Kalpataru Projects International Limited
Kalpataru Projects International Limited
Kalpataru Projects International Limited
CARE Ratings had anticipated reduction in gross current asset from FY22 (refers to the period April 1 to March 31) levels of 297
days aided by satisfactory debtor recovery and reduction in unbilled revenue. In contrast to the same, moderate recovery in
receivables and increase in unbilled revenue from some projects translated into high adjusted gross current assets days at 304
days in FY23 and sustained at similar levels during H1FY24. Furthermore, sizeable orders inflow of ~Rs.24,000 crore in FY23 and
Rs.16,800 crore during 9MFY24 also led to higher unbilled revenue in the initial period being funded through mobilization
advances. There has been a significant increase in the unbilled revenue during FY23 and H1FY24 on account of milestone -based
payments in Railways and water projects as well as slow closure of some contracts in Transmission and Distribution (T&D)
KPIL has also witnessed reduction in creditor days for expediting project execution. In view of above, operating cash flow
efficiency* has been observed to be moderated at 44% during FY21 to FY23. The higher-than-anticipated working capital intensity
combined with capital expenditure (capex) had also moderated the interest coverage to around 3 times in FY23. Increase in debt
levels also led to moderation in adjusted debt (considering only interest-bearing mobilization advances)/gross cash accruals from
3.63 times at the end of FY22 to 4.66x in FY23 and is expected to be range bound in the medium term. However, upon
commissioning of few on-going projects and achievement of milestones for the water projects the management expects unbilled
revenue to reduce from the current levels. CARE Ratings notes that in December 2023 , KPIL received ₹242 crore against claim.
The company management expects sizeable inflow from stake sale of an operational toll road, which stands delayed from their
earlier guidance. In view of the above, the outlook on the rating has been revised to Negative. Fructific ation of current assets
rationalization as well as stake plan along with consequent improvement in the debt coverage indicators may result in revisio n in
outlook to stable.
The reaffirmation in the ratings assigned to the bank facilities and instruments of KPIL continues to derive strength from its
established position in engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) business of diversified segments viz. T&D, water pipelines
& distribution, buildings and factories (B&F), railways, urban infra and oil & gas infrastructure along with healthy order book
position rendering strong revenue visibility. The order book is geographically diversified and majority of the overseas proje cts are
backed by funding from multi-lateral agencies. KPIL is also expected to benefit from the favorable demand outlook for T&D
segment which is evinced from strong project pipeline of around ₹70,000 crore both in India and West Asia.
1Complete definition of the ratings assigned are available at www.careedge.in and other CARE Ratings Ltd.’s publications
* cash flow generated from operations as a percentage of operating profitability i.e. PBILDT
The ratings also takes the cognizance of the healthy growth in the scale of operations during FY23 (refers to the period April 1 to
March 31) and H1FY24 (refers to the period April 1 to September 30) led by strong execution in water segment , followed by B&F
segment. The profit before interest, lease rentals, depreciation and tax ( PBILDT) margins continued to remain relatively better as
compared to peers and stood rangebound at 9 - 9.5% for FY23 and H1FY24.
Yet the above rating strengths continue to be tempered by sustained high working capital intensity of operations of KPIL and its
exposure to subsidiaries primarily towards toll-based build-operate-transfer (BOT) projects. However, longer tail period of one toll
road provides economic incentive to support and augur well for its stake sale prospects.
The ratings also take cognizance of reduction in promoter holding to 41.07% albeit with steady reduction in pledge from 52% as
on March 31, 2022 to 44.55% as on September 30, 2023 and has further reduced to 39.9% as on January 11, 2024. The promoter
entities have significant exposure towards cyclical real estate business. Nevertheless, CARE Ratings understands that real estate
vertical at the promoter level is without any recourse to KP IL and relies on the management’s articulation that any further
reduction in promoter holdings is less likely. CARE Ratings takes note of the income-tax search conducted in August 2023 on
several premises of the Kalpataru group. According to the management, no material impact is anticipated on KPIL as on January
18, 2024, owing to these developments. Yet, any adverse update materially impacting the financial profile shall be key
Negative factors
• Delays in rationalisation of ageing receivables and unbilled revenue thereby lowering operating cash flow efficiency
• Delay in materialisation of plans of BOT special purpose vehicles (SPVs) necessitating more -than-envisaged support
leading to deterioration in debt coverage indicators of KPIL
• Any direct or indirect support to the real estate business by KPIL.
• Significant delays in execution of the ongoing projects impacting revenue visibility and profitability
Analytical approach:
Standalone while factoring the equity commitment and support requirement in subsidiaries
Outlook: Negative
The negative outlook reflects sustained high working capital intensity due to slower-than-expected recovery of debtors and rising
unbilled revenues which is likely to delay improvement in operating cash flow efficiency in the near term. KPIL expects sizeable
funds from stake sale of one operational toll road albeit with delay from the earlier timelines. Outlook shall be revised to 'Stable'
in case of improvement in operating cash flow efficiency through rationalization of stretched current assets and fructification of
stake sale plan of operational toll road within envisaged timelines.
Strong revenue visibility led by healthy and diversified order book position
KPIL has strong outstanding order book of ₹45,617 crore as on September 30, 2023, translating into revenue visibility of 3.18x
based on the total operating income (TOI) of FY23. Besides this, it has lowest bidder (L1) position in excess of ₹4,000 crore. The
order book is well diversified into various businesses with T&D segment contributing 35%, B&F contributing 22%, water pipelines
(25%), urban, infra & railways (16%) and oil & gas pipelines (3%). The overseas orders also constituted 40% of the order book.
The group has international presence in over 67 countries. Majority of international orders are backed by multilateral funding
agencies, which mitigates the counterparty risk to a large extent. Over the last few years, KPIL has observed strong order inflows
from ₹9,887 crore in FY20 to ₹24,000 crore in FY23 marked by increasing contribution of T&D segment, followed by water
business and B&F. In order to reduce its counterparty risk with the rising order book, KPIL has increased its focus on Power Grid
Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL) orders for domestic T&D segment, reputed government companies and/or private companies
with comfortable credit profile. Additionally, KPIL has gradually reduced its exposure in Railway segment where in operations are
highly working capital intensive. KPIL is also expected to benefit from the favorable outlook for T&D segment with strong project
pipeline of around ₹70,000 crore, both in India and West Asia.
Key weaknesses
Sustained high working capital intensity
The operations of KPIL continued to remain working capital intensive marked by high adjusted gross current asset days of 304
days during FY23. The elongated GCA days were on - account of higher unbilled revenues in some projects. There has been a
significant increase in the unbilled revenue during FY23 and H1FY24 on account of milestone-based payments in water projects
as well as slow closure of contracts in T&D segment. Furthermore, sizeable orders inflow of Rs.24,000 crore during FY23 and
Rs.16,800 crore during 9MFY24 also led to higher unbilled revenue in the initial period being funded through mobilization
advances. KPIL has also reduced payment terms with sub -contractors for expediting project execution marked by reducti on in
creditor period from 141 days in FY21 to 122 days in FY23. In view of above, cash flow efficiency moderated to 44% for the
period FY21-FY23. However, recovery from slow moving debtors from Rs.893 crore as on March 31, 2022 to Rs.405 crore as on
December 31, 2023 is viewed favourably. Pace of order inflow was in tandem with increase in unbilled revenues. The management
of KPIL has articulated its expectation and endeavour towards reduction in unbilled revenue through expedited project closures
besides on-going project execution. Timely rationalization of gross current assets days as envisaged and consequent improvement
in cash flow efficiency shall remain crucial from credit perspective.
Exposure to subsidiaries
KPIL is exposed to subsidiaries primarily operational toll-based road SPVs wherein there were plans of materialisation of various
transactions including restructuring and stake sale. During the last review, the management had indicated implementation of
resolution plan for one of the SPVs i.e. Wainganga Expressway Private Ltd (rated CARE D). In another SPV, i.e., Vindhyachal
Expressway Limited (VEPL; rated CARE BBB-; Stable), stake sale was planned, and both these were envisaged by March 2023.
As indicated by management, the account of WEPL has been regularized through timely support from KPIL while the management
has re-initiated discussions for stake sale of VEPL and it is expected to be fructified in the near term.
Furthermore, one of SPVs (in joint venture), i.e., Kurukshetra Expressway Private Ltd (KEPL), in Haryana, has terminated its
Concession Agreement with National Highways Authority of India (NHAI; rated CARE AAA; Stable) owing to sustained force
majeure event (farmer agitation). No major cash outflow is envisaged from KPIL due to shortfall between debt due and termination
While there has been notable toll growth in road SPVs of about 22% during FY 23 over FY 22, funding support towards timely
debt servicing is required from KPIL. KPIL is required to extend support of approximately ₹70 -80 crore each year towards these
SPVs. However, longer tail period of 15 years of VEPL (tail period is further expected to increase by about 6 years pursuant to
the provisions of Concession Agreement) coupled with its low leverage provides economic incentive to KPIL and augur well for
the stake prospects. Any higher-than-envisaged support to these SPVs leading to deterioration in credit metrics of KPIL will be
crucial from the credit perspective and will be a key rating sensitivity.
KPIL has earlier envisaged sizeable cash flow from its real estate project having nil external debt. However, there has been a
slower recovery than envisaged and as articulated by management, the balance proceeds are expected to be realized by FY25.
Liquidity: Strong
KPIL has strong liquidity despite working capital intensive operations marked by free cash and cash equivalent of ₹695 crore as
on September 30, 2023. The average utilisation of the fund-based working capital limit was 85% for trailing 12 months ended
November 2023. KPIL has enhanced sanctioned fund-based working capital limits from ₹1,800 crore to ₹2,500 crore which adds
cushion to the liquidity profile. Average utilization of non fund based limits stood 87% for trailing twelve months ended November
2023. With the receipt of ₹242 crore towards claim during the current fiscal, it is expected to aid the cashflows of KPIL.
Applicable criteria
Policy on default recognition
Financial Ratios – Non financial Sector
Liquidity Analysis of Non-financial sector entities
Rating Outlook and Credit Watch
Short Term Instruments
Infrastructure Sector Ratings
Factoring Linkages Parent Sub JV Group
Industry classification
Macro-economic Indicator Sector Industry Basic Industry
Industrials Construction Construction Civil construction
Promoted by Mofatraj Munot in 1981, KPIL is one of the leading players in the T &D sector. Pursuant to the completion of
amalgamation of JMC with KPIL, it now also operates in the T&D segment, B&F, water, urban infrastructure, railways, bio mass
plant and oil & gas. KPIL’s manufacturing facilities for transmission tower structures are situated at Gandhinagar in Gujarat and
Raipur in Chhattisgarh with a combined installed capacity of 240,000 metric tonne per annum (MTPA) as on March 31, 2023. In
addition to its EPC business, KPIL has also diversified inorganically by acquiring Shree Shubham Logistics Ltd. (SSLL –100%
holding as on March 31, 2023) engaged in agri-warehousing and allied activities. Furthermore, KPIL has invested in the real estate
project through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Energylink (India) Ltd. (EIL).
Brief Financials
March 31, 2022 (A) March 31, 2023 (A) H1FY24 (UA)
(₹ crore)
Total operating income 12,473 14,345 7,466
PBILDT 1,193 1,305 699
PAT 350 532 239
Overall gearing (times)* 0.89 1.21 NA
Interest coverage (times) 3.35 3.04 2.96
A; Audited; UA: Unaudited; NA: Not available; Note: ‘the above results are latest financial results available’
* considering mobilization advances as debt
Lower PAT in FY22 was attributed to impairment of investment in weaker SPVs of e -JMC.
Covenants of rated instrument / facility: Detailed explanation of covenants of the rated instruments/facilities is given in
Date of
Maturity Size of Rating Assigned
Name of the Issuance Coupon
ISIN Date (DD- the Issue along with
Instrument (DD-MM- Rate (%)
MM-YYYY) (₹ crore) Rating Outlook
Commercial paper-
Commercial paper - - - 7 – 364 days 250.00 CARE A1+
(Carved out)
Commercial paper-
Commercial paper - - - 7 – 364 days 150.00 CARE A1+
(Carved out)
Commercial paper-
Commercial Paper - - - 7 – 364 days 50.00 CARE A1+
NCD INE220B08084 12-01-2022 6.15 10-01-2025 200.00
Fund-based-Long term - - - 2050.00
NCD INE890A08045 15-12-2021 9.8 14-06-2024 25.00
NCD INE890A08052 15-12-2021 9.8 13-12-2024 24.00
Linked to CARE AA;
NCD INE890A08060 17-10-2022 17-10-2024 37.50
repo rate Negative
Linked to CARE AA;
NCD INE890A08078 17-10-2022 17-10-2025 37.50
repo rate Negative
Linked to CARE AA;
NCD INE890A08086 04-11-2022 04-11-2025 50.00
repo rate Negative
Linked to CARE AA;
NCD INE890A08094 04-11-2022 04-11-2024 50.00
repo rate Negative
Date of
Maturity Size of Rating Assigned
Name of the Issuance Coupon
ISIN Date (DD- the Issue along with
Instrument (DD-MM- Rate (%)
MM-YYYY) (₹ crore) Rating Outlook
Non-fund-based-LT/ST - - - 697.90 Negative / CARE
Non-fund-based-LT/ST - - - 17091.10 Negative / CARE
Term loan-Long term - - 31-03-2025 484.75
Name of the Date(s) Date(s) Date(s)
Sr. and
Instrument/Bank Amount and and and
No. Rating(s)
Facilities Type Outstanding Rating Rating(s) Rating(s) Rating(s)
(₹ crore) assigned in assigned in assigned in
in 2023-
2022-2023 2021-2022 2020-2021
1)CARE A1+
1)CARE A1+
Commercial paper- (19-Jan-23)
1 Commercial paper ST 250.00 -
A1+ (07-Jul-21) (03-Apr-20)
(Carved out) 2)CARE A1+
3)CARE A1+
1)CARE AA; (03-Mar-22)
CARE (19-Jan-23) 2)CARE AA; 1)CARE AA;
2 LT 2050.00 AA; - Stable Stable
Negative 2)CARE AA; (07-Jul-21) (03-Apr-20)
(17-Oct-22) 3)CARE AA;
Stable /
Stable /
AA; (19-Jan-23)
Non-fund-based- Stable / Stable /
3 LT/ST* 697.90 Negative -
(07-Jul-21) (03-Apr-20)
A1+ Stable /
Stable /
Fund-based/Non- 1)Withdrawn
4 LT/ST* - - - - -
fund-based-LT/ST (03-Apr-20)
Stable /
Stable /
AA; (19-Jan-23)
Non-fund-based- Stable / Stable /
5 LT/ST* 17091.10 Negative -
(07-Jul-21) (03-Apr-20)
A1+ Stable /
Stable /
1)CARE A1+
1)CARE A1+
Commercial paper- (19-Jan-23)
6 Commercial paper ST 50.00 -
A1+ (07-Jul-21) (03-Apr-20)
(Standalone) 2)CARE A1+
3)CARE A1+
Term loan-Long Stable
7 LT - - - - Stable
term (07-Jul-21)
Debentures-Non- 1)CARE AA;
8 convertible LT - - - - Stable
debentures (03-Apr-20)
Debentures-Non- 1)CARE AA;
10 convertible LT - - - Stable
(17-Oct-22) 2)CARE AA;
debentures (03-Apr-20)
1)CARE AA; (03-Mar-22)
Debentures-Non- CARE (19-Jan-23) 2)CARE AA; 1)CARE AA;
11 convertible LT 200.00 AA; - Stable Stable
debentures Negative 2)CARE AA; (07-Jul-21) (03-Apr-20)
(17-Oct-22) 3)CARE AA;
Debentures-Non- CARE 1)CARE AA;
12 convertible LT 224.00 AA; - Stable - -
debentures Negative (19-Jan-23)
Commercial paper-
13 Commercial paper ST 150.00 - - -
A1+ (19-Jan-23)
(Carved out)
Term loan-Long
14 LT 484.75 AA; - Stable - -
Negative (19-Jan-23)
*Long term/Short term.
Annexure-3: Detailed explanation of the covenants of the rated instruments/facilities: Not applicable
Note on the complexity levels of the rated instruments: CARE Ratings has classified instruments rated by it on the basis
of complexity. Investors/market intermediaries/regulators or others are welcome to write to care@careedge.in for any
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Established in 1993, CARE Ratings is one of the leading credit rating agencies in India. Registered under the Securities and
Exchange Board of India, it has been acknowledged as an External Credit Assessment Institution by the RBI. With an equitable
position in the Indian capital market, CARE Ratings provides a wide array of credit rating serv ices that help corporates raise capital
and enable investors to make informed decisions. With an established track record of rating companies over almost three decades,
CARE Ratings follows a robust and transparent rating process that leverages its domain and analytical expertise, backed by the
methodologies congruent with the international best practices. CARE Ratings has played a pivotal role in developing bank debt
and capital market instruments, including commercial papers, corporate bonds and debenture s, and structured credit.
The ratings issued by CARE Ratings are opinions on the likelihood of timely payment of the obligations under the rated instru ment and are not recommendations to
sanction, renew, disburse, or recall the concerned bank facilities or to buy, sell, or hold any security. These ratings do not convey suitability or price for the investor.
The agency does not constitute an audit on the rated entity. CARE Ratings has based its ratings/outlook based on information obtained from reliable and credible
sources. CARE Ratings does not, however, guarantee the accuracy, adequacy, or completeness of any information and is not responsible for any e rrors or omissions
and the results obtained from the use of such information. Most entities whose bank facilities/instruments are rated by CARE Ratings have paid a credit rating fee,
based on the amount and type of bank facilities/instruments. CARE Ratings or its subsidiaries/associates may also be involved with other commercial transactions with
the entity. In case of partnership/proprietary concerns, the rating/outlook assigned by CARE Ratings is, inter-alia, based on the capital deployed by the
partners/proprietors and the current financial strength of the firm. The ratings/outlook may change in case of withdrawal of capital, or the unsecured loans brought
in by the partners/proprietors in addition to the financial performance and other relevant factors. CARE Ratings is not respo nsible for any errors and states that it has
no financial liability whatsoever to the users of the ratings of CARE Ratings. The ratings of CARE Ratings do not factor in any rating-related trigger clauses as per the
terms of the facilities/instruments, which may involve acceleration of payments in case of rating downgrades. However, if any such clauses are introduced and
triggered, the ratings may see volatility and sharp downgrades.