Historical and Biographical Approaches WR
Historical and Biographical Approaches WR
Historical and Biographical Approaches WR
Submitted by:
Danny Fe B. Masinadiong
Submitted to:
A reader/a critic studies the work in accordance with the period in which the
work is produced. This approach is often associated with New Historicism, a literary
theory that emphasizes the interdependence of literature and historical context. Thus,
the values and perception of the reader’s own age are put aside is often attributed to
the concept of "reader-response theory" in literature.
In his book History of English Literature, French critic Hippolyte A. Taine (1823-
1893) suggests the phrase: race, milieu, moment
a) Race stands for “culture and history”
b) Milieu is “place”
c) Moment is “time”
Historical Approach
- examines the historical, social, political, and cultural contexts by studying the
surroundings in which the work is created.
- reviews works of literature through assessing the contexts of its history and the
audiences’ response at the time of release.
- assumes that the relationship between art and society is organic; views a literary
work in relation to the standards and social milieu of the period in which it was
Biographical Approach
- is also another method that looks at the events of an author’s life to explain the
meaning in the author’s work.
- examines the effect and influence of the writer's own life and experiences on his
or her work. Understanding the writer's life and influences helps the reader
discover the author's intended meaning.
- assumes that by examining the facts and motives of an author’s life, the meaning
and intent of his/her literary work can be illuminated.
Guerin, Wilfred L., et al. A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature. New
York: Oxford UP, 2005.
Langdahl(2012). Biographical approach. Retrieved from