


set(arProps,elementPath,property,value) sets the specified property of the AUTOSAR
element at elementPath to value. For properties that reference other elements, value is a path. To
set XML packaging options, specify elementPath as XmlOptions.


Set IsService Property for Sender-Receiver Interface

For an AUTOSAR model, set the IsService property for sender-receiver interface Interface1 to
true (1), indicating that the port interface is used for AUTOSAR services.
hModel = 'autosar_swc_expfcns';
arProps = autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties(hModel);
isService = get(arProps,'Interface1','IsService')

isService =

Set Runnable Symbol Name

For an AUTOSAR model, set the symbol property for runnable Runnable1 to test_symbol.
hModel = 'autosar_swc_expfcns';
arProps = autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties(hModel);
compQName = get(arProps,'XmlOptions','ComponentQualifiedName');
runnables = find(arProps,compQName,'Runnable','PathType','FullyQualified');

ans =
1×1 cell array


ans =



ans =

Input Arguments
arProps — AUTOSAR properties information for a model

AUTOSAR properties information for a model, previously returned by arProps =

autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties(model). model is a handle, character vector, or string
scalar representing the model name.
Example: arProps

elementPath — Path to an AUTOSAR element

character vector | string scalar

Path to an AUTOSAR element for which to set a property. To set XML packaging options, specify
Example: 'Input'

property — Element property

character vector | string scalar

Property for which to set a value, among valid properties of the AUTOSAR element.
Example: 'IsService'

value — Value of property

value of property | path to composite property or property that references other properties

Value to set for the specified property. For properties that reference other elements, specify a path.
Example: true

Version History
Introduced in R2013b

R2023b: Auto Generation of Instance Specifier

Warns starting in R2023b

The AUTOSAR property Instance Specifier for a port will be automatically generated. You can set a
new value using the function but setting the Instance Specifier will be deprecated in a future

See Also
autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties | get | autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties XML Options

“AUTOSAR Property and Map Function Examples”
“Configure and Map AUTOSAR Component Programmatically”

1 Functions

“AUTOSAR Component Configuration”


Package: autosar.arch

Set property of AUTOSAR architecture element


set(archElement,property,value) sets the specified property to value for AUTOSAR
architecture element archElement. The archElement argument is a component, composition, port,
or connector handle returned by a previous call to addComponent, addComposition, addPort,
connect, or find.


Set and List Properties of AUTOSAR Architecture Elements

In an AUTOSAR architecture model, use the set function to:

• Modify the Name property for two AUTOSAR composition ports.

• Modify the Name property for an AUTOSAR component port, which also renames the
corresponding Simulink implementation model port.
• Modify the Kind and Name properties for the AUTOSAR component.

Then list the model port Name values, which reflect the port renames.
% Create AUTOSAR architecture model
modelName = 'myArchModel';
archModel = autosar.arch.createModel(modelName);

% Add composition and component at architecture model top level

composition = addComposition(archModel,'Sensors');

% Add composition ports


% Add component ports

controller = find(archModel,'Component','Name','Controller1');

% Connect composition and component based on matching port names


% Create implementation model for component


layout(archModel); % Auto-arrange layout

% Set properties

1 Functions

set(composition.Ports(1),'Name','NewPortName1'); % Rename 2 composition ports

'Name','NewPortName3'); % Rename port for Controller1 component & implementation
set(controller,'Kind','ServiceProxy'); % Component type for Controller1 component
set(controller,'Name','Instance1'); % Name for Controller1 component

% Find ports in architecture model hierarchy

ports_in_hierarchy = find(archModel,'Port','AllLevels',true)
% List Kind and Name property values for each port
for ii=1:length(ports_in_hierarchy)
port = ports_in_hierarchy(ii);
portName = get(port,'Name');
portKind = get(port,'Kind');
fprintf('%s port %s\n',portKind,portName);

ports_in_hierarchy =
7×1 CompPort array with properties:

Receiver port NewPortName1

Receiver port APP_Hw
Sender port NewPortName2
Sender port APP_Perc
Sender port ThrCmd_Perc
Receiver port NewPortName3
Receiver port APP_Perc

Input Arguments
archElement — Architecture element

AUTOSAR architecture element for which to set the value of a property. The argument is a
component, composition, port, or connector handle returned by a previous call to addComponent,
addComposition, addPort, connect, or find.
Example: port

property — Element property

character vector | string scalar

Property for which to set a value, among valid properties of the AUTOSAR architecture element.
Example: 'Name'

value — Property value

value of property

Value to set for the specified property of the specified AUTOSAR architecture element.
Example: 'NewPortName1'

Version History
Introduced in R2020a


See Also
find | get

“Configure AUTOSAR Architecture Model Programmatically”
“Author AUTOSAR Classic Compositions and Components in Architecture Model”

1 Functions

Set class name of model

setClassName(slMap, name)

setClassName(slMap, name) sets the class name of the model in the generated code.


Set Class Name of Model

Open the model. To access the mapping information associated with the model, slMap, use the
autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping function.

%% Open an adaptive AUTOSAR model

hModel = 'autosar_LaneGuidance';

%% Access the mapping information

slMap = autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(hModel);

Specify a class name for the model by using the setClassName function.

setClassName(slMap, 'myClassName');

The getClassName function now returns the specified class name.

name = getClassName(slMap)

name =


Input Arguments
slMap — Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model

Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model, previously returned by slMap =

autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(model). model is a handle, character vector, or string scalar
representing the model name.
Example: slMap

name — Class name of model

character vector


Class name of model in the generated code specified as a character vector. If you do not specify a
class name, the class name of the model in the generated code is set to the name of the model.
Data Types: char | string

Version History
Introduced in R2021b

See Also
autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping | getClassName | getClassNamespace |

“Configure AUTOSAR Adaptive Code Generation”

1 Functions

Set class namespace of model

setClassNamespace(slMap, namespace)

setClassNamespace(slMap, namespace) sets the class namespace of the model in the generated
code. Control the scope of the generated code by specifying a namespace for the generated class. In
systems that use a model hierarchy, you can specify a different namespace for each model in the


Set Class Namespace for Model

Open the model. To access the mapping information associated with the model, slMap, use the
autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping function.

%% Open an adaptive AUTOSAR model

hModel = 'autosar_LaneGuidance';

%% Access the mapping information

slMap = autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(hModel);

To specify a namespace for the model in the generated code, use the setClassNamespace function.

setClassNamespace(slMap, 'myClassNamespace');

To configure a nested namespace, use the scope resolution operator :: to specify scope.

setClassNamespace(slMap, 'myNestedClassNamespace1::ns2::ns3');

Input Arguments
slMap — Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model

Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model, previously returned by slMap =

autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(model). model is a handle, character vector, or string scalar
representing the model name.
Example: slMap

namespace — Class namespace of model

character vector


Class namespace of model in the generated code specified as a character vector. If you do not specify
a class namespace, the code generated for the model does not use a namespace.
Data Types: char | string

Version History
Introduced in R2021b

See Also
autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping | getClassNamespace | setClassName | getClassName

“Configure AUTOSAR Adaptive Code Generation”

1 Functions

Set default end-to-end (E2E) protection method for AUTOSAR component model


setDataDefaults(slMap,elementCategory,property,value) sets the default setting for the
end-to-end (E2E) protection method property in the modeling element category inports and outports
of an AUTOSAR component model.

Use E2E protection to optionally configure sender and receiver ports to securely transmit data
between AUTOSAR components. The default end-to-end protection method sets which end-to-end
protection method is used for root-level inports and outports in the generated code.

Supported protection methods are E2E Transformer and E2E Protection Wrapper.

The protection method is applied to AUTOSAR inports that are configured in the code mappings as
EndToEndRead and AUTOSAR outports that are configured as EndToEndWrite.


Set Default E2E Protection Setting for Root-Level Inports and Outports

Set the default end-to-end protection method for the AUTOSAR component model.

Get the default E2E protection method.

hModel = 'autosar_swc';

slMap = autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(hModel);
e2eMethod = getDataDefaults(slMap, ...
'InportsOutports', 'EndToEndProtectionMethod');

e2eMethod =

Set and then read back the default E2E protection method.
setDataDefaults(slMap,'InportsOutports', ...
'EndToEndProtectionMethod', 'TransformerError');
e2eMethod = getDataDefaults(slMap,...
'InportsOutports', 'EndToEndProtectionMethod');

e2eMethod =

Input Arguments
slMap — Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model


Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model, specified as a function handle. Obtain this
information using autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(model), where model is a handle,
character vector, or string scalar representing the model name.
Example: slMap

elementCategory — Model data element category


Category of model data elements that apply the end-to-end protection property, specified as
'InportsExports'. The only supported modeling element is inports and outports.

property — Protection method property


Default end-to-end protection method property that you set with the input parameter value, specified
as 'EndToEndProtectionMethod'. The only supported property is E2E protection method.

value — Default protection method parameter value to set

'ProtectionWrapper' | 'TransformerError'

Default protection method parameter value to set, specified as one of the following:

• 'ProtectionWrapper':

E2E Protection Wrapper, which uses an E2E protection wrapper in the generated code in support
of end-to-end data consistency checks.

E2E protection wrapper is the default setting.

• 'TransformerError':

E2E Transformer, which configures RTE calls to use a transformer error argument in the
generated code.

Supported when using AUTOSAR schema version 4.2 or later.

Example: 'TransformerError'
Data Types: character vector

Version History
Introduced in R2022b

See Also
autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping | getDataDefaults

“Configure AUTOSAR S-R Interface Port for End-To-End Protection”

1 Functions

Package: autosar.api

Set default internal data packaging for AUTOSAR component model


setInternalDataPackaging(slMap,pkgSetting) sets the data packaging setting pkgSetting,
which configures the default packaging for internal data stores, signals, and states in the generated
code for an AUTOSAR component model.

Default packaging options differ depending on whether the component model instantiates an
AUTOSAR software component once or multiple times. Multi-instance software components can
generate reentrant, reusable functions. See “Multi-Instance Components” for more information.

Valid settings for internal data packaging are:

• For single-instance models:

• Default — Accept the default internal data packaging provided by the software. Use Default
for submodels referenced from AUTOSAR component models.
• PrivateGlobal — Package internal variable data without a struct object and make it
private (visible only to model.c).
• PrivateStructure — Package internal variable data in a struct object and make it private
(visible only to model.c).
• PublicGlobal — Package internal variable data without a struct object and make it public
(extern declaration in model.h).
• PublicStructure — Package internal variable data in a struct object and make it public
(extern declaration in model.h).
• For multi-instance models:

• Default — Accept the default internal data packaging provided by the software. Use Default
for submodels referenced from AUTOSAR component models.
• CTypedPerInstanceMemory — Package internal variable data for each instance of an
AUTOSAR software component to use C-typed per-instance memory in a struct object and
make it public (declaration in model.h).
• ArTypedPerInstanceMemory — Package internal variable data for each instance of an
AUTOSAR software component to use AUTOSAR-typed per-instance memory in a struct
object and make it public (declaration in Rte_Type.h). Setting ArTypedPerInstanceMemory
is not supported for models that contain model references.

When the data packaging setting is ArTypedPerInstanceMemory, code generation does not
support bitfield optimizations. If you configure ArTypedPerInstanceMemory, configuration
parameters BooleansAsBitfields, StateBitsets, and DataBitsets must be disabled.


If the data packaging setting is PrivateGlobal or PrivateStructure, building the model

generates the header file model_private.h, even when the model configuration parameter File
packaging format is set to Compact.

If the model configuration option Generate separate internal data per entry-point function is set
for the AUTOSAR model, task-based internal data grouping overrides the AUTOSAR internal data
packaging setting. However, the AUTOSAR setting determines the public or private visibility of the
generated task-based internal data groups.


Specify Private, Structure-Based Internal Data Packaging for AUTOSAR Model

Return and modify the default data packaging setting used for internal variables in the generated
code for the AUTOSAR component model. The PrivateStructure setting packages the internal
variable data in a struct object and makes it private.
hModel = 'autosar_swc';
slMap = autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(hModel);
pkgSetting1 = getInternalDataPackaging(slMap)
pkgSetting2 = getInternalDataPackaging(slMap)

pkgSetting1 =

pkgSetting2 =

Input Arguments
slMap — Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model

Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model, previously returned by slMap =

autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(model), where model is a handle, or character vector or
string scalar representing the model name.

pkgSetting — Default internal data packaging setting

'Default' (default) | 'PrivateGlobal' | 'PrivateStructure' | 'PublicGlobal' |
'PublicStructure' | 'CTypedPerInstanceMemory' | 'ArTypedPerInstanceMemory'

Value specifying the default data packaging to use for internal variables in the generated code for the
AUTOSAR component model. Valid values for single-instance models are "Default",
"PrivateGlobal", "PrivateStructure", "PublicGlobal", and "PublicStructure". Valid
values for multi-instance models are "Default", "CTypedPerInstanceMemory", and
Example: "PrivateStructure"

Version History
Introduced in R2021a

1 Functions

R2023b: Support for AUTOSAR-typed per-instance memory default for internal data

setInternalDataPackaging supports the new default package setting

ArTypedPerInstanceMemory. Setting ArTypedPerInstanceMemory configures internal data
variables associated with each instance of an AUTOSAR model to use AUTOSAR-typed per-instance
memory in the generated code by default.

See Also
getInternalDataPackaging | autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping

“Map AUTOSAR Elements for Code Generation”
“AUTOSAR Component Configuration”


Set platform kind of architecture model to classic or adaptive


setPlatform(archModel,platformKind) sets the platform of the AUTOSAR architecture model
archModel to platformKind.


Set Platform Kind of Architecture Model to Adaptive

Create an AUTOSAR architecture model using the default settings, read the platform, and set the
platform kind to adaptive.

Create AUTOSAR architecture model, and read the platform setting.

% Create AUTOSAR architecture model
modelName = 'myArchModel';
archModel = autosar.arch.createModel(modelName); % Default platform kind is Classic
% Read the default platform kind
ptm = archModel.Platform

ptm =

Specify the AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform for the architecture model.


% Read the updated platform kind

ptm = archModel.Platform

ptm =

Input Arguments
archModel — Architecture model

AUTOSAR architecture model, specified as a model handle returned by a previous call to

autosar.arch.createModel or autosar.arch.loadModel.

platformKind — AUTOSAR platform kind

character vector | string scalar

AUTOSAR platform kind, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

1 Functions

Set "Adaptive" to specify an adaptive architecture model. Set "Classic" to specify a classic
architecture model.

Mixing classic and adaptive architecture modeling is not supported.

Example: 'Adaptive'

Version History
Introduced in R2023a

See Also
autosar.arch.createModel | autosar.arch.loadModel

“Configure AUTOSAR Architecture Model Programmatically”
“Create AUTOSAR Architecture Models”


Package: autosar.arch

Set XML option for AUTOSAR architecture model


setXmlOptions(archModel,property,value) sets XML option property to value in
architecture model archModel. The archModel argument is a model handle returned by a previous
call to autosar.arch.createModel or autosar.arch.loadModel.

For more information about XML options, see “Configure AUTOSAR XML Options” for classic
architecture modeling and “Configure AUTOSAR Adaptive XML Options” for adaptive architecture


Set Value of XML Option DataTypePackage for AUTOSAR Architecture Model

For a new AUTOSAR architecture model, modify the value of the AUTOSAR XML data type package
path from /DataTypes to /MyDataTypes.
archModel = autosar.arch.createModel('MyArchModel');
pValue = getXmlOptions(archModel,'DataTypePackage')

pValue =

Input Arguments
archModel — Architecture model

AUTOSAR architecture model for which to set the value of an XML option. The argument is a model
handle returned by a previous call to autosar.arch.createModel or autosar.arch.loadModel.
Example: archModel

property — XML option

character vector | string scalar

XML option for which to set a value.

For more information about XML options, see “Configure AUTOSAR XML Options” for classic
architecture modeling and “Configure AUTOSAR Adaptive XML Options” for adaptive architecture

1 Functions

Example: 'DataTypePackage'

value — XML option value

value of option

Value to set for the specified XML option of the specified AUTOSAR architecture model.
Example: '/MyDataTypes'

Version History
Introduced in R2020a

See Also
export | getXmlOptions

“Configure AUTOSAR Architecture Model Programmatically”
“Generate and Package AUTOSAR Composition XML Descriptions and Component Code”
“Author AUTOSAR Classic Compositions and Components in Architecture Model”


Package: arxml

Update model with ARXML definitions from AUTOSAR element packages


updateAUTOSARProperties(ar,modelname) updates the specified open model with AUTOSAR
element definitions from packages in the XML files associated with arxml.importer object ar. The
update generates a report that details the AUTOSAR elements added to the model. For
updateAUTOSARProperties, the associated XML definition files are not required to contain the
AUTOSAR software component mapped by the model. (Compare with updateModel, which requires
the component.)

By default, the function imports AUTOSAR elements as read-only definitions, which prevents
changes. To allow imported elements to be modified, set the ReadOnly property to false.

For each imported AUTOSAR element, the function also imports the element dependencies. For
example, importing CompuMethod elements also imports Unit and PhysicalDimension elements.

If you import AUTOSAR numeric or enumeration data types, you can use the createNumericType
and createEnumeration functions to create corresponding Simulink data type objects.

updateAUTOSARProperties(ar,modelname,Name,Value) updates the specified open model with

AUTOSAR elements by using a Name,Value argument pair to specify a specific element category,
package, or path.


Reuse AUTOSAR SwAddrMethod Elements in Component Model

Suppose that you are developing an AUTOSAR software component model into which you want to
import predefined SwAddrMethod elements that are shared by multiple product lines and teams. This
example shows how to import definitions from the example shared descriptions file
SwAddrMethods.arxml into the example model autosar_swc and generate an update report.
modelName = 'autosar_swc';
ar = arxml.importer('SwAddrMethods.arxml');

### Updating model autosar_swc

### Saving original model as autosar_swc_backup.slx
### Creating HTML report autosar_swc_update_report.html

1 Functions

Update Model with Specific AUTOSAR Elements

This example shows the function call syntax to update a model with two AUTOSAR elements,
specified by root paths /ExternalElements/CompuMethods/RpmCm and /
ar = arxml.importer('ExternalElements.arxml');

Allow Modification of Imported AUTOSAR Elements

This example shows the function call syntax to import XML definitions of AUTOSAR software address
methods as read/write elements. By default, the function imports AUTOSAR elements as read-only
definitions, which prevents changes.
ar = arxml.importer('SwAddressMethods.arxml');

Update Model with AUTOSAR Elements From a Specific Package

This example shows the function call syntax to update a model with AUTOSAR elements from
package /AUTOSAR_PlatformTypes/CompuMethods.


ar = arxml.importer('ExternalElements.arxml');

Update Model with AUTOSAR Elements From a Specific Category

This example shows the function call syntax to update a model with AUTOSAR elements of category
ImplementationDataType. Importing ImplementationDataType elements also imports
dependent elements, such as SwBaseType elements.
ar = arxml.importer('ExternalElements.arxml');

Input Arguments
ar — arxml.importer object

AUTOSAR information previously imported from XML files, specified as an arxml.importer object

modelname — Model name

character vector | string scalar

Name of the open model to be updated with definitions of AUTOSAR elements in the XML files
associated with an arxml.importer object.
Example: 'mySWC'

Name-Value Pair Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the

argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after
other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.
Example: 'Category',{'ImplementationDataType'} directs the importer to update a model
with AUTOSAR elements of category ImplementationDataType.

Category — AUTOSAR element categories

cell array of character vectors | string array

One or more AUTOSAR element categories from which to import elements.

Example: 'Category',{'ImplementationDataType'}

Package — AUTOSAR element packages

cell array of character vectors | string array

Paths to one or more AUTOSAR element packages from which to import elements.
Example: 'Package',{'/AUTOSAR_PlatformTypes/CompuMethods'}

To refine a category or package import, you can specify both a category and a package from which to
import elements. For example:

1 Functions

'Category',{'ImplementationDataType'}, ...

ReadOnly — Designate elements as read-only or read/write

true (default) | false

Specify whether to treat imported elements as read-only (the default), preventing definition changes,
or read/write.
Example: 'ReadOnly',false

RootPath — AUTOSAR elements

cell array of character vectors | string array

Root paths to one or more specific AUTOSAR elements to import.

Example: 'RootPath',{'/ExternalElements/CMs/RpmCm','/AUTOSAR_PlatformTypes/

DataTypeMappingSet — AUTOSAR data type mapping sets

cell array of character vectors | string array

Paths to one or more AUTOSAR data type mapping sets associated with application data type
Example: {'/AUTOSAR_PlatformTypes/DataTypeMappingSets/MapSet1'}

Version History
Introduced in R2019a

See Also
arxml.importer | updateModel | createEnumeration | createNumericType

“Import and Reference Shared AUTOSAR Element Definitions”
“Import AUTOSAR Package into Component Model”
“Import AUTOSAR Package into Adaptive Component Model”
“Import AUTOSAR XML Descriptions Into Simulink”


Package: arxml

Update AUTOSAR model with ARXML changes


updateModel(ar,modelname) updates the specified open model with changes found in the XML
files associated with arxml.importer object ar. The XML files must contain the AUTOSAR software
component mapped by the model.

When comparing the current version of the XML file with the previous version, the comparison
routine applies these rules in order:

1 If elements have the same UUID and type, the elements match. The function does not update the
2 If elements have different UUIDs, the elements do not match. The function updates the model
with the ARXML change.
3 If elements have the same qualified name, the elements match. The function does not update the
4 Otherwise, elements do not match. The function updates the model with the ARXML changes.

The update generates and opens a report that details the changes made to the model, and required
changes that were not made by the function.

AUTOSAR package structure updates affect the stored AR-PACKAGE structure and are applied to
future exports. But imported package structure updates do not affect AUTOSAR Dictionary package
path XML options. The XML package path options apply to AUTOSAR elements created in Simulink
rather than to imported elements.


Update Model with AUTOSAR ARXML Changes

Update model mySWC with the AUTOSAR ARXML changes described in updatedSWC.arxml and
open an update report.
ar = arxml.importer('updatedSWC.arxml');

1 Functions

### Updating model mySWC

### Saving original model as mySWC_backup.slx
### Creating HTML report mySWC_update_report.html

Input Arguments
ar — arxml.importer object

AUTOSAR information previously imported from XML files, specified as an arxml.importer object

modelname — Model name

character vector | string scalar

Name of an open model to be updated with changes in the XML files associated with an
arxml.importer object.
Example: 'mySWC'

Version History
Introduced in R2014a

R2022b: Import for Basic Software blocks

updateModel supports generating AUTOSAR Basic Software (BSW) caller blocks when updating
with ARXML-imported software components that access Diagnostic Event Manager (Dem), NVRAM
Manager (NvM), or Function Inhibition Manager (FiM) services.

See Also
arxml.importer | updateAUTOSARProperties

“Import AUTOSAR Software Component Updates”
“Import AUTOSAR Component to Simulink”
“Import AUTOSAR Composition to Simulink”
“Import AUTOSAR XML Descriptions Into Simulink”


Package: autosar.dictionary

Export interface, data type, and platform-specific definitions from interface dictionary

exportedFolder = exportDictionary(platformMapping)

exportedFolder = exportDictionary(platformMapping) exports the content from an
interface dictionary mapped to the AUTOSAR Classic Platform to ARXML files and RTE stub header
files. This operation creates a folder in the current folder that contains the output files.


Export AUTOSAR Interface and Data Type Definitions from Interface Dictionary

To export the AUTOSAR content of the interface dictionary to ARXML and header files, use the
exportDictionary function. For an example that shows more of the workflow for related functions,
see “Configure AUTOSAR Classic Data Interface and Properties in Interface Dictionary” on page 1-

Export the interface dictionary.

platformMapping = addPlatformMapping(dictAPI,'AUTOSARClassic');
exportedFolder = exportDictionary(platformMapping)

Exporting dictionary, please wait...

Exported dictionary ARXML files are located in: C:\Users\myName\MyInterfaces.

exportedFolder =

View output folder.



Input Arguments
platformMapping — Platform mapping object
autosar.dictionary.ARClassicPlatformMapping object

Platform mapping object, specified as an autosar.dictionary.ARClassicPlatformMapping


1 Functions

Output Arguments
exportedFolder — Full path of folder containing exported files
string scalar | character vector

Full path of the folder containing the exported files from the interface dictionary, specified as a string
scalar or a character vector.

Exported files contained in exportedFolder include ARXML files, which are named
dictionaryname_datatypes.arxml and dictionaryname_interfaces.arxml, where
dictionaryname is the name of the interface dictionary, and a stub folder containing RTE header
files. If the files already exist, exportDictionary overwrites them.
Example: 'arxmlFolder'

Version History
Introduced in R2022b

See Also
autosar.dictionary.ARClassicPlatformMapping | getPlatformProperties |
getPlatformProperty | setPlatformProperty

“Apply Data Changes Programmatically”


Package: autosar.dictionary

Get AUTOSAR platform properties from interface dictionary

[propNames,propVals] = getPlatformProperties(platformMapping,dictElementObj)

[propNames,propVals] = getPlatformProperties(platformMapping,dictElementObj)
returns AUTOSAR Classic platform-specific properties and their values for the specified dictionary
element. Specified dictionary elements can be a data interface object or data element object.


Get AUTOSAR Data Interface Properties

To get the platform-specific properties for a data interface, such as what kind of AUTOSAR
communication interface is defined and the path to the element package for the specified data
interface, use the getPlatformProperties function. For an example that shows more of the
workflow for related functions, see “Configure AUTOSAR Classic Data Interface and Properties in
Interface Dictionary” on page 1-222.
dictAPI ='MyInterfaces.sldd');
platformMapping = getPlatformMapping(dictAPI,'AUTOSARClassic');
interfaceObj = getInterface(dictAPI,'DataInterface');

[propNames,propValues] = ...

propNames =

1×3 cell array

{'IsService'} {'Package'} {'InterfaceKind'}

propValues =

1×3 cell array

{[0]} {'/Interface2'} {'NvDataInterface'}

Get AUTOSAR Data Element Properties

To get the platform-specific properties for a data element in the data interface, such as
SwAddrMethod information for the specified data element, use the getPlatformProperties

1 Functions

function. For an example that shows more of the workflow for related functions, see “Configure
AUTOSAR Classic Data Interface and Properties in Interface Dictionary” on page 1-222.

dictAPI ='MyInterfaces.sldd');
platformMapping = getPlatformMapping(dictAPI,'AUTOSARClassic');
interfaceObj = getInterface(dictAPI,'DataInterface');
dataElementObj = getElement(interfaceObj,'DE1');

[propNames,propValues] = ...

propNames =

1×3 cell array

{'SwAddrMethod'} {'SwCalibrationAccess'} {'DisplayFormat'}

propValues =

1×3 cell array

{'VAR1'} {'ReadWrite'} {'%.3f'}

Input Arguments
platformMapping — Platform mapping object
autosar.dictionary.ARClassicPlatformMapping object

Platform mapping object, specified as an autosar.dictionary.ARClassicPlatformMapping


dictElementObj — Element in dictionary object

Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataInterface object |
Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataElement object

Element in a dictionary object from which you access the AUTOSAR platform-specific properties and
values, specified as a Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataInterface object or
Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataElement object.

The argument can be a data interface object, which is returned by a previous call to
addDataInterface or getInterface, or a data element object, which is returned by a previous
call to addElement or getElement.

Output Arguments
propNames — Property names
cell array of character vectors | string array

Property names in selected dictionary element and platform mapping, specified as a cell array of
character vectors or a string array.

For data interface objects, AUTOSAR properties include 'IsService', 'Package', and


For data element objects, AUTOSAR properties include 'SwAddrMethod',

'SwCalibrationAccess', and 'DisplayFormat'.

propVals — Property values

cell array of character vectors | string array

Property values in selected dictionary element and platform mapping, specified as a cell array of
character vectors or a string array.

For data interface objects, returned properties include:

Property Return Value

IsService Set as true for service interfaces. Returned as a
Package Fully-qualified path to the element package.
Returned as a character vector.
InterfaceKind AUTOSAR communication interface. Returned as
a character vector. Valid values are
'NvDataInterface', and

For data element objects, returned properties include:

Property Return Value

SwAddrMethod Name of previously defined software address
method. Returned as a character vector.
SwCalibrationAccess Calibration and measurement tool access to a
data object. Returned as a character vector.
Valid values are 'ReadOnly', 'ReadWrite',
and 'NotAccessible'.
DisplayFormat AUTOSAR display format specification. Returned
as a character vector.

Version History
Introduced in R2022b

See Also
autosar.dictionary.ARClassicPlatformMapping | exportDictionary |
getPlatformProperty | setPlatformProperty

“Configure AUTOSAR Communication Interfaces”
“Configure AUTOSAR Data for Calibration and Measurement”
“Graphically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants”

1 Functions

Package: autosar.dictionary

Get AUTOSAR platform property from interface dictionary

propValue = getPlatformProperty(platformMapping,dictElementObj,propName)

propValue = getPlatformProperty(platformMapping,dictElementObj,propName) gets
the specified property for the specified dictionary element from an interface dictionary mapped to
AUTOSAR Classic Platform. The specified dictionary element can be a data interface object or data
element object.


Get AUTOSAR Interface Property InterfaceKind

To get the kind of AUTOSAR communication interface that is defined for the specified data interface,
use the getPlatformProperty function with the propName argument InterfaceKind. For an
example that shows more of the workflow for related functions, see “Configure AUTOSAR Classic
Data Interface and Properties in Interface Dictionary” on page 1-222.
platformMapping = getPlatformMapping(dictAPI,'AUTOSARClassic');
interfaceObj = getInterface(dictAPI,'interfaceName');
propValue_Interface = ...

propValue_Interface =


Get AUTOSAR Data Element Property SwCalibrationAccess

To get the calibration and measurement tool access defined for the specified data element, use the
getPlatformProperty function with the propName argument SwCalibrationAccess.
dataElemObj = userInterfaceObj.Elements(1);
propValue_Sw_CalAccess = ...


propValue_Sw_CalAccess =


Input Arguments
platformMapping — Platform mapping object
autosar.dictionary.ARClassicPlatformMapping object

Platform mapping object, specified as an autosar.dictionary.ARClassicPlatformMapping


dictElementObj — Element in dictionary object

Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataInterface object |
Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataElement object

Element in a dictionary object from which you access the AUTOSAR platform-specific properties and
values, specified as a Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataInterface object or
Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataElement object.

The argument can be a data interface object, which is returned by a previous call to
addDataInterface or getInterface, or a data element object, which is returned by a previous
call to addElement or getElement.

propName — Property name in dictionary element

character vector | string scalar

Property name of property in dictionary element.

For data interface objects, valid argument values are 'IsService', 'Package', and

For data element objects, valid argument values are 'SwAddrMethod', 'SwCalibrationAccess',
and 'DisplayFormat'.
Example: 'InterfaceKind'

Output Arguments
propValue — Property value of dictionary element
character vector | string scalar

Property value of property in dictionary element.

For data interface objects, returned properties include:

Property Return Value

IsService Set as true for service interfaces. Returned as a
Package Fully-qualified path to the element package.
Returned as a character vector.

1 Functions

Property Return Value

InterfaceKind AUTOSAR communication interface. Returned as
a character vector. Valid values are
'NvDataInterface', and

For data element objects, returned properties include:

Property Return Value

SwAddrMethod Name of previously defined software address
method. Returned as a character vector.
SwCalibrationAccess Calibration and measurement tool access to a
data object. Returned as a character vector.
Valid values are 'ReadOnly', 'ReadWrite',
and 'NotAccessible'.
DisplayFormat AUTOSAR display format specification. Returned
as a character vector.

Version History
Introduced in R2022b

See Also
autosar.dictionary.ARClassicPlatformMapping | exportDictionary |
getPlatformProperties | setPlatformProperty

“Configure AUTOSAR Data for Calibration and Measurement”
“Configure AUTOSAR Communication Interfaces”
“Graphically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants”


Package: autosar.dictionary

Set AUTOSAR properties for data interface or element in interface dictionary


setPlatformProperty(platformMapping,dictElementObj,Name=Value) sets the specified
platform properties for the specified dictionary element in an interface dictionary mapped to the
AUTOSAR Classic Platform. The specified dictionary element can be a data interface object or data
element object.


Set AUTOSAR Property Values for Data Interface

To set AUTOSAR package and communication properties for the specified data interface, use the
setPlatformProperty function. For an example that shows more of the workflow for related
functions, see “Configure AUTOSAR Classic Data Interface and Properties in Interface Dictionary” on
page 1-222.
dictAPI ='MyInterfaces.sldd');
platformMapping = getPlatformMapping(dictAPI,'AUTOSARClassic');
interfaceObj = getInterface(dictAPI,'DataInterface');


Set AUTOSAR Property Values for Data Element

To set the AUTOSAR SwAddrMethod and calibration properties for the specified data element, use
the setPlatformProperty function.
platformMapping = getPlatformMapping(dictAPI, 'AUTOSARClassic');
interfaceObj = getInterface(dictAPI, 'DataInterface');
dataElementObj = getElement(interfaceObj,'DE1');


Input Arguments
platformMapping — Platform mapping object
autosar.dictionary.ARClassicPlatformMapping object

Platform mapping object, specified as an autosar.dictionary.ARClassicPlatformMapping


1 Functions

dictElementObj — Element in dictionary object

Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataInterface object |
Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataElement object

Element in a dictionary object from which you access the AUTOSAR platform-specific properties and
values, specified as a Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataInterface object or
Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataElement object.

The argument can be a data interface object, which is returned by a previous call to
addDataInterface or getInterface, or a data element object, which is returned by a previous
call to addElement or getElement.

Name-Value Pair Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the

argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after
other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.
Example: SwAddrMethod='VAR1'

DisplayFormat — Calibration display format

character vector | string scalar

Calibration display format for the specified AUTOSAR data element object, specified as a character
vector or string scalar. AUTOSAR display format specifications control the width and precision
display for calibration and measurement data.
Example: DisplayFormat='%2.6f'

InterfaceKind — AUTOSAR communication interface

'SenderReceiverInterface' | 'NvDataInterface' | 'ModeSwitchInterface'

Kind of AUTOSAR communication interface that is represented for the specified AUTOSAR interface
object, specified as 'SenderReceiverInterface', 'NvDataInterface', and
Example: InterfaceKind='SenderReceiverInterface'

IsService — Interface is a service interface

true | false

Whether an interface is a service interface, specified as true or false.

Example: IsService=false

Package — Package path

character vector | string scalar

The fully-qualified path to the element package for the specified AUTOSAR interface object, specified
as a character vector or a string scalar.
Example: Package='/Interface2'

SwAddrMethod — Name of parameter SwAddrMethod

character vector | string scalar


SwAddrMethod name that is valid for the specified AUTOSAR data element object, specified as a
character vector or a string scalar. Code generation uses the SwAddrMethod name to group
AUTOSAR parameters in a memory section for access by calibration and measurement tools.
Example: SwAddrMethod='VAR'

SwCalibrationAccess — Calibration access mode

'ReadOnly' | 'ReadWrite' | 'NotAccessible'

How calibration and measurement tools access data for the specified AUTOSAR data element object,
specified as 'ReadOnly', 'ReadWrite', and 'NotAccessible'.
Example: SwCalibrationAccess='ReadOnly'

Version History
Introduced in R2022b

See Also
autosar.dictionary.ARClassicPlatformMapping | exportDictionary |
getPlatformProperties | getPlatformProperty

“Configure AUTOSAR Data for Calibration and Measurement”
“Configure AUTOSAR Communication Interfaces”
“Graphically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants”

1 Functions

Manage platform-specific properties for elements in interface dictionary mapped to AUTOSAR Classic

The autosar.dictionary.ARClassicPlatformMapping object provides methods that help you
manage the platform-specific properties in an interface dictionary mapped to the AUTOSAR Classic

To create an autosar.dictionary.ARClassicPlatformMapping object, use the
addPlatformMapping function.

% after creating a Simulink.interface.dictionary object, dictAPI,

% you can create a platformMapping object
platformMapping = dictAPI.addPlatformMapping('AUTOSARClassic');

If you already have an interface dictionary mapped to the Classic Platform, you can represent an
autosar.dictionary.ARClassicPlatformMapping object by using the getPlatformMapping

platformMapping = dictAPI.getPlatformMapping('AUTOSARClassic');

Object Functions
exportDictionary Export interface, data type, and platform-specific definitions from interface
getPlatformProperties Get AUTOSAR platform properties from interface dictionary
getPlatformProperty Get AUTOSAR platform property from interface dictionary
setPlatformProperty Set AUTOSAR properties for data interface or element in interface dictionary


Configure AUTOSAR Classic Data Interface and Properties in Interface Dictionary

This example creates a Simulink.interface.dictionary object, configures the dictionary

contents, and then adds platform-specific elements.

Create interface dictionary.

dictName = 'MyInterfaces.sldd';
dictAPI = Simulink.interface.dictionary.create(dictName);

Add data types, including an enumeration, an alias type, a value type, and a structure.
% Enum Types
myEnumType1 = addEnumType(dictAPI,'myColor');


myEnumType1.addEnumeral('RED','0','Solid Red');
myEnumType1.addEnumeral('BLUE','1','Solid Blue');
myEnumType1.StorageType = 'int16';

% set base type of an alias type to enum object

myAliasType1 = addAliasType(dictAPI,'myAliasType1');
myAliasType1.BaseType = myEnumType1;

% ValueType
myValueType1 = addValueType(dictAPI,'myValueType1');
myValueType1.DataType = 'int32';
myValueType1.Dimensions = '[2 3]';
myValueType1.DataType = myEnumType1; % can also use interface dict type objs

% StructType
myStructType1 = addStructType(dictAPI,'myStructType1');
structElement1 = myStructType1.addElement('Element1');
structElement1.Type.DataType = 'single';
structElement1.Type.Dimensions = '3';
structElement2 = myStructType1.addElement('Element2');
structElement2.Type = myValueType1;
% or
structElement2.Type = 'ValueType: myValueType1';

Add data interfaces, and configure data elements.

dataInterface1 = addDataInterface(dictAPI,'DataInterface');

dataElm1 = addElement(dataInterface1,'DE1');
dataElm1.Type = myValueType1;

dataElm2 = addElement(dataInterface1,'DE2');
dataElm2.Type = myStructType1;
dataElm2.Dimensions = '4';
dataElm2.Description = 'I am a data element with datatype = array of struct type';

% data element with owned type

dataElm3 = addElement(dataInterface1,'DE3');
dataElm3.Type.DataType = 'single';
dataElm3.Type.Dimensions = '10';
dataElm3.Type.Minimum = '-5';

dataInterface2 = addDataInterface(dictAPI,'DataInterface2');

Add AUTOSAR Classic mapping.

platformMapping = addPlatformMapping(dictAPI,'AUTOSARClassic');

Configure interface properties for a classic component, including package path and nonvolatile data

setPlatformProperty(platformMapping, dataInterface1,...

Get the platform properties.

[pNames, pValues] = getPlatformProperties(platformMapping,dataInterface1);

Add VAR1 software address method to the dictionary and set AUTOSAR platform-specific properties
for data element DE1 in data interface DataInterface.

arObj = autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties(dictName);
addPackageableElement(arObj,'SwAddrMethod', ...
setPlatformProperty(platformMapping,dataElm1, ...

1 Functions

'SwAddrMethod','VAR1','SwCalibrationAccess', ...

Version History
Introduced in R2022b

See Also
Simulink.interface.Dictionary | Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataInterface |
Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataElement | addElement | addAliasType |
addDataInterface | addEnumType | addPlatformMapping | addStructType | addValueType |
autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties | getDataType | getInterface | getInterfaceNames |

“Graphically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants”


Edit architectural data in a Simulink data dictionary programmatically

The Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object represents the Architectural Data section
of a Simulink data dictionary. The Architectural Data object allows you to programmatically access
shared definitions across Simulink and architecture models of port interfaces, data types, system
wide constants, and their platform properties. You can also use the Architectural Data Editor to
manage architectural data.

You can create a new data dictionary using the Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create
function. This function returns the Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object.

dictName = "MyInterfaces.sldd";
archDataObj = Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create(dictName);

If you already created a data dictionary, you can create the Architectural Data object using the function.

dictName = "MyInterfaces.sldd";
archDataObj =;

DictionaryFileName — Name of the data dictionary
character vector | string scalar

File name of data dictionary, specified as a character vector or string scalar. The name must include
the .sldd extension and must be a valid MATLAB identifier.

Interfaces — Interfaces defined in the Architectural Data section

array of Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface objects

Defined interfaces, specified as an array of Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface

and Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface objects with properties: Name,
Description, Elements, and Owner.

DataTypes — Data types defined in the Architectural Data section

array of Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataType objects

Defined data types, specified as an array of Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataType objects

with properties: Name and Owner.

Constants — Constants defined in the Architectural Data section

array of Simulink.dictionary.archdata.Constant objects

1 Functions

Defined constants, specified as an array of Simulink.dictionary.archdata.Constant objects

with properties: Name, BaseType, Description, and Owner.

Object Functions
addAliasType Add Simulink alias type to Architectural Data section of Simulink data
addConstant Add constant to the Architectural Data section of Simulink data
addDataInterface Add data interface to Architectural Data section of Simulink data
addEnumType Add enumerated type to Architectural Data section of Simulink data
addNumericType Add Simulink numeric type to Architectural Data section of Simulink
data dictionary
addPlatformMapping Add AUTOSAR Classic mapping to Architectural Data section of
Simulink data dictionary
addReference Add data dictionary reference to Architectural Data section of Simulink
data dictionary
addServiceInterface Add service interface to Architectural Data section of Simulink data
addStructType Add structure type to Architectural Data section of Simulink data
addValueType Add value type to Architectural Data section of Simulink data
close Close any open connections to Simulink data dictionary
discardChanges Discard changes to Simulink data dictionary
findEntryByName Get object by name in Architectural Data section of Simulink data
getConstant Get constant in Architectural Data section of Simulink data dictionary
getConstantNames Get constant names in Architectural Data section of Simulink data
getDataType Get data type in Architectural Data section of Simulink data dictionary
getDataTypeNames Get names of data types in Architectural Data section of Simulink data
getInterface Get interface object for interface in Architectural Data section of
Simulink data dictionary
getInterfaceNames Get interface names in Architectural Data section of Simulink data
getPlatformMapping Get platform mapping object for platform of Simulink data dictionary
getReferences Get full paths of Simulink data dictionaries referenced by another
Simulink data dictionary
importFromBaseWorkspace Import Simulink object definitions from base workspace to
Architectural Data section of Simulink data dictionary
importFromFile Import Simulink object definitions from file to Architectural Data
section of data dictionary
isDirty Check for unsaved changes in Simulink data dictionary
moveToDesignData Move interfaces, data types, and constants in Architectural Data
section of Simulink data dictionary to design data
moveToDictionary Move architectural data of Simulink data dictionary to another data


removeConstant Remove constant from Architectural Data section of Simulink data

removeDataType Remove data type from Architectural Data section of Simulink data
removeInterface Remove interface from Architectural Data section of Simulink data
removeReference Remove Simulink data dictionary reference of another Simulink data
save Save changes to Architectural Data section of Simulink data dictionary
show View architectural data of Simulink data dictionary in Architectural
Data Editor
showChanges View changes to architectural data of Simulink data dictionary in
Comparison Tool


Create Architectural Data Object and Use It to Configure Architectural Data

Create the Simulink data dictionary and return the associated Architectural Data object.
dictName = "MyArchitecturalData.sldd";
archDataObj = Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create(dictName);

Use type-specific functions to add alias types, and enumerations to the data dictionary.
myAliasType1Obj = addAliasType(archDataObj,"aliasType",BaseType="single");
myAliasType1Obj.Name = "myAliasType1";
myAliasType1Obj.BaseType = "fixdt(1,32,16)";
myAliasType2Obj = addAliasType(archDataObj,"myAliasType2");
myAliasType2Obj.BaseType = myAliasType1Obj;

myEnumType1Obj = addEnumType(archDataObj,"myColor");
addEnumeral(myEnumType1Obj,"RED",'0',"Red Sunset");
addEnumeral(myEnumType1Obj,"BLUE",'1',"Blue Skies");
myEnumType1Obj.DefaultValue = "BLUE";
myEnumType1Obj.Description = "I am a Simulink Enumeration";
myEnumType1Obj.StorageType = 'int16';

You can set the base type of the created alias type to be the created enumeration data type myColor.
myAliasType3Obj = addAliasType(archDataObj,"myAliasType3");
myAliasType3Obj.BaseType = myEnumType1Obj;

Use the addNumericType function to add numeric types to the data dictionary.
myNumericType1Obj = addNumericType(archDataObj,"myNumericType1");
myNumericType1Obj.DataTypeMode = "Single";

Use the addValueType to add value types to the data dictionary. You can also set the data type of the
value types to be pre-existing data types or created enumeration data types.
myValueType1Obj = addValueType(archDataObj,"myValueType1");
myValueType1Obj.DataType = "int32";
myValueType1Obj.Dimensions = '[2 3]';
myValueType1Obj.Description = "I am a Simulink ValueType";

1 Functions

Use the addStructType function to add struct types to the data dictionary.
myStructType1Obj = addStructType(archDataObj,"myStructType1");
structElement1 = myStructType1Obj.addElement("Element1");
structElement1.Type.DataType = "single";
structElement1.Type.Dimensions = "3";
structElement2 = addElement(myStructType1Obj,"Element2");
structElement3 = addElement(myStructType1Obj,"Element3");

You can set the data type of a struct element using the data type object, or using the name of the data
type, specified as a string scalar or character vector.
structElement2.Type = myValueType1Obj;
% or
structElement3.Type = "ValueType: myValueType1";

You can add constants using the addConstant function.

myConstantObj = addConstant(archDataObj, "myConst", Value=4);

You can add communication interfaces and their data elements using the functions of the
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface object.
dataInterface1Obj = addDataInterface(archDataObj,"DataInterface");

dataElm1 = addElement(dataInterface1Obj,"DE1");
dataElm1.Type = myValueType1Obj;

dataElm2 = addElement(dataInterface1Obj,"DE2");
dataElm2.Type = myStructType1Obj;
dataElm2.Dimensions = "4";
dataElm2.Description = "I am a data element with datatype = array of struct type";

dataElm3 = addElement(dataInterface1Obj,"DE3");
dataElm3.Type.DataType = "single";
dataElm3.Type.Dimensions = "10";
dataElm3.Type.Minimum = "-5";

Add AUTOSAR Classic mapping using the addPlatformMapping function.

platformMapping = addPlatformMapping(archDataObj,"AUTOSARClassic");

Get and set the AUTOSAR communication interface and package properties, using the
getPlatformProperties and setPlatformProperty functions.
setPlatformProperty(platformMapping, dataInterface1Obj,...
[pNames, pValues] = getPlatformProperties(platformMapping,dataInterface1Obj);

You can now generate ARXML code for the data dictionary content.
exportedFolder = exportDictionary(platformMapping);

Exporting dictionary, please wait...

Exported dictionary ARXML files are located in: C:\work\MyArchitecturalData.

Manage AUTOSAR Classic platform-related elements, software address method and calibration
properties. These elements do not have mappings to Simulink.
arProps = autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties(dictName);
addPackageableElement(arProps,"SwAddrMethod", ...


setPlatformProperty(platformMapping,dataElm1, ...

Version History
Introduced in R2023b

See Also
Architectural Data Editor

autosar.dictionary.ARClassicPlatformMapping |
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface |
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataElement |
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface |
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionElement |
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionArgument |
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructElement |

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create | |
moveToDesignData | moveToDictionary | exportDictionary | getPlatformProperties |
getPlatformProperty | setPlatformProperty

“Graphically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants”
“Programmatically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants of Architecture Models”

1 Functions

Create Simulink data dictionary and Architectural Data object

archDataObj = Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create(dictionaryName)

archDataObj = Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create(dictionaryName) creates an
Architectural data object that represents the architectural data of the Simulink data dictionary
specified by dictionaryName.


Create Simulink Data Dictionary and Architectural Data Object

To create an Architectural Data object that represents the architectural data in the specified Simulink
data dictionary, use the Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create function.

archDataObj = Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create("dictionaryName.sldd");

Input Arguments
dictionaryName — Name of Simulink data dictionary
character vector | string scalar

File name of a Simulink data dictionary, specified as a character vector or string scalar. The name
must include the .sldd extension and must be a valid MATLAB identifier.
Example: "myDictionary.sldd"
Data Types: char | string

Output Arguments
archDataObj — Architectural Data object
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Architectural Data object, returned as a Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object.

Version History
Introduced in R2023b


See Also
Architectural Data Editor


Functions | addAliasType | addEnumType | addDataInterface |
addPlatformMapping | addStructType | addValueType | close | getDataType |
getDataTypeNames | getInterface | getInterfaceNames | importFromFile | isDirty |
removeDataType | removeInterface | save | show | showChanges

1 Functions
Create Architectural Data object representing architectural data of existing Simulink data dictionary

archDataObj ='dictionaryName')

archDataObj ='dictionaryName') returns an
Architectural Data object of the Simulink data dictionary specified by dictionaryName.


Create Architectural Data Object from Existing Simulink Data Dictionary

To create an Architectural Data object representing the architectural data of the Simulink data
dictionary specified by dictionaryName, use the
function. For an example that shows more of this workflow for related functions, see “Create
Architectural Data Object and Use It to Configure Architectural Data” on page 1-227.

archDataObj ="myDictionary.sldd");

Input Arguments
dictionaryName — Name of Simulink data dictionary
character vector | string scalar

File name of a Simulink data dictionary, specified as a character vector or string scalar. The name
must include the .sldd extension and must be a valid MATLAB identifier.
Example: "myDictionary.sldd"
Data Types: char | string

Output Arguments
archDataObj — Architectural Data object
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Architectural Data object, specified as a Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object.

Version History
Introduced in R2023b


See Also
Architectural Data Editor


Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create | addAliasType | addDataInterface |
addEnumType | addPlatformMapping | addStructType | addValueType | close | getDataType
| getDataTypeNames | getInterface | getInterfaceNames | getPlatformMapping |
importFromBaseWorkspace | importFromFile | isDirty | removeDataType |
removeInterface | save | show | showChanges

1 Functions

Package: Simulink.dictionary.archdata

Add Simulink alias type to Architectural Data section of Simulink data dictionary

dataType = addAliasType(archDataObj,dataTypeName)
dataType = addAliasType(archDataObj,dataTypeName,BaseType=baseType)

dataType = addAliasType(archDataObj,dataTypeName) adds a Simulink.AliasType
specified by dataTypeName to archDataObj.

dataType = addAliasType(archDataObj,dataTypeName,BaseType=baseType) adds a

Simulink.AliasType specified by dataTypeName using the specified base type to archDataObj.


Add Alias Type to Architectural Data Section of Simulink Data Dictionary

To add a Simulink.AliasType with a specified name to the data dictionary, use the addAliasType
function. For an example that shows more of the workflow for related functions, see “Create
Architectural Data Object and Use It to Configure Architectural Data” on page 1-227.

Create or open a data dictionary. This example uses a previously created data dictionary

dictName = "MyInterfaces.sldd";
archDataObj =;

Add alias types using the addAliasType function. Specify the name, and base type using either
input arguments of the function or the created alias type object.

myAliasType1 = addAliasType(archDataObj,'aliasType',BaseType="single");
myAliasType1.Name = "myAliasType1";
myAliasType1.BaseType = 'fixdt(1,32,16)';

myAliasType2 = addAliasType(archDataObj,'myAliasType2');

You can use alias type objects as the base types of other objects.

myAliasType2.BaseType = myAliasType1;

Input Arguments
archDataObj — Architectural Data object
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object


Architectural Data object, specified by Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object.

dataTypeName — DataType definition name

string scalar | character vector

DataType definition name in the DataTypes property array of archDataObj, specified as a

character vector or a string scalar.
Example: "airSpeed"

baseType — Base data type of the Simulink.AliasType

"double" (default) | string scalar | character vector

Base data type that this alias renames, specified as a character vector or string scalar. You can
specify the name of a standard data type, such as "uint32" or "single", or the name of a custom
data type, such as the name of another Simulink.AliasType object, or the name of an
Example: BaseType="uint32"

Output Arguments
dataType — Alias type object
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.AliasType object

Alias type object, returned as a Simulink.dictionary.archdata.AliasType object.

Version History
Introduced in R2023b

See Also
Architectural Data Editor

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData | Simulink.AliasType

addEnumType | getDataType | getDataTypeNames

1 Functions

Package: Simulink.dictionary.archdata

Add data interface to Architectural Data section of Simulink data dictionary

interfaceObj = addDataInterface(archDataObj,interfaceName)

interfaceObj = addDataInterface(archDataObj,interfaceName) adds a data interface
with the specified name to the data dictionary and returns the interface object that represents the


Add Data Interface to Architectural Data Section of Simulink Data Dictionary

To add a data interface for the specified bus object, use the addDataInterface function. For an
example that shows more of the workflow for related functions, see “Create Architectural Data Object
and Use It to Configure Architectural Data” on page 1-227.

Add a data interface and create an object representing the interface using the addDataInterface
dataInterface1 = addDataInterface(archDataObj,"DataInterface");

You can add elements to the data interface using the addElement function.
dataElm1 = addElement(dataInterface1,"DE1");
dataElm1.Type = myAliasType1;

dataElm2 = addElement(dataInterface1,"DE2");
dataElm2.Type = myAliasType2;
dataElm2.Dimensions = '4';
dataElm2.Description = "I am a data element with DataType = array of struct type";

dataElm3 = addElement(dataInterface1,"DE3");
dataElm3.Type.DataType = 'single';
dataElm3.Type.Dimensions = '10';
dataElm3.Type.Minimum = '-5';

Input Arguments
archDataObj — Architectural Data object
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Architectural data specified as a Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object.


interfaceName — Name of data interface

character vector | string scalar

Name of the data interface, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

Output Arguments
interfaceObj — Data interface object
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface object

Data interface object, returned as a Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface object.

Version History
Introduced in R2023b

See Also
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData |
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface |

addElement | getInterface | getInterfaceNames | removeInterface

1 Functions

Package: Simulink.dictionary.archdata

Add enumerated type to Architectural Data section of Simulink data dictionary

dataType = addEnumType(archDataObj,dataTypeName)

dataType = addEnumType(archDataObj,dataTypeName) adds a Simulink enumeration
dataTypeName to archDataObj, the Architectural Data section of a data dictionary.


Add Enumeration to Architectural Data Section of Simulink Data Dictionary

To add a Simulink enumeration with a specified name to the data dictionary, use the addEnumType
function. For an example that shows more of the workflow for related functions, see “Create
Architectural Data Object and Use It to Configure Architectural Data” on page 1-227.

Create or open a data dictionary. This example uses a previously created data dictionary

dictName = "MyInterfaces.sldd";
archDataObj =;

Add enumerated data type objects to the data dictionary using the addEnumType function. You can
specify the name, default value, storage type, and write a description of the enumerated data type
using the enumerated data type object.

myEnumType1 = addEnumType(archDataObj,"myColor");
myEnumType1.addEnumeral("RED",'0',"Solid Red");
myEnumType1.addEnumeral("BLUE",'1',"Solid Blue");
myEnumType1.DefaultValue = 'BLUE';
myEnumType1.Description = "I am a Simulink Enumeration";
myEnumType1.StorageType = 'int16';

Input Arguments
archDataObj — Architectural Data object
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Architectural Data object, specified as a Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object.

dataTypeName — DataType definition name

character vector | string scalar


DataType definition name in DataTypes property array of archDataObj, specified as a character

vector or string scalar.
Example: "airSpeed"

Output Arguments
dataType — Enumerated data type object
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.EnumType object

Enumerated data type object, returned as Simulink.dictionary.archdata.EnumType object.

Version History
Introduced in R2023b

See Also

addAliasType | Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create | | addStructType | getDataType | getDataTypeNames
| removeDataType

1 Functions

Package: Simulink.dictionary.archdata

Add Simulink numeric type to Architectural Data section of Simulink data dictionary

dataType = addNumericType(archDataObj,dataTypeName)
dataType = addNumericType(archDataObj,dataTypeName,SimulinkNumericType=

dataType = addNumericType(archDataObj,dataTypeName) adds a Simulink.NumericType
specified by dataTypeName to archDataobj, the Architectural Data section of the data dictionary.

dataType = addNumericType(archDataObj,dataTypeName,SimulinkNumericType=
numericTypeObj) adds a Simulink.NumericType that has the same property values as the
specified Simulink.NumericType object numericTypeObj.


Add Numeric Type to Architectural Data Section of Simulink Data Dictionary

To add a numeric data type with a specified name to the data dictionary, use the addNumericType
function. For an example that shows more of the workflow for related functions, see “Create
Architectural Data Object and Use It to Configure Architectural Data” on page 1-227.

archDataObj ="MyInterfaces.sldd");
myNumericType = addNumericType(archDataObj,"myNumericType1")

myNumericType =

NumericType with properties:

Name: 'myNumericType1'
DataTypeMode: 'Double'
DataTypeOverride: 'Inherit'
IsAlias: 0
Description: ''
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData]

Add Numeric Type Based on Existing Simulink.NumericType to Architectural Data Section

of Simulink Data Dictionary

To add a numeric data type that has the same property values as an existing
Simulink.NumericType data type to the data dictionary, use the addNumericType function
specifying the SimulinkNumericType name-value argument.


exampleNumericTypeObj = Simulink.NumericType;
exampleNumericTypeObj.DataTypeMode = 'Single';
exampleNumericTypeObj.Description = 'This is my example numeric type';

archDataObj ='MyInterfaces.sldd');
myNumericType2 = addNumericType(archDataObj,'myNumericType2',...

myNumericType2 =

NumericType with properties:

Name: 'myNumericType2'
DataTypeMode: 'Single'
DataTypeOverride: 'Inherit'
IsAlias: 0
Description: 'This is my example numeric type'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData]

Input Arguments
archDataObj — Architectural Data object
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Architectural Data object, specified as a Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object.

dataTypeName — DataType definition name

string scalar | character vector

Data type definition name of archDataObj, specified as a character vector or a string scalar.
Example: "airSpeed"

numericTypeObj — Simulink numeric type object

Simulink.NumericType object

Simulink numeric data type object, specified as a Simulink.NumericType object that has been
previously defined.
Example: SimulinkNumericType=exampleSimulinkNumericTypeObj

Output Arguments
dataType — Numeric data type object
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.NumericType object

Numeric data type object, returned as Simulink.dictionary.archdata.NumericType object.

Version History
Introduced in R2023b

1 Functions

See Also
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData | Simulink.NumericType

addEnumType | getDataType | getDataTypeNames


Package: Simulink.dictionary.archdata

Add AUTOSAR Classic mapping to Architectural Data section of Simulink data dictionary

platformMapping = addPlatformMapping(archDataObj,platformName)

platformMapping = addPlatformMapping(archDataObj,platformName) adds a mapping for
the platform specified by platformName to archDataObj, the Architectural Data section of the data


Add Platform Mapping to Architectural Data Section of Simulink Data Dictionary

To add an AUTOSAR Classic mapping to a Simulink data dictionary, use the addPlatformMapping
function. For an example that shows more of the workflow for related functions, see “Create
Architectural Data Object and Use It to Configure Architectural Data” on page 1-227.

Open the Architectural Data section of data dictionary MyInterfaces.sldd.

dictName = "MyInterfaces.sldd";
archDataObj =;
platformMapping = addPlatformMapping(archDataObj,"AUTOSARClassic");

Input Arguments
archDataObj — Architectural Data object
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Architectural Data object, specified as a Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object.

Before you use this function, create archDataObj by using
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create or

platformName — Platform mapping name

character vector | string scalar

Platform mapping name, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

Example: "AUTOSARClassic"

Output Arguments
platformMapping — Platform mapping object
autosar.dictionary.ARClassicPlatformMapping object

1 Functions

Platform mapping object, returned as an autosar.dictionary.ARClassicPlatformMapping


Version History
Introduced in R2023b

See Also
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData |

getPlatformMapping | Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create |


Package: Simulink.dictionary.archdata

Add data dictionary reference to Architectural Data section of Simulink data dictionary


addReference(archDataObj,refDict) adds a referenced dictionary, specified by refDict, to
the Architectural Data section of the specified data dictionary, archDataObj. Dictionary referencing
is supported only for data dictionaries that do not have applied platform mappings.


Add Referenced Dictionaries to Simulink Data Dictionary Containing Architectural Data

Add referenced dictionaries ReferenceInterfaces1.sldd and ReferencesInterfaces2.sldd

to the data dictionary MyInterfaces.sldd.For an example that shows more of the workflow for
related functions, see “Create Architectural Data Object and Use It to Configure Architectural Data”
on page 1-227.
archDataObj1 ="MyInterfaces.sldd");
archDataObj2 ="ReferenceInterfaces1.sldd");

refDicts = getReferences(archDataObj1)

refDicts =

2×1 cell array


Input Arguments
archDataObj — Architectural Data object
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Architectural Data object specified as a Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object.

refDict — Referenced data dictionary

character vector | string scalar | Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Referenced data dictionary, specified as a character vector, a string scalar, or a

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object.

1 Functions

Example: "ReferenceDictionary.sldd"

Version History
Introduced in R2023b

See Also

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create | |
getReferences | removeReference


Package: Simulink.dictionary.archdata

Add service interface to Architectural Data section of Simulink data dictionary

serviceInterfaceObj = addServiceInterface(archDataObj,serviceInterfaceName)

serviceInterfaceObj = addServiceInterface(archDataObj,serviceInterfaceName)
adds a service interface specified by serviceInterfaceName to archDataObj, the Architectural
Data section of a data dictionary, and returns the
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface object that represents this interface.


Add Service Interface to Architectural Data Section of Simulink Data Dictionary

To add a service interface with a specified name to a native (unmapped) data dictionary, use the
addServiceInterface function. For an example that shows more of the workflow for related
functions, see “Create Architectural Data Object and Use It to Configure Architectural Data” on page

dictName = "MyInterfaces.sldd";
archDataObj =;

serviceInterfObj = addServiceInterface(archDataObj,"ServiceInterface1")

serviceInterfObj =

ServiceInterface with properties:

Name: 'ServiceInterface1'
Description: ''
Elements: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionElement]
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData]

Input Arguments
archDataObj — Architectural Data object
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Architectural Data object specified as a Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object.

serviceInterfaceName — Service interface name

character vector | string scalar

1 Functions

Service interface name in the Interfaces property array of archDataObj, specified as a character
vector or a string scalar.
Example: "ServiceInterface1"

Output Arguments
serviceInterfaceObj — Service interface object
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface object

Service interface object, returned as a Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface


Version History
Introduced in R2023b

See Also
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData |

getInterface | getInterfaceNames | removeInterface


Package: Simulink.dictionary.archdata

Add structure type to Architectural Data section of Simulink data dictionary

dataType = addStructType(archDataObj,dataTypeName)
dataType = addStructType(archDataObj,dataTypeName,SimulinkBus=busObj)

dataType = addStructType(archDataObj,dataTypeName) adds a Simulink.Bus type
specified by dataTypeName to archDataObj, the Architectural Data section of the data dictionary.

dataType = addStructType(archDataObj,dataTypeName,SimulinkBus=busObj) adds a

structure type that is the same as the specified Simulink.Bus object, busObj, to the data


Add Bus Type to Architectural Data Section of Simulink Data Dictionary

To add a Simulink.Bus type with the specified name to a data dictionary, use the addStructType
function. For an example that shows more of the workflow for related functions, see “Create
Architectural Data Object and Use It to Configure Architectural Data” on page 1-227.

Create or open a data dictionary. This example uses a previously created data dictionary

dictName = "MyInterfaces.sldd";
archDataObj =;

Add a structured data type to the Architectural Data section of the data dictionary. You can specify
the name, data type, and dimensions using the addStructType function or the object representing
the structured data type.

myStructType1 = addStructType(archDataObj, "myStructType1");

structElement1 = myStructType1.addElement("Element1");
structElement1.Type.DataType = 'single';
structElement1.Type.Dimensions = '3';

Add Structure Type Based on Simulink.Bus Type to the Architectural Data Section of
Simulink Data Dictionary

This example adds a StructType type that is the same as an existing Simulink.Bus object to the
Architectural Data section of the Simulink data dictionary, MyInterfaces.sldd.

1 Functions

Create or open a data dictionary.

dictName = "MyInterfaces.sldd";
archDataObj =;

Create a Simulink.Bus object and add elements using the Simulink.Bus object.
simBusObj = Simulink.Bus;
busElement1 = Simulink.BusElement;
busElement1.Name = "MyBusElement1";
busElement1.DataType = 'single';
simBusObj.Elements(1) = busElement1;
busElement2 = Simulink.BusElement;
busElement2.Name = "MyBusElement2";
simBusObj.Elements(2) = busElement2;

Using the addStructType function you can add a structured data type to the Architectural Data
section of the data dictionary that is based on the Simulink.Bus object created in the previous step.
myNewStructType = addStructType(archDataObj,"StructFromSimBus",SimulinkBus=simBusObj)

myNewStructType =

StructType with properties:

Name: 'StructFromSimBus'
Description: ''
Elements: [1×2 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructElement]
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData]

Input Arguments
archDataObj — Architectural Data object
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Architectural Data object, specified as a Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object.

dataTypeName — DataType definition name

character vector | string scalar

DataType definition name in the DataTypes property array of archDataObj, specified as a

character vector or a string scalar.
Example: "airSpeed"

busObj — Simulink bus type object

Simulink.Bus object

Simulink.Bus data type object, specified as a Simulink.Bus object.

Output Arguments
dataType — Structure type object
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructureType object

Structure type object, returned as a Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructureType object

containing structure elements, with Simulink.Bus as the underlying implementation.


Version History
Introduced in R2023b

See Also
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData | Simulink.Bus

addAliasType | addEnumType | addValueType | getDataType | getDataTypeNames |
removeDataType | Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create |

1 Functions

Package: Simulink.dictionary.archdata

Add value type to Architectural Data section of Simulink data dictionary

dataType = addValueType(archDataObj,dataTypeName)
dataType = addValueType(archDataObj,dataTypeName,SimulinkValueType=

dataType = addValueType(archDataObj,dataTypeName) adds a Simulink.ValueType
specified as dataTypeName to archDataObj, the Architectural Data section of the data dictionary.

dataType = addValueType(archDataObj,dataTypeName,SimulinkValueType=
valueTypeObj) adds a value type based on the specified Simulink.ValueType valueTypeObj to
the data dictionary.


Add Value Type to Architectural Data Section of Simulink Data Dictionary

To add a Simulink.ValueType with a specified name to the data dictionary, use the addValueType
function. For an example that shows more of the workflow for related functions, see “Create
Architectural Data Object and Use It to Configure Architectural Data” on page 1-227.

Create or open a data dictionary. This example adds a value type to the data dictionary

dictName = "MyInterfaces.sldd";
archDataObj =;

Add a value type to the Architectural Data section of a data dictionary. You can set the data type,
dimensions, and define a description of the created value type.

myValueType1 = addValueType(archDataObj,"myValueType1");
myValueType1.DataType = 'int32';
myValueType1.Dimensions = '[2 3]';
myValueType1.Description = "I am a Simulink ValueType";

Add Value Type Based on Simulink.ValueType to Architectural Data Section of Simulink

Data Dictionary

This example adds a value type that is the same as an existing Simulink.ValueType to the
Architectural Data section of a data dictionary, MyInterfaces.sldd.


Create or open a data dictionary.

dictName = 'MyInterfaces.sldd';
archDataObj =;

Create and define a Simulink.ValueType object.

simValueType = Simulink.ValueType;
simValueType.DataType = 'single';
simValueType.Min = 11;
simValueType.Max = 17;
simValueType.Dimensions = [2 4 3];
simValueType.Description = 'Simulink value type';

Using the addValueType function you can add a value data type to the Architectural Data section of
the data dictionary that is based on the Simulink.ValueType object created in the previous step.

myNewValueType1 = addValueType(archDataObj, 'MyNewValueType',...


myNewValueType1 =

ValueType with properties:

Name: 'MyNewValueType'
DataType: 'single'
Minimum: '11'
Maximum: '17'
Unit: ''
Complexity: 'real'
Dimensions: '[2 4 3]'
Description: 'Simulink value type'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData]

Input Arguments
archDataObj — Architectural data object
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Architectural Data object, specified as a Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object.

dataTypeName — DataType definition name

character vector | string scalar

DataType definition name in DataTypes property array of archDataObj, specified as a character

vector or string scalar.
Example: "airSpeed"

valueTypeObj — Value type object

Simulink.ValueType object

Value type object, specified as a Simulink.ValueType object.

1 Functions

Output Arguments
dataType — Value type object
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType object

Value type object, returned as Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType object.

Version History
Introduced in R2023b

See Also
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData | Simulink.ValueType

addAliasType | addEnumType | addStructType | getDataType | getDataTypeNames | save |
show | showChanges | Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create |


Package: Simulink.dictionary.archdata

Close any open connections to Simulink data dictionary


close(archDataObj) closes any open connections to the data dictionary. If the dictionary has
unsaved changes, an error is thrown.

close(archDataObj,"DiscardChanges",true) closes any open connections to the data

dictionary and discards any unsaved changes.


Close Simulink Data Dictionary

To close any open connections to a data dictionary, use the close function.


Input Arguments
archDataObj — Architectural Data object
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Architectural Data object, specified as a Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object.

Version History
Introduced in R2023b

See Also

isDirty | save | show | showChanges | Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create |

1 Functions

Package: Simulink.dictionary.archdata

Discard changes to Simulink data dictionary


discardChanges(archDataObj) discards any changes made to the data dictionary archDataObj
since the last time the data dictionary was saved.


Discard Changes to Simulink Data Dictionary

Add a new enumeration data type to the Architectural Data section of a data dictionary and then
discard the changes.

Open the data dictionary MyInterfaces.sldd and use the isDirty function to verify that the data
dictionary does not contain changes.
archDataObj ="MyInterfaces.sldd");

ans =


Add enumeration data type, MyEnum.


ans =

1×8 cell array

Columns 1 through 4

{'MyEnum'} {'myAliasType1'} {'myAliasType2'} {'myAliasType3'}

Columns 5 through 8

{'myColor'} {'myStructType1'} {'myStructType2'} {'myValueType1'}

Discard the change.



ans =

1×7 cell array

Columns 1 through 4

{'myAliasType1'} {'myAliasType2'} {'myAliasType3'} {'myColor'}

Columns 5 through 7
{'myStructType1'} {'myStructType2'} {'myValueType1'}

Input Arguments
archDataObj — Architectural Data object
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Architectural Data object, specified as a Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object.

Version History
Introduced in R2023b

See Also

addEnumType | getDataTypeNames | isDirty | showChanges |
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create |

1 Functions

Package: Simulink.dictionary.archdata

Get object by name in Architectural Data section of Simulink data dictionary

entryObj = findEntryByName(archDataObj,entryName)

entryObj = findEntryByName(archDataObj,entryName) returns the object that corresponds
to the specified entry name, entryName, in archDataObj, the Architectural Data section of a data
dictionary. If the entry does not exist in the data dictionary, an empty value is returned.


Get Object by Name from Data Dictionary

Get the object representing the structure data type named myStructType1 from the Architectural
Data section of the data dictionary MyInterfaces.sldd.

archDataObj ="MyInterfaces.sldd");
structObj = findEntryByName(archDataObj,"myStructType1")

structObj =

StructType with properties:

Name: 'myStructType1'
Description: ''
Elements: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructElement]
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData]

Input Arguments
archDataObj — Architectural Data object
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Architectural Data object, specified as a Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object.

entryName — Architecture data element name

character vector | string scalar

Architecture data element name, specified as a character vector or a string scalar.

Example: "DataInterface"


Output Arguments
entryObj — Architectural data element object
DataInterface object | AliasType object | EnumType object | NumericType object | StructType
object | ValueType object | Constant object

Architectural data element object, returned as the object type of the corresponding entry in the
Architectural Data section. If the specified data element object does not exist an error is thrown.

Version History
Introduced in R2023b

See Also

getInterface | getInterfaceNames | getDataTypeNames | getDataType |
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create |

1 Functions

Package: Simulink.dictionary.archdata

Get data type in Architectural Data section of Simulink data dictionary

dataTypeObj = getDataType(archDataObj,dataTypeName)

dataTypeObj = getDataType(archDataObj,dataTypeName) returns the data type object in
archDataObj, the Architectural Data section of a data dictionary, that represents the data type
specified by dataTypeName.


Get Data Type from Architectural Data Section of Simulink Data Dictionary

To get the data type object that represents a data type in a data dictionary, use the getDataType
function. For an example that shows more of the workflow for related functions, see “Create
Architectural Data Object and Use It to Configure Architectural Data” on page 1-227.

myColorObj = getDataType(archDataObj,"myColor")

myColorObj =

EnumType with properties:

Name: 'myColor'
Description: ''
DefaultValue: 'enum1'
StorageType: 'Native Integer'
Enumerals: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.Enumeral]
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData]

Get the AliasType object specified by the myAliasType1 data type name in the archDataObj

myAliasType1Obj = getDataType(archDataObj,'myAliasType1')

myAliasType1Obj =

AliasType with properties:

Name: 'myAliasType1'
BaseType: 'double'


Description: ''
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData]

Input Arguments
archDataObj — Architectural Data object
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Architectural Data object, specified as a Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object.

dataTypeName — DataType definition name

string scalar | character vector

DataType definition name in the DataTypes property array of archDataObj, specified as a

character vector or a string scalar.
Example: "airSpeed"

Output Arguments
dataTypeObj — Data type object
AliasType object | EnumType object | NumericType object | StructType object | ValueType

Data type object of an architectural data element, returned as a

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataType object.

Version History
Introduced in R2023b

See Also

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create | |
addAliasType | addEnumType | addNumericType | addStructType | addValueType |
getDataTypeNames | removeDataType

1 Functions

Package: Simulink.dictionary.archdata

Get names of data types in Architectural Data section of Simulink data dictionary

dataTypeNames = getDataTypeNames(archDataObj)
dataTypeNames = getDataTypeNames(archDataObj,LookInsideDictReferences=tf)

dataTypeNames = getDataTypeNames(archDataObj) returns a cell array of the data type
names in archDataObj, the Architectural Data section of a data dictionary.

dataTypeNames = getDataTypeNames(archDataObj,LookInsideDictReferences=tf)
returns data type names in the top data dictionary only, or in the top data dictionary and in
referenced data dictionaries.


Get Data Type Names in Architectural Data Section of Simulink Data Dictionary

To get a cell array of the data type names in a data dictionary, use the getDataTypeNames function.
For an example that shows more of the workflow for related functions, see “Create Architectural Data
Object and Use It to Configure Architectural Data” on page 1-227.

dataTypeNames = getDataTypeNames(archDataObj)

dataTypeNames =

1×7 cell array

Columns 1 through 3

{'myAliasType1'} {'myAliasType2'} {'myAliasType3'}

Column 4 through 6

{'myColor'} {'myStructType1'} {'myStructType2'}

Column 7


Input Arguments
archDataObj — Architectural Data object
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object


Architectural Data object, specified as a Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object.

tf — Flag to list data type names in referenced data dictionaries

true (default) | false

Flag to list constants in referenced data dictionaries in the returned cell array, specified as one of
these values:

• true — Data types in the referenced data dictionaries will be included in the returned cell array.
• false — Data types in the referenced data dictionaries will not be included in the returned cell

Example: true

Output Arguments
dataTypeNames — Data type names
cell array of character vectors

Data type names in DataTypes property array of archDataObj, returned as a cell array of character

Version History
Introduced in R2023b

See Also

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create | |
getDataType | removeDataType | removeInterface

1 Functions

Package: Simulink.dictionary.archdata

Get interface object for interface in Architectural Data section of Simulink data dictionary

interfaceObj = getInterface(archDataObj,interfaceName)

interfaceObj = getInterface(archDataObj,interfaceName) returns the interface object
that represents the interface specified by interfaceName in archDataObj, the Architectural Data
section of the data dictionary.


Get Interface Object from Architectural Data Section of Simulink Data Dictionary

To get the interface object that represents the an interface in a data dictionary, use the
getInterface function. For an example that shows more of the workflow for related functions, see
“Create Architectural Data Object and Use It to Configure Architectural Data” on page 1-227.

myInterfaceObj = getInterface(archDataObj,"DataInterface")

myInterfaceObj =

DataInterface with properties:

Name: 'DataInterface'
Description: ''
Elements: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataElement]
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData]

Input Arguments
archDataObj — Architectural data object
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Architectural Data object, specified as a Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object.

interfaceName — Interfaces definition name

character vector | string scalar

interfaceName definition name in Interfaces property array of archDataObj, specified as a

character vector or string scalar.
Example: "DataInterface"


Output Arguments
interfaceObj — Interface object
DataInterface object

Interface object, returned as a Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface.

Version History
Introduced in R2023b

See Also
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData |

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create | |
addDataInterface | addServiceInterface | getInterfaceNames | removeInterface

1 Functions

Package: Simulink.dictionary.archdata

Get interface names in Architectural Data section of Simulink data dictionary

interfaceNames = getInterfaceNames(archDataObj)
interfaceNames = getInterfaceNames(archDataObj,LookInsideDictReferences=tf)

interfaceNames = getInterfaceNames(archDataObj) returns a cell array of the interface
names in archDataObj, the Architectural Data section of a data dictionary.

interfaceNames = getInterfaceNames(archDataObj,LookInsideDictReferences=tf)
returns interface names in the top data dictionary only, or in the top data dictionary and in referenced
data dictionaries.


Get Interface Names in Architectural Data Section of Simulink Data Dictionary

To get a cell array of the interface names in the data dictionary, use the getInterfaceNames
function. For an example that shows more of the workflow for related functions, see “Create
Architectural Data Object and Use It to Configure Architectural Data” on page 1-227.

myInterfaceNames = getInterfaceNames(archDataObj)

myInterfaceNames =

1×2 cell array

{'DataInterface'} {'DataInterface2'}

Input Arguments
archDataObj — Architectural Data object
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Architectural Data object, specified as a Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object.

tf — Flag to interface names in referenced data dictionaries

true (default) | false

Flag to list constants in referenced data dictionaries in the returned cell array, specified as one of
these values:

• true — Interfaces in the referenced data dictionaries will be included in the returned cell array.


• false — Interfaces in the referenced data dictionaries will not be included in the returned cell

Example: true

Output Arguments
interfaceNames — Interface names
cell array of character vectors

Interface names in the Interfaces property array of archDataObj,returned as a cell array of

character vectors.
Example: {'DataInterface'} {'DataInterface2'}

Version History
Introduced in R2023b

See Also
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData |
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface |

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create | |
addDataInterface | addServiceInterface | getInterface | removeInterface

“Graphically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants”
“Programmatically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants of Architecture Models”

1 Functions

Package: Simulink.dictionary.archdata

Get platform mapping object for platform of Simulink data dictionary

platformMapping = getPlatformMapping(archDataObj,"AUTOSARClassic")

platformMapping = getPlatformMapping(archDataObj,"AUTOSARClassic") returns the
mapping object for the AUTOSAR Classic platform in the data dictionary. This allows configuration of
platform-specific properties in the data dictionary.


Get Platform Mapping from Simulink Data Dictionary

To get the mapping object for the AUTOSAR Classic platform in the data dictionary, use the
getPlatformMapping function. For an example that shows more of the workflow for related
functions, see “Create Architectural Data Object and Use It to Configure Architectural Data” on page
myPlatformMapping = getPlatformMapping(archDataObj,"AUTOSARClassic")

myPlatformMapping =

ARClassicPlatformMapping with no properties.

Input Arguments
archDataObj — Architectural Data object
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Architectural Data object, specified as a Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object.

Output Arguments
platformMapping — Platform mapping object
autosar.dictionary.ARClassicPlatformMapping object

Platform mapping object, returned as an autosar.dictionary.ARClassicPlatformMapping


Version History
Introduced in R2023b


See Also

addAliasType | addDataInterface | addEnumType | addPlatformMapping | addStructType |
addValueType | close | getDataType | getDataTypeNames | getInterface |
getInterfaceNames | importFromBaseWorkspace | importFromFile | isDirty |
removeDataType | removeInterface | save | show | showChanges |
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create |

1 Functions

Package: Simulink.dictionary.archdata

Get full paths of Simulink data dictionaries referenced by another Simulink data dictionary

refDictNames = getReferences(archDataObj)

refDictNames = getReferences(archDataObj) returns a cell array of the full paths of the data
dictionaries that are referenced by the data dictionary with Architectural Data object archDataObj.


Get Full Paths of Simulink Data Dictionaries Referenced from Another Simulink Data

Get full paths of data dictionaries referenced from the data dictionary MyInterfaces.sldd. For an
example that shows more of the workflow for related functions, see “Create Architectural Data Object
and Use It to Configure Architectural Data” on page 1-227.

archDataObj ="MyInterfaces.sldd");
refDicts = getReferences(archDataObj)

refDicts =

2×1 cell array


Input Arguments
archDataObj — Architectural Data object
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Architectural Data object, specified as a Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object.

Output Arguments
refDictNames — Full paths of referenced data dictionaries
cell array of character vectors

Full paths of referenced data dictionaries represented as full paths, returned as a cell array of
character vectors.
Example: {'C:\work\ReferenceInterfaces1.sldd'}


Version History
Introduced in R2023b

See Also

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create | |
addReference | removeReference

1 Functions

Package: Simulink.dictionary.archdata

Import Simulink object definitions from base workspace to Architectural Data section of Simulink
data dictionary


importFromBaseWorkspace(archDataObj) copies all variables from base workspace to the
Architectural Data section of a data dictionary archDataObj without overwriting any existing
entries. The Simulink.Bus objects are imported as data interfaces. For those objects that need to be
used as structure DataType, use the convertToDataInterface and convertToStructType
functions respectively.


Import All Base Workspace Variables to Data Dictionary

To import Simulink objects from the base workspace to a data dictionary, use the
importFromBaseWorkspace function. For an example that shows more of the workflow for related
functions, see “Create Architectural Data Object and Use It to Configure Architectural Data” on page

Input Arguments
archDataObj — Architectural Data object
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Architectural Data object, specified as a Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object.

Version History
Introduced in R2023b

See Also

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create | |
addAliasType | addDataInterface | addEnumType | addPlatformMapping | addStructType |


addValueType | close | getDataType | getDataTypeNames | getInterface |

getInterfaceNames | getPlatformMapping | importFromFile | isDirty | removeDataType |
removeInterface | save | show | showChanges

1 Functions

Package: Simulink.dictionary.archdata

Import Simulink object definitions from file to Architectural Data section of data dictionary


importFromFile(archDataObj,matFileName) copies Simulink.Bus, Simulink.ValueType,
Simulink.AliasType, and constant objects from the MAT file specified by matFileName to the
Architectural Data section of a data dictionary identified by archDataObj. The Simulink.Bus
objects are imported as data interfaces. For those objects that need to be used as structure
DataType, use the convertToDataInterface and convertToStructType functions respectively.


Import Buses, Value Types, Alias Types, and Constants to Architectural Data Section of Data

To import Simulink.Bus, Simulink.ValueType, Simulink.AliasType, and constant objects

from a MAT file to the Architectural Data section of a data dictionary, use the importFromFile
function. For an example that shows more of the workflow for related functions, see “Create
Architectural Data Object and Use It to Configure Architectural Data” on page 1-227.


Input Arguments
archDataObj — Architectural Data object
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Architectural Data object, specified as a Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object.

matFileName — Name of MAT file

character vector | string scalar

Name of MAT file, specified as a character vector or string scalar. The name must include the .mat
extension and must be a valid MATLAB identifier.
Example: "myMatFile.mat"

Version History
Introduced in R2023b


See Also

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create | |
addAliasType | addDataInterface | addEnumType | addPlatformMapping | addStructType |
addValueType | close | getDataType | getDataTypeNames | getInterface |
getInterfaceNames | getPlatformMapping | importFromBaseWorkspace | isDirty |
removeDataType | removeInterface | save | show | showChanges

1 Functions

Package: Simulink.dictionary.archdata

Check for unsaved changes in Simulink data dictionary

hasUnsavedChanges = isDirty(archDataObj)

hasUnsavedChanges = isDirty(archDataObj) returns a 1 (true) if the data dictionary
specified by archDataObj has unsaved changes.


Check for Unsaved Changes in Simulink Data Dictionary

To determine whether a data dictionary has unsaved changes, use the isDirty function. For an
example that shows more of the workflow for related functions, see “Create Architectural Data Object
and Use It to Configure Architectural Data” on page 1-227.


ans =


Input Arguments
archDataObj — Architectural Data object
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Architectural Data object, specified as a Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object.

Version History
Introduced in R2023b

See Also


Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create | | close |
save | show | showChanges

1 Functions

Package: Simulink.dictionary.archdata

Remove data type from Architectural Data section of Simulink data dictionary


removeDataType(archDataObj,dataTypeName) deletes the data type specified by
dataTypeName in archDataObj, the Architectural Data section of a data dictionary.


Remove Data Type from Architectural Data Section of Simulink Data Dictionary

To delete a DataType in a data dictionary, use the removeDataType function. For an example that
shows more of the workflow for related functions, see “Create Architectural Data Object and Use It to
Configure Architectural Data” on page 1-227.


Input Arguments
archDataObj — Architectural Data object
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Architectural Data object, specified as a Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object.

dataTypeName — DataType definition name

character vector | string scalar

DataType definition name in the DataTypes property array of archDataObj, specified as a

character vector or string scalar.
Example: "myAliasType1"

Version History
Introduced in R2023b

See Also


Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create | |
addAliasType | addEnumType | addNumericType | addStructType | addValueType |
getDataType | getDataTypeNames

1 Functions

Package: Simulink.dictionary.archdata

Remove interface from Architectural Data section of Simulink data dictionary


removeInterface(archDataObj,interfaceName) deletes the interface specified by
interfaceName from archDataObj, the Architectural Data section of a data dictionary.


Remove Interface from Architectural Data Section of Simulink Data Dictionary

To delete an interface from a data dictionary, use the removeInterface function. For an example
that shows more of the workflow for related functions, see “Create Architectural Data Object and Use
It to Configure Architectural Data” on page 1-227.


Input Arguments
archDataObj — Architectural Data object
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Architectural Data object, specified as a Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object.

interfaceName — Interface definition name

character vector | string scalar

Interface definition name in the Interfaces property array of archDataObj, specified as a

character vector or a string scalar.
Example: "DataInterface"

Version History
Introduced in R2023b


See Also
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData |
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface |

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create | |
addDataInterface | getInterface | getInterfaceNames

1 Functions

Package: Simulink.dictionary.archdata

Remove Simulink data dictionary reference of another Simulink data dictionary


removeReference(archDataObj,refDict) removes a Simulink data dictionary reference,
specified as refDict, from archDataObj, the Architectural Data section of a data dictionary.


Remove Referenced Dictionaries from Architectural Data Section of Simulink Data


Remove referenced dictionaries ReferenceInterfaces1.sldd and

ReferenceInterfaces2.sldd from the Architectural Data section of the data dictionary
MyInterfaces.sldd. For an example that shows more of the workflow for related functions, see
“Create Architectural Data Object and Use It to Configure Architectural Data” on page 1-227.

Get the names of the referenced dictionaries.

archDataObj ="MyInterfaces.sldd");
refDicts = getReferences(archDataObj)

refDicts =

2×1 cell array


Remove the referenced dictionaries, using the Architectural Data object or character vector
representing the referenced data dictionary.

refArchDataObj ="ReferenceInterfaces1.sldd");

refDicts = getReferences(archDataObj)


refDicts =

0×1 empty cell array

Input Arguments
archDataObj — Architectural Data object
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Architectural Data object, specified as a Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object.

refDict — Referenced data dictionary

character vector | string scalar | Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Referenced data dictionary, specified as a character vector, a string scalar, or a

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object.
Example: "ReferenceDictionary.sldd"

Version History
Introduced in R2023b

See Also

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create | |
addReference | getReferences

1 Functions

Package: Simulink.dictionary.archdata

Save changes to Architectural Data section of Simulink data dictionary


save(archDataObj) saves changes to the Architectural Data section of a data dictionary.


Save Changes to Architectural Data Section of Simulink Data Dictionary

To save your changes to architectural data of a data dictionary, use the save function. For an example
that shows more of the workflow for related functions, see “Create Architectural Data Object and Use
It to Configure Architectural Data” on page 1-227.


Input Arguments
archDataObj — Architectural Data object
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Architectural Data object, specified as a Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object.

Version History
Introduced in R2023b

See Also

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create | | close |
isDirty | show | showChanges


Package: Simulink.dictionary.archdata

View architectural data of Simulink data dictionary in Architectural Data Editor


show(archDataObj) displays the architectural data of a Simulink data dictionary in the
Architectural Data Editor.

show(dataInterfaceObj) displays a data interface specified by dataInterfaceObj in the

Architectural Data Editor.

show(dataElementObj) displays a data element specified by dataElementObj in the Architectural

Data Editor.


View Architectural Data of Simulink Data Dictionary in Architectural Data Editor

To view the architectural data of a Simulink data dictionary in the Architectural Data Editor, use the
show function. For an example that shows more of the workflow for related functions, see “Create
Architectural Data Object and Use It to Configure Architectural Data” on page 1-227.


1 Functions

View Data Interface in Architectural Data Editor

This example shows how to view a data interface in the Architectural Data Editor.

Create a Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object by opening an existing data


archDataObj ="myInterfaceDict.sldd")

archDataObj =

ArchitecturalData with properties:

DictionaryFileName: 'myInterfaceDict.sldd'
Interfaces: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]
DataTypes: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataType]
Constants: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.Constant]

Create an interface object of the specified data interface.

interfaceObj = getInterface(archDataObj,"DataInterface")

interfaceObj =

DataInterface with properties:

Name: 'DataInterface'
Description: ''


Elements: [1×3 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataElement]

Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData]

Use the show function to display the data interface in the Architectural Data Editor.


View Data Element in Architectural Data Editor

This example shows how to view a data element in the Architectural Data Editor.

Create a Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object by opening an existing data


archDataObj ="myInterfaces.sldd")

archDataObj =

ArchitecturalData with properties:

DictionaryFileName: 'myInterfaces.sldd'
Interfaces: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]
DataTypes: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataType]
Constants: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.Constant]

Use the getElement function to access a data element.

dataElem1 = getElement(interfaceObj,"element1")

1 Functions

dataElem1 =

DataElement with properties:

Name: 'element1'
Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]

Use the show function to display the data element in the Architectural Data Editor.

Input Arguments
archDataObj — Architectural Data object
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Architectural Data object, specified as a Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object.

dataInterfaceObj — Data interface object

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface object

Data interface object to display in the Architectural Data Editor, specified as a

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface object.

dataElementObj — Data element

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataElement object


Data element to show in the Architectural Data Editor, specified as a

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataElement object.

Version History
Introduced in R2023b

See Also
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData |
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface |

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create | | close |
isDirty | save | showChanges

1 Functions

Package: Simulink.dictionary.archdata

View changes to architectural data of Simulink data dictionary in Comparison Tool


showChanges(archDataObj) opens the Comparison Tool and displays changes to the data
dictionary archDataObj since it was last saved. The Comparison tab shows the differences in the
Simulink design data properties. Changes made to platform properties are not shown.


View Changes to Architectural Data of Simulink Data Dictionary in Comparison Tool

To open the Comparison Tool window and display changes to the architectural data since it was last
saved, use the showChanges function. For an example that shows more of the workflow for related
functions, see “Create Architectural Data Object and Use It to Configure Architectural Data” on page



Input Arguments
archDataObj — Architectural Data object
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Architectural Data object, specified as a Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object.

Version History
Introduced in R2023b

See Also

1 Functions

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create | | close |
isDirty | save | show


Package: Simulink.dictionary.archdata

Add constant to the Architectural Data section of Simulink data dictionary

constObj = addConstant(archDataObj,constName)
constObj = addConstant(archDataObj,constName,value)

constObj = addConstant(archDataObj,constName) adds a constant with the specified name
constName to the archDataObj, the Architectural Data section of a data dictionary and returns the
constant object that represents the constant.

constObj = addConstant(archDataObj,constName,value) adds a constant with the specified

value to the data dictionary and returns a constant object that represents the constant.


Add Constant to Architectural Data Section of Simulink Data Dictionary

To add a constant to the data dictionary, use the addConstant function. For an example that shows
more of the workflow for related functions, see “Create Architectural Data Object and Use It to
Configure Architectural Data” on page 1-227.

archDataObj ="MyInterfaces.sldd");
myConst = addConstant(archDataObj,"myConstant")

myConst =

Constant with properties:

Name: 'myConstant'
Value: 0
DataType: 'double'
Description: ''
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData]

Add a constant with a specified value.

myCylinders = addConstant(archDataObj,"numOfCylinders",Value=4)

myCylinders =

Constant with properties:

Name: 'numOfCylinders'
Value: 4
DataType: 'double'

1 Functions

Description: ''
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData]

Input Arguments
archDataObj — Architectural Data object
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Architectural Data object, specified as a Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object.

constName — Constant definition name

character vector | string scalar

Constant definition name in Constants property array of archDataObj, specified as a character

vector or string scalar.
Example: "numOfCylinders"

value — Value assigned to constant object

0 (default) | double

Value assigned to the constant object constObj.

Output Arguments
constObj — Constant object
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.Constant object

Object representing a constant in the Constants property array of archDataObj, returned as a

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.Constant object.

Version History
Introduced in R2023b

See Also

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create | |
addEnumType | addValueType | getConstant | getConstantNames | removeConstant


Package: Simulink.dictionary.archdata

Get constant in Architectural Data section of Simulink data dictionary

constObj = getConstant(archDataObj,constName)

constObj = getConstant(archDataObj,constName) returns the constant object in
archDataObj, the Architectural Data section of a data dictionary, that represents the constant
specified by constName.


Get Constant from Architectural Data Section of Simulink Data Dictionary

To get the constant object that represents a constant in a data dictionary, use the getConstant
function. For an example that shows more of the workflow for related functions, see “Create
Architectural Data Object and Use It to Configure Architectural Data” on page 1-227.

myConstObj = getConstant(archDataObj,"numOfCylinders")

myConstObj =

Constant with properties:

Name: 'numOfCylinders'
Value: 4
DataType: 'double'
Description: ''
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData]

Input Arguments
archDataObj — Architectural Data object
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Architectural Data object, specified as a Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object.

constName — Constant definition name

character vector | string scalar

Constant definition name in Constants property array of archDataObj, specified as a character

vector or string scalar.
Example: "numOfCylinders"

1 Functions

Output Arguments
constObj — Constant object

Object representing a constant in the Constants property array of archDataObj, returned as a

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.Constant object.

Version History
Introduced in R2023b

See Also

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create | |
addConstant | getConstantNames | removeConstant | moveToDictionary


Package: Simulink.dictionary.archdata

Get constant names in Architectural Data section of Simulink data dictionary

constantNames = getConstantNames(archDataObj)
constantNames = getConstantNames(archDataObj,LookInsideDictReferences=tf)

constantNames = getConstantNames(archDataObj) returns a cell array of the constant names
in the top data dictionary specified by archDataObj, and in referenced data dictionaries.

constantNames = getConstantNames(archDataObj,LookInsideDictReferences=tf)
returns constant names in the top data dictionary only, or in the top data dictionary and in referenced
data dictionaries.


Get Names of Constants in Architectural Data Section of Simulink Data Dictionary

To get a cell array of the constant names in a data dictionary, use the getConstantNames function.
For an example that shows more of the workflow for related functions, see “Create Architectural Data
Object and Use It to Configure Architectural Data” on page 1-227.

constantNames = getConstantNames(archDataObj)

constantNames =

1×2 cell array

{'myConstant'} {'numOfCylinders'}

Input Arguments
archDataObj — Architectural Data object
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Architectural Data object, specified as a Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object.

tf — Flag to list constants in referenced data dictionaries

true (default) | false

Flag to list constants in referenced data dictionaries in the returned cell array, specified as one of
these values:

• true — Constants in the referenced data dictionaries will be included in the returned cell array.

1 Functions

• false — Constants in the referenced data dictionaries will not be included in the returned cell

Example: true

Output Arguments
constantNames — Constant names
cell array of character vectors

Constant names in the Constants property array of archDataObj, returned as a cell array of
character vectors.

Version History
Introduced in R2023b

See Also

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create | |
addConstant | getConstant | moveToDictionary | removeConstant


Package: Simulink.dictionary.archdata

Remove constant from Architectural Data section of Simulink data dictionary


removeConstant(archDataObj,constantName) deletes the constant specified by
constantName in archDataObj, in the Architectural Data section of a data dictionary.


Remove Constant from Architectural Data Section of Simulink Data Dictionary

To delete a specified constant from the data dictionary, use the removeConstant function. For an
example that shows more of the workflow for related functions, see “Create Architectural Data Object
and Use It to Configure Architectural Data” on page 1-227.

Retrieve constants from the data dictionary.

constNames = getConstantNames(archDataObj)

constNames =

1×2 cell array

{'constToRemove'} {'myConstant'}

Remove a constant.

constNames = getConstantNames(archDataObj)

constNames =

1×1 cell array


Input Arguments
archDataObj — Architectural Data object
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Architectural Data object, specified as a Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object.

1 Functions

constantName — Name of constant

character vector | string scalar

Name of constant in the Constants property array of archDataObj, specified as a character vector
or string scalar.
Example: "myConst"

Version History
Introduced in R2023b

See Also

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create | |
addConstant | getConstant | getConstantNames


Package: Simulink.dictionary.archdata

Move interfaces, data types, and constants in Architectural Data section of Simulink data dictionary
to design data


moveToDesignData(objName) removes the data element specified by objName from the
Architectural Data section of a data dictionary while storing it in design data.


Move Data Interface to Design Data

This example adds a data interface to the Architectural Data section of a data dictionary and then
moves it to design data.

Create a data dictionary and add a data interface to the Architectural Data section.

archDataObj = Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create('dataDictionary.sldd');
myDataInterfaceObj = addDataInterface(archDataObj, 'MyDataInterface');

Move the data interface to design data.


Input Arguments
objName — Architectural data element
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface object |
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.Constant object |

Architectural data element to be moved to design data, specified as one of the following object types:
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.Constant, and
Example: myConstantObj

Version History
Introduced in R2023b

1 Functions

See Also

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create | |
addDataInterface | getInterfaceNames | getDataTypeNames | getDataType | addElement |


Package: Simulink.dictionary.archdata

Move architectural data of Simulink data dictionary to another data dictionary


moveToDictionary(archDataObj,dataName) moves the architectural data object specified by
elementName to archDataObj, the Architectural Data section of the data dictionary. This allows you
to move architectural data between dictionaries while maintaining port associations the moved
interfaces, as well as copying over custom profiles and stereotypes.


Move Data Interface to Architectural Data Section of Simulink Data Dictionary

To move a data interface to the Architectural Data section of a data dictionary, use the
moveToDictionary function. For more information regarding workflows for related functions, see
“Create Architectural Data Object and Use It to Configure Architectural Data” on page 1-227.

archDataObj = Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create("MyInterfaces.sldd");
interfaceObj = addDataInterface(archDataObj,"myDataInterface");

archDataObj2 = Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create("OtherInterfaces.sldd");

Input Arguments
archDataObj — Architectural Data object
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Architectural Data object, specified as a Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object.

dataName — Name of interface, data type, constant

character vector | string scalar

Name of interface, data type, constant, specified as a character vector or string scalar.
Example: "dataInterface"
Data Types: char | string

Version History
Introduced in R2023b

1 Functions

See Also

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create | |
addDataInterface | getInterfaceNames | getDataTypeNames | getDataType | addElement


Edit data interface in Simulink data dictionary programmatically

Data interfaces represent information that is shared through a connector and enters or exits a
component through a port. Data interfaces are composed of data elements that describe the structure
of the transmitted data. Data interfaces can not be composite when using an AUTOSAR platform

To create a Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface object, add a data interface to an
existing Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object using the addDataInterface

dataInterfaceObj = addDataInterface(archDataObj,"DataInterface")

dataInterfaceObj =

DataInterface with properties:

Name: 'DataInterface'
Description: ''
Elements: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataElement]
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData]

Name — Name of data interface
character vector | string scalar

Name of the data interface, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

Data Types: char | string

Description — Description of data interface

'' (default) | character vector | string scalar

Description of the data interface, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

Data Types: char | string

Elements — Elements belonging to Architectural Data object

array of Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataElement objects

Elements belonging to the Architectural Data object, specified as an array of

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataElement objects.

1 Functions

Owner — Architectural Data object of data dictionary containing data interface

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Architectural Data object of the data dictionary containing the data interface, specified as a
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object.

Object Functions
addElement Add data element to data interface
destroy Delete data interface and remove it from Architectural Data section of Simulink
data dictionary
getElement Get data element from data interface
removeElement Remove data element from data interface
show View architectural data of Simulink data dictionary in Architectural Data Editor


Add and Remove Data Elements from a Data Interface

This example shows how to add, get, and remove data elements from a data interface.

Open an existing data dictionary. This creates a Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData

object, archDataObj.
archDataObj ="MyInterfaces.sldd")

archDataObj =

ArchitecturalData with properties:

DictionaryFileName: 'MyInterfaces.sldd'
Interfaces: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]
DataTypes: [1×2 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataType]
Constants: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.Constant]

The archDataObj contains a data interface.

interfaceObj = getInterface(archDataObj,"DataInterface")

interfaceObj =

DataInterface with properties:

Name: 'DataInterface'
Description: ''
Elements: [1×2 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataElement]
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData]

Data interfaces are composed of data elements that describe parts of a data interface. This interface
definition contains two data elements.

ans =

DataElement with properties:


Name: 'Element1'
Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]


ans =

DataElement with properties:

Name: 'Element2'
Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]

Use the addElement function to add a new data element to the data interface.

dataElem3 = addElement(interfaceObj,"Element3")

dataElem3 =

DataElement with properties:

Name: 'Element3'
Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]

You can get an existing data element using the getElement function.

dataElem3 = getElement(interfaceObj,"Element3")

dataElem3 =

DataElement with properties:

Name: 'Element3'
Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]

Remove a data element from an interface using the removeElement function.

removeElement(interfaceObj, 'Element3')

Version History
Introduced in R2023b

1 Functions

See Also
Architectural Data Editor

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData |

addDataInterface | moveToDictionary | moveToDesignData

“Graphically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants”
“Programmatically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants of Architecture Models”


Package: Simulink.dictionary.archdata

Add data element to data interface

dataElementObj = addElement(dataInterfaceObj,elementName)

dataElementObj = addElement(dataInterfaceObj,elementName) creates a data element
with the name elementName and adds it to the data interface specified by dataInterfaceObj.


Add, Get, and Remove Data Element from Data Interface

This example shows how to add, get, and remove data elements from a data interface.

Use the function to open an existing data dictionary. This

creates a Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object, archDataObj.

archDataObj ="myInterfaceDict.sldd")

archDataObj =

ArchitecturalData with properties:

DictionaryFileName: 'myInterfaceDict.sldd'
Interfaces: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]
DataTypes: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataType]
Constants: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.Constant]

The data dictionary contains one data interface definition.

interfaceObj = getInterface(archDataObj,"DataInterface")

interfaceObj =

DataInterface with properties:

Name: 'DataInterface'
Description: ''
Elements: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataElement]
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData]

Data interfaces are composed of data elements that describe parts of a data interface. This interface
definitions contains two data elements.


1 Functions

ans =

DataElement with properties:

Name: 'Element1'
Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]


ans =

DataElement with properties:

Name: 'Element2'
Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]

Use the addElement function to add a new data element to the data interface.

dataElem1 = addElement(interfaceObj,"element3")

dataElem1 =

DataElement with properties:

Name: 'element3'
Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]

You can get an existing data element using the getElement function.

dataElem3 = getElement(interfaceObj,"element3")

dataElem3 =

DataElement with properties:

Name: 'element3'
Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]

Remove a data element from an interface using the removeElement function.


Input Arguments
dataInterfaceObj — Data interface object
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface object


Data interface object, specified as a Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface object.

elementName — Name of data element

character vector | string scalar

Name of data element to add to dataInterfaceObj object, specified as a character vector or string
Example: "myElement"

Output Arguments
dataElementObj — Data element object
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataElement object

Data element object, returned as a Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataElement object.

Version History
Introduced in R2023b

See Also
Architectural Data Editor

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData |
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface |

getElement | removeElement

“Graphically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants”
“Programmatically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants of Architecture Models”

1 Functions

Package: Simulink.dictionary.archdata

Delete data interface and remove it from Architectural Data section of Simulink data dictionary


destroy(dataInterfaceObj) deletes the data interface dataInterfaceObj and removes it from
the Architectural Data section of its parent data dictionary.


Delete and Remove Data Interface from Architectural Data Section of Simulink Data

This example shows how to delete a data interface and remove it from the Architectural Data section
of a Simulink data dictionary.

Create a Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object by opening an existing data


archDataObj ="myInterfaceDict.sldd")

archDataObj =

ArchitecturalData with properties:

DictionaryFileName: 'myInterfaceDict.sldd'
Interfaces: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]
DataTypes: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataType]
Constants: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.Constant]

The data dictionary has one data interface definition.

interfaceObj = archDataObj.Interfaces

interfaceObj =

DataInterface with properties:

Name: 'DataInterface'
Description: ''
Elements: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataElement]
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData]

Use the destroy function to delete the interface and remove it from the archDataObj.



archDataObj =

ArchitecturalData with properties:

DictionaryFileName: 'myInterfaceDict.sldd'
Interfaces: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]
DataTypes: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataType]
Constants: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.Constant]

The data dictionary now has no interfaces.

Input Arguments
dataInterfaceObj — Data interface object
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface object

Data interface object, specified as a Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface object.

Version History
Introduced in R2023b

See Also
Architectural Data Editor

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData |

“Graphically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants”
“Programmatically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants of Architecture Models”

1 Functions

Package: Simulink.dictionary.archdata

Get data element from data interface

dataElementObj = getElement(dataInterfaceObj,elementName)

dataElementObj = getElement(dataInterfaceObj,elementName) returns the data element
object with the name elementName contained in the data interface specified by


Add, Get, and Remove Data Element from Data Interface

This example shows how to add, get, and remove data elements from a data interface.

Use the function to open an existing data dictionary. This

creates a Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object, archDataObj.
archDataObj ="myInterfaceDict.sldd")

archDataObj =

ArchitecturalData with properties:

DictionaryFileName: 'myInterfaceDict.sldd'
Interfaces: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]
DataTypes: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataType]
Constants: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.Constant]

The data dictionary contains one data interface definition.

interfaceObj = getInterface(archDataObj,"DataInterface")

interfaceObj =

DataInterface with properties:

Name: 'DataInterface'
Description: ''
Elements: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataElement]
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData]

Data interfaces are composed of data elements that describe parts of a data interface. This interface
definition contains two data elements.


ans =

DataElement with properties:

Name: 'Element1'
Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]


ans =

DataElement with properties:

Name: 'Element2'
Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]

Use the addElement function to add a new data element to the data interface.

dataElem1 = addElement(interfaceObj,"element3")

dataElem1 =

DataElement with properties:

Name: 'element3'
Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]

You can get an existing data element using the getElement function.

dataElem3 = getElement(interfaceObj,"element3")

dataElem3 =

DataElement with properties:

Name: 'element3'
Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]

Remove a data element from an interface using the removeElement function.


Input Arguments
dataInterfaceObj — Data interface object
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface object

1 Functions

Data interface object containing the data element, specified as a

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface object.

elementName — Name of data element

character vector | string scalar

Name of the data element in the dataInterfaceObj object, specified as a character vector or string

Output Arguments
dataElementObj — Data element object
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataElement object

Data element object, specified as a Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataElement object.

Version History
Introduced in R2023b

See Also

addDataInterface | getInterfaceNames | removeInterface |
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create |

“Graphically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants”
“Programmatically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants of Architecture Models”


Package: DataInterface

Remove data element from data interface


removeElement(dataInterfaceObj,elementName) removes the data element with the name
elementName from the data interface specified by dataInterfaceObj.


Add, Get, and Remove Data Element from Data Interface

This example shows how to add, get, and remove data elements from a data interface.

Use the function to open an existing data dictionary. This

creates a Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object, archDataObj.

archDataObj ="myInterfaceDict.sldd")

archDataObj =

ArchitecturalData with properties:

DictionaryFileName: 'myInterfaceDict.sldd'
Interfaces: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]
DataTypes: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataType]
Constants: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.Constant]

The data dictionary contains one data interface definition.

interfaceObj = getInterface(archDataObj,"DataInterface")

interfaceObj =

DataInterface with properties:

Name: 'DataInterface'
Description: ''
Elements: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataElement]
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData]

Data interfaces are composed of data elements that describe parts of a data interface. This interface
definition contains two data elements.


1 Functions

ans =

DataElement with properties:

Name: 'Element1'
Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]


ans =

DataElement with properties:

Name: 'Element2'
Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]

Use the addElement function to add a new data element to the data interface.

dataElem1 = addElement(interfaceObj,"element3")

dataElem1 =

DataElement with properties:

Name: 'element3'
Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]

You can get an existing data element using the getElement function.

dataElem3 = getElement(interfaceObj,"element3")

dataElem3 =

DataElement with properties:

Name: 'element3'
Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]

Remove a data element from an interface using the removeElement function.


Input Arguments
dataInterfaceObj — Data interface object
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface object


Data interface object containing the data element, specified as a

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface object.

elementName — Name of data element

character vector | string scalar

Name of the data element in the dataInterfaceObj object, specified as a character vector or string

Version History
Introduced in R2023b

See Also
Architectural Data Editor

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData |
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface |

“Graphically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants”
“Programmatically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants of Architecture Models”

1 Functions

Data element of data interface

A data element describes a part of a data interface, such as the structure of the transmitted data or
other decomposition of the interface.

To create a Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataElement object, add a data element to an
existing Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface object using the addElement
dataElementObj = addElement(dataInterfaceObj,"element")

dataElementObj =

DataElement with properties:

Name: 'element'
Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]

You can access an existing data element using the getElement function.

Name — Name of data element
character vector | string scalar

Name of data element, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

Example: "myElement"
Data Types: char | string

Type — Type of data element

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.AliasType object |
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface object |
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.EnumType object |
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.NumericType object |
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructType object |
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType object

Type of the data element, specified as an object of one of the following types:


Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructType, or

Description — Description of data element

character vector | string scalar

Description of the data element, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

Example: "I am a data element."
Data Types: char | string

Dimensions — Dimensions of data element

character vector

Dimensions of a data element, specified as a character vector representing a two element vector
containing the dimensions of the element.
Example: '[1 2]'
Data Types: char

Owner — Data interface containing data element

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface object

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface object that contains the data element.

Object Functions
destroy Delete data element and remove from data interface
show View architectural data of Simulink data dictionary in Architectural Data Editor


Add, Get, and Remove Data Element from Data Interface

This example shows how to add, get, and remove data elements from a data interface.

Use the function to open an existing data dictionary. This

creates a Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object, archDataObj.
archDataObj ="myInterfaceDict.sldd")

archDataObj =

ArchitecturalData with properties:

DictionaryFileName: 'myInterfaceDict.sldd'
Interfaces: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]
DataTypes: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataType]
Constants: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.Constant]

The data dictionary contains one data interface definition.

interfaceObj = getInterface(archDataObj,"DataInterface")

1 Functions

interfaceObj =

DataInterface with properties:

Name: 'DataInterface'
Description: ''
Elements: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataElement]
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData]

Data interfaces are composed of data elements that describe parts of a data interface. This interface
definitions contains two data elements.


ans =

DataElement with properties:

Name: 'Element1'
Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]


ans =

DataElement with properties:

Name: 'Element2'
Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]

Use the addElement function to add a new data element to the data interface.

dataElem1 = addElement(interfaceObj,"element3")

dataElem1 =

DataElement with properties:

Name: 'element3'
Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]

You can get an existing data element using the getElement function.

dataElem3 = getElement(interfaceObj,"element3")

dataElem3 =

DataElement with properties:

Name: 'element3'


Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]

Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]

Remove a data element from an interface using the removeElement function.


Version History
Introduced in R2023b

See Also
Architectural Data Editor

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData |

moveToDictionary | moveToDesignData

“Graphically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants”
“Programmatically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants of Architecture Models”

1 Functions

Package: Simulink.dictionary.archdata

Delete data element and remove from data interface


destroy(dataElementObj) deletes the data element dataElementObj and removes it from its
parent Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface object.


Delete and Remove Data Element from Data Interface

This example shows how to delete a data element and remove it from a data interface.

Create a Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object by opening an existing data

archDataObj ="myInterfaces.sldd")

archDataObj =

ArchitecturalData with properties:

DictionaryFileName: 'myInterfaces.sldd'
Interfaces: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]
DataTypes: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataType]
Constants: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.Constant]

The data dictionary has one data interface definition. The data interface has two data elements.
interfaceObj = getInterface(archDataObj,"DataInterface")

interfaceObj =

DataInterface with properties:

Name: 'DataInterface'
Description: ''
Elements: [1×2 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataElement]
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData]

Use the getElement function to access a data element.

dataElem1 = getElement(interfaceObj,"element1")

dataElem1 =


DataElement with properties:

Name: 'element1'
Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]

Use the destroy function to delete the data element and remove it from the data interface.


interfaceObj =

DataInterface with properties:

Name: 'DataInterface'
Description: ''
Elements: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataElement]
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData]

The data interface, interfaceObj now has only one data element.

Input Arguments
dataElementObj — Data element object
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataElement object

Data element to delete and remove, specified as a

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataElement object.

Version History
Introduced in R2023b

See Also
Architectural Data Editor

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData |
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface |

“Graphically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants”
“Programmatically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants of Architecture Models”

1 Functions

Service interface

A ServiceInterface object represents the structure of a service interface.

Create a ServiceInterface object using the addServiceInterface function.

ServInterfaceObj = addServiceInterface(archDataObj,"ServInterface");

Name — Name of service interface
character vector | string scalar

Service interface name, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

Data Types: char | string

Description — Description of service interface

character vector | string scalar

Description of service interface, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

Data Types: char | string

Elements — Service elements in the service interface

array of Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionElement objects

Function elements in the service interface, specified as an array of

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionElement objects.

Owner — Architectural data object containing the service interface


Architectural data object containing the service interface, specified as a

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object.

Object Functions
addElement Add function element to service interface
getElement Get function element from service interface
removeElement Remove element from service interface
moveToDictionary Move architectural data of Simulink data dictionary to another data dictionary
moveToDesignData Move interfaces, data types, and constants in Architectural Data section of
Simulink data dictionary to design data


show View architectural data of Simulink data dictionary in Architectural Data Editor


Configure Function Elements of Service Interface

To configure function elements of a service interface, use the addElement, getElement, and
removeElement functions.

In this example, the dictionary MyInterfaces.sldd contains one service interface.

archDataObj ="MyInterfaces.sldd")

archDataObj =

ArchitecturalData with properties:

DictionaryFileName: 'MyInterfaces.sldd'
Interfaces: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface]
DataTypes: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataType]
Constants: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.Constant]

Get the service interface object using the getInterface function. The service interface object
contains two function element objects.
servInterfaceObj = getInterface(archDataObj,"myServiceInterface")

servInterfaceObj =

ServiceInterface with properties:

Name: 'myServiceInterface'
Description: ''
Elements: [1×2 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionElement]
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData]

To create a physical element object and add it to the physical interface, use the addElement
funcElemObj3 = addElement(servInterfaceObj,"servElem3")

funcElemObj3 =

FunctionElement with properties:

FunctionPrototype: 'y = servElem3(u)'

Asynchronous: 0
FunctionArguments: [1×2 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionArgument]
Name: 'servElem3'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface]

To access an existing physical element, use the getElement function.

funcElemObj2 = getElement(servInterfaceObj,"funcElem2")

funcElemObj2 =

1 Functions

FunctionElement with properties:

FunctionPrototype: 'y = funcElem2(u)'

Asynchronous: 0
FunctionArguments: [1×2 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionArgument]
Name: 'funcElem2'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface]

To remove a function element from a function interface, use the removeElement function.


The service interface object now contains only two function elements, funcElem2 and funcElem3


ans =

FunctionElement with properties:

FunctionPrototype: 'y = funcElem2(u)'

Asynchronous: 0
FunctionArguments: [1×2 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionArgument]
Name: 'funcElem2'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface]


ans =

FunctionElement with properties:

FunctionPrototype: 'y = servElem3(u)'

Asynchronous: 0
FunctionArguments: [1×2 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionArgument]
Name: 'servElem3'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface]

Version History
Introduced in R2023b

See Also
Architectural Data Editor

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData |
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface |
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionElement |

“Graphically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants”
“Programmatically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants of Architecture Models”


Function argument in function element of client-server interface

a FunctionArgument object describes the attributes of an argument in a function element of a
client-server interface. The function element is a
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionElement object.

After configuring the function prototype of a
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionElement object, get the function argument using the
getFunctionArgument function.

functionArgObj = getFunctionArgument(functionElemObj,"y")

Name — Name of function argument
character vector | string scalar

Function argument name, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

Example: "y"
Data Types: char | string

Type — Type of function argument

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType object

Type of the function argument, specified as a Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType


Description — Description of function argument

character vector | string

Description of the function argument, specified as a character vector or a string scalar.

Data Types: char | string

Dimensions — Dimensions of function argument

character vector | string scalar

Dimensions of the function argument, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

Data Types: char | string

Owner — Function element containing the function argument

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionElement object

1 Functions

Function element containing the function argument, specified as a

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionElement object.

Object Functions
moveToDictionary Move architectural data of Simulink data dictionary to another data dictionary
moveToDesignData Move interfaces, data types, and constants in Architectural Data section of
Simulink data dictionary to design data
show View architectural data of Simulink data dictionary in Architectural Data Editor


Configure Function Argument of Function Element

A function element describes attributes of a function in a client-server interface such as the function
prototype, and whether the function is executed asynchronously. A function argument describes the
attributes of a single argument of a function, such as dimensions, and data type.

In this example, the dictionary MyInterfaces.sldd contains one service interface, which contains
three function elements.

archDataObj ="MyInterfaces.sldd")

archDataObj =

ArchitecturalData with properties:

DictionaryFileName: 'MyInterfaces.sldd'
Interfaces: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface]
DataTypes: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataType]
Constants: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.Constant]

To access the service interface, use the getInterface function.

serviceInterfaceObj = getInterface(archDataObj,"ServiceInterface1")

serviceInterfaceObj =

ServiceInterface with properties:

Name: 'ServiceInterface1'
Description: ''
Elements: [1×3 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionElement]
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData]

Each function element contains two function arguments. View the first function element.

funcElemObj1 = serviceInterfaceObj.Elements(1)

ans =

FunctionElement with properties:

FunctionPrototype: 'y = functionElement1(u)'

Asynchronous: 0
FunctionArguments: [1×2 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionArgument]


Name: 'functionElement1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface]

View the attributes of the first function argument.

funcArg1 = funcElemObj1.FunctionArguments(1)

funcArg1 =

FunctionArgument with properties:

Name: 'u'
Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionElement]

Configure the dimensions and description of function argument funcArg1, u.

funcArg1.Dimensions = "2";
funcArg1.Description = "Input argument"

funcArg1 =

FunctionArgument with properties:

Name: 'u'
Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: 'Input argument'
Dimensions: '2'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionElement]

Version History
Introduced in R2023b

See Also
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData |
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface |

“Graphically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants”
“Programmatically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants of Architecture Models”

1 Functions

Function in client-server interface

A FunctionElement object describes the attributes of a function in a client-server interface. The
client-server interface is a Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface.

Create a FunctionElement object using the addElement function.

functionElement = addElement(serviceInterface,"f0")

FunctionPrototype — Function prototype
character vector | string scalar

Function prototype to define the function name, and input and output arguments, specified as a
character vector or string scalar.
Data Types: char | string

Asynchronous — Option to specify whether function element is asynchronous

0 or false (default) | 1 or true

Whether the function element is asynchronous, specified as a logical.

Data Types: logical

FunctionArguments — Function arguments

array of Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionArgument objects

Function arguments, specified as an array of

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionArgument objects.

Name — Name of function element

character vector | string scalar

Function element name, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

Data Types: char | string

Owner — Service interface containing function element

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface object

Service interface containing the function element, specified as a

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface object.


Object Functions
moveToDictionary Move architectural data of Simulink data dictionary to another data dictionary
moveToDesignData Move interfaces, data types, and constants in Architectural Data section of
Simulink data dictionary to design data
show View architectural data of Simulink data dictionary in Architectural Data Editor


Configure Function Elements of a Service Interface

To configure function elements of a service interface, use the addElement, getElement, and
removeElement functions.

In this example, the dictionary MyInterfaces.sldd contains one service interface.

archDataObj ="MyInterfaces.sldd")

archDataObj =

ArchitecturalData with properties:

DictionaryFileName: 'MyInterfaces.sldd'
Interfaces: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface]
DataTypes: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataType]
Constants: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.Constant]

Get the service interface object using the getInterface function. The service interface object
contains two function element objects.

serviceInterfaceObj = getInterface(archDataObj, "ServiceInterface1")

serviceInterfaceObj =

ServiceInterface with properties:

Name: 'ServiceInterface1'
Description: ''
Elements: [1×2 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionElement]
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData]

To create a function element object and add it to the service interface, use the addElement function.

funcElemObj3 = addElement(serviceInterfaceObj, "functionElement3")

funcElemObj3 =

FunctionElement with properties:

FunctionPrototype: 'y = functionElement3(u)'

Asynchronous: 0
FunctionArguments: [1×2 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionArgument]
Name: 'functionElement3'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface]

To access an existing function element, use the getElement function.

1 Functions

funcElemObj2 = getElement(serviceInterfaceObj, "functionElement2")

funcElemObj2 =

FunctionElement with properties:

FunctionPrototype: 'y = functionElement2(u)'

Asynchronous: 0
FunctionArguments: [1×2 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionArgument]
Name: 'functionElement2'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface]

To remove a function element from a service interface, use the removeElement function.

removeElement(serviceInterfaceObj, "functionElement1")

The service interface object now contains only two function elements, functionElement2 and


ans =

FunctionElement with properties:

FunctionPrototype: 'y = functionElement2(u)'

Asynchronous: 0
FunctionArguments: [1×2 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionArgument]
Name: 'functionElement2'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface]


ans =

FunctionElement with properties:

FunctionPrototype: 'y = functionElement3(u)'

Asynchronous: 0
FunctionArguments: [1×2 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionArgument]
Name: 'functionElement3'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface]

Modify Function Prototype of Function Element

To modify the function prototype of a function element, edit the FunctionPrototype property of the
function element.

Access an existing function element using the getElement function.

funcElem1 = getElement(serviceInterfaceObj,"functionElement1")

funcElemObj1 =

FunctionElement with properties:

FunctionPrototype: 'y = functionElement1(u)'


Asynchronous: 0
FunctionArguments: [1×2 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionArgument]
Name: 'functionElement1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface]

To modify the function prototype, for example to add an input argument, modify the
FunctionPrototype property of the FunctionElement object.

funcElemObj1.FunctionPrototype = "y = functionElement1(u,v)"

funcElemObj1 =

FunctionElement with properties:

FunctionPrototype: 'y = functionElement1(u,v)'

Asynchronous: 0
FunctionArguments: [1×3 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionArgument]
Name: 'functionElement1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface]

The function element now contains three function argument objects.

Version History
Introduced in R2023b

See Also
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData |
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface |

“Graphically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants”
“Programmatically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants of Architecture Models”

1 Functions

Struct element of a struct type

A struct element of a struct type, represented by a
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructType object.

To create a Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructElement object, add a struct element to an
existing StructType object using the addElement function.

StructElemObj1 = addElement(StructTypeObj,"myStructElem1");

Name — Struct element name
character vector | string scalar

Struct element name, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

Data Types: char | string

Type — Type of struct element

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType object

Type of struct element, specified as a Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType object.

Description — Description of struct element

character vector | string scalar

Description of the struct element, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

Data Types: char | string

Dimensions — Dimensions of struct element

character vector | string scalar

Dimensions of the struct element, specified as a character vector or string scalar representing a two-
element vector containing the dimensions of the element.
Data Types: char

Owner — Struct type object containing the struct element

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructType object

Struct type object containing the struct element, specified as a

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructType object.


Object Functions
moveToDictionary Move architectural data of Simulink data dictionary to another data dictionary
moveToDesignData Move interfaces, data types, and constants in Architectural Data section of
Simulink data dictionary to design data
show View architectural data of Simulink data dictionary in Architectural Data Editor


Configure Struct Elements of Struct Type

To configure struct elements of a struct type, use the addElement, getElement, and
removeElement functions.

In this example, the dictionary MyInterfaces.sldd contains one struct type.

archDataObj ="MyInterfaces.sldd")

archDataObj =

ArchitecturalData with properties:

DictionaryFileName: 'MyInterfaces.sldd'
Interfaces: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]
DataTypes: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructType]
Constants: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.Constant]

Get the struct type object using the getDataType function. The struct type object contains two
struct element objects.

structTypeObj = getDataType(archDataObj,"structType1")

structTypeObj =

StructType with properties:

Name: 'structType1'
Description: ''
Elements: [1×2 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructElement]
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData]

To create a struct element object and add it to the struct type, use the addElement function.

structElemObj3 = addElement(structTypeObj,"structElement3")

structElemObj3 =

StructElement with properties:

Name: 'structElement3'
Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructType]

To access an existing function element, use the getElement function.

1 Functions

structElemObj2 = getElement(structTypeObj,"structElement2")

structElemObj2 =

StructElement with properties:

Name: 'structElement2'
Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructType]

To remove a struct element from a struct type, use the removeElement function.


The struct type object now contains only two struct elements, structElement2 and


ans =

StructElement with properties:

Name: 'structElement2'
Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructType]


ans =

StructElement with properties:

Name: 'structElement3'
Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructType]

Version History
Introduced in R2023b

See Also
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData |
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface |

“Graphically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants”


“Programmatically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants of Architecture Models”

1 Functions

Structure data type

A StructType object represents a structure data type containing elements represented by
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructElement objects.

Create a StructType object using the addStructType function.

structTypeObj = addStructType(archDataObj,"structType1")

Name — Name of struct type
character vector | string scalar

Struct type name, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

Data Types: char | string

Description — Description of struct type

character vector | string scalar

Description of the struct type, specified as a character vector or a string scalar.

Data Types: char | string

Elements — Struct elements

array of Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructElement objects

Struct elements contained in the struct type object, specified as an array of

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructElement objects.

Owner — Architectural Data object containing the struct type

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Architectural Data object containing the struct type, specified as a

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object.

Object Functions
addElement Add struct element to struct type
getElement Get struct element from struct type
removeElement Remove element from struct type
convertToDataInterface Convert struct type to data interface object


moveToDictionary Move architectural data of Simulink data dictionary to another data

moveToDesignData Move interfaces, data types, and constants in Architectural Data section of
Simulink data dictionary to design data
show View architectural data of Simulink data dictionary in Architectural Data


Configure Struct Elements of Struct Type

To configure struct elements of a struct type, use the addElement, getElement, and
removeElement functions.

In this example, the dictionary MyInterfaces.sldd contains one struct type.

archDataObj ="MyInterfaces.sldd")

archDataObj =

ArchitecturalData with properties:

DictionaryFileName: 'MyInterfaces.sldd'
Interfaces: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]
DataTypes: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructType]
Constants: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.Constant]

Get the struct type object using the getDataType function. The struct type object contains two
struct element objects.

structTypeObj = getDataType(archDataObj,"structType1")

structTypeObj =

StructType with properties:

Name: 'structType1'
Description: ''
Elements: [1×2 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructElement]
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData]

To create a struct element object and add it to the struct type, use the addElement function.

structElemObj3 = addElement(structTypeObj,"structElement3")

structElemObj3 =

StructElement with properties:

Name: 'structElement3'
Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructType]

To access an existing function element, use the getElement function.

1 Functions

structElemObj2 = getElement(structTypeObj,"structElement2")

structElemObj2 =

StructElement with properties:

Name: 'structElement2'
Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructType]

To remove a struct element from a struct type, use the removeElement function.


The struct type object now contains only two struct elements, structElement2 and


ans =

StructElement with properties:

Name: 'structElement2'
Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructType]


ans =

StructElement with properties:

Name: 'structElement3'
Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructType]

Version History
Introduced in R2023b

See Also
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData |
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface |

“Graphically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants”


“Programmatically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants of Architecture Models”

1 Functions

Package: Simulink.dictionary.archdata

Convert data interface to struct type object

StructTypeObj = convertToStructType(dataInterfaceObj)

StructTypeObj = convertToStructType(dataInterfaceObj) converts the data interface
object interfaceObj to a Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructType object.


Convert Data Interface to Struct Type

To convert a data interface to a struct type in a data dictionary, use the convertToStructType

In this example, the dictionary MyInterfaces.sldd contains one data interface.

archDataObj ="MyInterfaces.sldd")

archDataObj =

ArchitecturalData with properties:

DictionaryFileName: 'MyInterfaces.sldd'
Interfaces: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]
DataTypes: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataType]
Constants: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.Constant]

The data interface contains two data elements.

dataInterfaceObj = getInterface(archDataObj,"DataInterface1")

interfaceObj =

DataInterface with properties:

Name: 'DataInterface1'
Description: ''
Elements: [1×2 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataElement]
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData]

To convert the data interface to a struct type, use the convertToStructType function.
structTypeObj = convertToStructType(dataInterfaceObj)

structTypeObj =


StructType with properties:

Name: 'DataInterface1'
Description: ''
Elements: [1×2 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructElement]
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData]

The output struct type contains two struct elements corresponding to the two data elements of the
input data interface.

The architectural data object now contains no data interfaces, and one struct type.


archDataObj =

ArchitecturalData with properties:

DictionaryFileName: 'MyInterfaces.sldd'
Interfaces: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]
DataTypes: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructType]
Constants: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.Constant]

Input Arguments
dataInterfaceObj — Data interface object
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface object

Data interface object, specified as a Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface object.

Output Arguments
StructTypeObj — Struct type object
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructType object

Struct type object, returned as a Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructType object. The

structure type object contains StructElement objects that are equivalent to the DataElement
objects contained in the input data interface object, dataInterfaceObj.

Version History
Introduced in R2023b

See Also
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructType |
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface | convertToDataInterface |

1 Functions

Package: Simulink.dictionary.archdata

Add function element to service interface

functionElementObj = addElement(serviceInterfaceObj,elementName)

functionElementObj = addElement(serviceInterfaceObj,elementName) creates a
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionElement object with the name elementName and
adds the element to the service interface object serviceInterfaceObj.


Configure Function Elements of a Service Interface

To configure function elements of a service interface, use the addElement, getElement, and
removeElement functions.

In this example, the dictionary MyInterfaces.sldd contains one service interface.

archDataObj ="MyInterfaces.sldd")

archDataObj =

ArchitecturalData with properties:

DictionaryFileName: 'MyInterfaces.sldd'
Interfaces: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface]
DataTypes: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataType]
Constants: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.Constant]

Get the service interface object using the getInterface function. The service interface object
contains two function element objects.
serviceInterfaceObj = getInterface(archDataObj,"ServiceInterface1")

serviceInterfaceObj =

ServiceInterface with properties:

Name: 'ServiceInterface1'
Description: ''
Elements: [1×2 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionElement]
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData]

To create a function element object and add it to the service interface, use the addElement function.
funcElemObj3 = addElement(serviceInterfaceObj,"functionElement3")


funcElemObj3 =

FunctionElement with properties:

FunctionPrototype: 'y = functionElement3(u)'

Asynchronous: 0
FunctionArguments: [1×2 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionArgument]
Name: 'functionElement3'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface]

To access an existing function element, use the getElement function.

funcElemObj2 = getElement(serviceInterfaceObj,"functionElement2")

funcElemObj2 =

FunctionElement with properties:

FunctionPrototype: 'y = functionElement2(u)'

Asynchronous: 0
FunctionArguments: [1×2 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionArgument]
Name: 'functionElement2'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface]

To remove a function element from a service interface, use the removeElement function.

The service interface object now contains only two function elements, functionElement2 and

ans =

FunctionElement with properties:

FunctionPrototype: 'y = functionElement2(u)'

Asynchronous: 0
FunctionArguments: [1×2 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionArgument]
Name: 'functionElement2'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface]


ans =

FunctionElement with properties:

FunctionPrototype: 'y = functionElement3(u)'

Asynchronous: 0
FunctionArguments: [1×2 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionArgument]
Name: 'functionElement3'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface]

Input Arguments
serviceInterfaceObj — Service interface object
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface object

1 Functions

Service interface object, specified as a Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface


elementName — Function element name

character vector | string scalar

Function element name, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

Data Types: char | string

Output Arguments
functionElementObj — Function element
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionElement object

Function element, returned as a Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionElement object.

Version History
Introduced in R2023b

See Also
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData |

getElement | removeElement

“Graphically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants”


Package: Simulink.dictionary.archdata

Get function element from service interface

functionElemObj = getElement(serviceInterfaceObj,elementName)

functionElemObj = getElement(serviceInterfaceObj,elementName) returns the function
element object with the name elementName contained in the service interface object


Configure Function Elements of a Service Interface

To configure function elements of a service interface, use the addElement, getElement, and
removeElement functions.

In this example, the dictionary MyInterfaces.sldd contains one service interface.

archDataObj ="MyInterfaces.sldd")

archDataObj =

ArchitecturalData with properties:

DictionaryFileName: 'MyInterfaces.sldd'
Interfaces: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface]
DataTypes: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataType]
Constants: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.Constant]

Get the service interface object using the getInterface function. The service interface object
contains two function element objects.
serviceInterfaceObj = getInterface(archDataObj,"ServiceInterface1")

serviceInterfaceObj =

ServiceInterface with properties:

Name: 'ServiceInterface1'
Description: ''
Elements: [1×2 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionElement]
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData]

To create a function element object and add it to the service interface, use the addElement function.
funcElemObj3 = addElement(serviceInterfaceObj,"functionElement3")

1 Functions

funcElemObj3 =

FunctionElement with properties:

FunctionPrototype: 'y = functionElement3(u)'

Asynchronous: 0
FunctionArguments: [1×2 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionArgument]
Name: 'functionElement3'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface]

To access an existing function element, use the getElement function.

funcElemObj2 = getElement(serviceInterfaceObj,"functionElement2")

funcElemObj2 =

FunctionElement with properties:

FunctionPrototype: 'y = functionElement2(u)'

Asynchronous: 0
FunctionArguments: [1×2 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionArgument]
Name: 'functionElement2'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface]

To remove a function element from a service interface, use the removeElement function.

The service interface object now contains only two function elements, functionElement2 and

ans =

FunctionElement with properties:

FunctionPrototype: 'y = functionElement2(u)'

Asynchronous: 0
FunctionArguments: [1×2 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionArgument]
Name: 'functionElement2'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface]


ans =

FunctionElement with properties:

FunctionPrototype: 'y = functionElement3(u)'

Asynchronous: 0
FunctionArguments: [1×2 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionArgument]
Name: 'functionElement3'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface]

Input Arguments
serviceInterfaceObj — Service interface
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface object


Service interface containing the function element, specified as a

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface object.

elementName — Function element name

character vector | string scalar

Function element name, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

Data Types: char | string

Output Arguments
functionElemObj — Function element
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionElement object

Function element with the specified name, returned as a

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionElement object.

Version History
Introduced in R2023b

See Also
addElement | removeElement

“Graphically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants”
“Programmatically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants of Architecture Models”

1 Functions

Package: Simulink.dictionary.archdata

Remove element from service interface


removeElement(serviceInterfaceObj,elementName) removes the function element with the
name elementName from the service interface ServiceInterfaceObj.


Configure Function Elements of a Service Interface

To configure function elements of a service interface, use the addElement, getElement, and
removeElement functions.

In this example, the dictionary MyInterfaces.sldd contains one service interface.

archDataObj ="MyInterfaces.sldd")

archDataObj =

ArchitecturalData with properties:

DictionaryFileName: 'MyInterfaces.sldd'
Interfaces: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface]
DataTypes: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataType]
Constants: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.Constant]

Get the service interface object using the getInterface function. The service interface object
contains two function element objects.

serviceInterfaceObj = getInterface(archDataObj,"ServiceInterface1")

serviceInterfaceObj =

ServiceInterface with properties:

Name: 'ServiceInterface1'
Description: ''
Elements: [1×2 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionElement]
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData]

To create a function element object and add it to the service interface, use the addElement function.

funcElemObj3 = addElement(serviceInterfaceObj,"functionElement3")


funcElemObj3 =

FunctionElement with properties:

FunctionPrototype: 'y = functionElement3(u)'

Asynchronous: 0
FunctionArguments: [1×2 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionArgument]
Name: 'functionElement3'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface]

To access an existing function element, use the getElement function.

funcElemObj2 = getElement(serviceInterfaceObj,"functionElement2")

funcElemObj2 =

FunctionElement with properties:

FunctionPrototype: 'y = functionElement2(u)'

Asynchronous: 0
FunctionArguments: [1×2 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionArgument]
Name: 'functionElement2'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface]

To remove a function element from a service interface, use the removeElement function.

The service interface object now contains only two function elements, functionElement2 and

ans =

FunctionElement with properties:

FunctionPrototype: 'y = functionElement2(u)'

Asynchronous: 0
FunctionArguments: [1×2 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionArgument]
Name: 'functionElement2'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface]


ans =

FunctionElement with properties:

FunctionPrototype: 'y = functionElement3(u)'

Asynchronous: 0
FunctionArguments: [1×2 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionArgument]
Name: 'functionElement3'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface]

Input Arguments
serviceInterfaceObj — Service interface
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface object

1 Functions

Service interface containing the function element, specified as a

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface object.

elementName — Function element name

character vector | string scalar

Function element name, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

Data Types: char | string

Version History
Introduced in R2023b

See Also
addElement | getElement

“Graphically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants”
“Programmatically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants of Architecture Models”


Package: Simulink.dictionary.archdata

Add struct element to struct type

structElementObj = addElement(StructTypeObj,elementName)

structElementObj = addElement(StructTypeObj,elementName) creates a
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructElement object with the name elementName and adds
the element to the struct type object StructTypeObj.


Configure Struct Elements of a StructType

To configure struct elements of a struct type, use the addElement, getElement, and
removeElement functions.

In this example, the dictionary MyInterfaces.sldd contains one struct type.

archDataObj ="MyInterfaces.sldd")

archDataObj =

ArchitecturalData with properties:

DictionaryFileName: 'MyInterfaces.sldd'
Interfaces: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]
DataTypes: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructType]
Constants: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.Constant]

Get the struct type object using the getDataType function. The struct type object contains two
struct element objects.
structTypeObj = getDataType(archDataObj,"structType1")

structTypeObj =

StructType with properties:

Name: 'structType1'
Description: ''
Elements: [1×2 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructElement]
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData]

To create a struct element object and add it to the struct type, use the addElement function.
structElemObj3 = addElement(structTypeObj,"structElement3")

1 Functions

structElemObj3 =

StructElement with properties:

Name: 'structElement3'
Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructType]

To access an existing function element, use the getElement function.

structElemObj2 = getElement(structTypeObj,"structElement2")

structElemObj2 =

StructElement with properties:

Name: 'structElement2'
Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructType]

To remove a struct element from a struct type, use the removeElement function.

The struct type object now contains only two struct elements, structElement2 and

ans =

StructElement with properties:

Name: 'structElement2'
Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructType]


ans =

StructElement with properties:

Name: 'structElement3'
Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructType]

Input Arguments
StructTypeObj — Struct type object
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructType object


Struct type object, specified as a Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructType object.

elementName — Name of struct element

character vector | string scalar

Name of struct element, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

Data Types: char | string

Output Arguments
structElementObj — Struct element
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructElement object

Struct element, returned as a Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructElement object.

Version History
Introduced in R2023b

See Also
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData |
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructElement |

getElement | removeElement

“Graphically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants”
“Programmatically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants of Architecture Models”

1 Functions

Package: Simulink.dictionary.archdata

Get struct element from struct type

StructElemObj = getElement(StructTypeObj, elementName)

StructElemObj = getElement(StructTypeObj, elementName) returns the struct element
object with the name elementName contained in the struct type object, StructTypeObj.


Configure Struct Elements of a StructType

To configure struct elements of a struct type, use the addElement, getElement, and
removeElement functions.

In this example, the dictionary MyInterfaces.sldd contains one struct type.

archDataObj ="MyInterfaces.sldd")

archDataObj =

ArchitecturalData with properties:

DictionaryFileName: 'MyInterfaces.sldd'
Interfaces: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]
DataTypes: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructType]
Constants: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.Constant]

Get the struct type object using the getDataType function. The struct type object contains two
struct element objects.

structTypeObj = getDataType(archDataObj,"structType1")

structTypeObj =

StructType with properties:

Name: 'structType1'
Description: ''
Elements: [1×2 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructElement]
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData]

To create a struct element object and add it to the struct type, use the addElement function.

structElemObj3 = addElement(structTypeObj,"structElement3")


structElemObj3 =

StructElement with properties:

Name: 'structElement3'
Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructType]

To access an existing function element, use the getElement function.

structElemObj2 = getElement(structTypeObj,"structElement2")

structElemObj2 =

StructElement with properties:

Name: 'structElement2'
Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructType]

To remove a struct element from a struct type, use the removeElement function.

The struct type object now contains only two struct elements, structElement2 and

ans =

StructElement with properties:

Name: 'structElement2'
Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructType]


ans =

StructElement with properties:

Name: 'structElement3'
Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructType]

Input Arguments
StructTypeObj — Struct type
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructType object

1 Functions

Struct type containing the struct element, specified as a

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructType object.

elementName — Element name

character vector | string scalar

Struct element name, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

Data Types: char | string

Output Arguments
StructElemObj — Struct element
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructElement object

Struct element with the specified name, returned as a

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructElement object.

Version History
Introduced in R2023b

See Also
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData |
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructElement |

addElement | removeElement

“Graphically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants”
“Programmatically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants of Architecture Models”


Package: Simulink.dictionary.archdata

Remove element from struct type


removeElement(StructTypeObj,elementName) removes the struct element with the name
elementName from the struct type specified by StructTypeObj.


Configure Struct Elements of a StructType

To configure struct elements of a struct type, use the addElement, getElement, and
removeElement functions.

In this example, the dictionary MyInterfaces.sldd contains one struct type.

archDataObj ="MyInterfaces.sldd")

archDataObj =

ArchitecturalData with properties:

DictionaryFileName: 'MyInterfaces.sldd'
Interfaces: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]
DataTypes: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructType]
Constants: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.Constant]

Get the struct type object using the getDataType function. The struct type object contains two
struct element objects.

structTypeObj = getDataType(archDataObj,"structType1")

structTypeObj =

StructType with properties:

Name: 'structType1'
Description: ''
Elements: [1×2 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructElement]
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData]

To create a struct element object and add it to the struct type, use the addElement function.

structElemObj3 = addElement(structTypeObj,"structElement3")

1 Functions

structElemObj3 =

StructElement with properties:

Name: 'structElement3'
Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructType]

To access an existing function element, use the getElement function.

structElemObj2 = getElement(structTypeObj,"structElement2")

structElemObj2 =

StructElement with properties:

Name: 'structElement2'
Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructType]

To remove a struct element from a struct type, use the removeElement function.

The struct type object now contains only two struct elements, structElement2 and

ans =

StructElement with properties:

Name: 'structElement2'
Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructType]


ans =

StructElement with properties:

Name: 'structElement3'
Type: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructType]

Input Arguments
StructTypeObj — Struct type
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructType object


Struct type containing the struct element, specified as a

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructType object.

elementName — Element name

character vector | string scalar

Struct element name, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

Data Types: char | string

Version History
Introduced in R2023b

See Also
addElement | getElement

“Graphically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants”
“Programmatically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants of Architecture Models”

1 Functions

Package: Simulink.dictionary.archdata

Convert struct type to data interface object

dataInterfaceObj = convertToDataInterface(structTypeObj)

dataInterfaceObj = convertToDataInterface(structTypeObj) converts the struct type
object structTypeObj to a Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface object.


Convert Struct Type to Data Interface

To convert a struct type to a data interface in a data dictionary, use the convertToDataInterface

In this example, the dictionary MyInterfaces.sldd contains one struct type.

archDataObj ="MyInterfaces.sldd")

archDataObj =

ArchitecturalData with properties:

DictionaryFileName: 'MyInterfaces.sldd'
Interfaces: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]
DataTypes: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructType]
Constants: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.Constant]

The struct type contains two struct elements.

structTypeObj = archDataObj.DataTypes

structTypeObj =

StructType with properties:

Name: 'StructType1'
Description: ''
Elements: [1×2 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructElement]
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData]

To convert the struct type to a data interface, use the convertToDataInterface function.
interfaceObj = convertToDataInterface(structTypeObj)

interfaceObj =


DataInterface with properties:

Name: 'StructType1'
Description: ''
Elements: [1×2 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataElement]
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData]

The output data interface contains two data elements corresponding to the two struct elements of the
input struct type.

The architectural data object now contains no struct types, and one data interface.


archDataObj =

ArchitecturalData with properties:

DictionaryFileName: 'MyInterfaces.sldd'
Interfaces: [1×1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]
DataTypes: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataType]
Constants: [0×0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.Constant]

Input Arguments
structTypeObj — Struct type object
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructType object

Struct type object, specified as a Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructType object.

Output Arguments
dataInterfaceObj — Data interface object
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface object

Data interface object, returned as a Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface object.

The data interface object contains DataElement objects corresponding to the StructElement
objects contained in the input struct type, structTypeObj.

Version History
Introduced in R2023b

See Also
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface |
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructType |


1 Functions

“Graphically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants”
“Programmatically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants of Architecture Models”


Determine when a message queue overflows


overflowed(message_name) checks whether a message is lost because it was sent to a queue that
was already full. In each time step, the value of this operator is set when a chart adds a message to,
or removes a message from, a queue. It is invalid to use the overflowed operator before sending or
retrieving a message in the same time step. To use the overflowed operator, set the model to an
autosar.tlc target for both simulation and code generation and verify that the inport or outport
message connects to an external queue.

• To check the overflow status of an input message queue, first remove a message from the queue.
• To check the overflow status of an output message queue, first add a message to the queue.
• To check the overflow status of a local message queue, first add a message to the queue or remove
a message from the queue.


Check for Overflow in Transition

Check the input or local queue for message M. If a message is present and the queue has overflowed,
transition occurs.

Check for Overflow in State Action

Check the input or local queue for message M. If a message is present and the queue has overflowed,
increment the value of x.
on M:
if overflowed(M) == true
x = x+1;

Check for Overflow After Sending Message

Send message and check for overflow. If the queue overflows, increment the value of x.
entry: = 3;

1 Functions

if overflowed(M) == true
x = x+1;

Input Arguments
message_name — input message

AUTOSAR information previously imported from XML files, specified as an arxml.importer object

• By default, when a message queue overflows, simulation stops with an error. To prevent a run-time
error and allow the overflowed operator to dynamically react to dropped messages, set the
value of the Queue Overflow Diagnostic property to Warning or None. For more information,
see “Queue Overflow Diagnostic” (Stateflow).

Version History
Introduced in R2018b

See Also
length | receive | send

“Determine When a Queue Overflows”
“Control Message Activity in Stateflow Charts” (Stateflow)
“Set Properties for a Message” (Stateflow)

autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties XML Options Settings

autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties XML Options

AUTOSAR software component XML Options

The autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties returns an object representing elements and

properties in the AUTOSAR dictionary. You can then use the get and set functions to view and
change these settings.

hModel = 'autosar_swc';
arProps = autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties(hModel);
set(arProps, 'XmlOptions', 'ArxmlFilePackaging', 'SingleFile');
get(arProps, 'XmlOptions', 'ArxmlFilePackaging')

ans =


XML Options
XML Options

ApplicationDataTypePackage — Application data type package path

'' (default) | character vector | string scalar

Absolute path of the application data type package, specified as a character vector or string scalar.
Example: '/Company/Powertrain/ApplDataTypes'
Data Types: char | string

ArxmlFilePackaging — Packaging type for ARXML file export

"Modular" (default) | "SingleFile"

Packaging type of exported ARXML file(s), specified as one of these values:

• "Modular" — Generate individual ARXML files containing component, datatype, implementation,

interface, and timing information.
• "SingleFile" — Generate a single ARXML file.

Example: "Modular"

CanBeInvokedConcurrentlyDiagnostic — Throw error or warning

"Error" (default) | "Warning"

Setting to produce an error or warning specified as one of these values when generating code for a
model that cannot be invoked concurrently:

• "Error" — Produce an error.

• "Warning" — Produce a warning.

Example: "Warning"

1 Functions

ComponentQualifiedName — Name of component

'' (default) | character vector | string scalar

Absolute path of the component name, specified as a character vector or string scalar.
Example: '/Company/Powertrain/Components/ASWC'
Data Types: char | string

CompuMethodDirection — Direction of CompuMethod conversion

"InternalToPhys" (default) | "PhysToInternal" | "Bidirectional"

Direction of the CompuMethod conversion, specified as one of these values.

• "InternalToPhys" — Generate CompuMethod sections for conversion of internal values into

their physical representations.
• "PhysToInternal" — Generate CompuMethod sections for conversion of physical values into
their internal representations.
• "Bidirectional" — Generate CompuMethod sections for both internal-to-physical and physical-
to-internal conversion directions.

Example: "InternalToPhys"

Note This option is only available for the AUTOSAR Classic platform.

CompuMethodPackage — CompuMethod package path

'' (default) | character vector | string scalar

Absolute path the CompuMethod package path, specified as a character vector or string scalar.
Example: '/Company/Powertrain/CompuMethods'

Note This option is only available for the AUTOSAR Classic platform.

Data Types: char | string

ConstantSpecificationPackage — Constant specification package path

'' (default) | character vector | string scalar

Absolute path of the constant specification package, specified as a character vector or string scalar.
Example: '/Company/Powertrain/Constants'
Data Types: char | string

DataConstraintPackage — Data constraint package path

'' (default) | character vector | string scalar

Absolute path of the data constraint package, specified as a character vector or string scalar.
Example: '/Company/Powertrain/DataConstrs'
Data Types: char | string

autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties XML Options Settings

DataTypeMappingPackage — Data type mappings package path

'' (default) | character vector | string scalar

Absolute path of the data type mappings package, specified as a character vector or string scalar.
Example: '/Company/Powertrain/DataTypeMappings'

Note This option is only available for the AUTOSAR Classic platform.

Data Types: char | string

DataTypePackage — Data types package path

'' (default) | character vector | string scalar

Absolute path of the data types package, specified as a character vector or string scalar.
Example: '/Company/Powertrain/DataTypes'
Data Types: char | string

ExportLookupTableApplicationValueSpecification — Export setting for lookup table

true (default) | false

Export setting for look up table constants, specified as true or false, and returned as logical 1 or 0.

• true — Export of lookup table constants is enabled.

• false — Export of lookup table constants is disabled.

Example: false

Note This option is only available for the AUTOSAR Classic platform.

Data Types: logical

ExportPrograpagatedVariantConditions — Export setting for propagated variant

"All" (default) | "None"

When set to "None" the propagated variant conditions are not exported. When set to "All" the
conditions are exported.
Example: "None"

ExportSwRecordLayoutAnnotationsOnAdminData — Export setting for AdminData in ARXML

lookup table descriptions
false (default) | true

Export setting for AdminData in ARXML lookup table description, specified as true or false, and
returned as logical 1 or 0.

• true — Export of AdminData is enabled.

1 Functions

• false — Export of AdminData is disabled.

Example: true

Note This option is only available for the AUTOSAR Classic platform.

Data Types: logical

IdentifyServiceInstance — Service instance identification for ports

"InstanceIdentifier" (default) | "InstanceSpecifier"

Specify unique identifiers for each port in an adaptive AUTOSAR model. This identifier can be any
string that you choose, as long as it is unique within the system.

• "InstanceIdentifier" — In addition to the Name of the service instance, an instance

identifier is established. The valid values are of type decimal, hexadecimal, octal and binary.
• "InstanceSpecifier" — Only the Name is used to distinguish between service instances.

See “Configure AUTOSAR Adaptive Service Instance Identification” for more information.
Example: "InstanceIdentifier"

Note This option is only available for the AUTOSAR Adaptive platform.

ImplementationQualifiedName — Name of software component implementations

'' (default) | character vector | string scalar

Absolute path of software component implementations, specified as a character vector or string

Example: '/Company/Powertrain/SwcImplementations/ASWC_Impl'

Note This option is only available for the AUTOSAR Classic platform.

Data Types: char | string

ImplementationTypeReference — Control AUTOSAR data type generation

"Allowed" (default) | "NotAllowed"

Setting for generating AUTOSAR data types, specified as "Allowed" or "NotAllowed". By default,
the Simulink generates application base types only for fixed-point data types and enumerated date
types with storage types. You can override the default behavior for generating application types by
configuring the ARXML exporter to generate an application type, along with the implementation type
and base type, for each exported AUTOSAR data type.

• "Allowed" — Allow direct reference of implementation types in the generated ARXML code. If an
application data type is not strictly required to describe an AUTOSAR data type, use an
implementation data type reference.
• "NotAllowed" — Do not allow direct reference of implementation data types in the generated
ARXML code. Generate an application data type for each AUTOSAR data type.

autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties XML Options Settings

Example: "Allowed"

InterfacePackage — Set the interface package path

'' (default) | character vector | string scalar

Absolute path of the interface package, specified as a character vector or string scalar.
Example: '/Company/Powertrain/Interfaces'
Data Types: char | string

InternalBehaviorQualifiedName — Internal behavior qualified name

'' (default) | character vector | string scalar

Absolute path of the atomic software component internal behavior qualified name, specified as a
character vector or string scalar.
Example: '/Company/Powertain/Components/ASWC_IB'

Note This option is only available for the AUTOSAR Classic platform.

Data Types: char | string

InternalDataConstraintExport — Export setting for internal data constraints

false (default) | true

Export setting for internal data constraints, specified as true or false, and returned as logical 1 or

• true — Export of internal data constraints is enabled.

• false — Export of internal data constraints is disabled.

Example: true

Note This option is only available for the AUTOSAR Classic platform.

Data Types: logical

InternalDataConstraintPackage — Internal data constraints package path

'' (default) | character vector | string scalar

Absolute path of the internal data constraints package, specified as a character vector or string
Example: '/Company/Powertrain/DataTypes/DataConstrs'
Data Types: char | string

ModeDeclarationGroupPackage — Mode declaration group package path

'' (default) | character vector | string scalar

Absolute path of the mode declaration group package, specified as a character vector or string scalar.
Example: '/Company/Powertrain/ModeDeclarations'

1 Functions

Note This option is only available for the AUTOSAR Classic platform.

Data Types: char | string

MoveElements — Modify a package path

"All" (default) | "None" | "Alert"

If you programmatically modify a package path, you can specify the handling of affected elements
with the following values:

• "All" — All affected package elements will be moved to the modified package path.
• "Alert" — If packageable elements are affected a dialog box with OK and Cancel buttons
appear. Clicking OK will move the affected package elements to the modified package path.
Clicking Cancel will set the new package path without moving any package elements.
• "None" — None of the affected package elements will be moved to the modified package path.

Example: "Alert"

NativeDeclaration — Native declaration property

"PlatformTypeName" (default) | "CIntegralTypeName"

Property that controls whether the native declaration inherits the AUTOSAR platform type name or
uses a C integral type name, specified as one of these values:

• • "PlatformTypeName" — The native declaration inherits the AUTOSAR platform type name.
• "CIntegralTypeName" — The native declaration uses a C integral type name according to
the hardware configuration specified in the model settings.

Example: "PlatformTypeName"

Note This option is only available for the AUTOSAR Classic platform.

PlatformDataTypePackage — Implementation platform data type package path

'' (default) | character vector | string scalar

The top-level package name for AUTOSAR implementation platform types and base types, specified as
a character vector or string scalar. This is the programmatic name of the implementation platform
types package field present in the XML Options of the AUTOSAR Blockset Data Dictionary.
Example: '/AUTOSAR_PlatformTypes'
Data Types: char | string

PlatformTypeNames — Schema for AUTOSAR data types

"AUTOSAR3.x" (default) | "AUTOSAR4.x"

Schema for AUTOSAR data types, specified as one of these values:

• "AUTOSAR3.x" — uses the AUTOSAR platform types AUTOSAR 3.x.

• "AUTOSAR4.x" — uses the AUTOSAR platform types AUTOSAR 4.x.

To learn more about AUTOSAR platform types and their corresponding Simulink data types see
“About AUTOSAR Data Types”.

autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties XML Options Settings

Example: "AUTOSAR3.x"

Note This option is only available for the AUTOSAR Classic platform.

PostBuildCriterionPackage — PostBuildVariantCriterions package path

'' (default) | character vector | string scalar

Absolute path of the PostBuildVariantCriterions package, specified as a character vector or

string scalar.
Example: '/Company/Powertrain/DataTypes/PostBuildCriterions'

Note This option is only available for the AUTOSAR Classic platform.

Data Types: char | string

SwAddressMethodPackage — SwAddressMethod package path

'' (default) | character vector | string scalar

Absolute path of the SwAddressMethod package, specified as a character vector or string scalar.
Example: '/DataTypes/SwAddrMethods'

Note This option is only available for the AUTOSAR Classic platform.

Data Types: char | string

SwBaseTypePackage — SwBaseType package path

'' (default) | character vector | string scalar

Absolute path of the SwBaseType package, specified as a character vector or string scalar.
Example: '/Company/Powertrain/SwBaseTypes'

Note This option is only available for the AUTOSAR Classic platform.

Data Types: char | string

SwCalibrationAccessDefault — Accessibility of data element(s)

"ReadWrite" (default) | "ReadOnly" | "NotAccessible"

The SwCalibrationAccess property for measurement variables, calibration parameters, and signal
and parameter data objects, specified as one of the following values:

• "ReadOnly" — Data element appears in the generated description file with read-only access.
• "ReadWrite" — Data element appears in the generated description file with both read and write
• "NotAccessible" — Data element appears in the generated description file and is not accessible
with calibration and measurement tools.

1 Functions

Example: "ReadWrite"
Data Types: char | string

SwRecordLayoutPackage — Path of SwRecordLayout definitions

'' (default) | character vector | string scalar

Absolute path of the SwRecordLayout package, specified as a character vector or string scalar.
Example: '/Company/Powertrain/ApplDataTypes/SwRecordLayouts'
Data Types: char | string

SystemConstantPackage — System-level constant values package path

'' (default) | character vector | string scalar

Absolute path of the SystemConstantPackage, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

Example: '/Company/Powertrain/SystemConstants'

Note This option is only available for the AUTOSAR Classic platform.

Data Types: char | string

TimingPackage — TimingPackage path

'' (default) | character vector | string scalar

Absolute path of the TimingPackage, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

Example: '/Timing'

Note This option is only available for the AUTOSAR Classic platform.

Data Types: char | string

UnitPackage — Set the UnitPackage path

'' (default) | character vector | string scalar

Absolute path of the UnitPackage.

Example: '/Company/Powertrain/Units'
Data Types: char | string

UsePlatformTypeReferences — Implementation data type reference behavior

"BaseTypeReference" (default) | "PlatformTypeReference"

Implement data type reference behavior, specified as one of these values:

• "BaseTypeReference" — User-defined implementation data types reference an SW base type

(CATEGORY is set to VALUE in the ARXML).
• "PlatformTypeReference" — User-defined implementation data types reference an AUTOSAR
implementation data type (CATEGORY is set to TYPE_REFERENCE in the ARXML).

Example: "BaseTypeReference"

autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties XML Options Settings

Note This option is only available for the AUTOSAR Classic platform.

VpBindingTimeOverride — Binding time override for variation points in the system

"PreCompileTime" (default) | "CodeGenerationTime"

• PreCompileTime — Set the binding time for variation points to before compile time.
• CodeGenerationTime — Set the binding time for variations to be at code generation.

Example: "CodeGenerationTime"

XmlOptionsSource — Source of XML options

"Inlined" (default) | "Inherit"

Source of which XML options to use when the model builds if a component model is contained within
an AUTOSAR architecture model, specified as one of these values:

• "Inlined" — Override the shared settings to the XML option settings of the local component
• "Inherit" — Use the shared architecture model XML option settings.

Example: "Inherit"

Version History
Introduced in R2013b

See Also
“Configure AUTOSAR Package for Component, Interface, CompuMethod, or SwAddrMethod”
“Configure AUTOSAR Data Types Export”
“Configure Lookup Tables for AUTOSAR Calibration and Measurement”
“Configure AUTOSAR Packages”
“Model AUTOSAR Data Types”
“Configure AUTOSAR Elements and Properties”

1 Functions

Migrate data types and interfaces from base workspace and data dictionaries to an interface

The interface dictionary Migrator object lets you perform migration from a model or an

The object functions let you programmatically execute the steps in the migration workflow, including:

• Analyze the data types and interfaces to migrate

• Apply the migration analysis
• Revert the migration analysis
• Save the applied migration changes

migratorObj = Simulink.interface.dictionary.Migrator(modelName,
'InterfaceDictionaryName', dictionaryName, 'DeleteFromOriginalSource',
deleteFlag, 'ConflictResolutionPolicy', conflictResolutionPolicyFlag) constructs


a Migrator object representing the data types and interfaces to migrate from the base workspace
and data dictionaries to the interface dictionary. See “Create Interface Dictionary Migrator Object”
on page 1-381

The Migrator function input arguments select the model, interface dictionary, whether to delete
variables from the model, and the conflict resolution policy.

Input Arguments

• modelName — Name of the model

character vector | string

Name of source system architecture, specified as a character vector or string.

• dictionaryName — Name of interface dictionary

character vector | string

Name of interface dictionary, specified as a character vector or string. The name must include
the .sldd extension and must be a valid MATLAB identifier.
• deleteFlag — Select variable deletion

true (default) | false

Selects (if true) whether to delete variables (data types and interfaces) from the source base
workspace and data dictionaries after these migrate to the interface dictionary.
• conflictResolutionPolicyFlag — Select conflict resolution

'Error' (default) | 'OverwriteInterfaceDictionary' | 'KeepInterfaceDictionary'

Selects resolution policy for merge conflicts between data types and interfaces in the base
workspace and the data dictionaries versus those already present in the interface dictionary.

Keep Interface Dictionary

1 Functions

Overwrite Interface Dictionary

Output Arguments

• migratorObj — Migrator object

Migrator object

Migrator object, specified by a Simulink.interface.dictionary.Migratorfunction.

DeleteFromOriginalSource — Select variable deletion
true (default) | false

Selects (if true) whether to delete variables from the source base workspace and data dictionaries
after these migrate to the interface dictionary.

ConflictResolutionPolicy — Select conflict resolution

'Error' (default) | 'OverwriteInterfaceDictionary' | 'KeepInterfaceDictionary'

Selects resolution policy for merge conflicts between data types and interfaces in source base
workspace and data dictionaries versus those already present in the interface dictionary.

DataTypesToMigrate — List of data types to migrate

cell array of character vectors | string array

Analysis result from the analyze function listing data types and interfaces to migrate from the base
workspace and data dictionaries to the interface dictionary. An interface is a Simulink.Bus used in a
root IO. Other Simulink.Bus objects are considered as data types

InterfacesToMigrate — List of interfaces to migrate

cell array of character vectors | string array

Analysis result from the analyze function listing interfaces to migrate from the base workspace and
data dictionaries to the interface dictionary.


ConflictObjects — List of objects that conflict with interface dictionary

cell array of character vectors | string array

Analysis result from the analyze function listing objects in conflict with the interface dictionary.

UnusedObjects — List of unused objects

cell array of character vectors | string array

Analysis result from the analyze function listing objects not used in the base workspace and data

UnsupportedMigration — List of unsupported objects

cell array of character vectors | string array

Analysis result from the analyze function listing unsupported objects to migrate.

Object Functions
analyze Analyze a model or an architecture for migration to interface dictionary
analyzeAndApply Analyze a model or an architecture and apply migration to interface dictionary
apply Apply interface dictionary migration changes from analysis of a model or an
revert Revert interface dictionary migration changes applied from analysis of a model or
an architecture
save Save applied interface dictionary migration changes from analysis of a model or
an architecture


Create Interface Dictionary Migrator Object

Create a Migrator object to migrate data types and interfaces from base workspace and data
dictionaries to an interface dictionary.

To create a Migrator object, use the Simulink.interface.dictionary.Migrator function.

After creating the object, you can use the analyze function to populate the object properties.

myMigratorObj= Simulink.interface.dictionary.Migrator('mySoftwareArch', ...


myMigratorObj =

Migrator with properties:

DeleteFromOriginalSource: 1
ConflictResolutionPolicy: "Error"
DataTypesToMigrate: []
InterfacesToMigrate: []
ConflictObjects: []

1 Functions

UnusedObjects: []
UnsupportedMigration: []

Version History
Introduced in R2022b

R2023b: Migrator to be Removed

Before R2023a, the Simulink.interface.Dictionary.Migrator function was used to move data

types and interfaces from the base workspace data dictionaries to interface dictionaries. Starting in
R2023b, dedicated architectural data sections in Simulink data dictionaries replace interface
dictionaries. As a result, the Migrator object and its programmatic interfaces are no longer needed.
Data in an existing interface dictionary will automatically migrate to the architectural data section of
the Simulink data dictionary when the data dictionary is loaded.

See Also
analyze | analyzeAndApply | apply | revert | save | Architectural Data Editor


Manage interface dictionary

The Simulink.interface.Dictionary object provides methods that help you manage the
interface dictionary.

To create a Simulink interface dictionary and return an object representing the dictionary, use the
Simulink.interface.dictionary.create function.
dictName = 'MyInterfaces.sldd';
dictAPI = Simulink.interface.dictionary.create(dictName);

If you already created an interface dictionary, you can create a Simulink.interface.dictionary

object to represent the existing dictionary by using the

dictAPI ='MyInterfaces.sldd');

DataTypes — Data types defined in dictionary
array of DataType objects

Data types defined in dictionary, specified as an array of DataType objects with properties: Name and

DictionaryFileName — File name associated with dictionary

character vector

File name of SLDD file associated with the dictionary.

Interfaces — Interfaces defined in dictionary

array of interface objects

Interfaces defined in dictionary, specified as an array of DataInterface and ServiceInterface

objects with properties: Name, Description, Elements, and Owner.

Object Functions
addAliasType Add Simulink alias type to Simulink interface dictionary
addDataInterface Add data interface to Simulink interface dictionary
addEnumType Add enumerated type to Simulink interface dictionary
addNumericType Add Simulink numeric type to Simulink interface dictionary
addPlatformMapping Add AUTOSAR Classic mapping to Simulink interface dictionary

1 Functions

addReference Add Simulink interface dictionary reference to another interface

addServiceInterface Add service interface to Simulink interface dictionary
addStructType Add structure type represented by Simulink.Bus in Simulink interface
addValueType Add value type to Simulink interface dictionary
close Close open connections to Simulink interface dictionary
discardChanges Discard changes to interface dictionary
findEntryByName Get corresponding object for specified entry name in interface
getDataType Get data type in Simulink interface dictionary
getDataTypeNames Get names of data types in Simulink interface dictionary
getInterface Get interface object for interface in Simulink interface dictionary
getInterfaceNames Get cell array of interface names in Simulink interface dictionary
getPlatformMapping Get platform mapping object for platform in dictionary
getReferences Get cell array of names of interface dictionaries that are referenced by
another interface dictionary
importFromBaseWorkspace Import Simulink object definitions
importFromFile Import Simulink object definitions
isDirty Check whether there are unsaved changes in Simulink interface
removeDataType Remove data type from Simulink interface dictionary
removeInterface Remove interface from Simulink interface dictionary
removeReference Remove Simulink interface dictionary reference from another interface
save Save changes to Simulink interface dictionary
show View contents of Simulink interface dictionary in standalone viewer
showChanges View changes to contents of Simulink interface dictionary in
comparison viewer


Create and Configure Interface Dictionary

This example creates a Simulink.interface.dictionary object and configures the dictionary

contents. This example also shows how to manage AUTOSAR Classic platform-related elements.

Create an interface dictionary.

dictName = 'MyInterfaces.sldd';
dictAPI = Simulink.interface.dictionary.create(dictName);

Add data types.

% Alias Types
myAliasType1 = addAliasType(dictAPI,'aliasType',BaseType='single');
myAliasType1.Name = 'myAliasType1';
myAliasType1.BaseType = 'fixdt(1,32,16)';

myAliasType2 = addAliasType(dictAPI,'myAliasType2');
% can also use interface dict type objs
myAliasType2.BaseType = myAliasType1;

% Enum Type
myEnumType1 = addEnumType(dictAPI,'myColor');
myEnumType1.addEnumeral('RED','0','Solid Red');
myEnumType1.addEnumeral('BLUE','1','Solid Blue');


myEnumType1.DefaultValue = 'BLUE';
myEnumType1.Description = 'I am a Simulink Enumeration';
myEnumType1.StorageType = 'int16';

% set base type of an alias type to be this enum object

myAliasType3 = addAliasType(dictAPI,'myAliasType3');
myAliasType3.BaseType = myEnumType1;

% Value Type
myValueType1 = addValueType(dictAPI,'myValueType1');
myValueType1.DataType = 'int32';
myValueType1.Dimensions = '[2 3]';
myValueType1.Description = 'I am a Simulink ValueType';
myValueType1.DataType = myEnumType1; % can also use interface dict type objs

% Struct Type
myStructType1 = addStructType(dictAPI,'myStructType1');
structElement1 = myStructType1.addElement('Element1');
structElement1.Type.DataType = 'single';
structElement1.Type.Dimensions = '3';
structElement2 = myStructType1.addElement('Element2');
structElement2.Type = myValueType1;
% or
structElement2.Type = 'ValueType: myValueType1';

% Nested Struct Type

myStructType2 = addStructType(dictAPI,'myStructType2');
myStructType2.Description = 'I am a nested structure';
structElement = myStructType2.addElement('Element');
structElement.Dimensions = '5';
structElement.Type = myStructType1;
% or
structElement.Type = 'Bus: myStructType1';

Add interfaces and configure design data on data elements.

dataInterface1 = addDataInterface(dictAPI,'DataInterface');

dataElm1 = addElement(dataInterface1,'DE1');
dataElm1.Type = myValueType1;

dataElm2 = addElement(dataInterface1,'DE2');
dataElm2.Type = myStructType2;
dataElm2.Dimensions = '4';
dataElm2.Description = 'I am a data element with datatype = array of struct type';

% data element with owned type

dataElm3 = addElement(dataInterface1,'DE3');
dataElm3.Type.DataType = 'single';
dataElm3.Type.Dimensions = '10';
dataElm3.Type.Minimum = '-5';

dataInterface2 = addDataInterface(dictAPI,'DataInterface2');

Add AUTOSAR Classic mapping.

platformMapping = addPlatformMapping(dictAPI,'AUTOSARClassic');

Set AUTOSAR communication interface and package properties.


Get the platform-specific properties.

[pNames, pValues] = getPlatformProperties(platformMapping,dataInterface1);

Manage AUTOSAR Classic platform-related elements, SwAddrMethod and calibration properties.

These elements do not have mapping to Simulink.

arObj = autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties(dictName);
addPackageableElement(arObj,'SwAddrMethod', ...

1 Functions

setPlatformProperty(platformMapping,dataElm1, ...

Version History
Introduced in R2022b

R2023b: Simulink.interface.Dictionary object replaced by

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Starting in R2023b, use the Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object to

programmatically manage architectural data instead of the Simulink.interface.Dictionary

See Also
autosar.dictionary.ARClassicPlatformMapping |
Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataInterface |
Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataElement | addElement | exportDictionary |
getPlatformProperties | getPlatformProperty | setPlatformProperty |
Simulink.interface.dictionary.create |

“Graphically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants”


Data interface

Data interfaces represent information that is shared through a connector and enters or exits a
component through a port. Data interfaces are composed of data elements that describe the structure
of the transmitted data. Data interfaces can be composite and can reference other data interfaces.

To create a Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataInterface object, add a data interface to an
existing Simulink.interface.Dictionary object using the addDataInterface function.

dataInterfaceObj = addDataInterface(interfaceDictionaryObj,"interface1")

Name — Name of data interface
character vector | string scalar

Name of the data interface, specified as a character vector.

Data Types: char | string

Description — Description of data interface

'' (default) | character vector | string scalar

Description of the data interface, specified as a character vector or a string scalar.

Data Types: char | string

Elements — Elements belonging to the data interface object

array of Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataElement objects

Elements belonging to the data interface object, specified as an array of

Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataElement objects.

Owner — Interface dictionary containing the data interface

Simulink.interface.Dictionary object

Interface dictionary containing the data interface, specified as a

Simulink.interface.Dictionary object.

Object Functions
addElement Add data element to data interface
destroy Destroy data interface and remove from interface dictionary
getElement Get data element from data interface

1 Functions

removeElement Remove data element from data interface

show Show data interface in the Interface Editor


Add and Remove Data Elements From a Data Interface

This example shows how to access, add, and remove data elements from a data interface.

Open an existing interface dictionary. This creates a Simulink.interface.Dictionary object,

interfaceDictObj ='myInterfaceDict.sldd')

interfaceDictObj =
ArchitecturalData with properties:

DictionaryFileName: 'myInterfaceDict.sldd'
Interfaces: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]
DataTypes: [0x0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataType]
Constants: [0x0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.Constant]

This interface dictionary contains one data interface definition.

interfaceObj = interfaceDictObj.Interfaces

interfaceObj =
DataInterface with properties:

Name: 'interface1'
Description: ''
Elements: [1x2 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataElement]
Owner: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData]

Data interfaces are composed of data elements which describe portions of a data interface. This
interface definition contains two data elements.

ans =
DataElement with properties:

Name: 'element1'
Type: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]


ans =
DataElement with properties:

Name: 'element2'


Type: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]

Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]

Use the addElement function to add a new data element to the data interface.

dataElem1 = addElement(interfaceObj, 'element3')

dataElem1 =
DataElement with properties:

Name: 'element3'
Type: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]

You can access an existing data element using the getElement function.

dataElem3 = getElement(interfaceObj, 'element3')

dataElem3 =
DataElement with properties:

Name: 'element3'
Type: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]

Remove a data element from an interface using the removeElement function.

removeElement(interfaceObj, 'element3')

Version History
Introduced in R2022b

See Also
Architectural Data Editor | Simulink.interface.Dictionary |

“Graphically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants”

1 Functions

Data element of data interface

A data element describes a portion of a data interface, such as the structure of the transmitted data
or other decomposition of the interface.

To create a Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataElement object, add a data element to an
existing Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataInterface object using the addElement

dataElementObj = addElement(dataInterfaceObj,"element")

You can access an existing data element using the getElement function.

Name — Name of data element
character vector | string scalar

Name of data element, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

Data Types: char | string

Type — Type of data element

Simulink.interface.dictionary.ValueType object

Type of the data element, specified as a Simulink.interface.dictionary.ValueType object.

Description — Description of data element

character vector | string scalar

Description of the data element, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

Data Types: char | string

Dimensions — Dimensions of data element

character vector

Dimensions of data element, specified as a character vector representing a two element vector
containing the dimensions of the element.
Data Types: char

Owner — Data interface containing the data element

Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataInterface object


Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataInterface object that contains the data element.

Object Functions
destroy Destroy data element and remove from data interface
show Show data element in Interface Editor


Add and Remove Data Elements From a Data Interface

This example shows how to access, add, and remove data elements from a data interface.

Open an existing interface dictionary. This creates a Simulink.interface.Dictionary object,


interfaceDictObj ='myInterfaceDict.sldd')

interfaceDictObj =
ArchitecturalData with properties:

DictionaryFileName: 'myInterfaceDict.sldd'
Interfaces: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]
DataTypes: [0x0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataType]
Constants: [0x0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.Constant]

This interface dictionary contains one data interface definition.

interfaceObj = interfaceDictObj.Interfaces

interfaceObj =
DataInterface with properties:

Name: 'interface1'
Description: ''
Elements: [1x2 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataElement]
Owner: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData]

Data interfaces are composed of data elements which describe portions of a data interface. This
interface definition contains two data elements.


ans =
DataElement with properties:

Name: 'element1'
Type: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]


1 Functions

ans =
DataElement with properties:

Name: 'element2'
Type: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]

Use the addElement function to add a new data element to the data interface.

dataElem1 = addElement(interfaceObj, 'element3')

dataElem1 =
DataElement with properties:

Name: 'element3'
Type: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]

You can access an existing data element using the getElement function.

dataElem3 = getElement(interfaceObj, 'element3')

dataElem3 =
DataElement with properties:

Name: 'element3'
Type: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]

Remove a data element from an interface using the removeElement function.

removeElement(interfaceObj, 'element3')

Version History
Introduced in R2022b

See Also
Architectural Data Editor | Simulink.interface.Dictionary |

“Graphically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants”


Package: Simulink.interface

Add Simulink alias type to Simulink interface dictionary

dataType = addAliasType(dictObj,dtName)
dataType = addAliasType(dictObj,dtName,BaseType=baseType)

dataType = addAliasType(dictObj,dtName) adds a Simulink.AliasType with the specified
name to the dictionary.

dataType = addAliasType(dictObj,dtName,BaseType=baseType) adds a

Simulink.AliasType with the specified name using the specified base type to the dictionary.


Add Alias Type to Simulink Interface Dictionary

To add a Simulink.AliasType with the specified name to the dictionary, use the addAliasType
function. For an example that shows more of the workflow for related functions, see “Create and
Configure Interface Dictionary” on page 1-384.
% open interface dictionary
dictName = 'MyInterfaces.sldd';
dictAPI =;

% add alias types

myAliasType1 = addAliasType(dictAPI,'aliasType',BaseType='single');
myAliasType1.Name = 'myAliasType1';
myAliasType1.BaseType = 'fixdt(1,32,16)';

myAliasType2 = addAliasType(dictAPI,'myAliasType2');
% can also use interface dict type objs
myAliasType2.BaseType = myAliasType1;

Input Arguments
dictObj — Interface dictionary
Simulink.interface.Dictionary object

Interface dictionary, specified as a Simulink.interface.Dictionary object. Before you use this

function, create or open dictObj by using Simulink.interface.dictionary.create or

dtName — DataType definition name

string scalar | character vector

1 Functions

DataType definition name in DataTypes property array of dictObj, specified as a character vector
or a string scalar.
Example: "airSpeed"

baseType — Base type of the Simulink.AliasType

"double" (default) | string scalar | character vector

Name of the base data type that this alias renames, specified as a character vector or string scalar.
You can specify the name of a standard data type, such as "uint32" or "single", or the name of a
custom data type, such as the name of another Simulink.AliasType object, or the name of an
Example: BaseType='uint32'

Output Arguments
dataType — Alias type object
AliasType object

Alias type, returned as a Simulink.interface.dictionary.AliasType object.

Version History
Introduced in R2022b

R2023b: Simulink.interface.Dictionary object replaced by

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Starting in R2023b, use the Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object to

programmatically manage architectural data instead of the Simulink.interface.Dictionary

See Also
Simulink.interface.Dictionary | Simulink.AliasType | addEnumType | getDataType |

“Graphically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants”


Package: Simulink.interface

Add data interface to Simulink interface dictionary

interfaceObj = addDataInterface(dictObj,interfaceName)

interfaceObj = addDataInterface(dictObj,interfaceName) adds a data interface with the
specified name in the dictionary. Returns the interface object that represents this interface.


Add AUTOSAR Data Interface

To add a data interface with the specified name that mirrors the specified bus object, use the
addDataInterface function. For an example that shows more of the workflow for related functions,
see “Create and Configure Interface Dictionary” on page 1-384.
dataInterface1 = addDataInterface(dictAPI,'DataInterface');

dataElm1 = addElement(dataInterface1,'DE1');
dataElm1.Type = myValueType1;

dataElm2 = addElement(dataInterface1,'DE2');
dataElm2.Type = myStructType2;
dataElm2.Dimensions = '4';
dataElm2.Description = 'I am a data element with DataType = array of struct type';

% data element with owned type

dataElm3 = addElement(dataInterface1,'DE3');
dataElm3.Type.DataType = 'single';
dataElm3.Type.Dimensions = '10';
dataElm3.Type.Minimum = '-5';

dataInterface2 = addDataInterface(dictAPI,'DataInterface2');

Input Arguments
dictObj — Interface dictionary
Simulink.interface.Dictionary object

Interface dictionary, specified as a Simulink.interface.Dictionary object. Before you use this

function, create or open dictObj by using Simulink.interface.dictionary.create or

interfaceName — Interfaces definition name

character vector | string scalar

1 Functions

interfaceName definition name in Interfaces property array of dictObj, specified as a character

vector or a string scalar.
Example: 'DataInterface'

Output Arguments
interfaceObj — Interface object
DataInterface object

Data interface, returned as a Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataInterface object.

Version History
Introduced in R2022b

R2023b: Simulink.interface.Dictionary object replaced by

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Starting in R2023b, use the Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object to

programmatically manage architectural data instead of the Simulink.interface.Dictionary

See Also
Simulink.interface.Dictionary | Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataInterface |
Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataElement | addElement | getInterface |
getInterfaceNames | removeInterface

“Graphically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants”


Package: Simulink.interface

Add enumerated type to Simulink interface dictionary

dataType = addEnumType(dictObj,dtName)

dataType = addEnumType(dictObj,dtName) adds a Simulink enumeration with the specified
name to the dictionary.


Add Enumeration to Simulink Interface Dictionary

To add a Simulink enumeration with the specified name to the dictionary, use the addEnumType
function. For an example that shows more of the workflow for related functions, see “Create and
Configure Interface Dictionary” on page 1-384.
% open interface dictionary
dictName = 'MyInterfaces.sldd';
dictAPI =;

% add enumerated type

myEnumType1 = addEnumType(dictAPI,'myColor');
myEnumType1.addEnumeral('RED', '0', 'Solid Red');
myEnumType1.addEnumeral('BLUE', '1', 'Solid Blue');
myEnumType1.DefaultValue = 'BLUE';
myEnumType1.Description = 'I am a Simulink Enumeration';
myEnumType1.StorageType = 'int16';

Input Arguments
dictObj — Interface dictionary
Simulink.interface.Dictionary object

Interface dictionary, specified as a Simulink.interface.Dictionary object. Before you use this

function, create or open dictObj by using Simulink.interface.dictionary.create or

dtName — DataType definition name

string scalar | character vector

DataType definition name in DataTypes property array of dictObj, specified as a character vector
or a string scalar.
Example: "airSpeed"

1 Functions

Output Arguments
dataType — Enumerated type
Simulink.interface.dictionary.EnumType object

Enumerated type, returned as Simulink.interface.dictionary.EnumType object.

Version History
Introduced in R2022b

R2023b: Simulink.interface.Dictionary object replaced by

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Starting in R2023b, use the Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object to

programmatically manage architectural data instead of the Simulink.interface.Dictionary

See Also
Simulink.interface.Dictionary | addAliasType | addStructType | getDataType |
getDataTypeNames | removeDataType | Simulink.interface.dictionary.create |


Package: Simulink.interface

Add Simulink numeric type to Simulink interface dictionary

dataType = addNumericType(dictObj,dtName)
dataType = addNumericType(dictObj,dtName,SimulinkNumericType=numericTypeObj)

dataType = addNumericType(dictObj,dtName) adds a Simulink.NumericType with the
specified name to the dictionary.

dataType = addNumericType(dictObj,dtName,SimulinkNumericType=numericTypeObj)
adds a Simulink.NumericType with the specified name that has the same property values as the
specified Simulink.NumericType object numericTypeObj to the dictionary.


Add Numeric Type to Interface Dictionary

To add a Simulink.NumericType with the specified name to the dictionary, use the
addNumericType function.

dictAPI ='MyInterfaces.sldd');
myNumericType = addNumericType(dictAPI,'myNumericType1')

myNumericType =

NumericType with properties:

Name: 'myNumericType1'
DataTypeMode: 'Double'
DataTypeOverride: 'Inherit'
IsAlias: 0
Description: ''
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.interface.Dictionary]

Add Numeric Type Based on Existing Simulink.NumericType to Interface Dictionary

To add a Simulink.NumericType that has the same property values as an existing

Simulink.NumericType to the dictionary, use the addNumericType function with the
SimulinkNumericType parameter.

1 Functions

exampleNumericTypeObj = Simulink.NumericType;
exampleNumericTypeObj.DataTypeMode = 'Single';
exampleNumericTypeObj.Description = 'This is my example numeric type';

dictAPI ='MyInterfaces.sldd');
myNumericType2 = addNumericType(dictAPI,'myNumericType2',...

myNumericType2 =

NumericType with properties:

Name: 'myNumericType2'
DataTypeMode: 'Single'
DataTypeOverride: 'Inherit'
IsAlias: 0
Description: 'This is my example numeric type'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.interface.Dictionary]

Input Arguments
dictObj — Interface dictionary
Simulink.interface.Dictionary object

Interface dictionary, specified as a Simulink.interface.Dictionary object. Before you use this

function, create or open dictObj by using Simulink.interface.dictionary.create or

dtName — DataType definition name

string scalar | character vector

DataType definition name in DataTypes property array of dictObj, specified as a character vector
or a string scalar.
Example: "airSpeed"

numericTypeObj — Simulink numeric type

Simulink.NumericType object

Simulink numeric type, specified as a Simulink.NumericType object that has been previously
Example: SimulinkNumericType=exampleSimulinkNumericTypeObj

Output Arguments
dataType — Numeric type
Simulink.interface.dictionary.NumericType object

Numeric type, returned as Simulink.interface.dictionary.NumericType object.

Version History
Introduced in R2023a


R2023b: Simulink.interface.Dictionary object replaced by

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Starting in R2023b, use the Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object to

programmatically manage architectural data instead of the Simulink.interface.Dictionary

See Also
Simulink.interface.Dictionary | Simulink.NumericType | addEnumType | getDataType |

“Graphically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants”

1 Functions

Package: Simulink.interface

Add AUTOSAR Classic mapping to Simulink interface dictionary

platformMapping = addPlatformMapping(dictObj,platformName)

platformMapping = addPlatformMapping(dictObj,platformName) adds mapping for the
specified platform in the interface dictionary.


Add Platform Mapping for Simulink Interface Dictionary

To add AUTOSAR Classic mapping to an interface dictionary, use the addPlatformMapping

function. For an example that shows more of the workflow for related functions, see “Create and
Configure Interface Dictionary” on page 1-384.

% open interface dictionary

dictName = 'MyInterfaces.sldd';
dictAPI =;
platformMapping = addPlatformMapping(dictAPI,'AUTOSARClassic');

Input Arguments
dictObj — Interface dictionary
Simulink.interface.Dictionary object

Interface dictionary, specified as a Simulink.interface.Dictionary object. Before you use this

function, create or open dictObj by using Simulink.interface.dictionary.create or

platformName — Platform mapping name


Platform mapping name selection, for example, AUTOSARClassic mapping.

Example: 'AUTOSARClassic'

Output Arguments
platformMapping — Platform mapping object
autosar.dictionary.ARClassicPlatformMapping object


Platform mapping object, specified as an autosar.dictionary.ARClassicPlatformMapping


Version History
Introduced in R2022b

R2023b: Simulink.interface.Dictionary object replaced by

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Starting in R2023b, use the Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object to

programmatically manage architectural data instead of the Simulink.interface.Dictionary

See Also
Simulink.interface.Dictionary | autosar.dictionary.ARClassicPlatformMapping |
getPlatformMapping | Simulink.interface.dictionary.create |

“Graphically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants”

1 Functions

Package: Simulink.interface

Add Simulink interface dictionary reference to another interface dictionary


addReference(dictObj,refDict) adds a referenced dictionary, specified by refDict, to the
specified interface dictionary, dictObj. Dictionary referencing is supported for Simulink interface
dictionaries that do not have applied platform mappings.


Add Referenced Dictionaries to a Simulink Interface Dictionary

Add referenced dictionaries ReferenceInterfaces1.sldd and ReferenceInterfaces2.sldd to

the interface dictionary MyInterfaces.sldd.
dictAPI1 ='MyInterfaces.sldd');
dictAPI2 ='ReferenceInterfaces1.sldd');

refDicts = getReferences(dictAPI1)

refDicts =

2×1 cell array


Input Arguments
dictObj — Interface dictionary
Simulink.interface.Dictionary object

Interface dictionary, specified as a Simulink.interface.Dictionary object. Before you use this

function, Before you use this function, create or open dictObj by using
Simulink.interface.dictionary.create or

refDict — Referenced interface dictionary

character vector | string scalar | Simulink.interface.Dictionary object

Referenced interface dictionary, specified as a character vector, a string scalar, or a

Simulink.interface.Dictionary object.


Example: 'ReferenceDictionary.sldd'

Version History
Introduced in R2023a

R2023b: Simulink.interface.Dictionary object replaced by

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Starting in R2023b, use the Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object to

programmatically manage architectural data instead of the Simulink.interface.Dictionary

See Also
Simulink.interface.Dictionary | Simulink.interface.dictionary.create | | getReferences | removeReference

1 Functions

Package: Simulink.interface

Add service interface to Simulink interface dictionary

serviceInterfaceObj = addServiceInterface(dictObj,serviceInterfaceName)

serviceInterfaceObj = addServiceInterface(dictObj,serviceInterfaceName) adds a
service interface with the specified name in the dictionary and returns the service interface object
that represents this interface.


Add Service Interface to Interface Dictionary

To add a service interface with the specified name to a native (unmapped) interface dictionary, use
the addServiceInterface function.
dictName = 'MyInterfaces.sldd';
dictAPI = Simulink.interface.dictionary.create(dictName);

serviceInterfObj = addServiceInterface(dictAPI,'ServiceInterface1');

Input Arguments
dictObj — Interface dictionary
Simulink.interface.Dictionary object

Interface dictionary, specified as a Simulink.interface.Dictionary object. Before you use this

function, create or open dictObj by using Simulink.interface.dictionary.create or

serviceInterfaceName — Service interface name

character vector | string scalar

Service interface name in Interfaces property array of dictObj, specified as a character vector or
a string scalar.
Example: 'ServiceInterface1'

Output Arguments
serviceInterfaceObj — Service interface
Simulink.interface.dictionary.ServiceInterface object

Service interface, returned as a Simulink.interface.dictionary.ServiceInterface object.


Version History
Introduced in R2023a

R2023b: Simulink.interface.Dictionary object replaced by

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Starting in R2023b, use the Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object to

programmatically manage architectural data instead of the Simulink.interface.Dictionary

See Also
Simulink.interface.Dictionary | getInterface | getInterfaceNames | removeInterface

“Graphically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants”

1 Functions

Package: Simulink.interface

Add structure type represented by Simulink.Bus in Simulink interface dictionary

dataType = addStructType(dictObj,dtName)
dataType = addStructType(dictObj,dtName, SimulinkBus=busObj)

dataType = addStructType(dictObj,dtName) adds a Simulink.Bus type with the specified
name to the dictionary.

dataType = addStructType(dictObj,dtName, SimulinkBus=busObj) adds a structure type

with the specified name, dtName, that mirrors the specified Simulink.Bus object, busObj, to the


Add Bus Type to Simulink Interface Dictionary

To add a Simulink.Bus type with the specified name to the dictionary, use the addStructType
function. For an example that shows more of the workflow for related functions, see “Create and
Configure Interface Dictionary” on page 1-384.
% open interface dictionary
dictName = 'MyInterfaces.sldd';
dictAPI =;

% add an enumerated type

myEnumType1 = addEnumType(dictAPI,'myColor');
myEnumType1.addEnumeral('RED', '0', 'Solid Red');
myEnumType1.addEnumeral('BLUE', '1', 'Solid Blue');
myEnumType1.StorageType = 'int16';

% add a value type that uses the enum type as its data type
myValueType1 = addValueType(dictAPI, 'myValueType1');
myValueType1.DataType = 'int32';
myValueType1.Dimensions = '[2 3]';
myValueType1.DataType = myEnumType1;

%% add a structured type

myStructType1 = addStructType(dictAPI, 'myStructType1');
structElement1 = myStructType1.addElement('Element1');
structElement1.Type.DataType = 'single';
structElement1.Type.Dimensions = '3';
structElement2 = myStructType1.addElement('Element2');
structElement2.Type = myValueType1;
% or
structElement2.Type = 'ValueType: myValueType1';


Add Structure Type Based on a Simulink.Bus Type to Interface Dictionary

This example adds a StructType type that mirrors an existing Simulink.Bus object to the Simulink
interface dictionary, MyInterfaces.sldd.
% open interface dictionary
dictName = 'MyInterfaces.sldd';
dictAPI =;

% create Simulink.Bus object and add elements

simBusObj = Simulink.Bus;
busElement1 = Simulink.BusElement;
busElement1.Name = 'MyBusElement1';
busElement1.DataType = 'single';
simBusObj.Elements(1) = busElement1;
busElement2 = Simulink.BusElement;
busElement2.Name = 'MyBusElement2';
simBusObj.Elements(2) = busElement2;

% add structure type based on simBusObj

myNewStructType = addStructType(dictAPI,'StructFromSimBus',SimulinkBus=simBusObj)

myNewStructType =
StructType with properties:
Name: 'StructFromSimBus'
Description: ''
Elements: [1×2 Simulink.interface.dictionary.StructElement]
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.interface.Dictionary]

Input Arguments
dictObj — Interface dictionary
Simulink.interface.Dictionary object

Interface dictionary, specified as a Simulink.interface.Dictionary object. Before you use this

function, create or open dictObj by using Simulink.interface.dictionary.create or

dtName — DataType definition name

string scalar | character vector

DataType definition name in DataTypes property array of dictObj, specified as a character vector
or a string scalar.
Example: "airSpeed"

busObj — Simulink bus type object

Simulink.Bus object

Bus type object, specified as a Simulink.Bus object.

Output Arguments
dataType — Structure type object
StructType object

Structure type object, returned as Simulink.interface.dictionary.StructType object

containing elements, with Simulink.Bus as the underlying implementation.

1 Functions

Version History
Introduced in R2022b

R2023b: Simulink.interface.Dictionary object replaced by

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Starting in R2023b, use the Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object to

programmatically manage architectural data instead of the Simulink.interface.Dictionary

See Also
Simulink.interface.Dictionary | Simulink.Bus | addAliasType | addEnumType |
addValueType | getDataType | getDataTypeNames | removeDataType |
Simulink.interface.dictionary.create |


Package: Simulink.interface

Add value type to Simulink interface dictionary

dataType = addValueType(dictObj,dtName)
dataType = addValueType(dictObj,dtName, SimulinkValueType=valueTypeObj)

dataType = addValueType(dictObj,dtName) adds a Simulink.ValueType with the specified
name to the interface dictionary.

dataType = addValueType(dictObj,dtName, SimulinkValueType=valueTypeObj) adds a

value type, specified as dataType, with the specified name, dtName, based on the specified
Simulink.ValueType valueTypeObj to the interface dictionary.


Add Value Type to Simulink Interface Dictionary

To add a Simulink.ValueType with the specified name to the dictionary, use the addValueType
function. For an example that shows more of the workflow for related functions, see “Create and
Configure Interface Dictionary” on page 1-384.

% open interface dictionary

dictName = 'MyInterfaces.sldd';
dictAPI =;

% add an enumerated type to be used as data type of value type

myEnumType1 = addEnumType(dictAPI,'myColor');
myEnumType1.addEnumeral('RED', '0', 'Solid Red');
myEnumType1.addEnumeral('BLUE', '1', 'Solid Blue');
myEnumType1.StorageType = 'int16';

% add value type

myValueType1 = addValueType(dictAPI, 'myValueType1');
myValueType1.DataType = 'int32';
myValueType1.Dimensions = '[2 3]';
myValueType1.Description = 'I am a Simulink ValueType';
myValueType1.DataType = myEnumType1;

Add Value Type Based on Simulink.ValueType to Interface Dictionary

This example adds a value type that mirrors an existing Simulink.ValueType to the Simulink
interface dictionary, MyInterfaces.sldd.

1 Functions

% open interface dictionary

dictName = 'MyInterfaces.sldd';
dictAPI =;

% create a Simulink value type

simValueType = Simulink.ValueType;
simValueType.DataType = 'single';
simValueType.Min = 11;
simValueType.Max = 17;
simValueType.Dimensions = [2 4 3];
simValueType.Description = 'Simulink value type';

% add value type based on Simulink value type

myNewValueType1 = addValueType(dictAPI, 'MyNewValueType',...

myNewValueType1 =
ValueType with properties:
Name: 'MyNewValueType'
DataType: 'single'
Minimum: '11'
Maximum: '17'
Unit: ''
Complexity: 'real'
Dimensions: '[2 4 3]'
Description: 'Simulink value type'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.interface.Dictionary]

Input Arguments
dictObj — Interface dictionary
Simulink.interface.Dictionary object

Interface dictionary, specified as a Simulink.interface.Dictionary object. Before you use this

function, create or open dictObj by using Simulink.interface.dictionary.create or

dtName — DataType definition name

string scalar | character vector

DataType definition name in DataTypes property array of dictObj, specified as a character vector
or a string scalar.
Example: "airSpeed"

valueTypeObj — Simulink value type object

Simulink.Valuetype object

Value type object, specified as a Simulink.ValueType object.

Output Arguments
dataType — Value type object
Simulink.interface.dictionary.ValueType object

Value type object, returned as Simulink.interface.dictionary.ValueType object.


Version History
Introduced in R2022b

R2023b: Simulink.interface.Dictionary object replaced by

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Starting in R2023b, use the Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object to

programmatically manage architectural data instead of the Simulink.interface.Dictionary

See Also
Simulink.interface.Dictionary | Simulink.ValueType | addAliasType | addEnumType |
addStructType | getDataType | getDataTypeNames | save | show | showChanges |
Simulink.interface.dictionary.create |

1 Functions

Package: Simulink.interface

Close open connections to Simulink interface dictionary

close(dictObj, 'DiscardChanges', true)

close(dictObj) closes the open connections to the interface dictionary. If the dictionary has
unsaved changes, an error is thrown.

close(dictObj, 'DiscardChanges', true) closes the connections to the interface dictionary

and discards any unsaved changes.


Close Simulink Interface Dictionary

To close the open connections to the interface dictionary, use the close function.


Input Arguments
dictObj — Interface dictionary
Simulink.interface.Dictionary object

Interface dictionary, specified as a Simulink.interface.Dictionary object. Before you use this

function, create or open dictObj by using Simulink.interface.dictionary.create or

Version History
Introduced in R2022b

R2023b: Simulink.interface.Dictionary object replaced by

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Starting in R2023b, use the Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object to

programmatically manage architectural data instead of the Simulink.interface.Dictionary


See Also
Simulink.interface.Dictionary | isDirty | save | show | showChanges |
Simulink.interface.dictionary.create |

1 Functions

Package: Simulink.interface.dictionary

Create a Simulink Interface Dictionary

dictObj = Simulink.interface.dictionary.create(dictionaryName)

dictObj = Simulink.interface.dictionary.create(dictionaryName) creates a Simulink
Interface Dictionary and returns an object representing the dictionary.


Create Simulink Interface Dictionary

To create a Simulink Interface Dictionary and return an object representing the dictionary, use the
Simulink.interface.dictionary.create function.

dictObj = Simulink.interface.dictionary.create(dictionaryName);

Input Arguments
dictionaryName — Name of interface dictionary
character vector | string scalar

Name of interface dictionary, specified as a character vector or string scalar. The name must include
the .sldd extension and must be a valid MATLAB identifier.
Example: "new_dictionary.sldd"

Output Arguments
dictObj — Interface dictionary
Simulink.interface.Dictionary object

Interface dictionary, specified as a Simulink.interface.Dictionary object. Before you use this

function, create or open dictObj by using Simulink.interface.dictionary.create or

Version History
Introduced in R2022b


R2023b: Simulink.interface.Dictionary object replaced by

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Starting in R2023b, use the Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object to

programmatically manage architectural data instead of the Simulink.interface.Dictionary

See Also
Simulink.interface.Dictionary | addAliasType | addDataInterface | addEnumType |
addPlatformMapping | addStructType | addValueType | close | getDataType |
getDataTypeNames | getInterface | getInterfaceNames | getPlatformMapping |
importFromBaseWorkspace | importFromFile | isDirty | removeDataType |
removeInterface | save | show | showChanges |

1 Functions

Destroy data element and remove from data interface


destroy(dataElementObj) destroys the data element dataElementObj and removes it from its
parent Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataInterface object.


Delete Data Element from a Data Interface

This example shows how to delete a data element and remove it from a data interface.

Create a Simulink.interface.Dictionary object by opening an existing interface dictionary.

interfaceDictObj ='myInterfaceDict.sldd')

interfaceDictObj =
Dictionary with properties:

DictionaryFileName: 'myInterfaceDict.sldd'
Interfaces: [1×1 Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataInterface]
DataTypes: [0×0 Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataType]

This interface dictionary has one data interface definition. The data interface has two data elements.
interfaceObj = interfaceDictObj.Interfaces

interfaceObj =
DataInterface with properties:

Name: 'interface1'
Description: ''
Elements: [1×2 Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataElement]
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.interface.Dictionary]

Use the getElement function to access a data element.

dataElem1 = getElement(interfaceObj,'element1')

dataElem1 =

DataElement with properties:

Name: 'element1'
Type: [1×1 Simulink.interface.dictionary.ValueType]


Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataInterface]

Use the destroy function to delete the data element and remove it from the data interface.


interfaceObj =

DataInterface with properties:

Name: 'interface1'
Description: ''
Elements: [1×1 Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataElement]
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.interface.Dictionary]

The data interface, interfaceObj now has only one data element.

Input Arguments
dataElementObj — Data element
Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataElement object

Data element to destroy, specified as a Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataElement object.

Version History
Introduced in R2022b

R2023b: Simulink.interface.Dictionary object replaced by

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Starting in R2023b, use the Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object to

programmatically manage architectural data instead of the Simulink.interface.Dictionary

See Also
Architectural Data Editor | Simulink.interface.Dictionary |
Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataInterface |

“Graphically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants”

1 Functions

Show data element in Interface Editor


show(dataElementObj) displays the DataElement object in the Architectural Data Editor.


View a Data Element in the Interface Editor

This example shows how to view a data element in the Interface Editor.

Create a Simulink.interface.Dictionary object by opening an existing interface dictionary.

interfaceDictObj ='myInterfaceDict.sldd')

interfaceDictObj =
Dictionary with properties:

DictionaryFileName: 'myInterfaceDict.sldd'
Interfaces: [1×1 Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataInterface]
DataTypes: [0×0 Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataType]

Use the getElement function to access a data element.

dataElem1 = getElement(interfaceObj,'element1')

dataElem1 =

DataElement with properties:

Name: 'element1'
Type: [1×1 Simulink.interface.dictionary.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataInterface]

Use the show function to display the data element in the Interface Editor.



Input Arguments
dataElementObj — Data element
Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataElement object

Data element to show in the Interface Editor, specified as a

Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataElement object.

Version History
Introduced in R2022b

R2023b: Simulink.interface.Dictionary object replaced by

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Starting in R2023b, use the Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object to

programmatically manage architectural data instead of the Simulink.interface.Dictionary

See Also
Architectural Data Editor | Simulink.interface.Dictionary |
Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataInterface |

1 Functions

“Graphically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants”


Add data element to data interface

dataElementObj = addElement(dataInterfaceObj,elementName)

dataElementObj = addElement(dataInterfaceObj,elementName) creates a
Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataElement object with the specified name and adds it to
the Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataInterface object dataInterfaceObj.


Add and Remove Data Elements From a Data Interface

This example shows how to access, add, and remove data elements from a data interface.

Open an existing interface dictionary. This creates a Simulink.interface.Dictionary object,


interfaceDictObj ='myInterfaceDict.sldd')

interfaceDictObj =
ArchitecturalData with properties:

DictionaryFileName: 'myInterfaceDict.sldd'
Interfaces: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]
DataTypes: [0x0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataType]
Constants: [0x0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.Constant]

This interface dictionary contains one data interface definition.

interfaceObj = interfaceDictObj.Interfaces

interfaceObj =
DataInterface with properties:

Name: 'interface1'
Description: ''
Elements: [1x2 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataElement]
Owner: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData]

Data interfaces are composed of data elements which describe portions of a data interface. This
interface definition contains two data elements.


1 Functions

ans =
DataElement with properties:

Name: 'element1'
Type: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]


ans =
DataElement with properties:

Name: 'element2'
Type: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]

Use the addElement function to add a new data element to the data interface.
dataElem1 = addElement(interfaceObj, 'element3')

dataElem1 =
DataElement with properties:

Name: 'element3'
Type: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]

You can access an existing data element using the getElement function.
dataElem3 = getElement(interfaceObj, 'element3')

dataElem3 =
DataElement with properties:

Name: 'element3'
Type: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]

Remove a data element from an interface using the removeElement function.

removeElement(interfaceObj, 'element3')

Input Arguments
dataInterfaceObj — Data interface to add element to
Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataInterface object


Data interface to add element to, specified as a

Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataInterface object.

elementName — Name of data element

character vector | string scalar

Name of data element to add to dataInterfaceObj object, specified as a character vector or string

Output Arguments
dataElementObj — Data element object
Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataElement object

Data element, returned as a Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataElement object with the

specified name, and default property values.

Version History
Introduced in R2022b

R2023b: Simulink.interface.Dictionary object replaced by

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Starting in R2023b, use the Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object to

programmatically manage architectural data instead of the Simulink.interface.Dictionary

See Also
Architectural Data Editor | Simulink.interface.Dictionary |
Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataInterface |

“Graphically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants”

1 Functions

Destroy data interface and remove from interface dictionary


destroy(dataInterfaceObj) destroys the data interface dataInterfaceObj and removes it
from its parent interface dictionary.


Delete Data Interface from an Interface Dictionary

This example shows how to delete a data interface and remove it from an interface dictionary.

Create a Simulink.interface.Dictionary object by opening an existing interface dictionary.

interfaceDictObj ='myInterfaceDict.sldd')

interfaceDictObj =
Dictionary with properties:

DictionaryFileName: 'myInterfaceDict.sldd'
Interfaces: [1×1 Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataInterface]
DataTypes: [0×0 Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataType]

This interface dictionary has one data interface definition.

interfaceObj = interfaceDictObj.Interfaces

interfaceObj =
DataInterface with properties:

Name: 'interface1'
Description: ''
Elements: [1×2 Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataElement]
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.interface.Dictionary]

Use the destroy function to delete the interface and remove it from the interface dictionary.

interfaceDictObj =

Dictionary with properties:

DictionaryFileName: 'myInterfaceDict.sldd'


Interfaces: [0×0 Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataInterface]

DataTypes: [0×0 Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataType]

The interface dictionary interfaceDictObj now has no interfaces.

Input Arguments
dataInterfaceObj — Data interface to delete
Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataInterface object

Data interface to delete, specified as a Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataInterface


Version History
Introduced in R2022b

R2023b: Simulink.interface.Dictionary object replaced by

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Starting in R2023b, use the Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object to

programmatically manage architectural data instead of the Simulink.interface.Dictionary

See Also
Architectural Data Editor | Simulink.interface.Dictionary |

“Graphically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants”

1 Functions

Get data element from data interface

dataElementObj = getElement(dataInterfaceObj,elementName)

dataElementObj = getElement(dataInterfaceObj,elementName) returns the
Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataElement object with the name elementName contained
in the Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataInterface object dataInterfaceObj.


Add and Remove Data Elements From a Data Interface

This example shows how to access, add, and remove data elements from a data interface.

Open an existing interface dictionary. This creates a Simulink.interface.Dictionary object,


interfaceDictObj ='myInterfaceDict.sldd')

interfaceDictObj =
ArchitecturalData with properties:

DictionaryFileName: 'myInterfaceDict.sldd'
Interfaces: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]
DataTypes: [0x0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataType]
Constants: [0x0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.Constant]

This interface dictionary contains one data interface definition.

interfaceObj = interfaceDictObj.Interfaces

interfaceObj =
DataInterface with properties:

Name: 'interface1'
Description: ''
Elements: [1x2 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataElement]
Owner: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData]

Data interfaces are composed of data elements which describe portions of a data interface. This
interface definition contains two data elements.



ans =
DataElement with properties:

Name: 'element1'
Type: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]


ans =
DataElement with properties:

Name: 'element2'
Type: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]

Use the addElement function to add a new data element to the data interface.
dataElem1 = addElement(interfaceObj, 'element3')

dataElem1 =
DataElement with properties:

Name: 'element3'
Type: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]

You can access an existing data element using the getElement function.
dataElem3 = getElement(interfaceObj, 'element3')

dataElem3 =
DataElement with properties:

Name: 'element3'
Type: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]

Remove a data element from an interface using the removeElement function.

removeElement(interfaceObj, 'element3')

Input Arguments
dataInterfaceObj — Data interface containing the data element
Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataInterface object

1 Functions

Data interface containing the data element, specified as a

Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataInterface object.

elementName — Name of data element

character vector | string scalar

Name of the data element to return from dataInterfaceObj, specified as a character vector or
string scalar.

Output Arguments
dataElementObj — Data element object
Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataElement object

Data element, returned as a Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataElement object.

Version History
Introduced in R2022b

R2023b: Simulink.interface.Dictionary object replaced by

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Starting in R2023b, use the Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object to

programmatically manage architectural data instead of the Simulink.interface.Dictionary

See Also
Architectural Data Editor | Simulink.interface.Dictionary |

“Graphically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants”


Remove data element from data interface


removeElement(dataInterfaceObj,elementName) removes the data element with the name
elementName from the Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataInterface object


Add and Remove Data Elements From a Data Interface

This example shows how to access, add, and remove data elements from a data interface.

Open an existing interface dictionary. This creates a Simulink.interface.Dictionary object,


interfaceDictObj ='myInterfaceDict.sldd')

interfaceDictObj =
ArchitecturalData with properties:

DictionaryFileName: 'myInterfaceDict.sldd'
Interfaces: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]
DataTypes: [0x0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataType]
Constants: [0x0 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.Constant]

This interface dictionary contains one data interface definition.

interfaceObj = interfaceDictObj.Interfaces

interfaceObj =
DataInterface with properties:

Name: 'interface1'
Description: ''
Elements: [1x2 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataElement]
Owner: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData]

Data interfaces are composed of data elements which describe portions of a data interface. This
interface definition contains two data elements.


1 Functions

ans =
DataElement with properties:

Name: 'element1'
Type: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]


ans =
DataElement with properties:

Name: 'element2'
Type: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]

Use the addElement function to add a new data element to the data interface.
dataElem1 = addElement(interfaceObj, 'element3')

dataElem1 =
DataElement with properties:

Name: 'element3'
Type: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]

You can access an existing data element using the getElement function.
dataElem3 = getElement(interfaceObj, 'element3')

dataElem3 =
DataElement with properties:

Name: 'element3'
Type: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ValueType]
Description: ''
Dimensions: '1'
Owner: [1x1 Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface]

Remove a data element from an interface using the removeElement function.

removeElement(interfaceObj, 'element3')

Input Arguments
dataInterfaceObj — Data interface to remove element from
Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataInterface object


Data interface to remove data element from, specified as a

Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataInterface object.

elementName — Name of data element to remove

character vector | string scalar

Name of data element to remove from data interface, specified as a string scalar or character vector.

Version History
Introduced in R2022b

R2023b: Simulink.interface.Dictionary object replaced by

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Starting in R2023b, use the Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object to

programmatically manage architectural data instead of the Simulink.interface.Dictionary

See Also
Architectural Data Editor | Simulink.interface.Dictionary |
Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataInterface |

“Graphically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants”

1 Functions

Show data interface in the Interface Editor


show(dataInterfaceObj) displays the data interface in the Architectural Data Editor.


View a Data Interface in the Interface Editor

This example shows how to view a data interface in the Interface Editor.

Create a Simulink.interface.Dictionary object by opening an existing interface dictionary.

interfaceDictObj ='myInterfaceDict.sldd')

interfaceDictObj =
Dictionary with properties:

DictionaryFileName: 'myInterfaceDict.sldd'
Interfaces: [1×1 Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataInterface]
DataTypes: [0×0 Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataType]

Use the show function to display the data interface in the Interface Editor.



Input Arguments
dataInterfaceObj — Data interface to display
Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataInterface object

Data interface to display in the Interface Editor, specified as a

Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataInterface object.

Version History
Introduced in R2022b

R2023b: Simulink.interface.Dictionary object replaced by

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Starting in R2023b, use the Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object to

programmatically manage architectural data instead of the Simulink.interface.Dictionary

See Also
Architectural Data Editor | Simulink.interface.Dictionary |

1 Functions

“Graphically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants”


Package: Simulink.interface

Discard changes to interface dictionary


discardChanges(dictObj) discards any changes made to the interface dictionary dictObj since
the last time the dictionary was saved.


Discard Changes to Simulink Interface Dictionary

Add a new enumeration type to an interface dictionary and then discard the changes.

Verify that the dictionary does not contain changes.

dictAPI ='MyInterfaces.sldd');

ans =

Add enumeration type, MyEnum.


ans =
1×8 cell array
Columns 1 through 5
{'MyEnum'} {'myAliasType1'} {'myAliasType2'} {'myAliasType3'} {'myColor'}
Columns 6 through 8
{'myStructType1'} {'myStructType2'} {'myValueType1'}

Discard the change.


ans =
1×7 cell array
Columns 1 through 4
{'myAliasType1'} {'myAliasType2'} {'myAliasType3'} {'myColor'}

1 Functions

Columns 5 through 7
{'myStructType1'} {'myStructType2'} {'myValueType1'}

Input Arguments
dictObj — Interface dictionary
Simulink.interface.Dictionary object

Interface dictionary, specified as a Simulink.interface.Dictionary object. Before you use this

function, create or open dictObj by using Simulink.interface.dictionary.create or

Version History
Introduced in R2023a

R2023b: Simulink.interface.Dictionary object replaced by

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Starting in R2023b, use the Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object to

programmatically manage architectural data instead of the Simulink.interface.Dictionary

See Also
Simulink.interface.Dictionary | addEnumType | getDataTypeNames | isDirty |
showChanges | Simulink.interface.dictionary.create |


Package: Simulink.interface

Get corresponding object for specified entry name in interface dictionary

entryObj = findEntryByName(dictObj,entryName)

entryObj = findEntryByName(dictObj,entryName) returns the object that corresponds to the
specified entry name, entryName, in the interface dictionary. If the entry does not exist in the
dictionary, an empty value is returned.


Get Interface Object by Specified Name

Get object for structure type named myStructType1 from the interface dictionary

dictAPI ='MyInterfaces.sldd');
structObj = findEntryByName(dictAPI,'myStructType1')

structObj =
StructType with properties:
Name: 'myStructType1'
Description: ''
Elements: [1×2 Simulink.interface.dictionary.StructElement]
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.interface.Dictionary]

Input Arguments
dictObj — Interface dictionary
Simulink.interface.Dictionary object

Interface dictionary, specified as a Simulink.interface.Dictionary object. Before you use this

function, create or open dictObj by using Simulink.interface.dictionary.create or

entryName — Interface or data type name

character vector | string scalar

Interface or data type name, specified as a character vector or a string scalar.

Example: 'DataInterface'

1 Functions

Output Arguments
entryObj — Interface or data type object
DataInterface object | ServiceInterface object | AliasType object | EnumType object |
NumericType object | StructType object | ValueType object

Interface or data type object, returned as the object type of the corresponding entry in the interface

Version History
Introduced in R2023a

R2023b: Simulink.interface.Dictionary object replaced by

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Starting in R2023b, use the Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object to

programmatically manage architectural data instead of the Simulink.interface.Dictionary

See Also
Simulink.interface.Dictionary | getInterface | getInterfaceNames |
getDataTypeNames | getDataType | Simulink.interface.dictionary.create |


Package: Simulink.interface

Get data type in Simulink interface dictionary

dataTypeObj = getDataType(dictObj,dtName)

dataTypeObj = getDataType(dictObj,dtName) returns the data type object that represents
the data type specified by dtName.


Get Data Type from Simulink Interface Dictionary

To get the data type object that represents the specified data type name, use the getDataType
function. For an example that shows more of the workflow for related functions, see “Create and
Configure Interface Dictionary” on page 1-384.

Get the EnumType object for myColor data type name in the dictAPI dictionary object.

myColorObj = getDataType(dictAPI,'myColor')

myColorObj =

EnumType with properties:

Name: 'myColor'
Description: 'I am a Simulink Enumeration'
DefaultValue: 'BLUE'
StorageType: 'int16'
Enumerals: [1×3 Simulink.interface.dictionary.Enumeral]
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.interface.Dictionary]

Get the AliasType object for myAliasType1 data type name in the dictAPI dictionary object.

myAliasType1Obj = getDataType(dictAPI,'myAliasType1')

myAliasType1Obj =

AliasType with properties:

Name: 'myAliasType1'
BaseType: 'fixdt(1,32,16)'

1 Functions

Description: ''
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.interface.Dictionary]

Input Arguments
dictObj — Interface dictionary
Simulink.interface.Dictionary object

Interface dictionary, specified as a Simulink.interface.Dictionary object. Before you use this

function, create or open dictObj by using Simulink.interface.dictionary.create or

dtName — DataType definition name

string scalar | character vector

DataType definition name in DataTypes property array of dictObj, specified as a character vector
or a string scalar.
Example: "airSpeed"

Output Arguments
dataTypeObj — DataType object
AliasType object | EnumType object | NumericType object | StructType object | ValueType

DataType object created from a DataType element in a dictObj dictionary object.

Version History
Introduced in R2022b

R2023b: Simulink.interface.Dictionary object replaced by

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Starting in R2023b, use the Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object to

programmatically manage architectural data instead of the Simulink.interface.Dictionary

See Also
Simulink.interface.Dictionary | addAliasType | addEnumType | addNumericType |
addStructType | addValueType | getDataTypeNames | removeDataType |
Simulink.interface.dictionary.create |


Package: Simulink.interface

Get names of data types in Simulink interface dictionary

dataTypeNames = getDataTypeNames(dictObj)

dataTypeNames = getDataTypeNames(dictObj) returns a cell array of the data type names in
the dictionary.


Get Data Type Names from Simulink Interface Dictionary

To get a cell array of the data type names in the dictionary, use the getDataTypeNames function. For
an example that shows more of the workflow for related functions, see “Create and Configure
Interface Dictionary” on page 1-384.

dataTypeNames = getDataTypeNames(dictAPI)

dataTypeNames =

1×7 cell array

Columns 1 through 3

{'myAliasType1'} {'myAliasType2'} {'myAliasType3'}

Columns 4 through 6

{'myColor'} {'myStructType1'} {'myStructType2'}

Column 7


Input Arguments
dictObj — Interface dictionary
Simulink.interface.Dictionary object

Interface dictionary, specified as a Simulink.interface.Dictionary object. Before you use this

function, create or open dictObj by using Simulink.interface.dictionary.create or

1 Functions

Output Arguments
dataTypeNames — DataType definition names
cell array of character vectors | string array

DataType definition names in DataTypes property array of dictObj, specified as a cell array of
character vectors or a string array.
Example: {'myAliasType1'} {'myAliasType2'} {'myAliasType3'}

Version History
Introduced in R2022b

R2023b: Simulink.interface.Dictionary object replaced by

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Starting in R2023b, use the Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object to

programmatically manage architectural data instead of the Simulink.interface.Dictionary

See Also
Simulink.interface.Dictionary | getDataType | removeDataType | removeInterface |
Simulink.interface.dictionary.create |


Package: Simulink.interface

Get interface object for interface in Simulink interface dictionary

interfaceObj = getInterface(dictObj,interfaceName)

interfaceObj = getInterface(dictObj,interfaceName) returns the interface object that
represents the specified interface in the interface dictionary.


Get Interface Object from Simulink Interface Dictionary

To get the interface object that represents the specified interface, use the getInterface function.
For an example that shows more of the workflow for related functions, see “Create and Configure
Interface Dictionary” on page 1-384.

myInterfaceObj = getInterface(dictAPI,'DataInterface')

myInterfaceObj =

DataInterface with properties:

Name: 'DataInterface'
Description: ''
Elements: [1×3 Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataElement]
Owner: [1×1 Simulink.interface.Dictionary]

Input Arguments
dictObj — Interface dictionary
Simulink.interface.Dictionary object

Interface dictionary, specified as a Simulink.interface.Dictionary object. Before you use this

function, create or open dictObj by using Simulink.interface.dictionary.create or

interfaceName — Interfaces definition name

character vector | string scalar

interfaceName definition name in Interfaces property array of dictObj, specified as a character

vector or a string scalar.
Example: 'DataInterface'

1 Functions

Output Arguments
interfaceObj — Interface object
DataInterface object | ServiceInterface object

Interface object, returned as a Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataInterface or

Simulink.interface.dictionary.ServiceInterface object.

Version History
Introduced in R2022b

R2023b: Simulink.interface.Dictionary object replaced by

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Starting in R2023b, use the Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object to

programmatically manage architectural data instead of the Simulink.interface.Dictionary

See Also
Simulink.interface.Dictionary | Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataInterface |
Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataElement | addDataInterface |
addServiceInterface | getInterfaceNames | removeInterface |
Simulink.interface.dictionary.create |


Package: Simulink.interface

Get cell array of interface names in Simulink interface dictionary

interfaceNames = getInterfaceNames(dictObj)

interfaceNames = getInterfaceNames(dictObj) returns a cell array of the interface names in
the interface dictionary.


Get Interface Names from Simulink Interface Dictionary

To get a cell array of the interface names in the dictionary, use the getInterfaceNames function.
For an example that shows more of the workflow for related functions, see “Create and Configure
Interface Dictionary” on page 1-384.

myInterfaceNames = getInterfaceNames(dictAPI)

myInterfaceNames =

1×2 cell array

{'DataInterface'} {'DataInterface2'}

Input Arguments
dictObj — Interface dictionary
Simulink.interface.Dictionary object

Interface dictionary, specified as a Simulink.interface.Dictionary object. Before you use this

function, create or open dictObj by using Simulink.interface.dictionary.create or

Output Arguments
interfaceNames — Interfaces definition names
cell array of character vectors | string array

interfaceNames definition names in Interfaces property array of dictObj, specified as a cell

array of character vectors or a string array.
Example: {'DataInterface'} {'DataInterface2'}

1 Functions

Version History
Introduced in R2022b

R2023b: Simulink.interface.Dictionary object replaced by

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Starting in R2023b, use the Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object to

programmatically manage architectural data instead of the Simulink.interface.Dictionary

See Also
Simulink.interface.Dictionary | Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataInterface |
Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataElement | addDataInterface |
addServiceInterface | getInterface | removeInterface |
Simulink.interface.dictionary.create |


Package: Simulink.interface

Get platform mapping object for platform in dictionary

platformMapping = getPlatformMapping(dictObj,platformName)

platformMapping = getPlatformMapping(dictObj,platformName) returns the mapping
object for the specified platform in the dictionary. This allows configuration of platform-specific
properties in the dictionary.


Get Platform Mapping from Simulink Interface Dictionary

To get the mapping object for the specified platform in the dictionary, use the getPlatformMapping
function. For an example that shows more of the workflow for related functions, see “Create and
Configure Interface Dictionary” on page 1-384.

myPlatformMapping = getPlatformMapping(dictAPI, 'AUTOSARClassic')

myPlatformMapping =

ARClassicPlatformMapping with no properties.

Input Arguments
dictObj — Interface dictionary
Simulink.interface.Dictionary object

Interface dictionary, specified as a Simulink.interface.Dictionary object. Before you use this

function, create or open dictObj by using Simulink.interface.dictionary.create or

platformName — Platform mapping name


Platform mapping name selection, for example, AUTOSARClassic mapping.

Example: 'AUTOSARClassic'

Output Arguments
platformMapping — Platform mapping object
autosar.dictionary.ARClassicPlatformMapping object

1 Functions

Platform mapping object, specified as an autosar.dictionary.ARClassicPlatformMapping


Version History
Introduced in R2022b

R2023b: Simulink.interface.Dictionary object replaced by

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Starting in R2023b, use the Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object to

programmatically manage architectural data instead of the Simulink.interface.Dictionary

See Also
Simulink.interface.Dictionary | addAliasType | addDataInterface | addEnumType |
addPlatformMapping | addStructType | addValueType | close | getDataType |
getDataTypeNames | getInterface | getInterfaceNames | importFromBaseWorkspace |
importFromFile | isDirty | removeDataType | removeInterface | save | show | showChanges
| Simulink.interface.dictionary.create |


Package: Simulink.interface

Get cell array of names of interface dictionaries that are referenced by another interface dictionary

refDictNames = getReferences(dictObj)

refDictNames = getReferences(dictObj) returns a cell array of the names of interface
dictionaries that are referenced by the interface dictionary dictObj.


Get Names of Interface Dictionaries Referenced from a Simulink Interface Dictionary

Get names of interface dictionaries referenced from the interface dictionary MyInterfaces.sldd.

dictAPI ='MyInterfaces.sldd');
refDicts = getReferences(dictAPI)

refDicts =

2×1 cell array


Input Arguments
dictObj — Interface dictionary
Simulink.interface.Dictionary object

Interface dictionary, specified as a Simulink.interface.Dictionary object. Before you use this

function, Before you use this function, create or open dictObj by using
Simulink.interface.dictionary.create or

Output Arguments
refDictNames — Names of interface dictionaries referenced
cell array of character vectors | string array

Names of referenced interface dictionaries represented using full paths, specified as a cell array of
character vectors or a string array.
Example: {'C:\work\ReferenceInterfaces1.sldd'}

1 Functions

Version History
Introduced in R2023a

R2023b: Simulink.interface.Dictionary object replaced by

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Starting in R2023b, use the Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object to

programmatically manage architectural data instead of the Simulink.interface.Dictionary

See Also
Simulink.interface.Dictionary | Simulink.interface.dictionary.create | | addReference | removeReference


Package: Simulink.interface

Import Simulink object definitions


importFromBaseWorkspace(dictObj) copies Simulink.Bus, Simulink.ValueType, and
Simulink.AliasType objects from base workspace to the interface dictionary identified by
dictObj. The Simulink.Bus objects are imported as data interfaces. For those objects that need to
be used as a structure DataType, these objects can be cut and pasted into the interface dictionary
after the import operation.


Import Buses, Value Types, and Alias Types to Simulink Interface Dictionary

To import Simulink.Bus, Simulink.ValueType, and Simulink.AliasType objects from base

workspace to the interface dictionary, use the importFromBaseWorkspace function. For an example
that shows more of the workflow for related functions, see “Create and Configure Interface
Dictionary” on page 1-384.

Input Arguments
dictObj — Interface dictionary
Simulink.interface.Dictionary object

Interface dictionary, specified as a Simulink.interface.Dictionary object. Before you use this

function, create or open dictObj by using Simulink.interface.dictionary.create or

Version History
Introduced in R2022b

R2023b: Simulink.interface.Dictionary object replaced by

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Starting in R2023b, use the Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object to

programmatically manage architectural data instead of the Simulink.interface.Dictionary

1 Functions

See Also
Simulink.interface.Dictionary | addAliasType | addDataInterface | addEnumType |
addPlatformMapping | addStructType | addValueType | close | getDataType |
getDataTypeNames | getInterface | getInterfaceNames | getPlatformMapping |
importFromFile | isDirty | removeDataType | removeInterface | save | show | showChanges
| Simulink.interface.dictionary.create |


Package: Simulink.interface

Import Simulink object definitions


importFromFile(dictObjmatFileName) copies Simulink.Bus, Simulink.ValueType, and
Simulink.AliasType objects from the specified MAT file to the interface dictionary identified by
dictObj. The Simulink.Bus objects are imported as data interfaces. For those objects that need to
be used as structure DataType, these objects can be cut and pasted in the interface dictionary to the
Interfaces tab after the import operation.


Import Buses, Value Types, and Alias Types to Simulink Interface Dictionary

To import Simulink.Bus, Simulink.ValueType, and Simulink.AliasType objects from the

specified MAT file to the interface dictionary, use the importFromFile function. For an example that
shows more of the workflow for related functions, see “Create and Configure Interface Dictionary” on
page 1-384.


Input Arguments
dictObj — Interface dictionary
Simulink.interface.Dictionary object

Interface dictionary, specified as a Simulink.interface.Dictionary object. Before you use this

function, create or open dictObj by using Simulink.interface.dictionary.create or

matFileName — MAT file name

character vector | string

Name of MAT file, specified as a character vector or string. The name must include the .mat
extension and must be a valid MATLAB identifier.
Example: 'myMatFile.mat'

Version History
Introduced in R2022b

1 Functions

R2023b: Simulink.interface.Dictionary object replaced by

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Starting in R2023b, use the Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object to

programmatically manage architectural data instead of the Simulink.interface.Dictionary

See Also
Simulink.interface.Dictionary | addAliasType | addDataInterface | addEnumType |
addPlatformMapping | addStructType | addValueType | close | getDataType |
getDataTypeNames | getInterface | getInterfaceNames | getPlatformMapping |
importFromBaseWorkspace | isDirty | removeDataType | removeInterface | save | show |
showChanges | Simulink.interface.dictionary.create |


Package: Simulink.interface

Check whether there are unsaved changes in Simulink interface dictionary

hasUnsavedChanges = isDirty(dictObj)

hasUnsavedChanges = isDirty(dictObj) returns a 1 (true) if the dictionary has unsaved


Check for Unsaved Changes in Simulink Interface Dictionary

To determine whether the dictionary has unsaved changes, use the isDirty function. For an
example that shows more of the workflow for related functions, see “Create and Configure Interface
Dictionary” on page 1-384.


ans =


Input Arguments
dictObj — Interface dictionary
Simulink.interface.Dictionary object

Interface dictionary, specified as a Simulink.interface.Dictionary object. Before you use this

function, create or open dictObj by using Simulink.interface.dictionary.create or

Version History
Introduced in R2022b

R2023b: Simulink.interface.Dictionary object replaced by

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

1 Functions

Starting in R2023b, use the Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object to

programmatically manage architectural data instead of the Simulink.interface.Dictionary

See Also
Simulink.interface.Dictionary | close | save | show | showChanges |
Simulink.interface.dictionary.create |


Package: Simulink.interface.dictionary

Analyze a model or an architecture for migration to interface dictionary


analyze(migratorObj) analyzes a model or an architecture for migration to an interface
dictionary. The analysis identifies the data types and interfaces in the model and data dictionaries for
migration to an interface dictionary. The analysis also identifies conflict issues that affect migration.


Analyze and Apply Interface Dictionary Migration

After creating a Simulink.interface.dictionary.Migrator object, you can analyze data type

and interface content in the model for migration to the interface dictionary and apply the migration.

Select a model that is linked to a data dictionary or an architecture that is linked to an interface
dictionary. See figure. The goal of the migration is to add content to the interface dictionary and link
the models and dictionaries.

1 Functions

Before Linking Sources and Data Migration

In this example migration, there are no conflicting data types or interfaces. The analysis identifies:

• The data types to migrate are MyAlias, AliasOfMyAlias, NonInterfaceBus, and

• The interfaces to migrate are MyBus and AnotherMyBus.

The architecture consists of SWC1, SWC2, and Composition. The architecture uses a data dictionary
hierarchy of dDictionary.sldd --> dLinkedDictionary.sldd.

Load the model and load the base workspace data.


Create a Simulink.interface.dictionary.Migrator object.

myMigratorObj = Simulink.interface.dictionary.Migrator( ...

"mArchitectureWithDataDictionary", ...

Perform migration analysis and display analysis results.



disp('Imported interfaces')
cellfun(@(x) x.Name,myMigratorObj.InterfacesToMigrate, ...
disp('Imported datatypes')
cellfun(@(x) x.Name,myMigratorObj.DataTypesToMigrate, ...
disp('Objects in conflict')
cellfun(@(x) strcat(x{1}.Name,' -> ',x{1}.Source), ...
disp('Unused objects')
cellfun(@(x) x.Name,myMigratorObj.UnusedObjects, ...

Apply migration analysis results.


To save the interface dictionary, use the save function. To revert applying the migration analysis, use
the revert function.


After migration (the apply step), the models and dictionaries are linked. See figure.

1 Functions

After Sources have been linked and data has been migrated

Input Arguments
migratorObj — Migrator object
Migrator object

Migrator object, specified by a Simulink.interface.dictionary.Migratorfunction.

Version History
Introduced in R2022b

R2023b: Migrator to be Removed

Before R2023a, the Simulink.interface.Dictionary.Migrator function was used to move data

types and interfaces from the base workspace data dictionaries to interface dictionaries. Starting in
R2023b, dedicated architectural data sections in Simulink data dictionaries replace interface
dictionaries. As a result, the Migrator object and its programmatic interfaces are no longer needed.
Data in an existing interface dictionary will automatically migrate to the architectural data section of
the Simulink data dictionary when the data dictionary is loaded.


See Also
Migrator | analyzeAndApply | apply | revert | save

1 Functions

Package: Simulink.interface.dictionary

Analyze a model or an architecture and apply migration to interface dictionary


analyzeAndApply(migratorObj) analyzes a model or an architecture for migration to an
interface dictionary. The analysis identifies the data types and interfaces in the model and data
dictionaries for migration to an interface dictionary. The analysis also identifies conflict issues that
affect migration. After analysis, the analyzeAndApply function applies the migration.


One-Step Analyze and Apply Interface Dictionary Migration

After creating a Simulink.interface.dictionary.Migrator object, you can analyze data type

and interface content in the model for migration to the interface dictionary and apply the migration.

Select a model that is linked to a data dictionary or an architecture that is linked to an interface
dictionary. See figure. The goal of the migration is to add content to the interface dictionary and link
the models and dictionaries.


Before Linking Sources and Data Migration

In this example migration, there are no conflicting data types or interfaces. The analysis identifies:

• The data types to migrate are MyAlias, AliasOfMyAlias, NonInterfaceBus, and

• The interfaces to migrate are MyBus and AnotherMyBus.

The architecture consists of SWC1, SWC2, and Composition. The architecture uses a data dictionary
hierarchy of dDictionary.sldd --> dLinkedDictionary.sldd.

Load the model and load the base workspace data.


Create a Simulink.interface.dictionary.Migrator object.

myMigratorObj = Simulink.interface.dictionary.Migrator( ...

"mArchitectureWithDataDictionary", ...

Perform migration analysis and display analysis results.

1 Functions


disp('Imported interfaces')
cellfun(@(x) x.Name,myMigratorObj.InterfacesToMigrate, ...
disp('Imported datatypes')
cellfun(@(x) x.Name,myMigratorObj.DataTypesToMigrate, ...
disp('Objects in conflict')
cellfun(@(x) strcat(x{1}.Name,' -> ',x{1}.Source), ...
disp('Unused objects')
cellfun(@(x) x.Name,myMigratorObj.UnusedObjects, ...

Analyze data type and interface content in the model for migration to the interface dictionary and
apply the migration.


To save the interface dictionary, use the save function. To revert applying the migration analysis, use
the revert function.


After migration (the apply step), the models and dictionaries are linked. See figure.


After Sources have been linked and data has been migrated

Input Arguments
migratorObj — Migrator object
Migrator object

Migrator object, specified by a Simulink.interface.dictionary.Migratorfunction.

Version History
Introduced in R2022b

R2023b: Migrator to be Removed

Before R2023a, the Simulink.interface.Dictionary.Migrator function was used to move data

types and interfaces from the base workspace data dictionaries to interface dictionaries. Starting in
R2023b, dedicated architectural data sections in Simulink data dictionaries replace interface
dictionaries. As a result, the Migrator object and its programmatic interfaces are no longer needed.
Data in an existing interface dictionary will automatically migrate to the architectural data section of
the Simulink data dictionary when the data dictionary is loaded.

1 Functions

See Also
Migrator | analyze | apply | revert | save


Package: Simulink.interface.dictionary

Apply interface dictionary migration changes from analysis of a model or an architecture


apply(migratorObj) applies migration to an interface dictionary from the analysis by the analyze
function of a model or an architecture. The analysis identifies the data types and interfaces in the
model and data dictionaries for migration to an interface dictionary. The analysis also identifies
conflict issues that affect migration.


Analyze and Apply Interface Dictionary Migration

After creating a Simulink.interface.dictionary.Migrator object, you can analyze data type

and interface content in the model for migration to the interface dictionary and apply the migration.

Select a model that is linked to a data dictionary or an architecture that is linked to an interface
dictionary. See figure. The goal of the migration is to add content to the interface dictionary and link
the models and dictionaries.

1 Functions

Before Linking Sources and Data Migration

In this example migration, there are no conflicting data types or interfaces. The analysis identifies:

• The data types to migrate are MyAlias, AliasOfMyAlias, NonInterfaceBus, and

• The interfaces to migrate are MyBus and AnotherMyBus.

The architecture consists of SWC1, SWC2, and Composition. The architecture uses a data dictionary
hierarchy of dDictionary.sldd --> dLinkedDictionary.sldd.

Load the model and load the base workspace data.


Create a Simulink.interface.dictionary.Migrator object.

myMigratorObj = Simulink.interface.dictionary.Migrator( ...

"mArchitectureWithDataDictionary", ...

Perform migration analysis and display analysis results.



disp('Imported interfaces')
cellfun(@(x) x.Name,myMigratorObj.InterfacesToMigrate, ...
disp('Imported datatypes')
cellfun(@(x) x.Name,myMigratorObj.DataTypesToMigrate, ...
disp('Objects in conflict')
cellfun(@(x) strcat(x{1}.Name,' -> ',x{1}.Source), ...
disp('Unused objects')
cellfun(@(x) x.Name,myMigratorObj.UnusedObjects, ...

Apply migration analysis results.


To save the interface dictionary, use the save function. To revert applying the migration analysis, use
the revert function.


After migration (the apply step), the models and dictionaries are linked. See figure.

1 Functions

After Sources have been linked and data has been migrated

Input Arguments
migratorObj — Migrator object
Migrator object

Migrator object, specified by a Simulink.interface.dictionary.Migratorfunction.

Version History
Introduced in R2022b

R2023b: Migrator to be Removed

Before R2023a, the Simulink.interface.Dictionary.Migrator function was used to move data

types and interfaces from the base workspace data dictionaries to interface dictionaries. Starting in
R2023b, dedicated architectural data sections in Simulink data dictionaries replace interface
dictionaries. As a result, the Migrator object and its programmatic interfaces are no longer needed.
Data in an existing interface dictionary will automatically migrate to the architectural data section of
the Simulink data dictionary when the data dictionary is loaded.


See Also
Migrator | analyze | analyzeAndApply | revert | save

1 Functions

Package: Simulink.interface.dictionary

Revert interface dictionary migration changes applied from analysis of a model or an architecture


revert(migratorObj) reverts changes that resolve conflicts in data types and interfaces that were
migrated to an interface dictionary. The migration analysis from the analyze function identifies
these conflicts.


Revert Changes from Interface Dictionary Migration

After creating a Simulink.interface.dictionary.Migrator object, you can analyze data type

and interface content in the model for migration to the interface dictionary and apply the migration.

Select a model that is linked to a data dictionary or an architecture that is linked to an interface
dictionary. See figure. The goal of the migration is to add content to the interface dictionary and link
the models and dictionaries.


Before Linking Sources and Data Migration

In this example migration, there are no conflicting data types or interfaces. The analysis identifies:

• The data types to migrate are MyAlias, AliasOfMyAlias, NonInterfaceBus, and

• The interfaces to migrate are MyBus and AnotherMyBus.

The architecture consists of SWC1, SWC2, and Composition. The architecture uses a data dictionary
hierarchy of dDictionary.sldd --> dLinkedDictionary.sldd.

Load the model and load the base workspace data.


Create a Simulink.interface.dictionary.Migrator object.

myMigratorObj = Simulink.interface.dictionary.Migrator( ...

"mArchitectureWithDataDictionary", ...

Perform migration analysis and display analysis results.

1 Functions


disp('Imported interfaces')
cellfun(@(x) x.Name,myMigratorObj.InterfacesToMigrate, ...
disp('Imported datatypes')
cellfun(@(x) x.Name,myMigratorObj.DataTypesToMigrate, ...
disp('Objects in conflict')
cellfun(@(x) strcat(x{1}.Name,' -> ',x{1}.Source), ...
disp('Unused objects')
cellfun(@(x) x.Name,myMigratorObj.UnusedObjects, ...

Apply migration analysis results.


After migration (the apply step), the models and dictionaries are linked. See figure.

After sources have been linked and data has been migrated

To revert the migration to the interface dictionary and undo changes to sources, use the revert
function. To keep the migration and changes, use the save function.



After reverting migration, unlinking sources, and undoing data migration

Input Arguments
migratorObj — Migrator object
Migrator object

Migrator object, specified by a Simulink.interface.dictionary.Migratorfunction.

Version History
Introduced in R2022b

R2023b: Migrator to be Removed

Before R2023a, the Simulink.interface.Dictionary.Migrator function was used to move data

types and interfaces from the base workspace data dictionaries to interface dictionaries. Starting in
R2023b, dedicated architectural data sections in Simulink data dictionaries replace interface
dictionaries. As a result, the Migrator object and its programmatic interfaces are no longer needed.
Data in an existing interface dictionary will automatically migrate to the architectural data section of
the Simulink data dictionary when the data dictionary is loaded.

1 Functions

See Also
Migrator | analyze | analyzeAndApply | apply | save


Package: Simulink.interface.dictionary

Save applied interface dictionary migration changes from analysis of a model or an architecture


save(migratorObj) save the applied migration to an interface dictionary from the analysis by the
analyze function of a model or an architecture. The analysis identifies the data types and interfaces
in the model and data dictionaries for migration to an interface dictionary. The analysis also identifies
conflict issues that affect migration. The save operation makes changes persistent in:

• The model
• Any data dictionary that is used by the model and their hierarchies
• The interface dictionary


Save Changes from Interface Dictionary Migration

After creating a Simulink.interface.dictionary.Migrator object, you can analyze data type

and interface content in the model for migration to the interface dictionary and apply the migration.
To save the changes to the interface dictionary, use the save function.

Select a model that is linked to a data dictionary or an architecture that is linked to an interface
dictionary. See figure. The goal of the migration is to add content to the interface dictionary and link
the models and dictionaries.

1 Functions

Before Linking Sources and Data Migration

In this example migration, there are no conflicting data types or interfaces. The analysis identifies:

• The data types to migrate are MyAlias, AliasOfMyAlias, NonInterfaceBus, and

• The interfaces to migrate are MyBus and AnotherMyBus.

The architecture consists of SWC1, SWC2, and Composition. The architecture uses a data dictionary
hierarchy of dDictionary.sldd --> dLinkedDictionary.sldd.

Load the model and load the base workspace data.


Create a Simulink.interface.dictionary.Migrator object.

myMigratorObj = Simulink.interface.dictionary.Migrator( ...

"mArchitectureWithDataDictionary", ...

Perform migration analysis and display analysis results.



disp('Imported interfaces')
cellfun(@(x) x.Name,myMigratorObj.InterfacesToMigrate, ...
disp('Imported datatypes')
cellfun(@(x) x.Name,myMigratorObj.DataTypesToMigrate, ...
disp('Objects in conflict')
cellfun(@(x) strcat(x{1}.Name,' -> ',x{1}.Source), ...
disp('Unused objects')
cellfun(@(x) x.Name,myMigratorObj.UnusedObjects, ...

Apply migration analysis results.


To save the interface dictionary, use the save function. To revert applying the migration analysis, use
the revert function.


After migration (the apply step), the models and dictionaries are linked. See figure.

1 Functions

After Sources have been linked and data has been migrated

Input Arguments
migratorObj — Migrator object
Migrator object

Migrator object, specified by a Simulink.interface.dictionary.Migratorfunction.

Version History
Introduced in R2022b

R2023b: Migrator to be Removed

Before R2023a, the Simulink.interface.Dictionary.Migrator function was used to move data

types and interfaces from the base workspace data dictionaries to interface dictionaries. Starting in
R2023b, dedicated architectural data sections in Simulink data dictionaries replace interface
dictionaries. As a result, the Migrator object and its programmatic interfaces are no longer needed.
Data in an existing interface dictionary will automatically migrate to the architectural data section of
the Simulink data dictionary when the data dictionary is loaded.


See Also
Migrator | analyze | analyzeAndApply | apply | revert

1 Functions
Package: Simulink.interface.dictionary

Open a Simulink Interface Dictionary

dictObj =

dictObj = opens the specified
Interface Dictionary dictionaryName and returns an object representing the dictionary.


Open Simulink Interface Dictionary

To open the specified Interface Dictionary dictionaryName and return an object representing the
dictionary, use the open function. For an example that shows more of the workflow for related
functions, see “Create and Configure Interface Dictionary” on page 1-384.

dictAPI ="new_dictionary.sldd");

Input Arguments
dictionaryName — Name of interface dictionary
character vector | string scalar

Name of interface dictionary, specified as a character vector or string scalar. The name must include
the .sldd extension and must be a valid MATLAB identifier.
Example: "new_dictionary.sldd"

Output Arguments
dictObj — Interface dictionary
Simulink.interface.Dictionary object

Interface dictionary, specified as a Simulink.interface.Dictionary object. Before you use this

function, create or open dictObj by using Simulink.interface.dictionary.create or

Version History
Introduced in R2022b


R2023b: Simulink.interface.Dictionary object replaced by

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Starting in R2023b, use the Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object to

programmatically manage architectural data instead of the Simulink.interface.Dictionary

See Also
Simulink.interface.Dictionary | addAliasType | addDataInterface | addEnumType |
addPlatformMapping | addStructType | addValueType | close | getDataType |
getDataTypeNames | getInterface | getInterfaceNames | getPlatformMapping |
importFromBaseWorkspace | importFromFile | isDirty | removeDataType |
removeInterface | save | show | showChanges | Simulink.interface.dictionary.create

1 Functions

Package: Simulink.interface

Remove data type from Simulink interface dictionary


removeDataType(dictObj,dataTypeName) deletes the specified data type in the interface


Remove Data Type from Simulink Interface Dictionary

To delete the specified DataType in the dictionary, use the removeDataType function. For an
example that shows more of the workflow for related functions, see “Create and Configure Interface
Dictionary” on page 1-384.


Input Arguments
dictObj — Interface dictionary
Simulink.interface.Dictionary object

Interface dictionary, specified as a Simulink.interface.Dictionary object. Before you use this

function, create or open dictObj by using Simulink.interface.dictionary.create or

dataTypeName — DataType definition name

string scalar | character vector

DataType definition name in DataTypes property array of dictObj, specified as a character vector
or a string scalar.
Example: 'myAliasType1'

Version History
Introduced in R2022b

R2023b: Simulink.interface.Dictionary object replaced by

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object


Starting in R2023b, use the Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object to

programmatically manage architectural data instead of the Simulink.interface.Dictionary

See Also
Simulink.interface.Dictionary | addAliasType | addEnumType | addNumericType |
addStructType | addValueType | getDataType | getDataTypeNames |
Simulink.interface.dictionary.create |

1 Functions

Package: Simulink.interface

Remove interface from Simulink interface dictionary


removeInterface(dictObj,interfaceName) deletes the specified interface from the interface


Remove Interface from Simulink Interface Dictionary

To delete the specified interface from the dictionary, use the removeInterface function. For an
example that shows more of the workflow for related functions, see “Create and Configure Interface
Dictionary” on page 1-384.


Input Arguments
dictObj — Interface dictionary
Simulink.interface.Dictionary object

Interface dictionary, specified as a Simulink.interface.Dictionary object. Before you use this

function, create or open dictObj by using Simulink.interface.dictionary.create or

interfaceName — Interfaces definition name

character vector | string scalar

interfaceName definition name in Interfaces property array of dictObj, specified as a character

vector or a string scalar.
Example: 'DataInterface'

Version History
Introduced in R2022b

R2023b: Simulink.interface.Dictionary object replaced by

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object


Starting in R2023b, use the Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object to

programmatically manage architectural data instead of the Simulink.interface.Dictionary

See Also
Simulink.interface.Dictionary | Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataInterface |
Simulink.interface.dictionary.DataElement | addDataInterface |
addServiceInterface | getInterface | getInterfaceNames |
Simulink.interface.dictionary.create |

1 Functions

Package: Simulink.interface

Remove Simulink interface dictionary reference from another interface dictionary


removeReference(dictObj,refDict) removes an interface dictionary reference, specified by
refDict, from the specified interface dictionary, dictObj.


Remove Referenced Dictionaries from a Simulink Interface Dictionary

Remove referenced dictionaries ReferenceInterfaces1.sldd and

ReferenceInterfaces2.sldd from the interface dictionary MyInterfaces.sldd.

Get the names of the referenced dictionaries.

dictAPI1 ='MyInterfaces.sldd');
refDicts = getReferences(dictAPI1)

refDicts =

2×1 cell array


Remove the referenced dictionaries, using a dictionary object and character vector.
dictAPI2 ='ReferenceInterfaces1.sldd');

refDicts = getReferences(dictAPI1)

refDicts =

0×1 empty cell array

Input Arguments
dictObj — Interface dictionary
Simulink.interface.Dictionary object


Interface dictionary, specified as a Simulink.interface.Dictionary object. Before you use this

function, Before you use this function, create or open dictObj by using
Simulink.interface.dictionary.create or

refDict — Referenced interface dictionary

character vector | string scalar | Simulink.interface.Dictionary object

Referenced interface dictionary, specified as a character vector, a string scalar, or a

Simulink.interface.Dictionary object.
Example: 'ReferenceDictionary.sldd'

Version History
Introduced in R2023a

R2023b: Simulink.interface.Dictionary object replaced by

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Starting in R2023b, use the Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object to

programmatically manage architectural data instead of the Simulink.interface.Dictionary

See Also
Simulink.interface.Dictionary | Simulink.interface.dictionary.create | | addReference | getReferences

1 Functions

Package: Simulink.interface

Save changes to Simulink interface dictionary


save(dictObj) saves the interface dictionary.


Save Simulink Interface Dictionary

To save the interface dictionary, use the save function. For an example that shows more of the
workflow for related functions, see “Create and Configure Interface Dictionary” on page 1-384.


Input Arguments
dictObj — Interface dictionary
Simulink.interface.Dictionary object

Interface dictionary, specified as a Simulink.interface.Dictionary object. Before you use this

function, create or open dictObj by using Simulink.interface.dictionary.create or

Version History
Introduced in R2022b

R2023b: Simulink.interface.Dictionary object replaced by

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Starting in R2023b, use the Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object to

programmatically manage architectural data instead of the Simulink.interface.Dictionary

See Also
Simulink.interface.Dictionary | close | isDirty | show | showChanges |
Simulink.interface.dictionary.create |


Package: Simulink.interface

View contents of Simulink interface dictionary in standalone viewer


show(dictObj) displays the dictionary contents in the standalone interface editor.


View Simulink Interface Dictionary in Interface Editor

To display the dictionary contents in the standalone interface editor, use the show function. For an
example that shows more of the workflow for related functions, see “Create and Configure Interface
Dictionary” on page 1-384.


1 Functions

Input Arguments
dictObj — Interface dictionary
Simulink.interface.Dictionary object

Interface dictionary, specified as a Simulink.interface.Dictionary object. Before you use this

function, create or open dictObj by using Simulink.interface.dictionary.create or

Version History
Introduced in R2022b

R2023b: Simulink.interface.Dictionary object replaced by

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Starting in R2023b, use the Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object to

programmatically manage architectural data instead of the Simulink.interface.Dictionary


See Also
Simulink.interface.Dictionary | close | isDirty | save | showChanges |
Simulink.interface.dictionary.create |

1 Functions

Package: Simulink.interface

View changes to contents of Simulink interface dictionary in comparison viewer


showChanges(dictObj) opens the Comparison Tool window and displays changes to the dictionary
since it was last saved. The Comparison Tool shows the differences in the Simulink design data
properties. Changes made to platform properties are not shown.


View Changes to Simulink Interface Dictionary in Comparison Tool

To open the Comparison Tool window and display changes to the dictionary since it was last saved,
use the showChanges function. For an example that shows more of the workflow for related
functions, see “Create and Configure Interface Dictionary” on page 1-384.



Input Arguments
dictObj — Interface dictionary
Simulink.interface.Dictionary object

Interface dictionary, specified as a Simulink.interface.Dictionary object. Before you use this

function, create or open dictObj by using Simulink.interface.dictionary.create or

1 Functions

Version History
Introduced in R2022b

R2023b: Simulink.interface.Dictionary object replaced by

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object

Starting in R2023b, use the Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData object to

programmatically manage architectural data instead of the Simulink.interface.Dictionary

See Also
Simulink.interface.Dictionary | close | isDirty | save | show |
Simulink.interface.dictionary.create |


2 Blocks

Adaptive Component
Model adaptive software component in AUTOSAR architecture model

AUTOSAR Blockset

In an AUTOSAR architecture model, you use the composition editor and the Simulink Toolstrip
Modeling tab to add and connect compositions and components. Use the Adaptive Component block
to add an adaptive software component to an AUTOSAR adaptive software design.

To add and connect AUTOSAR components:

• From the Modeling tab, configure the platform kind for the architecture model by setting
Platform to Adaptive.
• For each component required by the design, from the Modeling tab or the palette to the left of
the canvas, add an Adaptive Component block. You can view the component Kind in the Property
Inspector. For adaptive components, the component kind is AdaptiveApplication.
• Add component require ports and provide ports. To add each component port, click an edge of a
Adaptive Component block. When port controls appear, select Input or Client for a require port,
or Output or Server for a provide port.
• To connect the Adaptive Component blocks to other blocks, connect the block ports with signal
• To connect the Adaptive Component blocks to architecture or composition model root ports, drag
a line from the component ports to the containing model boundary. Releasing the connection
creates a root port at the boundary.
• Configure additional AUTOSAR properties using the Property Inspector.

After you add and connect AUTOSAR components, add Simulink behavior to the AUTOSAR
components by creating, importing, or linking models.

If you have Requirements Toolbox™ software, you can link components in an AUTOSAR architecture
model to Simulink requirements.

Each Adaptive Component block represents an adaptive application. Upon deployment, each adaptive
component is treated as an executable.


Input port — Component require port

scalar | vector | matrix

Adaptive Component

Require port in the AUTOSAR software component port interface.

If you link the component block to an implementation model, the port interfaces of the block and
model, including the number of ports, match.

Client port — Component client port on a service interface

scalar | vector | matrix

Client port on a service interface for AUTOSAR method communication, implementing a service

If you link the component block to an implementation model, the port interfaces of the block and
model, including the number of ports, match.


Output port — Component provide port

scalar | vector | matrix

Provide port in the AUTOSAR software component port interface.

If you link the component block to an implementation model, the port interfaces of the block and
model, including the number of ports, match.

Server port — Component server port on a service interface

scalar | vector | matrix

Server port on a service interface for AUTOSAR method communication, implementing a service

If you link the component block to an implementation model, the port interfaces of the block and
model, including the number of ports, match.

Version History
Introduced in R2023a

See Also
Software Composition

“Add and Connect AUTOSAR Adaptive Components and Compositions”
“Author AUTOSAR Classic Compositions and Components in Architecture Model”
“Define AUTOSAR Component Behavior by Creating or Linking Models”
“Create Profiles Stereotypes and Views for AUTOSAR Architecture Analysis”
“Link AUTOSAR Components to Requirements”

2 Blocks

Classic Component
Model classic software component in AUTOSAR architecture model

AUTOSAR Blockset

In an AUTOSAR architecture model, you use the composition editor and the Simulink Toolstrip
Modeling tab to add and connect compositions and components. Use the Classic Component block to
add a classic software component to an AUTOSAR classic software design.

To add and connect AUTOSAR components:

• From the Modeling tab, configure the platform kind for the architecture model by setting
Platform to Classic.
• For each component required by the design, from the Modeling tab or the palette to the left of
the canvas, add a Classic Component block. You can use the Property Inspector to set the
component Kind — Application, ComplexDeviceDriver, EcuAbstraction,
SensorActuator, or ServiceProxy. (Application and SensorActuator are common.)
• Add component require ports and provide ports. To add each component port, click an edge of a
Classic Component block. When port controls appear, select Input for a require port or Output
for a provide port.
• To connect Classic Component blocks to other blocks, connect the block ports with signal lines.
• To connect Classic Component blocks to architecture or composition model root ports, drag a line
from the component ports to the containing model boundary. Releasing the connection creates a
root port at the boundary.
• Configure additional AUTOSAR properties using the Property Inspector.

After you add and connect AUTOSAR components, add Simulink behavior to the AUTOSAR
components by creating, importing, or linking models.

If you have Requirements Toolbox software, you can link components in an AUTOSAR architecture
model to Simulink requirements.

The Classic Component block was named Software Component. The block was renamed to
differentiate it from the Adaptive Component block, which was introduced in R2023a.


Input port — Component require port

scalar | vector | matrix

Classic Component

Require port in the AUTOSAR software component port interface.

If you link the component block to an implementation model, the port interfaces of the block and
model, including the number of ports, match.


Output port — Component provide port

scalar | vector | matrix

Provide port in the AUTOSAR software component port interface.

If you link the component block to an implementation model, the port interfaces of the block and
model, including the number of ports, match.

Version History
Introduced in R2019b

R2023a: Software Component block name changed to Classic Component

The Software Component block is renamed to the Classic Component block.

See Also
Software Composition | Diagnostic Service Component | NVRAM Service Component

“Add and Connect AUTOSAR Classic Components and Compositions”
“Author AUTOSAR Classic Compositions and Components in Architecture Model”
“Define AUTOSAR Component Behavior by Creating or Linking Models”
“Create Profiles Stereotypes and Views for AUTOSAR Architecture Analysis”
“Link AUTOSAR Components to Requirements”

2 Blocks

Control Function Available Caller

Call AUTOSAR Function Inhibition Manager (FiM) service interface ControlFunctionAvailable

AUTOSAR Blockset / Classic Platform / Basic Software / Function Inhibition
Manager (FiM)

For the AUTOSAR Classic Platform, the AUTOSAR standard defines important services as part of
Basic Software (BSW) that runs in the AUTOSAR Runtime Environment (RTE). Examples include
services provided by the Diagnostic Event Manager (Dem), the Function Inhibition Manager (FiM),
and the NVRAM Manager (NvM). In the AUTOSAR RTE, AUTOSAR software components typically
access BSW services using client-server communication.

To support system-level modeling and simulation of AUTOSAR components and services, AUTOSAR
Blockset provides an AUTOSAR Basic Software block library. The library contains preconfigured
blocks for modeling component calls to AUTOSAR BSW services and reference implementations of
the BSW services.

As defined in the AUTOSAR specification, the Function Inhibition Manager provides a control
mechanism for selectively inhibiting (deactivating) function execution in software component
runnables based on function identifiers (FIDs) with inhibit conditions.

The Function Inhibition Manager is closely related to the Diagnostic Event Manager because
inhibiting conditions can be based on the status of diagnostic events. The Control Function Available
Caller block calls the FiM service interface ControlFunctionAvailable to initiate the
SetFunctionAvailable operation.

Client port name — Name of client port AUTOSAR component uses to call FiM service interface
FiM_ControlFunctionAvailable (default) | character vector

Enter the name of the client port the AUTOSAR software component uses to call the FiM service
interface FiM_ControlFunctionAvailable.

Operation — Specify operation defined in FiM service interface ControlFunctionAvailable

SetFunctionAvailable (default)

This block supports the FiM operation SetFunctionAvailable and generates inports and outports
for the operation. Passing a true value marks the function associated with the client port as available,
a false value marks the function as not available. A GetPermission operation (Function Inhibition
Caller block) associated with a function that is not available returns false.

The Operation parameter must be set to an operation supported by the schema currently specified
by the model. The list of operations on the block parameters dialog reflects the operations supported
by the current schema.

Control Function Available Caller

Sample time — Block sample time

-1 (default) | scalar

Block sample time. The default sets the block to inherit its sample time from the model.

Version History
Introduced in R2020a

R2023a: Basic Software caller blocks support all AUTOSAR schema versions

Starting in 23a, Basic Software caller (BSW) blocks support all AUTOSAR schema versions supported
by AUTOSAR Blockset. The BSW blocks inherit the same schema version specified by the model.
Code and ARXML generated from the component reflect the schema version specified on the model.
When you change the schema version specified by the model, the software automatically replaces
software calls to the correct operation. In some cases, the software may prompt you to confirm a
change when moving between schema versions.

Extended Capabilities
C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

See Also
Function Inhibition Caller | DiagnosticOperationCycleCaller | Diagnostic Service Component

“Configure Calls to AUTOSAR Function Inhibition Manager Service”
“Model AUTOSAR Basic Software Service Calls”

2 Blocks

Approximate one-dimensional function

AUTOSAR Blockset / Classic Platform / Library Routines / Interpolation

The Curve block performs one-dimensional interpolated table lookup, including index searches. The
table is a sampled representation of a function. Breakpoint sets relate the input values to positions in
the table. You can also use the Prelookup and Prelookup Using Curve blocks together to perform the
same operations as this block.

If you select the AUTOSAR 4.0 code replacement library (CRL) for your AUTOSAR model, code
generated from this block is replaced with the AUTOSAR library routine that you configure in the
block parameters dialog box.


u1 — First-dimension inputs
scalar | vector | matrix

Real-valued inputs to the u1 port, mapped to an output value by looking up or interpolating the table
of values that you define.
Example: 0:10
Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | fixed point


Port_1 — Output computed by looking up or estimating table values

scalar | vector | matrix

Output generated by looking up or estimating table values based on the input values. If the inputs
match the index values of breakpoint sets the curve block provides a table value as output. If the
block inputs do not match index values in breakpoint sets, but are within range, the block performs
the interpolation method you selected and provides an estimated value from the table values as
Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | fixed point

Targeted Routine Library — Indicates the AUTOSAR routine library used for block code replacement
IFX(fixed-point) (default) | IFL(floating-point)


If you select the AUTOSAR 4.0 code replacement library (CRL) for your model, code generated from
this block is replaced from the selected AUTOSAR routine library. This parameter enables you to
choose either fixed-point (IFX) or floating-point (IFL) code replacement and validation checks.

Targeted Routine — AUTOSAR library routine used for code replacement

Ifx_IntIpoMap (default)

This parameter reflects the name of the AUTOSAR code replacement library (CRL) routine used to
replace the code generated by this block. The naming convention includes the targeted routine
library, interpolation method, and block type. This parameter is reference-only and must not be

Table Specification

Data specification — Method of table and breakpoint specification

Table and breakpoints (default) | Lookup table object

From the list, select:

• Table and breakpoints — Specify the table data and breakpoints. Selecting this option
enables these parameters:

• Table data
• Breakpoints specification
• Breakpoints
• Edit table and breakpoints
• Lookup table object — Use an existing lookup table (Simulink.LookupTable) object.
Selecting this option enables the Name field and the Edit table and breakpoints button.

Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: DataSpecification
Type: character vector
Values: 'Table and breakpoints' | 'Lookup table object'
Default: 'Table and breakpoints'

Name — Name of the lookup table object

[] (default) | Simulink.LookupTable object

Enter the name of the lookup table (Simulink.LookupTable) object.


To enable this parameter, set Data specification to Lookup table object.

Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: LookupTableObject
Type: character vector
Values: name of a Simulink.LookupTable object
Default: ''

Table data — Define the table of output values

[1 2 4] (default) | character vector

Enter the table of output values.

2 Blocks

During simulation, the matrix must be one-dimensional. However, during block diagram editing, you
can enter an empty matrix (specified as []) or an undefined workspace variable. This technique lets
you postpone specifying a correctly dimensioned matrix for the table data and continue editing the
block diagram.

To enable this parameter, set Data specification to Table and breakpoints.

Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: Table
Type: character vector
Values: matrix of table values
Default: '[1 2 4]'

Breakpoints specification — Method of breakpoint specification

Explicit values (default) | Even spacing

Specify whether to enter data as explicit breakpoints or as parameters that generate evenly spaced

• To explicitly specify breakpoint data, set this parameter to Explicit values and enter
breakpoint data in the text box next to the Breakpoints parameters.
• To specify parameters that generate evenly spaced breakpoints, set this parameter to Even
spacing and enter values for the First point and Spacing parameters for each dimension of
breakpoint data. The block calculates the number of points to generate from the table data.


To enable this parameter, set Data specification to Table and breakpoints.

Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: BreakpointsSpecification
Type: character vector
Values: 'Explicit values' | 'Even spacing'
Default: 'Explicit values'

Breakpoints — Explicit breakpoint values, or first point and spacing of breakpoints

[10,22,31] (default) | 1-by-n or n-by-1 vector of monotonically increasing values

Specify the breakpoint data explicitly or as evenly-spaced breakpoints, based on the value of the
Breakpoints specification parameter.

• If you set Breakpoints specification to Explicit values, enter the breakpoint set that
corresponds to each dimension of table data in each Breakpoints row. For each dimension,
specify breakpoints as a 1-by-n or n-by-1 vector whose values are strictly monotonically
• If you set Breakpoints specification to Even spacing, enter the parameters First point and
Spacing in each Breakpoints row to generate evenly-spaced breakpoints in the respective
dimension. Your table data determines the number of evenly spaced points.


To enable this parameter, set Data specification to Table and breakpoints.


Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: BreakpointsForDimension1
Type: character vector
Values: 1-by-n or n-by-1 vector of monotonically increasing values
Default: '[10, 22, 31]'

First point — First point in evenly spaced breakpoint data

1 (default) | scalar

Specify the first point in your evenly spaced breakpoint data as a real-valued, finite, or scalar. This
parameter is available when you set the Breakpoints specification to Even spacing.

To enable this parameter, set Data specification to Table and breakpoints and Breakpoints
specification to Even spacing.
Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: BreakpointsForDimension1FirstPoint
Type: character vector
Values: real-valued, finite, scalar
Default: '1'

Spacing — Spacing between evenly spaced breakpoints

1 (default) | scalar

Specify the spacing between points in your evenly-spaced breakpoint data.


To enable this parameter, set Data specification to Table and breakpoints and Breakpoints
specification to Even spacing.
Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: BreakpointsForDimension1Spacing
Type: character vector
Values: positive, real-valued, finite, scalar
Default: '1'

Edit table and breakpoints — Launch Lookup Table Editor dialog box

Click this button to open the Lookup Table Editor. You can then edit the object and save the new
values for the object. For more information, see “Edit Lookup Tables” in the Simulink documentation.


Index search method — Method of calculating table indices

Linear search (default) | Evenly spaced points | Binary search

Select Evenly spaced points, Linear search, or Binary search. Each search method has
speed advantages in different circumstances:

• For evenly spaced breakpoint sets (for example, 10, 20, 30, and so on), you achieve optimal speed
by selecting Evenly spaced points to calculate table indices. This algorithm uses only the first
two breakpoints of a set to determine the offset and spacing of the remaining points.

2 Blocks

Note When using the Simulink.LookupTable object to specify table data and the Breakpoints
Specification parameter of the referenced Simulink.LookupTable object is set to Even
spacing, set the Index search method to Evenly spaced points.
• For unevenly spaced breakpoint sets, follow these guidelines:

• If input signals do not vary significantly between time steps, selecting Linear search with
Begin index search using previous index result produces the best performance.
• If input signals jump more than one or two table intervals per time step, selecting Binary
search produces the best performance.

A suboptimal choice of an index search method can lead to slow performance of models that rely
heavily on lookup tables.

The generated code stores only the first breakpoint, the spacing, and the number of breakpoints

• The breakpoint data is not tunable.

• The index search method is Evenly spaced points.

Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: IndexSearchMethod
Type: character vector
Values: 'Binary search' | 'Evenly spaced points' | 'Linear search'
Default: 'Linear search'

Begin index search using previous index result — Start using the index from the previous time
off (default) | on

Select this check box when you want the block to start its search using the index found at the
previous time step. For inputs that change slowly with respect to the interval size, enabling this
option can improve performance. Otherwise, the linear search and binary search methods can take
longer, especially for large breakpoint sets.

To enable this parameter, set Index search method to Linear search or Binary search.
Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: BeginIndexSearchUsing PreviousIndexResult
Type: character vector
Values: 'off' | 'on'
Default: 'off'

Interpolation method — Method of interpolation between breakpoint values

Linear point-slope (default) | Flat

When an input falls between breakpoint values, the block interpolates the output value by using
neighboring breakpoints. For more information, see “Interpolation Methods”.
Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: InterpMethod
Type: character vector
Values: 'Linear point-slope' | 'Flat'


Default: 'Linear point-slope'

Integer rounding mode — Rounding mode for fixed-point operations

Round (default) | Zero

Specify the rounding mode for fixed-point lookup table calculations that occur during simulation or
execution of code generated from the model.

This option does not affect rounding of block parameter values. Simulink rounds such values to the
nearest representable integer value. To control the rounding of a block parameter, enter an
expression using a MATLAB rounding function into the edit field on the block dialog box.
Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: RndMeth
Type: character vector
Values: 'Round' | 'Zero'
Default: 'Round'

Data Types

Table data — Data type of table data

Inherit: Same as output (default) | double | single | int8 | uint8 | int16 | uint16 | int32
| uint32 | fixdt(1,16) | fixdt(1,16,0) | fixdt(1,16,2^0,0) | <data type expression>

Specify the table data type. The block validates that the selected types are compatible with the
specification of the targeted routine. You can set the table data type to:

• A rule that inherits a data type, for example, Inherit: Same as output
• The name of a built-in data type, for example, single
• The name of a data type object, for example, a Simulink.NumericType object
• An expression that evaluates to a data type, for example, fixdt(1,16,0)

Click the Show data type assistant button to display the Data Type Assistant, which helps
you set the data type attributes. For more information, see “Specify Data Types Using Data Type

Tip Specify a table data type different from the output data type in these cases:

• Lower memory requirement for storing table data that uses a smaller type than the output signal.
• Sharing of prescaled table data between two Map blocks that have different output data types.
• Sharing of custom storage table data in the generated code for blocks that have different output
data types.

Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: TableDataTypeStr
Type: character vector
Values: 'Inherit: Inherit from 'Table data'' | 'Inherit: Same as output' |
'double' | 'single' | 'int8' | 'uint8' | 'int16' | 'uint16' | 'int32' |

2 Blocks

'uint32' | 'fixdt(1,16)' | 'fixdt(1,16,0)' | 'fixdt(1,16,2^0,0)'|'<data type

Default: 'Inherit: Same as output'

Breakpoints — Breakpoint data type

Inherit: Same as corresponding input (default) | double | single | int8 | uint8 | int16 |
uint16 | int32 | uint32 | fixdt(1,16) | fixdt(1,16,0) | fixdt(1,16,2^0,0) | Enum:
<class name> | <data type expression>

Specify the data type for a set of breakpoint data. You can set the breakpoint data type to:

• A rule that inherits a data type, for example, Inherit: Same as corresponding input
• The name of a built-in data type, for example, single
• The name of a data type class, for example, an enumerated data type class
• The name of a data type object, for example, a Simulink.NumericType object
• An expression that evaluates to a data type, for example, fixdt(1,16,0)

A limitation for using enumerated data with this block is that it does not support out-of-range input
for enumerated date. When specifying enumerated data, include the entire enumeration set in the
breakpoint data set.

Click the Show data type assistant button to display the Data Type Assistant, which helps
you set the data type attributes. For more information, see “Specify Data Types Using Data Type
Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: BreakpointsForDimension1DataTypeStr |
Type: character vector
Values: 'Inherit: Same as corresponding input' | 'Inherit: Inherit from
'Breakpoint data'' | 'double' | 'single' | 'int8' | 'uint8' | 'int16' |
'uint16' | 'int32' | 'uint32' | 'fixdt(1,16)' | 'fixdt(1,16,0)' |
'fixdt(1,16,2^0,0)'|'<data type expression>'
Default: 'Inherit: Same as corresponding input'

Version History
Introduced in R2019a

Extended Capabilities
C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

See Also
Curve Using Prelookup | Map | Map Using Prelookup | Prelookup

“Configure Lookup Tables for AUTOSAR Calibration and Measurement”
“Code Generation with AUTOSAR Code Replacement Library”

Curve Using Prelookup

Curve Using Prelookup

Use previously calculated index and fraction values to accelerate approximation of one-dimensional

AUTOSAR Blockset / Classic Platform / Library Routines / Interpolation

The Curve Using Prelookup block is intended for use with a Prelookup block. This block enables a
prelookup result to drive multiple interpolation results. The Prelookup block computes the index and
interval fraction that specify how its input value u relates to the breakpoint data set and feeds the
resulting index and fraction values into the Curve Using Prelookup block to interpolate a one-
dimensional table. The Prelookup and Curve Using Prelookup blocks have distributed algorithms that
when used together perform the same algorithm operation as the Curve block but offer greater
flexibility and more efficient simulation and code generation.

If you select the AUTOSAR 4.0 code replacement library (CRL) for your AUTOSAR model, code
generated from this block is replaced with the AUTOSAR library routine that you configure in the
block parameters dialog box.


kf1 — Input containing index k and fraction f

bus object

Inputs to the kf1 port contain index k and fraction f specified as a bus object.
Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | fixed point |

T — Table data
scalar | vector | matrix | 1-d array

Table data values provided as input to port T. These table values correspond to the breakpoint data
sets specified in Prelookup blocks. The Interpolation Using Prelookup block generates output by
looking up or estimating table values based on index (k) and interval fraction (f) values fed from
Prelookup blocks.


To enable this port, set Source to Input port.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | fixed point

2 Blocks


Port 1 — Approximation of one-dimensional function

scalar | vector | matrix

Approximation of the one-dimensional function computed by interpolating table data that uses values
from the input index, k, and the fraction, f.
Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | fixed point

Targeted Routine Library — Indicates the AUTOSAR routine library used for block code replacement
IFX(fixed-point) (default) | IFL(floating-point)

If you select the AUTOSAR 4.0 code replacement library (CRL) for your model, code generated from
this block is replaced from the selected AUTOSAR routine library. This parameter enables you to
choose either fixed-point (IFX) or floating-point (IFL) code replacement and validation checks.

Targeted Routine — AUTOSAR library routine used for code replacement

Ifx_IpoCur (default)

This parameter reflects the name of the AUTOSAR code replacement library (CRL) routine used to
replace the code generated by this block. The naming convention includes the targeted routine
library, interpolation method, and block type. This parameter is reference-only and must not be

Table Specification

Data Specification — Choose how to enter table data

Explicit values (default) | Lookup table object

Specify whether to enter table data directly or use a lookup table object. If you set this parameter to:

• Explicit values, the Table Data parameter is visible in the dialog box.
• Lookup table object, the Name parameter is visible in the dialog box.

Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: TableSpecification
Type: character vector
Values: 'Explicit values' | 'Lookup table object'
Default: 'Explicit values'

Name — Name of a Simulink.LookupTable object

Simulink.LookupTable object

Specify the name of a Simulink.LookupTable object. A lookup table object references Simulink

breakpoint objects. If a Simulink.LookupTable object does not exist, click the action button and
select Create. The corresponding parameters of the new lookup table object are populated with the
block information.

To enable this parameter, set Data Specification to Lookup table object.

Curve Using Prelookup

Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: LookupTableObject
Type: character vector
Value: Simulink.LookupTable object
Default: ''

Table data — Define the table of output values

[1 2 4] (default) | character vector

Enter the table of output values.

During simulation, the matrix size must be one-dimensional. However, during block diagram editing,
you can enter an empty matrix (specified as []) or an undefined workspace variable. This technique
lets you postpone specifying a correctly dimensioned matrix for the table data and continue editing
the block diagram.

To enable this parameter, set Data specification to Table and breakpoints.

Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: Table
Type: character vector
Values: matrix of table values
Default: '[1 2 4]'

Edit table and breakpoints — Launch Lookup Table Editor dialog box

Click this button to open the Lookup Table Editor. For more information, see “Edit Lookup Tables” in
the Simulink documentation.

Clicking this button for a lookup table object lets you edit the object and save the new values for the


Interpolation method — Select Linear point-slope or Flat interpolation methods

Linear point-slope (default) | Flat

Specify the method that the block uses to interpolate table data. You can select Linear point-
slope or Flat. For more information, see “Interpolation Methods”.
Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: InterpMethod
Type: character vector
Values: 'Flat' | 'Linear point-slope'
Default: 'Linear point-slope'

Integer rounding mode — Rounding mode for fixed-point operations

Round (default) | Zero

Specify the rounding mode for fixed-point or floating-point lookup table calculations that occur during
simulation or execution of code generated from the model.

2 Blocks

This option does not affect rounding of values of block parameters. Simulink rounds such values to
the nearest representable integer value. To control the rounding of a block parameter, enter an
expression using a MATLAB rounding function into the edit field on the block dialog box.

Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: RndMeth
Type: character vector
Values: 'Round' | 'Zero'
Default: 'Round'

Data Types

Table data — Data type of table data

Inherit: Same as output (default) | double | single | int8 | uint8 | int16 | uint16 | int32
| uint32 | fixdt(1,16) | fixdt(1,16,0) | fixdt(1,16,2^0,0) | <data type expression>

Specify the table data type. The block validates that the selected types are compatible with the
specification of the targeted routine. You can set it to:

• A rule that inherits a data type, for example, Inherit: Same as output
• The name of a built-in data type, for example, single
• The name of a data type object, for example, a Simulink.NumericType object
• An expression that evaluates to a data type, for example, fixdt(1,16,0)

Click the Show data type assistant button to display the Data Type Assistant, which helps
you set the data type attributes. For more information, see “Specify Data Types Using Data Type

Tip Specify a table data type different from the output data type for these cases:

• Lower memory requirement for storing table data that uses a smaller type than the output signal
• Sharing of prescaled table data between two Curve blocks with different output data types
• Sharing of custom storage table data in the generated code for blocks with different output data

Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: TableDataTypeStr
Type: character vector
Values: 'Inherit: Inherit from 'Table data'' | 'Inherit: Same as output' |
'double' | 'single' | 'int8' | 'uint8' | 'int16' | 'uint16' | 'int32' |
'uint32' | 'fixdt(1,16)' | 'fixdt(1,16,0)' | 'fixdt(1,16,2^0,0)'|'<data type
Default: 'Inherit: Same as output'

Version History
Introduced in R2019a

Curve Using Prelookup

Extended Capabilities
C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

See Also
Curve | Map | Map Using Prelookup | Prelookup

“Configure Lookup Tables for AUTOSAR Calibration and Measurement”
“Code Generation with AUTOSAR Code Replacement Library”

2 Blocks

Dem Status Inject

Inject an event failure to test recovery

AUTOSAR Blockset / Classic Platform / Basic Software / Diagnostic Event
Manager (Dem)

The Dem Status Inject block can be configured to instantaneously set the diagnostic status for an
AUTOSAR event simulated in the Diagnostic Service Component block. This status value can be
configured according to the Unified Diagnostic Services (UDS) standard. Specifically, you can use this
block to inject a transient failure into a system to test its ability to recover. This block simulates and
responds to other blocks affecting its status to show system recovery.

EventID — Specify the event
0 (default) | integer

Specify the AUTOSAR event that you want to override by using this block.

Fault type — Specify the type of fault

Event Fail (default) | Event Pass | Operation Cycle Start | Operation Cycle End |
Fault Record Overwritten | Fault Maturation | Clear Diagnostic | Aging | Healing |
Indicator Conditions Met

Specify the type of diagnostic event that you want to inject into the system.

Trigger type — Specify the inject condition

rising (default) | falling | either | function-call | message

Specify when to inject the diagnostic event into the system.

Test Failed — Indicates the result of the most recently performed test
Clear (default) | Set

Test failed the last time it was checked.

This read-only property is set by the Fault type.

Test Failed this Operation Cycle — Indicates whether a diagnostic test has reported a failure during
the current operation cycle
Clear (default) | Set

Test failed during the current operation cycle.

This read-only property is set by the Fault type.

Dem Status Inject

Pending DTC — Indicates whether a diagnostic test has reported a failure during the current or last
completed operation cycle
Clear (default) | Set

Test failed during the current or previous operation cycle.

This read-only property is set by the Fault type.

Confirmed DTC — Indicates whether a malfunction was detected enough times to warrant that the
DTC should be stored in long-term memory
Clear (default) | Set

Test failure confirmed at the time of the request.

This read-only property is set by the Fault type.

Test Not Complete Since Last Clear — Indicates whether a test has run and completed since the
last time a call was made to ClearDiagnosticInformation
Clear (default) | Set

Test not performed since the last code clear.

This read-only property is set by the Fault type.

Test Failed Since Last Clear — Indicates whether a test has failed since the last time a call was
made to ClearDiagnosticInformation
Clear (default) | Set

Test failed at least once since last code clear.

This read-only property is set by the Fault type.

Test Not Complete This Operation Cycle — Test not performed during the current operation cycle
Clear (default) | Set

Test not completed during this operation cycle.

This read-only property is set by the Fault type.

Warning Indicator Requested — Indicates the status of any warning indicators associated with a
particular DTC
Clear (default) | Set

Test failure so severe that it alerts the server.

This read-only property is set by the Fault type.

Version History
Introduced in R2022a

Extended Capabilities
C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

2 Blocks

See Also
Dem Status Override

Dem Status Override

Dem Status Override

Override an event to simulate and verify behavior

AUTOSAR Blockset / Classic Platform / Basic Software / Diagnostic Event
Manager (Dem)

The Dem Status Override block can be configured to set the diagnostic status for an AUTOSAR event
simulated in the Diagnostic Service Component block. This status value can be configured according
to the Unified Diagnostic Services (UDS) standard. Specifically, you can use this block to set the
return value of GetEventStatus calls for a specific event regardless of the behavior of the other
events in the model. Other blocks that attempt to modify the event status during simulation are
ignored. This block allows a predictable entry-point for testing specific behavior that you can use as a
low-cost method to quickly gain coverage of a component model.

EventID — Specify the event
0 (default) | integer

Specify the AUTOSAR event that you want to override by using this block.

Test Failed — Indicates the result of the most recently performed test
Clear (default) | Set

Test failed the last time it was checked.

To set this property, select Dialog to manually configure the status or Input port to have the
status configured dynamically in response to the behavior of a connected input.

Test Failed this Operation Cycle — Indicates whether a diagnostic test has reported a failure during
the current operation cycle
Clear (default) | Set

Test failed during the current operation cycle.

To set this property, select Dialog to manually configure the status or Input port to have the
status configured dynamically in response to the behavior of a connected input.

Pending DTC — Indicates whether a diagnostic test has reported a failure during the current or last
completed operation cycle
Clear (default) | Set

Test failed during the current or previous operation cycle.

To set this property, select Dialog to manually configure the status or Input port to have the
status configured dynamically in response to the behavior of a connected input.

2 Blocks

Confirmed DTC — Indicates whether a malfunction was detected enough times to warrant that the
DTC should be stored in long-term memory
Clear (default) | Set

Test failure confirmed at the time of the request.

To set this property, select Dialog to manually configure the status or Input port to have the
status configured dynamically in response to the behavior of a connected input.

Test Not Completed Since Last Clear — Indicates whether a test has run and completed since the
last time a call was made to ClearDiagnosticInformation
Clear (default) | Set

Test not performed since the last code clear.

To set this property, select Dialog to manually configure the status or Input port to have the
status configured dynamically in response to the behavior of a connected input.

Test Failed Since Last Clear — Indicates whether a test has failed since the last time a call was
made to ClearDiagnosticInformation
Clear (default) | Set

Test failed at least once since last code clear.

To set this property, select Dialog to manually configure the status or Input port to have the
status configured dynamically in response to the behavior of a connected input.

Test Not Completed This Operation Cycle — Test not performed during the current operation cycle
Clear (default) | Set

Test not completed during this operation cycle.

To set this property, select Dialog to manually configure the status or Input port to have the
status configured dynamically in response to the behavior of a connected input.

Warning Indicator Requested — Indicates the status of any warning indicators associated with a
particular DTC
Clear (default) | Set

Test failure so severe that it alerts the server.

To set this property, select Dialog to manually configure the status or Input port to have the
status configured dynamically in response to the behavior of a connected input.

Version History
Introduced in R2022a

Extended Capabilities
C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Dem Status Override

See Also
Dem Status Inject

2 Blocks

Diagnostic Service Component

Configure AUTOSAR Diagnostic Services and Runtime Environment (RTE) for emulation

AUTOSAR Blockset / Classic Platform / Basic Software / Diagnostic Event Manager

The Diagnostic Service Component block provides reference implementations of Diagnostic Event
Manager (Dem) and Function Inhibition Manager (FiM) services supported by AUTOSAR Basic
Software (BSW) caller blocks. When coupled with Dem and FiM caller blocks, the reference
implementations enable you to configure and run system-level or composition-level simulations of
AUTOSAR Dem and FiM service calls.

The block has prepopulated parameters, including RTE service ID parameters, Dem Counter-Based
Debouncing parameters, and FiM inhibition condition parameters. Examine the parameter settings
and, if necessary, make modifications based on how you are using the Dem or FiM service operations.

The RTE tab lists component client ports and their mapping to Dem or FiM service IDs for events,
operation cycles, or functions with inhibition conditions. Each row in the table represents a call into
Dem or FiM services from a Basic Software caller block, for which you can modify an ID value.

The Dem tab Counter-Based Debouncing parameters control the counter-based debounce
algorithm provided by the Dem service reference implementations. During multiple simulations, you
can adjust event step size and threshold parameters and observe the effects.

Use the counter-based debouncing parameters to determine when a monitored event has passed or
failed. For each event ID, the software maintains a counter. When PREFAIL events arrive, the event
ID counter increments by the Increment step size (default 1). When PREPASS events arrive, the
event ID counter decrements by the Decrement step size (default 1). To determine the event ID
counter thresholds at which an event fails or passes, use block parameters Failed threshold (default
2) and Passed threshold (default -1).

In the Dem reference implementations, the step size and threshold parameters apply globally to event
IDs, not to individual IDs.

The FIM tab lists function identifiers (FIDs) and their associated inhibition conditions and client
ports. The tab provides graphical controls for adding or removing inhibition conditions for a selected
FID. For each inhibition condition, select ID and mask values.

ID (RTE tab) — ID that identifies service event, operation cycle, or function with inhibition condition
1 (default) | scalar

Each row in the RTE tab table represents a call into Dem or FiM services from a Basic Software caller
block. Check the ID mappings for events, operation cycles, and functions with inhibition conditions.
For events, calls that act on the same event use the same event ID. For an example of mapping Dem

Diagnostic Service Component

client ports to shared event IDs, see “Simulate AUTOSAR Basic Software Services and Run-Time

Increment step size — Fixed-step value to increment event ID counter when PREFAIL events arrive
1 (default) | scalar (1 to 32767)

Specify a fixed-step value that the Dem event ID counter increments by when PREFAIL events arrive.

Decrement step size — Fixed-step value to decrement the event ID counter when PREPASS events
1 (default) | scalar (1 to 32767)

Specify a fixed-step value that the Dem event ID counter decrements by when PREPASS events

Failed threshold — Dem event ID counter threshold that represents a failed status
2 (default) | scalar (1 to 32767)

Specify a Dem event ID counter threshold value to represent failed status. Events that reach this
threshold are considered to have failed.

Passed threshold — Dem event ID counter threshold that represents passed status
-1 (default) | scalar (-32768 to -1)

Specify a Dem event ID counter threshold value to represent passed status. Events that reach this
threshold are considered to have passed.

ID (FiM tab) — Inhibition condition ID

1 (default) | scalar

In the FiM tab table, each row grouped under an FID represents an inhibition condition with an ID,
one or more component client ports associated with the ID, and a mask. For each inhibition condition,
you can modify the ID value. For examples of inhibition condition configuration, see “Configure and
Simulate AUTOSAR Function Inhibition Service Calls”.

Mask — Inhibition condition mask


In the FiM tab table, each row grouped under an FID represents an inhibition condition with an ID,
one or more component client ports associated with the ID, and a mask. For each inhibition condition,
you can modify the mask value. For examples of inhibition condition configuration, see “Configure
and Simulate AUTOSAR Function Inhibition Service Calls”.

Version History
Introduced in R2017b

See Also
DiagnosticInfoCaller | DiagnosticMonitorCaller | DiagnosticEventAvailableCaller |
DiagnosticOperationCycleCaller | Function Inhibition Caller | Control Function Available Caller

“Configure Calls to AUTOSAR Diagnostic Event Manager Service”

2 Blocks

“Configure Calls to AUTOSAR Function Inhibition Manager Service”

“Configure AUTOSAR Basic Software Service Implementations for Simulation”


Call AUTOSAR Diagnostic Event Manager (Dem) service interface EventAvailable

AUTOSAR Blockset / Classic Platform / Basic Software / Diagnostic Event
Manager (Dem)

For the AUTOSAR Classic Platform, the AUTOSAR standard defines important services as part of
Basic Software (BSW) that runs in the AUTOSAR Runtime Environment (RTE). Examples include
services provided by the Diagnostic Event Manager (Dem), the Function Inhibition Manager (FiM),
and the NVRAM Manager (NvM). In the AUTOSAR RTE, AUTOSAR software components typically
access BSW services by using client-server communication.

To support system-level modeling and simulation of AUTOSAR components and services, AUTOSAR
Blockset provides an AUTOSAR Basic Software block library. The library contains preconfigured
blocks for modeling component calls to AUTOSAR BSW services and reference implementations of
the BSW services.

The DiagnosticEventAvailableCaller block calls the Dem service interface EventAvailable to

initiate the SetEventAvailable operation. A component uses SetEventAvailable to temporarily
disable and enable a specific event, for example, an event of the same name associated with an
existing Dem SetEventStatus caller block. Typically you connect a true/false Boolean constant
block to the SetEventAvailable input, so that you can switch the event off (false) or on (true).
When disabled, the event fired by the SetEventStatus block has no effect.

Client port name — Name of client port AUTOSAR component uses to call Dem service interface
EventAvailable (default) | character vector

Enter the name of the client port the AUTOSAR software component uses to call the Dem service
interface EventAvailable.

Operation — Specify operation defined in Dem service interface EventAvailable

SetEventAvailable (default)

This block supports the Dem operation SetEventAvailable and generates inports and outports for
the operation. You can use this operation to configure events as unavailable. An unavailable event is
treated as if it is not configured in the system and returns E_NOT_OK when accessed by other

The Operation parameter must be set to an operation supported by the schema currently specified
by the model. The list of operations on the block parameters dialog reflects the operations supported
by the current schema.

2 Blocks

Sample time — Block sample time

-1 (default) | scalar

Block sample time. The default sets the block to inherit its sample time from the model.

Version History
Introduced in R2020a

R2023a: Basic Software caller blocks support all AUTOSAR schema versions

Starting in 23a, Basic Software caller (BSW) blocks support all AUTOSAR schema versions supported
by AUTOSAR Blockset. The BSW blocks inherit the same schema version specified by the model.
Code and ARXML generated from the component reflect the schema version specified on the model.
When you change the schema version specified by the model, the software automatically replaces
software calls to the correct operation. In some cases, the software may prompt you to confirm a
change when moving between schema versions.

Extended Capabilities
C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

See Also
DiagnosticInfoCaller | DiagnosticMonitorCaller | DiagnosticOperationCycleCaller | Diagnostic Service

“Configure Calls to AUTOSAR Diagnostic Event Manager Service”
“Model AUTOSAR Basic Software Service Calls”


Call AUTOSAR Diagnostic Event Manager (Dem) service interface DiagnosticInfo

AUTOSAR Blockset / Classic Platform / Basic Software / Diagnostic Event Manager

The AUTOSAR standard defines a Diagnostic Event Manager (Dem) service as a part of Basic
Software (BSW) that runs in the AUTOSAR Runtime Environment (RTE). AUTOSAR software
components access Dem services through client-server calls. The DiagnosticInfoCaller block calls the
Dem service interface DiagnosticInfo to initiate a specified operation.

Client port name — Name of client port AUTOSAR component uses to call Dem service interface
DiagnosticInfo (default) | character vector

Enter the name of the client port the AUTOSAR software component uses to call the Dem service
interface DiagnosticInfo.

Operation — Specify operation defined in Dem service interface DiagnosticInfo

GetEventStatus (default) | GetEventFailed | GetEventTested | GetDTCOfEvent |
GetFaultDetectionCounter | GetEventExtendedDataRecord | GetEventFreezeFrameData

Select the operation that the AUTOSAR software component calls from the Dem service interface
DiagnosticInfo. The AUTOSAR standard defines the operations. After you select the operation, the
inports and outports for the block are generated to support the operation.

The Operation parameter must be set to an operation supported by the schema currently specified
by the model. The list of operations on the block parameters dialog reflects the operations supported
by the current schema.

Data type for FormatStatus — Specify data type to represent a Dem format type
Enum:Dem_DTCFormatType (default)

Specify an enumerated data type to represent a Dem format type required for some operations. For
more information, see the AUTOSAR standard Specification of Diagnostic Event Manager.

Specify this parameter when Operation is set to GetDTCOfEvent.

Sample time — Block sample time

-1 (default) | scalar

Block sample time. The default sets the block to inherit its sample time from the model.

2 Blocks

Version History
Introduced in R2016b

R2023a: Basic Software caller blocks support all AUTOSAR schema versions

Starting in 23a, Basic Software caller (BSW) blocks support all AUTOSAR schema versions supported
by AUTOSAR Blockset. The BSW blocks inherit the same schema version specified by the model.
Code and ARXML generated from the component reflect the schema version specified on the model.
When you change the schema version specified by the model, the software automatically replaces
software calls to the correct operation. In some cases, the software may prompt you to confirm a
change when moving between schema versions.

Extended Capabilities
C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

See Also
DiagnosticMonitorCaller | DiagnosticOperationCycleCaller | DiagnosticEventAvailableCaller |
Diagnostic Service Component

“Configure Calls to AUTOSAR Diagnostic Event Manager Service”
“Configure AUTOSAR Basic Software Service Implementations for Simulation”


Call AUTOSAR Diagnostic Event Manager (Dem) service interface DiagnosticMonitor

AUTOSAR Blockset / Classic Platform / Basic Software / Diagnostic Event
Manager (Dem)

The AUTOSAR standard defines a Diagnostic Event Manager (Dem) service as a part of Basic
Software (BSW) that runs in the AUTOSAR Runtime Environment (RTE). AUTOSAR software
components access Dem services through client-server calls. The DiagnosticMonitorCaller block calls
the Dem service interface DiagnosticMonitor to initiate a specified operation.

Client port name — Name of client port AUTOSAR component uses to call Dem service interface
DiagnosticMonitor (default) | character vector

Enter the name of the client port the AUTOSAR software component uses to call the Dem service
interface DiagnosticMonitor.

Operation — Specify operation defined in Dem service interface DiagnosticMonitor

SetEventStatus (default) | ResetEventStatus | PrestoreFreezeFrame |
ClearPrestoredFreezeFrame | SetEventDisabled

Select the operation that the AUTOSAR software component calls from the Dem service interface
DiagnosticMonitor. The operations are defined by the AUTOSAR standard. After the operation is
selected, the inports and outports for the block are generated to support the operation.

The Operation parameter must be set to an operation supported by the schema currently specified
by the model. The list of operations on the block parameters dialog reflects the operations supported
by the current schema.

Data type for EventStatus — Specify a data type to represent a Dem event type
Enum: Dem_EventStatusType (default)

Specify an enumerated data type to represent a Dem event type required for some operations. For
more information, see the AUTOSAR standard Specification of Diagnostic Event Manager.

Specify this parameter when Operation is set to SetEventStatus.

Sample time — Block sample time

-1 (default) | scalar

Block sample time. The default sets the block to inherit its sample time from the model.

2 Blocks

Version History
Introduced in R2016b

R2023a: Basic Software caller blocks support all AUTOSAR schema versions

Starting in 23a, Basic Software caller (BSW) blocks support all AUTOSAR schema versions supported
by AUTOSAR Blockset. The BSW blocks inherit the same schema version specified by the model.
Code and ARXML generated from the component reflect the schema version specified on the model.
When you change the schema version specified by the model, the software automatically replaces
software calls to the correct operation. In some cases, the software may prompt you to confirm a
change when moving between schema versions.

Extended Capabilities
C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

See Also
DiagnosticInfoCaller | DiagnosticOperationCycleCaller | DiagnosticEventAvailableCaller | Diagnostic
Service Component

“Configure Calls to AUTOSAR Diagnostic Event Manager Service”
“Configure AUTOSAR Basic Software Service Implementations for Simulation”


Call AUTOSAR Diagnostic Event Manager (Dem) service interface OperationCycle

AUTOSAR Blockset / Classic Platform / Basic Software / Diagnostic Event
Manager (Dem)

For the AUTOSAR Classic Platform, the AUTOSAR standard defines important services as part of
Basic Software (BSW) that runs in the AUTOSAR Runtime Environment (RTE). Examples include
services provided by the Diagnostic Event Manager (Dem), the Function Inhibition Manager (FiM),
and the NVRAM Manager (NvM). In the AUTOSAR RTE, AUTOSAR software components typically
access BSW services by using client-server communication.

To support system-level modeling and simulation of AUTOSAR components and services, AUTOSAR
Blockset provides an AUTOSAR Basic Software block library. The library contains preconfigured
blocks for modeling component calls to AUTOSAR BSW services and reference implementations of
the BSW services.

As defined in the AUTOSAR specification, the Function Inhibition Manager provides a control
mechanism for selectively inhibiting (deactivating) function execution in software component
runnables based on function identifiers (FIDs) with inhibit conditions.

The Function Inhibition Manager is closely related to the Diagnostic Event Manager because
inhibiting conditions can be based on the status of diagnostic events. An operation cycle affects
events that share the same Diagnostic Service Component. The DiagnosticOperationCycleCaller block
calls the Dem service interface OperationCycle to control operation cycles.

Client port name — Name of client port AUTOSAR component uses to call Dem service interface
OperationCycle (default) | character vector

Enter the name of the client port the AUTOSAR software component uses to call the Dem service
interface OperationCycle.

Operation — Specify operation defined in Dem service interface OperationCycle

SetOperationCycleState (default) | GetOperationCycleState

Select a Dem operation to control or monitor operation cycles. To start and stop operation cycles,
select SetOperationCycleState. To query the current state of an operation cycle, select
GetOperationCycleState. After you select an operation, the inports and outports for the block are
generated to support that operation.

The Operation parameter must be set to an operation supported by the schema currently specified
by the model. The list of operations on the block parameters dialog reflects the operations supported
by the current schema.

2 Blocks

Data type for CycleState — Specify to start or stop operation cycles

Enum:Dem_OperationCycleStateType.DEM_CYCLE_STATE_START (default) |

Enter a value to control the start or stop of component operation cycles. To start operation cycles,
enter the value Enum:Dem_OperationCycleStateType.DEM_CYCLE_STATE_START. To end
operation cycles, enter the value

Specify this parameter when Operation is set to SetOperationCycleState.

Sample time — Block sample time

-1 (default) | scalar

Block sample time. The default sets the block to inherit its sample time from the model.

Version History
Introduced in R2020a

R2023a: Basic Software caller blocks support all AUTOSAR schema versions

Starting in 23a, Basic Software caller (BSW) blocks support all AUTOSAR schema versions supported
by AUTOSAR Blockset. The BSW blocks inherit the same schema version specified by the model.
Code and ARXML generated from the component reflect the schema version specified on the model.
When you change the schema version specified by the model, the software automatically replaces
software calls to the correct operation. In some cases, the software may prompt you to confirm a
change when moving between schema versions.

Extended Capabilities
C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

See Also
Function Inhibition Caller | Control Function Available Caller | Diagnostic Service Component

“Configure Calls to AUTOSAR Function Inhibition Manager Service”
“Model AUTOSAR Basic Software Service Calls”

Event Receive

Event Receive
Convert input event to signal

AUTOSAR Blockset / Adaptive Platform / Signal Routing

At the top level of an AUTOSAR adaptive model, use the Event Receive and Event Send blocks to set
up event-based communication.

• After each root inport, add an Event Receive block which converts an input event to a signal, while
preserving the signal values and data type.
• Before each root outport, add an Event Send block which converts an input signal to an event,
while preserving the signal values and data type.


Port_1 — Input event

scalar | vector | matrix

The input port for the Event Receive block to accept an event.
Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 |
Boolean | enumerated | bus


Port_1 — Output signal

scalar | vector | matrix

The output port for the Event Receive block to output a signal.
Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 |
Boolean | enumerated | bus

Version History
Introduced in R2019a

Extended Capabilities
C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

2 Blocks

See Also
Event Send

“Configure AUTOSAR Adaptive Software Components”
“Create and Configure AUTOSAR Adaptive Software Component”

Event Send

Event Send
Convert input signal to event

AUTOSAR Blockset / Adaptive Platform / Signal Routing

At the top level of an AUTOSAR adaptive model, use the Event Receive and Event Send blocks to set
up event-based communication.

• After each root inport, add an Event Receive block which converts an input event to a signal, while
preserving the signal values and data type.
• Before each root outport, add an Event Send block which converts an input signal to an event,
while preserving the signal values and data type.


Port_1 — Input signal

scalar | vector | matrix

The input port for the Event Send block to receive inputs of any type that AUTOSAR Blockset
Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 |
Boolean | enumerated | bus


Port_1 — Output event

scalar | vector | matrix

The output port for the Event Send block to output an event.
Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 |
Boolean | enumerated | bus

Version History
Introduced in R2019a

Extended Capabilities
C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

2 Blocks

See Also
Event Receive

“Configure AUTOSAR Adaptive Software Components”
“Create and Configure AUTOSAR Adaptive Software Component”

Function Inhibition Caller

Function Inhibition Caller

Call AUTOSAR Function Inhibition Manager (FiM) service interface FunctionInhibition

AUTOSAR Blockset / Classic Platform / Basic Software / Function Inhibition
Manager (FiM)

For the AUTOSAR Classic Platform, the AUTOSAR standard defines important services as part of
Basic Software (BSW) that runs in the AUTOSAR Runtime Environment (RTE). Examples include
services provided by the Diagnostic Event Manager (Dem), the Function Inhibition Manager (FiM),
and the NVRAM Manager (NvM). In the AUTOSAR RTE, AUTOSAR software components typically
access BSW services by using client-server communication.

To support system-level modeling and simulation of AUTOSAR components and services, AUTOSAR
Blockset provides an AUTOSAR Basic Software block library. The library contains preconfigured
blocks for modeling component calls to AUTOSAR BSW services and reference implementations of
the BSW services.

As defined in the AUTOSAR specification, the Function Inhibition Manager provides a control
mechanism for selectively inhibiting (deactivating) function execution in software component
runnables based on function identifiers (FIDs) with inhibit conditions.

The Function Inhibition Manager is closely related to the Diagnostic Event Manager because
inhibiting conditions can be based on the status of diagnostic events. The Function Inhibition Caller
block calls the FiM service interface FunctionInhibition to initiate the
GetFunctionPermission operation.

Client port name — Name of client port AUTOSAR component uses to call FiM service interface
FiM_FunctionInhibition (default) | character vector

Enter the name of the client port the AUTOSAR software component uses to call the FiM service
interface FiM_FunctionInhibition.

Operation — Specify operation defined in FiM service interface FunctionInhibition

GetFunctionPermission (default)

This block supports the FiM operation GetFunctionPermission and generates inports and
outports for this operation. This operation queries the Function Inhibition Manager to check if it has
permission to run associated functionality. Permissions are based on the inhibition configuration
created by using the Diagnostic Service Component block. The operation returns true if the
functionality has permission or false if the functionality is inhibited.

2 Blocks

The Operation parameter must be set to an operation supported by the schema currently specified
by the model. The list of operations on the block parameters dialog reflects the operations supported
by the current schema.

Sample time — Block sample time

-1 (default) | scalar

Block sample time. The default sets the block to inherit its sample time from the model.

Version History
Introduced in R2020a

R2023a: Basic Software caller blocks support all AUTOSAR schema versions

Starting in 23a, Basic Software caller (BSW) blocks support all AUTOSAR schema versions supported
by AUTOSAR Blockset. The BSW blocks inherit the same schema version specified by the model.
Code and ARXML generated from the component reflect the schema version specified on the model.
When you change the schema version specified by the model, the software automatically replaces
software calls to the correct operation. In some cases, the software may prompt you to confirm a
change when moving between schema versions.

Extended Capabilities
C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

See Also
Control Function Available Caller | DiagnosticOperationCycleCaller | Diagnostic Service Component

“Configure Calls to AUTOSAR Function Inhibition Manager Service”
“Model AUTOSAR Basic Software Service Calls”


Approximate two-dimensional function

AUTOSAR Blockset / Classic Platform / Library Routines / Interpolation

The Map block performs two-dimensional, interpolated table lookup, including index searches. The
table is a sampled representation of a function in two variables. Breakpoint sets relate the input
values to positions in the table. You can also use the Prelookup and Prelookup Using Map blocks
together to perform the same operations as this block.

When you set the Math and Data Types > Use algorithms optimized for row-major array layout
configuration parameter, the block behavior changes from column-major to row-major. For these
blocks, the column-major and row-major algorithms might differ in the order of the output
calculations, possibly resulting in slightly different numeric values. This capability requires Simulink
Coder or Embedded Coder software. For more information on row-major support, see “Code
Generation of Matrices and Arrays” (Simulink Coder).

If you select the AUTOSAR 4.0 code replacement library (CRL) for your AUTOSAR model, code
generated from this block is replaced with the AUTOSAR library routine that you configure in the
block parameters dialog box.


u1 — First dimension input values

scalar | vector | matrix

Real-valued inputs to the first port, mapped to an output value by looking up or interpolating the
table of values that you define.
Example: 0:10
Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | fixed point

u2 — Second dimension input values

scalar | vector | matrix

Real-valued inputs to the second port, mapped to an output value by looking up or interpolating the
table of values that you define.
Example: 0:10
Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | fixed point

2 Blocks


y — Output computed by looking up or estimating table values

scalar | vector | matrix

Output generated by looking up or estimating table values based on input values. If the inputs match
the index values of breakpoint sets, the map block provides a table value as output. If the block inputs
do not match index values in breakpoint sets, but are within range, the block performs the configured
interpolation method and provides an estimated value from the table as output.
Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | fixed point

Targeted Routine Library — Indicates the AUTOSAR routine library used for block code replacement
IFX(fixed-point) (default) | IFL(floating-point)

If you select the AUTOSAR 4.0 code replacement library (CRL) for your model, code generated from
this block is replaced from the selected AUTOSAR routine library. This parameter enables you to
choose either fixed-point (IFX) or floating-point (IFL) code replacement and validation checks.

Targeted Routine — AUTOSAR library routine used for code replacement

Ifx_IntIpoMap (default)

This parameter reflects the name of the AUTOSAR code replacement library (CRL) routine used to
replace the code generated by this block. The naming convention includes the targeted routine
library, interpolation method, and block type. This parameter is reference-only and must not be

Table Specification

Data specification — Method of table and breakpoint specification

Table and breakpoints (default) | Lookup table object

From the list, select:

• Table and breakpoints — Specify the table data and breakpoints. Selecting this option
enables these parameters:

• Table data
• Breakpoints specification
• Breakpoints 1
• Breakpoints 2
• Edit table and breakpoints
• Lookup table object — Use an existing lookup table (Simulink.LookupTable) object.
Selecting this option enables the Name field and the Edit table and breakpoints button.

Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: DataSpecification
Type: character vector
Values: 'Table and breakpoints' | 'Lookup table object'
Default: 'Table and breakpoints'


Name — Name of the lookup table object

[] (default) | Simulink.LookupTable object

Enter the name of the lookup table (Simulink.LookupTable) object.


To enable this parameter, set Data specification to Lookup table object.

Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: LookupTableObject
Type: character vector
Values: name of a Simulink.LookupTable object
Default: ''

Table data — Define the table of output values

[4 5 6;16 19 20;10 18 23] (default) | character vector

Enter the table of output values.

During simulation, the matrix size must be two dimensional. However, during block diagram editing,
you can enter an empty matrix (specified as []) or an undefined workspace variable. This technique
lets you postpone specifying a correctly dimensioned matrix for the table data and continue editing
the block diagram.

To enable this parameter, set Data specification to Table and breakpoints.

Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: Table
Type: character vector
Values: matrix of table values
Default: '[4 5 6;16 19 20;10 18 23]'

Breakpoints specification — Method of breakpoint specification

Explicit values (default) | Even spacing

Specify whether to enter data as explicit breakpoints or as parameters that generate evenly spaced

• To explicitly specify breakpoint data, set this parameter to Explicit values and enter
breakpoint data in the text box next to the Breakpoints parameters.
• To specify parameters that generate evenly spaced breakpoints, set this parameter to Even
spacing and enter values for the First point and Spacing parameters for each dimension of
breakpoint data. The block calculates the number of points to generate from the table data.


To enable this parameter, set Data specification to Table and breakpoints.

Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: BreakpointsSpecification
Type: character vector
Values: 'Explicit values' | 'Even spacing'
Default: 'Explicit values'

2 Blocks

Breakpoints — Explicit breakpoint values, or first point and spacing of breakpoints

[10,22,31] (default) | 1-by-n or n-by-1 vector of monotonically increasing values

Specify the breakpoint data explicitly or as evenly-spaced breakpoints, based on the value of the
Breakpoints specification parameter.

• If you set Breakpoints specification to Explicit values, enter the breakpoint set that
corresponds to each dimension of table data in each Breakpoints row. For each dimension,
specify breakpoints as a 1-by-n or n-by-1 vector whose values are strictly monotonically
• If you set Breakpoints specification to Even spacing, enter the parameters First point and
Spacing in each Breakpoints row to generate evenly-spaced breakpoints in the respective
dimension. Your table data determines the number of evenly spaced points.


To enable this parameter, set Data specification to Table and breakpoints.

Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: BreakpointsForDimension1 | BreakpointsForDimension2
Type: character vector
Values: 1-by-n or n-by-1 vector of monotonically increasing values
Default: '[10, 22, 31]'

First point — First point in evenly spaced breakpoint data

1 (default) | scalar

Specify the first point in your evenly spaced breakpoint data as a real-valued, finite, or scalar. This
parameter is available when you set the Breakpoints specification to Even spacing.

To enable this parameter, set Data specification to Table and breakpoints and Breakpoints
specification to Even spacing.
Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: BreakpointsForDimension1FirstPoint |
Type: character vector
Values: real-valued, finite, scalar
Default: '1'

Spacing — Spacing between evenly spaced breakpoints

1 (default) | scalar

Specify the spacing between points in your evenly-spaced breakpoint data.


To enable this parameter, set Data specification to Table and breakpoints and Breakpoints
specification to Even spacing.
Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: BreakpointsForDimension1Spacing |
Type: character vector


Values: positive, real-valued, finite, scalar

Default: '1'

Edit table and breakpoints — Launch Lookup Table Editor dialog box

Click this button to open the Lookup Table Editor. You can then edit the object and save the new
values for the object. For more information, see “Edit Lookup Tables” in the Simulink documentation.


Index search method — Method of calculating table indices

Linear search (default) | Evenly spaced points | Binary search

Select Evenly spaced points, Linear search, or Binary search. Each search method has
speed advantages in different circumstances:

• For evenly spaced breakpoint sets (for example, 10, 20, 30, and so on), you achieve optimal speed
by selecting Evenly spaced points to calculate table indices. This algorithm uses only the first
two breakpoints of a set to determine the offset and spacing of the remaining points.

Note When using the Simulink.LookupTable object to specify table data and the Breakpoints
Specification parameter of the referenced Simulink.LookupTable object is set to Even
spacing, set the Index search method to Evenly spaced points.
• For unevenly spaced breakpoint sets, follow these guidelines:

• If input signals do not vary significantly between time steps, selecting Linear search with
Begin index search using previous index result produces the best performance.
• If input signals jump more than one or two table intervals per time step, selecting Binary
search produces the best performance.

A suboptimal choice of an index search method can lead to slow performance of models that rely
heavily on lookup tables.

The generated code stores only the first breakpoint, the spacing, and the number of breakpoints

• The breakpoint data is not tunable.

• The index search method is Evenly spaced points.
Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: IndexSearchMethod
Type: character vector
Values: 'Binary search' | 'Evenly spaced points' | 'Linear search'
Default: 'Linear search'

Begin index search using previous index result — Start using the index from the previous time
off (default) | on

Select this check box when you want the block to start its search using the index found at the
previous time step. For inputs that change slowly with respect to the interval size, enabling this
option can improve performance. Otherwise, the linear search and binary search methods can take
longer, especially for large breakpoint sets.

2 Blocks


To enable this parameter, set Index search method to Linear search or Binary search.

Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: BeginIndexSearchUsing PreviousIndexResult
Type: character vector
Values: 'off' | 'on'
Default: 'off'

Interpolation method — Method of interpolation between breakpoint values

Linear point-slope (default) | Flat

When an input falls between breakpoint values, the block interpolates the output value by using
neighboring breakpoints. For more information, see “Interpolation Methods”.

Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: InterpMethod
Type: character vector
Values: 'Linear point-slope' | 'Flat'
Default: 'Linear point-slope'

Integer rounding mode — Rounding mode for fixed-point operations

Round (default) | Zero

Specify the rounding mode for fixed-point or floating-point lookup table calculations that occur during
simulation or execution of code generated from the model.

This option does not affect rounding of block parameter values. Simulink rounds such values to the
nearest representable integer value. To control the rounding of a block parameter, enter an
expression using a MATLAB rounding function into the edit field on the block dialog box.

Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: RndMeth
Type: character vector
Values: 'Round' | 'Zero'
Default: 'Round'

Data Types

Table data — Data type of table data

Inherit: Same as output (default) | double | single | int8 | uint8 | int16 | uint16 | int32
| uint32 | fixdt(1,16) | fixdt(1,16,0) | fixdt(1,16,2^0,0) | <data type expression>

Specify the table data type. The block validates that the selected types are compatible with the
specification of the targeted routine. You can set the table data type to:

• A rule that inherits a data type, for example, Inherit: Same as output
• The name of a built-in data type, for example, single
• The name of a data type object, for example, a Simulink.NumericType object
• An expression that evaluates to a data type, for example, fixdt(1,16,0)


Click the Show data type assistant button to display the Data Type Assistant, which helps
you set the data type attributes. For more information, see “Specify Data Types Using Data Type

Tip Specify a table data type different from the output data type in these cases:

• Lower memory requirement for storing table data that uses a smaller type than the output signal.
• Sharing of prescaled table data between two Map blocks that have different output data types.
• Sharing of custom storage table data in the generated code for blocks that have different output
data types.

Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: TableDataTypeStr
Type: character vector
Values: 'Inherit: Inherit from 'Table data'' | 'Inherit: Same as output' |
'double' | 'single' | 'int8' | 'uint8' | 'int16' | 'uint16' | 'int32' |
'uint32' | 'fixdt(1,16)' | 'fixdt(1,16,0)' | 'fixdt(1,16,2^0,0)'|'<data type
Default: 'Inherit: Same as output'

Breakpoints — Breakpoint data type

Inherit: Same as corresponding input (default) | double | single | int8 | uint8 | int16 |
uint16 | int32 | uint32 | fixdt(1,16) | fixdt(1,16,0) | fixdt(1,16,2^0,0) | Enum:
<class name> | <data type expression>

Specify the data type for a set of breakpoint data. You can set the breakpoint data type to:

• A rule that inherits a data type, for example, Inherit: Same as corresponding input
• The name of a built-in data type, for example, single
• The name of a data type class, for example, an enumerated data type class
• The name of a data type object, for example, a Simulink.NumericType object
• An expression that evaluates to a data type, for example, fixdt(1,16,0)

A limitation for using enumerated data with this block is that it does not support out-of-range input
for enumerated date. When specifying enumerated data, include the entire enumeration set in the
breakpoint data set.

Click the Show data type assistant button to display the Data Type Assistant, which helps
you set the data type attributes. For more information, see “Specify Data Types Using Data Type
Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: BreakpointsForDimension1DataTypeStr |
Type: character vector
Values: 'Inherit: Same as corresponding input' | 'Inherit: Inherit from
'Breakpoint data'' | 'double' | 'single' | 'int8' | 'uint8' | 'int16' |

2 Blocks

'uint16' | 'int32' | 'uint32' | 'fixdt(1,16)' | 'fixdt(1,16,0)' |

'fixdt(1,16,2^0,0)'|'<data type expression>'
Default: 'Inherit: Same as corresponding input'

Version History
Introduced in R2019a

Extended Capabilities
C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

See Also
Curve | Curve Using Prelookup | Map Using Prelookup | Prelookup

“Configure Lookup Tables for AUTOSAR Calibration and Measurement”
“Code Generation with AUTOSAR Code Replacement Library”

Map Using Prelookup

Map Using Prelookup

Use previously calculated index and fraction values to accelerate approximation of two-dimensional

AUTOSAR Blockset / Classic Platform / Library Routines / Interpolation

The Map Using Prelookup block is intended for use with a Prelookup block. This block enables a
prelookup result to drive multiple interpolation results. The Prelookup block calculates the index and
interval fraction that specify how its input value u relates to the breakpoint data set and feeds the
resulting index and fraction values into a Map Using Prelookup block to interpolate a two-
dimensional table. The Prelookup and Map Using Prelookup blocks have distributed algorithms that
when used together perform the same algorithm operation as the Map block but offer greater
flexibility and more efficient simulation and code generation.

If you select the AUTOSAR 4.0 code replacement library (CRL) for your AUTOSAR model, code
generated from this block is replaced with the AUTOSAR library routine that you configure in the
block parameters dialog box.


kf1 — Input containing index k and fraction f

bus object

Inputs to the kf1 port contain index k and fraction f specified as a bus object.
Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | fixed point |

T — Table data
scalar | vector | matrix | 2-d array

Table data values provided as input to port T. These table values correspond to the breakpoint data
sets specified in Prelookup blocks. The Interpolation Using Prelookup block generates output by
looking up or estimating table values based on index (k) and interval fraction (f) values fed from a
Prelookup block.


To enable this port, set Source to Input port.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | fixed point

2 Blocks


Port 1 — Approximation of two-dimensional function

scalar | vector | matrix

Approximation of the two-dimensional function computed by interpolating table data that uses values
from the input index, k, and the fraction, f.
Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | fixed point

Targeted Routine Library — Indicates the AUTOSAR routine library used for block code replacement
IFX(fixed-point) (default) | IFL(floating-point)

If you select the AUTOSAR 4.0 code replacement library (CRL) for your model, code generated from
this block is replaced from the selected AUTOSAR routine library. This parameter enables you to
choose either fixed-point (IFX) or floating-point (IFL) code replacement and validation checks.

Targeted Routine — AUTOSAR library routine used for code replacement

Ifx_IpoMap (default)

This parameter reflects the name of the AUTOSAR code replacement library (CRL) routine used to
replace the code generated by this block. The naming convention includes the targeted routine
library, interpolation method, and block type. This parameter is reference-only and must not be

Table Specification

Data Specification — Choose how to enter table data

Explicit values (default) | Lookup table object

Specify whether to enter table data directly or use a lookup table object. If you set this parameter to:

• Explicit values, the Table Data parameter is visible in the dialog box.
• Lookup table object, the Name parameter is visible in the dialog box.

Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: TableSpecification
Type: character vector
Values: 'Explicit values' | 'Lookup table object'
Default: 'Explicit values'

Name — Name of a Simulink.LookupTable object

Simulink.LookupTable object

Specify the name of a Simulink.LookupTable object. A lookup table object references Simulink

breakpoint objects. If a Simulink.LookupTable object does not exist, click the action button and
select Create. The corresponding parameters of the new lookup table object are populated with the
block information.

To enable this parameter, set Data Specification to Lookup table object.

Map Using Prelookup

Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: LookupTableObject
Type: character vector
Value: Simulink.LookupTable object
Default: ''

Table data — Define the table of output values

[4 5 6;16 19 20;10 18 23] (default) | character vector

Enter the table of output values.

During simulation, the matrix size must be two-dimensional. However, during block diagram editing,
you can enter an empty matrix (specified as []) or an undefined workspace variable. This technique
lets you postpone specifying a correctly dimensioned matrix for the table data and continue editing
the block diagram.

To enable this parameter, set Data specification to Table and breakpoints.

Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: Table
Type: character vector
Values: matrix of table values
Default: [4 5 6;16 19 20;10 18 23]'

Edit table and breakpoints — Launch Lookup Table Editor dialog box

Click this button to open the Lookup Table Editor. For more information, see “Edit Lookup Tables” in
the Simulink documentation.

Clicking this button for a lookup table object lets you edit the object and save the new values for the


Interpolation method — Select Linear point-slope or Flat interpolation methods

Linear point-slope (default) | Flat

Specify the method that the block uses to interpolate table data. You can select Linear point-
slope or Flat. For more information, see “Interpolation Methods”.
Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: InterpMethod
Type: character vector
Values: 'Flat' | 'Linear point-slope'
Default: 'Linear point-slope'

Integer rounding mode — Rounding mode for fixed-point operations

Round (default) | Zero

Specify the rounding mode for fixed-point or floating-point lookup table calculations that occur during
simulation or execution of code generated from the model.

2 Blocks

This option does not affect rounding of values of block parameters. Simulink rounds such values to
the nearest representable integer value. To control the rounding of a block parameter, enter an
expression using a MATLAB rounding function into the edit field on the block dialog box.

Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: RndMeth
Type: character vector
Values: 'Round' | 'Zero'
Default: 'Round'

Data Types

Table data — Data type of table data

Inherit: Same as output (default) | double | single | int8 | uint8 | int16 | uint16 | int32
| uint32 | fixdt(1,16) | fixdt(1,16,0) | fixdt(1,16,2^0,0) | <data type expression>

Specify the table data type. The block will validate that the selected types are compatible with the
specification of the targeted routine. You can set it to:

• A rule that inherits a data type, for example, Inherit: Same as output
• The name of a built-in data type, for example, single
• The name of a data type object, for example, a Simulink.NumericType object
• An expression that evaluates to a data type, for example, fixdt(1,16,0)

Click the Show data type assistant button to display the Data Type Assistant, which helps
you set the data type attributes. For more information, see “Specify Data Types Using Data Type

Tip Specify a table data type different from the output data type for these cases:

• Lower memory requirement for storing table data that uses a smaller type than the output signal
• Sharing of prescaled table data between two Curve blocks with different output data types
• Sharing of custom storage table data in the generated code for blocks with different output data

Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: TableDataTypeStr
Type: character vector
Values: 'Inherit: Inherit from 'Table data'' | 'Inherit: Same as output' |
'double' | 'single' | 'int8' | 'uint8' | 'int16' | 'uint16' | 'int32' |
'uint32' | 'fixdt(1,16)' | 'fixdt(1,16,0)' | 'fixdt(1,16,2^0,0)'|'<data type
Default: 'Inherit: Same as output'

Version History
Introduced in R2019a

Map Using Prelookup

Extended Capabilities
C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

See Also
Curve | Curve Using Prelookup | Map | Prelookup

“Configure Lookup Tables for AUTOSAR Calibration and Measurement”
“Code Generation with AUTOSAR Code Replacement Library”

2 Blocks

Generate signal that follows input value bound by rising or falling slope

AUTOSAR Blockset / Classic Platform / Library Routines / Math Operations

The Mathematical Floating point Library (MFL) Ramp block generates a signal that starts at a
specified value and changes by a specified rate until the value of the input signal is reached. The
block parameters Rise slope, Fall slope, Initial condition, and Sample time, and the input signal
u determine the characteristics of the output signal.

When you select the AUTOSAR 4.0 Code Replacement Library (CRL) for your AUTOSAR model, your
model replaces code that you generate for this block with calls to the following AUTOSAR library

• Mfl_Ramp_InitState
• Mfl_Ramp_SetParam
• Mfl_RampCalc
• Mfl_RampOut_f32


u — Input signal

Input signal used to generate ramp signal, specified as a scalar.

Data Types: single

R — Reset port

Option to reset the output signal to the initial condition, specified as a scalar.

To enable this port, select the Show reset port parameter.

Data Types: Boolean

rs — Rise slope

The rate at which the output signal is increased, specified as a scalar.



To enable this port, set the Source field of the Rise slope parameter to Input port.
Data Types: single

fs — Fall slope

The rate at which the output signal is decreased, specified as a scalar.


To enable this port, set the Source field of the Fall Slope parameter to Input port.
Data Types: single


Port_1 — Output signal


Output signal, returned as a scalar.

Data Types: single

Rise slope — Increase value of output
Dialog | Input port

Specify the Source field of this parameter as one the following values.

• Dialog — Set the slope using the Value field of this parameter.
• Input port — Set the slope using the rs port. The block uses the value from this port as the
Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: RiseSlope
Type: character vector
Values: real finite nonnegative values
Default: '1'
Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: RiseSlopeSource
Type: character vector
Values: 'Dialog' | 'Input port'
Default: 'Dialog'

Fall slope — Decrease value of output


Specify the Source field of this parameter as one the following values.

• Dialog — Set the slope using the Value field of this parameter.
• Input port — Set the slope using the fs port. The block uses the value from this port as the

2 Blocks

Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: FallSlope
Type: character vector
Values: real finite nonnegative values
Default: '1'

Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: FallSlopeSource
Type: character vector
Values: 'Dialog' | 'Input Port'
Default: 'Dialog'

Show reset port — Option to add R input port

'off' (default) | 'on'

Enable the R input port.

Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: ShowResetPort
Type: character vector
Values: 'off' | 'on'
Default: 'off'

Initial condition — Initial value of output signal

0 (default) | double

The initial condition of the output signal, specified as a double. The default is 0.

When Show reset port is selected, the initial condition is set to the value specified in the Initial
Condition parameter.

Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: InitialCondition
Type: character vector
Values: real finite values
Default: '0'

Sample time — Sample period

-1 (default) | [-1, 0] | vector

Specify the sample period in seconds.

For more information specifying discrete sample times, see “Specify Sample Time”.

Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: SampleTime
Type: character vector
Values: real finite values
Default: '-1'

Version History
Introduced in R2023b


Extended Capabilities
C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

See Also
Single Point Interpolation | Map | Map Using Prelookup | Curve | Curve Using Prelookup | Prelookup

“Code Generation with AUTOSAR Code Replacement Library”

2 Blocks

NVRAM Service Component

Configure AUTOSAR NVRAM Services and Runtime Environment (RTE) for emulation

AUTOSAR Blockset / Classic Platform / Basic Software / NVRAM Manager (NvM)

The NVRAM Service Component block provides reference implementations of NVRAM Manager
(NvM) services supported by AUTOSAR Basic Software (BSW) caller blocks. When coupled with NvM
caller blocks, the reference implementations enable you to configure and run system-level or
composition-level simulations of AUTOSAR NvM service calls.

The block has prepopulated parameters, including RTE block ID parameters and NvM NVRAM
Properties parameters. Examine the parameter settings and consider if modifications are required
based on how you are using the NvM service operations.

Block ID — ID that identifies service block
1 (default) | scalar

The RTE tab table lists component client ports and their mapping to NvM service block IDs. Each row
in the table represents a call into NvM services from a Basic Software caller block. Calls that act on
the same NvM block use the same block ID. Check the block ID mappings. For examples of mapping
NvM client ports to block IDs, see “Simulate AUTOSAR Basic Software Services and Run-Time

Maximum number of memory blocks — Maximum number of memory blocks to use in NvM service
10 (default) | scalar

Specify maximum number of memory blocks to use in NvM service operations.

Initial Value — Initial values of NvM client ports

0 (default) | real, finite scalar or vector

Specify the initial values of the NvM client ports as finite, real-valued scalars or vectors. The values
must be scalar, or have the same dimensions as the input signal.

Version History
Introduced in R2017b

R2022b: Initial values for NVRAM Service Component blocks

NVRAM Service Component

R2022b enables you to define initial values for NVRAM services that are accessed during simulation
by basic software. To configure the initial values, you can open the NVRAM Service Component block
parameters, click the Initial Values tab, and set an initial value for each NvM client port.

See Also
NvMAdminCaller | NvMServiceCaller

“Configure Calls to AUTOSAR NVRAM Manager Service”
“Configure AUTOSAR Basic Software Service Implementations for Simulation”

2 Blocks

Call AUTOSAR NVRAM Manager (NvM) service interface NvMadmin

AUTOSAR Blockset / Classic Platform / Basic Software / NVRAM Manager (NvM)

The AUTOSAR standard defines a NVRAM Manager (NvM) service as a part of Basic Software (BSW)
that runs in the AUTOSAR Runtime Environment (RTE). AUTOSAR software components access NvM
services through client-server calls. The NvMAdminCaller block calls the AUTOSAR NvM service
interface NvMAdmin to initiate a specified operation.

Client port name — Name of client port AUTOSAR component uses to call NvM service interface
NvMAdmin (default) | character vector

Enter the name of the client port the AUTOSAR software component uses to call the NvM service
interface NvMAdmin.

Operation — Operation defined in NvM service interface NvMAdmin

SetBlockProtection (default)

Select the operation that the AUTOSAR software component calls from the NvM service interface
NvMAdmin. The AUTOSAR standard defines the operations. After you select the operation, the inports
and outports for the block are generated to support the operation. One operation is supported:

The Operation parameter must be set to an operation supported by the schema currently specified
by the model. The list of operations on the block parameters dialog reflects the operations supported
by the current schema.

Sample time — Block sample time

-1 (default) | scalar

Block sample time. The default sets the block to inherit its sample time from the model.

Version History
Introduced in R2016b

R2023a: Basic Software caller blocks support all AUTOSAR schema versions

Starting in 23a, Basic Software caller (BSW) blocks support all AUTOSAR schema versions supported
by AUTOSAR Blockset. The BSW blocks inherit the same schema version specified by the model.


Code and ARXML generated from the component reflect the schema version specified on the model.
When you change the schema version specified by the model, the software automatically replaces
software calls to the correct operation. In some cases, the software may prompt you to confirm a
change when moving between schema versions.

Extended Capabilities
C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

See Also
NvMServiceCaller | NVRAM Service Component

“Configure Calls to AUTOSAR NVRAM Manager Service”
“Configure AUTOSAR Basic Software Service Implementations for Simulation”

2 Blocks

Call AUTOSAR NVRAM Manager (NvM) service interface NvMService

AUTOSAR Blockset / Classic Platform / Basic Software / NVRAM Manager (NvM)

The AUTOSAR standard defines a NVRAM Manager (NvM) service as a part of Basic Software (BSW)
that runs in the AUTOSAR Runtime Environment (RTE). AUTOSAR software components access NvM
services through client-server calls. The NvMServiceCaller block calls the AUTOSAR NvM service
interface NvMService by to initiate specified operation.

Client port name — Name of client port AUTOSAR component uses to call NvM service interface
NvMService (default) | character vector

Enter the name of the client port the AUTOSAR software component uses to call the NvM service
interface NvMService.

Operation — Specify operation defined in NvM service interface NvMService

GetDataIndex (default) | GetErrorStatus | EraseNvBlock | InvalidateNvBlock | ReadBlock
| RestoreBlockDefaults | SetDataIndex | SetRamBlockStatus | WriteBlock

Select the operation that the AUTOSAR software component calls from the NvM service interface
NvMService. The AUTOSAR standard defines the operations. After you select the operation, the
inports and outports for the block are generated to support the operation.

The Operation parameter must be set to an operation supported by the schema currently specified
by the model. The list of operations on the block parameters dialog reflects the operations supported
by the current schema.

Argument specification — Specify data type and dimensions for operation read or write access
uint8(1) (default) | single() | double() | int8() | int16() | int32() | int64() | uint16() |
uint32() | uint64() | Boolean() | enumerated() | bus()

A MATLAB expression that specifies data type and dimensions for data to be read or written by the

• To specify a multidimensional data type, you can use array syntax, such as int8([1 1; 1 1]).
• To specify a structured data type, you can create a Simulink.Parameter data object, type it
with a Simulink.Bus object, and reference the parameter name.

For examples, see “Argument Specification for Simulink Function Blocks”.



Specify this parameter when Operation is set to ReadBlock, RestoreBlockDefaults, or


Sample time — Block sample time

-1 (default) | scalar

Block sample time. The default sets the block to inherit its sample time from the model.

Version History
Introduced in R2016b

R2023a: Basic Software caller blocks support all AUTOSAR schema versions

Starting in 23a, Basic Software caller (BSW) blocks support all AUTOSAR schema versions supported
by AUTOSAR Blockset. The BSW blocks inherit the same schema version specified by the model.
Code and ARXML generated from the component reflect the schema version specified on the model.
When you change the schema version specified by the model, the software automatically replaces
software calls to the correct operation. In some cases, the software may prompt you to confirm a
change when moving between schema versions.

Extended Capabilities
C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

See Also
NvMAdminCaller | NVRAM Service Component

“Configure Calls to AUTOSAR NVRAM Manager Service”
“Configure AUTOSAR Basic Software Service Implementations for Simulation”

2 Blocks

Compute index and fraction for a Curve Using Prelookup or Map Using Prelookup block

AUTOSAR Blockset / Classic Platform / Library Routines / Interpolation

The Prelookup block computes the index and fraction that specify how its input value u relates to the
breakpoint dataset. The Prelookup block feeds the resulting output index and fraction values as a bus
into a Curve Using Prelookup block to interpolate a one-dimensional table or a Map Using Prelookup
block to interpolate a two-dimensional table. When a Prelookup block is used with either a Curve
Using Prelookup or Map Using Prelookup block, they perform the same algorithm operation as the
Curve or Map blocks. The use of the two blocks together offers greater flexibility and more efficient
simulation and code generation.

If you select the AUTOSAR 4.0 code replacement library (CRL) for your AUTOSAR model, code
generated from this block is replaced with the AUTOSAR library routine that you configure in the
block parameters dialog box.


Port_1 — Input signal, u

scalar | vector | matrix

The Prelookup block accepts real-valued signals of any numeric data type that Simulink supports,
except Boolean. The Prelookup block supports fixed-point data types for signals and breakpoint data.
Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | fixed point |


Port_2 — Bus containing output index and fraction


Outputs the index and fraction as a bus, which specifies the interval containing the input and the
normalized position of the input on the interval. The bus type is defined automatically based on if the
Targeted Routine Library is set to fixed-point (IFX) or floating-point (IFL) code replacement.
Data Types: bus

Targeted Routine Library — Indicates the AUTOSAR routine library used for block code replacement
IFX(fixed-point) (default) | IFL(floating-point)


If you select the AUTOSAR 4.0 code replacement library (CRL) for your model, code generated from
this block is replaced from the selected AUTOSAR routine library. This parameter enables you to
choose either fixed-point (IFX) or floating-point (IFL) code replacement and validation checks.

Targeted Routine — AUTOSAR library routine used for code replacement

Ifx_DPSearch (default)

This parameter reflects the name of the AUTOSAR code replacement library (CRL) routine used to
replace the code generated by this block. The naming convention includes the targeted routine
library, interpolation method, and block type. This parameter is reference-only and must not be

Table Specification

Breakpoints Specification — Choose how to enter breakpoint data

Explicit values (default) | Breakpoint object

If you set this parameter to:

• Explicit values, the Breakpoints and parameter becomes visible in the dialog box.
• Breakpoint object, the Name parameter is visible in the dialog box.

Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: BreakpointsSpecification
Type: character vector
Values: 'Explicit values' | 'Breakpoint object'
Default: 'Explicit values'

Breakpoints — Breakpoint data values

[1 2 3] (default)

Explicitly specify the breakpoint data. Each breakpoint data set must be a strictly monotonically
increasing vector that contains two or more elements.

To enable this parameter, set Breakpoints Specification to Explicit values.

Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: BreakpointsData
Type: character vector
Values: '[1 2 3]'
Default: '[1 2 3]'

Name — Name of a Simulink.Breakpoint object

no default | Simulink.Breakpoint

Specify the name of a Simulink.Breakpoint object. If a Simulink.Breakpoint object does not

exist, click the action button and select Create. The corresponding parameters of the new
breakpoint object are populated with the block information.

To enable this parameter, set Breakpoints Specification to Breakpoint object.

2 Blocks

Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: BreakpointObject
Type: character vector
Values: Simulink.Breakpoint object
Default: ''


Index search method — Method for searching breakpoint data

Linear search (default) | Binary search

Each search method has speed advantages in different situations:

• If input values for u do not vary significantly between time steps, selecting Linear search with
Begin index search using previous index result produces the best performance.
• If input values for u jump more than one or two table intervals per time step, selecting Binary
search produces the best performance.

A suboptimal choice of index search method can lead to slow performance of models that rely heavily
on lookup tables.

Begin index search using previous index result — Start search using the index found at the
previous time step
off (default) | on

For input values of u that change slowly with respect to the interval size, enabling this option can
improve performance. Otherwise, the linear search and binary search methods can take longer,
especially for large breakpoint sets.
Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: IndexSearchMethod
Values: 'Binary search' | 'Linear search'
Type: character vector
Default: 'Binary search'

Integer rounding mode — Rounding mode for fixed-point operations

Round (default) | Zero

Specify the rounding mode for fixed-point or floating-point lookup table calculations that occur during
simulation or execution of code generated from the model.

This option does not affect rounding of block parameter values. Simulink rounds such values to the
nearest representable integer value. To control the rounding of a block parameter, enter an
expression using a MATLAB rounding function into the edit field on the block dialog box.
Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: RndMeth
Type: character vector
Values: 'Round' | 'Zero'
Default: 'Round'

Version History
Introduced in R2019a


Extended Capabilities
C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

See Also
Curve | Curve Using Prelookup | Map | Map Using Prelookup

“Configure Lookup Tables for AUTOSAR Calibration and Measurement”
“Code Generation with AUTOSAR Code Replacement Library”

2 Blocks

Signal Invalidation
Control AUTOSAR root outport data element invalidation

AUTOSAR Blockset / Classic Platform / Signal Routing

Relay the first input, a data value, to the output, based on the value of the second input, an
invalidation control flag.

If the input data value is valid (invalidation control flag is false), the software relays the input data
value to the output.

If the input data value is invalid (invalidation control flag is true), the resulting action is determined
by the value of the block parameter Signal invalidation policy:

• Keep - Replace the input data value with the last valid signal value.
• Replace - Replace the input data value with the value of the block parameter Initial value.
• DontInvalidate - Do not replace the input data value.

This block must be connected directly to a root outport block. It cannot be used within a reusable


Port_1 — Input data value

numeric value

Input data value to be relayed if valid.

Example: 4
Data Types: single | double | base integer | Boolean | fixed point | enumerated | bus

Port_2 — Invalidation control flag

true | false

The invalidation control flag determines whether the input data value is valid and can be relayed
(false), or is invalid and must be handled based on an invalidation policy (true).
Example: false
Data Types: Boolean

Signal Invalidation


Port_1 — Output data value

numeric value

Output data value produced by the combination of the input data value and the invalidation control
Data Types: single | double | base integer | Boolean | fixed point | enumerated | bus

Signal invalidation policy — Invalidation policy
Keep (default) | Replace | DontInvalidate

Specify an AUTOSAR data element invalidation policy, which determines how an invalid data element
is handled.

Initial value — Data element initial value

0 (default) | numeric value

Specify a data element initial value. If the input data value is flagged as invalid, and if the Signal
invalidation policy is Replace, the software replaces the input data value with the specified initial

Version History
Introduced in R2015b

Extended Capabilities
C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

See Also
“Configure AUTOSAR Sender-Receiver Data Invalidation”

2 Blocks

Software Composition
Model software composition in AUTOSAR architecture model

AUTOSAR Blockset

In an AUTOSAR architecture model, you use the composition editor and the Simulink Toolstrip
Modeling tab to add and connect compositions and components. Use the Software Composition
block to add a nested software composition to an AUTOSAR software design. Compositions are
supported for classic and adaptive modeling.

To add and connect a nested AUTOSAR composition:

• From the Modeling tab or the palette to the left of the canvas, add a Software Composition block.
• Add composition require ports and provide ports. To add each composition port, click an edge of
the Software Composition block. When port controls appear:

• For classic modeling, select Input for a require port or Output for a provide port.
• For adaptive modeling, select Input or Client for a require port, or Output or Server for a
provide port.

Alternatively, open the Software Composition block. To add each composition port, click the
boundary of the composition diagram and select require and provide ports as needed.
• To connect the Software Composition block to other blocks, connect the block ports with signal
• To connect the Software Composition block to architecture or composition model root ports, drag
a line from the composition ports to the containing model boundary. Releasing the connection
creates a root port at the boundary.
• Configure additional AUTOSAR properties using the Property Inspector.

An AUTOSAR composition contains a set of AUTOSAR components and compositions with a shared
purpose. To populate a composition, open the Software Composition block and begin adding more
Software Composition blocks and Classic Component or Adaptive Component blocks. Mixing classic
and adaptive components is not supported.


Input port — Composition require port

scalar | vector | matrix

Require port in the AUTOSAR software composition port interface.

Software Composition

Client port — Composition client port on a service interface

scalar | vector | matrix

Client port in the AUTOSAR software composition port interface. Client ports are supported when you
model method communication in an AUTOSAR adaptive architecture.


Output port — Composition provide port

scalar | vector | matrix

Provide port in the AUTOSAR software composition port interface.

Server port — Composition server port on a service interface

scalar | vector | matrix

Server port in the AUTOSAR software composition port interface. Server ports are supported when
you model method communication in an AUTOSAR adaptive architecture.

Version History
Introduced in R2019b

R2023a: Client and server ports for adaptive component modeling

Client and server ports are available and supported when you model method communication in an
AUTOSAR adaptive architecture.

See Also
Classic Component | Adaptive Component | Diagnostic Service Component | NVRAM Service

“Add and Connect AUTOSAR Classic Components and Compositions”
“Add and Connect AUTOSAR Adaptive Components and Compositions”
“Author AUTOSAR Classic Compositions and Components in Architecture Model”
“Create Profiles Stereotypes and Views for AUTOSAR Architecture Analysis”

2 Blocks

Single Point Interpolation

Perform single point interpolation

AUTOSAR Blockset / Classic Platform / Library Routines / Interpolation

The Single Point Interpolation block performs linear interpolation using the AUTOSAR
Ifl_Interpolate_f32 routine. The Single Point Interpolation block performs interpolation using
inputs u1 and u2 and a fraction source parameter f according to this equation: y = u1 + f (u2 − u1)

You can specify the fraction source using the Block Parameters dialog box or an Input port. The
Single Point Interpolation block supports software-in-the-loop (SIL) mode.

When you select the AUTOSAR 4.0 code replacement library (CRL) for your AUTOSAR model, your
model replaces code that you generate for this block with a call to the Ifl_Interpolate_f32
AUTOSAR library routine.


u1 — First input signal

scalar | vector

Input signal, specified as a scalar or vector.

Data Types: single

u2 — Second input signal

scalar | vector

Input signal, specified as a scalar or vector.

Data Types: single

f — Fraction value

Coefficient for the Ifl_Interpolate_f32 routine.


To enable this port, set the Source field of the “Fraction” on page 2-0 parameter to Input port.
Data Types: single

Single Point Interpolation


y — Output signal
scalar | vector

Output signal, returned as a scalar or vector.

Data Types: single

Fraction — Fraction source and value
0 (default) | scalar

Source and value of the coefficient for the Ifl_Interpolate_f32 routine.

Specify the Source field of this parameter as one of these values.

• Dialog — Set the coefficient using the Value field of this parameter.
• Input port — Set the coefficient using the f port. The block uses the value of this port as the

Programmatic Use
Block Parameter: FractionValue
Type: Character vector
Values: real value
Default: '0'

Version History
Introduced in R2023a

Extended Capabilities
C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

See Also
Curve | Curve Using Prelookup | Map | Map Using Prelookup | Prelookup

“Code Generation with AUTOSAR Code Replacement Library”


3 Apps

AUTOSAR Component Designer

Generate AUTOSAR compliant C or C++ code and export ARXML descriptions for processors used in
automotive systems

Use the AUTOSAR Component Designer app to generate C or C++ code and ARXML descriptions
from an AUTOSAR component model. When you open the app, an AUTOSAR tab is added to the
toolstrip. The AUTOSAR tab represents groups of tasks in the AUTOSAR Blockset workflow.

Use the app to perform these tasks:

• If you are new to AUTOSAR Blockset, use the Embedded Coder Quick Start to prepare your model
for AUTOSAR code generation. The Quick Start chooses fundamental code generation settings
based on your goals and application. Click Quick Start. For code generation output, select either
C code compliant with AUTOSAR or C++ code compliant with AUTOSAR Adaptive
• Set code generation objectives and prepare your model for code generation. Click C/C++ Code
• Configure model configuration parameters. Select Settings > C/C++ Code generation settings
or Settings > Hardware Implementation.
• Opening the AUTOSAR Component Designer app opens the AUTOSAR Code perspective, which
contains the Code Mappings editor. Use the Code Mappings editor to map model entry-point
functions, data, and other elements to AUTOSAR elements and properties that are defined in the
AUTOSAR standard. Select Code Interface > Individual Element Code Mappings.
• Configure AUTOSAR elements from an AUTOSAR component perspective by using the AUTOSAR
Dictionary. Select Code Interface > AUTOSAR Dictionary or, from the Code Mappings editor,

click . In the XML Options view, configure settings for ARXML export.
• Generate AUTOSAR code and ARXML descriptions for testing or integration. Click Generate
• Open the Code view to view the generated code alongside your model. Click View Code. In the
Code view, you can trace between model elements and the code by clicking hyperlinked lines of
code. To remove traceability highlighting, click Remove Highlighting.
• Open the latest HTML code generation report by clicking Open Report. To configure HTML
report generation options, from the Open Report menu, select Report Options.
• Create a protected model to share with a third party for simulation and code generation. Select
Share > Generate Protected Model.
• Package the model code and build artifacts in a ZIP file, for example, for relocation and
integration. Select Share > Generate Code and Package. Optionally, you can modify the name
of the generated ZIP file.

AUTOSAR Component Designer

Open the AUTOSAR Component Designer App

In the Apps gallery, under Code Generation, click AUTOSAR Component Designer. The
AUTOSAR tab opens.

• “Create AUTOSAR Software Component in Simulink”
• “Design and Simulate AUTOSAR Components and Generate Code”
• Code Mappings Editor

• If you are working with a model hierarchy, open the AUTOSAR Component Designer app in the
Simulink Editor window for the top model of the hierarchy that you are generating code for. On

3 Apps

the AUTOSAR tab, the functionalities apply to the top model of the hierarchy that is open in the
• To configure and view code for a referenced model, navigate to the model in the hierarchy and use
the AUTOSAR Dictionary, Code Mappings editor, and Code view. These views apply to the active
model, which can be the top model or a referenced model.

Version History
Introduced in R2019b

See Also
autosar.api.create | autosar_ui_launch

“Create AUTOSAR Software Component in Simulink”
“Design and Simulate AUTOSAR Components and Generate Code”
Code Mappings Editor


4 Tools

Code Mappings Editor

Map AUTOSAR elements for code generation

The Code Mappings editor is a graphical interface for mapping AUTOSAR elements for code
generation. Map Simulink model elements such as inports, outports, and entry-point functions to
AUTOSAR component elements such as receiver ports, sender ports, and runnables.

Using a tabbed table format, the Code Mappings editor displays model inports, outports, and other
model elements relevant to your AUTOSAR platform. Use this view to map model elements to
AUTOSAR component elements from a Simulink model perspective. The mappings that you configure
are reflected in generated AUTOSAR-compliant C or C++ code and exported ARXML descriptions.

For more information, see:

• “Map AUTOSAR Elements for Code Generation”

• “Map Calibration Data for Submodels Referenced from AUTOSAR Component Models”
• “Map AUTOSAR Adaptive Elements for Code Generation”

Code Mappings Editor

The Code Mappings editor provides in-canvas access to AUTOSAR mapping information, with batch
editing, element filtering, easy navigation to model elements and AUTOSAR properties, and model
element traceability. As you progressively configure the model representation of the AUTOSAR
component, you can apply these Code Mappings editor controls:

• Filter contents field – Selectively display some elements, while omitting others, in the current

AUTOSAR Dictionary button – Switch from the Code Mappings editor view of a Simulink
element to the AUTOSAR Dictionary view of the corresponding AUTOSAR element.

Validate button – Validate the AUTOSAR component configuration.
• Update button – Update the Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping of the model to reflect model
changes, such as adding, changing, or removing Simulink entry-point functions, parameters,
signals, data transfers, or function callers.

Edit icon – Open a properties dialog box to view and modify additional AUTOSAR code and
calibration attributes for the currently-selected element.

Open the Code Mappings Editor

• If your model already has a mapped AUTOSAR software component, in the model window, do one
of the following:

• From the Apps tab, open the AUTOSAR Component Designer app.
• Click the perspective control in the lower-right corner and select Code.

The model opens in the AUTOSAR code perspective, which includes the Code Mappings editor.
• If your model does not have a mapped AUTOSAR component, in the model window, do one of the

• Use the AUTOSAR Component Quick Start.

1 On the Modeling tab, select Model Settings. In the Configuration Parameters dialog box,
Code Generation pane, set the system target file to either autosar.tlc or
autosar_adaptive.tlc. Click OK.
2 On the Apps tab, click AUTOSAR Component Designer. The AUTOSAR Component
Quick Start opens.

4 Tools

3 Work through the component quick-start procedure and click Finish.

• For an Embedded Coder model, you can use the Embedded Coder Quick Start.

1 With the Embedded Coder app open, on the C Code tab, select Quick Start. The
Embedded Coder Quick Start opens.
2 As you work through the quick-start procedure, in the Output window, select output option
C code compliant with AUTOSAR or C++ code compliant with AUTOSAR Adaptive
3 Click Finish.

The model opens in the AUTOSAR code perspective, which includes the Code Mappings editor.

Map Model Elements to AUTOSAR Component Elements

If you are modeling for the AUTOSAR Classic Platform, navigate Code Mappings editor tabs to
perform these actions:

• “Map Entry-Point Functions to AUTOSAR Runnables”

• “Map Inports and Outports to AUTOSAR Sender-Receiver Ports and Data Elements”
• “Map Model Workspace Parameters to AUTOSAR Component Parameters”
• “Map Data Stores to AUTOSAR Variables”
• “Map Block Signals and States to AUTOSAR Variables”
• “Map Data Transfers to AUTOSAR Inter-Runnable Variables”
• “Map Function Callers to AUTOSAR Client-Server Ports and Operations”
• “Map Submodel Parameters to AUTOSAR Component Parameters”
• “Map Submodel Data Stores to AUTOSAR Variables”
• “Map Submodel Signals and States to AUTOSAR Variables”

If you are modeling for the AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform, navigate Code Mappings editor tabs to:

• “Map Inports and Outports to AUTOSAR Service Ports and Events”

• “Map Data Stores to AUTOSAR Persistent Memory Ports and Data Elements”

• “Map AUTOSAR Elements for Code Generation”

• “Map Calibration Data for Submodels Referenced from AUTOSAR Component Models”
• “Configure AUTOSAR Elements and Properties”
• “Map AUTOSAR Adaptive Elements for Code Generation”
• “Configure AUTOSAR Adaptive Elements and Properties”
• “Configure and Map AUTOSAR Component Programmatically”

Version History
Introduced in R2018a

Code Mappings Editor

See Also
“Map AUTOSAR Elements for Code Generation”
“Map Calibration Data for Submodels Referenced from AUTOSAR Component Models”
“Configure AUTOSAR Elements and Properties”
“Map AUTOSAR Adaptive Elements for Code Generation”
“Configure AUTOSAR Adaptive Elements and Properties”
“Configure and Map AUTOSAR Component Programmatically”
“AUTOSAR Component Configuration”

4 Tools

Architectural Data Editor

Manage architectural data

The Architectural Data Editor lets you edit the Architectural Data section of a Simulink data
dictionary. By using the Architectural Data Editor, you can manage interfaces, data types, and
constants that are used by Simulink and shared across architectural models.

With the Architectural Data Editor you can:

• Create and configure definitions for interfaces, data types, and constants.
• Filter, sort, and search architectural data in the main Contents pane. See “Filter and Manage
Entries in Contents Pane” on page 4-13 for more information.
• Manage the architectural data of multiple data dictionaries.
• Configure AUTOSAR Classic platform properties of architectural data:

• Configure AUTOSAR XML options and share them across models.

• Export architectural data and AUTOSAR definitions to ARXML and other support files.

For more information about shared interfaces and data types, see “Graphically Manage Shared
Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants” and “Programmatically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data
Types, and Constants of Architecture Models”.

Architectural Data Editor

Open the Architectural Data Editor

You can open the Architectural Data Editor using any of the following methods:

• Open Model Explorer by double-clicking an .sldd file, then navigate to the Architectural Data
section and click the Open Architectural Data Editor button.
• From the Interface Editor of a system architecture model, click the Manage interfaces, data
types and dictionary references in the Architectural Data Editor button.
• From the Modeling tab of a system architecture model, select Design > Architectural Data
• Use the show function on an Architectural Data object.

archDataObj = Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create("newDictionary.sldd");
• At the MATLAB command prompt, enter archdataeditor.


Manage Architectural Data Section of Simulink Data Dictionary

You can create a data dictionary from the Architectural Data Editor and then edit the architectural

From the Architectural Data Editor, to create a new data dictionary, from the File section, click New.

To configure architectural data for an existing data dictionary, click Open and select the data
dictionary. Add interfaces, data types, and constants by navigating to the Create tab and selecting
the desired data object.

Manage Architectural Data Section in Simulink Data Dictionary Programmatically

You can create a data dictionary and return the Architectural Data object programmatically.

Use the Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create function to create an Architectural Data object

and an associated data dictionary.

archDataObj = Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create('newDictionary.sldd');

To begin editing architectural data in an existing data dictionary use the function.

archDataObj ='dataDictionary.sldd');

Add interfaces, data types, and constants by using the

Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData programmatic interfaces. For more information see
“Programmatically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants of Architecture Models”.

4 Tools

Manage Architectural Data of Multiple Simulink Data Dictionaries

You can open multiple data dictionaries in a single editor window and switch between them by using
the Sources pane.

To manage architectural data of multiple data dictionaries:

1 From the File section, click Open to open existing data dictionaries or click New to create new
data dictionaries.
2 From the Sources pane, select a data dictionary.
3 Select the Interfaces, Data Types, Constants, or platform-specific tabs to view and edit
architectural data. See “Create and Configure Interface, Data Type, and Constant Definitions” on
page 4-9 for more information.

On the Interfaces and Data Types tabs, the Architectural Data Editor provides a DataSource
column indicating the source data dictionary for each interface or data type.

Architectural Data Editor

To reference a data dictionary from another data dictionary:

1 Open both data dictionaries.

2 From the Sources pane, double-click the name of the data dictionary to which you want to add a
referenced data dictionary. The Details pane displays the Referenced Dictionaries section.
3 In the Details pane, click Add to add a referenced dictionary. The main Contents pane displays
the architectural data in the referenced data dictionary.
4 On the toolstrip, under Settings, select or clear Include content from referenced
dictionaries to show or hide the data from referenced data dictionaries.

Once a data dictionary is referenced, architectural data from the referenced dictionary can be used
by the open dictionary that references it. For example, the image shows that the data element in data
interface MyDataInterface2 uses enumeration OtherEnum from the referenced dictionary
OtherDictionary for its data type.

From the Referenced Dictionaries section of the Details pane, you can add references to existing
data dictionaries, remove references, or open referenced data dictionaries in the Sources pane.

You cannot reference data dictionaries from Simulink data dictionaries that are mapped to the
AUTOSAR Classic Platform. For more information see “Configure AUTOSAR Classic Platform
Properties in Architectural Data Section” on page 4-11.

Create and Configure Interface, Data Type, and Constant Definitions

You can create interfaces, data types, and constants to be shared among both architecture models
and other Simulink models and configure their associated properties.

4 Tools

On the toolstrip, in the Create section, add interface, data type, and constant definitions on the
Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants tabs, respectively, by clicking the data type, interface, and
constant icons.

To configure interfaces, data types, and constants, on the Interfaces, Data Types, Constants tabs,
select an interface, data type, or constant object and edit its properties in the main Contents pane
and in the Details pane.

On the Interfaces tab, you can view service interfaces previously created in System Composer or by
using the getInterface and getInterfaceNames functions.

You can also add interfaces, data types, and constants programmatically. Add data types by using the
addAliasType, addEnumType, addNumericType, addStructType, and addValueType functions.

Supported Data Types Architectural Data Editor Operations

Alias Type Add a Simulink.AliasType data type with the specified name to the
Architectural Data section. For information about performing this
operation programmatically, see addAliasType.
Enumerated Type Add a Simulink enumeration data type with the specified
name to the Architectural Data section. For information about performing
this operation programmatically, see addEnumType.
Numeric Type Add a Simulink.NumericType data type with the specified name to the
Architectural Data section. For information about performing this
operation programmatically, see addNumericType.
Structured Type Add a Simulink.Bus type with the specified name to the Architectural
Data section. For information about performing this operation
programmatically, see addStructType.
Value Type Add a Simulink.ValueType data type with the specified name to the
Architectural Data section. For information about performing this
operation programmatically, see addValueType.

Add interfaces using the addDataInterface and addServiceInterface function.

Add elements to interfaces using the programmatic interfaces of the

Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface object and configure those elements using the
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataElement object.

Supported Interface Architectural Data Editor Operations

Data Interface Add a data interface object to the Architectural Data section. For
information about performing this operation programmatically, see
Data Element Add a data element object to the selected data interface. For information
about performing this operation programmatically, see addElement.
Physical Interface Add a physical interface object to the Architectural Data section. For
information about performing this operation programmatically, see .

Architectural Data Editor

Supported Interface Architectural Data Editor Operations

Physical Element Add a physical element object to the selected physical interface. For more
information about performing this operation programmatically, see
Service Interface Add a service interface object to the Architectural Data section. For
information about performing this operation programmatically, see
Service Element Add a service element object to the selected service interface. For more
information about performing this operation programmatically, see
Function Element Function elements are
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionElement objects and are
derived from the prototype of their service element

Note Physical interfaces and service interfaces are not supported for the AUTOSAR Classic platform.
For the AUTSOAR Adaptive platform configure service interfaces using a data dictionary with no
applied platform mapping.

Add a Simulink.dictionary.archdata.Constant object to the dictionary by using the

addConstant function.

When you save the Architectural Data section, the properties that you configured are stored in
the .sldd file.

Configure AUTOSAR Classic Platform Properties in Architectural Data Section

Once you specify the platform as AUTOSAR Classic you can configure the platform-specific interface
and calibration properties as well as the software address methods. Specifically:

• Define software address methods on the dedicated SwAddrMethods tab.

• Configure the AUTOSAR communication kind and calibration properties for data interfaces and
interface elements.
• Set XML export options.
• Export a data dictionary, including architectural data, to ARXML.

To specify AUTOSAR Classic Platform:

• On the toolstrip, in the Platform section, select AUTOSAR Classic. The toolstrip, the main
Contents pane, and the Details pane update to display platform-specific options.

4 Tools

To create and configure software address methods:

1 On the toolstrip, in the Create section, click SwAddrMethod. A software address method
definition is added on the SwAddrMethods tab.
2 Under SwAddrMethods, set SectionType, MemoryAllocationKeywordPolicy, and Exported
XML File as needed.

For more information about configuring software address methods, see “Configure AUTOSAR

To create and configure data interfaces and data elements:

1 On the toolstrip, in the Create section, click Data Interface. A data interface object is added
under the Interfaces tab.
2 Under Interfaces, click a data interface and edit its name as needed.
3 While the interface is selected, configure the attributes of the interface in the main Contents
pane and in the Details pane. Platform-specific interface properties InterfaceKind, IsService,
and Package are located under the AUTOSAR section in the Details pane.
4 While the interface is selected, on the toolstrip, in the Create section, click Interface Element
to add elements to the interface.
5 Click a data element and edit its name as needed.
6 While the data element is selected, configure its attributes in the main Contents pane and in the
Details pane.

• For Type, supported data types include ones you have created, located on the Data Types
tab. See “Create and Configure Interface, Data Type, and Constant Definitions” on page 4-9
for more information.

Architectural Data Editor

• Platform-specific calibration properties DisplayFormat, SwAddrMethod,

SwCalibrationAccess are located under the AUTOSAR section in the Details pane.

To create and configure constants:

1 On the toolstrip, in the Create section, click Constant. A constant object is added under the
Constants tab.
2 Under the Constants tab, click a constant and edit its name as needed.
3 While the constant is selected, configure its attributes in the main Contents pane and in the
Details pane.

• For the Value field, only double data types are supported.
• The MappedTo and Package properties are located under the AUTOSAR section in the
Details pane.

When you save the Architectural Data section, the interface, data type, constant, and platform-
specific data is saved in the .sldd file.

For more information about AUTOSAR interface and calibration properties, see “Configure AUTOSAR
Communication Interfaces” and “Configure AUTOSAR Data for Calibration and Measurement”. For
more information about setting AUTOSAR properties programmatically, see setPlatformProperty.

Configure AUTOSAR XML Options in Architectural Data Section

The XML Options button is available in the Platform section when the development platform is set
to AUTOSAR Classic. Component and architecture models linked to the data dictionary use the
same XML export parameter values as defined in the linked data dictionary.

On the toolstrip, under Platform, click the XML Options button to configure the export options.

Clicking the XML Options button opens the View and Edit XML Options dialog box and lets you
set options for export to ARXML files.

For more information about XML options for classic architecture modeling, see “Configure AUTOSAR
XML Options” and autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties XML Options Settings.

Export AUTOSAR Definitions to ARXML and Support Files

You can export AUTOSAR definitions and other architectural data defined in a data dictionary to

On the toolstrip, under Share, click the Export button.

Clicking the Export button exports the data dictionary contents to ARXML and RTE stub header files.
This operation creates a folder in the current folder that contains the ARXML files. You can use
exportDictionary to programmatically perform this operation.

4 Tools

Filter and Manage Entries in Contents Pane

The main Contents pane provides an interactive table with information about the interface, data
types, and constants objects, such as hierarchy and properties. You can select which columns appear
in the table by selecting Columns in the toolstrip.

Use the main Contents pane to:

• Filter objects — Enter a universal filter or a column-specific filter.

• Edit objects — Double-click a value in the table and enter a new value. When you enter a value
that is not supported, a diagnostic message appears in the pane.
• Batch edit objects — Select objects of the same type that you want to edit. Double-click a value of
one of the selected objects and enter a new value. The new value applies to all selected objects.
• Reorder interface and structure type element objects — Drag an element object to a new position,
or select an element object and click the Move Up and Move Down buttons in the toolstrip.
• Copy and paste objects — Select an object and press keyboard shortcuts or click the
corresponding buttons in the toolstrip.
• Delete objects — Select an element object and press the Delete key or click the Delete button in
the toolstrip. When you delete an interface object, you also delete the interface element objects it

For more information about using the Contents pane, see “Manage Interfaces with Data Dictionaries”
(System Composer).

Version History
Introduced in R2023b

R2023b: Architectural Data Editor replaces Interface Editor (AUTOSAR Blockset)

In R2023b, the Architectural Data Editor replaced the Interface Editor (AUTOSAR Blockset) that was
introduced in R2022b.

See Also
Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData |
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface |
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataElement |
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.ServiceInterface |
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionElement |
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionArgument |
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructType |
Simulink.dictionary.archdata.StructElement |

“Graphically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants”
“Programmatically Manage Shared Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants of Architecture Models”

Architectural Data Editor

“Manage Interfaces with Data Dictionaries” (System Composer)


Model Advisor Checks

5 Model Advisor Checks

AUTOSAR Blockset Checks

In this section...
“MathWorks Automotive Advisory Board Checks” on page 5-2
“Check model configuration parameters for AUTOSAR compliance” on page 5-2
“Check compatibility of AUTOSAR Interpolation Routines” on page 5-3

MathWorks Automotive Advisory Board Checks

Use AUTOSAR Blockset Model Advisor checks to configure your model for AUTOSAR standard

See Also

• “Run Model Advisor Checks”

• “AUTOSAR Blockset Checks” on page 5-2
• “Embedded Coder Checks” (Embedded Coder)

Check model configuration parameters for AUTOSAR compliance

Check ID: mathworks.autosar.autosar_configset


Check configuration settings in the model configuration that apply to AUTOSAR compatibility.

Available with AUTOSAR Blockset.

Results and Recommended Actions

Condition Recommended Action

One or more of the model configuration Set the listed configuration parameters to the
parameters are not compatible with AUTOSAR. recommended values. Alternatively, you can
automatically set the parameters by using the
Auto-Fix option.

Following are the model parameters the check examines, provided that AUTOSAR Compliance is
set to on by using a proper license (TLC file).

Parameter Recommended Values Auto Fix Condition

AutoInsertRateTranBlk off off STC = STIndependent
&& SolverMode =
AutosarCompliant On On

AUTOSAR Blockset Checks

Parameter Recommended Values Auto Fix Condition

AutosarMaxShortName range(32,128) 128 ~isAdaptiveAutosar
CombineOutputUpdateF on on
ERTFilePackagingForm Modular Modular CodeInterfacePackaging
at = reusable function
InlineParams On On CodeInterfacePackaging
= reusable function
RateTransitionBlockCod inline inline
SFInvalidInputDataAcce warning warning
SimulationMode normal normal



SupportComplex off off ~isAdaptiveAutosar
SupportContinuousTime off off
SupportNonFinite off off
SupportNonInlinedSFcn off off

Capabilities and Limitations

• Runs on library models.

• Allows exclusions of blocks and charts.

See Also

• AUTOSAR Component Designer

Check compatibility of AUTOSAR Interpolation Routines

Check ID: mathworks.autosar.lut_replacement_check


Identifies Simulink lookup table blocks that are incompatible with AUTOSAR Blockset Interpolation

Available with AUTOSAR Blockset.

5 Model Advisor Checks

Results and Recommended Actions

Condition Recommended Action

Model configuration parameter Model configuration parameter
CodeReplacementLibrary is set to None. CodeReplacementLibrary should not be set to

BlockType Condition Recommended Action

Prelookup Parameter ExtrapMethod is set Consider using AUTOSAR
to Clip. Blockset Prelookup block for
better compatibility.
n-D Lookup Table Parameter Consider using AUTOSAR
NumberOfTableDimensions is Blockset Curve block for better
set to 1 and parameter compatibility.
ExtrapMethod is set to Clip.
Parameter Consider using AUTOSAR
NumberOfTableDimensions is Blockset Map block for better
set to 2 and parameter compatibility.
ExtrapMethod is set to Clip.
Interpolation Using Prelookup Parameter Consider using AUTOSAR
NumberOfTableDimensions is Blockset Curve Using Prelookup
set to 1 and parameter block for better compatibility.
ExtrapMethod is set to Clip.
Parameter Consider using AUTOSAR
NumberOfTableDimensions is Blockset Map Using Prelookup
set to 2 and parameter block for better compatibility.
ExtrapMethod is set to Clip.

Capabilities and Limitations

• Runs on library models.

• Analyzes content of library-linked blocks. By default, the input parameter Follow links is set to
• Analyzes content in masked subsystems. By default, the input parameter Look under masks is
set to graphical.
• Allows exclusions of blocks and charts.

See Also

• “Code Generation with AUTOSAR Code Replacement Library”

• “Configure Lookup Tables for AUTOSAR Calibration and Measurement”


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